The Canarians Are Suffering an Invasion

In the following video, Antonio Fúster, the national spokesman for the Spanish anti-immigration party Vox, talks to the press during his visit to Tenerife.

The Canary Islands are in the midst of a massive migration crisis, with culture-enrichers swarming and overwhelming the asylum reception facilities. African “refugees” see the Canaries as their gateway to the European Union, where everyone knows they can get money for nothing and the chicks are free.

Many thanks to Juan Cabron for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

For more information, see the report at RAIR Foundation.

Video transcript:

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An Invasion of a Culture Hostile to Our Way of Life

Despite his decidedly un-Iberian name, Hermann Tertsch is an MEP for the Spanish anti-immigration Vox Party. In the following video from the floor of the European Parliament, Mr. Tertsch delivers some pointed remarks about Jew-hatred and “Islamophobia” in Europe.

Many thanks to Brunhilde for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

More information is available at RAIR Foundation.

Video transcript:

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Venezuelan Officers: “The Will of the Sovereign People Was Manifested”

In the following video, two captains in the Venezuelan army address their fellow soldiers, asking them to stand up for the resistance rather than continue supporting President Nicolas Maduro, who they maintain stole the recent election.

Many thanks to VTB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Stéphane Ravier: “A Cultural and Civilizational Great Replacement”

Stéphane Ravier is a French senator, formerly of Rassemblement National, Marine Le Pen’s party. In 2022 he endorsed Éric Zemmour and joined Reconquête.

Below are two videos featuring Stéphane Ravier. Many thanks to HeHa for the translations, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling.

In the first video Mr. Ravier addresses the Senate, confronting his fellow senators with horrifying consequences of allowing France to be invaded by millions of culture-enrichers:

In the second video, Mr. Ravier has a close encounter with culture-enrichers on the street:

For more details, see the report at RAIR Foundation.

Video transcript #1:

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Silvia Sardone: “They Spit in the Face of Rules and Practices”

Silvia Sardone is an Italian MEP for the Lega (Matteo Salvini’s party). In the following video, Ms. Sardone describes the way the established parties in the European Parliament have closed ranks against Viktor Orbán’s new “Patriots for Europe” group, denying its members the offices which would normally be allocated to them.

I apologize for the all jump cuts, animations, and rapid-fire editing in this clip, but such things are outside of my control.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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A Female Co-Conspirator

I reported last month on the attempted assassination in Madrid of Alejo Vidal-Quadras, one of the founders of the anti-immigration party Vox in Spain.

A culture-enriching female co-conspirator in the attack has now been identified, and will be extradited from the Netherlands to Spain to face trial. She asserts her innocence, and insists that she was used by her male colleagues, including her ex-husband.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the regional public broadcaster Omroep Brabant:

Attack on politician: Woman from Den Bosch (27) going to Spanish cell

Chahinez K. (27) from Den Bosch, who is suspected of involvement in an attempted murder attack on a Spanish politician, will be turned over to Spain. She has been in custody in the Netherlands since April. K. is suspected of financing and preparing the attempted murder attack.

by Ron Vorstermans

The woman denies having anything to do with the attack against politician Alejo Vidal-Quadras in Madrid. He was shot in the head and barely survived the attack.

The International Legal Assistance Chamber of the Amsterdam court has approved the extradition to Spain, as decided on Wednesday. The Spanish authorities have guaranteed that if K. is convicted, she will be allowed to serve her sentence in the Netherlands.


The ex-husband of K., according to her lawyer, is one of the co-suspects. He is still a fugitive. The woman reportedly flew spontaneously to the south of Spain at his request and then accompanied him to Madrid. She was seen there with him by investigators.

She also reportedly transferred payments of €200 and €50 to him at his request. Three days before the attack, he reportedly transferred €250 to an accomplice. “I was just used,” K. said earlier regarding the suspected financing.

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Marion Maréchal: “France is Ungovernable”

In the following excerpt from a panel discussion on French TV, Marion Maréchal, the niece of Marine Le Pen, talks about last weekend’s legislative elections. Many thanks to the anonymous translator, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Our Democracy™: Alternatives to the Ballot Box

I posted on Friday about the consternation expressed by bien-pensants all across the West about dangers to “our democracy”. If you pay attention to what the globalists who claim to represent our interests tell us, the survival of Our Democracy™ requires us to follow the directives of people and organizations that are collectively identified as “stakeholders”. Stakeholders include a fairly large cabal of organizations, political leaders, and representatives of various corporations, NGOs, and charitable foundations. It goes without saying that ordinary voters are not considered stakeholders.

“Stakeholders” is a buzzword that has emerged in the last couple of decades to describe the dirigistes who plan for the future of Our Democracy™. If we were referring to Russia, they would be called “oligarchs”, or further afield in the Third World, perhaps “warlords”. But since these estimable folks are here in the enlightened West, they are simply “stakeholders”.

And we know, of course, that they have our best interests at heart.

The problem is: those pesky voters don’t always understand what their best interests are. When confronted with the difficult issues posed by our advanced technological society, they often make the wrong decisions. That’s why they need the help of those stakeholders, who are better informed about the nuances of our high-tech 21st-century civilization.

On the other hand, it’s important to maintain the polite fiction that the ignorant voters are the ones making the decisions. They’re guaranteed a voice by the universal franchise that was so painstakingly won more than a century ago. It is their right and duty to decide the direction of their affairs via the ballot box.

So what is to be done?

The stakeholders have developed three major strategies for directing the hoi-polloi in their electoral choices.

1. Propaganda

Up until 2016 this was the principal method used to generate the desired result in any given election.

First of all, it’s crucial that the major media be brought under stakeholder control. In Europe and Canada the process is simplified by state ownership of all the major television and radio outlets. In the USA the situation is somewhat more complicated, since most media are ostensibly in private hands. Funnily enough, however, all the major outlets move in lockstep on the most important issues, reliably promoting the line pushed by the stakeholders. Even Fox News is controlled opposition — it is set up as the despised right-wing alternative, yet it never veers far from the acceptable center. And that center has been moving inexorably leftwards since the end of the Second World War.

Various agencies of the permanent administrative state can bring pressure to bear on media outlets to persuade them stick to the preferred narrative. The explosion of official media regulations over the past few decades has guaranteed that every media corporation is breaking multiple laws every day, whether it intends to or not. Selective prosecution is an effective tool to keep the MSM in line. Those who stay within the accepted boundaries are left unmolested, while any outfit that strays too far from the narrative risks being hauled into court and tied up for months or years for violating various FCC regulations. The federal government’s pockets are bottomless, and any media corporation that runs afoul of it will eventually be slapped with a big-time fine, and will have to pay its own legal expenses. So it’s much easier just to stick within well-understood limits.

That’s the stick. The feds can also deploy multiple carrots: subsidies, tax breaks, lucrative contracts, concessions granting exclusive coverage of major public events, etc.

I don’t know all the exact ins and outs of this control system. All I can say with certainty is that the results are obvious: we have compliant media that move in lockstep on every important issue. This was made abundantly clear during the COVID-19 “pandemic”, when all major print and broadcast media simultaneously got with the CDC/NIAID/WHO program and never veered from it. It was uncanny.

The media control system generally worked well up until 2016. One of the legacies of the Second World War was that people had developed an ingrained trust of their national governments, which were perceived as beneficial institutions. As long as that reservoir of good will was still sufficiently deep, people could be herded and “nudged” into the desired behavior patterns, and would vote for candidates that were considered acceptable. The cherished illusion of the ballot box in Our Democracy™ could thus be maintained without having to resort to obvious coercion and fraud.

During every election the democratic process ran its course. The stakeholders would guide the selection of the candidates, and voters would be allowed to choose between Tweedledum and Tweedledee. It didn’t matter which one they voted for — both were considered acceptable to the Powers That Be, otherwise the stakeholders wouldn’t have put them in place.

Relentless media propaganda would always demonize one of them as “far right”, however — otherwise the center couldn’t be pushed relentlessly to the left. Statistically speaking, the media barrage had its intended effect: on balance, voters opted for more state control, more socialist policies, and more destruction of traditional cultural practices. And the bright shiny progressive Utopia thus drew ever closer.

Unfortunately for the stakeholders, the usual process got derailed in 2016. Tweedledum and Tweedledee were supposed to be Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Hillary would have won easily, but it wouldn’t matter if the voters resisted the leftward ratchet and chose the “far right” Jeb instead — the latter was fully captured, and posed no threat to the system.

But Donald Trump upset the applecart. He was not under the stakeholders’ control, and it wasn’t supposed to be possible for him to win the nomination, let alone the general election. When he did, the system was threatened. A tremor ran through the foundations of Barad-dûr.

And Mr. Trump wasn’t the only threat: Brexit also caused the earth to shake under the rules-based order of the West. The ignorant, turbulent voters on both sides of the Atlantic had gone against their programming and made choices they weren’t supposed to make.

The stakeholders closed ranks after 2016 and pulled out all the stops to make sure that nothing similar could ever happen again. In the process they were forced to reveal themselves — they had to step out from behind the curtain and wield an iron fist with its velvet glove removed. It was a salutary moment: what had once been a vague outline in the shadows now stood out sharp and clear, red-eyed and fanged.

People became aware they had been manipulated. As a result, the customary propaganda began to lose its effectiveness. It was no longer so easy to fool the Lumpenproletariat. Different tools for control needed to be selected from the stakeholders’ toolbox, which brings us to…

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It’s Not OK to be German

Long-time readers will remember Björn Höcke, the popular leader for the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) in Thuringia. He has been featured here on multiple occasions going back almost ten years, including several videos of his speeches translated and subtitled by the tireless efforts of Rembrandt Clancy.

I don’t speak German, but even so, I found his speeches compelling. With his clear, lucid manner of speaking, his eloquence came through, with the help of the subtitles.

More recently, stories about Mr. Höcke’s travails have appeared here, most recently on May 22 and May 24. The AfD leader has run afoul of the Modern Multicultural German state, which is determined to destroy him by whatever means come to hand.

Björn Höcke is headed to court again, this time facing the possibility of going to prison. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Shortly before the state elections

“Everything for Germany”: New trial against Höcke begins

Starting today, Thuringia’s AfD leader Höcke has to appear in court again. Once again, the issue is “Everything for Germany,” although he only uttered the first two words. This time, he faces a prison sentence.


The Thuringian AfD state and parliamentary group leader Björn Höcke will have to answer again in a second trial before the Halle Regional Court starting today, Monday, for the slogan “Everything for Germany”. This slogan was once also used by the SA and is therefore banned. The same regional court had already sentenced the politician to a fine of €13,000 on May 14 for uttering it in 2021. [Isn’t it funny that “Allahu Akhbar” is NOT banned — after all, it’s the battle cry for incitement and each and every rape and murder by Muslims against non-Muslims.]

This time it is about an appearance in December of 2023. The public prosecutor’s office accuses Höcke of uttering the first two words of the slogan as a speaker at an AfD event in Gera, Thuringia. He then used gestures to encourage the audience to shout the word “Germany,” according to the public prosecutor’s office.

Höcke sees no criminal behaviour

The prosecutors are convinced that the AfD politician and the audience would have known that this was punishable by law. At that time, Höcke was already aware of investigations into his speech in Merseburg, for which he was convicted in May. The politician is accused of using symbols of unconstitutional terrorist organizations. [Are they telling me next that being born as a native German is a crime? If so, then the entire “German” government needs to be imprisoned, because they use the word “German”.]

Höcke denies that his behavior has any criminal relevance. The verdict is expected this Wednesday. If he is found guilty, the 52-year-old faces a prison sentence of up to three years or another fine, according to the Halle Regional Court. The state elections in Thuringia will take place in just over two months, on September 1. The AfD is clearly leading in the polls there.

The first verdict is not yet legally binding. Höcke’s defense team appealed. The politician had always stressed his innocence. He said he was unaware of the use of the slogan in the Third Reich. The regional court dismissed these doubts and convicted him. [Especially since this was the original slogan of the SPD — which are now in power — and was plagiarized by Ernst Roehm and the SA. Does that make sense?]

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Marine Le Pen: “We Are Ready to Bring France Back to Life”

The video below features remarks addressed to her supporters by Marine Le Pen after her party’s amazing victory in yesterday’s European Parliament elections. Rassemblement National received 32% of the vote, more than twice as much as the party of President Emmanuel “Toy Boy” Macron. The electoral result forced the president to dissolve the National Assembly and call a snap election for June 30.

Note: Jordan Bardella, whom Ms. Le Pen congratulated in her speech, has been president of Rassemblement National since 2022.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Have Knife, Will Travel

Those killer knives are migrating all over the place. One of the recent knife incidents occurred at the border between Poland and Belarus, where a young Polish soldier lost his life at the hands of a culture-enricher.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this German-language article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

EU external border

Poland: Soldier dies after knife attack by migrant

In Poland, too, a knife murder shocked the people: During a storm on the border, an illegal migrant killed a young soldier. The government reacted with dismay — and the border crisis appears to be getting worse. [Stop being squeamish. If you’d only hose them down with 7.62, I’m pretty sure that this would be an effective deterrent.]


An unknown illegal migrant stabbed a Polish soldier to death on the border with Belarus. The victim, 21-year-old Mateusz Sitek, died of his injuries in a Warsaw military hospital on Thursday afternoon, the General Command of the Polish Armed Forces said.

The attack took place at the end of May, when a group of 50 migrants tried to storm the border facilities. “While an official of the Polish border guards was providing first aid, the foreigners attacked the wounded man and the official,” said a spokeswoman. The migrants threw stones and branches at the border guards, which is why several cars circled the scene.

Poland’s Prime Minister Donald Tusk expressed his condolences to the relatives of the murdered man. “A young soldier gave his life to protect the border of the Republic. The fatherland and his compatriots will never forget his sacrifice,” wrote the politician from the centrist Civic Platform (PO) on the short message service X. That same evening, his Christian Democratic deputy and Minister of Defense, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, had all flags in the military units lowered to half-mast. Passers-by laid flowers and lit candles in front of the hospital where Sitek had last been treated. [Wait a moment: wasn’t Donald Tusk one of the EUSSR apparatchiks that wanted even more “migrants” to invade Europe?]

Donald Tusk tweet

Visegrád 24 tweet

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Why is Nationalism Good in the Middle East, But Evil in Europe?

A version of this essay was previously published in Norwegian at the website Document.

Why is Nationalism Good in the Middle East, But Evil in Europe?

by Fjordman

What exactly is a right-wing extremist? Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, was nearly assassinated by a left-wing activist on May 15, 2024. Fico later indicated that the attempted murder was a result of “political hatred.” He criticized hostile media, especially outlets co-owned by companies linked to the billionaire George Soros, as well as foreign-funded NGOs and the opposition. Robert Fico is a Social Democrat in economic terms, and was a member of the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia in the 1980s, but he is critical of mass immigration.[1]

Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands was homosexual and had a left-wing background. He was murdered by a left-wing environmental activist on May 6, 2002. The mass media had whipped up hatred against Fortuyn after he criticized Islam and immigration.

It seems that any European, regardless of economic and social agenda, who opposes mass immigration to their country is automatically branded a “right-wing extremist.”

The most basic instinct of all living creatures, right down to bacteria, amoebas and other single-celled organisms, is self-preservation: You want to continue existing. Are Europeans now worth less than amoebas, since we are labeled as extremists if we want to continue our existence?

Why are Europeans evil, racist extremists just for wanting to preserve their own nation and culture? And how long will Europeans put up with being treated like this?

People in large countries such as Pakistan, India, China, Egypt or Ethiopia can assume that their countries will still be reasonably intact in the next century. China may have a low birth rate now, but Chinese people are not being displaced in their own cities.

Unless the whole world is ravaged by an extremely deadly disease, or the Earth is hit by a large asteroid that wipes out human civilization, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Egyptians and Ethiopians can be fairly certain that their nations will still exist in a hundred years.

Can the same be said of the English, Germans, Italians, Spaniards, French, Greeks, Swedes or Dutch? It is no longer certain that European civilization will exist in a recognizable form in the next century.

Mass immigration from other continents is so huge that vulnerable European nations risk being dissolved completely. Some of the most dynamic and inventive peoples in world history could disappear from history forever. This threat is now very real.

Which is more extreme: Replacing the population of an entire continent, or resisting this?

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Viktor Orbán: “Great Wars Do Not Come Out of Nowhere”

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Uncut News featuring remarks by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. It’s not clear whether the original text was in German, or in Hungarian (or even English) and was translated into German:


Great wars do not come out of nowhere.

Economic crises, shortages of raw materials, arms races, pandemics, false prophets, assassinations, dark shadows surround us.

This is how it starts.

There have been generations on this earth, our grandparents and great-grandparents, whose worst nightmares came true.

We see the signs. We see the writing on the wall.

Hungarians know the nature of war. They know that a war always ends differently than one imagines at the beginning.

That is why millions of young Europeans lie in mass graves today.

That is why there are not enough Europeans; that is why there are not enough European children.

War kills.

Someone dies with a gun in their hand. Someone dies while fleeing. Someone dies in a hail of bombs.

Someone dies in an enemy prison. Someone dies during a pandemic. Someone dies of hunger.

Someone is tortured. Someone is raped. Someone is taken into slavery.

The rows of graves are endless. Mothers cry for their sons. Women cry for their husbands.

So many lives lost.

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