Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/31/2017

President Donald Trump announced his appointment today to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court, a federal judge named Neil Gorsuch. Mr. Gorsuch, the son of the late Anne Gorsuch, who served as EPA director under President Reagan, is considered a strict constructionist concerning the Constitution. Congressional Democrats are expected to mount a bitter resistance to keep Mr. Gorsuch from being confirmed.

In preparing tonight’s news feed, I learned that the vice president of Venezuela is a man of Druze-Lebanese background named Tareck El Aissami. I never knew that before.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Dora, Fjordman, JD, MC, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Danish Journalist Chased Out of Nørrebro by “Anti-Fascists”

In the following video you’ll see a Danish journalist threatened and then chased away from a supposedly open-to-the-public community center in Nørrebro, a district of Copenhagen that is not only culturally enriched, but also thoroughly infested with “anti-fascists” who ally themselves with Muslim immigrants.

You can’t get a good look in the clip at the thugs who chase the journalist and the cameraman down the street, and I’m unable to judge their ethnic background from their accents, so I don’t know whether the bottle-throwers are Muslims, or autonomer, or both.

Many thanks to Tania G. for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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You, Too, Can Be a Syrian Refugee!

I am shocked — shocked! — to learn that Syrian officials in Germany are willing to hand out Syrian passports to anyone who can afford the extra fee. I hope the German and Syrian governments will round up the usual suspects as soon as possible.

Many thanks to JLH for translating this article from FOCUS Online:

Become a Syrian for €530

The Syrian Embassy is Said to Have Issued False Passports for an Extra Payment

January 27, 2017

Employees of the Syrian embassy in Berlin are said to have issued Syrian passports for an extra payment of €150, without confirming the identity of the applicant. And that is how people without the appropriate citizenship can get a Syrian passport.

More than 4.8 million Syrians have fled their homeland. It is not unusual during the dangerous trip to lose a passport, have it stolen or confiscated by the smugglers. Syrians can acquire a new passport at their embassy in Germany. But the applicant’s identity is supposed to be carefully confirmed. Embassy employees are said to have skipped this step — for an extra fee.

The embassy is supposed to have frequently given out passport to persons who had come to Germany and claimed to be Syrian refugees, reports the Berliner Zeitung. Syrians often have a better chance than other nationals to achieve asylum in Germany because of the civil war.

Office of Berlin Attorney General Investigates

A non-Syrian could obtain a genuine Syrian passport for an added fee of €150 above the customary fee of €380, according to the newspaper’s sources in the Berlin Attorney Generalship. This authority has now opened an investigation.

The federal police and the interior ministry had previously received indications of this from foreign authorities in North Rhine-Westphalia. Independently of one another, several persons are said to have confirmed that Syrian diplomatic representatives had, in some cases, not confirmed the Syrian citizenship of applicants.

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The US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Refugee Business

One of the reasons why President Trump is facing such enormous, vicious resistance to his restrictions on immigration is that shuttling “refugees” into this country is a multi-billion dollar business. Large organizations, especially the Catholic Church and major Protestant denominations, are running a very lucrative “resettlement” scam with the migrants they place in communities — paid for with federal tax dollars. We’ve written in the past about what the Catholic church is up to in Northern Virginia (most recently: Catholic Church Unrepentant for Working with Muslim Brotherhood Front Groups).

Now a reader from California sends this note about the Catholic immigration industry on the Left Coast of the USA:

I know you’ve had articles in the past covering the Catholic Church’s involvement in importing thousands of “refugees” into the US. I was listening to our local Catholic radio station yesterday, and they had a guest on their show, Ashley Feasley of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.

It was truly difficult to listen to her, as she said things such as how in-depth the vetting process is of those who come in, how we have a duty to accept the refugees, that they are fleeing civil war and we must help them, etc. etc. Most of the callers were saying we had to protect our country first, so that’s a good sign.

It was on the Drew Mariani show yesterday between 2 and 3pm (Pacific Coast time), on 1260 AM Immaculate Heart Radio in the San Francisco Bay Area. Here’s his webpage on the radio station.

You can see Ashley Feasley listed on the right side of the webpage under guests. Also, here’s an article from yesterday on the subject, which has Ms. Feasley commenting on the USCCB’s stand. And if you scroll to the bottom and read the reader comments, you’ll see that readers all back the immigration ban.

The Church profits enormously from their resettlement programs, which of course isn’t really mentioned, and I wonder how many members of the Church realize that. The church leaders quoted make it seem like it’s all about love and caring for the refugees that they’re helping to resettle, but they leave out the profit motive. They don’t even seem to be unsettled about the very low numbers of Christians who are allowed, even though they are very clearly the most persecuted in most of these countries.

Traitors to their country and traitors to Christ.

To keep up-to-date on refugee resettlement news, read Refugee Resettlement Watch.

“Allahu Akhbar” and Guns — Panic on the Vienna Subway

There was chaos yesterday on the U-bahn in Vienna as several high-spirited “youths” terrorized passengers with guns and “Allahu Akhbar!”

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating this piece from the Kronen Zeitung:

Young Migrants Trigger Mass Panic in Vienna Subway

Incident on Monday afternoon in the Vienna Subway: A group of young migrants near the U3 station Schweglergasse started to yell “Allahu Akhbar” according to a witness — and pulled out pistols. Panic broke out among the passengers — but one courageous witness promptly intervened.

Amer Albayati, a well known terror expert for the Krone [newspaper], also witnessed the incident. Four youths with migration backgrounds were yelling in Arabic and brandishing pistols — they may have been “airsoft guns”. Shots were heard.

Brave witness attacked the youths

The passengers panicked, reported Albayati, and tried to get as far away from the screaming youths as possible. One passenger tried to take down the lads and apparently he succeeded in temporarily kicking the four out of the train at the stop at Schweglergasse. Finally, as the train reached the Zieglergasse heading towards Stephansplatz, the group left the subway for good.

Many witnesses took photos of the suspects — the four youths have been reported, and the search for them is underway.

Security measures for exactly these types of incidents

According to the spokesman for the police, Thomas Keiblinger, the youths were of high school age. “We have security measures in the train and at the platforms for exactly these types of incidents when passengers don’t feel safe anymore,” Daniel Amann, the spokesperson for the Vienna subway, added. With these emergency security measures which are located on the trains as well as in so-called “SOS-cubes” on the platforms, a passenger can directly reach and talk to the train engineer or the control room. In an emergency people shouldn’t be shy about using these measures.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/30/2017

President Donald Trump signed an executive order today designed to cut down on the number of federal regulations. Mr. Trump says that for every new regulation that is imposed, two must be eliminated.

In other Trump-related news, according to the latest polls, 57% of the American people agree with the president’s cutoff of immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries. 33% are undecided in their opinion, while only 10% are opposed.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Diana West, JD, Nick, Reader from Chicago, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Update on the Quebec City Mosque Attack

Late last night, when the news first broke about the massacre in the mosque in Quebec City, several media reports (including one from the CBC) said that there were up to three gunmen, and that they shouted “Allahu Akhbar” as they gunned down their victims.

Before I went to bed, Vlad and Sandra Solomon made a subtitled clip translated from the Arabic, which I posted here. It was based on this Facebook video, and discussed an intramural conflict at the mosque between “moderates” and “extremists”.

When I woke up this morning, the number of suspects had been reduced to two. Both of them had been arrested. Their names were released (or leaked), one Muslim, the other French-Canadian.

I had to leave home early this afternoon and was out for about six hours. Before I left, I rushed to post the latest update, which said that only one of the two men was a suspect; the other was a “witness”. The wording of the article was difficult to understand; after several readings, I made it out to say that the French-Canadian was the witness and Mohamed was the shooter. I was mistaken.

When I got home early this evening, I learned that it was just the opposite. It seems that I made an error in reading comprehension (along with numerous other people).

The man who has been arrested and charged with murder is named Alexandre Bissonnette. No beard, no evidence of conversion to Islam, with right-wing political leanings. In other words, a godsend (allahsend?) to Prime Minister Justin “Baby Doc” Trudeau.

At this point the story doesn’t make much sense. What happened to “Allahu Akhbar”? How does an arrested “suspect” become a “witness”? Why was the second man a suspect for a while? Is he perhaps a government informant or infiltrator who accompanied Mr. Bissonnette?

The whole thing is very smelly. I’m not willing to venture any conjectures about what it all means, at the risk of descending into unfounded conspiracy theories. I’ll just have to wait until more information becomes available.

Below are excerpts from the exhaustive report in the The Daily Mail:

Loner student ‘who liked Trump, Le Pen and mocked Syrian refugees online’ is charged with six counts of murder for gunning down Muslim men as they prayed in a Quebec City mosque

The loner student accused of killing six Muslim men as they prayed at a Quebec mosque was pictured arriving at court on Monday to face charges for their murders.

Alexandre Bissonnette is accused of slaughtering the men and injuring five others by opening fire on them as they attended evening prayers at the Quebec City Islamic Cultural Center on Sunday.

The 27-year-old student was described by classmates as a pro-Trump loner who did not fit in well at Laval University where is studying anthropology and political sciences. But neighbors of the family home in the affluent Quebec suburb of Cap Rouge were stunned to learn Bissonnette, described as a ‘typical boy-next-door’, was being accused of the shooting.

He was arrested on Sunday night after phoning police himself from his Mitsubishi where investigators allegedly found two rifles and an AK-47.

Bissonnette was charged with six counts of murder, five of attempted murder and is likely to have more charges brought against him, police said on Monday.

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A Day in the Life of Modern Multicultural Germany

Nash Montana sends these headlines from today and yesterday at the German website “Politikstube”:

Rostock:   A pack of 15 migrants chase a 15-year-old German boy through the inner city, ending up in a mass brawl between Germans and migrants when a few other Germans and one Iranian came to help the 15-year-old
Siegen:   Turk follows woman early in the morning — tries to rape her at her student dorm
Hamburg:   20-year-old woman raped in a toilet at the 99-cent Bar in Hamburg, offender ‘southern-looking’
Düsseldorf:   Aggressive Congolese pushes and swear at passengers at the train station, starts beating the conductor
Cologne:   Iraqi denied entrance to a gay bar, he attacks the bouncer with a knife and severely injures him
Sigmaringen:   Aggressive and drunk Moroccans riot in asylum home, use bottles as weapons
Berlin Subway:   Another attack while on the escalator, two men attacked three men, kicked them down the stairs
Wiesbaden:   18-year-old German beaten, hospitalized, by Syrian in a knock-out-style attack

Among These Dark Satanic Mosques

One of our British readers sent this meme pic, which is based on a photo of a mosque in the Yorkshire city of Bradford. He says:

Quite aside from the view on the horizon (a different kind of ‘dark Satanic mill’*, perhaps?), it strikes me additionally now that Muslims may decry walls around countries they wish to invade but they see the value in high walls topped with razor wire in the places that have already succumbed. After all, how is one to keep one’s co-religionists at bay?

* A reference to “Jerusalem” by William Blake:

And did those feet in ancient time,
Walk upon England’s mountains green:
And was the holy Lamb of God,
On England’s pleasant pastures seen!

And did the Countenance Divine,
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here,
Among these dark Satanic Mills?

Ex-Muslim: Veiling Does Not Protect Muslim Women From Sexual Predators

The following video is the third in a series of interviews with Sandra Solomon, a Saudi expat and apostate from Islam who now lives in Canada (the earlier clips are here). Her latest remarks focus on the way women are treated under Islam, and in particular the fact that wearing hijab does not guarantee that a Muslim woman won’t be molested.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for editing and uploading this video:

Salafists Gun Down “Murtadeen” at a Quebec City Mosque

Further update: Police now say only one of the two men (the one named Mohamed) is considered a suspect; the Francophone fellow is a witness. This is bizarre, and doesn’t make much sense to me, but here it is (from an updated version of the same article):

Police now say only one of the two people arrested after Sunday’s terror attack on a mosque in Quebec City is a suspect, with the second man considered a witness.

The two arrested are Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed Khadir.

One of the men was arrested at the scene, while a second called 911 himself and was arrested around 9 p.m., just over an hour after the first 911 calls came in at 7:55 p.m., police said Monday morning during a news conference involving the Sûreté du Québec, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Quebec City police and Montreal police.

Quebec City police Insp. Denis Turcotte said the man who called 911 waited for officers to arrest him not long after the shooting at the Centre Culturel Islamique de Quebec in Quebec City’s Ste-Foy neighbourhood.

“He was armed and spoke to us about his acts,” said Turcotte. “He seemed to want to co-operate….The suspect said he was waiting for the police to arrive.”

A home on Tracel St. in the Cap-Rouge district of Quebec City was among the places where the police conducted searches on Monday.

The single-family dwelling appears to belong to Bissonette’s parents, who bought the property in 1987, real-estate records show.

Bissonnette’s father is listed in the sales deed as an investigator.

Update: Two shooters have now been identified in the media. The incident has a Mohammed Coefficient of 50%.

One has a Muslim name, the other a Quebecois name. Presumably the latter is a convert — unless he was a local infidel who joined in just for the fun of shooting people.

Here’s a report from The Montreal Gazette (Hat tip: Nick):

Quebec Mosque Shooting: Suspects Not Known to Police

According to Radio-Canada and LCN, the two suspects in Sunday’s terror attacks on a mosque in Quebec City are Alexandre Bissonnette and Mohamed Khadir.

One of the suspects was arrested at the scene, while a second called 911 himself and was arrested around 9 p.m., just over an hour after the first 911 calls came in at 7:55 p.m., police said Monday morning during a news conference involving the Sûreté du Québec, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Quebec City police and Montreal police.

The suspects, men in their late 20s and early 30s, were not known to police and the investigation into a possible motive continues, said superintendent Martin Plante of the RCMP’s C Division.

Nothing published since last night mitigates against my thesis that this was a Salafist attack on murtadeen who were being insufficiently zealous about killing infidels and imposing the shariah.

Anyone want to take bets on the length of the perpetrators’ beards?

As reported in tonight’s news feed, gunmen shot up a mosque in Quebec City, killing at least five people.

Early news stories gave a bare-bones account of the incident, followed by the Narrative describing “Islamophobia” in Quebec, and a recent increase of Islamophobic incidents.

Then came reports from eyewitnesses who said that the gunmen had been shouting “Allahu Akhbar” as they fired their weapons. That shot holes in the Narrative, too — unless, of course, the shooters were white-supremacist neo-Nazis who were just pretending to be Muslims.

The following video sheds some light on what may actually have happened in Quebec City tonight. It’s taken from the Facebook page of the mosque that was attacked. In it you’ll hear the imam of the mosque discuss the enmity of former members of the congregation who were unhappy with the blasphemous “moderation” of this mosque — that is, the shot-up mosque was full of murtadeen, or apostates.

Tonight’s attack may well have been an execution of Islamic justice against murtadeen by Salafist zealots.

Many thanks to Sandra Solomon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below are excerpts from a CBC article about the attack:

Multiple Dead: 2 Arrested in Shooting at Quebec City Mosque

‘Quebec categorically reject this barbaric violence,’ says Philippe Couillard

Quebec City Police say several people are dead after shots were fired inside a Quebec City mosque on Sunday night.

Multiple people are also feared wounded. Their condition is not known at this time.

A few dozen people were inside the Islamic cultural centre of Quebec in the Sainte-Foy neighbourhood when the shooting began just after 8 p.m.

Quebec City Police Constable Étienne Doyon said mostly men were gathered at the mosque for evening prayers.

The director of the centre said at least five people were killed, but that information has not been confirmed by police.

Two suspects have been arrested, one of whom was apprehended after a chase that ended near l’île d’Orléans.

A large perimeter has been set up around the mosque.

‘A Quebecois accent’

A witness, who asked to remain anonymous, told CBC’s French-language service Radio-Canada that two masked individuals entered the mosque.

“It seemed to me that they had a Quebecois accent. They started to fire, and they shot they yelled, ‘Allahu akbar!’ The bullets hit people that were praying. People who were praying lost their lives. A bullet passed right over my head,” said the witness.

“There were even kids. There was even a three-year-old who was with his father.”

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 1/29/2017

Up to three gunman entered a mosque in Quebec City and opened fire on praying worshippers, killing five people and wounding an unknown number of others. According to witnesses, the gunmen were heard yelling “Allahu Akhbar” as they fired into the crowd.

In other news, all over the world heads of state, heads of government, and other political leaders condemned President Donald Trump’s executive order cutting off immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Fjordman, JD, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Big Brother at the ARD

The following video is not interesting in and of itself, but it is indicative of the way German state-sponsored television directs the political opinions of its viewers into acceptable channels.

Nash Montana, who translated the clip for subtitling, includes this introduction

This is an excerpt from a long-running series called “Lindenstrasse” from the German public broadcaster ARD. The show is extremely liberal, and this clip (from episode #1567 entitled “Flight”, February 7, 2016) is an excellent example of how the ARD manipulates its viewership — which has been in the millions for this show every Sunday night since 1985.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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How the Clergy De-Christianized Ireland

In his latest essay, Emmet Scott wades into the Culture Wars, discussing the way in which the Christian faith has been largely abandoned by the clergy of Ireland, and by the Catholic Church in general.

How the Clergy De-Christianized Ireland

by Emmet Scott

The recent spectacle of Franciscan priests and brothers marching with the anti-Trump and pro-abortion, pro-LGBT protesters in Chicago brings forcefully to our attention how far great numbers of the Catholic clergy have moved from Christian orthodoxy.

Recent developments also call to mind the notorious decision of the Irish people, in May 2015, to legalize homosexual “marriage”. At the time, there was considerable shock at the result, though more perceptive observers were not in the least surprised by it.

As usual, the media on both sides of the Atlantic offered their penny’s worth of interpretation — and as usual they got it wrong. Almost all mainstream media outlets declared the result to be a formal rejection of Catholicism by an Irish public disgusted by the clerical abuse scandals. No doubt this was true for small numbers of people, but I would contend that it was a small number. The truth is that the Irish people did not reject Catholicism; it is that Catholicism itself has changed almost beyond recognition.

Contrary to what the mainstream media declared, the Irish are still a church-going people. Indeed, they remain by far the most religious nation in Western Europe. In terms of actual church-attendance, the Irish are only beaten in Catholic Europe by the Poles. In excess of 50% of the Irish still attend weekly mass — a colossal figure compared that of to neighboring peoples such as the English, French or Germans.

So, the vote for “gay marriage” did not represent a rejection of Catholicism. Many, perhaps even the great majority, of those who voted “yes” considered themselves Catholics; some even considered themselves committed and devout Catholics. Indeed, several leading members of the clergy came out in support of a “yes” vote. Such was the case, for example, with Bishop Donal McKeown of Derry, who, in a radio interview immediately prior to the vote expressed his hope that no one would vote against the proposed law for any “bigoted” reason, and held that one could vote either yes or no with a good conscience. Diarmuid Martin, the Archbishop of Dublin and one of Ireland’s most senior clerics, expressed a similar sentiment.

Indeed, only one Irish bishop, the Bishop of the diocese of Elphin, came out clearly and unequivocally against the proposed law; and strange to relate, the voting constituency corresponding to his diocese was the only one in Ireland that voted “no”.

This circumstance might lead us to suspect that it was the cowardice and treachery of the leading clergy in the immediate run-up to the election that led to Ireland’s historic and disgraceful rejection of Christian marriage. And this would be partly true — but only partly. For the fact is that over the past forty to fifty years the Catholic faith has not been taught in Ireland. It has not been taught from the pulpit and it has not been taught in schools. What has been taught in both places is a heretical and frankly repulsive caricature of the faith.

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