The Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden, Part 19

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Nyheter Idag:

City of Stockholm gives million-kronor grant to Ibn Rushd — Stops grants to association against honor violence

In December of last year, the city of Stockholm paused a planned payment of 3.9 million kronor to the controversial study association Ibn Rushd, after the Public Education Council determined that the study association’s teaching materials deal with child abuse, child marriage, and describe homosexuality as a sin. But on Tuesday, the cultural council in Stockholm decided to resume the payments, Sweden Radio reports.

The criticized material has reportedly been used by the study association in other places besides Stockholm, and after Ibn Rushd came back with an action plan at the same time the city paid a visit to the association’s operations, the payments to the association were resumed.

At the same time, the city of Stockholm is stopping payments of 600,000 kronor per year to the association Never Forget Pela and Fadime (GAPF), which works against honor oppression. The reason is that a board member of the association posted material on a private Facebook page that the city views as being against the city’s guidelines.

GAPF reports in a press release that it distances itself from the board member’s now-deleted post and that the association has taken measures such as updating communications policy and ethical guidelines, as well as conducting training for board members and personnel, but the city of Stockholm is standing fast behind its decision.

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Are they Swedes, or “Swedes”?

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter:

Two Swedes sentenced to death in Iraq — Foreign Affairs Office summons top diplomat

Two Swedish men have been sentenced to death for the murder of a Swedish gang member in Iraq earlier this year. The Foreign Affairs Office has confirmed that they have been notified of the sentences, and Iraq’s top diplomat has been summoned.

“We condemn the application of the death penalty. We always oppose it and regardless of the circumstances,” Foreign Minister Tobias Billström commented.

Mustafa “Benzema” Aljiburi, a 34-year-old man who earlier held a leading position in the Foxtrot criminal network, was in Baghdad, Iraq during the winter. On January 9 of this year, he was shot on the street in Baghdad as he sat in a line of traffic.

Three Swedish men were sentenced Wednesday in Iraq for involvement in the murder of the gang member, which Aftonbladet was the first to report. Two of them were sentenced to death, while a third was sentenced to prison, according to the newspaper’s information.

After summoning Iraq’s chargé d’affaires, the Swedish Foreign Affairs Office has received confirmation of one of the death sentences.

“There is information that one or two Swedes have received the same sentence. This information has not been confirmed. One purpose of summoning Iraq’s chargé d’affaires was to request clarification of this information,” the Foreign Affairs Office’s press office writes.

Foreign Minister Tobias Billström earlier said during the evening that there was still much that was unclear in the case but stressed that Sweden condemns the death penalty.

“At the meeting, we conveyed Sweden’s protest against Swedes in Iraq being sentenced to death and demanded that the death sentence not be carried out,” Billström wrote in a press release.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson also criticized Iraq on Thursday.

“We are determined opponents of the death penalty, and Sweden always takes responsibility for Swedish citizens. Of course, we will investigate the matter more closely,” Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said regarding the information.

According to earlier made available information to Dagens Nyheter, a 19-year-old Swede from Hudiksvall was arrested on suspicion of murder in Baghdad. The man was earlier convicted of weapons offenses. The two others who were arrested on suspicion of involvement in the murder are a 23-year-old and a 25-year-old.

Mustafa Aljiburi became widely known last autumn in connection with the splitting up of the Foxtrot leadership — a development that led to a dramatic spiral of violence. After a bloody September with 12 murder cases connected to the spiral of violence, in October SVT [Swedish State TV] received information that Foxtrot leader Rawa Majid had been arrested in Iran. Some time later, Mustafa Aljiburi announced that he had broken from Foxtrot and had built his own network, called “La Liga” [the League].

Afterword from the translator:

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“New Swede” Gets Life in Prison For Murdering His Pregnant Girlfriend

A Somali culture-enricher in Sweden has been given a life sentence for murdering his pregnant girlfriend. She was of Thai background, but the murderer and his family considered her “white”, which is why she had to be killed.

It remains to be seen what a life sentence will mean in practical terms. Given the notorious leniency of Sweden’s justice system, I assume it means the young perpetrator will be released in five years or so for good behavior.

The case has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Fria Tider:

Life sentence for honor-killing of “a too-white woman”

June 5, 2024

Mohamedamin Ibrahim, 22, is sentenced to life imprisonment for killing pregnant Saga in Örebro. The murder happened because his mother “did not accept that he was together with a white girl.”

The Somali Mohamedamin Ibrahim murdered his girlfriend, Saga, 20, in an apartment in Örebro.

At the time, she was seven months pregnant with a healthy boy, who also died in her womb at the time of the murder.

The prosecutor had earlier stated that the murder was committed because he didn’t want to tell his relatives that he had a relationship with a “white” non-Somali. Saga was of Thai background.

“The suspect’s family did not accept that he had been together with a white girl,” said Prosecutor Elisabeth Anderson to Expressen in connection with the charge.

Among other things, last January, the mother confronted Ibrahim with the fact that her car, which he was using, had been seen parked at Saga’s address.

That made the mother furious:

“Don’t come back to me. I am no longer your mother. I am Muslim and Somali,” she wrote in a message.

“Don’t go home to a white person”

In his response, Ibrahim denied the relationship.

“I am also Muslim and Somali, and I don’t go home to a white person”.

The Örebro court today sentenced the 22-year-old to life imprisonment for murder.

Mohamedamin Ibrahim has obtained a Swedish passport, and thus, cannot be deported home to Somalia under the current legislation.

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An Extremely Rare Mohammed Coefficient of 300% Has Been Recorded in Sweden

The following article describes the arrest in Sweden of an Iraqi culture-enricher for the murder of a Polish resident in front of his 12-year-old son. This article doesn’t give the complete name of the alleged perpetrator, but Samhällsnytt identifies him as Mohammed Khalid Mohammed Mohammed. The case is the first instance of a Mohammed Coefficient of 300%, as far as I can recall.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Fria Tider:

Mohammed Mohammed arrested for murder of Mikael in Skärrholmen

May 22, 2024

Mohammed Mohammed, 18, was arrested Wednesday afternoon, suspected of the high-profile murder of Mikael, who was murdered in front of his son in Skärrholmen. Mohammed turned 18 just weeks after the murder, and thus can count on a substantial sentence reduction if he is convicted.

It was on 10 April that Mikael Janicki, 39, was shot to death in an underpass in Skärrholmen after he said something to a gang.

Now the court in Södertörn has decided to charge 18-year-old Mohammed Mohammed for murder.

Mohammed Mohammed was arrested just one week after the murder of Mikael in another case, suspected of kidnapping and attempted murder in connection with a boy under 18 who was shot in Skärrholmen in December of 2023.

He turned 18 in May — that is, just after the murder — and can therefore count on a very generous sentence reduction. Since Mohammed, who comes from Iraq, has obtained Swedish citizenship, he cannot be deported under current law.

Two other teenagers from the gang are already in custody, charged in the case regarding the murder of Mikael, suspected of felony protection of a criminal. A third is under arrest, suspected of a felony weapons offense.

Charges must be filed no later than June 19, 2024.

Liberal Hegemony

Karl-Olov Arnstberg is a Swedish writer, ethnologist, and retired university professor. His essays are posted at his blog, Invandring och mörkläggning. Below is today’s installment of his “Sunday Chronicle”. Many thanks to our Swedish correspondent LN for the translation:

Sunday chronicle: Liberal hegemony

by Karl-Olov Arnstberg

At the international level, the liberal order is characterised by economic openness, i.e. low barriers to trade and investment, relations between states being regulated by laws and institutions such as the United Nations, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and multilateral alliances such as NATO.

At the national level, the liberal order is synonymous with:

  • Democratically elected leaders
  • The rule of law
  • Market economy
  • Religious and social tolerance
  • Human rights

Proponents of a liberal world order do not believe that this dream society arises spontaneously or automatically sustains itself. On the contrary, they believe that the liberal order requires active leadership. They also agree the United States, as the only superpower, is uniquely qualified to take the lead. Because it faces no threats in the Western Hemisphere and is shielded from the rest of the world by two vast oceans, it can intervene in distant countries without jeopardising its own survival. The two fundamental beliefs of liberal hegemony:

  • The United States must remain far more powerful than any other country.
  • It should use its superior military power to defend, spread and deepen liberal values around the world.

In the 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, history seemed to be moving in the US direction and it was considered easy to spread the American version of liberalism. The victory in the Cold War, the so-called Velvet Revolutions in Eastern Europe and a wave of democratic transitions in Latin America convinced many that liberal democracy was the only logical end point for modern or even postmodern societies.

US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright called the United States ‘the indispensable nation that sees beyond what others do.’ The Washington Post hailed US foreign policy as ‘the landmine that protects civilisation from barbarism.’ Only so-called rogue states, led by dictators and international troublemakers, opposed the exercise of US power, but they were comparatively weak and politically isolated. In any case, they were assumed to be heading for the dustbin of history.

The political scientist Francis Fukuyama captured the zeitgeist perfectly when he argued that the great ideological battles of the past were now behind us and that humanity had reached the end of history. In the future, he said, there would be no struggle or conflict over major issues and consequently no need for generals or statesmen. Fukuyama warned that boredom could be the greatest danger of the future.

The enlargement and deepening of the EU in 1992, and the introduction of the euro as the single currency, fitted into this optimistic narrative. The EU was further proof that democracy, and the gradual development of international institutions, could bring lasting peace between countries that had previously fought bloody wars with each other. Overall, the future seemed bright not only for the United States but also for much of the world. Liberal values were on the rise and seemed to be inexorably pulling the world in the direction American leaders wanted it to go.

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Is Race a Social Construct?

Karl-Olov Arnstberg’s latest Sunday essay is below; many thanks to our Swedish correspondent LN for the translation.

The translator includes this prefatory note:

Karl-Olov Arnstberg, born in 1943, is a Swedish ethnologist (former professor of ethnology at Stockholm University), author and debater. He has written several well-known books, including Typically Swedish. Prof. Arnstberg is known as a debater and commentator on issues related to, among other things, political correctness, the anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, cultural Marxism, and a critic of Sweden’s migration policy.

Prof. Arnstberg’s essays are posted at the blog Invandring och mörkläggning. A list of his previous translated pieces is at the bottom of this post.

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Before I get to the translation, I’d like to offer a few remarks on the question of the biological basis of race.

The issue would not be so contentious if it weren’t for racial differences in intelligence. Discussing that aspect of the debate (without simply pre-emptively refuting it) is a career-ender for anyone in academia, the media, or politics.

It isn’t contentious that there are racial differences in, for example, athletic prowess. That’s because blacks are generally more accomplished in that area — not just in basketball and football, but also track and field and other athletic pursuits. And it’s also OK to find racial differences in, say, musical ability, because blacks are generally the ones with a better sense of rhythm. Not to mention better dancers.

But racial differences in intelligence? Uh-uh, better stay away from that. Otherwise you may never work in this town again.

More than fifty years ago, in (I think) 1972, I wrote a term paper on race and intelligence for a college course in physical anthropology. I drew on the work of Professor Arthur Jensen, who was in the process of being cancelled, even at that time. The Southern Poverty Law Center referred to him as the “father of modern academic racism”.

And for all I know, he really was a “racist”. But what difference does that make, if his data were good? If he didn’t falsify results, or leave out potentially contradictory information, and if his methodology was sound, then it doesn’t matter whether he considered non-white races to be inferior.

But Dr. Jensen got cast into the Outer Darkness, as have so many other people who have dared to point out what the data indicate about persistent, measurable difference in intelligence between racial groups that can be distinguished by genetic differences. In the fifty-two years since I wrote that paper, a huge mass of additional data has been accumulated, augmented by computer-assisted DNA analysis and other tools that allow researches to drill down into the differences among the races. Race-based differences in intelligence are now undeniable, but the entirety of polite society denies them, anyway, because the implications are simply too awful to contemplate.

I don’t have a job to get fired from or a career to be ended, so I can say what I want about these matters.

The general breakdown is this: Ashkenazi Jews are the most intelligent people on the planet. The Chinese and the Japanese are a few IQ points behind, followed by Northern Europeans and then Southern Europeans. After that come North Africans, Middle Easterners, and South Asians, and then American Indians. At the bottom are sub-Saharan Africans and Australian Aborigines.

These are statistical differences. They have nothing to do with differences among individuals. If Joe Biden and Thomas Sowell were ever to share a podium, we would see a brilliant man and a moron side by side. But it wouldn’t be the black man who was the imbecile.

There are geniuses and simpletons in every racial group. The differences lie in where the bell curve of IQ peaks for each group.

As a matter of interest, the curve for Europeans has longer tails — that is, Europeans have the greatest numbers of outliers when it comes to intelligence. There are more geniuses among whites, and also more idiots. The effect is also more pronounced among males than females — white men are more likely to be super-geniuses, and also infra-dolts.

If these differences in intelligence were ever to be generally accepted, it would simplify the making of public policy. Affirmative action would no longer be needed, and the relentless attack on merit-based employment practices could be abandoned. Every person could be educated and employed based on his or her demonstrated capabilities.

Unfortunately, that world is a remote dream. Human nature being what it is, I expect the current denial of reality to continue, and even get worse.

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Now for the translated essay by Prof. Arnstberg:

Is race a social construct?

by Karl-Olov Arnstberg
May 12, 2024

For as long as languages have existed, the peoples of the world have probably had words meaning ‘people who are different from us.’ It has been common to refer to one’s own tribe as humans and everyone else as non-humans. Some of the world’s oldest books, such as the Egyptian ‘Book of the Dead’ and the Indian Vedas, contain racial divisions. The term race entered the English language in the late 16th century and was originally used to refer to people with a common origin and culture. In Europe, it became popular to group races based on skin colour — white, black, yellow, brown and red.

In the 18th century, the naturalists Carl von Linné [Linnaeus] and Johann Blumenbach divided populations into races based on morphology, i.e. visible physical differences such as pigmentation, skin shape and skeletal type. By the mid-19th century, scientists had realised that the different races were not only morphologically different but also had different personalities and intellectual characteristics. These differences made it possible to create a hierarchy, with whites at the top and blacks at the bottom.

This racial theory coincided with the colonisation of the New World by Europeans. In both South and North America, the invaders displaced and in many cases exterminated the original peoples. In the New World, they imported black Africans and incorporated slavery into their social systems. The consequences were devastating even after slavery was abolished.

In anthropology, the early 20th century saw a scientific backlash, not only against the idea of a racial hierarchy, but against the very idea that races exist at all. Its most prominent spokesman was Franz Boas, a pioneering anthropologist and fierce opponent of what he condemned as ‘scientific racism’. One of his students, the British anthropologist Ashley Montagu, emotionally ratcheted up the rejection in his book Man’s Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race, first published in 1942. Since then, it has been translated into many languages and published in many editions. It states that ‘Race is the witchcraft of our time, demonology.’

As the American political scientist Charles Murray notes in his book Human Diversity: The Biology of Gender, Race, and Class (2020), he thereby set the rhetorical tone for today’s academic orthodoxy.

In the 1970s and 1980s, scientists’ aversion to the concept of race was given new ammunition in the form of two claims, based on research:

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The Great Vaccine Leap Forward

An earlier version of this essay was first published in Norwegian at the website

The Great Vaccine Leap Forward

by Fjordman

The people of China have repeatedly been used as pawns in grandiose plans. Authoritarian leaders have wanted to carry out major upheavals in society, without considering the suffering this could inflict on individuals.

In The Great Leap Forward under the Communist dictator Mao, China was to become an economic superpower through the collectivization of Chinese agriculture. People were treated as faceless means of production. The result was disastrous.

One of the frightening things about our age is that Western leaders are now inflicting great suffering on their populations by subjecting them to grandiose social and medical experiments.

Several specialists warn against what they call turbo cancer. Different types of cancers are now suddenly behaving more aggressively and developing faster than they normally would have done just a few years ago. Many young people are also affected by this.

This phenomenon seems to have begun after hundreds of millions of people across much of the world were injected with mRNA-based so-called coronavirus vaccines.

One of the experts who directly links the increase in aggressive cancer to the so-called corona vaccines is Ute Krüger from Germany. She has worked in Sweden for a long time and speaks Swedish well. Krüger is a specialist in pathology with more than 25 years of experience. For many years, she has also conducted cancer research at Lund University.[1]

Since the fall of 2022, she has been warning against the emergence of a new type of fast-growing “turbo tumors”. Many different types of cancer are showing a strong increase over the past few years, in both men and women.[2]

She has sounded the alarm in the scientific community, but has not received the response she had hoped for. No one in Kalmar, Sweden, where Krüger was employed, was interested in the study she proposed.

Despite increasing documentation of serious and potentially life-threatening side effects, criticism of mRNA-based injections has been dismissed as conspiracy theories for several years. Ute Krüger has now resigned as a senior physician and runs a private clinic.[3]

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A Culture-Enriching Easter in Sweden

I’m posting this now, because by the time I get up in the morning, the window of opportunity for an Easter terrorist attack in Sweden (and the rest of Europe) will already have passed.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Samhällsnytt:

Terror threat against churches at Easter

March 28, 2024

Before Easter and in the wake of the Muslim terror attack in Moscow, the terror threat in Europe has lately been judged as high. In addition to Easter masses, many large events are coming up in Sweden, such as Eurovision in Malmö.

At least 137 people were killed in the terror attack against Crocus City Hall outside Moscow. In France, the terror threat level has been raised to the highest level, and in Germany, an “acute risk” is accessed. In Italy, armed police will be on patrol.

On the eve of Easter, which is the Swedish Church’s busiest period of the year after Christmas, the country’s churches are on guard.

The Swedish Church’s civil preparedness chief Lisa-Gun Bernerstedt tells SVD news that there is no information that the church would be especially singled out, but that all faith communities should be alert.

“It is clear that with an increased threat level, preparations and awareness have increased. The importance of making assessments prior to every event that brings in a lot of people is important,” she tells the newspaper.

Regardless of the world situation, the Swedish Church will remain open, and wants to “signal its presence, openness, and hope.”

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The Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden, Part 18

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Nyheter Idag:

City of Stockholm grants one million kronor to Ibn Rushd — stops contributions to association against honor violence

March 28, 2024

Last December the city of Stockholm paused a planned payment of 3.9 million kronor to the controversial study association Ibn Rushd after the Public Education Council determined that the study association’s teaching materials dealt with child abuse, child marriage, and described homosexuality as a sin. But on Tuesday, the Cultural Committee in Stockholm decided to resume the payments, Swedish Radio reports.

The criticized material was reportedly used by the study association in other places than in Stockholm, and after Ibn Rushd came back with a plan of action as the city was visiting the association’s operations, the payments to the association were resumed.

At the same time, the city of Stockholm stopped payments of 600,000 kronor per year to the association “Never forget Peta and Fadime” (GAPF), which works against honor oppression. The reason is that a board member of the association put up postings on his private Facebook page that the city views as breaking the city’s guidelines.

GAPF states in a press release that it has distanced itself from the board member’s now-deleted posts and that the association has taken measures such as updating its communication policy and ethical guidelines, as well as conducting training for staff and personnel, but the city of Stockholm is standing by its decision.

“We wonder how the city really works within democracy. How can a study association that has links to the Muslim Brotherhood and has been involved in brokering temporary marriage contracts, i.e. trafficking in women’s bodies according to a disclosure by Uppdrag Gransking [Assignment Examination] qualify for support but not us, who strongly help and protect vulnerable women and girls?” says Sara Mohammad, founder of GAPF, in a statement.

Since the election, the city of Stockholm has been run by a coalition made up of Social Democrats, the Left Party, and the Green Party.

The Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden, Part 17

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Nyheter Idag:

Preliminary investigation against Egyptson dropped

The preliminary investigation against Sameh Egyptson’s attention-grabbing and debated dissertation on political Islam has been dropped, Prosecutor Pia Björnsson tells TT News.

In February of last year, the researcher Sameh Egyptson presented the dissertation, “Global Political Islam? The Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic Federation in Sweden” at Lund University.

In his dissertation Egyptson advanced the thesis that the Islamic Federation is a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, which means that Sweden is infiltrated by political Islam.

In the dissertation several persons were named as being active in the Islamic Federation in Sweden or some of the Islamic Federation’s sub-organizations, which led to several reports to the Appeals Board for Ethics Review (Önep).

Önep prosecuted the dissertation since it was considered that Egyptson used sensitive personal information without ethics review permission, and in February, Prosecutor Pia Björnsson initiated a preliminary investigation into Egyptson’s dissertation to determine if Egyptson had permission to conduct the research.

“I consider that I did research within the framework of academic freedom. This is an attempt to deter researchers from working on important societal issues,” said Egyptson to Dagens Nyheter when the investigation was launched.

But now the investigation has been dropped. “This was expected since I began my dissertation before the law (2003:460) on ethics review even existed, something my critics didn’t care about when they reported me,” Egyptson writes in a posting on the X platform.

“My hope now is that the Ethics Review law will be reworked so that researchers will be able to feel free without fear to choose controversial and debated topics, and that it will be possible to research public persons in leading positions, based on public sources and their own public statements, without this being deemed as ‘sensitive personal information’ and being forbidden from researching it,” Egyptson further writes.

Windmills Tilting at Us

Wind turbines are widely disliked by the general public in all countries where they are erected. They are a blight on the landscape, and their noise when operating is unpleasant, and even harmful, for those who live nearby. They are notorious for killing large numbers of birds, including endangered species such as eagles.

Recent research in Sweden has revealed that wind farms cause even more environmental damage than previously thought, notably through the erosion of toxic chemicals from the blades, which are dispersed into the environment surrounding the turbines.

Many thanks to our Swedish correspondent LN for translating this article from Samhällsnytt:

Study shows: Wind turbines can be major environmental offenders

by Mats Dagerlind
March 16, 2024

Wind power is marketed as the climate and environmentally friendly energy option. However, there is a growing body of evidence that this is a truth with major modifications. A new study has now been published which, in addition to what is already known, indicates that wind power is associated with pollution in the form of high levels of hazardous substances around wind farms.

The yet-to-be-published study almost didn’t see the light of day. Strong political and economic forces do not want the image of wind power as the environmentally and climate-friendly alternative to produce electricity to be tarnished by further negative publicity.

As a result, pressure was applied to withdraw funding for the study. However, the researchers at the Universities of Gothenburg and Linköping managed to find money elsewhere, and the study is now complete. And its contents reveal why some were prepared to go to great lengths to stop it.

The list of disadvantages of wind power is long

Wildlife damage has been reported in the past; birds — including protected eagles — are decapitated by rotor blades. Marine life is disturbed by offshore wind turbines.

Worn-out rotor blades cannot be recycled and accumulate in large scrap yards without anyone knowing how to dispose of them. Nature and recreational values are destroyed in the vicinity of wind farms, so that the tourism industry is affected and other outdoor activities cannot be practised.

The local environment is destroyed for residents by the noise of the wind turbines. Those trying to move away find that the market value of their houses has dropped dramatically. And so on.

In addition, wind turbines have low reliability and only produce electricity when the wind is blowing. When there is too much wind, they produce too much electricity instead, which is also a problem, and wind operators are then offered tax money to switch off turbines. Storing wind-generated electricity is not possible today nor in the foreseeable future.

Now the list of poisoning of flora and fauna is expanding

The new study adds new disadvantages to the list. They are also of an uncomfortable nature, as they involve the pollution and poisoning of nature on land and in waterways, pollutants that can find their way into the food chains of animals and humans.

The findings are so serious and numerous that the researchers behind the study wonder why this has not been investigated before. The answer may lie in the fact that neither the wind power industry nor the various players in the green political movement have wanted to find out what the situation is.

The researchers have found that dangerous particles from wind turbine blades are probably an environmental problem that other researchers and authorities have chosen to underestimate. Helen Karlsson is an adjunct assistant professor of occupational and environmental medicine at Linköping University and one of the initiators of the study.

She says that she became interested in the issue of erosion from wind turbine blades when she realised that there were discrepancies between the wind power industry’s figures and other calculations. Initially, she and her colleagues did not believe that they would find as many rotor blade fragments as they did.

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The Mosques Are Our Barracks

Many years ago Recep Tayyip Erdogan famously quoted a poem by the 20th-century Turkish nationalist writer Ziya Gökalp:

The mosques are our barracks,
the domes our helmets,
the minarets our bayonets,
and the believers our soldiers.

One of those barracks was raided today by security police in the Swedish town of Tyresö, and four people were arrested for planning a terrorist attack. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Dagens Nyheter. The translator notes that the targeted building seems to be some sort of informal mosque:

Four suspected of preparing for a terrorist crime — Connected to ISIS

March 7, 2024

Four persons suspected of preparing for a terrorist crime and aggravated weapons possession were arrested Thursday in Tyresö. According to the Security Police (Säpo), the suspected crimes are connected to the ISIS terror organization.

“We had to act to disrupt the planned crime and avert a possible threat,” says Fredrik Hultgren-Friberg, Säpo press spokesman, to DN.

The case involves violent Islamist extremism where the Security Police also see connections to large-scale organized crime, the authorities write in a press release.

The raid on Thursday was carried out at, among other places, a building that residents in the area describe as a mosque and gathering place.

“I saw police lying on a hill here behind us and they moved. Two of the operational forces then came and moved me out of the way. They went ahead with a sledgehammer and began to break the windows. When they had broken openings in the windows, they threw in stun grenades,” says an eye witness to the police operation.

The witness describes how the police then broke down the door to the premises and searched it; then technicians arrived at the scene.

A man who usually visits the mosque has reached the closed-off location.

“I was married in this mosque, and I have been coming here for about ten years. It is a good mosque, and I have never heard anyone say anything about terrorism or anything like it. This really surprises me, and I wonder what led to this,” says a man standing outside the mosque.

One of the police officers who are at the scene tells DN that he, among other things, is tasked with calming people who became upset when they saw the raid.

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The Peaceful Sweden Has Been Abolished

Fjordman’s latest essay concerns the ghastly realities of culture-enriching violence in Modern Multicultural Sweden.

The Peaceful Sweden Has Been Abolished

by Fjordman

In seven hours between March 4 and March 5, 2024, bombs detonated at two different apartment buildings in the Stockholm region, in Lidingö and Farsta.[1] Individuals suspected of being linked to rival factions in the country’s bloody gang wars are said to be living at these locations.[2]

Two bombs in one day in Sweden’s capital and Scandinavia’s largest city would at one time have been truly unexpected and shocking. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case. Now, it is just another Monday or Tuesday. This is the brutal reality of Swedish society today.

Over the years I have written many essays about crime in Sweden. If I no longer do so as frequently as before, this is not because crime has gotten less. It is simply more difficult to mobilize sufficient mental energy to write about unpleasant subjects such as gang rapes or gang crimes.

You know that there will be more bombings, shootings, or arson attacks in Sweden next week, and the week after that, and the week after that. Why write about all of them? This is hardly news anymore. It is simply part of everyday life.

Perhaps this can be described as a form of war fatigue.

I was a child in the 1980s and understood little of Islam or ethnic conflicts. Nevertheless, I remember sometimes mentally tuning out when hearing news from the war in Lebanon. There is only so much human suffering one can stomach. Yes, it was sad to hear about people being killed in attacks, but one expected more deadly attacks in Lebanon the next day.

I had similar reactions to the wars in the Balkans in the 1990s, after the breakup of the former Yugoslavia. Hearing about human beings being shot or bombed was always horrible. But again, one fully expected more of the same next week, and was often proven right.

Partly to my dread, I realize that I now have similar mental reactions to atrocities in Sweden and other countries in Western Europe. I suffer from war fatigue. Not from attacks in Lebanon or the Balkans, but in France, Germany, Italy, Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, and Belgium.

It may sound strange to develop war fatigue from countries that are nominally at peace. Yet Sweden suffers from violent attacks of some kind almost daily. Is that truly what peace looks like?

In 2008, the Swedish writer Anders Lugn wrote an article titled “Sweden’s road to disaster.” Somewhat unusually, he even had this text published in the major newspaper Aftonbladet. In the 1980s, Lugn served as a captain in UN-led peacekeeping forces in Lebanon during the Lebanese Civil War. While living there, he asked himself how it was possible for such a wonderful country with so many good people to commit national suicide and self-destruct? Among several reasons for the collapse of Lebanese society he mentions a weak sense of national identity and common values, weak national armed forces, a weak police force, easy access to weapons (legal or illegal), and easy access to drugs. There was also a general sense of powerlessness among average citizens.[3]

Anders Lugn was deeply concerned to observe that many of the factors that contributed to a brutal civil war in Lebanon are now also at work in his native Sweden.

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A New Swede Rings in the New Year

Boy, the Swedish “justice” system really threw the book at this culture-enriching “youth”: a sentence of three and a half years in the slammer for blinding a girl in one eye, of which the mischievous rascal will serve just over two years. Imagine what he would have gotten if he blew out both her eyes. Or killed her! Then he might have received a five-year sentence, just to teach him a lesson.

It’s interesting that he is to be deported when he completes his sentence. Normally Sweden doesn’t do much in the way of deporting, because it would violate the human rights of the deportee. Maybe times are changing.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Samhällsnytt:

Taha Blew Out a Girl’s Eye in a Firework Attack — To Be Deported

March 1, 2024

Samnytt earlier reported how 19-year-old Taha Jasim from Iraq, but residing in Tranås, shot a life-threatening firework directly into a crowd that detonated in the face of a Swedish girl, who was seriously injured and lost sight in one eye. Now Taha has been sentenced for aggravated assault to 3½ years in prison. He is also to be deported from Sweden.

On New Year’s Eve Taha, in an extremely drunken condition, thought he was still capable of handling life-threatening fireworks. To shoot these straight into a crowd on Storgatan in central Tranås in this condition gave an extra dimension of excitement to the activity.

Girl’s eye blown out

Those who were affected by the rocket fire didn’t think it was so funny. Especially the girl in whose face the explosive device exploded. She suffered serious injuries, including an eye being torn so badly that she is now blind in that eye.

After that, Taha threw a firework into a boutique, which exploded there. Luckily no other persons were injured in the attack.

Prison for aggravated assault

Taha was identified and prosecuted. During questioning, he denied the crime, claiming that he could not remember the prank.

The court did not believe him, and sentenced him for aggravated assault. The penalty is set at 3½ years in prison, of which Taha gets one-third reduced.

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