Those Busy, Busy Knives

Knife attacks in Germany, first week of September 2024

Those knives are up to their old tricks in Germany.

To make the graphic at the top of this post, I screen-capped the map displayed at the website Messerinzidenz: Live-Tracker für Verbrechen mit Messern (Knife Incidence: Live-tracker for knife crime) after setting the dates for 9/1/2024 to 9/7/2024.

A Green Party politician wants Germans to pay no attention to all those pesky knives. After all, there are so few knife attacks! The country needs to get on with more important work. Why are all the right-wing extremists getting so het up about this?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

“The few knife attackers”: Green Party spokeswoman dangerously downplays migrant violence

The Federal Republic is suffering from an epidemic of violent crime, particularly knife crimes. While left-wing politicians are taking refuge in a debate about the proportionality of dealing with imported crime, German citizens are having to pay the price for a misguided migration policy and an inadequate security policy.

“Is it a solution for a family in a Thuringian village who doesn’t know how they can pay for daycare places for their children, whose daughter wants to go to university and who gets far too little student loans — is it a solution for them if we all bash the few knife attackers who, unfortunately, are still in this country?” asks Inge Schwenger, co-spokesperson for the Havelland district association of the Brandenburg Greens, according to a tweet by NZZ journalist Dr. Alexander Kissler.

“The Brandenburg Greens do not want to criticise knife attackers too much,” concludes Kissler.

“The few knife attackers”

The data project is currently receiving a lot of attention on social media. Andreas Ziegler has been running the platform since July and is recording Germany’s knife attacks — every single day.

The knife incidents are recorded daily on a map and in a list. There is a corresponding source reference for each individual case.

According to the database, 109 knife crimes have been recorded since the beginning of September — that equates to 16 knife crimes per day.

Afterword from the translator:

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An Albanian Has an Allahu Akhbar Moment in Linz am Rhein

A rambunctious Albanian culture-enricher in the German city of Linz am Rhein became a little overheated in his zeal for his religion, and tried to enter a police station with a machete, hoping to slaughter some infidel policemen. Fortunately, the officers at the station were able to hold him between two doors, where he remained trapped until more highly skilled police could be summoned from an adjacent municipality.

Below are two articles about this bracing instance of diversity in Germany. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translations.

The first article is from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Albanian machete attacker at police station was an Islamist!

On Friday night (2:40am), an Albanian stormed into the police station in Linz am Rhein (Rhineland-Palatinate) with a machete in his hand. The man threatened to cause a bloodbath among the police officers. At midday it was announced that the attack on the police was Islamist terror!

“He threatened to kill the colleagues at the police station,” police spokesman Jürgen Fachinger told the Bild newspaper. The police were able to lock the man between the outside door and the secured door that leads to the officers and thus protect themselves from the attack.

The officers tried to explain to the man over the intercom that he was trapped. A special operations unit (SEK) from Koblenz finally overpowered the machete attacker.

The terrorist (29) repeatedly shouted “Allahu Akhbar”. His aim was to cause a bloodbath. Koblenz Attorney General Harald Kruse is convinced of this and is now investigating “attempted murder by attacking the police station with a machete”, according to the newspaper.

Investigators found ISIS terror flag

The Attorney General continues: “Initial investigations have revealed indications of a radical Islamist motivation on the part of the accused, which is why the investigation has been taken over by the State Central Office for Combating Terrorism and Extremism in Rhineland-Palatinate at the Attorney General’s Office in Koblenz.”

“During the ongoing search of the apartment, a flag of the terrorist organization abroad, ‘Islamic State’, was found drawn on a wall,” Kruse continued.

Interior Minister Ebling: “There is more than one clue”

The Rhineland-Palatinate Interior Minister Michael Ebling (SPD) gave a press statement at noon. Ebling stressed: “There is more than one indication that the perpetrator was obviously motivated by radical Islamism.” This will “of course still need to be investigated further.” [What more evidence do you need? The guy has the ISIS Flag drawn onto his wall and shouted Allahu Akhbar and wielded a machete with which he wanted to fulfill the command of Allah and Mohammed. He definitely wasn’t a “radical” Christian or Buddhist.]

The minister continued: “Especially since it is of course always of interest how and who comes to such motivational states and by what means.” [Maybe you should start visiting the local mosque and read the Quran to boot. The penny should then drop.]

According to the Interior Minister, the authorities had no knowledge of the perpetrator’s background prior to the Islamist attack on the Linz police station. The authorities had therefore not previously known the terrorist as someone with Islamist motivations, explained the SPD Interior Minister in Ahrbrück.

Afterword from the translator:

The question that now occurs to me is: if a police station manned by 5-10 armed officers does not dare to neutralize an aggressive Albanian Muslim (probably not a Hindu or Buddhist), how is the good citizen supposed to protect himself? If even the civil servant has to call for armed help? One doesn’t want to imagine what would have happened if he had stormed a retirement home or kindergarten. But I guess that this is only a matter of time before they start doing that. They are upping their game of terror, that’s for sure.

The second article is from Junge Freiheit:

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Those Mischievous Culture-Enrichers

Recently-arrived “Germans” seem to be significantly more criminally-inclined than those who have been living in the country for a longer time. Now, who would ever have predicted THAT?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

BKA report: Two thirds of organised criminals are foreigners

Crime in Germany is exploding — also in the area of organized crime!

There are more proceedings (642) and more suspects (7347) than in the previous year, and the damage caused has doubled to more than €2.7 billion. It is noteworthy that 57.8% of the suspects do not have a German passport, and a further 9.7% have unclear nationalities or are stateless.

This means that more than two thirds of the suspects in organized crime are foreigners! An increase of 9% within a year.

The absolute number of German suspects (2,761 to 2,391) as well as Germans’ share of all suspects have fallen significantly compared to the previous year (38.1% to 32.5%).

What is particularly dramatic is that the number of Syrian organized crime gangs has almost doubled from 18 to 30 compared to the previous year!

The number of Syrians suspected of organized crime has risen from 136 to 219 compared to the previous year.

The focus of organized crime: cybercrime, tax and customs offenses, theft and human trafficking — in all of these areas, the damage has skyrocketed, as shown in the 2023 Federal Situation Report on Organized Crime.

Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) is currently presenting the report together with Holger Münch, President of the Federal Criminal Police Office. NIUS is on site and will report in detail over the course of the day.

Afterword from the translator:

And what that report most likely will not say is how many of these “Germans” are actually native Germans. One only needs to look at the last article with all those “German” names of the gang-rapists to see what I mean by that.

Cultural Enrichment: More Lethal Than the Wall

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Official figures show over 150 murder victims: More people have been killed by migration policy than at the Wall

Explosive comparison in the Welt am Sonntag! The columnist Harald Martenstein asked himself, “How many lives have ‘2015’ and its consequences cost so far? Are there already more than those killed at the Wall?” NIUS has researched and found out: There are actually more.

The official number of people killed at the Berlin Wall is 140. NIUS estimates that there were over 150 murder victims as a result of the uncontrolled migration policy — and that is an underestimate. In reality, the number is almost certainly higher, as the statistics of the Federal Criminal Police Office are rarely complete.

How many victims have there been?

The basis for this research are the figures from the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in the area of crime in the context of immigration. These statistics provide information specifically “on the effects of the influx of refugees and asylum seekers on the crime situation in Germany,” according to the authority.

The Federal Criminal Police Office has provided figures on completed homicides for each year since 2016 in its Federal Situation Report. For example, for the year 2022, it states: “In 59 cases, the homicide was completed.” [That type of official language sounds more like: “Job well done.”]

The total number of completed homicides between 2015 and 2022 is 410. This number includes all victim numbers, including completed homicides by refugees against refugees, which sadly occur particularly frequently in asylum accommodation. The figures for 2023 and 2024 are not yet available.

NIUS also wanted to know how many people have already been killed by the open border policy in Germany.

It is about killings committed by refugees against German citizens, but also foreigners who would be living in Germany without the refugee policy: for example, the Italian taxi driver, the Turkish greengrocer, foreign tourists. They are part of the Federal Republic as we knew it until 2015, and of course they are also threatened by the migration policy. The overwhelming majority of the following figures, however, are Germans.

In addition to the figures listed below, you will also find the observation period that the BKA (Federal Criminal Police) specifies for the respective year. In most cases, it does not cover the entire year. In the Corona year 2020, for example, only the first quarter was considered, and from 2021 to 2023 the winter quarter is missing.

This means that the numbers are underestimated — and yet they are already so high that they exceed the 140 people who died at the Berlin Wall. The numbers are taken from the “core statements on crime in the context of immigration.” For example, for 2022, it says: 13 German victims and 8 victims with EU citizenship, i.e. 21 people in total who “have been living here for a long time.”

2023: 19 completed homicides — January 1st to September 30th
2022: 21 completed homicides — January 1st to September 30th
2021: 20 completed homicides — January 1st to September 30th
2020: 8 completed homicides — January 1st to March 31st
2019: 19 completed homicides — January 1st to September 30th
2018: 19 completed homicides — January 1st to March 31st
2017: 20 completed homicides — January 1st. until December 31
2016: 23 completed homicides — January 1 to December 31

The total here is 149. It does not include any figures from 2015 because they were not collected yet then, and none from 2024 because they are not yet available. This means that the victims from this year are not yet included, such as the three from the attack in Solingen, the police officer killed in Mannheim and the young man murdered in Bad Oeynhausen. With them, the total is 154.

Conclusion: The official number of deaths at the Berlin Wall is 140. Nine years of illegal migration and uncontrolled refugee policy claimed more lives than 40 years of shooting at the Berlin Wall during the socialist DDR.

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Is Germany a Laughingstock in Afghanistan?

I posted last week about the deportation of hardened criminals from Germany to Afghanistan, with lavish cash bonuses included for the deportees to sweeten their trip back home.

Below is an account of a German critic of the deportation program, whose approach is somewhat different than mine would be. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

“A bonus equivalent to a year’s salary? The Afghans are laughing at the Germans.”

The Afghanistan expert Reinhard Erös has been critical of last week’s deportation flight with 28 Afghans. “It’s like landing on the moon for the people there,” Erös told the Mittelbayerische Zeitung. “But that’s never happened before,” said the 76-year-old — and pointed out how positive the perception of such deportations is on the ground. [Why, does he prefer more “cultural enrichment” of the innocent? Does he hate German people so much? Looks like it, at least to me.]

He continued: “It is one thing that a Western country sends serious criminals back to their homeland on a flight with the luxury airline Air Qatar.” The other is that the deportees also receive a “cash payment equivalent to a year’s salary in their pockets, that is the absolute sensation.” [And most likely done as an incentive for Afghanistan to export more of their “haute culture ambassadors” to Germany.]

Erös concludes in the Mittelbayerische Zeitung: “The Afghans are laughing their heads off at the Germans.” [I’m not an Afghanistan expert, but I could’ve told them that, too.]

Last Friday, the federal government deported 28 Afghan criminals from several federal states on a charter flight from Leipzig to Kabul. These were primarily repeat and intensive offenders. Among those deported were the man from Neustrelitz who raped an eleven-year-old in 2022 and Abdul Saber Fazeli, who had committed 160 crimes in Germany. Also among them: Mukhtar N. from Illerkirchberg, who was present at the gang rape of a 14-year-old five years ago. The fact that the Federal Ministry of the Interior had enforced a cash payment of €1,000 for the deportees also caused a stir and criticism.

Will the Taliban confiscate the cash?

“The Taliban have not made any public statements about the 28 deportees. This has also given rise to speculation that not only did the deportees receive €1,000 in cash, but that the Taliban were also paid to take the men back,” said Erös.

He is also certain that the Taliban took the money from the men and kept it. “The average income in Afghanistan is €80 a month. €28,000 is a fortune,” says Erös, who took a four-year leave of absence in 1986 to help the Afghan population as a doctor. In 1998, Erös and his wife founded “Kinderhilfe Afghanistan”, with the help of which around 30 schools were built.

So far, there have been no reports that the men have had to go to prison. “Prison in Afghanistan is different from that in Germany,” says Erös. Nothing is currently known about the whereabouts of the men; it is assumed that they have been taken to their families. “It will not be good for them there,” concludes Erös. [What? No heroes’ welcome for the returning Jihadist? Yeah, right.]

Meanwhile, Bild reported that, according to its research, the deportees were taken to Pul-e-Charkhi prison. The conditions there are said to be miserable. BILD writes of a “horror” prison and refers, among other things, to a lack of water on site. In addition, it is “unclear”, according to BILD, “what happened to the money after they arrived in Kabul and were taken to prison.” [How do they know that? Do they have a direct correspondent in Kabul? Or is this report intended to stop deporting rapists and murderers?]

Afterword from the translator:

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The BSW Was Just Teasing

The German politician Sahra Wagenknecht was born in what was then the DDR, and entered politics before the fall of the Wall as a member of the SED (Socialist Unity Party, the communist party), which was the only game in town. After reunification she stayed on with the successor party in its various incarnations, up through the Left Party (Die Linke). A few years ago, after major disagreements with the party’s leadership, she broke away to form her own left-wing party, the BSW (Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht, Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance). Her positions differed from those of other hard-core leftists primarily on the issues of mass immigration and support for the war in Ukraine.

Last weekend the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) trounced the mainstream parties in the Thuringian state elections, getting more than 30% of the vote and leading its nearest rival by almost ten points. In a normal parliamentary democracy, the AfD would be the leading party in a coalition government in the state of Thuringia. But Germany, like other Western European countries, is not a normal parliamentary democracy when it comes to dealing with the “far right”.

As recently as yesterday, the BSW teased that it might potentially be willing to work with the AfD. But as of today, all hopes for such cooperation have been dashed — it seems that Ms. Wagenknecht has just been toying with the right wing.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:


BSW builds firewall against AfD

The BSW rules out any cooperation with the AfD in Thuringia. The new party wants to cooperate with all “democratic parties” instead. The AfD reacts, saying that the BSW is turning out to be an “attempt to deceive the voters.”


After an initial meeting of the state executive committee with the newly elected representatives, the BSW Thuringia has ruled out any cooperation, no matter how small, with the AfD. The new party, however, wants to talk about forming a government with the CDU, SPD and the Left.

The BSW states in three points that there “will be no coalition or tolerance with the participation of the AfD.” We will not discuss any substantive motions or develop them together.” And thirdly, the party states: “We will not hold any option or exploratory talks with the AfD.”

AfD reacts with horror [That happens when you trust a dyed-in-the-wool and power-hungry Communist]

The AfD’s invitation to such talks is therefore no longer valid. The election winner, who received the most votes after the vote with a lead of 9.2 percentage points over the CDU, reacted with corresponding disappointment.

“Two days after the election, the BSW turns out to be a large-scale attempt to deceive the voters. It was only about obtaining a majority for the established parties. Hopefully the voters in Brandenburg will learn from this,” wrote Thuringian AfD co-chairman Stefan Möller on X.

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The Elephant in the Room

An official Swedish study about the alarming increase in gun violence omits any reference to what any normal person — one whose capacity for ratiocination is not hobbled by political correctness — would consider the most import factor: the ethnicity and “migration background” of the perpetrators.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Samhällsnytt:

Crime Prevention Council (BRÅ): Why we avoid immigration in the report on shootings

September 2, 2024

The Crime Prevention Council is being criticized for completely leaving out immigration and the origin of perpetrators in a new report on the evolution of gun violence in Sweden.

“There are certainly many things that influence why we didn’t have the possibility of putting things into this report,” says one of the authors of the report to Samnytt.

It is the government that has given the Crime Prevention Council the assignment of investigating how gun violence in the criminal environment has evolved “since the middle of the 2000-2010 decade”. Among others, “to analyze which factors that could have had importance for the number of shootings within the criminal environment.”

And during the past week, a 120-page report was presented entitled: “The increase in gun violence in Sweden”. The number of shootings has sharply increased while the age of those possessing weapons has decreased are two conclusions from the report which was reviewed by criminologist Manne Gerell.

“When we started the study, we believed that especially media-noteworthy events would have had more importance for how gun violence has evolved up until the 2020s. But we have seen that it is who is shot that seems to have greater importance as to whether the shootings escalate, than how the shooting happened,” says Henrik Angerbrandt, one of the authors of the report, in a statement.

Nothing about immigration

However, the reports says nothing about immigration or the perpetrator’s ethnic or cultural origin. Something that, among other things, the former editorial writer for Svenska Dagbladet, Per Gudmundsson, points out on social media platform X.

“The BRÅ report is clinically free of everything having to do with the immigration problem,” he states, and later adds:

“I can’t escape the feeling that BRÅ made a conscious choice. Unfortunately, that has consequences for which measures that are suggested, i.e., the usability for the client (the government!)”

However, Henrik Angerbrandt thinks that the perpetrator’s background is not considered of interest for the report.

“That’s not the type of report we did. We have not looked at the individual level. We have not looked at foreign background, and generally, we have not looked at the socio-economic factor,” Angerbrandt tells Samnytt.

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What’s in a Name?

According to statistics compiled by the government of North Rhine-Westphalia, out of 155 gang rapes that resulted in arrests, 84 were committed by foreigners and 71 by Germans. However, those 71 perps who are listed as “Germans” are identified as such because they have German citizenship — which these days is not at all the same as being German, at least not to a normal observer.

At the request of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany), the NRW state government supplied a list of the first names of those “German” gang-rapists, which makes for interesting reading.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article about the list from Junge Freiheit.

The translator has gone through the list of 71 “Germans” and marked the names that are German, or at least European, with an asterisk. His notes are in square brackets. I looked through the non-German names and marked those that are definitely Islamic (many of them Turkish) in red. There are thirty identifiably Muslim names among the “Germans” whose names are listed there.

Thus, out of a total of 155 people arrested for gang-rapes in North Rhine-Westphalia, at most there are 33, or 21%, who are actual Germans. I can’t give a percentage for Muslims, because the 84 foreigners aren’t broken down by ethnicity.

The translated article:

These are the first names of the German gang rapists

The police in North Rhine-Westphalia arrested 84 foreigners and 71 Germans in 209 gang rapes. But what are the Germans actually called? Junge Freiheit presents the list from A as in Ahmet to Z as in Zayd.


At the request of AfD MPs Markus Wagner and Enxhi Seli-Zacharias, the North Rhine-Westphalian state government has published a list of first names of German suspects in gang rapes for the first time.

According to a special analysis, the police recorded a total of 172 such cases in 2021, 246 in 2022 and 209 in 2023. They arrested 155 suspects in connection with the crimes. 84 of them were foreigners; most of them came from Syria (11), Kosovo (8) and Afghanistan (7).

71 gang rapists are Germans

At least 71 also had German citizenship. Dual and multiple nationals are generally recorded as Germans in statistics in all federal states.

In response to a specific question about the first names of the German suspects, the state government gave the AfD faction a list with 69 different names. Burak appears twice in it, and in one case no first name was found.

The first names of the German suspects

The JF documents the list from A as in Ahmet to Z as in Zayd:

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Afghans Gone Wild in Wuppertal

Last night I posted about Afghans who went wild with clubs and knives on the streets of Paris. Today they went wild with glasses, bottles, and knives at a wedding in the German city of Wuppertal in North Rhine-Westphalia. There’s no doubt about it: Afghan culture-enrichers really liven up the cities of Western Europe.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the online portal Freilich Magazin:

Mass Brawl at wedding: Afghan guests attack police

A wedding in Wuppertal ended in a mass brawl in which police had to intervene. Three Afghans were taken into custody, and there were several wounded.

September 1, 2024

Wuppertal — At a wedding celebration of Afghan families in Wuppertal, a mass brawl broke out on Saturday evening that resulted in a police intervention. Several guests got into an argument and went at each other with glasses and bottles. The police who were called were also attacked when they entered, as reported by WDR [West Deutscher Rundfunk — West German Radio].

According to a report by a police spokesperson, the officers were attacked with punches, kicks, and bites. One participant also pulled a kitchen knife but did not wound anyone. Only with the use of tasers and batons could the situation be brought under control.

Three men aged 22-24, all of Afghan origin, were taken into custody. They gave considerable resistance to being arrested. The police recorded the personal details of about 40 guests and ordered them to leave the premises. In spite of the attack, the five lightly wounded police officers were able to continue their duties.

In possibly unrelated news, also from Wuppertal, a new instance of Jew-hatred has reared its ugly head.

From an article in the Westdeutsche Zeitung, also translated by Gary Fouse:

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An Invasion of a Culture Hostile to Our Way of Life

Despite his decidedly un-Iberian name, Hermann Tertsch is an MEP for the Spanish anti-immigration Vox Party. In the following video from the floor of the European Parliament, Mr. Tertsch delivers some pointed remarks about Jew-hatred and “Islamophobia” in Europe.

Many thanks to Brunhilde for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

More information is available at RAIR Foundation.

Video transcript:

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A Gold Medal for the Bladed Weapons Olympians

It appears that the Paris Olympic Games have been extended, to allow for the intramural Afghan knife-fighting competition.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Le Figaro:

Paris: Four injured during brawl between Afghans in the middle of the street

by Guillaume Poingt
August 31, 2024

The incident occurred on Rue Dormoy in the 18th arrondissement during the late morning on Saturday. Six individuals, two of whom were armed with knives, were arrested.

A brawl between Afghan nationals produced four wounded Saturday, 31 August at around 11:45am on Rue Dormoy (Paris 18e), Le Figaro learned from police sources. The wounded were treated by emergency services in absolute or relative urgency. A security perimeter was visible on the street where the incident occurred in the late morning while traffic was interrupted.

In the images circulating on social media, we can see some thirty individuals, some armed with clubs or wooden boards, confronting each other in the middle of the street. Six individuals, including two carrying knives, were arrested, the prefecture of police tells Le Figaro.

An Excess of Tolerance

Cape Verde is a tropical archipelago of the coast of West Africa. It is populated by black and mixed-race people who are descended from slaves brought to the islands by the Portuguese in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Mougins is a town in southeastern France that is set in idyllic surroundings on a hilltop just above Cannes, on the Côte d’Azur. Last Monday the tranquility of Mougins was shattered when a migrant from Cape Verde with an extensive criminal record (including but not limited to assaulting police officers) ran over and killed the deputy chief of police. The driver maintains that he did not run over his victim deliberately, but eyewitnesses and video evidence suggest otherwise.

The following video features remarks made to the press by the widow of the slain deputy police chief. Below is an excerpt from the introduction to the video at RAIR Foundation:

France’s reckless open-border policies and left-wing justice system allowed a violent criminal migrant to roam free, resulting in the brutal murder of Deputy Police Chief Éric Comyn, a devoted husband and father; his widow, Harmonie, now condemns the state for putting dangerous migrants above the safety of French citizens, holding it directly responsible for her husband’s death and their children’s loss.

The murder of beloved French Deputy Police Chief Éric Comyn has not only left deep scars in the municipality of Mougins but has also sent shockwaves across France, exposing the profound failures of a justice system that many believe is broken. Comyn, who was a husband and the father of two children, aged 12 and 16, was due to retire in May 2025 after more than 30 years of service. A criminal migrant ran him over during a routine traffic check — an event that has ignited widespread outrage and demands for accountability.

Many thanks to Brunhilde for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Who Says Crime Doesn’t Pay?

It pays quite well, at least for the criminals being deported from Germany to Afghanistan. You get to come to Germany, live on the dole, rob and rape to your heart’s content, and then they give you a cool €1,000 when they send you home. What’s not to like?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

€1,000 in tax money for each

Germany deports 28 criminals to Afghanistan

For the first time in three years, Germany is sending Afghan criminals back to their homeland — and giving each criminal €1,000. The well-known rapist of a 14-year-old girl can also look forward to the money.


For the first time since the Taliban seized power, Germany has deported people to Afghanistan. A total of 28 Afghan criminals were on a plane that took off from Leipzig on Friday morning and was bound for Kabul, reported Der Spiegel.

Government spokesman Steffen Hebestreit confirmed the incident: “These were all Afghan nationals, all of whom were convicted criminals who had no right to remain in Germany and against whom deportation orders had been issued.” Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) also confirmed the procedure on the internet platform X. “Germany is deporting 28 criminals to Afghanistan today. Our security counts, our constitutional state is acting. I would like to thank the federal police and the states for their close cooperation,” wrote the minister.

There were no negotiations with Afghanistan

The criminals were driven from various federal states to Leipzig. Each deportee received an additional €1,000 in cash. A doctor was also on board.

Among those who benefited from the €1,000 were the rapist from Illerkirchberg, who raped and abused a 14-year-old girl for hours, an Afghan with more than 160 criminal offenses, and other child rapists.

The deportation is said to have been in preparation for two months. However, negotiations were not held with the Taliban regime, but with the Emirate of Qatar. Due to the “difficult conditions”, Germany “asked key regional partners for support to make the repatriation possible”, confirmed Hebestreit.

Afterword from the translator:

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We Don’t Want to Send You Back!

The German government is financing procedural instructions for migrants that tell them how to avoid deportation. It’s not enough to just stand by passively and allow the invading hordes into the country: Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is teaching them how to circumvent Germany’s (and the EU’s) immigration laws.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Federal government finances anti-deportation brochure for rejected asylum seekers

A website sponsored by the Federal Ministry of the Interior gives asylum seekers tips on how to prevent their deportation. From legal tricks to violent protests on airplanes. Nancy Faeser makes it possible.


The website “Handbook Germany”, which is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, has published advice on how rejected asylum seekers can avoid deportation. Asylum seekers with children are advised, for example, that deportations may not take place “if a minor child cannot be found at the time of deportation”. The news site Apollo News was the first to report this.

The site also recommends filing a lawsuit against the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) — “You cannot be deported while your lawsuit is pending” — or contacting pro-asylum associations. The site also points out that for asylum applications that have been classified as inadmissible under the Dublin Regulation, the six-month transfer period begins again as soon as the asylum seeker submits an urgent application. The Solingen attacker, for example, used this legal loophole.

There is also a reference to the website “Stop deportations. Right to stay for everyone”. This is a Hessian anti-deportation group that is linked to the left-wing radical scene in Frankfurt and stresses that it is “against deportation for political reasons”. A text on the website contains information that is supposed to show “how you can try to prevent your deportation while you are still on the plane.”

Asylum seekers should discover “severe war trauma”

For example, rejected applicants should not “sit down on the plane and make it clear that they are not flying voluntarily.” In addition, “supporters” should inform the “other passengers” on the plane and “call on them to protest.”

Asylum seekers can also write follow-up applications after a successful deportation, according to another text from “Handbook Germany”. If there are “new indications”, such as if an applicant is found to have “serious war trauma” that “has previously gone undetected”, the application can still be approved.

The “Handbook Germany” website is run by the “Neue Deutsche Medienmacher*innen” association. The association is supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration and the Commissioner for Anti-Racism. The former chairwoman is the Federal Commissioner for Anti-Discrimination, Ferda Ataman. The association annually awards the negative prize “The Golden Potato” for reports that the association does not like. The term “potato” is intended to be a derogatory term for Germans. [So much for anti-discrimination and anti-racism. But really not surprising that those who scream with each and every breath “racism” are the biggest racists and bigots alive.]

Afterword from the translator:

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