It is Almost Certain That Cultural Enrichment Has Reared its Head Again

A student at a secondary school in the town of Ammanford in South Wales went on a stabbing rampage yesterday, wounding three people before being restrained. When I first read the news, I wondered if cultural enrichment might be a factor. Seneca III had similar thoughts, and sends this report (which was written yesterday).

It is Almost Certain that Cultural Enrichment has Reared its Head Again

by Seneca III

A Welsh Language School located in Ammanford, South Wales, was locked down resultant from an incident earlier this morning. The school has 1,800 pupils aged from eleven to eighteen drawn from its local hinterland and also from the city of Swansea, a multicultural hell hole to its SSW. The school is situated north of Ammanford town centre, which is located a few miles north-east of the western terminus of the M4 motorway.

Police and emergency services reports were sparse on facts earlier, which is fair enough as criminal investigations were still underway at the time, but they have since announced that two teachers and a girl were stabbed and that a teenage girl is under arrest.

Headlined “Ammanford school ‘stabbing’: Person is arrested and three people including ‘teacher’ injured after ‘knife attack involving two girls’ as classrooms remain in ‘lockdown’, the Daily Mail[1] reports inside that “Dyfed-Powys Police and two air ambulances were called to the scene. One air ambulance is said to have now left the field and is reportedly flying towards the University Hospital in Cardiff. The second remains on site.” followed by a succession of talking heads, predominantly political ones, waffling on despite their being no better informed than the rest of us as the police were playing this one very close to the chest, which in itself might have indicated that they felt at that time that the age, ethnicity or origin of the perpetrators and/or their victims was a matter of some sensitivity in modern-day Britain.

Demographically [2], Ammanford is as follows:

Male/Female = 57.2%/48.8%.

Ethnic Groups = White 5247; Asian 101; Black 18; Arab 7; Mixed 50; Other ethnics 21.

Religions = Christian 2425; Muslim 25; Hindu 22; Sikh 10; Buddhist 17; Jewish 4; Others 25; No religion 2610.

However, Swansea is a very different kettle of fish. It is a city at the mouth of the river Tawe with a working Maritime Quarter just around the corner from another notorious occupied territory, the Port City of Bristol, and therein lies an enigmatic clue to the conundrum facing the authorities in Carmarthenshire.

The 2021 Census recorded that 91.4% of Swansea’s usually resident population were white (around 218,100 people). The proportion of people with non-white ethnicity in Swansea has increased from 6.0% in 2011 (around 14,300 people) to 8.6% in 2021 (20,400). The largest non-white ethnic group in Swansea in 2021 was ‘Indian’ (around 2,900 people or 1.2%) with ‘Other Asian’, ‘Caribbean’ and ‘Bangladeshi’ also above 2,000.

67.0% of Swansea residents (159,900 people) expressed a ‘Welsh only’ or ‘Welsh and British only’ national identity (Wales 63.3%). This is slightly lower than the equivalent proportions in 2011 (Swansea 69.3%; Wales 64.6%).

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Wokist Socialism

MC includes a discussion of various types of socialism as a preface to his latest update from Sderot.

Wokist Socialism

by MC

Marxism is just the most successful of a long line of ‘socialisms’ and most people have been programmed to perceive Marxism as the only socialism.

This is simply not true. In the period after the First World War, three socialisms started competing against each other for popularity: Class-based socialism (Marxism), Race-based socialism (Nazism) and Nation-based socialism (Italian Fascism and maybe FDR-driven Americanism).

The US Supreme Court scotched ‘Blue Eagle’ FDR’s version of full on socialism pretty quickly.

National Recovery Administration (NRA) logo from the 1930s

Also, other centuries had other forms of socialism; Islamic (religious) socialism and Jacobin (equality-based) Socialism stand out as being highly lethal in their respective heydays. The Spanish Inquisition could also qualify as religion-based socialism, but was by no means as lethal as other forms.

Under pressure from Marxist class-based socialism, Nazi race-based socialism was contorted into a supposed ‘right-wing’ slot, and yes, compared to class-based Marxism, it was a little bit to the right.

Marxists have proven to be extremely good at lies, and their propaganda reflects it. Marxist propaganda creates a fictional fantasy of Utopian ideals, much like the Star Trek picture of the planet free from religion and capitalism.

As Marxists began to grab hold of the institutions, so Marxist socialism began to dominate Western culture, and the other ‘socialisms’ were suppressed and (relatively) demonized.

Race-based socialism (Nazism) was somehow equated to conservatism because of a perceived ‘racism’ amongst conservatives. But it was Democrats (Marxists) who demonstrated this particular racism: Jim Crow, the KKK, etc.

This race-based socialism of the Nazis was particularly focussed on Jews, but also Slavs (whose land was needed for Lebensraum) Gypsies, gays and Jehovah’s Witnesses. Those with non-white skin colours were perceived as just a slave class of Untermenschen.

Jews were ‘dangerous’ Untermenschen and a threat to the Aryan culture, whereas Africans were compliant Untermenschen.

Marxism redefined ‘socialism’ in its own image. To many, it became the only standard of socialism, and Marxism became “king of the castle” as such.

The Moral High Ground of ideas has always been a feature of Marxism. It is like a Wild West street at Universal Studios, a theatrical foreground shielding the Gulag mass killing machine behind the façade. The stars were Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, all mass murderers with a smile for the camera.

They had many acolytes in the West. They infiltrated Defence, Administration and the executive and probably even the FDR White House (Hopkins).

All socialism is a death cult where unbelievers forfeit their right to life and can be exploited as slaves, or just plain exterminated.

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Sharia Is Incompatible with Human Rights, Complaint at U.N. Alleges

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Sharia Is Incompatible with Human Rights, Complaint at U.N. Alleges

by Clare M. Lopez

UN Called to Respond to Sharia Violence against Women” by Raymond Ibrahim at Gatestone Institute, March 25, 2024

  • On March 8, 2024 — International Women’s Day — a formal complaint addressing how Islamic Law (sharia) is inherently abusive of women was submitted to the United Nations. Attached were the signatures of dozens of men and women worldwide, including victims of sharia, human rights activists, and more.
  • [Editor’s Note — See the Executive Summary of the complaint. It documents sharia-linked violence against women, pegs its source as the Quran and Hadith, and details other aspects of Islamic culture which are demeaning to women (e.g., female genital mutilation). The summary states flat out sharia is incompatible with human rights.]

Impregnating Infidels: Another Form of Jihad”, posted by Raymond Ibrahim at the Virginia Christian Alliance, March 27, 2024

  • “Love Jihad” continues

This month, we have a series of articles documenting the ongoing, increasing atrocities being committed by the Taliban against Afghan women — including flogging and stoning. Flogging and stoning to death are Islamic Hudud punishments for a specific set of offenses enumerated in the Qur’an. This means that doctrinally speaking, Taliban human rights abuses are neither extremist nor radical, but horrific as they are, instead mainstream, orthodox obedience to the doctrine, laws, and scripture of Islam.

Don’t Betray the Women of Afghanistan” by Lisa Curtis and Hadeia Amiry at Foreign Affairs Magazine, March 28, 2024

“Taliban leader says women will be stoned to death in public” by Akhtar Makoli at The Telegraph, March 25, 2024

“Afghanistan: Taliban’s Supreme Leader says ‘We will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public’” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, March 27, 2024

Taliban vow to Start Stoning Women to Death in Public for Adultery in Afghanistan” at Logan’s Warning, March 26, 2024

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Daddy Warbucks is Doing Just Fine

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from JournalistenWatch:

Arms industry in full swing: global military spending is rising to a new high

After the political actors and henchmen of global economic powers have fed the pharmaceutical industry with taxpayers’ money in recent years, it is now the arms industry’s turn. And things are going really well for the “corpse makers”:

Global military spending rose to a new high last year. This emerges from a new report by the Stockholm Institute for International Peace Research (Sipri), which was published on Monday.

According to this, global military spending increased for the ninth year in a row — it climbed to a record level of 2.44 trillion US$. For the first time since 2009, military spending also increased in all five geographical regions defined by Sipri, with particularly high increases in Europe, Asia and Oceania, and the Middle East.

Russia’s military spending rose 24% to an estimated $109 billion in 2023, a 57% increase since 2014, according to the report. NATO members accounted for $1.34 trillion last year, equivalent to 55% of global military spending. U.S. military spending rose 2.3% to $916 billion in 2023, accounting for 68% of NATO’s total military spending.

China spent an estimated $296 billion on the military in 2023, up 6.0% from 2022. This was the 29th consecutive year-over-year increase in Chinese military spending. China accounted for half of total military spending in the Asia and Oceania region. Several of China’s neighbors also linked their own spending increases to China’s rising military spending.

It doesn’t really matter who goes to war against whom, the profiteers are the same everywhere.

Afterword from the translator:

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Thoughts on the State of the UK as We Approach Our Rubicon

Seneca III sends this update on the current state of the dystopia formerly known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Thoughts on the State of the UK as We Approach Our Rubicon

by Seneca III

There appears to be a rising wave of political atheism sweeping across the land as the mantra “A plague on all their houses” gains traction. This should not surprise anyone, even those who have been coasting along with their eyes wide shut, as democracy in its current form has become a cesspit of competing personal interests with the denizens of Westminster showing little or no concern for the country or the people in it.

Whole swathes of Britain, (perhaps even all of it, when you look at the Mayor of London, the Prime Minister of Britain, the First Minister of Scotland and the well-tanned Zambian leader of the Welsh Assembly) have become what are known as the ‘Occupied Territories’, so perhaps the time has come to sweep the whole rotten mess into the gutter of history and start again, preferably without resorting to the use of piano wire? — Or perhaps not; ammunition is rare and expensive even if one can get hold of some.

Transgenderism is a growing cult that blights all our lives and it is a very dangerous one to boot, one that even makes vegans appear semi-rational by comparison. That children of any age should be brainwashed and encouraged to ‘transition’ by members of the teaching profession is the latest abomination thrust upon us. Transgenderism would be better described as transhumanism and its acolytes should be scourged together with all the other deviants who peddle it.

Nationally, the decrepitude of our essential public infrastructure is increasing. It is either failing or being systematically demolished, as in the case of our iron and steel industries that have been closed or are about to close in the name of the great net zero scam. Naturally clean water is now not to be found as untreated sewage has polluted our rivers, streams and coastal waters, killing much of our indigenous wildlife in the process. Mind you, the directors of the private water companies and their beneficial owners in the Middle East and China are doing quite nicely, thank you, as are the owners of the vast ‘green energy’ windmill farms blighting the land and sea, and mincing birds on the odd occasions when there is enough wind to make them work.

“Tories out, Labour in” is another popular mantra. The Tories are almost certainly going to be out, but an outright victory for Labour is not necessarily a certainty. If the Reform Party get their act together and take enough seats to block Labour from getting a workable majority in a hung parliament, which is not totally out of the question, then that will be a whole new ballgame. The effect of the rising ‘Muslim Party’ mopping up votes that would normally go to Labour muddies the political waters even further. Otherwise, only a super-miracle where Reformists actually got a majority (326+ seats) would be preferable, but that is as likely as Sunak and Starmer forming a coalition or the Grand Mufti converting to Judaism and wearing a kippah.

Londonistan, our largest occupied territory in the south of the country. is becoming a no-go zone for anyone who is a law-abiding citizen, particularly if they are white, heterosexual and not perverts — it is a living, violent dystopian nightmare both by day and by night, with muggings, gang warfare, knifings, drug peddling and burglaries the status quo. Also, there are the Palestinian mobs and other Muslim trash who have owned the streets in their thousands on weekends for six months now, and God help any Jew of Gentile who should fall foul of them because neither the government nor the police will do anything for fear of being called racist, Islamophobic or simply because they have neither the numbers nor the will to win a street battle of that magnitude and clean up afterwards.

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Not Quite the Götterdämmerung I Expected

Update: Thank you all for your kind words. That was not quite the response I expected!

Your comments have given me a lot to think about for future twentieth-anniversary posts.

We’ll be coming up on the twentieth anniversary of Gates of Vienna later this year, and the process of preparing for an anniversary post has induced a sort of reverie in me as I contemplate the events of the past two decades.

Things have changed a lot, both externally and internally. I often feel like I’m too old to be doing this sort of thing. I’m over seventy now, and should be relaxing somewhere pleasant, enjoying the time that remains to me before I shuffle off this mortal coil.

And I sometimes feel like I’m close to burning out — I’ve just seen too way much information, most of it horrible. I wish I could return to the naïve, idealistic state of mind that I had when I started this job, but, alas, that’s not an option. Once you walk through the door of greater awareness, there’s no turning back. And, worst of all, I don’t think I’ve reached the limit of ghastly understanding. It seems likely that the worst is yet to come.

I’ve been working with Vlad for more than fifteen years now, and he says he’s feeling the pressure of burnout, too. We talk on the phone fairly frequently about all this stuff, in an effort to keep each other sane. With mixed results.

Anyway… for the time being, I’ll continue trawling through the hideous news every day and presenting it here, for your delectation (or horror, as the case may be).

The worst part of the recollection process is the growing awareness that all my efforts at Counterjihad have for naught. It’s been coming on gradually, and has intensified over the past few years, as the incidence of jihad in Europe has increased to the point where I can’t cover it all. It used to be that I could post about every major incident when it occurred, but that’s no longer possible — most of the stories get relegated to the news feed, if I have any coverage of them at all. There are just too many of them.

As Islamization has increased, the persecution of those who criticize it — or even just point it out — has intensified concomitantly. A number of Europeans that I worked with have been prosecuted; once again, I can’t keep track of them all. Many of them have now ceased their Counterjihad activities — when the choice is between losing your livelihood and giving up your Islamophobia, it’s not surprising that people decide to quit this line of work. If I actually lived in Europe, I might well have been driven out of it myself.

I used to think that making more people aware of what’s happening would help turn the tide. If a critical mass of understanding could only be reached, especially among elected representatives, the process of Islamization might be reversible. Back in 2007 and 2008 I said I thought we had a window of ten or fifteen years in which to begin the process of reversal. Unfortunately, that window has now closed. The demographics of Western Europe have passed the point of no return. The white natives are having fewer children, while the Muslims are having more, and all the while additional “asylum seekers” are pouring in. Tomorrow belongs to them.

Central and Eastern Europe may well be able to avoid the worst, at least for a while, but Western European countries will metamorphose into Muslim societies. Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands, and France will be the first to become Islamic republics, with Germany, Austria, Spain, and Italy following close behind. It’s too late to stop the process; it’s only a matter of time.

No one in a position of political power will take action against the inevitable. Anyone who is inclined to oppose Islamization finds out as soon as he rises high enough in the hierarchy that opposition is not permitted. The order comes down from above, and you either give up your opposition (relevant example: Giorgia Meloni), or your career comes to an end. There are always multiple ways to make an independent-minded politician an offer he can’t refuse. I can’t say exactly who the shadowy unelected globalists are who give the orders, but they’re out there giving them. Their gravitational influence is large enough to shift the orbits of our elected leaders.

As we approach 2050, the Islamization process will intensify to the point where civil strife will break out in Western Europe. If nuclear war can somehow be avoided, it may be possible for white enclaves to form where the worst of the Islamic excesses are kept at bay. However, based on the current demographics, the Caliphate will have control of the major cities. If the welfare jizya ceases to flow to the urban ghettos, then the Muslims living there will have to resort to razzias, which is their traditional way of dealing with privation. We can expect well-armed masses of them to descend on the suburbs and rural areas, where they can rape and pillage to their hearts’ content.

They will have the arms, and, sad to say, they will have more military-age men than the white natives will. By that time most of the remaining whites will be geezers. Thus we can expect that their enclaves will gradually shrink, while the culturally enriched sharia banlieues will gradually expand.

And that’s just the Islamization aspect of the coming collapse. One of the ghastly realizations I’ve come to during the past two decades is that Islamization is just one tool in the demonic toolbox accessed by our globalist masters. The culture wars that are raging all across the West feature several other lytic agents designed to break down traditional societies and render them unable to resist the planned apocalypse — Build Back Better, the Great Reset, or whatever they choose to call it.

The most recent destructive fad is the “trans” craze, which is dissolving every social institution it touches so rapidly that it’s hard to take in what’s happening. And that’s certainly not the last such craze — it’s already clear that bestiality, polygamy, incest, and pedophilia are coming up soon. For all I know, necrophilia, necrophagia, and cannibalism may be next on the menu. Cannibals have rights, too!

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The Play’s the Thing

Concerning the events of the last 24 hours: the Iranian attack on Israel resembles an extravagant theatrical production. Just look at all the media hoopla about an operation that didn’t kill or seriously injure anyone.

Iran was behind the Hamas attacks last October 7. It has also been behind the recent Hezbollah attacks on northern Israel, which have driven thousands of people from their homes. Those two operations (and many others) show that the Iranians can be very effective at harming Israel when they want to.

Conclusion: the mullahs didn’t really intend to do any serious damage to Israel last night.

I’m not sure what the motivation was for all the theatre, but I’m convinced it’s theatre. Mark Steyn has reached similar conclusions. And so has Sundance at Conservative Tree House. (That last link features some plausible speculation about what’s behind the scrim.)

Everything I say here is pure speculation. I’m no expert. I don’t know what’s going on. I just know there’s more to this than meets the eye.

Whenever I encounter indications of skullduggery, the first question I ask myself is: Cui bono? In this case, the answer is not at all obvious. There are, however, some data points that are worth examining.

According to The Jerusalem Post:

Iran informed Turkey in advance of its planned operation against Israel, a Turkish diplomatic source told Reuters on Sunday, adding that Washington had conveyed to Tehran via Ankara that any action it took had to be “within certain limits.”

Turkey, which has denounced Israel for its campaign on Gaza, said earlier on Sunday that it did not want a further escalation of tensions in the region.

The Turkish source, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan had spoken to both his US and Iranian counterparts in the past week to discuss the planned Iranian operation, adding Ankara had been made aware of possible developments.

So the USA gave the green light for Iran to attack Israel “within certain limits”. And what might those limits have been? Based on what eventuated last night, it seems that Iran was enjoined not to cause significant Israeli casualties or do serious damage to the infrastructure of the Jewish state.

Those are pretty hard terms for a jihad-based entity like the Islamic Republic of Iran. Why would the mullahs agree to such humiliating restrictions?

After all, the Israelis did severe damage to Iranian honor by attacking that building in Damascus and killing major Iranian assets. Iran was honor-bound to mount a decisive response against Israel. They needed something to that would make faithful Muslims take to the streets all over the world, shouting with joy and handing out candy. But they also knew that if they were effective in their actions, Israel might do them significant damage. The Jewish state is quite capable of doing grievous harm to Iran. Doing so might trigger World War Three, with mushroom clouds waiting just over the horizon, but Israel can certainly nobble Iran if the situation is dire enough to require it.

Knowing all this, the State Department made Iran an offer that would allow it to salvage its international honor without ushering in Armageddon. Presumably the panjandrums at State also had enough leverage to persuade the Israelis to go along with the dirty deal.

So that’s a possible explanation for what Iran got out of the deal. What did the USA and its British mini-me get?

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Sharia Law Dehumanizes Women

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Sharia Law Dehumanizes Women

by Clare M. Lopez

We’re all still dealing with the abominations committed by HAMAS and civilian Gazan jihadis on October 7, 2023. Israelis will be dealing with the horrors perpetrated against their women and girls for the rest of their lives. In fact, we should not, must not forget. Not now, during the month of March, which is Women’s History Month, and not ever. The theme running through all of this month’s articles is the dehumanization of women that seems hard-wired into Islamic Law (sharia) — or at least the way sharia culture is inculcated into the men who grow up under its influence.

“New Report Details ‘Sadistic Sex Crimes’ Perpetrated by Hamas on October 7, Forced Families to Witness Rapes” by Margaret Flavin at Gateway Pundit, February 21, 2024

“A UN envoy says there are ‘reasonable grounds’ to believe Hamas committed sexual violence on Oct. 7” by Edith M. Lederer at AP News, March 4, 2024

“A ‘male’ humanoid robot was unveiled in Saudi Arabia. It then inappropriately touched a female reporter”, by Joshua Zitser at Business Insider, March 12, 2024

  • So, in Saudi Arabia, even the robots treat women like sexual objects — seems we need to wonder about the algorithms programmed into them!

“Document Shows Iranian Protester Raped Before Murder” by Nika Shakarami at Iran International, February 21, 2024

  • The Iran International Iranian dissident group, that produces TV programming and published articles from its London headquarters, seems able repeatedly to breach the servers of official Iranian regime agencies. Here, the group has obtained a trove of documents from inside the Iranian judiciary. This report documents a “state sanctioned campaign of sexual violence” against protesters during the “Women, Life, Freedom” protests that swept through Iran following the murder of Mahsa Amini by Iranian police in 2022. Sexual violence against Iranian dissidents and protesters, both male and female, has been a recurring abuse documented throughout the now 45-year rule of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

“ISIS caliph al-Baghdadi’s wife says he had sex slaves, child bride” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, February 24, 2024

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A Letter to the Cousins

Our English correspondent Seneca III addresses his latest remarks to his American cousins.

A Letter to the Cousins

by Seneca III

On this side of the pond and then on over the ditch to Europe, there is increasing chaos. The political classes, the academics and the politicians we have elected are scrambling around and promoting this DEI excrement which has turned so much of our national socio-economic landscapes into moral wildernesses by selling out to these ‘new citizens’, the so called ‘immigrants’ and ‘refugees’ who are in fact illegally-entered black and brown criminals (mostly Muslim) from every failed country on earth. They are slowly and violently taking over the streets, public spaces and public transport across the continent.

Stabbings, street robberies, rape gangs and shootings are now an unwelcome integral part of our way of life, and parts of several major cities such as Londonistan, which is now minority white, are infested with dangerous no-go areas unsafe even in daylight. At night they become war zones where different factions, races and gangs fight it out for control. Europe, with a couple of notable exceptions, is much the same.

In Aberdeen, Shell’s headquarters were targeted today with orange paint as Just Stop Oil activists claimed responsibility. They seem not to understand that the Universe, even if only to the extent of the thirteen-billion-year time/distance limited horizons we can presently observe, is huge beyond our comprehension. It is deep, complicated, profoundly mysterious and interconnected in ways we do not yet understand… if we ever will. That Extinction Rebellion and its various analogues should presume to tell us how it works on our cosmological microscale and that we are responsible for perfectly natural events smacks of the destructive knee-jerk response of simple-minded children.

We still do not know if solar activity and climate are constructive partners or destructive antagonists, for our collective life span is too short compared with that of Mother Sun. Homo sapiens sapiens still has a long way to go to complete its evolution into Homo solaris and even further to Homo stellaris, but one wonders how those far-distant descendants of ours will look back and view the twitterings of these gullible drones so taken in by the great global warming/carbon tax scam.

With much time on my hands these days, this redneck from over the pond has used it to keep a beady eye on you guys and I have a subliminal feeling that a major geopolitical sea change is underway over there. It’s hard to pin down amidst the furore surrounding Trump, the November presidential election and what will happen after, but there are some clues to be found in these snippets I have picked up during my interweb meanderings:

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Blind Spots

MC has some thoughts on the ongoing Islamic conquest of the West, plus an update on the situation in Sderot.

Blind Spots

by MC

The ‘civilized’ world has a huge blind spot: the Islamic propensity for violence (and deceit).

Most religions seek peace and personal fulfilment, but violence does happen from time to time when religion becomes political, as happened to Christianity in the 16th and 17th centuries. The 30 Years’ War was particularly bloody. The wars of the 20th century were not ‘religious’ as such, but were driven by political desires for Lebensraum. The First World War started when Austria tried to annex Serbia using the assassination of the Arch Duke Ferdinand in Sarajevo (Bosnia) as an excuse. Serbia was guilty until proven innocent, but whilst Serbian factions were definitely involved, nobody has implicated the Serbian government. 9/11 was carried out mainly by Saudi factions; does that make the Saudis liable?

It is a mistake to see the different Islamic countries as separate entities. They are much more like the tribes of pre-Columbian America: brutal, squalid, and greedy for their neighbour’s land and women. They fight amongst themselves, but all combine to fight the infidel when necessary.

On October 7, Islamists from Gaza, of mainly Egyptian origin (but members of the Hamas ruling clique) tried to invade Israel. Yet this is only part of a bigger and more dangerous problem that Europe in particular does not see coming or does not perceive to be a problem. After all, for a secular humanist, ‘religion’ is just a label, and one can conform with the rituals but otherwise remain unchanged in one’s belief in mankind as god. And anyway, one can always pay the jizya (protection money). The Islamic world on the whole applauded the atrocity. Why? Because Hamas did exactly what the Koran tells all Muslims to do.

At its peak, the Islamic world stretched from Delhi in India to the gates of Vienna and the border areas of Spain and France. Islamic pirates stopped all trade in the Mediterranean area and sent their slavers as far as northern Europe in search of human livestock as slaves. Rape is not a crime in Islam. If a female is unguarded by a male, she may be legally assaulted, because women are not considered to be ‘people’ but rather possessions. It is this doctrine we are inviting into our midst, and there is no mechanism for Islam to either reform or conform. So lock up your daughters.

Islam conquered northern Africa and totally wiped out the peaceful Christian communities there. No mercy was shown; Islam wanted a ‘Christian-free zone’.

The deceit? Islam claims to be a victim of the ‘crusading’ and ‘colonising’ West, but this is all dishonest projection in its worst form. Yet our academics and leaders appear to fall for it every time. The Koran describes Jews as ‘pigs and apes’ to be executed, taken as slaves, or put into dhimmitude (financial slavery).

Most of these policymakers seem to have ulterior motives, but many are simply intimidated. Muslims howl with rage and take to the streets when they feel that their ‘honour’ or that of their (dead) prophet has been violated. They are a virulent militia pretending to be a religion of peace. In France, they ambush and murder schoolteachers who do not kowtow to the Islamic revisions of history. The government does nothing.

The aims of the New World Order and of Islam are currently compatible. Among those aims are the total eradication of Judeo-Christianity, and world domination. Each thinks it can control the other in the final battle.

My brother, a socialist and party member, supported the EU because, as he claimed, that it would prevent any new European war…

He still has the same hope 40 years later. Personally, I think the EU is a good recipe for war, but that is just an opinion.

Islam has been the enemy of the USA for centuries and was the raison d’être of the US Marine Corps. But ‘oil politics’ always prevails. The NWO wants the USA dependant on Islam for oil, hence one of O’Biden’s first acts was to undo President Trump’s oil self-sufficiency programmes.

Barbary Wars 1804: Navy Lieutenant Stephen Decatur Boarding Tripolitan Gunboat, by DM Carter

Islam is a hierarchical system where the peons are little better than the many chattel slaves that are an intrinsic (and current) part of Islamic culture. There is no individualism amongst the peons; they are effectively imprisoned in clan and tribal tradition, and kept in place by religious police. Islamic royalty live secret lives of hedonism hidden behind high walls.

Yet this sick culture is coming to almost the whole of Europe. Islam is the blind spot of their belief in secular humanist multiculturalism. They think it is a compliant benign religious culture, when in reality it is an armed and ruthless conquering power.

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Moloch Has His Day

Below are excerpts from an essay by Brandon Smith posted at, entitled “To Understand The Globalists We Must Understand Their Psychopathic Religion”. It’s a hard one to read — we live in a grim time.

Readers who are not currently experiencing dysphoria may want to read the whole thing. Here are the most relevant paragraphs:

From Carl Jung to Joseph Campbell to Steven Pinker and beyond, all scientific evidence suggests that human beings have inherent psychological qualities and characteristics from birth. Some of these are unique to the person, some are universal archetypes and ideas that the majority of people share (such as conscience and moral compass). If we didn’t have these built-in qualities, humanity would have become extinct thousands of years ago. We still don’t know where exactly they come from, we only know that without them we are no longer human.

There is, however, a certain percentage of people (1% or less) that actually do not have these inborn character traits. They are generally known as psychopaths and sociopaths, and their behavior is very similar to that of the globalists. I have long held the theory that the globalist cabal is in fact a cult of higher functioning psychopaths.

Their lack of empathy and conscience, their thirst for godhood and omnipotence, their drive to attain all encompassing surveillance of the population, to know everything about us at all time, to have total control over the environment and society, the narcissistic self image of a supreme ruler who is worshiped by the masses, and the delusion that they will be able to read minds and predict the future. These are psychopathic fantasies, and they are willing to chase these fantasies by any means necessary.

But even psychopaths sometimes need a fundamentalist framework in order to maintain organization and inspire devotion within a group. It makes perfect sense that they would choose luciferianism as their religion.

Their “do what thou wilt” philosophy of hedonism takes the idea of freedom and removes all responsibility — It is a degenerate view of liberty, rather than a principled view. Freedom, they think, is only for people like them; the people willing to desecrate everything in their path and upend the natural order.

To watch the embedded videos, including one of Yuval Harari, read the whole post.

What used to be carefully concealed demonic rituals have become increasingly open. There seems to be a cadre of prominent people who yearn to sexually exploit (and even murder) children. The Lolita Express to Epstein’s island was just the tip of the iceberg.

Two or three millennia ago the same impulse drove prominent leaders to offer up their firstborn to the fires of Baal or Moloch. Nowadays the process of child sacrifice has been elaborated and extended — the children are genitally mutilated in accord with the new religion, sexually abused, and stupefied with various drugs. That is, if they are not killed before they are born, which is officially considered a sacrament by the Church of Satan.

I hardly need to point out the confluence of this globalist luciferianism with Islam, which also sexually exploits children. And those are the Muslim children — the children of kuffar experience even more ghastly treatment. Consider, for example, the case of Charlene Downes, who was murdered by those who exploited her, and may have wound up being dismembered, cooked, and served in the kebab.

Back in 2014, when the Islamic State first emerged in Syria and Iraq, I started saying, “Satan is loose in the world.” I haven’t seen anything in the intervening years to make me change my mind.

Hat tip: Hellequin GB.

Marry a Child, Beat My Wife, Rape at Will — Allahu Akhbar!

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Marry a Child, Beat My Wife, Rape at Will — Allahu Akhbar!

by Clare M. Lopez

“Muslim 13-year-old girl forced to marry 29-year-old, ‘A girl can’t say no. It’s against our culture.’” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, February 20, 2024

  • The heart breaks watching this little 13-year-old girl, who ought to be looking forward to high school, instead wiping away tears as she tells us about her forced marriage to a 29-year-old man.

“France: A Syrian man who has been living in France since 2019 is being tried for terrorising his family by, among other things, beating his wife if tea is not served quickly. He admits to the judge over his interpreter: “In Syria, you can beat… you can do anything” at Medforth, February 8, 2024

  • This one’s about a Syrian Muslim on trial in France for multiple charges of domestic abuse. First, he lies; but then he seems genuinely surprised that in civilized society, it’s actually against the law to beat your wife and children. Marriage for love and love of one’s children is obviously a concept entirely missing from this man’s Islamic life experience before coming to France.

“Family who left arranged marriage bride in vegetative state by ‘dousing her with chemicals’ and ‘force-feeding her pills’ are jailed” by Dan Grennan at the Daily Mail, February 14, 2024

  • This poor woman, forcibly married in Pakistan, brought to the UK by her family, was horrifically abused. Her husband, father-and-mother-in-law, brother-and-sister-in-law all participated in the abuse, were found guilty and sentenced to prison… but it was too late for the unfortunate wife, who’s been left in a vegetative state. All perfectly legal under sharia.

“Women in Northeast Iran Province Barred From Exercising in Parks” at, February 6, 2024

  • This was the ruling of a provincial Director General for Sports in Iran, who decreed women could exercise in certain designated areas only. All supposedly to “protect” them from the predations of Muslim men, who will never be held responsible for their own behavior.

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Unintended Consequences

In addition to an update on Sderot, MC’s latest essay discusses the sequelae of late-stage socialism.

Socialism always involves spending more money (usually other people’s) than the socialist entity can afford, which in turn increases poverty, and, in many cases results in a goodly proportion of the economy being driven by debt and slavery, and the need to eliminate those ‘useless eaters’.

As the Nazis (National Socialists) swept through Poland, they arrested young (mainly Catholic) men and herded them into (slave) Labour Camps, with many ending up in the notorious Auschwitz labour camp.

We are taught about Auschwitz in its later role as a death camp, but before it was a death camp (1944) with massive extermination facilities, it was a huge labour camp where young men and PoWs were put to hard and cruel work. Many had to work alongside the Jewish inmates in housed in the notorious Birkenau camps and were exposed to the same radiation and toxic substances such as mercury and cadmium. There was no ‘health and safety’ for Polish slave labour.

Conditions in these camps were primitive, food was scarce, and many did not survive. Nearly as many Poles and Slavs generally died in the camps as did Jews, Gypsies and Christians (Jehovah’s Witnesses and Evangelicals).

Socialism is expensive, and the Nazis needed to rob Piotr to pay Paulus.

The unintended consequence of Nazism was eventually total and utter defeat as the Anglophone and Communist world turned on Nazi Germany and its vile excesses. Germany needed the slaves and the treasuries of Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland to pay for the ‘welfare’ of the ‘master race’

Is this a familiar picture?

Wokism is Nazism with colour, and although many of the people of Israel are ‘non-white’ they are still Jooz, and thus honorary ‘white supremacists’.

Someone out there is bankrolling ‘Wokism’, bribing people of influence to ignore the rape and murder, the baking of babies and the kidnapping of children. I assume that the usual rent-a-mob has been well-rewarded for their efforts across the civilized world.

Staff sergeant Abraham Wovagen fell in battle in Gaza

Of course, Wokism, is like any other socialist venture, and is a total anachronism. Under Wokism, the white liberal establishment, ‘the deep state’, keep their jobs and their power and their patronistic mentality whilst paying lip service to skin colour prejudice. Jim Crow is back in the form of D’avon Pidgeon. This time Jews or people with white skins are the victims. It is thus acceptable to our elites, even while it is still deeply racist. But in a world that has adopted secular humanism as its main belief system, there are no depths to which a progressive liberal will not sink in order to get their ‘moment in the sun’.

The New York Governor Kathy Hochul thought she had a ‘gotcha’ moment when a dubious and victimless ‘fraud’ case against President Trump brought about an egregious fine. But now the Governor has to try and stem the flood of money out of New York City, real estate, banking and other finance business interests are fleeing the state, in her rush to put one over on the Donald, she and her cronies crossed a line. She blasphemed the rule of law and made President Trump a special case where opinion and emotion were substituted for the required blindness of Justice. There is no justice in a banana republic, only whimsy. The woke New York governor now seems to be panicking because she has destroyed vital business confidence — “Who next?”, one must think. Who next might become a ‘special case’? Is it still safe to trade with New York City-based businesses? Is the state going to use lawfare to solve its deep, deep deficit problems?

Hochul forgot decency in her zeal to be the first get a Trump conviction. There are always unintended consequences when the ends justify the means. I also suspect that she has, by her actions, put the Donald in the White House for the next four years. Overzealous Democrats have only one option left.

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From Gaza to Berlin

The topic of this post is not easy write about. What I say here will not earn me any approval. On the one hand, I’ll be excoriated as a tool of the Mossad. On the other, I’ll be denounced as an “anti-Semite”.

So I can’t win, no matter what. But I still feel obligated to write about it, because the issue is an important one that is not being widely discussed in mainstream forums.

These matters are sensitive and contentious, which means that I expect readers to go the extra mile to preserve decorum in the comments. I don’t want the conversation to devolve into an orgy of Jew-hatred, which would be its natural tendency. I know it’s difficult, but it is possible to voice serious criticism of Israel and Jewish groups without invoking the Great Hebrew Menace.

This discussion concerns current events in Gaza. The atrocities of October 7 of last year are a given — I’m not a “denialist” about what happened that day — but they are not the primary topic. My focus is on what has happened in Gaza since October 7.

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As I write, the war in Gaza is still raging, and a ground campaign in Rafah is looming. Critics of the IDF’s actions repeatedly employ the term “genocide”, due to the alarming official Palestinian casualty figures from Gaza. Which is strange, because people who wouldn’t dream of believing the pronouncements of the US government, or the Israeli government, or EU governments, seem to have no problem crediting the Palestinian statistics on casualties in Gaza. The same people who think the Jews inflated the death toll in the Holocaust believe whatever numbers the Poor Palestinians put out.

As if the “Palestinian health authorities” weren’t a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hamas. As if Hamas hasn’t always openly proclaimed that high civilian casualties work to its advantage. Why wouldn’t they inflate those numbers? How could they do otherwise?

Regardless of the actual figures, the damage to the infrastructure of Gaza has been horrific.

It’s very difficult to acquire credible information about conditions in the Gaza Strip, because almost everything published — whether in the mainstream media or the alternative media — is propaganda put out by one side or the other. The current prevalence of AI-generated images and video has made it that much more difficult to separate truth from pseudo-reality.

However, some information may be gleaned from satellite photos, which indicate that well over half of the buildings in the Gaza Strip have been damaged or destroyed. Much of the population of northern Gaza has fled south, and is now trapped between the Israeli-enforced dividing line in central Gaza and the border with Egypt, which enclave is about to be invaded by the IDF. The Egyptians, knowing full well the risks associated with importing large numbers of Palestinians, are only allowing a trickle of traffic through the Rafah border crossing. As a result, a huge number of displaced residents are packed into tent cities near Rafah.

What will become of these refugees when the war is finally over? Israel is not too keen on repopulating the devastated areas of Gaza with them. And some Israeli organizations have plans for postwar Gaza that include establishing new Jewish settlements there. These are not the official plans of the Israeli government, but they are not the ravings of wild-eyed zealots in fringe groups, either. They are being openly discussed in public forums, which means the government is well aware of them and is not trying to shut them down.

If the Palestinians in the tent cities are not to be allowed back into northern Gaza, where then will they be resettled? There is some discussion of “voluntary” migration — that is, conditions in the crowded camps will become so harsh that residents there will be ready to emigrate somewhere, anywhere that will have them. If the Egyptian government can be induced to open the border for a steady, larger flow, this process can begin.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is working towards exactly that end:

On December 25, 2023, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed at the Likud Knesset faction meeting that he was working on the voluntary immigration of Gaza residents to other countries. “Our problem is finding countries that are ready to absorb them, and we are working on it,” Netanyahu said.

It goes without saying that no Islamic nation will accept any refugees from Gaza. They have all made it clear that they do not want Palestinians in their countries. And with good reason — nobody in his right mind would want to import Palestinians. That’s why the Egyptians have steadfastly resisted opening the Rafah crossing fully.

Thus Mr. Netanyahu is, for all practical purposes, expecting the West to take in the wretched refuse from Gaza. Canada, under the inspired leadership of Justin “Baby Doc” Trudeau, has already shown an eagerness to bring in the puir wee bairns of Palestine. I don’t know whether the USA will be similarly welcoming, since this is an election year, but we’ll see. As for the EU, it will vary from country to country, depending on how lefty the government in question is. I would expect Ireland, for example, to take its share, and possibly also Germany, under the Green-led traffic light coalition.

And Israel may have found a different solution to the problem: it is negotiating with Congo to take in the homeless and tempest-tost from Gaza. The article doesn’t mention the issue of payment, but I’m cynical enough to assume that the Congolese, already ridden with poverty and political strife, will extract a high price in return for the placement of Palestinians in their new tropical ghetto.

Regardless of their ultimate destination, the denizens of Gaza are problematic for anyone who is foolish enough to take them in. The Israelis, who have a closer acquaintance with the Palestinians than anyone else (with the possible exception of the Jordanians), have a jaundiced view of them.

Some Israelis — it’s not clear what proportion — are extreme in their attitude. Mia Schem, a former hostage held by Hamas, had this to say:

“It was important to me to relay the truth about the nature of the people who live in Gaza, who they are truly are and what I experienced there,” she said in the interview.

“It is important to you that the world understands, what? That I went through a holocaust,” Schem added. “Everyone over there is a terrorist. [emphasis added]”

Ms. Schem is not alone in her views, and some people are even harsher in their assessment of Gaza. Ilana Mercer (who is Jewish), refers to remarks made by Eliyahu Yossian — an “Israeli analyst and veteran of Unit 8200, a high-tech spy branch of the Israeli military” — according to a tweet from the account of Electronic Intifada:

These days, Israel’s political discourse is marred by the likes of Eliyahu Yossian, a mainstream opinionator. Listening as I did with difficulty to Yossian, I detect the delicate Iranian twang in his accent, although there is no sign of delicacy in this zealot’s worldview. Nothing authentically American, either. “Hamas is not the enemy,” he vociferates, “Gaza is. You level the area, and you kill the largest possible numbers, because the woman there is an enemy, the baby there is an enemy and the first grader is an enemy… and the pregnant woman is the enemy.” Yossian goes on to explain that Israel must not entertain “Western values” because these “blur basic logic.”

“The woman there is an enemy, the baby there is an enemy and the first grader is an enemy”: This is an exact mirror of Hamas’ doctrine about the Jews, by which they justify terrorist attacks that kill Israeli women, children, and the elderly. By definition, no Jew is innocent; all must die.

I don’t have to tell you that these constitute competing genocidal doctrines. In other words, the conflict in Gaza is trending towards a war of extermination. One side or the other will be exterminated.

Therefore, as an alternative, what Mr. Netanyahu is proposing is to export an entire population of what some Israelis consider to be dangerous terrorists who deserve extermination. The aim is to dump them on the Gentiles of the West, or perhaps on the Sons of Ham south of the Sahara. If the price is right, surely Congo or Gabon or Zambia would be willing to accept them. Anywhere but Israel.

Why is he doing that? If they all deserve to be killed, why ship them out to Berlin or Toronto instead of burying their corpses in the rubble of Gaza City and Khan Younis?

The answer, of course, is that this is a cynical strategy that will allow Israel to retain the moral high ground. Since 1948 the Israelis (and Jews in general) have had the reputation of conducting wars in the most humane manner possible, taking more Israeli casualties in order to avoid civilian deaths. It never seemed to do them any good; the Israelis were reviled just as much, no matter what. But they did it anyway. And, at least in the West, no one is acknowledged to wage war more ethically than the Jews of Israel.

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