Solingen Knife Mujahid Arrested

The suspected attacker in Friday’s knife jihad in Solingen has been arrested. He is — surprise! — an asylum seeker from Syria. Like so many violent criminals in Modern Multicultural Germany, he has a one-letter surname, and is identified as Issa al H.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating excerpts from an article in the Berliner Morgenpost. The translator includes this note:

There seem to be conflicting stories in the German media, but it appears that police have the suspected Solingen stabber in custody. Different accounts say he was arrested as police stormed a refugee center, while the Berliner Morgenpost is reporting that a 26-year-old Syrian approached police on the street, dirty and bloodstained, and turned himself in.

The translated excerpts:

In connection with the knife attack in Solingen, police have arrested a suspect. That was announced by North Rhine-Westphalia Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) to ARD Tagesthemen [news] and spoke of a “real suspect”, who had been sought the entire day.

According to information from Der Spiegel and the Bild newspaper, the 26-year-old Syrian, Issa al H., reportedly still blood-smeared, approached officers on Saturday evening and said, “I am the one, the one you are looking for!”

The alleged perpetrator was born in the Syrian city of Deir al-Sor. At the end of December 2022, he reportedly came to Germany and applied for asylum in Bielefeld. A year later he received so-called subsidiary protection, which refugees from the civil war often receive. He is reportedly a Sunni Muslim and as yet unknown to security authorities as an Islamist extremist.

Freedom of Speech

Our Indian correspondent The Kafir sends his thoughts on the role played by freedom of speech (or its lack) in our contemporary scene.

Freedom of Speech

by The Kafir

“O kafirs, be you all apes and monkeys; again.”

Anthropologists say that some 80,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens acquired consciousness. As conscious beings, they soon figured out that many weaklings acting together can fell even the mightiest of the prey.

And a bit player in the food chain, Homo Sapiens, jumped straight to the top of it, and is ruling the planet ever since. They controlled fire and used it to make food more easily digestible; they invented the wheel and made long journeys easier; they domesticated far stronger animals and used them to carry the goods, plough the fields and give other products like milk. They figured out that living together is easier in permanent settlements and thus created villages and cities.

They realized that not all human beings agree on everything; there are disputes, and some bands still insist on hunting, hunting even the settled human beings. They figured out that acting together, which had allowed them to control all other species, is also needed to face such bands of human beings who still want to hunt and loot others’ possessions, including women and children for slavery. They created permanent armed groups among themselves, an army, to take on such bands, because it was more convenient and effective than all of them mobilizing in the face of such dangers from the hunting bands of human beings.

And not only the Earth, they are now planning to colonize the Moon and the Mars also. All because they stumbled upon consciousness all those years ago, because they could talk to each other, they could discuss, they could debate, they could convey their thoughts, they could communicate.

But now, after 80,000 years they seem to have forgotten that “acting together” was what made them such a powerful, all-conquering species. And that acting together was made possible by their faculty of speech. A handful of them, called the Ruling Elite, have taken control of their armies, and other instruments of collective armed power, and are now openly, flagrantly, surrendering their countries, their villages and cities, their women, children and wealth; to a new-fangled band of hunters that has come veiled as a religion: Islam. It is openly killing children, raping women, and beheading adults, all over the kafir world, and kafirs are just sleepwalking. Paralyzed. The Ruling Elite has taken great care to make it impossible for any warners to reach their fellow human beings and wake them up before certain death by murder and massacres. Thus making self-defense impossible.

Every human being has an absolute right to be left alone, to live his life as he pleases so long he is ready to likewise leave others alone. Left alone with his possessions and his family. He has absolute right to defend his life, his possessions and his family. The right and duty to defend himself is his. The State is only an auxiliary which he himself had created as a convenience. The State can’t suspend this right to life or take away the right to defend it. No emergency, no state of affairs, has been made a justification to suspend the right to life in any jurisdiction of the world. And the right to self-defense is considered equally sacrosanct in all jurisdictions.

But to defend his life, a man is insufficient in the face of the organized bands of hunters, even when they call themselves a religion. To defend himself against an organized group, a man needs to talk to his fellow human beings, explain to them the entire danger, convince them to likewise act together as a group, to become a Team. That is, man needs to have freedom of speech. Absolute freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech, life is not only meaningless, it is not even safe, it is not even possible. The right to freedom of speech is thus right to life only, stated differently. Therefore, when a government restricts or suspends freedom of speech, it suspends the right to life, it actually endangers lives of its citizens. It sets them up for slaughter. And rape. And looting. And total subjugation.

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Shot and Paralyzed Over Hijab Rules — Islam Strikes Again

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Shot and Paralyzed Over Hijab Rules — Islam Strikes Again

by Clare M. Lopez

A heartbreaking litany of horrific abuse perpetrated against women in sharia-dominated societies, from India, Iran, and Iraq, to Pakistan, and the United States as well. Iran unfortunately dominates our collection this month.

“Iranian women’s rights activists face rape threats during arrest: UN Special Rapporteur” at Iran International, 07/15/2024

Iran Arrests Three More Women’s Rights Activists in Gilan” at Iran Wire, July 17, 2024

This one is horrifying and heartbreaking all at once and calls for more than one report here. A young Iranian mother of two has been left a paraplegic after Iranian police shot her inside her car because of a hijab rule violation. What kind of monsters would do such a thing? Answer: Iranian police in a regime under the rule of Islamic Law.

  • “Iranian woman paralysed after being shot over hijab” by Parham Ghobadi at BBC Persian, August 12, 2024
  • Iran police shot a woman while trying to seize her car over hijab law violation, activists say” by Jon Gambrell at AP News, August 15, 2024
  • Iranian woman left paralysed after being shot by police over hijab” by Maroosha Muzaffar at the Independent, August 12, 2024

A Day in the Morality Police Van: Tehran Woman’s Account” at, July 18, 2024

India: “‘She has ruined my father’s honour’: Haseen strangles his 16-year-old sister to death in front of a crowd in Meerut for loving a Hindu boy, arrested”, by OpIndia Staff, 8 August 2024

“Pakistan: Tragic Kidnapping and Death of Christian Mentally Ill Girl Sparks Outrage and Calls for Justice” by Nasir Saeed, Gatestone Institute, August 5, 2024

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Theocracy in Democracy

The following essay was originally published by the online German magazine Fassadenkratzer (“Façade Scratcher”). Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

The theocratic rule structure in democracy

States are still permeated by pyramidal power and administrative structures through which, as in the theocracy of ancient Egypt, individuals or a few can rule over the great masses of people and impose their own will on them. Today we only notice this in totalitarian dictatorships. But even the democracy movement has not fundamentally changed this. The fundamental democratic right of self-determination of the citizen is politically exhausted in the election of his rulers, for which he casts his vote in both senses of the word for years and has to follow their all-round laws and regulations, which are increasingly turning against him. A step forward is urgently needed.

The “Egypt problem” in Russia

In his highly recommended book about the Ukraine War and its long history, Valentin Wember points out how the communist dictatorship of the Soviet Union practically created a copy of the ancient Egyptian pyramid of power and also took over the embalming of the rulers of the time after their death.

“When Lenin and Stalin died, their bodies were elaborately mummified. Both were laid out in the mausoleum, a stepped pyramid on Red Square in Moscow. There is hardly a more fitting symbol of what happened in Russia during the Bolshevism period between 1918 and 1989: a 4,000-year-old, no longer contemporary system of rule was imposed on the Russian state.

“In the ancient Egyptian social order, the pharaoh was at the top and the working people were at the bottom. Above the people were the overseers, above the overseers were their overseers, above them were the overseers of the overseers of the overseers, and so on and on up to the top of the social pyramid.”

The Egyptian overseers were replaced in the Soviet Union by the KGB secret service, which monitored everything. There were departments that controlled the intellectuals, others that controlled the state media, and still others that monitored the churches, sports, science and research — a ghostly revival of ancient Egypt.

“But what was historically justified 4,000 years ago and represented not just a local but a global cultural epoch became murderous madness in Russia in the 20th century — and not only there.

“The Pharaoh was replaced by the great leaders of one party, first Lenin, then Stalin. Khrushchev was no longer considered a great leader and was therefore not embalmed, but the popular red commander Grigory Kotovsky was given this honor.

“Lenin, Kotovsky and Stalin were fake Pharaohs… All three were the antithesis of a Pharaoh. They were criminals and mass murderers.

“In the greatest possible contrast to this, the pharaoh was originally a high spiritual initiate. ‘He was two-thirds human and one-third god’ is what the Epic of Gilgamesh says of the Mesopotamian ruler Gilgamesh, and that probably also applied to the Egyptian pharaohs of the early period. As a high initiate, the pharaoh was a real spiritual force that could influence the people.

“Lenin and Stalin were not pharaohs. But they were obsessed with an ancient Egyptian principle, as if the spirit of ancient Egypt had been wandering around Russia like a zombie and wreaking catastrophic havoc there.”

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Kamala Stomps Her Little Foot — ‘Don’t Call It Radical Islamic Terrorism’

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Kamala Stomps Her Little Foot — ‘Don’t Call It Radical Islamic Terrorism’

by Clare M. Lopez

As tensions mount across the Middle East and the world awaits what is expected to be a massive Iranian-regime-coordinated attack against Israel, we note in several of our links here the wavering Biden administration support for Israel as well as administration’s penetration by antisemitic, anti-Israel and pro-Iranian operatives.

“Are You Sitting Down? It Turns Out Kamala Has Ties to a Far-Left, Hamas-Linked Islamic Group” by Robert Spencer at PJ Media, July 27, 2024

“Kamala Harris Calls for ‘Courage to Object’ to Term ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’” by Robert Spencer at PJ Media, July 26, 2024

  • As Robert notes in this piece, the real issue here is terming mainstream, normative, orthodox Islamic jihad doctrine as something “radical” — a word, like “extreme”, that signifies a deviation from the norm. Jihad terror in fact is the norm within Islamic doctrine, law, and practice.

“Biden/Harris Regime Colluding With Iran U.S. to Oust Netanyahu — Report” by Pamela Geller, August 4, 2024

“GOP lawmakers probe Kamala Harris adviser for ‘connections’ to Iranian influence operation” by Josh Christenson at New York Post, August 1, 2024

Federal probes of campus antisemitism have flopped” by Jonathan Tobin at the Jewish News Syndicate, June 24, 2024

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Jews Will Have No Choice — They Will Be Pushed Out of France

The following video from the French-language service of the Israeli channel i24 News features Rabbi Dov Maimon, who discusses the inevitable exodus of Jews from France in the coming decades. He says they will have no choice but to come to Israel.

As RAIR Foundation says in its introduction:

For the past decade, Jewish families have been fleeing France in alarming numbers, driven away by a terrifying surge in Jew-hatred linked to the massive influx of Islamic migrants. This wave of antisemitism has created an environment of fear and insecurity, prompting a mass exodus. Rabbi Dov Maimon recently addressed this pressing issue during a segment on French television, offering a chilling assessment of the current and future state of Jews in France.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Epistemology of Flat Tires and Chiggers

Epistemology: The theory or science of the method or grounds of knowledge. (OED)

How do we know what we know?

How do we distinguish fact from inference, speculation, hypothesis, or outright fabrication?

This is what the discipline of epistemology is intended to address. In the last hundred years or so, epistemological discourse has proliferated, creating a dense layer of abstruse philosophical jargon that is intimidating for a layman to penetrate (which is probably intentional).

But you don’t have to read a cubic mile of phenomenological bumf to get the hang of epistemology. There’s no need to unpack the writings of Husserl or Heidegger. All that’s required is common sense, an alert intellect, and ready access to Occam’s Razor.

Consider two very different examples of things that I might profess to know:

1.   I know that the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was orchestrated by the Deep State and implemented by various three-letter agencies of the federal government.
2.   I know my car has a flat tire.

The second type of knowledge is distinctly different from the first. My flat tire isn’t a psyop. I can’t be gaslighted into believing my tire is flat when it isn’t. Media propaganda will not convince me that I can safely drive on my flat tire. Fact checking plays no role in my assessment that my tire is flat. My flat tire is not a conspiracy theory.

In other words: Only that which is immediately apprehended by the senses is known.

Unfortunately, very little of what is commonly accepted as knowledge is actually known. The vast bulk of what we think we know is simply inferred, deduced from available data, or received from authority, but it is not known in the same way I know I have a flat tire.

What I find most interesting is the process in which people think they know something, but they really don’t. I’ll give you an example from my own personal experience, one with no political connotations, which means it’s unlikely to spark any controversy. It concerns those nasty little creatures known as chiggers.

For readers who don’t live in the South: chiggers are tiny red mites that are also called red bugs. They’re a type of arachnid, roughly analogous to harvest mites in England. (The word “chigger” is considered rude. “chegro” is the polite word for them, but the mites themselves prefer the term “Arachnid American”. [Yes, this pathetic parenthetic aside is a joke — don’t take it seriously.])

From as far back as I can remember, until I was well into my adulthood, I knew that chiggers burrowed under the skin and remained there indefinitely, which was why they caused intense itching for such a long time. When I was in my thirties, however, I learned from a friend of mine that chiggers did not in fact burrow under the skin. He was a scientist, but not an arachnologist or even an entomologist. He had also thought that chiggers burrowed in, and had only recently learned otherwise.

That’s what everybody thought: we had all learned from an early age about the repulsive behavior of chiggers. Everybody knew it, both young and old.

But it wasn’t true.

Prior to the Internet Age it was more cumbersome to learn the facts, but now it’s a simple matter to look them up: chiggers bite and suck blood like other obnoxious pests. They just happen to secrete a digestive enzyme when they bite that breaks down skin cells and causes the formation of a structure known as a stylostome, a hardened cylinder of dead tissue. The stylostome remains in the skin for days or weeks after the bite and causes the maddening, burning itch for which chiggers are notorious.

So that’s the real story about chiggers. Yet in the area where I grew up, everyone knew that chiggers burrowed under the skin. It was a simple fact, and we all knew it.

The point is: What you know may not in fact be true.

Epistemology is the discipline that strives to discern the basis for what is known, and how knowledge is acquired.

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Earlier this year I wrote about the terrorist attack on Istanbul airport in 2016. I have no direct knowledge of the deeper causes behind that incident — I only know what I read in various media accounts at the time. By patching together the different data points, I came to the conclusion that the Russian state had ordered the hit on Istanbul, in retaliation for Turkey shooting down a Russian fighter plane over the border between Turkey and Syria. The circumstantial evidence was sufficient to convince me that Russian responsibility was a fact, but it wasn’t something I knew. In order to be able to consider it knowledge, I would have had to have direct access to sources at the highest levels of Russian and/or Turkish intelligence.

This brings us up to the paranoia of the current moment.

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Funeral in Iran

Earlier this month I posted about the tragic death of a young Iranian culture-enricher in the Bavarian town of Lauf an der Pegnitz. The unfortunate youth, whose name was Mohammad, was shot dead by police after he came at them with a knife and was not deterred by being tased.

Members of Mohammad’s extended family are understandably upset about their relative’s demise, and are convinced that police overreacted when they shot him.

The slain young man was sent home to Iran to be buried.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from

Funeral in Iran

Why did Mohammad have to die? Family questions police action after deadly shooting in Lauf

by Azeglio Elia Hupfer
July 17, 2024

Lauf an-der-Pegnitz — Following the deadly stomach shot at the train station on the left bank of the Pegnitz, family, friends, and acquaintances are stunned and ask themselves why Mohammad had to die. The Iranian embassy is also involved.

“Cops kill! Say his name,” is spray-painted at the bus stop at the Lauf train station on the left bank of the Pegnitz. His name was Mohammad. In the afternoon of June 30, he was killed by a shot from a federal policewoman. First, according to the police, there was reportedly a knife attack by Mohammad on a patrol. The investigation by the Schwabach Criminal Police, in cooperation with the State Prosecutor’s Office is on-going as of July 16.

While the authorities are releasing little information about the incident, referring to on-going investigations, more is known about the slain 34-year-old from an investigation by the Nuremberg Press Publishers — parent company of the Nuernberger Nachrichten and the Pegnitz Zeitung. Accordingly, Mohammad fled Iran for Germany in 2015 and had lived for the past nine years in community housing for refugees in Roethenbach in the Nuremberg area.

Big plans, no asylum

“He came here with a lot of hope and goals,” Mohammad’s brother-in-law tells the Nuernberger Nachrichten. Mohammad wanted to become a doctor, completed an advanced language course in Erlangen, and ultimately, became fluent in German. Mohammad’s asylum application was denied, however. An appeal was unsuccessful three years ago. In the end, he was merely tolerated in Germany.

Mohammad used his knowledge of German to help other residents of the housing facility with translating, and many called him “Professor”, friends and social workers say. Mohammad was well-loved in the residence and always had a smile, residents recall. “He never had a knife on him, was always ready to help, and was a calm guy,” says one acquaintance.

The question of why

Family and friends are still stunned and wonder why Mohammad had to die. Mohammad’s sister and brother-in-law live in Nordrhein-Westfalen. The family wonders: “Why couldn’t three well-trained police officers control the situation differently? Why did they immediately shoot Mohammad?”

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Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

by Clare M. Lopez

Iranian Women Celebrate the Death of President Raisi ‘We Freely Dance and Celebrate on Your Dirty Grave’”, by Margaret Flavin at Gateway Pundit, May 20, 2024

  • Yet another indicator of how the young, especially female, generation of Iranians feels about their oppressive jihadist regime

“BBC Documentary ‘Nika’s Last Breath’ about 16-year-old Nika Shakarami’s last moments before being raped and murdered in Iran” by Dr. Rich Swier, May 1, 2024.

  • This is a BBC film about a young Iranian girl who was murdered by Iranian police after she’d been filmed burning her hijab during the “Women, Life, Freedom” protests that followed the September 2022 murder of another young girl, Mahsa Amini, for having allowed her hijab to slip enough to show some hair.

“A year ago, she drank battery acid to escape life under the Taliban. Today, she has a message for other Afghan girls” by Hilary Whiteman, Anna Coren, Abdul Basir Bina and Javed Iqbal, at CNN, June 30, 2024

  • Horrific story of an Afghan girl who despaired of life under Taliban sharia rule — but lived to tell her story

“The Sexual Assaults on October 7 Omitted From the White House Fact Sheet” by Hugh Fitzgerald at Front Page Magazine, July 10, 2024

  • The Biden White House issued a lengthy Fact Sheet that documented sexual assaults in ‘conflict zones’…but somehow neglected to include what HAMAS did on 7 October 2023

“Arifwala man kills divorced niece in the name of ‘honour’” at, July 8, 2024

  • He murdered her with an axe but motive beyond fact she was divorced is not spelled out, except that it was a so-called “honor killing” — which is generally condoned in Islamic sharia societies

“Nothing Compensates for the Stolen Years’: The Afghan Women Rebuilding Shattered Dreams in Iran” by Stefanie Glinski at The Guardian, July 4, 2024

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Plot Against Dissident Iranian Journalist in the Netherlands Foiled

As I reported last Monday, a Tunisian culture-enricher named Mehrez Ayari attempted to assassinate the Vox politician Alejo Vidal-Quadras in Madrid, and was subsequently arrested in the Netherlands. Now it appears that Mr. Ayari was in the process of planning the assassination of a dissident Iranian journalist in the Netherlands.

Below are Spanish and Dutch articles about the case. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translations.

The Spanish-language article is from Onda Cero Radio:

Arrested person in Vidal-Quadras attack accused of intending to kill Iranian reporter

The Dutch prosecutor’s office has announced that Mehrez Ayari is suspected of “preparing to assassinate an Iranian activist and journalist who resides in the Netherlands”.

EFE Madrid
June 26, 2024

The Tunisian Mehrez Ayari, detained in the Dutch city of Haarlem at the beginning of the month as the alleged perpetrator of the attack against the ex-politician Alejo Vidal-Quadras, is also suspected of “preparing the assassination of an Iranian activist and journalist who resides in the Netherlands,” as announced Wednesday by the Dutch prosecutor’s office.

The 38-year-old Tunisian, who has been identified as Mehrez Ayari, was arrested in Haarlem at the beginning of this month by Dutch police, together with another accused person, a 27-year-old Colombian.

“Officers of the North Holland Unit received an alert of a suspicious situation on June 6, 2024 and immediately responded. Arriving at the scene, they saw two men running. The officers pursued them on foot and were able to arrest both. They were found to be in possession of firearms,” the Dutch prosecutor’s office stated, and also stated that the investigation is continuing.

Both detainees remain totally isolated and are only in contact with their respective lawyers.

Was detained as he was about to commit a similar attack to that on Vidal-Quadras

Last week, sources close to the investigation told EFE that the participation of the Mocro Maffia [Moroccan mafia] in the attempt to assassinate the former politician confirms the suspicions of the Iranian connection, since it is not the first time that the Iranian regime has “hired” hit men from that criminal network principally made up of criminal of Maghrebian origin.

According to information shared by Spanish police, Ayari was detained in Haarlem, on the street, as he was about to commit another attack similar to that on Vidal-Quadras, former director of the Popular Party and co-founder of Vox party, though it is not known if that victim is the same Iranian journalist and activist or if it is a different person.

The National Court took over the investigation of the attack against Vidal-Quadras due to the suspicion of connections to Iran, which also led to the issuance of up to three arrest warrants against three of the six detainees.

They are Ayari himself and two other previously-detained persons, a woman also arrested in the Netherlands and a Venezuelan detained in Colombia and implicated in the purchase of a motorcycle used in the attack.

The Dutch-language article is from the state broadcaster NOS:

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Rape, Murder and Mayhem — Just Another Day in the Life of Muslim Women and Girls

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Rape, Murder and Mayhem — Just Another Day in the Life of Muslim Women and Girls

by Clare M. Lopez

Once again this month, our newsletter includes horrific examples of the worst abuse meted out to women and girls forced to live under rule of Islamic Law (sharia). Again, too, the prime examples of such places are Afghanistan, India, Iran, and Pakistan, although as to be expected, such abuses are spreading across European countries now, too, where numbers of immigrants from these places are now preying on their host communities.

[Editor’s Note — Don’t forget: the number of Muslims is increasing in the U.S. and standard Islamic doctrine that prescribes horrendous abuse of women and girls is the same everywhere.]

“Germany: Afghan parents suspected of murdering their 15-year-old daughter” from fredalandmedforth, June 18, 2024

  • [Editor’s Note — Undoubtedly another Islamic honor killing of a daughter for adopting ‘Western ways’.]

‘Systematic Discrimination’: Taliban’s Drastic Cut In Salaries Of Female State Employees Triggers Anger” at RFE/RL’s Radio Azadi, June 18, 2024

  • Here, the discrimination takes the form of drastic salary cuts for Afghan female nurses, teachers and others in government-funded jobs. Afghan men in the same job categories continue to receive higher salaries. Many Afghan families are facing literal starvation, according to the United Nations.

“Abducted Young Mother in Pakistan Refuses Forced Conversion” at the Christian Daily International-Morning News, June 13, 2024

  • Abduction, rape, and attempted conversion of a young Christian mother to Islam at the point of a gun. This story has a happy ending, but so many more do not.

“Rajasthan: After befriending Hindu girl on Instagram, Muslim man raped her, forced her into Nikah [Islamic religious ceremony], and gave her a new name after religious conversion” from the OpIndia Staff, 9 June 2024

A rape in Paris” by Ben Cohen at the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS), June 21, 2024

  • This is an awful story about a young Jewish girl in France who was abducted, beaten, raped, and subjected to vile anti-Semitic verbal abuse. What is especially alarming about this crime is that her abusers were three young boys, barely 12-13 years old. Tellingly, media reports do not mention the boys’ background, either immigrant status or religion.
  • Hundreds rally in France to protest anti-Semitic gang-rape of 12-year-old” by Michael Starr at the Jerusalem Post, June 22, 2024
    Perhaps a signal here that at least some in France are awakening to what they have allowed to infiltrate into their midst.

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The Attempted Assassination of Alejo Vidal-Quadras

Alejo Vidal-Quadras

Alejo Vidal-Quadras is one of the founders of the anti-immigration party Vox in Spain. He is a former vice president of the European Parliament and a member of the lobbying group European Friends of Israel, which defends Israeli interests in the EU.

Mr. Vidal-Quadras is associated with several Iranian resistance groups that oppose the current regime in the Islamic Republic of Iran. He received substantial quantities of money from those groups at the time Vox was founded. The payments are in the public record, and are not thought to have violated any laws.

Last November Mr. Vidal-Quadras was shot in the face outside his residence in Madrid, but survived the attack. He claimed that Iran was behind the assassination attempt.

Earlier this month the suspected shooter in the attack, a Tunisian-French man named Mehrez Ayari, was arrested in the Netherlands. See this English-language article in the Netherlands Times (hat tip Reader From Chicago) for more on the arrest of Mehrez Ayari.

Below are two articles about the case, both translated by Gary Fouse. The first is a Dutch-language report from RTL Nederland:

Link with drug criminals

Suspect in murder attempt on Spanish politician arrested in the Netherlands

Earlier this month, a suspect in the attempted murder of the Spanish nationalist politician Alejo Vidal-Quadras (78) was arrested in the Netherlands. According to Spanish media, it is the shooter, and the arrest points to the involvement of Dutch drug criminals. They possibly acted on behalf of Iran.

The news was announced today by the Spanish National Police. The suspect is a 38-year-old French national of Tunisian origin. This man reportedly carried out the murder attempt and was arrested on June 6 in Haarlem, where he was hiding.

The politician Vidal-Quadras, founder of the radical Vox party, was shot in broad daylight on November 9, 2023 as he left his residence in Madrid. The shooter, who was sitting as a passenger on a motorcycle, was lying in wait for him. The victim was hit in the lower jaw but survived the attack.

Messages intercepted

The suspect was earlier identified based on images from security cameras in Madrid, the Spanish newspaper El Pais writes. On the day of the attack, he kept his helmet on, but on the previous days during reconnaissance, he was less careful. Spanish investigators also intercepted messages that the suspect sent to his brother and other acquaintances in which he spoke of the attack.

Later in the month the victim accused Iran of giving the order for the hit. He provided no supporting evidence for this, but in the past, he has provided legal assistance as a lawyer to the Iranian political opposition. The Teheran regime allegedly targeted him for that.

Mocro-Maffia [Moroccan Mafia]

Based on police sources, El Pais reports that the arrested suspect has connections with the Dutch drug criminals from the so-called Mocro-Maffia. According to these sources, it is possible that the Dutch criminals acted on behalf of Iran.

The perpetrator was earlier sought out by others in the Catalan Independence Movement. This is because Vidal-Quadras’ party, Vox, is strongly opposed to the independence of Catalunya.

At the end of April, it was revealed that the attack was paid for and planned in the Netherlands. That came out of an investigation by Spanish police. On April 30, a woman with Dutch nationality was arrested. She reportedly paid for the murder attempt and was involved in the logistical preparation. The newspaper, El Pais, wrote then that the order and execution of the attack possibly came out of the Dutch drug world.

Six suspects have now been arrested, two of them in the Netherlands. The Spanish police are also still looking for an important player in the plot, a Moroccan with the nickname Pacho, who left Spain the day before the attack.

The second article, in Spanish, is from the online newspaper 20 Minutos:

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“Rape is Resistance”

The following guest-essay by Magooey is especially relevant now, given the horror stories told by hostages who were recently freed from captivity in Gaza.

Background Information on a Recent Protester Chant

by Magooey

In an interview on Fox News in late April 2024, a student from Columbia University complained about protesters chanting “rape is resistance”. She complained that the protesters “are screaming this”. On the other side of the country, one young lady who had been violently attacked at UCLA was wearing a T-shirt with the words “Rape is Not Resistance”. The word “Not” is only partially obscured. This raises the issue of why these concerns are being raised in the vicinity of the pro-Hamas protesters on both sides of the country? Here is the relevant portion of the interview transcript.


It would not be surprising that the relevant background to more fully comprehend this threat may have been avoided in classes on Middle Eastern history or religion taught in a politically correct fashion.

Firstly it should be mentioned that Muslims consider their Prophet Muhammad as the example of the perfect man. His behavior is the model of proper action. In their terms he is the “Seal of the Prophets” so innovations or changes in behavior are rejected.

There are three canonical foundations of Islamic law. These are the Koran, the Sunna and Hadith. The last consists of supposed quotes or activities of their Prophet as related by observers and quoted from one to another until written down not too long after the death of Muhammad.

An Islamic Law

We now have to consider relevant Islamic Law. While there are appropriate passages in the Koran, an Indian writer decided to highlight a Hadith in order to explain the incidence of rape as a political and religious tool by Muslims. From Ali Sina’s book Understanding Muhammad and Muslims:

p. 39 Rape

Muhammad allowed his men to rape the women captured in raids. However Muslims faced a dilemma. They wanted to have sex with their female captives, but also wanted to return them for ransom and therefore did not want to make them pregnant. Some of these women were already married whose husbands had escaped when taken by surprise and were still alive. The raiders considered the possibility of coitus interruptus (withdrawing from intercourse before ejaculation). Unsure of the best course of action, they sought the counsel of their Prophet. Bukhari reports:

Abu Saeed said “We went out with Allah’s Apostle for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. So when we intended to do coitus interruptus, we said “How can we do coitus interruptus before asking Allah’s Apostle who is present among us?” We asked (him) about it and he said “It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul (till the Day of Resurrection) is predestined to exist, it will exist.”

Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 459.

Muhammed did not forbid raping the captive women. Instead he made an asinine claim that when Allah intends to create someone, nothing can prevent it. He told his men that coitus interruptus is ill-advised because it would be an attempt to thwart the will of Allah. He did not say a word against the rape of the captives, and by discouraging coitus interruptus, he supported forced insemination.

He made even his god legitimize intercourse with women captured in wars, the so-called “right hand possessions,” even if they were married before their capture.

Unlike other nations and cultures which illegalize rape of women in war, no matter how imperfectly that law is applied, it is actually Islamic Law to rape captured women. Worse, since the sayings and examples of their Prophet are expressions of their view of a perfect man, it is strongly encouraged for Muslims to rape captive women. Islamic Law both prohibits what they consider the “bad”, and encourages that which they consider is “good”.

It is proper, normative and “good” for Muslims to commit rape in these circumstances.

It can reasonably be expected that all women under these circumstances will be raped.

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Are they Swedes, or “Swedes”?

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter:

Two Swedes sentenced to death in Iraq — Foreign Affairs Office summons top diplomat

Two Swedish men have been sentenced to death for the murder of a Swedish gang member in Iraq earlier this year. The Foreign Affairs Office has confirmed that they have been notified of the sentences, and Iraq’s top diplomat has been summoned.

“We condemn the application of the death penalty. We always oppose it and regardless of the circumstances,” Foreign Minister Tobias Billström commented.

Mustafa “Benzema” Aljiburi, a 34-year-old man who earlier held a leading position in the Foxtrot criminal network, was in Baghdad, Iraq during the winter. On January 9 of this year, he was shot on the street in Baghdad as he sat in a line of traffic.

Three Swedish men were sentenced Wednesday in Iraq for involvement in the murder of the gang member, which Aftonbladet was the first to report. Two of them were sentenced to death, while a third was sentenced to prison, according to the newspaper’s information.

After summoning Iraq’s chargé d’affaires, the Swedish Foreign Affairs Office has received confirmation of one of the death sentences.

“There is information that one or two Swedes have received the same sentence. This information has not been confirmed. One purpose of summoning Iraq’s chargé d’affaires was to request clarification of this information,” the Foreign Affairs Office’s press office writes.

Foreign Minister Tobias Billström earlier said during the evening that there was still much that was unclear in the case but stressed that Sweden condemns the death penalty.

“At the meeting, we conveyed Sweden’s protest against Swedes in Iraq being sentenced to death and demanded that the death sentence not be carried out,” Billström wrote in a press release.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson also criticized Iraq on Thursday.

“We are determined opponents of the death penalty, and Sweden always takes responsibility for Swedish citizens. Of course, we will investigate the matter more closely,” Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson said regarding the information.

According to earlier made available information to Dagens Nyheter, a 19-year-old Swede from Hudiksvall was arrested on suspicion of murder in Baghdad. The man was earlier convicted of weapons offenses. The two others who were arrested on suspicion of involvement in the murder are a 23-year-old and a 25-year-old.

Mustafa Aljiburi became widely known last autumn in connection with the splitting up of the Foxtrot leadership — a development that led to a dramatic spiral of violence. After a bloody September with 12 murder cases connected to the spiral of violence, in October SVT [Swedish State TV] received information that Foxtrot leader Rawa Majid had been arrested in Iran. Some time later, Mustafa Aljiburi announced that he had broken from Foxtrot and had built his own network, called “La Liga” [the League].

Afterword from the translator:

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