The following guest-essay by Magooey is especially relevant now, given the horror stories told by hostages who were recently freed from captivity in Gaza.
Background Information on a Recent Protester Chant
by Magooey
In an interview on Fox News in late April 2024, a student from Columbia University complained about protesters chanting “rape is resistance”. She complained that the protesters “are screaming this”. On the other side of the country, one young lady who had been violently attacked at UCLA was wearing a T-shirt with the words “Rape is Not Resistance”. The word “Not” is only partially obscured. This raises the issue of why these concerns are being raised in the vicinity of the pro-Hamas protesters on both sides of the country? Here is the relevant portion of the interview transcript.
It would not be surprising that the relevant background to more fully comprehend this threat may have been avoided in classes on Middle Eastern history or religion taught in a politically correct fashion.
Firstly it should be mentioned that Muslims consider their Prophet Muhammad as the example of the perfect man. His behavior is the model of proper action. In their terms he is the “Seal of the Prophets” so innovations or changes in behavior are rejected.
There are three canonical foundations of Islamic law. These are the Koran, the Sunna and Hadith. The last consists of supposed quotes or activities of their Prophet as related by observers and quoted from one to another until written down not too long after the death of Muhammad.
An Islamic Law
We now have to consider relevant Islamic Law. While there are appropriate passages in the Koran, an Indian writer decided to highlight a Hadith in order to explain the incidence of rape as a political and religious tool by Muslims. From Ali Sina’s book Understanding Muhammad and Muslims:
p. 39 Rape
Muhammad allowed his men to rape the women captured in raids. However Muslims faced a dilemma. They wanted to have sex with their female captives, but also wanted to return them for ransom and therefore did not want to make them pregnant. Some of these women were already married whose husbands had escaped when taken by surprise and were still alive. The raiders considered the possibility of coitus interruptus (withdrawing from intercourse before ejaculation). Unsure of the best course of action, they sought the counsel of their Prophet. Bukhari reports:
Abu Saeed said “We went out with Allah’s Apostle for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. So when we intended to do coitus interruptus, we said “How can we do coitus interruptus before asking Allah’s Apostle who is present among us?” We asked (him) about it and he said “It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul (till the Day of Resurrection) is predestined to exist, it will exist.”
Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 459.
Muhammed did not forbid raping the captive women. Instead he made an asinine claim that when Allah intends to create someone, nothing can prevent it. He told his men that coitus interruptus is ill-advised because it would be an attempt to thwart the will of Allah. He did not say a word against the rape of the captives, and by discouraging coitus interruptus, he supported forced insemination.
He made even his god legitimize intercourse with women captured in wars, the so-called “right hand possessions,” even if they were married before their capture.
Unlike other nations and cultures which illegalize rape of women in war, no matter how imperfectly that law is applied, it is actually Islamic Law to rape captured women. Worse, since the sayings and examples of their Prophet are expressions of their view of a perfect man, it is strongly encouraged for Muslims to rape captive women. Islamic Law both prohibits what they consider the “bad”, and encourages that which they consider is “good”.
It is proper, normative and “good” for Muslims to commit rape in these circumstances.
It can reasonably be expected that all women under these circumstances will be raped.
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