Fundraising in the Time of Corona

This was the “sticky” post for the spring fundraiser. It was first published on May 25, and was on top throughout fundraising week. Scroll down for items posted on and after that date.

Spring Fundraiser 2020, Day Seven

Sunday’s Update: A Diversity Flashback

We’re moving into the final day of what has been a very unusual fundraising week.

Tip jarThere was no way to tell in advance how this quarter’s fundraiser might turn out, given the economic devastation that is enshrouding most of the Western world. Would anybody have spare cash to donate to a minor website?

Would anyone even be paying attention?

Well… Up until now there have been a greater than average number of donations — which is astonishing. Yet the total amount that has come in is somewhat less than average, which isn’t surprising at all, since most people have been hit hard financially for the past two months or so. It’s gratifying that so many have been willing to chip in, under the circumstances.

If you haven’t got around to it yet, the tip jar is on the sidebar, or you can use this link.

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Instead of another COVID-related update, I’ll close this fundraiser with a blast from the past. The excerpt below was written by Dymphna almost exactly eight years ago, on June 4, 2012, for the final fundraising post of that year’s spring fundraiser.

The theme for that week’s bleg was “Diversity”, and she wrapped everything up with the following remarks:

The subject of Diversity is fraught. So for this Fundraiser, I’ve deliberately kept the lid on certain subjects. They can accumulate like barnacles or smart bombs on the wall of diversity, or rather on the battlements of modern, top-down “Diversity”. As is true of any other project, some stuff has to be routinely scraped off so you can see what’s underneath, yet other junk — whilst appearing to be identical — will blow up in your face. Frankly, the explosions aren’t interesting anymore.

It is the former which draws my curiosity. .The latter, full of traps like the origins or even the existence of “global” “warming” — oops, climate change…oops, methane in the atmosphere. Whatever. Any point in “discussing” those issues is long past. Those in Charge will tell you ahead of time: “It’s settled…” “Consensus Has Been Reached”… “Everyone Knows”… “Only an Idiot Would Think Such a Thing”….and so on, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.

Have you noticed that the more fervently views on such issues are clung to (bitterly), the less room there is for Reason or even the possibility of entertaining alternate ideas? Entertaining ideas? Enter that realm at your own risk.

Here’s a partial list of Don’t-Go-There-Unless-You-Want-a-Fight hot buttons. No particular order here, simply a reflection of what I’ve been reading and thinking about. These are only contentions; I have no solutions. The mysteries of life usually don’t come with quick remedies:

  • Abortion. Or not. When does life begin to have value? No, it’s not “settled”. Look up the numbers of those who believe religiously in #1 vs. those who think the prize is behind Door #2. Just don’t put these folks in the same room.
  • Gender. What could be simpler: This is a girl; see that little cleft where her penis should be? This is a boy, see his penis hanging there? Gender-bending is occurring at younger and younger ages, much to the horrified sorrow of parents caught in a five year-old’s intense identity crisis. It may well be that the crisis is real enough, but it could turn out to be just one manifestation of a larger, more complex reality than the one we can see. Human beings are quite malleable, but they are also fragile. The times in which we live, where sexual identity is up for grabs — literally — are reflected in many issues, and one of them is seen in these canary children. In different times most of them would’ve been spared this assault from the zeitgeist, an assault which begins during the dark floaty existence in utero. Were there no assaults from the residues of psychotropic drugs left in the drinking water (just to name one possible influence), or the constant low-level cultural exposure to increasingly depraved pornography, these children could have lived within the boundaries of their respective anatomy without a blip. When times simplify again — and they surely will — outlier cases will recede again. That’s not much comfort now to these kids or their parents as they stumble through the nightmare.
  • Religion is a crutch vs. Spirituality is a part of human experience. The former has become the more intellectually acceptable attitude of late, though one wonders what insecurity keeps the more aggressively devout unbelievers at their megaphones, proselytizing like hard-shell Mississippi Baptists. You begin to ask if there is some fervent need on their part to save the unwashed from arrant foolishness. Perhaps a good dose of American history about the cycles of the Great Awakenings in the 18th and 19th centuries would at least help the ardent atheists this side of the Atlantic to gain some perspective.

    My guess regarding the foundation of this popular orthodoxy among the media gatekeepers? It’s high school redux: they want to be with the cool kids and they don’t want to have to actually study anything. Aping your betters is so much easier, especially if your “educated” betters are being all edgy and you know it will irritate those boring duds in Flyover Country… As is the case for other media belief blankets, if you want to hear another side (and there is more than one) you’ll have to hunt for it on your own. What surprises me is the number of people who do — want to hear another point of view, I mean.

  • Sex among adults. Interestingly, as the results from the Boomer generation become apparent, and the laws of unintended consequences begin to take their toll, their children are turning away from their parents’ youthful decisions to let it all hang out. They see the results and politely decline. Or at least the ones who catch on early enough do so. They know the health risks for both sexes of too many sexual partners. They understand the complexities of bonding better than their naïve parents did. Except for the one percent — those befuddled “Occupy” useful tools — for the most part middle-class kids have turned back the clock. Of course many of them face rigors their parents did not: huge education debt, a poor job market, and increasing balkanization by class. Their lives will be tougher in many ways, but then so will they. At least the ones who aren’t forced to move back home, much the same way their great grandparents had to do to get by.
  • Sex with children as the new norm. Nope, that’s not worth our time. The downward deviancy of our culture was seen two generations ago and I’m sure it’s not hit bottom yet. But it will. In the meantime, let’s not contribute to the pollution.
  • Death. Like the beginnings of life, its endings are becoming more fungible. The Right to Die vs. the Responsibility to Die. Our old are becoming the Ice Floe Generation. And who gets to decide whose life has meaning or value? Recently, a couple sued for Wrongful Birth when their child was born with congenital anomalies the parents believed they should have been told about ahead of time. Among the nettles were questions like financial responsibility for this life no one wants. This question lies floundering side-by-side with the reality of aborted, breathing fetuses who are killed on the operating table without a qualm. Are we confused or what?
  • Trash. There are lots more thorns and contention here, but let’s end with garbage, with refuse, with detritus. Like global warming, there are folks on both sides of the Religion of Recycling, which is a smaller denomination of the colossal Environmental Cathedral — and that place makes Vatican City look like a high-rise tenement. Again, this subject has sectarian overtones in the higher reaches (or screeches) of the True Believers. For the dissidents there is often no choice: just because you can ‘prove’ your locality saves nothing by recycling doesn’t mean you can opt out. There are handy garbage technologies in your wheelie bin that will see you fined or put in jail if you don’t conform.

    One of the dystopian uncharms of living in an urban landscape is unending trash. But city-slicker trash has become another source of revenue for cash-poor rural areas. While the downside is that the nearby urban poor often find it cheaper to skulk out here to the country and leave their bags of unidentifiable refuse because they can’t afford the trash stickers the city makes them buy, there’s an upside to this. Big cities up North will pay good money to poor rural areas if they’ll take the garbage out. Thus many county boards of supervisors do just that, and this venture keeps the real estate tax rate down for the bumpkins.

    Don’t you wonder where this will lead as consumers are unable to continue consuming? Will trash reduce itself to an endangered species? In order to continue the justification of its existence, will the EPA have to step in with emergency rulings?

Diverse contentions. They’re endless and they get more polarized all the time. As resources get thin on the ground, look for the rigidities to worsen. I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of living in interesting times. I’m ready for a good long spell of boredom — kind of like those endless amber waves of grain we don’t have anymore because they hybridized all the wheat. Modern varieties are now too short to wave at anyone.

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The photo below was taken in the late 1990s. It shows Dymphna on her 58th birthday:

It’s probably the last image of her that I’ll scan and post, unless I happen upon another trove of lost photos. She gave her permission for me to post just one, the photo of her holding a puppy that I included with my eulogy for her last June.

However, I figure that her attitude about such things is probably more relaxed now that she is incorporeal. The photos of her that I’ve posted here over the past twelve months are excellent ones, in my opinion. She is exactly herself in them, and I cherish them more than words can say. I think she’s OK with my including them here.

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Saturday’s gifts came in from:

Stateside: California, Illinois, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Texas

Far Abroad: Australia and the UK

Canada: Ontario

I’ll be back in a few days to post a wrap-up with the final tally of locations.

The next fundraiser will begin sometime in the hot, hot summer. Who knows what the coronacrisis will have morphed into by then?

Many thanks to everyone for their generosity.

Saturday’s Update: Who is That Masked Man?

We’re moving into the penultimate day of Gates of Vienna’s quarterly fundraiser.

Readers who are sheltering in place at home and have nothing better to do are invited to send a modest donation by way of the tip cup on the sidebar (or by using this link).

Those small individual gifts are the way I keep this blog going. If a significant number of readers give a little bit each, it adds up to enough to pay for the site and keep me in cheese and crackers for another quarter.

Full disclosure: This website is not corona-compliant. Its proprietor is a coronadissident who refuses to wear a mask.

Since yesterday morning’s update I became aware of an article published by the The New England Journal of Medicinethat bolsters my dissident stance. It concerns the ineffectiveness of wearing a mask as a means of preventing the spread of COVID-19. One of our commenters mentioned it, but I also ran across it on Twitter.

This was actually published in April, but for some reason is only now drawing attention:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/31/2020

The race riots ignited by the death of George Floyd have spread to many more cities. The locations in the USA are too numerous to mention, but BLM activists have also taken to the streets in Montreal and London. The National Guard has been deployed in 15 American states.

In coronanews, Poland will lift its requirement for face masks in public starting next Saturday.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, JD, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Orange Vests Protest Coronavirus Restrictions in Milan

A group called the Orange Vests staged a demonstration in the Italian city of Milan to protest the government’s handling of the coronavirus crisis.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this news report, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling.

The translator notes that after the demonstration police were able to identify a number of the participants, who were then issued with citations for violating social distancing rules.

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/30/2020

The race riots that began in Minneapolis have now spread to at least thirty other American cities, including Seattle, Portland, Detroit, Oakland, Chicago, Philadelphia, Dallas, and Salt Lake City. During the riots one person was shot and killed in Detroit, and two federal officers were shot in Oakland, one of them fatally. President Trump has ordered military police to remain on standby in case they are needed to quell the disturbances.

In other news, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has relaxed mandatory masking in most retail businesses. Masking will only be required on public transport and in certain other locations.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Butchers of Lampedusa

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from Il Giornale:

They arrived with Carola Rackete: Convicted because they were torturers

by Chiara Giannini
May 30, 2020

They arrived aboard the Sea Watch captained by Carola Rackete, the German commander of the ship who last year rammed a Guardia di Finanza patrol boat, and were recognized as torturers in the Libyan detention centers by some migrants disembarked from the Alex and Co. of Mediterranea Saving Humans.

The Messina Judge of Preliminary Hearing (GUP) has now sentenced each of them to 20 years in prison. They are Mohamed Condè, aka Suarez, 22 from Guinea, Hameda Ahmed, 26, from Egypt and Mahmoud Ashuia, from Egypt, 24. They were arrested on September 16 last year at the Messina hotspot and accused of torture, sexual violence, criminal association, human trafficking, and murder. The detention of the three, adjudicated with the abbreviated rite formula, took place by order of the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Agrigento.

The fact that they arrived on board the Sea Watch captained by Carola Rackete, was kept under wraps both by the Viminale [Ministry of the Interior] and the chiefs of police, but was reported exclusively by Il Giornale.

Meanwhile, the landings of migrants continues uninterrupted. The Lampedusa reception center is full. Within a few hours, numerous boats with 185 people have arrived inside the port. After the arrivals of recent weeks from Tunisia, those from Libya have resumed. All this despite the hard work of the Tripoli Coast Guard, which yesterday took back about 200 migrants. And yesterday the Guardia di Finanza recovered 50 other people off the island, almost all from Bangladesh and Morocco. “They tell us that they are fleeing Covid,” says a law enforcement operator employed at Lampedusa, “and that they are coming to Italy because they have realized that they can now be regularized and that they can find a job,” after the announcement of Minister Teresa Bellanova. And he continues: “Now we’re not even waiting for them to arrive anymore. We have been given orders to go and look for them.” It is questionable why, given that the Interior Minister, Luciana Lamorgese, in a period of Covid emergency, had spoken of “unsafe Italian ports”.

Rampage With a Hatchet in Scheveningen

The article below describes an incident that happened on Thursday evening in The Hague. For unknown reasons a man went on a rampage with a hatchet, and was shot by police.

There is no indication of any cultural enrichment in this story. How much do you want to bet that the perpetrator is a native Dutchman?

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from Algemeen Dagblad:

Police shoot man carrying hatchet in Scheveningen

On Thursday evening, police officers shot a man holding a hatchet on Neptunusstraat in the Hague. The man wounded at least one person and caused damage in the street. “He struck a passing cyclist,” says a resident who saw it all happen.

by Thomas de Waard and Rianne de Zeeuw
May 28, 2020

Apparently, the agents were required to use their weapons to stop the man. The man wounded two people on the street, possibly randomly, but the Public Prosecutor cannot yet say.

The Public Prosecutor confirms that the suspect was shot by a police officer. “The national investigative police are conducting an investigation into the reason for the shooting. At this moment more is not clear,” reports a spokesperson. Public statements are the responsibility of the Public Prosecutor, and not the police. That is common when a police officer has used his/her weapon.

A man was sent with haste to the hospital. According to CalamitysiteRegio15, that was the suspect who was shot.


The incident took place around 7:00pm and was seen by several residents. “I was coming back from my walk on the beach when I heard someone screaming,” said a local resident, who did not want her name in the newspapers. “Actually, I wasn’t surprised, because you regularly hear crazy things being screamed nowadays. An older man was cycling by, and the young man began striking the back of the cyclist out of nowhere with a big hatchet. The man shouted, ‘Stop, sir, stop, sir!’ Then I ran away quickly because with only one step he would have caught me. Then a young lad called the police.”

The man with the hatchet also reportedly harassed a couple who were eating fries farther on in a coffee shop. Earlier the man had destroyed a window. According to witnesses, the perpetrator lives on that street. The local resident says the man panicked when officers approached him. “First, there were warning shots,” says another anonymous woman resident. “Then they apparently shot him, because he was taken to the hospital.”


A video of the arrest is going around social media. After the incident, the intersection of Neptunusstraat and Rotterdamsestraat was blocked off with police tape. National police investigators have been busy for hours with the investigation. “It is normally always a quiet neighborhood,” says a local resident. “ Hardly anything ever happens here.”

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/29/2020

Rioting and looting in Minneapolis over the death of George Floyd continued for a second night, spreading to D.C., New York, Atlanta, Louisville, and other cities. CNN headquarters in Atlanta was attacked by a mob. Meanwhile, it has emerged that Derek Chauvin, the former policeman charged with murdering George Floyd, had known his victim when the two were security guards at a nightclub.

In other news, President Trump ordered that the United States pull out of WHO entirely over the organization’s China-compliant response to the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to JD, JM, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Ten Rules for Politicians

Ten Rules for Politicians

by Michael Copeland

1.   Pretend only a minority of Muslims are of concern.
2.   Tell everyone they are warped misunderstanders.
3.   Tell everyone the Muslim clerics will help.
4.   Gain publicity at every Islamic holy event.
5.   Praise Muslims and Islam at every chance.
6.   Give Muslims positions of influence.
7.   Increase aid to Muslim countries.
8.   Pressure voters to pretend Muslims are no problem.
9.   Curb freedom of speech.
10.   Silently spend a fortune on counter-terrorism.

Hat tip: comment by PJG

Mrs. Merkel, Build That Wall!

The borders of Germany are open, but the Reichstag is fenced off. Lawmakers and government functionaries want to make sure that their august deliberations will not be disturbed by the hue and cry of the hoi polloi at the front door.

The following video shows the new fence and trench that surround the Reichstag building. Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/28/2020

The governor of Minnesota has activated the National Guard to deal with unrest triggered by the death of George Floyd, an unarmed black man, while in police custody. Activists from Black Lives Matter and Antifa took to the streets of Minneapolis to protest the injustice of Mr. Floyd’s death by looting stores and burning down buildings.

In other news, this year’s Boston Marathon was cancelled for the first time in its history due to the Wuhan Coronavirus.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, JD, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The PVV on the Expropriation of Jewish Property in the Netherlands During World War Two

Below are written Parliamentary questions from Gidi Markuszower MP and Geert Wilders MP (both PVV Party for Freedom, Partij voor de Vrijheid) to the Ministers of Education, Culture and Science; of Health, Welfare and Sport; of the Interior and Kingdom Relations; of Finance; and of Justice and Security, about the article that four out of five municipalities do not know whether “during the Second World War, Jewish real estate was expropriated and resold, while that did happen in their municipality”*:

1.   Are you familiar with the article and the research?
2.   Are you prepared to map all the stolen property of Jews, in cooperation with the Dutch municipalities? Including the real estate that was expropriated during the war but was not resold? And also, for example, commercial real estate that was stolen by “verwalters” appointed by the Nazis?
3.   Did the Dutch government, central and local, own and/or take possession of real estate for which the Jewish owners or their relatives were murdered? If so, do you not believe that these properties should be returned to the Jewish Community?
4.   What efforts did Jews, who survived the Shoah, have to make after the war, and what costs did they have to incur, to get their looted property back?
5.   Does the Minister believe that the State of the Netherlands is liable for the actions of wrong notaries; after all, they formed a crucial link in the robbery of the Jewish looted real estate in and after the war?
6.   Are you familiar with the fact that with every sale of stolen Jewish property, the Tax Authorities collected a 5% “registration fee”? If so, are you willing to refund these fees?
7.   Was the restitution of the looted Jewish real estate part of the settlement made by the government with the Jewish Community in 2000?
8.   Which municipalities have imposed leasehold, street tax and other levies on returning Jews?
9.   Do you share our opinion that the time has come to find out which governmental irregularities in WWII can still be rectified? Such as collected fines and taxes, Jewish star fees, transport costs paid by or on behalf of those transported away?
10.   Are you aware that much information about the stolen Jewish property is in the archives of the Dutch Management Institute? Don’t you think it is time to make all these archives digitally accessible and freely available?
*   Research by Follow The Money en Pointer

“An Armed People Shall Never Be Enslaved”

José Atento has written in the past about the remarkable similarity of the sabotage of Donald Trump and that of Jair Bolsonaro by the establishments in their respective countries. The Brazilian chapter of the Deep State is attempting to weaponize the coronavirus scam against President Bolsonaro. Sound familiar?

Note: The video included in the essay below was not subtitled by us, so be aware that there is a lot of vulgar language in the subtitles.

“An armed people shall never be enslaved”

by José Atento

Last time, I reported how the Brazilian Establishment was doing everything possible to overthrow Brazil’s president Jair Bolsonaro. At that time I mentioned the incident created by the early departure of Justice Minister Sergio Moro. Moro became a Brazilian national hero as the judge who led Operation Car Wash that put jailed powerful politicians and entrepreneurs, including former president Lula. Bolsonaro invited him to be his justice minster because Moro represented one of his causes: the fight against corruption.

Some pointed out that even though he was aligned with the fight against corruption, Moro was against some of Bolsonaro’s other positions. Contrary to Bolsonaro, Moro was in favor of abortion and in favor of disarming the population.

Let us jump to the present and the COVID-19 crisis. The Supreme Court, mostly composed of judges appointed during the 16 years of socialist rule, decided that the guidance, administration and control of how to tackle the pandemic was the responsibility of the state governors. One may argue that was correct, since public health is prerogative of states and municipalities, but, in practice, that made the federal government like the “Queen of England” whose only duty was to print money. Nonetheless, Bolsonaro made his opinion heard loud and clear, that, based on the Brazilian reality, where most of the population eat based on the money they make every day, the best approach would be a vertical lockdown of those in higher-risk groups (the elderly and those with health conditions); otherwise, the social consequences of the lockdown would be huge.

Some states, particularly those governed by the socialist Labour Party (PT) and the state of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, whose governors are pre-candidates for the 2022 presidential election, opted to force a full lockdown upon the population, calling it “social distancing.” Here comes the newspeak: everything was closed, and everyone told to stay at home, but it was not a lockdown. God knows what a lockdown would mean to them. At the same time, they began to bombard Bolsonaro with all sort of accusations, such as that he was anti-science, and the mainstream Brazilian media (that includes the newly created CNN-Brazil) blamed Bolsonaro for everything, even though his power had been removed by the Supreme Court.

Probably, the most outrageous of all was the way state and municipal police forces began to treat citizens who allegedly “disrespected social distancing” even if they were alone in an empty space. The brutality of a police-state became visible in videos that flooded social media (but not mainstream media) where working men, the elderly and women, even in bikinis, were brutally handcuffed and arrested. Meanwhile, governors are releasing criminals from jail, even drug-trafficking leaders and unrepentant rapists.

During this time of crisis, Justice Minister Moro resigned, claiming Bolsonaro was trying to interfere with the work of the Federal Police, even attempting to change some of its directors. Vague as this accusation was, as it is a constitutional prerogative of the president to appoint people to senior positions, the Establishment began to ask for Bolsonaro’s impeachment. Moro claimed that the content discussed during the last ministerial meeting would prove that. the Supreme Court opened an investigation based on Moro’s accusation, and requested the tape of the meeting.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/27/2020

96% of coronavirus fatalities in Italy were among those with two or more serious pre-existing chronic medical conditions. The average age of the decedents was over 80.

Meanwhile, Las Vegas has announced that casinos will be able to reopen on June 4. Also, an outbreak of the Wuhan Coronavirus has forced the closure of a coal mine in northeastern Czechia. And the EU has proposed a €750 billion coronavirus bailout.

In other news, 750 migrants now housed in Greek camps will be relocated to France.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Fjordman, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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