Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

by Clare M. Lopez

Iranian Women Celebrate the Death of President Raisi ‘We Freely Dance and Celebrate on Your Dirty Grave’”, by Margaret Flavin at Gateway Pundit, May 20, 2024

  • Yet another indicator of how the young, especially female, generation of Iranians feels about their oppressive jihadist regime

“BBC Documentary ‘Nika’s Last Breath’ about 16-year-old Nika Shakarami’s last moments before being raped and murdered in Iran” by Dr. Rich Swier, May 1, 2024.

  • This is a BBC film about a young Iranian girl who was murdered by Iranian police after she’d been filmed burning her hijab during the “Women, Life, Freedom” protests that followed the September 2022 murder of another young girl, Mahsa Amini, for having allowed her hijab to slip enough to show some hair.

“A year ago, she drank battery acid to escape life under the Taliban. Today, she has a message for other Afghan girls” by Hilary Whiteman, Anna Coren, Abdul Basir Bina and Javed Iqbal, at CNN, June 30, 2024

  • Horrific story of an Afghan girl who despaired of life under Taliban sharia rule — but lived to tell her story

“The Sexual Assaults on October 7 Omitted From the White House Fact Sheet” by Hugh Fitzgerald at Front Page Magazine, July 10, 2024

  • The Biden White House issued a lengthy Fact Sheet that documented sexual assaults in ‘conflict zones’…but somehow neglected to include what HAMAS did on 7 October 2023

“Arifwala man kills divorced niece in the name of ‘honour’” at, July 8, 2024

  • He murdered her with an axe but motive beyond fact she was divorced is not spelled out, except that it was a so-called “honor killing” — which is generally condoned in Islamic sharia societies

“Nothing Compensates for the Stolen Years’: The Afghan Women Rebuilding Shattered Dreams in Iran” by Stefanie Glinski at The Guardian, July 4, 2024

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India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West: Introduction

The latest book by the Indian author Sunil Sharan is entitled India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West. The author has kindly supplied the text of his introduction to the book, which is reproduced below. The rest of the book provides a comprehensive overview of the (often bloody) relations between Indian Muslims and followers of other religions.

It also presents a history of Islam in Indian culture and politics, including a valuable account of the reign of Akbar the Great, the Third Mughal emperor. Akbar was remarkably tolerant of Hindus, which was not true of his successors, and Hinduism did not flourish again until it fell under the protection of the British in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Mahatma Gandhi, 1939

India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West

by Sunil Sharan


Although Arabs had started invading India at the beginning of the eighth century, they came to the subcontinent mainly to plunder, spread their Islamic faith, and then retreat. The Arabs converted the Central Asians to Islam, who in turn converted the Afghans. The Afghans were traditionally Hindus and had then become Buddhist. The Buddhas of Bamiyan, monumental statues of Gautama Buddha carved into the sides of a cliff in Afghanistan in the sixth century AD, were evidence of how much Buddhism had spread in Afghanistan. The Taliban destroyed these statues in 2001.

The Afghans started invading the Indian Subcontinent, but it was not until circa 1200 AD that their rule was firmly established in Delhi. The Afghans had become fanatical Muslims by then. This time, though, the Muslims did not come to India just to loot and proselytize and then leave. They came to stay. The Afghans ruled India for three hundred consecutive years. No Hindu king could topple them. Ironically, they were toppled by another type of Muslims, Central Asians of Mongol descent, who came to be known as the Mughals. They defeated the Afghans in the early sixteenth century and quickly established their rule throughout India.

Unlike the Afghans, whose contribution to India has perhaps been lost with time, the Mughals contributed substantively to India in terms of architecture, language, and cuisine. The Afghans had been fervent proselytizers of Islam. During their rule, the Hindu population of India actually contracted. Some of this was due to conversion to Islam. But Hindus were so afraid that their daughters would be abducted by Muslims that they started killing them at birth. Before Muslims arrived in India, women in Hinduism were actually glorified. The practice of female infanticide continues in India today, albeit for different reasons than before, resulting in a lopsided population.

The Mughals for the most part were much more liberal than their Afghan counterparts. The third Great Mughal, Akbar, built the empire and enacted very conciliatory policies toward Hindus, for which he is applauded in India even today by the Hindus. The last Great Mughal, Aurangzeb, was an out and out bigot, who undid much of what his great grandfather Akbar had done.

Conversion to Islam in the six hundred years of Islamic rule in India from circa 1200 AD to circa 1800 AD took place in many ways. The sword, of course, was frequently employed. Hinduism had its caste system, with the soft underbelly being the untouchable caste. Islamists targeted the untouchables for conversion. They were the oppressed in Hinduism. When they joined the King’s own religion, they started tormenting their former oppressors. Much of the antagonism between Hindus and Muslims that exists in India today can be traced to this development.

Although Arabs converted the Central Asians and the Afghans, the language of the Muslim court in India was never Arabic. It was always Persian. Akbar in fact disliked Arabic so much that he had banned its use from his empire. Persian words were infused into Hindi and created the language Urdu. Although some label Urdu as the language of the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent, it is a language cherished by almost everyone, including by hard-core right-wing Hindus. I can speak Urdu fairly well, although I can’t read the script because it is in Persian form. Whenever I use an uncommon Persian word, my Hindu friends and relatives go gaga. My grandfather was born at the turn of the twentieth century, when British rule and English were firmly entrenched in India, but he read and wrote Persian fluently.

Persia was an immediate neighbor of India then. Since the times of the Persian kings Cyrus and Darius, Persia has had tremendous influence over India. As Islamic rule became established in India, a steady stream of Persians migrated to India. The rulers, first the Afghans and then the Mughals, came to India without many women. In fact, Babur’s army only comprised about fifteen thousand soldiers, many of whom perished in the battlefield. The Islamic rulers felt the need to procreate. The first choice was with the Persians. The Islamic rulers avoided the Hindu untouchables who had converted to Islam like the plague. They much preferred to miscegenate with upper-caste Hindus. But the upper-caste Hindus were having none of that. That was when the sword, sometimes softened by inducements, was employed by the Islamists. The Hindu womb as the source for the procreation of Islam remains an incredibly touchy topic in India even today.

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A Martyr For ISIS-K in Austria

Last December I reported on heightened security at Cologne Cathedral due to suspected plans for an attack by the Islamic State.

Now it turns out that the supposed mastermind of the operation, a 40-year-old ISIS terror suspect from Dagestan, has been found dead in his cell in Austria on the day he was to be deported to Russia.

In a bizarre twist, at the end of the article the newspaper provides information on how to call the suicide hotline.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Austrian daily Heute:

Planned attack in Vienna

ISIS suspect found dead in cell prior to deportation

A 40-year-old from Dagestan reportedly had planned an attack in Vienna on 24 December. Shortly before his deportation, he has now been found dead.

July 11, 2024

A terror cell from the notorious ISIS offshoot, Islamic State-Khorasan (ISPK), caused a lot of commotion last Christmas Eve with attack plans against St Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna. After an investigation by State Security, five terror suspects were arrested in Germany and Vienna.

Surprisingly, the group was released from custody at the end of May. According to the judiciary, there was no exigent suspicion of a crime. All the suspects — four men and one woman — were transferred to deportation custody.

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“Rape is Resistance”

The following guest-essay by Magooey is especially relevant now, given the horror stories told by hostages who were recently freed from captivity in Gaza.

Background Information on a Recent Protester Chant

by Magooey

In an interview on Fox News in late April 2024, a student from Columbia University complained about protesters chanting “rape is resistance”. She complained that the protesters “are screaming this”. On the other side of the country, one young lady who had been violently attacked at UCLA was wearing a T-shirt with the words “Rape is Not Resistance”. The word “Not” is only partially obscured. This raises the issue of why these concerns are being raised in the vicinity of the pro-Hamas protesters on both sides of the country? Here is the relevant portion of the interview transcript.


It would not be surprising that the relevant background to more fully comprehend this threat may have been avoided in classes on Middle Eastern history or religion taught in a politically correct fashion.

Firstly it should be mentioned that Muslims consider their Prophet Muhammad as the example of the perfect man. His behavior is the model of proper action. In their terms he is the “Seal of the Prophets” so innovations or changes in behavior are rejected.

There are three canonical foundations of Islamic law. These are the Koran, the Sunna and Hadith. The last consists of supposed quotes or activities of their Prophet as related by observers and quoted from one to another until written down not too long after the death of Muhammad.

An Islamic Law

We now have to consider relevant Islamic Law. While there are appropriate passages in the Koran, an Indian writer decided to highlight a Hadith in order to explain the incidence of rape as a political and religious tool by Muslims. From Ali Sina’s book Understanding Muhammad and Muslims:

p. 39 Rape

Muhammad allowed his men to rape the women captured in raids. However Muslims faced a dilemma. They wanted to have sex with their female captives, but also wanted to return them for ransom and therefore did not want to make them pregnant. Some of these women were already married whose husbands had escaped when taken by surprise and were still alive. The raiders considered the possibility of coitus interruptus (withdrawing from intercourse before ejaculation). Unsure of the best course of action, they sought the counsel of their Prophet. Bukhari reports:

Abu Saeed said “We went out with Allah’s Apostle for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. So when we intended to do coitus interruptus, we said “How can we do coitus interruptus before asking Allah’s Apostle who is present among us?” We asked (him) about it and he said “It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul (till the Day of Resurrection) is predestined to exist, it will exist.”

Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 459.

Muhammed did not forbid raping the captive women. Instead he made an asinine claim that when Allah intends to create someone, nothing can prevent it. He told his men that coitus interruptus is ill-advised because it would be an attempt to thwart the will of Allah. He did not say a word against the rape of the captives, and by discouraging coitus interruptus, he supported forced insemination.

He made even his god legitimize intercourse with women captured in wars, the so-called “right hand possessions,” even if they were married before their capture.

Unlike other nations and cultures which illegalize rape of women in war, no matter how imperfectly that law is applied, it is actually Islamic Law to rape captured women. Worse, since the sayings and examples of their Prophet are expressions of their view of a perfect man, it is strongly encouraged for Muslims to rape captive women. Islamic Law both prohibits what they consider the “bad”, and encourages that which they consider is “good”.

It is proper, normative and “good” for Muslims to commit rape in these circumstances.

It can reasonably be expected that all women under these circumstances will be raped.

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Annalena Baerbock Loves the Bad Guys

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from JournalistenWatch:

Baerbock brought Afghans who were on a “bad guys list” to Germany

Although they were on the secret threat lists, the so-called “bad guys” lists, of the Bundeswehr’s counterintelligence service, [Foreign Minister Annalena] Baerbock brought these dangerous Afghan characters to Germany with her admission program for former local staff.

In 2010, the Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD) placed suspected local staff from Afghanistan on a so-called “bad guys list.” The secret documents thus contain the names, personnel numbers and photographs of 97 former local staff who were dismissed without notice “for security reasons.”

However, according to authorities, a number of these Muslim threats from Afghanistan are currently in Hesse, North Rhine-Westphalia and Berlin. This is reported by the Bild newspaper (behind paywall). According to the newspaper, a spokesperson for the MAD made the following statement:

“For reasons of data protection and personal rights, we are not allowed to provide any information about the people or their backgrounds.”

“Bad Guys List” irrelevant for assessment under the Residence Act

Nevertheless, the MAD spokesman continued, the “bad guys list” did not serve “the purpose of an assessment under the Residence Act.” In other words, the Green Party’s verbal catastrophe Baerbock imported precisely these Islamic threats to Germany through her dangerous “reception program for former local employees.”

Mannheim killer with negative asylum decision

It is not only on social media that people agree that Baerbock is indirectly responsible for the death of the young police officer in Mannheim through her delusional policies. Perversely, after the murder of the young officer by one of her Afghan guests, the Green Party had nothing better to do than to call on the citizens of this broken country to oppose another horrific Islamic bloodbath through an “open discussion about migration”. Social media also believes that Baerbock and Co. must finally be held accountable for their bloody policies.

Afterword from the translator:

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Sharia Is Incompatible with Human Rights, Complaint at U.N. Alleges

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Sharia Is Incompatible with Human Rights, Complaint at U.N. Alleges

by Clare M. Lopez

UN Called to Respond to Sharia Violence against Women” by Raymond Ibrahim at Gatestone Institute, March 25, 2024

  • On March 8, 2024 — International Women’s Day — a formal complaint addressing how Islamic Law (sharia) is inherently abusive of women was submitted to the United Nations. Attached were the signatures of dozens of men and women worldwide, including victims of sharia, human rights activists, and more.
  • [Editor’s Note — See the Executive Summary of the complaint. It documents sharia-linked violence against women, pegs its source as the Quran and Hadith, and details other aspects of Islamic culture which are demeaning to women (e.g., female genital mutilation). The summary states flat out sharia is incompatible with human rights.]

Impregnating Infidels: Another Form of Jihad”, posted by Raymond Ibrahim at the Virginia Christian Alliance, March 27, 2024

  • “Love Jihad” continues

This month, we have a series of articles documenting the ongoing, increasing atrocities being committed by the Taliban against Afghan women — including flogging and stoning. Flogging and stoning to death are Islamic Hudud punishments for a specific set of offenses enumerated in the Qur’an. This means that doctrinally speaking, Taliban human rights abuses are neither extremist nor radical, but horrific as they are, instead mainstream, orthodox obedience to the doctrine, laws, and scripture of Islam.

Don’t Betray the Women of Afghanistan” by Lisa Curtis and Hadeia Amiry at Foreign Affairs Magazine, March 28, 2024

“Taliban leader says women will be stoned to death in public” by Akhtar Makoli at The Telegraph, March 25, 2024

“Afghanistan: Taliban’s Supreme Leader says ‘We will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public’” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, March 27, 2024

Taliban vow to Start Stoning Women to Death in Public for Adultery in Afghanistan” at Logan’s Warning, March 26, 2024

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Data Points

On November 24, 2015 a Turkish F-16 shot down a Russian Su-24 supersonic tactical bomber over either Syria (the Russian version) or Turkey (the Turkish version). The crew ejected from the Russian aircraft, and one of them met a horrible fate when he parachuted into the hands of the mujahideen of a Turkmen militia in Syria.

As might be expected, the Russian government objected vehemently to what the Turks had done, and demanded that the Turkish government make amends. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was defiant, however, and responded belligerently to Russia’s communications. He continued with his customary bombast and braggadocio for months afterwards.

As I followed these events in the news, I assumed that Turkey would eventually pay a price for its actions. Russia does not let that sort of attack go unanswered, especially one that is carried out by a less powerful adversary. But the Russians were (and are) patient and thorough, and I knew they would wait until the moment was right to exact their revenge on the strutting popinjay of Anatolia.

Mr. Erdogan continued in the same vein until the middle of the following June, when he suddenly changed his tune. Without any prior indication of contrition, on June 27, 2016 he made a groveling apology to Russia, obsequiously asking forgiveness for Turkey’s “mistake”.

A few days before the Turkish president said sorry, the Russian government had cut off all flights across the Black Sea to Turkey. The Anatolian beach resorts were favored destinations for Russian holidaymakers during the summer months, so this was a significant move. The Russian government also advised any of its citizens who were in Turkey to leave.

For his part, Mr. Putin declined to accept Mr. Erdogan’s apology. He said that unfortunately, an apology was not enough, and that Turkey needed to experience harsher consequences.

At that point I said to Vlad: “Holy [excrement]! Putin is about to do something to Turkey — wait and see!”

It was one of those rare occasions when, after putting a lot of data points together, I went out on a limb and made a specific prediction, on the record, with Vlad as my witness.

On June 28, 2016 — the very next day — a group of mujahideen carried out a suicide bombing attack at Atatürk Airport in Istanbul. 45 people were killed and more than 200 others wounded. Vladimir Putin expressed his sincerest condolences to the citizens of Turkey for the horrible tragedy that had befallen them.

Strangely enough, no terror group ever claimed credit for the attack. The attackers were eventually identified, and they hailed from the “stans” — Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. Their atrocity may have been organized and coordinated by Chechen terrorists.

The FSB, continuing the work of its Soviet-era KGB predecessors, is known to have thoroughly penetrated all the terrorist networks in that part of Central Asia.

All of the above data points led me to conclude that Vladimir Putin had ordered the hit on the airport in Istanbul. As far as I’m concerned, that’s a fact, regardless of whether it can ever be proven.

Turkey was required to experience harsh consequences for shooting down a Russian jet, and it did. Afterwards Mr. Putin and Mr. Erdogan shook hands and made up. Cordial relations between the two countries were re-established.

And you can bet that Turkey will never, ever shoot down another Russian jet, not as long as Recep Tayyip Erdogan is in power.

*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

I wrote the above recap of what happened eight years ago as a preface to the events of March 22, 2024. I assume that readers know the general outline of what happened at Crocus City Hall last Friday, so I won’t give a detailed account of the attack and its aftermath.

Here are some relevant data points that I have observed:

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Inflection Point: Biden Administration Must Pander to the Muslim Vote

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Inflection Point: Biden Administration Must Pander to the Muslim Vote

by Clare M. Lopez

Topping the list this month has to be the Biden administration’s desperate outreach to Michigan Muslims in a must-win state it fears he may lose over his support of Israel. In early February 2024, Biden’s White House sent a clutch of senior officials to Michigan to listen to the foreign policy demands of Muslim voters there. No evidence the Biden admin’s groveling swayed any of Michigan’s Muslim electorate, but its shameful public appeasement certainly showed our ally Israel — and the rest of the world, friends and enemies alike — what its pledges of friendship really mean.

  • [Editor’s Note — A former French President expressed support for Israel, but retracted it after one of his ministers pointed out the fact that France has a lot of Muslim residents and expressing support for Israel was no longer smart as a matter of domestic politics. It appears the Democrat Party in the U.S. has reached the same inflection point.]

Biden is sending aides to Michigan to see Arab American and Muslim leaders over the Israel-Hamas war” by JOEY CAPPELLETTI, AAMER MADHANI and SEUNG MIN KIM at the Associated Press/ABC 8 News, February 7, 2024

“Top Biden Official Panders to US-Arab Leaders in Closed-Door Meeting, Says He Has ‘No Confidence’ in Israeli Government” by Margaret Flavin at Gateway Pundit, February 10, 2024

“In Private Remarks to Arab Americans, Biden Aide Expresses Regrets on Gaza” by Reid J. Epstein and Erica L. Green at the New York Times, February 9, 2024

“KASSAM: Biden’s White House is Outsourcing Foreign Policy to Michigan’s Muslim Leaders” by Raheem Kassam at National Pulse, February 10, 2024

Biden sends delegation to meet with Hamas supporter” by Daniel Greenfield at Israel Today, February 11, 2024

  • And it wasn’t just a “HAMAS supporter” — Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer met with one Osama Siblani who has openly declared his support for HAMAS, Hizballah and other Islamic factions whom he calls “freedom fighters”.

Biden invited Muslim leader who publicly supported terror group Hezbollah to meet with his top aides” by Joe Schoffstall at Fox News, February 8, 2024

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Marry a Child, Beat My Wife, Rape at Will — Allahu Akhbar!

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Marry a Child, Beat My Wife, Rape at Will — Allahu Akhbar!

by Clare M. Lopez

“Muslim 13-year-old girl forced to marry 29-year-old, ‘A girl can’t say no. It’s against our culture.’” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, February 20, 2024

  • The heart breaks watching this little 13-year-old girl, who ought to be looking forward to high school, instead wiping away tears as she tells us about her forced marriage to a 29-year-old man.

“France: A Syrian man who has been living in France since 2019 is being tried for terrorising his family by, among other things, beating his wife if tea is not served quickly. He admits to the judge over his interpreter: “In Syria, you can beat… you can do anything” at Medforth, February 8, 2024

  • This one’s about a Syrian Muslim on trial in France for multiple charges of domestic abuse. First, he lies; but then he seems genuinely surprised that in civilized society, it’s actually against the law to beat your wife and children. Marriage for love and love of one’s children is obviously a concept entirely missing from this man’s Islamic life experience before coming to France.

“Family who left arranged marriage bride in vegetative state by ‘dousing her with chemicals’ and ‘force-feeding her pills’ are jailed” by Dan Grennan at the Daily Mail, February 14, 2024

  • This poor woman, forcibly married in Pakistan, brought to the UK by her family, was horrifically abused. Her husband, father-and-mother-in-law, brother-and-sister-in-law all participated in the abuse, were found guilty and sentenced to prison… but it was too late for the unfortunate wife, who’s been left in a vegetative state. All perfectly legal under sharia.

“Women in Northeast Iran Province Barred From Exercising in Parks” at, February 6, 2024

  • This was the ruling of a provincial Director General for Sports in Iran, who decreed women could exercise in certain designated areas only. All supposedly to “protect” them from the predations of Muslim men, who will never be held responsible for their own behavior.

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Why Does Islam Abuse Women? — It’s the Doctrine, Stupid!

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Why Does Islam Abuse Women? — It’s the Doctrine, Stupid!

by Clare M. Lopez

Details about the sexual atrocities that HAMAS jihadis perpetrated and self-filmed with glee keep emerging, each more horrific than the last. Even the New York Times is now reporting results of its two-month investigation, including the unspeakable acts of rape, mutilation, torture, and murder committed by these savages. What they too often omit, however, is that it’s all sanctioned as legitimate under Islamic Law (sharia).

What Hamas Did to the Girls and Women in Gaza” by Hugh Fitzgerald at Front Page Magazine, January 4, 2024

BEATEN & TORTURED: Bloodied Faces of Karina, 19, Daniela, 19 Agam, 19 Liri, 18 Hamas Hostages” by Dr. Rich Swier, January 9, 2024. Citation from United With Israel, January 8, 2024

“Does Islamic Law Sanction Hamas’ Rape of Captives?” by Robert Spencer at PJ Media, January 19, 2024

  • Here, Robert cites the UK’s Guardian, which not only reported about the mass rape of Israeli captives by HAMAS in the October 7 Shabbat Massacre and after, but noted that captured HAMAS jihadis told Israeli interrogators they were actually instructed to commit such sexual abuse and additionally referred to Qur’anic justification for it (Q 4:3). Read both pieces—they are both revealing and instructive.

The horrors for women living under Taliban rule in Afghanistan never end.

“UN Mission Says Taliban Putting Afghan Women In Prison For Protection From Violence” by RFE/RFL, December 14, 2024

  • Violence by whom? Under sharia, it doesn’t matter: it’s the woman’s fault. Taliban is claiming it’s putting Afghan women in prison for their own protection—after having closed all the state protection centers for women, saying those are “a Western concept”.

Christian Women Forced to Wear Islamic Dress in Afghanistan” at, January 8, 2024

The Taliban’s Ministry for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice is cracking down on all women — Muslim, Christian, or any other faith — who appear in public without being completely covered up either in a ‘proper’ hijab or full mobile tent burqa.

Islamic rule in Iran continues to brutalize women and girls, too. Dr. Rich Swier calls out feminist and other leftist groups whose silence in the face of such abuse is despicable.

“Iran’s Islamic Regime WHIPS Young Woman 74 Times For Not Covering Her Beautiful Hair in Public” at Dr. Rich Swier, citing the Jerusalem Post, “Kurdish-Iranian woman whipped 74 times for not wearing hijab” by Tzvi Joffre, January 7, 2024

  • Woman in Iran gets 74 lashes for ‘public morals’ violation” at AlArabiya News, 7 January 2024

    Interesting to note that Al Arabiya is a Saudi-owned media outlet based in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. This piece cites an Iranian source who says the whipping penalty was carried out “in accordance…with shariah”.

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Islam: Abolition of Civilisation, Part II

Our Indian correspondent The Kafir sends this follow-up to last week’s essay about Islam.

Islam: Abolition of Civilisation (Part II)

by The Kafir

In the year 1988, Salman Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses was published. Khomeini issued the fatwa. Salman Rushdie was a British citizen. The UK government immediately forced him into hiding, with heavy police protection. The UK had its Muslims. There was no way to know who among them might kill Rushdie. A mob could have come and lynched him. The British knew all this.

If the British knew all this, one might expect they would figure out all the logical things which followed from the affair: Muslims do not respect the West’s concept of free speech, there is no way to find out which Muslim is a potential killer of a blasphemer, and Muslims become mobs for the most outrageous of causes. Therefore, if the UK wanted to keep its free speech rights, it needed to stop Muslim immigration.

In fact, this should have been done by all the Western countries. Instead they opened the gates wider. They even encouraged Muslim immigration, legal and illegal. For example, Tony Blair. And Angela Merkel.

How did the West reach this point? The times when the elites of the most educated, advanced, prosperous, and happy countries of the West want to destroy the countries they are ruling? And the citizenry seem to be just clapping along?

The answer is that in the nineteenth century a man was born named Karl Marx. He confused the masses, and he frightened the elites. He misunderstood the source of wealth, let the masses loose on the elite, and they started making compromises, and now know nothing except making compromises, with anybody who threatens violence.

Burnham understood that Marxism/Communism/Leftism was also the abolition of morality: ‘“Dialectical logic.” Is simply a devise that declares “whatever serves the interest of communist power is true.” (Burnham quoted in the introduction to Suicide of The West, written by Roger Kimball [page 11, Kindle edition]). And the liberals ruling the West are Marxists lite. They know no absolute morality. It is all relative for them. Therefore, they now have different moral laws for different sections of society.

They started with the industrial workers. According to the leftists, the industrial workers are an exploited lot; therefore they are entitled to use violence. Normal laws of morality do not apply to them. They can picket the industrial plant, can wreck it, can even kill the owners. Because they are exploited. The ruling elites gave in. Perhaps they were afraid that if the workers were not allowed to burn down the industrial plant, they might march to parliament building and burn it instead. This was the first exemption from the moral laws granted by the civilized, and it has been downhill ever since. It led to the destruction of industrial plants in the West and rise of the Dependency Class. Work has this profound magical quality that it creates character in the men doing it. Without work, on welfare, Western people lost that character. Word also got around that being a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressed’ gives one exemption from the moral laws. Liberals began manufacturing ‘victim classes’, and people happily joined, because, well, who wants to be burdened with the morality?

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Islam: Abolition of Civilisation

After an extended sabbatical, our Indian correspondent The Kafir returns with an overview of the civilization-destroying ideology that is Islam.

Islam: Abolition of Civilisation

by The Kafir

“Moreover, whatever may be the respective crimes, virtues and deserts of various races, classes and nations, civilized society requires a certain rule and order to hold back from the edge of anarchic savagery where it is always precariously poised. Human beings must have at least a minimum security in life and property, must be able to move through the streets and between the cities, must accept certain common rules in their mutual inter-course, or civilization does not exist. If this necessary order is subverted, the civilization is destroyed, whether the subversion take place from the best or worst of motives, whether or not it is in some supposedly moral sense justified, whether it is carried out by saints or devils. At some point the guardians of a civilization must be prepared to draw the line.” — James Burnham (Suicide of The West, page 227 [Kindle edition])

Human perception is a very strange thing. Man’s mind may have perceived everything needed to visit the moon. But sometimes it may fail to see the most obvious, glaring thing, not for a few moments or days, but for centuries.

What exactly is Islam? A man born in the Arabian city of Mecca around 1400 years ago claimed that he had been contacted by the God who created this world, had been given a book, and had been commanded to preach that man should worship only that God, in formlessness. So far so good.

Each of us believes so many claims by our fellow men. Men are totally free to believe this man also. They are fully entitled to believe that he was a messenger of God, and should worship God the way he said He should be worshipped. There is no problem so far. The world will go about its business, some nations will have good rulers and hence will be rich, others which have not so good rulers will remain poor. There will be aid for the starving.

But that man said something else also. He said that his fellow men had no choice in the matter. They Must either believe that he was a messenger of God, and worship the way he said, or they ‘will have no security in life and property, will not be able to move safely through the streets and between the cities, and his followers are bound by no rules in their mutual intercourse with non-believers.’ (James Burnham paraphrased) That is, he abolished Civilisation. He abolished the moral laws that make Civilisation possible. (Qur’an 8.39, 9.5, 9.29 and hadith Bukhari 1.2.24).

Kafirs have made mistakes in their response to him from the very first day he proclaimed his mission. They did not figure out his true intentions, and they did not even translate his words properly. For example, jihad.

Jihad is variously translated as Holy War, warfare, or just war. But in a war, an army comes, challenges the army of the target country, the two armies fight, and the victorious army gains possession of the country. People start paying taxes to the new government. This is a war. The only way of war between the civilised countries.

Does this happen in jihad? No. From the very first “battle” the Muslims fought, jihad means something else entirely. In jihad, you can attack trade caravans, you can kill non-combatants, you can simply attack a home/village, kill all the men, rape women and sex-enslave them, and enslave children and trade them around like goods; and loot the goods of household. This is sanctioned in the Qur’an, this is sanctioned by the examples of early Muslims, this is sanctioned in hundreds of hadith, and there are whole chapters of sharia manuals devoted to detailing this. The only condition is that you have to share 20% of the looted women, children and goods with the leader of the moment, the Imam/Caliph/Amir.

Does it all sound like a war? This is actually dacoity.

Merriam Webster defines dacoity as “robbery by dacoits — now used in the Indian penal code of robbery by an armed gang of not less than five men” Dacoity is word taken into English from India. The synonym is robbery/loot. The same dictionary defines robbery as “larceny from the person or presence of another by violence or threat.” So the correct translation of jihad is dacoity/robbery. The man made dacoity/robbery lawful against those who did not believe him. He made dacoity/robbery a religious duty.*

And civilisations died. Wherever his followers went, the places they seized, civilisations died. Baghdad or Cordoba are paraded around as examples of Islamic civilisation. That is, Islam is claimed to have established civilisation of its own kind after it has conquered a non-Islamic civilisation. But what are the creations of Baghdad or Cordoba except some translations of Indian/Persian/ Greek texts? Any literature, science, architecture, paintings, roads, canals, dance forms, music, universities? Anything that we take as achievements of a civilisation? In reality, every Muslim kingdom meant only one thing: regular raids on the kafir villages and cities, the killing of men, the looting of women, children and household goods. That is, dacoity.

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China, the Clown State

Our Bangkok correspondent H. Numan reports on the latest geopolitical news from the Far East.

China, the clown state

by H. Numan

You’re not going to believe me. Recently new corruption scandals have rocked the People’s Republic of China. The commander of the Chinese Rocket Forces disappeared. A bunch of army, navy and air force top commanders also vanished in Nacht und Nebel. That happened a couple of months ago, but now they are all officially charged with corruption. Not just a bit of corruption. Corruption on a scale that baffles even Russians. China is very busy trying to become a superpower. They have the biggest army in the world, the biggest navy in the Pacific… but… it’s of little or no use. It is all falling apart.


Before I continue, two related stories from Thailand. The new Srettha government was planning to allow Chinese police stations in tourist areas. Real People’s Police offices with semi-diplomatic status, where Thai officials would be welcome only on invitation. All to accommodate and support Chinese tourists, of course. What else?

A part of the soft power of China is tourism. Thailand relies heavily — as do many other nations in the region —on Chinese tourists. About one-third of all foreign tourists used to be Chinese. They vanished during and because of the Covid pandemic. Now the pandemic is over, Thailand wants them back. Apparently, at all costs.

That gave the Chinese government a nice opportunity. China is, as we all know, a communist dictatorship. Its citizens cannot freely travel, not in China itself (you need internal passports) and certainly not abroad. Percentage-wise, not that many Chinese can afford to travel abroad, but with +1 billion you have a lot of tourists who can. Most Chinese travel in groups. That’s a pretty common way to travel in Asia anyway, but in China there is another reason. A group is much easier to control than individual travelers. And China can control who gets this pot of gold. Provided they are nice to the Chinese government, that is. For example, micro states in the Pacific who acknowledge Taiwan suddenly didn’t get any tourists. Until they cut formal relations with Taiwan. Then, all of a sudden all ‘problems’ were solved and the flood of tourists came back.

People’s Police stations in Thailand

The Chinese government wanted real Chinese People’s Police stations in Thailand. Once that happened, all restrictions would be lifted. To manage Chinese tourists? Of course! What else? To control Thailand? The very idea! Thailand is an independent country, and proud about it. This created so much of a nationwide outcry that PM Srettha hastily withdrew those plans.

The Kra Canal

We’re not done yet, because China is big. They have more irons in the fire. The next one is ongoing, with a (small) possibility of succeeding. The Kra canal. You all know the most famous canals of the world, being the Panama and Suez canals. Another maritime choke point is the Strait of Malacca. At the moment maritime traffic is at a maximum. Large ships have to make reservations in order to cross it. For China it is of vital importance. All oil and most commerce to and from China has to pass the strait. It’s very easy to block by just about anyone. India, for example, is fortifying the Andaman Isles just to be able to do that. A canal through the narrow part of Thailand in the deep south might solve that problem for China, and give them another route. Which could just as easily be blocked, but now you have two passages to control.

That would be the Kra Canal. That’s a centuries-old dream of Thailand/Siam/Ayutthaya. They always wanted such a canal. However, it’s far more difficult to construct than the Panama canal, so nothing ever happened. Many projects were initiated, but no shovel ever hit the dirt. As long as I have been in Thailand (30 years!) rumors about reviving the Kra canal came and went.

This time the Chinese government is putting a lot of pressure on Thailand to construct one. Money is not an issue. Engineering can be done by the Chinese. We finance it too, on (for China) excellent conditions. Just allow us to build the damn thing!

I doubt very much whether it will ever happen. Singapore isn’t exactly thrilled to see half of their maritime trade sail away. A small state, to be sure, but with a lot of commercial power. America won’t be overjoyed either. Biden or Trump doesn’t matter. A Kra canal is not in the interests of America.

Another problem that will rear its ugly head: the revolting southern muslim provinces. They are located exactly on the other side of the proposed canal. The first problem will be unruly muslims milking the project for all they can. The second problem is that once the canal is there, independence is no longer a pipe dream. Rather something that almost certainly will happen when those provinces are separated by a huge canal from the mainland. A lot of water will flow through the Chao Phraya before it will happen. If at all.

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Kajal Hindustani: “Jihadis Are Putting a Target Mark on Every Hindu”

The following video from India shows a speech by a Hindu nationalist named Kajal Hindustani. RAIR Foundation has posted this background on the speaker:

In a powerful speech in Kalol, Gujarat, on December 23, Kajal Shingala, popularly known as Kajal Hindustani, addressed a crowd of Hindus and emphasized the importance of unity against Muslim jihadis. Her speech resonated with the audience, urging Hindus to stand up for themselves and their country. However, Kajal Hindustani’s journey as a vocal advocate for the rights and well-being of the Hindu community has been fraught with controversy and threats by Muslim jihadis and their left-wing enablers.

Read the full story at RAIR.

Many thanks to the anonymous translator, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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