The Core Problem, Again

The other day Dymphna posted about the intersection of California’s new law declaring itself a “sanctuary state” and the recent catastrophic wildfires that have devastated areas in the northern part of the state. Earlier today a commenter named NMObserver left the following remarks on that post:

A question that I don’t see being asked is how much money Gov. Brown has accepted from Mexican drug cartels. What other reason could there be for this man to sell out his own country and his fellow citizens? His actions simply further the Mexican colonization of California. The same question needs to be asked about other California officials like Xavier Becerra and Fabian Nunez and Eric Garcetti. And then there are all the California assemblymen that have no trouble voting to turn CA into a sanctuary state. Probably many of them have also been bought with drug money.

The commenter had touched upon one of my pet topics. This was my response:

Yet somehow Governor Moonbeam actually obtained the votes necessary to get elected. The Aztecs and MS-13 members aren’t enough to account for that. Millions upon millions of white, native English speakers voted to have this man as their governor.

Scale it up, and a similar process elected Hussein as president. Twice.

The core problem is not the invaders and the violent Third World masses. The core problem is not even the white traitors who deliberately, proactively import them.

The core problem is the fact that a large proportion of the productive white native English-speaking population assents via the ballot box to what is happening, over and over again. Willingly, even eagerly. With pride in their own virtue for putting these corrupt criminal traitors in charge.

THAT is the core problem. Until it is addressed and dealt with, nothing will change significantly. The bus will continue its trajectory over the cliff.

The same may be said of Western Europe. A different cast of characters — Africans and Muslims instead of Aztecs, and far more socialism than even California has — but the same process is underway.

As satisfying as it is to blame political leaders for our current dire situation, even in the most thoroughly propagandized and socially controlled Western countries (think: Sweden) it is possible to unseat elected leaders via the ballot box. When enough rascals are thrown out, major policy changes will be implemented, and a different political game will begin.

Yes, election fraud can give a particular candidate victory over an opponent, but only at the margin. When dissatisfaction is widespread enough, fraud is not enough. The election of Donald Trump is proof, because his opponent tried every dirty trick in the book (and made up some new ones) in an effort to keep him out of power.

But Trump’s victory is a rarity. It does not change the fact that the electorate is deeply polarized, and came within a hair’s breadth of electing a third term of Obama by putting a pants-suited white termagant in the White House.

How is it that voters throughout the West keep voting for the destruction of their own nations and cultures?

How is it that people keep re-electing the same politicians who ignore their wishes, over and over again?

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USA kongresszusi képviselő bizonyítja: Orbánnak igaza volt Sorossal kapcsolatban

Translation of the Hungarian title: “US congressman confirms: Orbán was right about Soros”

On Wednesday we posted a video of Rep. Steve King calling out the Obama administration for interfering in foreign elections, including those in Israel and Macedonia. The most egregious use of taxpayer dollars was for the translation of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals into Macedonian so that it could be distributed by George Soros’ local affiliates before the elections.

Citizens of Israel, the Visegrad Four nations (Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia), and possibly other members of the East Bloc may be very interested in this video, so we’re subtitling it in different languages. Previously: Polish.

Many thanks to CrossWare for the Hungarian translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

The original English transcript is here.

Hungarian transcript:

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Ingerencja administracji Baracka Obamy w kampaniach wyborczych innych krajów

Last night we posted a video of Rep. Steve King calling out the Obama administration for interfering in foreign elections, including those in Israel and Macedonia. The most egregious use of taxpayer dollars was for the translation of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals into Macedonian so that it could be distributed by George Soros’ local Balkan affiliates before the election.

Citizens of the Visegrad Four nations (Hungary, Poland, Czechia, and Slovakia) and possibly other members of the East Bloc may be very interested in this video, so we’re going to subtitle it in different languages.

The first language is Polish. Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, Green Infidel for the Polish title, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

The original English transcript is here.

Polish transcript:

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Rep. Steve King on Obama’s Interference in Foreign Elections

The talking heads in the media and Democrats in Congress have been obsessing about supposed Russian interference in last fall’s presidential election. In response to the continuous Trump-Russia-Putin litany, Congressman Steve King (R-IA) came back with his own list of the Obama administration’s interference in foreign elections — including one in Macedonia, which I had forgotten about. Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals translated into Macedonian, paid for by the American taxpayer!

But that evil Vlad Putin, he’s the REAL election meddler who needs to be watched…

For more on Rep. King’s efforts to investigate Obama and the Clintons, see this Sioux City radio report, or The New York Post.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for subtitling and uploading this video:

Video transcript (including footage at the end that was left out of the video above):

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Coup d’état

Our Israeli correspondent MC offers an outsider’s perspective on President Donald Trump and the sewer that is the political culture of Washington D.C.

Coup d’état
by MC

There is a group of historians, usually not from the USA, who perceive the Kennedy assassination as a coup d’état, in which Kennedy was replaced by LBJ in order to promote the Vietnam war and the rise of socialism in the nation.

President Trump was elected by a majority in the Electoral College, and maybe more people did vote for her than for him. But that is not the way things work, and next time it may be the other way around. US democracy REQUIRES that Dems and their RINO poodles shut up and get on with making America great because this is what the people voted for.

To work against President Trump by lies and innuendo is the first stage in yet another possible coup. We, as conservatives must take seriously what this means.

Democracy is about losing. It is about acceding to the will of the majority. It is easy to be democratic when you win the election, but the real proof of democracy is the ability to concede to the will of the people as expressed in the polling booth.

So what went wrong?

Throughout the world the media are pushing the same meme, a dangerous totalitarian meme that seeks to remove the idea of ‘good and evil’ and replace it with compliance. To achieve this, all must be reduced to mediocrity and blandness. All must know their place and become mindless drones exploited and entertained in turn and turn about.

Horrid terrorist attacks keep happening, which the media and the government seek to minimalize with a single voice in order to keep the pot simmering without ever actually boiling over.

Essentially, we live in an age of mind control. We are aware of the problems, but we are made to feel that doing anything about them is futile and dangerous. As such we are exactly where the controllers want us to be. As long as we are ineffective we are no threat.

President Trump was obviously not meant to win the election, so now the global monster wants him removed. The in-house elves have their instructions to undermine and accuse at all possible occasions.

One must ask oneself how a President can defend himself against a black op by an organization supposedly signed up for democracy and even bearing its name. The reality is that a POTUS — any POTUS — has to appear to behave in a particular manner, even whilst the reality may be something different. Obama, as a non-white, had a free ride because his political opponents respected, to a great extent, the will of the people, yet the race card was played at all possible junctures. Not so with President Trump.

When a political party loses its sense of morality, when the ends come to justify the means, then that party becomes one of tyranny and of terrorism along with their dogs and bitches, whatever their motives. What is happening to the President is political deception, a type of terrorism which is severely damaging America.

And the President can do nothing about it. He is powerless to defend himself. He has to keep to the rules, whilst his enemies, the dogs, can lie and cheat and steal with impunity.

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Bye-Bye, Miss American Pie

Announcing the end of the party is a bit of a soft-shoe routine on reality. What that title means is The Republic is Dead. It was murdered by ugly reality and now everyone wants to point fingers. It may take a while to bury the corpse, and perhaps it will be propped up here and there, with lots of trick lighting to make it seem as though our “democratic process” is still breathing. Decades from now forensic historians will be guesstimating when the life went out. We’ll all be gone by then.

The Baron and I don’t talk politics anymore; it’s too discouraging to watch the predictably interminable pile-on, much less having to discuss it. When I read the other day that come September Trump’s youngest son will be attending an Episcopal day school in the Washington area my first thought was: when will the antifas show up at the school, making an ugly Fellini circus of the boy’s childhood? It’s not his fault his father is president.

I don’t have much hope for Trump’s presidency anymore. There are too many well-connected, rapacious enemies determined to bring him down. Their pyrrhic victory will bring satisfaction to no one but a few fatuous talking heads.

So why this post? Well, during that odious election just past, I was in the habit of reading Scott Adams’ blog, the one place I could be sure to see some realistic overviews of events. Meta-analyses focus on process rather than content; in any discussion, there is more to be learned from the former than the latter. And Adams’ even, reasonable discussions gave me a modicum of hope. Once Trump was elected, I didn’t need any further explanations so I stopped reading Adams’ website. My bad.

Today, for some reason, I recalled Scott Adams’ way of looking at things. I began to wonder what he’d have to say about these shameful attacks on Trump. Ever since the Donald was elected, one could more accurately term “News About The President” as “Gaseous Green Billows Emanating from the MSM Killing Machine (and its deep state sources). It grows ever more depressingly obvious the cabal is out to get Trump, to replace him with what they perceive to be our more pliable vice president (and a pence for any non- American who knows the vice-president’s name). I can’t bear to read those slanted, small-minded outpourings anymore; there’s not even any pretense now about their intentions.

So that’s why you haven’t seen much about American politics here. Unless it concerns the advance of the Ummah, we skip American journalism. However, today was different. I suddenly recalled my favorite meta-analyst during the 2016 presidential election campaign. I hadn’t read Scott Adams in months, so I turned to him for a change, hoping he’d have some insights into this continual beat-down of Trump, our duly elected president.

He didn’t disappoint. In a post entitled “The Slow Motion Assassination of President Trump”, Scott Dilbert was his cogent, contrarian self. I realized how much I’d missed his point of view when he opened with:

I saw this quote on today: “The episode is the latest woe for Trump, whose administration is engulfed in a series of scandals linked to Russia.”

A “series of scandals linked to Russia”? Would it be equally accurate to characterize it as a series of stories manufactured by the media, none of which have been confirmed to be a big deal?

Do you see what I mean? None of the MSM is saying this, but it’s true — we’ve had dozens of “media-manufactured” stories since Trump took office. They’ve been ceaseless Cassandras.

Adams’ analysis is short. He says:

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The First 100 Days of a US President

The original of the following article was written in German by an Austrian who is well-acquainted with the American political scene. JLH, who translated the piece, includes this prefatory note:

This article is the kind of fact-based, sober analysis of President Trump’s performance that is sadly lacking in the European, and certainly the German press.

It also does something else that the MSM hacks do not. It attempts to explain and demystify our system for those who only see its grossest manifestations and, through the filter of our own system and of their “lying press” (a.k.a. Lügenpresse).

The translated article from Journalisten Watch:

The First 100 Days of a US President

by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff
May 4, 2017

So now they are past — the first 100 days of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America. Critics and media worldwide longed for this moment, so serious Trump-bashing could begin. And so it came to pass, in America as well as in Europe — a Niagara Falls of “I told you so” about the President from Trump opponents. On balance, President Trump’s first 100 days are many things, but surely no more chaotic than Bill Clinton’s start in the 1990s. For Trump and his circle, the results thus far may be more ambiguous than they hoped or expected. Ultimately, this judgment is inconclusive. After 100 days, there remain another 1,350 days in office, before he runs again. There will be enough time to analyze hard facts and statistics and make a judgment.

No one is surprised that Trump praises his accomplishments in the first 100 days, nor that the opposition vigorously criticizes his actions. What should be of interest to the European observer are the facts, rather than the emotional reactions to the undeniably most powerful man in the world, whose decisions, after all, even encompass those whose nationality did not allow them to vote in the November 2016 election. And the facts have a different story to tell. The nationwide daily paper USA Today recently compared the first 100 days of the last six presidents — Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, including their successes and their setbacks.

Surprisingly, Donald Trump is in good company here. For example, by the cut-off date of April 21st, 24 of his nominees for cabinet and other positions were confirmed by the Senate. For Obama, it was 69 of 190 nominees; for Clinton, 49 of 176; for Reagan, 80 of 128. Among significant Trump successes are the nomination and Senate confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court, the reversal of several executive orders from the Obama administration and, with some reservations, his military reaction to the poison gas attack in Syria, although as yet the proofs of Assad’s agency are sparse. We might also mention his reaction to the provocations of the North Korean dictator and the elevation of China’s importance in the conflict.

And note should be taken of the failure of the Republican-majority House, which left Trump in the lurch during the effort to replace the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Leader of the House Republicans, Paul Ryan, who was (is?) a proven enemy of Trump, was not able to find a majority for Trump’s project. Counter-intuitively, it was the “Freedom Caucus,” the conservative Republican group in the House, who threw obstacles in the way of proposals of the president they had supported, contributing to one of his most significant defeats — failure of “Repeal and Replace.” And this was one of Trump’s central campaign promises. The bill (proposed law) did not go far enough for the Freedom Caucus, while the “moderate” Republicans also withheld support because of concessions to the Freedom Caucus, so the Republican majority remained unavailable.

Attempting to enact another campaign promise brought one more defeat which could have unfortunate results for the security of the American public. Trump promised a moratorium on immigration from majority Islamic countries already judged by his predecessor, Barack Obama, and the Congress to be problematic for security. Critics and civil rights organizations were not slow in seeking to have judges cancel the president’s decrees. This was never a “travel ban on Muslims.” It was always about the immigration of citizens of majority Muslim countries. And it was also not a permanent travel ban, but a moratorium until certain questions could be cleared up. There are no discussions of the obvious amateurism in carrying out the two executive orders. However, according to former US Attorney Andrew McCarthy, it is the task of the president under the US Constitution to govern international affairs. Further, the entry and/or immigration laws assign the president the right to issue temporary entry provisions for the maintenance of national security.

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Marine Le Pen to the Media: “Madame, French people have no confidence in the media whatsoever”

In the video below you’ll see Marine Le Pen, the leader of the Front National in France, deliver the coup de grâce to the French media. Note the calm, relaxed, offhand way in which she expresses her utter contempt for her interviewer and the media the latter represents.

Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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ESW in Denver: “A New High Point of the Patriotic Spring”

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff spoke yesterday at the pro-Trump rally held in Denver Colorado. Many thanks to Henrik Clausen for recording this video of her speech, and to Vlad Tepes for uploading it:

Below is the prepared text for Elisabeth’s remarks:

My dear American friends,

It is a joy and an honor to be speaking here today, at this event in support of your President.

My name is Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, and I am an Austrian with close ties to America. I stand here in the proud tradition and spirit of transatlantic friendship, to show and tell you that many Europeans are profoundly relieved by the revitalization of democracy taking place in America.

For, as has been the case repeatedly since the birth of your great nation, we are facing common challenges and enemies. From the shores of Tripoli, over the beaches of Normandy and at the Berlin Wall, America has been with us. And we are grateful for that.

New challenges are never the same as the old challenges, and the ones we are facing now may seem formidable. Not only are we yet to solve the dual problem of Islamic terrorism and Sharia law being introduced into our societies, we are also burdened by incompetent politicians and a press unable or unwilling to address our true problems honestly.

The election of Donald Trump constitutes a public rebellion against this dishonest establishment. It is a new high point of the Patriotic Spring, a new time where nation-building is something you do at home, for your home.

Your newly-elected President did not have to take up this battle. He could have stayed on the sidelines. But rather than enjoy a comfortable life, he chose to enter the fray, to work for his country, for decent, hard-working Americans, to make America great again. To restore the greatness that made America a shining example for freedom-loving people everywhere, living in free democracies or under repressive regimes.

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The Storm Troopers of the New World Order — In Denver

Antifas in Denver, March 4, 2017 (credit: Henrik Clausen)

We’ve been posting about European Antifa groups for more than ten years. “Antifa” (or “anti-fa”) is short for “anti-fascist”, and the Antifas are prominent in almost any European demonstration or riot against the right wing. If a politician expresses sentiments that are even mildly nationalistic, or talks about limiting immigration, he can expect an Antifa manifestation outside his offices, complete with black clothing, black masks and hoods, flags and banners featuring logos and slogans of the Antifa and affiliated groups, burning trash containers, flung paving stones, and violent confrontations with police.

Antifa logos

I learned about the Antifa was when I was first delving into the Danish anti-fascist scene. Back then (2007) a local manifestation of the anarchists known as the Autonomer was more prominent in Copenhagen than the Antifa; I don’t know if that’s still true. But the Antifa groups were dominant in Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands. With the help of El Inglés and our Flemish correspondent VH, we posted a couple of investigative reports on the anti-fascist scene in Northern and Western Europe.

Since then it has become clear that the Antifas act as the enforcement arm of the permanent bureaucratic state in Europe; that is, the establishment that remains in place and manages political, cultural, and economic affairs regardless of which party is in power in any given country — what we now know as the “Deep State” here in the USA. Such functions are particularly concentrated in the bureaucracy of the European Union, which has no democratic component whatsoever — the European Parliament is a figurehead body (and a gravy train for those elected to it), lacking any significant power.

When the Antifas hit the streets, they do so in the interests of the entrenched European power structure. However, their funding comes from private sources, often those associated with George Soros, so that Brussels and the national governments can maintain plausible deniability. In order to understand the true nature of what’s going on, just watch the behavior of the police and the courts: despite the armored riot cops and swinging batons and black Marias, the Antifas are not seriously constrained in their violence, and any who actually get charged and convicted are sentenced lightly. Compare this process with what happens to any “right-wing extremist” group that expresses nationalist sentiments or opposes immigration — it can expect to be violently suppressed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Remember the water cannons aimed at the anti-groping demonstrators in Cologne in early 2016? Did you ever see water cannons used against “anti-fascists” throwing bottles or paving stones? Me neither.

Antifa in Germany

For all practical purposes, the Antifas are the Blackshirts of the European Union, even though the chain of command is occluded. It’s not like Germany in 1936 — Jean-Claude Juncker does not give orders to the commanders of the black-masked thugs who swarm the streets of Amsterdam or Stuttgart. By working through cutouts such as George Soros, the entrenched oligarchs of the EU can maintain their power without ever dirtying their virtual hands.

For the first decade of my work at Gates of Vienna I never saw any significant presence of Antifa in the United States. We had various flavors of communists and anarchists — Trotskyites, Maoists, Stalinists, International ANSWER, Occupy Whatever, etc. — but not the Antifas. But then suddenly everything changed…

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Give No Quarter?? Nope. More Like “Give Every Quarter, This One Included” [UPDATE 5]

Note: This post was originally published on February 13, and was “sticky” all week. Scroll down for more recent posts.

The recent speech by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is particularly recommended. It is one of the finest speeches of our time.

Also: See Emmet Scott’s latest essay discussing anti-Trump hysteria.

Winter Fundraiser 2017, Day Seven

February 19: Update from Dymphna

Since the Baron has to play most of the innings here it’s always a relief (to me) when I feel well enough to pick up the bat and take my turn.

Oops…an unfortunate phrase, that. Probably due to reading about what playing with bats means now in rural Germany.

Sometimes it hurts simply to read our blog.

Tip jarWe’ve been around more than ten years now, and often the Baron is so busy just keeping on keeping on, we fail to take note of the passing anniversary of our advent here. Or perhaps we have simply decided we’re here for the duration and that’s that.

Which ‘duration’? Heaven knows; we sure don’t. I thought we’d be locking the Gates when old Hildebeest rumbled toward the Oval Office but my fear was misplaced. It feels as though we’ve been granted a reprieve since Trump was elected, but again we grow concerned as the deep state seems to be working in concert to ruin him. Like the rest of the country, we can only watch and wait. And in our case, pray. [I don’t want to argue about whether or not prayer “works”; it gives me something to do whilst waiting to see what happens].

The Baron promised I’d relate our tale of The Skunk Parade, so here goes.

…As ‘problems’ go, it’s relatively mild considering the creature under discussion. And we both think it’s occurring right now (i.e., this past fortnight or so) because of our too-mild winter. Only one snow and that one not very deep. No ice, and only one period of deep freezing — surely not enough to kill off most of the Japanese beetle grubs, darn it.

One reason we let the skunks be is that they clean out grubs when the ground is soft (as it is now) and they especially enjoy going after the underground nests of yellow jackets.

So skunks have their uses, especially when it comes to their enjoyment of yellow jackets. If only skunks weren’t so fragrant, they’d be ideal companion animals for removing the things gardeners don’t like. During this winter I’ve caught several glimpses of them near the side porch at twilight. I wondered if there was a family of them, though it seemed an odd time to be nesting, and they don’t usually come so close to the house. Since the few I’ve seen didn’t see me, all was well. Or so I thought.

All “was” well, that is, until ten days or so just past. Due to the warm weather, we think “our” skunks are in their mating season a month early and the males are obviously doing battle. Perhaps there aren’t enough females? Perhaps they’re polygamous, and only one male to a particular territory, and for some reason their population has enlarged to include two rivals? Could the females have dropped a litter already and are scaring off the possums, dogs, and bears in order to protect their young?

Whatever the problem, it’s nocturnal in nature. We’re beginning to learn that if we don’t have to get out the candles by ten p.m., that whatever the source of the problem, it’s not going to materialize on that particular evening. Fortunately (or not), due to the sometimes uncertain nature of our electric connections, we lose power, usually due to some outage in those big lines coming down the mountains. That means I have quite a candle collection. Thank heavens.

But this isn’t an easy problem to solve. Although they’re obviously not near the house when the battles royal begin, you’d think they were under the windows when the smell permeates the rooms downstairs. The B has looked in all the possible places and there is not a sign of them near our foundation. Nor has he found any other signs out in the various thickets of forsythia and mock orange and lilacs and mountain laurel that mark the edges of what he considers our mowable yard.

The further reaches, past our property line, have been clear-cut by companies that specialize in buying forested land whose taxes have become delinquent, and then harvesting the wood. That clear-cutting has changed the habitat out past our property line. We can barely see those changes, and then only in the winter when the light is stronger through our own trees to the south than it used to be.

That may be the solution to our mystery of “why now?” I plan to call the County Extension Agent and ask him this week. If it’s going to be an unseasonable Winter or an early Spring ritual from now on until the pines grow back, I’ll make sure we have enough candles to see us through.

And those skunks? They’re going to eat those grubs and yellow jackets, or explain why.

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Our donors on Saturday came in from:

Stateside: Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia

Far Abroad: New Zealand and the UK

Canada: Ontario

Australia: Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, and Victoria

Today is the final day! The Baron will write a wrap-up tomorrow, but otherwise we’ll be giving it a rest… until spring.

February 18: Update from the Baron

Well, folks, here we are going into the sixth day of our quarterly fundathon, in which we use all the techniques of hip persuasion to induce our readers to hit the tip cup on our sidebar.

Or, to use the shorter version: we beg.

Y’all have been very kind to us this time, and I thank you for your generosity. And the thank-you notes are going out faster than usual; I’ve kept my New Year’s resolution on that so far.

The photo at the top of this post is from the winter of 2009 here at Schloss Bodissey — late winter, actually; it was in March. I include it here because it’s seasonal, but the weather is NOT like that so far this winter. Just one snow, and it didn’t last long. It’s been fairly mild most of the time.

I have a suspicion that the nasty cold isn’t done with us just yet, but I’ll enjoy this while it lasts. And the daffodils have started blooming, those optimists.

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Anti-Trump Hysteria: What is the Establishment Afraid Of?

In his latest essay, Emmet Scott examines the bizarre excesses of anti-Trump hysteria.

Anti-Trump Hysteria: What is the Establishment Afraid Of?

by Emmet Scott

To describe the media reaction to Donald’s Trump’s victory as hysterical is almost an understatement. The relentless demonization of the man, in newspapers, on television, on the internet, among politicians, among Hollywood celebrities and among academics, is truly without precedent. Look at a newspaper or log onto the internet and you’ll immediately be faced with a barrage of screaming headlines telling you how horrible the guy is. It really is weird.

You don’t have to be a genius to figure out that the establishment is angling for some way — any way — to get rid of Trump. There is no question, for example, that they have created and are creating a climate of hate which could well lead to his assassination. Failing that, it seems that they’d like to trigger some form of general uprising, with the aim of making the country ungovernable and thereby facilitating a legal process to force his resignation. Their motto seems to be: Whatever it takes, get rid of him.

This is all very good news for those who voted for Trump on the understanding that he was not just another establishment puppet: that he was his own man, a man who would represent the interests of the working people for whom he spoke during the campaign and who eventually put him into the White House.

But how to explain the establishment’s almost deranged hatred? There is no question that some vested interests will be harmed by his policies. Legislation against outsourcing of jobs abroad will unquestionably cut profits for many of the multinational corporations. On the other hand, his promise to massively cut Obama-era regulations has the potential to provide a great boost to industry and to profits — as stock market optimism in the immediate aftermath of his election would suggest. And if his promise to put an end to America’s wars abroad has alarmed the arms manufacturers, his promise to massively increase America’s military strength should certainly allay their fears. He has, to date (unfortunately) made no sign of ending the alliance with Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf states, the biggest consumers of American-made military hardware.

So the men with the big money will probably not be harmed by his government; they might even prosper. Yet these are the very people who hate him: The useful idiots protesting and rioting in the streets have been goaded into action by media hysteria. And the media is the establishment (Not that the protesters are themselves members of the working classes: The great majority are students and state-employed ‘professionals’ of one sort or another).

Whence, then, comes the hatred? Left-wing ideology — specifically gender-driven left-wing ideology — is certainly behind a lot of it. The protesters and the media are not so much worried about loss of welfare benefits or any other economic issue as they are about abortion and LGBT ‘rights’ — which they fear will be eroded under Trump. A recent article by Gavin McInnis, entitled “Normalizing Degeneracy” has pointed out that several of the organizers of anti-Trump demonstrations have convictions for pedophile offences. In McInnis’ opinion, these and many others of Trump’s opponents wish to continue the cultural revolution ongoing under the Obama administration, tear down the last vestiges of Christian morality, and legalize all forms of deviance, including pedophilia.

I believe that McInnis is right; that most of the opposition to Trump has nothing whatsoever to do with traditional left-wing concerns, such as working-class poverty, and is almost entirely driven by sexual and sex-related issues. His opponents fear losing the culture-war gains they made under Obama. However, I would suggest that many members of the establishment have, in addition, something very personal to fear from the Trump administration: For it would appear that some of America’s most powerful people have been involved in activities which if brought into the public forum would utterly destroy them, not only professionally, but also personally.

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Henryk Broder on Trump: Don’t worry about America. I say we should worry about ourselves.

Henryk Broder is a German publicist, author, and co-operator of the blog Die Achse des Guten. Long-time readers will have seen any number of his essays in the past.

Below is an interview with Mr. Broder from German television. The discussion centers around the election of Donald Trump, and the relentless hostility towards the new president in Germany.

Many thanks to Egri Nök for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Geert Wilders on Sky News: “Regaining Our National Sovereignty”

The following clip features an interview with Geert Wilders, the leader of the Dutch Party for Freedom (PVV), that aired recently on Sky News. Mr. Wilders talks about Brexit, the election of Donald Trump, and next month’s elections in the Netherlands: