Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/28/2022

The number of vehicles in the People’s Convoy has increased as it continues its way across the USA. The convoy is reported to be 15 miles long now. Additional convoys coming from different directions are expected to join it as it approaches Washington D.C.

In other news, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel was robbed of her wallet by an unknown thief while she was shopping at a delicatessen in Berlin.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Insubria, Reader from Chicago, SS, Steen, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Echoes of Krever

The following guest-essay by Don Laird discusses the parallels between the contamination of the Canadian blood supply back in 1980s, and the possible contamination of the blood supply in 2022 as a result of blood donated by “vaccinated” people. Readers are invited to report in the comments on any known medical/legal issues concerning blood transfusions contaminated with modRNA being given to unvaxed patients.

The Echoes of Krever

by Don Laird

I was talking to someone the other day and he broached a subject, an aspect of the current mRNA inoculation experiment that had slipped my mind.

He asked: What steps, if any, are currently being taken by doctors, hospitals, medical infrastructure and Canadian Blood Services to ensure that vaccine-free persons are not unwittingly given transfusions of whole blood or plasma that are contaminated with the mRNA gene therapy?

Think about that for a minute… or perhaps you’ve already thought about it.

Of course this subject must be taken in context with the thousands of persons who were killed via the wilful and reckless contamination of Canada’s blood supply system in the ’70s and ’80s, the very same that gave rise to the Krever Inquiry.

The corruption and contamination of Canada’s blood supply had been achieved through the decades-long wilful and reckless failures of hundreds of incompetent and negligent doctors, bureaucrats and administrators as they allowed unscreened blood contaminated with AIDS and hepatitis to be placed into Canada’s blood supply system. In one case of spectacular negligence and failure, blood that had been sold by American prisoners in confined in penitentiaries within the Alabama Department of Corrections was acquired by senior administrators within Canada’s blood supply system and then placed unscreened into that same system.

It must be noted that of all the bureaucrats, government workers, medical professionals, politicians and corporate executives who were implicated in the Krever Inquiry for their incompetence, negligence and corruption, not a single one of these corrupt and failed men and women spent a single day in prison for their crimes, the same crimes that killed thousands of Canadians.

It must also be noted that of all the bureaucrats, government workers, medical professionals, politicians and corporate executives who were implicated in the Krever Inquiry for their incompetence, negligence and corruption, not a single one of these corrupt and failed men and women was fired from their jobs, was permanently banned from ever being employed by any level of government, and/or permanently banned from ever holding a position of public trust, this for their crimes, the same crimes that killed thousands of Canadians.

In the days after the conclusion of the Krever Inquiry, a criminal investigation was initiated by the RCMP into the conduct of persons responsible for the deaths of those victims of tainted blood. Little was heard about the findings of the RCMP’s criminal investigation.

On a personal note, I was in the military in the middle of my second tour in 1987. (I served twice, ’81-’83 and again ’85-’88.)

Don Laird in 1988

I had developed a serious infection that required excision. I found myself at the NDMC (National Defence Medical Centre) in Ottawa for that surgical procedure. While in hospital awaiting my operation I was asked to sign release/consent forms. I did sign but I crossed out the section of the release/consent forms that related to “transfusion”.

My editing of the release/consent forms resulted in a rather heated conversation between me (a lowly 27-year-old trooper) and a surgeon bearing the rank of full colonel.

The colonel asked me why I had crossed off the section of the release/consent forms relating to transfusions and had written across the same “under no circumstances am I to be given a transfusion of blood or plasma of any kind during this or any other operation.” (I had also requested and been given a photocopy of the release/consent forms I had edited and signed.)

I told the colonel that I had not been given a chance to “bank my own blood.” I told the colonel that it was now becoming evident across Canada and North America that our blood supply system was contaminated with diseases like AIDS and Hepatitis and was killing hundreds of people. (This was before the days of smart-phones, internet, email and the ability to send massive amounts of information in various forms to millions of people around the world at the speed of light with just the click of a mouse.)

The colonel was visibly angered by my response and assured me that “all our blood is safe” and that I must consent to transfusions.

I told the colonel that I was aware of the location of the infection and its proximity to sensitive areas including my jugular vein and carotid artery. I informed him that I was aware him that the operation was quite simple requiring several minor scalpel cuts, excision of the infection and a flushing of the infection cavity, with the same filled with packing to assist post-op drainage and healing.

I told the doctor that unless he was prone to epileptic seizures, narcolepsy and or, fits of sneezing, all while holding a scalpel, that I was perfectly safe. I told the doctor that I was in good health and wasn’t a hemophiliac and that blood loss from the operation would be absolutely minimal and that I would require no transfusions.

I further indicated to the doctor that, post-op, I would be accessing all documentation concerning the operation, and if I found a single drop of blood or plasma had been administered there “would be war”.

The colonel was visibly hostile and responded that he might cancel the operation owing to my refusal to accept a transfusion.

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Rationing Begins in Germany

During the early stages of the “pandemic”, I experienced instances of rationing in supermarkets. The most prominent examples were toilet paper, hand soap, and hand sanitizer, but rice, pasta, and other foodstuffs were also affected. The consumer was advised that there would be a limit on the number of each item that he could purchase on any given trip to the grocery store.

Last week I noticed the same thing with butter. Customers were told that they could only purchase one (or two) items of each butter product sold by the store.

Similar rationing has now appeared in Germany. According to the following report, the war in Ukraine will only make matters worse.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Swiss news portal The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Only four pieces per customer: Aldi rations sales of popular product

Russia’s war could exacerbate shortages

Heating oil, a lack of raw materials, container crises and persistent inflation are causing many consumer prices to explode. A single glance at the supermarket shelves is enough to confirm what the Lebensmittel Zeitung is now reporting: retailers are running out of sunflower and rapeseed [canola] oil, and prices are rising.

While a bottle of cooking oil was sometimes available for less than one euro last year, the lowest price is currently around €1.80. In the meantime, products such as olive oil or rapeseed oil have completely disappeared from many listings. Special offers? NONE. Aldi Süd recently even limited the sale of its own rapeseed oil brand to four bottles per customer.

The reasons are varied. The situation in Ukraine could even aggravate the situation in the near future.

“Concatenation of unfavorable factors”

As an industry representative revealed to the Lebensmittel Zeitung, the reasons for price increases are “a chain of unfavorable factors”: poor harvests, the consequences of a pandemic and rising production costs, which are passed on to customers. [Poor harvests? Then why were so many farmers bullied all over the world last year to destroy their crops by their own governments? Poor harvests — rubbish. AGENDA.]

At the same time, two large manufacturers in Europe ceased production of bottled cooking oil last year. Many experts also give the lower profitability of the industry and delays in logistics as reasons.

Delivery failures feared because of the war in Ukraine

The war in Ukraine may now aggravate the situation even further , explained Momme Matthiesen, Managing Director of the Association of the Oilseed Processing Industry (OVID) to the consumer portal CHIP. The Eastern European country is one of the most important exporters of sunflower and rapeseed. The security of supply in Germany is at least not in danger, says Matthiesen.

Afterword from the translator:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/27/2022

Have you noticed that the Russian invasion of Ukraine made COVID-19 disappear? There are almost no stories about the Wuhan Coronavirus (or the “vaccines”) in the news feed now. Not only that, the attention paid to the truckers’ convoys has been greatly reduced. Everything for the Ukraine, nothing outside the Ukraine.

In other news, migrants desecrated more than 2,000 churches in Greece between 2015 and 2020.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, Insubria, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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A Tar Baby for Political Commentators

Since I posted yesterday about the propaganda and disinformation that infest the reportage on events in Ukraine, the amount of mendacity and fake news surrounding the war has, if anything, increased. The number of what I called “shallow fakes” in the visual reporting has grown enormously, to the point where there’s no reason to trust anything you see.

Images or videos from China in 2015, from Iraq in 2003, from Ukraine in 2014, are being repurposed as current news about the invasion of Ukraine. Just think about it — every one of those images and videos was deliberately inserted into social media or MSM news feeds with a fake identifier. That is, someone fully intended to hoax their audience with bogus information.

Who’s doing all that? How many agents of disinformation are out there feeding this malarkey into the common matrix of popular awareness? Who are they working for? Who’s paying them?

To my mind, anyone who forms an opinion based on what appears in the MSM, including Fox News, is being foolhardy, to put it mildly.

And it’s not just the pro-Ukraine people who are being fooled by fake news. Last night a little snip of video was being passed around on various sites that are (to put it mildly) skeptical about the NWO narrative on Ukraine. It was drawn from someone’s Twitter feed, and showed what was said to be a Russian armored personnel carrier being taken out by Ukrainian partisans throwing Molotov cocktails. It was soon discovered that the footage was in fact taken during a riot in 2014. So right-wing extremists are being gulled by fake news just as much as the news outlets that post that famous photo of Volodymyr Zelensky in his camouflaged body armor.

Once again, who deliberately retailed that disinformation? Who paid for it?

None of this is being done without a reason. The massive disinformation is part of a carefully crafted plan (or plans) on the part of one or more actors with a vested interest in the armed conflict in Ukraine.

As a result, I have decided to back off from any significant reporting on Ukraine. That includes translations of what I consider to be propaganda in various European languages. I hate to slight our translators that way, but I will not allow myself to be used as a conduit for what I judge to be disinformation.

I will make exceptions for items that debunk some of the fake news. Those deserve to be featured.

As for the rest of it, it can stay on CNN and Politico, where it belongs. In my opinion, anyone who takes the Ukraine reportage at face value is being played.

For a reality check, I recommend Sundance at Conservative Tree House, who is extremely skilled in the meta-analysis of current events.

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Before you conclude that you know what’s going on in Ukraine, I suggest that you read two essays by Takuan Seiyo, “Things Are Not What They Seem” and “Ukraine as Quantum Decoherence, Part 1”. I re-read both of them yesterday, and they reminded me of how little I know about the culture and history of that ill-fated region. The map at the top of this post serves as a reminder of the complexity of the situation.

A little humility is in order.

The Ukraine crisis seems to be escalating at an exponential rate. The neocon lunatics who are slavering over the idea of a war with Russia are now pushing for the enforcement by NATO (which means the USA) of a no-fly zone over Ukraine. That would constitute a direct act of war against a major power with an immense nuclear arsenal and hypersonic missiles.

This will not be like one of those little wars against Saddam Hussein, or the Taliban, or Ho Chi Minh. This is the real deal. It’s “On the Beach” territory.

The lunatics are running the asylum now, and there’s nothing that you and I can do about it. God help us all.

The Clock is Ticking for Éric Zemmour

Éric Zemmour is by far the most immigration-critical and “Islamophobic” of the current crop of French presidential candidates. Although he is very popular, especially among young people, Mr. Zemmour has yet to meet the requirement for 500 parrainages, or endorsements, by French mayors. The deadline is five days from now, so time is running out.

In the following video, Éric Zemmour makes an appeal to the mayors of France to endorse his candidacy. Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling.

The translator sends this précis of the political context for the video:

This is one of the many tools that the Dark Forces behind Macron utilise to keep Zemmour out of the game.

A law that has existed in France since the mid-1960s (so it is not new) is that any candidate for the French presidency must have 500 endorsements by French mayors from different departments. If he cannot obtain them, he is not allowed to stand. The deadline for this is March 5.

There is a huge number of likely voters in this election. Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour are nearly equal (although Zemmour is progressing faster). Zemmour is also the most dangerous competitor to Macron.

Macron has, of course, more than enough signatures (over 2,000 I think), as has the (fake) conservative candidate, an Islamophile and graduate of Klaus Schwab’s school, Valérie Pécresse, whom I suspect has the backing of the World Economic Forum, which, with Macron and Pécresse, has two horses in the race. So for the globalists it’s a win/win situation.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon, one of the three who did not have enough signatures until yesterday, now has them. He is the leader of the Communist Party and actively works for a “creole France” (as he calls it… he is totally and actively pro-Arab/Muslim).

So that leaves Marine Le Pen and Zemmour, each of whom has only about 350 signatures.

I don’t care about Marine Le Pen (she sold out long ago), but I think ZEMMOUR can make it — and his election is of global importance.

As I mentioned above: the (stupid) law has existed for nearly sixty years, but what has been changed — by the second-worst President ever, François Hollande (very Left) — is that while it used to be anonymous whom the mayors sponsored, Hollande mandated that it be made public which candidates received their endorsements.

This is the difficulty for Le Pen and Zemmour, because no official wants to be seen to support Zemmour. Some of them actually told Zemmour that they love his plans, but they will be punished (no money for the swimming pool or school hall or no promotion to Paris) if they sponsor him.

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/26/2022

The United States, Britain, Canada, and the European Union announced that selected Russian banks would be cut off from the SWIFT international banking system in retaliation for the invasion of Ukraine. Meanwhile, unidentified cyber attackers disrupted Russian government websites, and YouTube limited access to Russian channels at the request of Ukraine.

In other news, a recent poll indicates that 61% of Americans feel safer if there’s a gun in the house.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, Reader from Chicago, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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R.I.P. Luc Montagnier

Dr. Luc Montagnier was a French virologist who headed the team at the Pasteur Institute in Paris that discovered HIV in 1983. In 2008 Professor Montagnier was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine in recognition of his work.

Professor Montagnier died recently at the age of 89. Not long before his death he spoke at an anti-mandate rally in Milan.

The following report features interviews with mourners at Prof. Montagnier’s funeral at Père Lachaise Cemetery. Among those who paid their respects were supporters who shared the late professor’s contrarian views on COVID-19.

Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling.

According to the translator, this is how France Soir introduced their report:

“Gratitude, Montagnier!”

A grateful crowd pays tribute to Luc Montagnier

More than a thousand people, but no minister: the funeral ceremony of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine (with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi), Luc Montagnier, took place this afternoon in the dome room of Père Lachaise. A tribute which a grateful crowd had joined: nearly a thousand people of all ages came to pay homage to the great researcher who died on 8 February.

Video transcript:

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Shallow Fakes

One of the things I’ve noticed about the war in Ukraine has been the prevalence of fake photos and fake videos being used to advance the West’s propaganda. The images are generally from some previous conflict, and usually not taken in Ukraine. There are so many of them that it makes me wonder whether this war has produced more fakery than previous wars, or whether the earlier fakes went undetected because the search and detection capabilities of the Internet weren’t as advanced as they are now.

The following video from Germany busts some fake video footage put out by the tabloid Bild. The clips used are from 2014 and 2015, and have nothing to do with the current war. Someone peddled them deliberately as disinformation. Was it Bild itself? Or did Bild just get snookered by some other actor?

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Bad War

Until now I haven’t written about the Russian invasion of Ukraine, mainly because the topic is complex, and I’m not an expert on it. However, I’ve browsed enough data and edited enough material about it to have some idea of what’s going on.

First of all, from my perspective there are no good guys in this war. The anti-Russian invective being generated by Western media and politicians is vile, but anyone who takes the antipodal point of view and regards Vladimir Putin as a righteous defender of Russians and freedom is making a big mistake.

About 98% of what is written about the invasion is propaganda. Virtually anything that appears in the Western mainstream media is part of a carefully crafted narrative engineered by the Deep State (the State Department, the CIA, and analogous institutions on the other side of the Atlantic). However, there are also deep tranches of Russian disinformation out there. It’s more subtly executed than the heavy-handed dreck peddled by CNN and The New York Times, but it’s quite effective. Many people on what I consider my side of the fence have fallen for at least some of it. After all, when they do an about-face from the propaganda of the American MSM, they run head-on into material derived from dezinformatsiya planted in various Russian media outlets.

In other words, the atmosphere around the war in Ukraine is all but opaque with a thick cloud of metallic chaff released by every party that holds an interest in one side or the other in the conflict.

However, one thing that Vladimir Putin says is true: he has invaded Ukraine with the intention of de-nazifying it. The current government of Ukraine contains real Nazis — not the “nazis” decried by Justin Trudeau or the Southern Poverty Law Center, but organizations whose unbroken Nazi lineage may be traced back the SS and Stepan Bandera. You won’t read much about them in the media, but they are there — promoted, funded, and whitewashed by the globalist Left. Those Nazis were installed by George Soros’ NGOs and the State Department in 2014 during the Maidan coup.

For an in-depth analysis of what happened in Ukraine in 2013 and 2014, see these two essays by Takuan Seiyo, “Things Are Not What They Seem” and “Ukraine as Quantum Decoherence, Part 1”.

The war in Ukraine is primarily about two major issues: control of pipelines and the imposition of the globalists’ borderless New World Order. The NWO enthusiasts have been gung-ho about the Ukrainian border because they want to prevent the Russians from jamming a sabot into the gears of their plans, but except for that, borders have no role in their Brave New World.

On the other hand, any nation that was historically part of the Russian Empire and now shares a border with Russia, Ukraine, or Belarus — that includes Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Moldova — has every reason to be nervous. Russia justified its incursion into Ukraine by the presence of substantial Russian minorities in the eastern part of the country. That’s a time-hallowed technique that was systematically used and perfected by Stalin, who resettled various ethnicities within the USSR to suit his political needs. Many thousands of Russians were moved into Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania to tip the scales in Moscow’s favor when the political necessity arose. There are still substantial numbers of Russians in the Baltic states. Who knows whether they might one day demand independence, or reunion with the Motherland? No wonder those three countries joined NATO as soon as they could.

Finland is in a somewhat different situation. It was never incorporated in the Soviet Union, but it was a province of the Russian Empire until 1917, and during the Cold War it was constrained to a strict neutrality. President Putin recently declared that if Finland (or Sweden) were to join NATO, Russia would impose severe consequences.

With all that in mind, consider the following video addressed to the Russian people (in Russian) by the Finnish MP Jussi Halla-aho. Long-time readers are familiar with Mr. Halla-aho, a dissident who was convicted and fined for his “hate speech” about immigrants (for more background, see the Jussi Halla-aho Archives).

A transcript is posted below the video, but I don’t know whom to credit for the translation:

Video transcript:

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More on the Necklace Muggers of Milan

On Thursday I reported on the culture-enriching “necklace muggers” of Milan, who prowl the nightlife district of Darsena in packs, searching for sufficiently affluent prey.

The following report from Italian television discusses the same topic. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/25/2022

Russia is continuing its rocket attacks on the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv, while two separate columns of Russian forces are reportedly pushing through the suburbs of the city. Meanwhile, thousands of Ukrainian refugees have crossed the country’s southern border into Moldova and Romania.

In other news, President Biden has appointed Federal Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to fill the seat of the departing Stephen Breyer on the U.S. Supreme Court. If confirmed, Judge Brown Jackson will be the first sitting Supreme Court justice with dreadlocks.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, JW, MM, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Hostage-Taking in Amsterdam

There was a major crisis on Tuesday in the Apple Store in Amsterdam when a culture-enricher carrying an automatic weapon took a hostage and held him for six hours. The standoff ended late that night when a police car ran over the suspect.

The following report doesn’t mention the ethnicity of the perp, but it describes him as an “Amsterdam resident”, which is a subtle way of indicating that he has a migration background. The photos reportedly show him wearing a bomb belt, which more or less clinches the deal: when’s the last time you saw a non-Muslim wearing a suicide bomber’s belt?

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from De Telegraaf:

Hero role for Bulgarian hostage, suspect seriously injured

How the hellish evening in the Amsterdam Apple store played out

by Masha De Jong
February 23, 2022

Amsterdam— An armed hostage-taking in the Apple store on Leidseplein Tuesday evening held the capital city in its grip. The precarious situation, which lasted almost six hours, was stopped by force by police from the anti-terror unit DSI, by running into the hostage-taker, a 27-year-old Amsterdam resident, with a police car. Moments prior, a Bulgarian hostage ran for his life from the threat.

It was the climax of a hellish evening, which began around 5:40pm with a report to the police of a possible hostage-taking. Upon the arrival of the officers, they were immediately fired on by the hostage-taker. He was in possession of a handgun and a semi-automatic weapon. That resulted in the situation being assessed as threatening.

The suspect, who is known to the police under the weapons and munitions act, demanded €200 million in cryptocurrency. It is not clear if he was known to the GGZ [mental health authorities]. The authorities, for the time being, are operating under the assumption that the suspect acted alone.


A police force was put together with several helicopters, dozens of vehicles, terror units, and even a specialized Bearcat vehicle.

Because the police suspected that the hostage-taker was following reports on social media, it was decided to be very cautious in providing information about the situation in the building during the hostage crisis.

All catering establishments around the Leidseplein, the Holland Casino, and the Stadsschouwburg were evacuated in the ensuing hours. Police Commissioner Frank Paauw announced that during the course of the evening, 70 people were evacuated.


Around 8:30, a dozen employees of the Apple store, together with a group of police officers, stood by the Vondelpark. They had managed to make it to safety via the stairs in the rear of the building. Two colleagues from the store said that they waited upstairs with several others until they got a sign they could leave. One of them was emotional. “I left America because of this kind of trouble. I experienced it there as well. I thought, never this again. Now I’m sitting in the middle of it in Amsterdam.”

Report to AT5

In photos of the hostage situation, you can see how the suspect, dressed in camouflage uniform, is holding a hostage. Also clearly visible is the bomb belt. Meanwhile, investigation has shown that the explosive material was not yet activated. Reading the letters closely on the bomb belt, the word, “drill” or “exercise” can be read.

During the hostage situation, the suspect himself made contact with the city broadcast station AT5 by sending photos and reports. “This is the hostage-taker… if the amount is not going to be sent. Is this sent. Is the life of this man (the system?) going to be on your conscience,” is the muddled text he sent literally to AT5.

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Vaxed Players Need Not Apply

The owner of a Romanian football (soccer) club has decided that the performance of players who have received the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus is too impaired for them to play for the club.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Swiss outlet Uncut News:

Romania: Boss of most famous football team announces ban on vaccinated players because they lost their “Power”

  • Gigi Becali believes players vaccinated against coronavirus are ‘powerless’
  • He claims players from Steaua Bucharest and other clubs are having problems after the vaccination
  • The Romanian businessman cited 36-year-old winger Ciprian Deac as an example of how the vaccine is said to affect older players
  • Becali also recently said that Steaua Bucharest forward Claudiu Keseru is no longer able to play at a high level.
  • His latest statement has provoked an angry reaction from the country’s government
  • With 86.52 doses per 100 inhabitants, Romania has the second lowest vaccination rate in Europe

Romania: Boss of the most famous football team Steaua Bucharest announces ban on vaccinated players.

The athletes would “lose strength” — according to the sports patron, just as those who are vaccinated would die in the hospital.

Gigi Becali assumes that players who have been vaccinated against the coronavirus are “powerless”. That’s why he no longer allows vaccinated players to play because they are “without a bite”.

The Romanian businessman cited 36-year-old winger Ciprian Deac as an example of how the vaccine is said to affect older players.

Becali also recently said that Steaua Bucharest forward Claudiu Keseru is no longer able to play at a high level.

His latest statement has provoked an angry reaction from the country’s government.

Romania has the second lowest vaccination rate in Europe

Becali also recently said that Steaua Bucharest forward Claudiu Keseru, who returned to the club in August after six years with the Bulgarian club Ludogorets, can no longer play at a high level because he has been vaccinated.

“I gave him the money, I had a contract with him, he was a football player, I was the owner,” Becali said of Keseru’s return, via

I said, “You can’t go to this level anymore. You can play in Romania, but not at FCSB (Steaua Bucharest) and CFR!”.

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