Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 2

Below is the second chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. . Previously: Chapter 1.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 2: Fraudulent Excess Deaths

One simple graph reveals a great deal about the supposed vast numbers of Covid-19 deaths in 2020. This graph is related to the UK but is typical of most Western countries. It shows the number of deaths per 100,000 people (which takes into account a growing or declining population) between 1942 and 2020.

Source of graph: Office For National Statistics — Annual deaths and mortality rates 1838 to 2020

As you can see, the death rate in the UK in 2020 was much the same as 2008 (the two orange bars) and lower than every year between 1942 to 2007. In what possible way then, can this possibly be termed a lethal pandemic?

As I say, the UK was little different in terms of overall deaths when compared to the rest of the world. This can easily be confirmed by looking at figures for the global population.

In 2019 the global population numbered approximately 7.76 billion. In 2020 approximately 7.84 billion. In 2021 approximately 7.9 billion. In 2022 approximately 7.98 billion. 2020 saw a broadly similar rise in global population growth as the other years. This would be an impossibility had there really been a lethal pandemic stalking the land in 2020 — as we were repeatedly told.

People are born, they hopefully live a good long life and then they die. To state the obvious, this is completely natural and normal. Approximately 1% of a Western country’s population die every year. The vast majority of these deaths are amongst the very old and the very ill. In a bad flu year, the annual death rate might rise from 1% to 1.1%. In a good year it might drop from 1% to 0.9%.

Between the years 2000 to 2019, approximately 1.1% of the UK population died. As is completely normal. The average age of those who died during those years was eighty-one. The average number of life-threatening illnesses they suffered from was 3.5 and were, in the main, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure etc.

In 2020, the year of the Covid-19 pandemic, approximately 1% of the population died. As is completely normal. The average age of death was eighty-two. The average number of life-threatening illnesses they suffered from was 3.5 and were, in the main, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure etc.

To reiterate, then, between 2000 and 2019 an average 1.1% of the population died every year. The overwhelming majority were very old and very ill. In 2020, the year of the “killer pandemic”, 1% of the population died. The overwhelming majority were very old and very ill.

How strange. How inexplicably strange. Pandemic Year 2020 actually saw a slight decrease in overall death percentages compared to the two previous decades. This isn’t my opinion; it is a verifiable fact. This isn’t a computer modelled data set; it is a verifiable and historical fact.

In short, there was no lethal pandemic in 2020. Yet nearly all the Western governments locked us down after declaring a Public Health Emergency. They scared us silly every day with terror-porn about gazillions of excess deaths. This makes no sense at all. It was all a lie. One can only conclude there was an alternative agenda at play.

Most people tend not realise just how many people die every day from old age/natural causes. The perfectly natural and normal 1% death rate in England, a country of 56 million people, equates to 560,000 deaths annually or 1,500 daily. In America, a country of 330 million, the 1% death rate equates to 3.3 million annually or 9,000 daily.

I mention this only to show how easy it is for corrupt governments and media outlets to take advantage of such huge numbers. All they need do is attach the label of “Covid-19 Death” to a percentage of perfectly natural and normal deaths in order to shriek a headline of “Last Week Saw Three Thousand Deaths From Covid-19!” emblazoned above a bar-chart of death coloured Red! Red! Danger Red! Which is exactly what our corrupt governments and MSM outlets did.

That said, a sizeable number of above-average excess deaths was a necessary precondition in March and April 2020 to both shock the newly locked down population into fearful submission, and to crush any questions from the MSM about the genuine seriousness of the pandemic — not that many MSM journalists had the slightest interest.

How did our politicians find a shockingly large and wonderfully convenient number of excess deaths over a short time frame in order to kick-start the pandemic? That was easy. They simply engineered them in a war against the old and the ill — and thus already close to death — in our Care Homes.

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

7 thoughts on “Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 2

  1. there were no covid deaths as there was no covid in the first place,and the PCR test is not a diagnostic tool.All this talk is just another distraction to fog the brain.They told us all long before there was going to be a plandemic and they had the jabs ready to inject as many people as they could,using all means possible. They are out to kill as many as they can,again something they have been telling us over and over but few are listning.

  2. The official list of “Covid deaths” was published at the time in Hungary, with the primary cause of deaths named (the secondary cause was always “Covid”, of course). I found a deceased person there — listed among the “Covid victims” — who died in a MOTORBIKE ACCIDENT, mind you. However, most probably AFTER his unfortunate death, he “tested positive” for ‘Covid’ and was put on the list.

    The rest of the individual “Covid deaths” on the list were not much more convincing: mostly old people who would die anyway or ones with terminal cancer and so on.

    What purpose did such a list that, theoretically, could have busted The Con, serve?

    1) I think, first of all, it must have been GASLIGHTING: “we’re not lyin’ to you”.

    So the truth was there for everyone to see, but the PTB were sure that virtually nobody would look at the list, and even if the hoi polloi looked at it, they, collectively, would not believe THE TRUTH. Because the fear propaganda beats the truth. And so it happened.

    2) Another enemy goal for publishing the REAL numbers of “Covid death” [i.e. zero] may have been HUMILIATION. You may think that you know the truth but you have to submit to Fluslam anyway — and “feel subdued” (while paying the Rona Jizya in various ways).

    3) The third reason behind publishing such a truthful list must have been the good old “divide and conquer”. Knowing that only a tiny minority would be able to see through The Con, the PTB turned the early perceivers into outcasts within their own social circles, thereby turning those people into black sheep who carry the sin … of the real perpetrators. The sign that this was all deliberate was the official witch hunt against all who do not submit (the “enemy-of-society” agitprop against the granny-killers who do not get vaccinated or fail to wear the face nappy, or “go against the science” and so on.)

    Those Black Sheep — carrying The Sin transferred on their shoulders — became literally FAIR GAME at all levels of the society. It was “legal” to abuse them by anyone if they opposed any current ritual (like the muzzle-wearing) of the Rona Cult. And they WERE abused by their fellow citizens. Thus many people turned into voluntary policemen, sometimes brutal ones, in the service of the Rona Stalinism, hunting down those who who knew the truth.

    Without them, the totalitarian experiment would have failed in lack of policemen. But we did police each other… thinking that we’re oh-so virtuous…

    Just one example of the extremely thoroughly planned and executed socio-psychological warfare of the Rona Con — behind the numbers.

    • “I think, first of all, it must have been GASLIGHTING: “we’re not lyin’ to you”.”

      Generally speaking, I’ve come to accept the fact that if ‘toddlers’re speaking, they’re LYING, PROJECTING and GASLIGHTING.

      However, sometimes, they’re lying outta ignorance, rather than malice. Not to say that some of these dildo cranks aren’t corrupt sociopaths; they are (e.g., PAA, Prince Aricept, The Clintons, Justin “Fidelite” Trudeau, et al), but I think most’re just classic dupes. Useful idiots, who parrot what they’re told (mostly) because they’re too comfortable and distracted away from the realities of life by the daily activities of their own little worlds to question what they’re told or seek the truth. Human nature.

      “The actions that motivate people are based on their perceptions of reality, regardless of whether that reality’s right or wrong. Most tend to be less concerned with FACTS and more preoccupied with self interests. By controlling peoples’ perceptions, they’re more susceptible to drawing unfounded conclusions, thereby simplifying their manipulation. The objective of a manipulator, say, The Party and their media drools, is to program people into dismissing FACTS as delusions in spite of the conspicuous. Gaslighting.” —posted to fb (May 2021)

  3. Here in New Zealand we had the cops shoot a man dead and it was recorded as a covid death. On the 6 o’clock news a reporter actually commented on this unusual occurrence, but nothing more came from the media about it. The stupor was too heavy. Ordinary people who tried to push the point were just treated like “oh not you again tin-foil hat nodded!” Yep. Good times

  4. A doctor once told me, “Death is not a medical emergency. It’s a natural event.”

    That’s not to say we ought to let it happen without making every effort to put it off, while maintaining a good quality of life.

    But still . . . people die. All the time.

    I must say I was flapping a bit at the time all this was kicking off, because I was just coming back from having cancer. I’d had part of my insides removed & had lost a third of my body weight. So I was in poor shape. (Psychologically too – that’s a tough road to go down, for sure.)

    When I finally ended up catching the dreaded lurgy, I felt a bit rotten for the best part of a week. Ho hum. Compared to what I’d been through, that barely registered as a 1.5 out of 10.

    Here’s the interesting thing though: Because of my recent history, I was classed as being at high risk, so I was allowed to get a prescription for Paxlovid. I thought ok this is just an anti-viral medication, kind of like Tamiflu (which the actor who played Chin Ho in Hawaii Five-0 had taken.) So I took the recommended dose. After the dreaded lurgy had passed, I “tested” negative.

    Okay then.

    Aha! Three days later, I felt the same symptoms, tested myself again, and lo and behold, I had it again.

    Now – I hadn’t gone anywhere or had any chance to “catch” it anywhere that second time.

    So – while I was “testing negative” I wasn’t really – it was still floating around in my system.

    And – the Paxlovid didn’t work very well, eh!

    Anyway, the bottom line for me, as I suspect for a lot of people, is – what a big old fuss about not much of anything! A five-day flu?

    Compared to the big C, that’s small potatoes!

    Now – I don’t trust anything any politician, or any medical “professional” says to me, about anything.

    Broadening it out a little – look at what happened during the whole Oxycontin fiasco in the United States! Can pharmaceutical companies get up to unlawful and immoral things that cost people’s lives? Just ask yourself: how many people died because of Purdue’s business model?

    Also: Note the report this week about contaminated blood in the UK. Years and years of bad practice, people suffering and it all being covered up by the authorities.

    So why on earth should we trust any of them?

    • “I don’t trust anything any politician, or any medical “professional” says to me, about anything….So why on earth should we trust any of them?”

      Firstly, I’m sorry to hear of your brush with cancer, but glad you beat it! Are you receiving long-term/ongoing treatment or’ve the medics declared you “cancer free”?

      Secondly, re your comments..
      “I believe there’s an international movement—which may become violent—that’s quietly intensifying AGAINST commie-toddlerism (aka socialism, fascism, Marxism, et al) and its practitioners (aka elites, sophisticates, the leftist ruling classes, et al). I believe my previous predictions of a Bosnian-style civil war in the US may’ve been too myopic, therefore missing the wider (i.e., global) scope of swelling outrage.” —posted to fb (Sept 2022)

      [posted with a photo of a face-palming toddler] “There’s more expertise in a single load in my Pampers than there is in The [‘Toddler] Party’s entire pile of steaming “experts”…” —posted to fb (June 2022)

      “Don’t comply, THINK. Challenge Everything!” —posted to fb (many times over the years)

      Stay healthy….and strong, my friend.

      • Thanks for your reply. I am one of the fortunate ones. Two of my best friends did not make it. When the doc phoned me up one afternoon, out of blue, and told me I was in trouble, I thought, death’s about to score a hat trick then. But no – I was very fortunate. I had robotic surgery at the time. Awesome, cool and effective! I am not on any long term treatments, and I’ve passed the five year mark not long ago, so apparently I’m no more at risk than the next fella. Cancer sucks though, there’s no question about that.

        I hope you’re right about the pendulum swinging the other way. I really do. It’s long overdue.

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