Our Israeli correspondent MC takes a look at the way the Coronamadness dovetails with Modern Multicultural Political Correctness.
The Truth is Out There
by MC
But it is obscured and obfuscated by the liars. “Follow the science” in newspeak rhetoric means ‘you are ignorant; we are wise — just do as we tell you and don’t complain’
As a decades long anti-vaxxer, am I ignorant or have I gone through the data for myself and decided that vaccines are neither ‘safe’ nor ‘effective’?
There is much room, and evidence to doubt both, but the vaccine thugs want to remove my right to make my own decision and coerce or trick me into taking the shot. And Kerching! goes the cash register.
Unfortunately, I do not believe in germ theory. Koch and Pasteur were successful mavericks, not scientists. The science was done by Béchamp, Royal and those others bravely studying pleomorphism against the medical establishment (the ability of bacteria to change according to the terrain).
If terrain theory is correct then most ‘treat the symptoms’ medicine is naïve and dangerous — Iatrogenic mistakes were the third-largest killer in the USA pre-Covid.
If you see the mechanic maintaining your car, and trying to start is by hitting it with a sledgehammer, you tend to ask him what he is doing (Some early gasoil tractors were actually started by screwing an explosive charge into the top of the cylinder and hitting the percussion cap with a hammer — hence the folklore — the DHC Chipmunk I learned to fly on was started with a shotgun cartridge with a striker).
I think the lockdown and the masks amply justify my view. Science has shown that not only are masks and lockdowns ineffective, they are actually both potentially dangerous, yet our illustrious leaders still persist in inflicting them on us. Are they ignorant or malicious? I don’t know; I suspect the latter.
In this video, the editor of the Australian Daily Mail is instructing his employees to ridicule and belittle anti-vaxxers wherever they find them — regardless, of course, of either people’s rights to make up their own minds, or of the truths that are already out there.
The mRNA covid ‘vaccines’ change the cells in the body such that instead of producing needed proteins, they produce Covid ‘spike’ proteins. These proteins escape into the bloodstream and attach to the endothelial cells that line blood vessels (ACE2 receptors). In small blood vessels known as capillaries this makes the inner surface very rough and the body assumes, quite rightly, that the capillary is damaged, so that the body’s own healing mechanisms, the platelets, are deployed. They thus rupture on collision with the spike, and cause a microscopic blood clot. Which is exactly what they are meant to do, but not in every capillary in the muscle/organ. That’s when people start dying.
Most survivable injuries are localized, but spike proteins are randomly distributed throughout the body, and instead of a few hundred blocked capillaries, we are looking at possibly millions, all at the same time, and upon their location — brain, heart kidney, liver — depends what damage is done, and some of the damage is permanent or even fatal.
So why do newspaper editors want us to volunteer for a potentially fatal jab? Is it sheer ignorance? Is in order to protect and enhance advertising revenue? Or is it something much more sinister?.
But then, why do our ‘betters’ fail to see the disruptive, murderous effect of mass Muslim immigration?
The methodology is the same: demonize the dissenters, shame them into abiding by the lies.
For lies are the bedrock of tyranny.
So we deceive them all into thinking ‘racism’ is a (thought) crime, that ‘capitalism’ is evil, that the bourgeoisie exploit the workers, that Muslims are peaceful, law-abiding citizens who cannot be criticized. Even that jooz own the world, run the Capitol and pretend that there was a holocaust.
And that left-wing tyranny is better….
We manipulate the statistics, where the study showed statins are really 1% effective (with side effects), we can say that their ‘relative’ effectiveness is 50% (2% as compared to 1%) and even the doctors are fooled — they are also not allowed to not be fooled on pain of removal of licence.
mRNA vaccines have a relative effectiveness of 95%, they have a real effectiveness of less than 1%, as is demonstrated by the number of ‘breakthrough’ cases — put down to a so-called ‘Delta’ (Indian) variant and blamed on the unvaccinated — exactly who do you think you are kidding, Mr. Fauci?
The Home Guard?
If said Fauci is responsible for ‘gain of function’, of suppressing HCQ and ivermectin, and promoting the mass vaccination with a toxic gene therapy, then he is worse than Hitler and his Aktion T4 programme.
Fauci is making war on innocent women and children, using fear as a weapon of mass destruction, and, in our complacency, and our obsession with our smart phones and the propaganda they thrust at us, he is going to get away with it.