Our Democracy™: In Counting There is Strength

Electoral fraud is a venerable tradition in these United States, with a history going all the way back to the founding of the Republic.

With control of the public purse, representative government provided lucrative opportunities for both elected officials and the corporations that did business with them. Baroque levels of corruption became the norm, and public policy was devised to maximize profits for all involved while concealing the dirty deals behind a scrim of public rectitude.

Controlling the outcome of elections was essential for the smooth operation of the political machinery, in order to make sure that lucrative enterprises continued to generate lucre for everyone involved. The political cartoon below by Thomas Nast features William M. “Boss” Tweed, the head of Tammany Hall and the most powerful man in New York City in the late 1860s and early 1870s. Boss Tweed was able to guarantee results through an elaborate patronage network, lavish bribery, and his control of the ballot-counting process.

So how has the ballot-counting process evolved in the century and a half since the heyday of Boss Tweed?

There is widespread concern among elite opinion-makers that the current electoral process poses a threat to Our Democracy™. One of the most recent public figures to sound the alarm is Rob “Meathead” Reiner, according to Variety:

“It’s time to stop f***ing around,” Reiner wrote. “If the Convicted Felon wins, we lose our Democracy. Joe Biden has effectively served US with honor, decency, and dignity. It’s time for Joe Biden to step down.”

Whether Joe Biden steps down or not, it’s obviously important to elect the Democrat, whoever that might be. Our Democracy™ is in danger if voters are allowed to vote for the wrong candidate (in this case, Donald Trump). With so much at stake, we must do whatever it takes to ensure the election of the approved candidate.

In my previous posts I highlighted the role that propaganda and the suppression of dissent play in this process. But these alone are not sufficient to guarantee the desired outcome — hence the imperative to control the voting process itself.

This requires a multi-pronged approach. The traditional emptying of the cemeteries to produce votes on election day is still part of the effort. But the implementation of the widespread use of absentee ballots and “mail-in voting” — for which we can thank the Wuhan Coronavirus — created an opportunity for ballot fraud at an unprecedented level. The vote-counting process in major cities is controlled by Democrats, with vestigial or non-existent Republican supervision. The Democrat precinct workers — in most cases part of the African-American political machine — are able to ensure that a reliable supply of ballots marked for the correct candidate can be delivered as needed.

The methodology used to produce the necessary results is complex. To gain a better understanding, I highly recommend Conservative Tree House, where Sundance has done extensive research on the intricacies of the ballot-counting process. Here’s an excerpt from a recent post:

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 8

Below is the eighth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 8: The PCR Fraud

After the deaths driven by the Great Care Home Cull in Spring 2020 fizzled out, the government switched to positive PCR tests to drive the Covid Pandemic. These tests were dishonest and fraudulent.

According to the government’s own research, the average range of false positive test results was 2.3% — which means out of 100,000 tests carried out, 2,300 (2.3% of 100,000) were false (caused by poor testing, storage, dirty instruments etc) and thus should be removed from the data.

If 100,000 tests returned 10,000 positive results, the true positive number would be 7,700 (10,000 positive tests minus 2,300 false positives).

If 100,000 tests returned 2,301 positive results, the true positive is only 1.

If 100,000 tests returned 2,300 positive results, the true positive is zero.

If 100,000 tests returned 2,299 positive results the true positive is minus 1, or in real life data, zero. All minus numbers are effectively zero, no matter how large or small.

Let us look at a typical day in 2020 then. According to the government, 100,664 PCR tests were carried out on 31 May 2020, which returned 1,570 positive results.

For ease of argument, let us call the total number of tests carried out to be exactly 100,000 rather than 100,664.

So, 100,000 tests returned 1,570 positive results. The government claimed 1,570 new Covid-19 cases that day, because they didn’t deduct the 2,300 false positives they should have. If they had, there would have been minus 730 (1,570 minus 2,300) or in real life data, zero.

The 31st of May 2020 was not unusual. Most days during 2020 saw zero new Covid-19 cases if the 2.3% false positive rate had been deducted from the overall positive test result numbers.

The government never deducted it though. To do so would have bought an end to the “pandemic” overnight. Ergo, the government perpetuated the pandemic — for whatever reason — via the fraudulent manipulation of data. The NHS remained closed down as a result, and patients with cancelled cancer treatment or heart operations died as a direct result of criminal, murderous, governmental fraud.

And it gets worse. British Health Secretary Matt Hancock was confronted about the false positives on live TV by Talk Radio’s Julia Hartley-Brewer. Astonishingly, Hancock seemed to be under the impression that the false positive percentage rate should be applied to the positive cases returned, rather than the tests carried out.

If we go back to the PCR tests performed on 21 May 2020 (100,000 tests returning 1,570 positive results) Hancock applied the 2.3% false positive rate to the 1,570 positive results rather than the 100,000 tests.

2.3% of 1,570 equates to 36. So, Hancock subtracted the 36 from the 1,570 and claimed 1,534 true positive test results. As I explained earlier, the true figure was minus 730 (1,570 minus 2,300) or in real life data, zero.

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Annalena Baerbock Loves the Bad Guys

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from JournalistenWatch:

Baerbock brought Afghans who were on a “bad guys list” to Germany

Although they were on the secret threat lists, the so-called “bad guys” lists, of the Bundeswehr’s counterintelligence service, [Foreign Minister Annalena] Baerbock brought these dangerous Afghan characters to Germany with her admission program for former local staff.

In 2010, the Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) placed suspected local staff from Afghanistan on a so-called “bad guys list.” The secret documents thus contain the names, personnel numbers and photographs of 97 former local staff who were dismissed without notice “for security reasons.”

However, according to authorities, a number of these Muslim threats from Afghanistan are currently in Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin. This is reported by the Bild newspaper (behind paywall). According to the newspaper, a spokesperson for the MAD made the following statement:

“For reasons of data protection and personal rights, we are not allowed to provide any information about the people or their backgrounds.”

“Bad Guys List” irrelevant for assessment under the Residence Act

Nevertheless, the MAD spokesman continued, the “bad guys list” did not serve “the purpose of an assessment under the Residence Act.” In other words, the Green Party’s verbal catastrophe Baerbock imported precisely these Islamic threats to Germany through her dangerous “reception program for former local employees.”

Mannheim killer with negative asylum decision

It is not only on social media that people agree that Baerbock is indirectly responsible for the death of the young police officer in Mannheim through her delusional policies. Perversely, after the murder of the young officer by one of her Afghan guests, the Green Party had nothing better to do than to call on the citizens of this broken country to oppose another horrific Islamic bloodbath through an “open discussion about migration”. Social media also believes that Baerbock and Co. must finally be held accountable for their bloody policies.

Afterword from the translator:

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“The Legitimization of Satanic Terrorism”

Santiago Abascal is the leader of the anti-immigration Vox party in Spain. The following video shows Mr. Abascal on the floor of Parliament upbraiding Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez for his recent decision to recognize a Palestinian state.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 1

Paul Weston has kindly given me permission to serialize his recently published book, Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Below is the first chapter.

Mr. Weston includes this prefatory note: “The point of the book is to lay out the colossal fraud in such a way as to be easily read and understood by the average person. Without their understanding what has happened, it becomes so much easier for it to happen again. If the majority realised the extent to which they’ve been conned they would be marching on our government buildings by now, with pitchforks in hand.”

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 1: Introduction

Four years after the Covid-tyranny began, the jury is pretty much out. The whole world became a gigantic film-set, produced by Bill Gates, and directed by the World Health Organisation. Our politicians, scientists and journalists acted out their leading roles whilst all of earth’s citizens became unimportant, disposable extras in a global Truman Horror-Show.

The organisation involved to make this happen is staggeringly vast. It must have taken years to plan, and it must have cost unimaginable sums of money, all of which has been repaid many times over by now. What an investment that turned out to be. As Bill Gates has repeatedly mentioned, the returns on vaccines are up to twenty times the initial investment.

I don’t believe such a gigantic operation was ever going to be just a one-off. I am convinced another pandemic is just around the corner. The WHO and Bill Gates have both talked about the inevitability of another one, and the WHO is currently engaged in a power grab designed to put it completely in charge of sovereign nations when the much-anticipated next pandemic arrives. Disease X is just a matter of time, I believe.

In order to stop this from happening, or at least to try to stop this from happening, it is essential that the majority of people understand what happened post March 2020. I have written a short, succinct book in order to get my message and warning out. It is easy to read, but also highly detailed in its exposure of the global fraud involved in driving the last so-called pandemic.

The book basically answers the following questions:

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The Head Spook in Thuringia Vows to Stop the AfD

Stephan Kramer is the head of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz, BfV), Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, in the state of Thuringia. I hardly need to tell you that Mr. Kramer’s job description doesn’t include interfering in politics. However, everything is politicized in Germany these days, and the BfV is no exception. Like its counterparts in the USA, it is tasked with doing whatever it takes to prevent “right-wing extremists” from gaining any political power. In Germany, that means stopping the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany).

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:


When the head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution becomes the first election campaigner

Thuringia’s President for the Protection of the Constitution, Kramer, is abandoning all mandatory neutrality: “Until election day” he will do “everything” to “defend” against an AfD election victory.


The President of the Thuringian Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which is committed to neutrality, Stephan Kramer, has declared himself an important election campaigner for his country.

In the ARD “Report from Berlin”, the 55-year-old said on the question of possible AfD government responsibility that he would “do everything to defend myself against this extremist attack within the scope of my legal possibilities and civic duties” until election day.

The senior official, who is a member of the board of trustees of the left-leaning Amadeu Antonio Foundation, also explained why he was spreading his assessment of the party as right-wing extremist: “We made this public because it is one of our tasks to make voters aware of this danger so that those at the ballot box will hopefully help with their decision to ensure that extremists do not come into government responsibility.” [What I see here is an EXTREMIST, busily helping to destroy a country and people, calling those that want to save the country, its people and culture, extremist. Now that’s what I’d call “calling the kettle BLACK.]

First non-lawyer to be head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution

Although Kramer is not a lawyer, which is actually a requirement for the office of head of the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the red-red-green state government appointed him to this post in 2015. Kramer was already known for his politically polarizing statements in his previous role as general secretary of the Central Council of Jews in Germany. [Why does a character like Beria come to my mind here?]

Thuringia is governed by a left-wing SPD-Green cabinet led by Minister-President Bodo Ramelow, which has been voted out of office five years ago [after Merkel called from South Africa]. There were never any promised new elections. The CDU tolerates the minority alliance. Regular state elections are scheduled for September 1st. The AfD is clearly ahead in the polls.

Afterword from the translator:

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Welcome to the GSSR

All the mainstream parties in the German Federal Republic agree: the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) must be suppressed. They acknowledge that it can no longer be stopped at the ballot box, because it has become too popular, so the only solution is that the party must be officially banned. All in the name of “democracy”.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

“Suspected case”

AfD court ruling: “stone in the mosaic towards a party ban”

After the verdict against the AfD at the Münster Higher Administrative Court, events accelerated. While the AfD leadership announces further legal steps, the representatives of the other parties cheer — and promptly call for an AfD ban procedure.


The AfD was outraged by the ruling of the North Rhine-Westphalia Higher Administrative Court, according to which the party could be classified as a “suspected case” by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution. “We are astonished that no evidence has to be provided for allegations and that the court has not demanded this, either,” complained AfD federal chairwoman Alice Weidel at a press conference in Berlin. “The verdict is not acceptable to us,” emphasized Weidel.

Its co-chair Tino Chrupalla added that the timing of the verdict announcement “in the middle of the European election campaign also shows that there is a political motivation behind it.” In the upcoming days, the Federal Executive Board will review the reasons for the judgment — which are not yet available. “We will probably see each other again in Leipzig,” predicted Weidel. The Federal Administrative Court has its seat in Leipzig. There the AfD can lodge an appeal against the decision of the Higher Administrative Court not to allow an appeal.

CDU man: “Proposal for a ban before the summer parliamentary break”

Meanwhile, politicians from several parties have called for a ban on the AfD. “Now the chances of success of a ban procedure must be examined in concrete terms,” said Saxony’s Justice Minister Katja Meier (Greens) to the Tagesspiegel.

She suggested the establishment of a task force by the Conference of Interior Ministers. This group should then — as in the NPD ban process — collect material for a later application. “Our democracy is too precious not to actually use all possible constitutional instruments to protect our constitution,” emphasized Meier.

She found support from, among others, CDU member of the Bundestag Marco Wanderwitz. “My wish is that we submit the ban proposal before the parliamentary summer break,” he told Die Zeit. “Particularly in the East, the party can no longer be reduced politically.” The Left Party member of the Bundestag, Martina Renner, also expressed this to t-online. “Such a motion is democracy’s self-defense against its enemies.”

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Santiago Abascal: Incompatible Ways of Life Cannot Coexist in Spain

Santiago Abascal is the leader of the populist anti-immigration Vox party in Spain. In the following video, Mr. Abascal discusses the Islamization of Spain. It includes excerpts from a speech that seems to have been delivered in Catalonia, and was intended for a Catalan audience, but Mr. Abascal is from Basque country and currently represents Madrid in Parliament.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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More Protection for the Privileged

Concerned by the increasing number of attacks on elected leaders, the German government is working on a plan to provide more protection for politicians, while ordinary citizens will be left to their own devices.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Conference of Interior Ministers

New law: punish attacks on politicians more harshly than those on citizens

At their hastily-convened conference, the interior ministers agreed to tighten penalties for attacks on politicians. Meanwhile, Berlin’s ex-governor Giffey has also been attacked.


The federal and state interior ministers want to protect politicians and volunteers from attacks through tougher criminal law. They agreed on this at the hastily-convened interior ministers’ conference, which was held via video link. It is still unclear whether this includes insults in addition to physical attacks. Penalties for bodily harm against non-politicians should not be increased. [Now that has been obvious for years. After all, the lives of mere mortal Germans — being sacrificed at the altar of multiculturalism — are worth nothing to them.]

Attacks had recently increased during the European election campaign. SPD and AfD campaigners were beaten up. The only reason for the Interior Ministers’ Conference was the attack on the Saxon Social Democrat Matthias Ecke. Politicians from other parties were also targeted. On Tuesday, a previously unknown man hit Berlin’s Economics Senator and former Governing Mayor, Franziska Giffey, in the neck with a bag in a library. The SPD politician then went to the hospital. [I guess the only thing that really got hurt was her ego.]

Faeser: Pass judgment more quickly after attacks

The tightening of the law is necessary to send “a very clear STOP signal,” said Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD). In addition to the security authorities, the judiciary is also required to provide quick and consistent procedures and punishments, she said. Faeser said she would speak to Federal Justice Minister Marco Buschmann (FDP) about tightening criminal law. [What a hypocrite: she’s one of those who have openly endorsed attacks on members of the AfD in the past, and now that a couple of her party members have gotten hurt, she’s going all ape.]

In addition, there are already two Federal Council initiatives from Bavaria and Saxony. The department heads of the other states support the planned amendments to the law, which are intended to punish attacks on politicians and election workers more severely than those on other citizens.

In their decision, the interior ministers also call on the Conference of Justice Ministers to examine whether “the deliberate spread of disinformation with the aim of influencing elections or escalating violence constitutes injustice worthy of punishment.” [And I’m pretty sure that it will be they who will define and sniff out “disinformation”, especially when they’ve been caught in a LIE.]

Afterword from the translator:

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Mathieu Slama: “Europe is This Place Without Identity, Without Culture”

Mathieu Slama is a French political journalist and essayist who teaches at the Sorbonne. In the following video he discusses his vision of Europe as a cosmopolitan paradise where all citizens are identity-free, and where evil nationalism can gain no traction. He acknowledges that current events are trending against him, and specifically mentions Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as representing the forces of identitarian reaction.

From his tweet that accompanied the video:


The identity of Europe is to be without identity. It is to be the place of human rights and openness. Which is the complete opposite of what it is today.

Renaud Camus, who posted the video on Twitter, remarked:

Here is the speech of the Genocidal Bloc in one of its purest versions. Just as France has no culture, Europe has no identity. Disappearance is its essence, its destruction is a non-crime by definition without a criminal.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Requiem for a Culture, Part 7: The Traitresses of Roswell

This is the seventh essay in an occasional series. Previously: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6

Requiem for a Culture

Part 7: The Traitresses of Roswell

The past is never dead. It’s not even past.

— William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun, Act I, Scene III (page 80 in the Vintage paperback edition)

In the annals of the American Civil War, the story of the women of the Roswell cotton mill in Georgia is relatively obscure. I had never even heard of the incident until just a few days ago, when a talk was given at a meeting of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.

General Kenner Garrard, U.S. Army

In July of 1864, during the march on Atlanta, Union General Kenner Garrard burned the mills at Roswell in northern Georgia. The cotton mill in Roswell had been producing fabric for Confederate uniforms, plus tent cloth and other products destined for military use.

The next day, under General Sherman’s orders, General Garrard arranged for the deportation of about 400 civilians, most of them women and children. The women had worked in the mill, and were thus judged by General Sherman to have committed “treason”. They and their offspring were carried by wagon to Marietta, where they were loaded onto railroad cars and shipped north, first to Nashville, and then to Louisville. From there they were deported across the Ohio River into Indiana. Whatever processing they underwent after that was rudimentary; they were basically abandoned, and left to their own devices.

An undetermined number of the deportees died in transit under horrific conditions, and more died after arrival. Almost none of them are known to have ever made it back home, and there are very few records of what became of them.

During their travels they were guarded by Union soldiers, who were probably less bestial than Hamas mujahideen in the treatment of their charges, but still… One may assume that Union soldiers who were suffering from “sexual emergencies” took advantage of the opportunity presented by all those teenage girls in their care.

Also, given the privation those girls were to face in Indiana, it wouldn’t be surprising if many of them joined the ranks of the world’s oldest profession.

Why is it that there are so few historical accounts of what happened to the Roswell women?

The deportees were largely Scots-Irish, the descendants of immigrants who came to western Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia beginning in the early 1700s, and then migrated south along the Appalachians. In other words, they were the poorest of poor whites, commonly known as hillbillies or white trash. My guess is that they were illiterate, or nearly so, and thus never wrote any letters to their relatives back home. No journals or memoirs — they just disappeared into the poverty and chaos of southern Indiana, and were lost to history.

Before I get to more detailed information about the deportation of the mill workers from Roswell, I’d like to touch briefly on the absurd notion that by working in the mill they had committed “treason”.

It reminds me of a conversation I had a couple of years ago while manning a booth for the Sons of Confederate Veterans. Members in period uniforms with muskets had set up a mock encampment with a tent, etc., and next to it were selling Confederate-related merchandise from a small pavilion, which is where I was working.

One young white man came by the booth with a chip on his shoulder, and obviously wanted to argue with us. He wasn’t a Northerner. He was probably a transplant from further north in Virginia, but not a Yankee. I reported on the conversation not long after it happened, in the first post of this series:

Visitor: “I just want to know why you people think it’s a good idea to do this, to pay respect to traitors.”

Baron: “We’re here to honor our ancestors, who fought to defend the Commonwealth of Virginia. We were invaded, you know — just like Ukraine was invaded by the Russians.”

V: “But Ukraine is different. It was invaded by the forces of a completely different country.”

B: “Exactly. And Virginia was sovereign until 1865. Did you know that? It considered itself a sovereign state. You can see it in the printed materials from the time: ‘The Sovereign Commonwealth of Virginia’. Union troops came up the Shenandoah Valley, torching the fields, requisitioning food and supplies, and taking prominent citizens hostage for the good behavior of their fellow townsfolk. We were invaded, and we were defending ourselves.”

V: “Well, I have an ancestor who fought, and I don’t want to honor him. I don’t know anything about him, and I don’t want to know, because he was a traitor.”

It’s a peculiar idea, that someone who resists the invasion of a sovereign state might be considered a traitor to the invading country. Imagine, for example, a war between Prussia and the Kingdom of Saxony. Saxony was an independent, sovereign state until 1871, when it became one of the states comprising the newly-formed German Empire. Prior to 1871, if Prussia were to invade Saxony, it would be the duty of every able-bodied adult Saxon male to take up arms and resist the invader. If Prussia won the war, it might annex Saxony, or turn it into a vassal state owing fealty to the King of Prussia. But nobody involved, whether Prussian or Saxon, would have considered a Saxon who fought back against the Prussians to be a traitor to Prussia. The idea would have been ludicrous, and would never have been entertained.

The same is true of any Virginian who resisted the invasion of his sovereign state between 1861 and 1865. Or should be true, but we live in a degraded age in which language has been torqued beyond belief, and the ability to think logically about this and similar matters has atrophied.

The North won the war, and therefore got to write the terms of political arrangements afterwards. Among those terms was this: any citizen of the sovereign South who dared to resist Northern aggression was retroactively to be identified as a TRAITOR to an entity that didn’t exist before 1865. Dig it?

The paragraphs below are excerpted from “Charged With Treason: The Plight of the Roswell Women” from the American Civil War Forum:

At the time of the American Civil War, the four hundred women employed by the Roswell Mills were mostly of Scottish-Irish descent. As the mill increased in production, so did the number of people living in the area, but once the war was in full swing, the leading families of Roswell fled in advance of Sherman’s army, leaving the fate of the mills and their employees in the hands of Federal forces. Innocent civilians were left to fend for themselves and receive the entire brunt of Sherman’s wrath and vengeance.

Looking for a way to get his army across the Chattahoochee and thus into Atlanta, on July 6, 1864, Sherman sent General Garrard back upstream with orders to capture Roswell. In Garrard’s report to Sherman, he relayed that, “there were fine factories here. I had the buildings burnt, all were burnt. The cotton factory was working up to the time of its destruction, some 400 women being employed.” On July 7, 1864, Sherman wrote to General Garrard, “I repeat my orders, that you arrest all people, male and female, connected with those factories, no matter the clamour, and let them foot it under guard to Marietta, then I will send them by cars to the North.”

Thus the Roswell women were charged with treason and deported from the only homes they had ever known.


The women of the Roswell Mills and their children were kept in the open town square in the blistering heat of a Georgian July, before they were forced to march to Marietta. Roswell’s whiskey stores found their way into the hands of the Union guards and from that time on and during their escort to Marietta, the young girls of Roswell lived in a continual nightmare.

In 1860, forty per cent of the women living in Roswell were seventeen years old and younger. Therefore, at the time the Roswell Mills were burned to the ground, almost half of the population consisted of young girls on the cusp of womanhood. Along the way to Marietta, many of the women were forced to ride behind the cavalry men, which they hated. One Illinois soldier wrote home, “The employees (Roswell Mills) were all women and they were really good looking. We always felt that we had a perfect right to appropriate to our own use anything we needed for our comfort and convenience.” One Union officer found it necessary to move his troops a mile away from the women in order to control his men.

A northern newspaper correspondent reported on the deportation of the Roswell women, “Only think of it! Four hundred weeping and terrified Ellens, Susans, and Maggies, transported in springless and seatless army wagons, away from their loves and brothers of the sunny South, and all for the offense of weaving tent-cloth.”

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The Lying Demagogues of the AfD

That’s how the German Green Youth leader accounts for the recent success of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) among young people.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Trend study “Youth in Germany”

This is how the Green Youth explains the great popularity of the AfD among young people

More and more young Germans would vote for the AfD. This realization makes the other parties very excited. The chairwoman of the Green Youth has her own explanation for the AfD’s success.


The leader of the Green Youth, Katharina Stolla, explained the high approval ratings for the AfD among those under 30 by saying that the party “plays people off against each other.” [And they haven’t done that with their “climate hysteria”? Imagine my shock!] In an interview with Deutschlandfunk , the AfD is “absolutely using the fear of immigration” to blame social and economic problems “on the weakest.” [The people know exactly who’s to blame for this, and those are NOT the weakest — maybe in the head they are, but it’s more maliciousness from their side.]

The background is the recently published trend study “Youth in Germany”, according to which the AfD is currently the most popular party among 14- to 29-year-olds. The Greens, on the other hand, lost significant support. The study also found that reservations about immigration among young people have increased sharply.

Stolla: “AfD has no solutions”

Stolla also blamed the government for the shift to the right among young Germans. The traffic light coalition “has not seriously addressed the problems that concerned and concern young people.” The young politician specifically mentioned inflation, the lack of affordable housing and the lack of secure and well-paid jobs. The AfD “of course has no solutions” for these problems, but it still benefits from them.

When it came to the topic of migration, Stolla admitted that “many municipalities are overwhelmed by the situation.” However, the problem is not due to the high number of migrants. Rather, the municipalities may not receive enough support to absorb the immigrants. “We have to find solutions for this.” Letting fewer migrants into the country is the wrong approach.

Afterword from the translator:

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Thoughts on the State of the UK as We Approach Our Rubicon

Seneca III sends this update on the current state of the dystopia formerly known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Thoughts on the State of the UK as We Approach Our Rubicon

by Seneca III

There appears to be a rising wave of political atheism sweeping across the land as the mantra “A plague on all their houses” gains traction. This should not surprise anyone, even those who have been coasting along with their eyes wide shut, as democracy in its current form has become a cesspit of competing personal interests with the denizens of Westminster showing little or no concern for the country or the people in it.

Whole swathes of Britain, (perhaps even all of it, when you look at the Mayor of London, the Prime Minister of Britain, the First Minister of Scotland and the well-tanned Zambian leader of the Welsh Assembly) have become what are known as the ‘Occupied Territories’, so perhaps the time has come to sweep the whole rotten mess into the gutter of history and start again, preferably without resorting to the use of piano wire? — Or perhaps not; ammunition is rare and expensive even if one can get hold of some.

Transgenderism is a growing cult that blights all our lives and it is a very dangerous one to boot, one that even makes vegans appear semi-rational by comparison. That children of any age should be brainwashed and encouraged to ‘transition’ by members of the teaching profession is the latest abomination thrust upon us. Transgenderism would be better described as transhumanism and its acolytes should be scourged together with all the other deviants who peddle it.

Nationally, the decrepitude of our essential public infrastructure is increasing. It is either failing or being systematically demolished, as in the case of our iron and steel industries that have been closed or are about to close in the name of the great net zero scam. Naturally clean water is now not to be found as untreated sewage has polluted our rivers, streams and coastal waters, killing much of our indigenous wildlife in the process. Mind you, the directors of the private water companies and their beneficial owners in the Middle East and China are doing quite nicely, thank you, as are the owners of the vast ‘green energy’ windmill farms blighting the land and sea, and mincing birds on the odd occasions when there is enough wind to make them work.

“Tories out, Labour in” is another popular mantra. The Tories are almost certainly going to be out, but an outright victory for Labour is not necessarily a certainty. If the Reform Party get their act together and take enough seats to block Labour from getting a workable majority in a hung parliament, which is not totally out of the question, then that will be a whole new ballgame. The effect of the rising ‘Muslim Party’ mopping up votes that would normally go to Labour muddies the political waters even further. Otherwise, only a super-miracle where Reformists actually got a majority (326+ seats) would be preferable, but that is as likely as Sunak and Starmer forming a coalition or the Grand Mufti converting to Judaism and wearing a kippah.

Londonistan, our largest occupied territory in the south of the country. is becoming a no-go zone for anyone who is a law-abiding citizen, particularly if they are white, heterosexual and not perverts — it is a living, violent dystopian nightmare both by day and by night, with muggings, gang warfare, knifings, drug peddling and burglaries the status quo. Also, there are the Palestinian mobs and other Muslim trash who have owned the streets in their thousands on weekends for six months now, and God help any Jew of Gentile who should fall foul of them because neither the government nor the police will do anything for fear of being called racist, Islamophobic or simply because they have neither the numbers nor the will to win a street battle of that magnitude and clean up afterwards.

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Where Should Europeans Flee To When Our Countries Have Been Destroyed?

An earlier version of this essay was first published in Norwegian at the website Document.no.

Where Should Europeans Flee To When Our Countries Have Been Destroyed?

by Fjordman

The national conservative government in Hungary has been under pressure from the EU for years because they oppose large-scale non-European immigration.

The Hungarians point out that the EU’s immigration policies create insecurity and instability in many European countries. By admitting large numbers of illegal immigrants each year, the EU also encourages continued large non-European immigration to Europe.

Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó stated on February 13, 2024, that a radical change of EU immigration policy is necessary in order to protect Europeans and their safety. Brussels’ open migration policy creates a real danger of “Europeans losing Europe,” he claimed.[1]

Unfortunately, this is not an exaggeration. If current trends continue, Europe may effectively cease to be the homeland of Europeans.

I have previously written that the migrations we are experiencing now are the largest and fastest in all of human history. In scope, they far surpass the so-called Migration Period which we associate with the fall of the Western Roman Empire.[2]

In Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, we were also largely dealing with migration within Europe. Now, foreign peoples from other continents are flooding into Europe.

According to a survey from 2023, one in five Swedes felt that their area has become less safe. At the same time, a narrow majority (51 per cent) of Swedes stated that they have personally considered moving to another place because of rising insecurity.[3]

Millions of Swedes no longer feel comfortable in their own neighbourhood. That half of the Swedish population has seriously considered moving from their current home due to fear of crime and violence would have been totally unthinkable 50 years earlier. At that time, Sweden was still a safe and relatively ethnically homogeneous country.

Now, Sweden has become a Multicultural country with mass immigration and massive rates of violent crime among imported clan cultures. The big question is: Where should citizens move to avoid these problems?

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