The Real People Smugglers are the EU

Érik Tegnér is the editor of the French identitarian weekly Livre Noir. In the following video from the Canary Islands, parts of which had to be recorded surreptitiously, Mr. Tegnér uses statistical data to deduce the staggering costs of importing all those thousands of Africans into the EU — costs that are ultimately borne by the European taxpayer.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   So, right now I’m on the ferryboat between El Hierro and Tenerife, Canary Islands.
00:07   And what’s peculiar is that on this boat, with me, there are nearly 280 migrants who have boarded.
00:13   But we can’t film them. So, just on my left there is
00:16   a part of the migrants. There are a few more behind, as well.
00:20   Behind my cameraman, there is also a Guardia Civil police officer,
00:23   who is next to another security man of an association,
00:27   because they simply ensure that we don’t take this video.
00:31   But while getting on the boat, we were able to take some of them anyway, we will show them to you.
00:34   In fact I often wondered, during my different trips to Tunisia, Lampedusa, Lesbos, in the Balkans:
00:41   who are the smugglers, really? How does it work?
00:44   The answer is simple: the real smugglers, it’s us, it’s the EU.
00:48   Because we can see them, they walk around, from boat to boat, from bus to bus,
00:55   and that’s exactly what’s happening: they are arriving on the European continent,
00:59   from where other buses, other boats and then a plane will take them to Malaga.
01:05   So these migrants are largely accompanied by the association “Quorum Social ‘77”.
01:11   I talked about it a few hours ago, since I was attacked by them, we were attacked by them.
01:17   We found out that this association, which is the equivalent of “Utopia 56” in France,
01:22   which takes care of these migrants, even has its own security service.
01:26   So, of course, we can see to what extent they defend, indeed,
01:30   they completely defend these arrivals of migrants.
01:33   Moreover, one last detail: at least 280, 250, 300 people travel on this ferryboat every day.
01:42   So, you know, my cameraman and I, before getting on this ferryboat,
01:46   bought our tickets. Here it is: it’s €60 per person.
01:51   So I have a simple question: who pays, today, for the tickets of these 280 migrants,
01:57   who are here with us on the ferryboat?
02:00   Knowing that there are, at least, about 280 people per day, who travel by it?
02:04   This is the information we have. So, I have a calculator here. I will multiply 60 [euros],
02:07   the price of the ticket, by 280. It equals €16,800 per day!
02:15   So we will multiply it by the number of the days in a month. We are at half a million euros
02:19   just for this transit between a small island and a larger island of the Canary Islands.
02:25   So you can imagine how much a migrant costs.
02:28   You know, this ferry boat is private: the company is Naviera Armas. So you can deduce
02:34   that they do not do it for free. So the answer to the question
02:37   “who pays for this ticket?” is basically simple: it’s you.
02:41   “Livre Noir” has been on the Canary Islands for some days to enable you to understand something
02:47   about the restless and massive migratory waves pouring into Europe amidst the general indifference.
02:53   Reportage coming soon.

6 thoughts on “The Real People Smugglers are the EU

  1. The formation of the European Union was a classic Trojan Horse operation, albeit one which took place over many years. Folks of a certain age or older may remember the halcyon days of the European Common Market, the predecessor to the EU and economic union which paved way for the political and legal one to follow.

    Why a Trojan Horse? The answer is simply that the endgame of the globalist movers-and-shakers behind the scenes has always been the status quo we see before us today ~
    the drowning of Old Europe and her nations and peoples beneath a tidal wave of migrants, immigrants, refugees and other de facto invaders and colonists from the Middle East, Africa, and so forth.

    In other words, the Union was not formed to benefit the people of Europe; it was formed to benefit the oligarchs and billionaires who aspire to rule them.

    The result of this massive multi-decade undertaking is now becoming more-and-more obvious: It is the erasure of the nations of Europe, their distinct peoples, languages, customs, ways of life, cultures and other distinguishing characteristics – by the deliberate use of mass migration, immigration and human smuggling as weapons of war.

    The European political and cultural elite will claim that all of this is nothing to be concerned about, and moreover, the people of Europe voted for all of it so everything that is being done is perfectly legitimate, legal and above board. This is a bald-faced lie.

    The common people of Europe have never wanted what is being done to them, as public opinion poll after public opinion poll has confirmed in one country after another.

    A case in point was when Emmanuel Macron, a scion of the Rothschild banking dynasty, took over as President of France. He went before the French public and in a speech admitted that ordinary Frenchmen and women wished to lessen or perhaps even halt immigration. He then went on to say in so many words that was too bad, they’d better get ready for more of it.

    In other words, it isn’t what the public desires that matters; it is what the ruling class wants which matters.

    Macron and his then-opposite number in Germany, Chancellor Angela Merkel, had a business lunch and meeting some years ago. One of the topics they discussed and agreed upon was the need for a European Union paramilitary force, one not subordinate to NATO or under its control.

    In the wake of such a proposal, one must ask whom such a force would protect? The people of Europe, or their rulers?

    • “The UE has become worse than the USSR!”

      If you meant the EU, I don’t know if they’re “worse”, but they certainly ASPIRE to its [Stalinist] political principles.

  2. The islamic invasion could not have happened without classic “push pull” strategy. They are pushed out of their homes and countries by NATO/US bombing. They are then pulled to Europe by the UN refugee services and NGO’s feeding them and transporting them to Europe and then stupid Europeans providing them with a comfortable lifestyle and free money. They also don’t have to work for it unlike most other people in the world. They are the new “special” people. They are the tool that is used to destroy Christianity and European civilisation. Muslims couldn’t have done all this without western help.

  3. @Sara

    Re: “The islamic invasion could not have happened without classic “push pull” strategy. They are pushed out of their homes and countries by NATO/US bombing. ”

    Yes, quite so. The various NATO/western military campaigns in the Middle East and North Africa have been waged with a certain set of geopolitical and other goals in mind, but they also provide spin-off or second-order (third-order, etc.) benefits as well, one of them being what you mention: The creation of a “humanitarian crisis” which provides the perfect rhetorical and ethical cover for the “Great Replacement” NWO agenda.

    The fact that some of these individuals are actual refugees just makes the deception operation that much more-effective. And for every actual refugee who is granted residence in Europe, there are dozens, perhaps hundreds or even thousands who also get in – who are in no way genuine refugees. And many of these are military-age males.

    Re: “They are the tool that is used to destroy Christianity and European civilization. Muslims couldn’t have done all this without western help.”

    Quite correct. The Muslims, down through their history, have been quite opportunistic in their attacks upon the West and Christendom. When the West was strong, they often held back or even retreated, but when the West was for some reason weak or preoccupied, they would attack.

    Old Europe is in danger of disappearing within a few decades time, in spite of still being – in some ways – a powerful and viable civilization. Whatever its other faults, the EU economic zone is one of the biggest in the world, and so on. What has brought the West to the brink of destruction is the fifth columnists within her ranks, in particular traitors within the ruling class.

    The existence of such a powerful group of turncoats within European civilization itself portends badly for its future, at least if the past is a reliable guide in this circumstance.

    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.”
    ~ Marcus Cicero

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