India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West: Introduction

The latest book by the Indian author Sunil Sharan is entitled India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West. The author has kindly supplied the text of his introduction to the book, which is reproduced below. The rest of the book provides a comprehensive overview of the (often bloody) relations between Indian Muslims and followers of other religions.

It also presents a history of Islam in Indian culture and politics, including a valuable account of the reign of Akbar the Great, the Third Mughal emperor. Akbar was remarkably tolerant of Hindus, which was not true of his successors, and Hinduism did not flourish again until it fell under the protection of the British in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Mahatma Gandhi, 1939

India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West

by Sunil Sharan


Although Arabs had started invading India at the beginning of the eighth century, they came to the subcontinent mainly to plunder, spread their Islamic faith, and then retreat. The Arabs converted the Central Asians to Islam, who in turn converted the Afghans. The Afghans were traditionally Hindus and had then become Buddhist. The Buddhas of Bamiyan, monumental statues of Gautama Buddha carved into the sides of a cliff in Afghanistan in the sixth century AD, were evidence of how much Buddhism had spread in Afghanistan. The Taliban destroyed these statues in 2001.

The Afghans started invading the Indian Subcontinent, but it was not until circa 1200 AD that their rule was firmly established in Delhi. The Afghans had become fanatical Muslims by then. This time, though, the Muslims did not come to India just to loot and proselytize and then leave. They came to stay. The Afghans ruled India for three hundred consecutive years. No Hindu king could topple them. Ironically, they were toppled by another type of Muslims, Central Asians of Mongol descent, who came to be known as the Mughals. They defeated the Afghans in the early sixteenth century and quickly established their rule throughout India.

Unlike the Afghans, whose contribution to India has perhaps been lost with time, the Mughals contributed substantively to India in terms of architecture, language, and cuisine. The Afghans had been fervent proselytizers of Islam. During their rule, the Hindu population of India actually contracted. Some of this was due to conversion to Islam. But Hindus were so afraid that their daughters would be abducted by Muslims that they started killing them at birth. Before Muslims arrived in India, women in Hinduism were actually glorified. The practice of female infanticide continues in India today, albeit for different reasons than before, resulting in a lopsided population.

The Mughals for the most part were much more liberal than their Afghan counterparts. The third Great Mughal, Akbar, built the empire and enacted very conciliatory policies toward Hindus, for which he is applauded in India even today by the Hindus. The last Great Mughal, Aurangzeb, was an out and out bigot, who undid much of what his great grandfather Akbar had done.

Conversion to Islam in the six hundred years of Islamic rule in India from circa 1200 AD to circa 1800 AD took place in many ways. The sword, of course, was frequently employed. Hinduism had its caste system, with the soft underbelly being the untouchable caste. Islamists targeted the untouchables for conversion. They were the oppressed in Hinduism. When they joined the King’s own religion, they started tormenting their former oppressors. Much of the antagonism between Hindus and Muslims that exists in India today can be traced to this development.

Although Arabs converted the Central Asians and the Afghans, the language of the Muslim court in India was never Arabic. It was always Persian. Akbar in fact disliked Arabic so much that he had banned its use from his empire. Persian words were infused into Hindi and created the language Urdu. Although some label Urdu as the language of the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent, it is a language cherished by almost everyone, including by hard-core right-wing Hindus. I can speak Urdu fairly well, although I can’t read the script because it is in Persian form. Whenever I use an uncommon Persian word, my Hindu friends and relatives go gaga. My grandfather was born at the turn of the twentieth century, when British rule and English were firmly entrenched in India, but he read and wrote Persian fluently.

Persia was an immediate neighbor of India then. Since the times of the Persian kings Cyrus and Darius, Persia has had tremendous influence over India. As Islamic rule became established in India, a steady stream of Persians migrated to India. The rulers, first the Afghans and then the Mughals, came to India without many women. In fact, Babur’s army only comprised about fifteen thousand soldiers, many of whom perished in the battlefield. The Islamic rulers felt the need to procreate. The first choice was with the Persians. The Islamic rulers avoided the Hindu untouchables who had converted to Islam like the plague. They much preferred to miscegenate with upper-caste Hindus. But the upper-caste Hindus were having none of that. That was when the sword, sometimes softened by inducements, was employed by the Islamists. The Hindu womb as the source for the procreation of Islam remains an incredibly touchy topic in India even today.

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Our Democracy™: In Counting There is Strength

Electoral fraud is a venerable tradition in these United States, with a history going all the way back to the founding of the Republic.

With control of the public purse, representative government provided lucrative opportunities for both elected officials and the corporations that did business with them. Baroque levels of corruption became the norm, and public policy was devised to maximize profits for all involved while concealing the dirty deals behind a scrim of public rectitude.

Controlling the outcome of elections was essential for the smooth operation of the political machinery, in order to make sure that lucrative enterprises continued to generate lucre for everyone involved. The political cartoon below by Thomas Nast features William M. “Boss” Tweed, the head of Tammany Hall and the most powerful man in New York City in the late 1860s and early 1870s. Boss Tweed was able to guarantee results through an elaborate patronage network, lavish bribery, and his control of the ballot-counting process.

So how has the ballot-counting process evolved in the century and a half since the heyday of Boss Tweed?

There is widespread concern among elite opinion-makers that the current electoral process poses a threat to Our Democracy™. One of the most recent public figures to sound the alarm is Rob “Meathead” Reiner, according to Variety:

“It’s time to stop f***ing around,” Reiner wrote. “If the Convicted Felon wins, we lose our Democracy. Joe Biden has effectively served US with honor, decency, and dignity. It’s time for Joe Biden to step down.”

Whether Joe Biden steps down or not, it’s obviously important to elect the Democrat, whoever that might be. Our Democracy™ is in danger if voters are allowed to vote for the wrong candidate (in this case, Donald Trump). With so much at stake, we must do whatever it takes to ensure the election of the approved candidate.

In my previous posts I highlighted the role that propaganda and the suppression of dissent play in this process. But these alone are not sufficient to guarantee the desired outcome — hence the imperative to control the voting process itself.

This requires a multi-pronged approach. The traditional emptying of the cemeteries to produce votes on election day is still part of the effort. But the implementation of the widespread use of absentee ballots and “mail-in voting” — for which we can thank the Wuhan Coronavirus — created an opportunity for ballot fraud at an unprecedented level. The vote-counting process in major cities is controlled by Democrats, with vestigial or non-existent Republican supervision. The Democrat precinct workers — in most cases part of the African-American political machine — are able to ensure that a reliable supply of ballots marked for the correct candidate can be delivered as needed.

The methodology used to produce the necessary results is complex. To gain a better understanding, I highly recommend Conservative Tree House, where Sundance has done extensive research on the intricacies of the ballot-counting process. Here’s an excerpt from a recent post:

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Why is Nationalism Good in the Middle East, But Evil in Europe?

A version of this essay was previously published in Norwegian at the website Document.

Why is Nationalism Good in the Middle East, But Evil in Europe?

by Fjordman

What exactly is a right-wing extremist? Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, was nearly assassinated by a left-wing activist on May 15, 2024. Fico later indicated that the attempted murder was a result of “political hatred.” He criticized hostile media, especially outlets co-owned by companies linked to the billionaire George Soros, as well as foreign-funded NGOs and the opposition. Robert Fico is a Social Democrat in economic terms, and was a member of the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia in the 1980s, but he is critical of mass immigration.[1]

Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands was homosexual and had a left-wing background. He was murdered by a left-wing environmental activist on May 6, 2002. The mass media had whipped up hatred against Fortuyn after he criticized Islam and immigration.

It seems that any European, regardless of economic and social agenda, who opposes mass immigration to their country is automatically branded a “right-wing extremist.”

The most basic instinct of all living creatures, right down to bacteria, amoebas and other single-celled organisms, is self-preservation: You want to continue existing. Are Europeans now worth less than amoebas, since we are labeled as extremists if we want to continue our existence?

Why are Europeans evil, racist extremists just for wanting to preserve their own nation and culture? And how long will Europeans put up with being treated like this?

People in large countries such as Pakistan, India, China, Egypt or Ethiopia can assume that their countries will still be reasonably intact in the next century. China may have a low birth rate now, but Chinese people are not being displaced in their own cities.

Unless the whole world is ravaged by an extremely deadly disease, or the Earth is hit by a large asteroid that wipes out human civilization, Pakistanis, Indians, Chinese, Egyptians and Ethiopians can be fairly certain that their nations will still exist in a hundred years.

Can the same be said of the English, Germans, Italians, Spaniards, French, Greeks, Swedes or Dutch? It is no longer certain that European civilization will exist in a recognizable form in the next century.

Mass immigration from other continents is so huge that vulnerable European nations risk being dissolved completely. Some of the most dynamic and inventive peoples in world history could disappear from history forever. This threat is now very real.

Which is more extreme: Replacing the population of an entire continent, or resisting this?

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Viktor Orbán: “Great Wars Do Not Come Out of Nowhere”

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Uncut News featuring remarks by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. It’s not clear whether the original text was in German, or in Hungarian (or even English) and was translated into German:


Great wars do not come out of nowhere.

Economic crises, shortages of raw materials, arms races, pandemics, false prophets, assassinations, dark shadows surround us.

This is how it starts.

There have been generations on this earth, our grandparents and great-grandparents, whose worst nightmares came true.

We see the signs. We see the writing on the wall.

Hungarians know the nature of war. They know that a war always ends differently than one imagines at the beginning.

That is why millions of young Europeans lie in mass graves today.

That is why there are not enough Europeans; that is why there are not enough European children.

War kills.

Someone dies with a gun in their hand. Someone dies while fleeing. Someone dies in a hail of bombs.

Someone dies in an enemy prison. Someone dies during a pandemic. Someone dies of hunger.

Someone is tortured. Someone is raped. Someone is taken into slavery.

The rows of graves are endless. Mothers cry for their sons. Women cry for their husbands.

So many lives lost.

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Viktor Orbán: We Don’t Want to Shed Hungarian Blood in Ukraine

As a follow-up to Sunday’s post, the video below contains excerpts from remarks made by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán during his most recent weekly appearance on Hungarian state radio (Friday May 31). Continuing in the same vein as the previous week, he outlined the dangerous situation Hungary and the rest of Central Europe face as NATO continues its push to foment war with Russia.

Many thanks to László for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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There’s Gonna Be a Certain Party at the Station

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Unser Mitteleuropa:

DDR 2.0: From “Chattanooga Choo Choo” to “L’Amour Toujours”

The older ones among us may still remember the “special train to Pankow.” To the tune of “Chattanooga Choo Choo,” Udo Lindenberg wrote and sang his mocking song about Erich Honecker.

Instead of “Pardon me, boy, is that the Chattanooga Choo Choo?” as in the original version in the 1941 film “Sun Valley Serenade”, the version by Glenn Miller and his orchestra, Lindenberg said “Excuse me, is that the special train to Pankow — I have to go there — just to East Berlin…” (see video, and here’s the original.)

The song was a secret hit in the DDR at the time and was therefore not allowed to be played. From a left-wing perspective, this is somehow understandable, since it was a mockery of the DDR leader Erich Honecker. Red bigwigs of today, such as Comrade Faeser, have also declared that mockers will feel the “full force of the state”.

The real scandalous parallel between the DDR and today’s Germany is the fact that not only was singing the “updated” lyrics banned, but also the original melody. Back then, in the DDR, a lyrics-free version of “Chattanooga Choo Choo” was not allowed to be played in discos and at dance events, just as “L’Amour Toujours” is not allowed at countless events in the freest Germany of all time. And that despite the fact that the Glen Miller version was over 40 years old at the time, and the composition by the Italian Gigi D’Agostino dates back to the previous millennium.

We do not have a “Reich Music Chamber” (RMK), like the National Socialist institution that was tasked with promoting music that conformed to the system or was acceptable to the Nazi system, while suppressing music that contradicted the desired attitude or cultural conception at the time, but the first step in that direction has been taken. We have always been told to “nip it in the bud”, but anyone who resists today is labelled “right-wing extremist”.

Afterword from the translator:

And interfering Interior Monster Nancy Faeser has been outraged that the video from the oh-so-enriching “haute culture” attack on Michael Stürzenberger on Friday has gone viral and that the visage of the perp has been shown and his right to privacy has been infringed upon. I guess a serious payout of taxpayers’ money, as compensation for this serious infringement of his human rights, is on the horizon for that jihadist. Just remember: that is something that comes from the selfsame government/ministry that has actively plastered the faces, names and addresses of those drunk kids on Sylt for singing “Germany for Germans, foreigners out”. I take it we all can clearly see where the priorities lie here, can’t we?

Sleepwalking Into World War Three

Despite the title of this post, we’re not really sleepwalking into World War Three — at least our leaders aren’t. For whatever reason, they’re marching with eyes wide open into a war with a major nuclear power.

I can’t pretend that I understand why the Powers That Be think that war with Russia is a good idea, but it’s obvious that they are hoping for one. Almost all NATO countries are discussing contingency plans for conscription, accelerated arms production, and preparing citizens for the hardships and privations of war. Possibly nuclear war.

It’s insane.

Few Western political leaders are willing to resist the pressure to jump on the war bandwagon. Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was one, but he got shot. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán is another. So far he hasn’t been shot, or stabbed, or blown up by a would-be assassin. But if I were he, I’d definitely have a food-taster on the payroll.

Mr. Orbán makes an appearance on Hungarian state radio every week to discuss relevant issues of public importance. Below are excerpts from his talk on May 24, in which he focuses on the difficulties Hungary faces in its stance against participation in the Ukrainian war.

Many thanks to László for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Ship Those German Racists to the Gulag!

Sylt is a barrier island facing the North Sea in the German portion of North Frisia. It is a popular tourist resort, and famous for its FKK nude-bathing beaches.

A video recorded on Sylt has caused a huge controversy in Germany. It seems that a group of teenagers at a drunken party recorded a version of a popular ditty to which these lyrics had been added: “Germany for the Germans, foreigners out” (Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer Raus).

Well, as you can imagine, those youngsters’ boisterous antics landed them in a heap o’ trouble. Uttering such sentiments in Modern Multicultural Germany is the worst possible crime, worse than mass murder or gang rape. You just can’t say that!

Below are two articles about the fallout from the Sylt video. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating these pieces from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets.

The first article:

“Siberia is always an option”

These are the most extreme reactions to the Sylt video

A former candidate for chancellor calls on citizens to doxx, and a Green politician posts allusions to the Soviets’ gulag mass murder. Politicians react to the Sylt video with harsh words. The JF collects the most blatant derailments.


The so-called Sylt video with people chanting “Germany for the Germans” has prompted politicians to make drastic demands. The former CDU candidate for chancellor, Armin Laschet, praised the fact that the names of the people were made public. “In a very short time, all the names were public; they all lost their jobs. And I think as a society we have to make sure that this applies to all of these incidents,” Laschet told ARD. [Yep, since the Islamic gang-rapists and mass-murderers live on the dole and cannot lose their “jobs” — which they have NO intention to get anyway — this outrage only applies to the natives.]

Laschet stressed that he would like to see “every individual who is anti-Semitic, racist and different” punished. He cited the president of Berlin’s Humboldt University Julia von Blumenthal and the Islamist group Muslim Interaktiv as examples. [What does he mean by “different”? Opinion or white and native German?]

Twitter video

[Disclaimer — Do not to listen to this if you want to keep your blood-pressure low and your breakfast down.]

Publishing the full names of private individuals, colloquially known as doxxing, is a criminal offense under German law. Since 2021, it has been listed in the Criminal Code as Section 126a StGB “Dangerous distribution of personal data” and can be punished with a fine or imprisonment of up to two years. [But this doesn’t apply to these moral-less moral apostles of HATE, now, does it?]

Green Party office manager makes Gulag allusions

Former Bundestag member Niema Movassat (Linke/Leftist Party) called for the video to be shared. Since the party guests’ lawyers are trying to “get the video off the internet,” it is “all the more important” to share it. “So that the faces are not forgotten.” Anyone who “smiles into the camera” while singing such songs should “face the consequences.” [And those that rape and murder native German women must be protected, right? After all, making their names and faces public would be against their human rights, isn’t it? These people make me sick.]

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Lest We Forget

Memorial Day 2024 — Confederate Cemetery in Farmville, Virginia

This morning I attended the Memorial Day service at the Confederate Cemetery in Farmville, Virginia. The event was sponsored by the United Daughters of the Confederacy and assisted by the Sons of Confederate Veterans. We pledged three flags (US, Virginia, and Confederate), said prayers, and then various people placed wreaths at the monument. A young lady sang “Amazing Grace” and we all sang “Dixie”. The ceremony concluded with a three-volley salute from the SCV honor guard, and finally a young man blew “Taps” on his bugle.

It rained early in the morning, and then again in the afternoon, but held off during the service. It was a good day.

In the Year of Geert and Wilders

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan looks back to Ancient Rome to shed some light on the current political situation in the Netherlands.

In the year of Geert and Wilders

by H. Numan

When Caesar became consul for the first time in 59 BC, his colleague was Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus. They were of the same age, and followed the cursus honorum together. They ended up being colleagues several times. Everybody knows Julius Caesar, at least by name. Hardly a soul knows Bibulus. In his time, Bibulus was an important man, part of the Roman nobility. So was Julius Caesar. The difference was their wealth and social status. The Bibulus family was very rich but plebian, Caesar’s family was relatively poor and patrician. Julius was a doer; he had to work hard to get what he wanted. Marcus was not, he just got whatever he wanted. Bibulus hated Caesar with a passion. He wasn’t particularly gifted or bright; that made it even worse. He probably never understood or comprehended why. If Caesar voted yes, Bibulus voted no. Just to spite him.

Bibulus was member of the boni or optimates faction. Those were the rich and well-to-do. The people who ruled and owned Rome. Caesar was member of the populares. They were everybody else. Faction is a big word here. Rome didn’t have parties. People moved from one to another (there were more) according to their personal needs. The boni (‘good men’) did whatever they could to snub the populares. Basically to show them their place and who was boss.

As Caesar was one of the most important populares, he felt their wrath often. After his tenure and campaign as governor in Hispania he was entitled to a triumph, the highest military honor a man could get. He planned to run for consul at the same time, in absentia. He couldn’t hold his triumph first and then run for consul, or the reverse. It was one or the other. Of course the boni blocked his request for running in absentia. They hoped he would take his triumph and forego the consulship that year. A triumph trumped everything, in their minds. Few people were awarded a triumph, and far fewer more than one. Nobody would forgo a triumph, right?

Wrong. That’s exactly what Caesar did. He canceled his triumph, ran for consul — and won. Caesar was hugely popular; he couldn’t lose even if he tried. His colleague was going to be Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus. The boni made sure of that. They did everything the law allowed to spite Caesar, and then some more. Bibulus happily complied, and did his best.

Unfortunately, for Bibulus, it didn’t work out that way. Julius Caesar ran rings around him. Whatever Bibulus tried, Caesar found a way out. Not only that, he made him look like the fool he was. The public loved it!

Caesar proposed a bill in the senate. Bibulus and the boni walked out, trying to prevent it. No problem; Caesar went to the Centuriate Assembly and got his bill approved there. This bill was to give land to Pompeian veterans, who were present en masse in the Centuriate Assembly, not exactly a coincidence. Bibulus tried to have the bill vetoed by one of the tribunes of the plebs. The people (mostly veterans) manhandled both, and emptied a few buckets of manure over them. The people fell all over themselves with laughter. Bibulus was crowned with what he richly deserved!

Later Bibulus tried to thwart Caesar by claiming inauspicious omens, making governance impossible. Bibulus was an augur, the lowest type of priest. He had to read the entrails of sacrifices to decide if a meeting was auspicious or not. However, Caesar was pontifex maximus, the high(est) priest in the Roman religion. He outranked him all the way and did the auguries himself. Again, the people were much amused.

Next Bibulus went stargazing. Literally. By observing the stars he made meetings of the senate impossible. He forgot that the pontifex maximus had to approve, and Caesar didn’t. All he did was make himself absent for a couple of months on the political scene. The Roman audience immediately called this consulship the year of Julius and Caesar.

Our modern calendar didn’t exist. Part of it would be invented later by Caesar, the Julian Calendar. Romans didn’t use AD or BC, they called it after the consuls of the year. That? Oh, that happened ten years ago, in the year of Pompeius and Gratianus. The year in which Caesar governed together with Bibulus officially was known as ‘the year of Caesar and Bibulus’. But forum wits, probably Cicero himself, called it ‘the year of Julius and Caesar’. As a pun on the absence (in every way, mostly mental) of Bibulus. It had the Romans rolling with laughter.

Why this lengthy story?

Well, you may see a resemblance with Geert Wilders here. I most certainly do. The boni, or ‘good men’ are the Gutmenschen. Our elites consider themselves far better in every possible way than everybody else. Gutmensch is a German word that translates to good person. The description is very appropriate for both boni and our elites.

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Nazis, Nazis, Everywhere!

Maximilian Krah is a member of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany), and until recently was part of the party’s leadership. However, Mr. Krah was the victim of an outbreak of the Screaming Nazi Heeber-Jeebers (SNHJ), an affliction that is particularly likely to appear whenever a conservative German says something that deviates even slightly from the Narrative about 1939-1945.

The sin of the unfortunate former AfD leader sin was to say that not all members of the SS had been war criminals. Which is an entirely reasonable historical assertion; amongst all the thousands of men in the SS, there must have been a considerable number who never took part in any atrocities.

Alas for Maximilian Krah, historical accuracy was not enough to exonerate him during an outbreak of the SNHJ. He was forced out of the leadership of the AfD. That in its turn was not enough to save the party, however: the AfD was repudiated by those who should have been its best friends, namely the leaders of fellow European right-wing nationalist parties, beginning with Marine Le Pen of Rassemblement National.

Now Matteo Salvini of the Lega has piled on. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

Agrees with Le Pen

Now Salvini is also turning away from the AfD

Now things are happening in rapid succession: After the French Rassemblement National, the Italian Lega is also turning away from the AfD following SS statements by Maximilian Krah. The party is in shambles.


Next bad news for the AfD: After the French Rassemblement National (RN), the right-wing Italian party Lega under party leader Matteo Salvini is now distancing itself. According to the Ansa news agency, the party’s delegation in the EU Parliament announced that it agreed with the RN on the question of further cooperation with the AfD. “Matteo Salvini and Marine Le Pen are in perfect agreement, as always.” (Il partito di Marine Le Pen rompe con l’Afd: non siederemo più con loro. La Lega: pieno accordo con la leader francese.)

The background is an interview with the AfD’s top candidate for the EU elections, Maximilian Krah, in an Italian newspaper. When asked by the Italian mass daily La Repubblica, he said that not every member of the SS was automatically a criminal. “I will never say that anyone who wore an SS uniform was automatically a criminal.” The SS carried out several massacres in France and Italy towards the end of the Second World War.

Salvini governs as a junior partner together with Giorgia Meloni and is Minister of Transport. He was actually considered a loyal ally of the AfD until now. According to Junge Freiheit‘s information, the party of Alice Weidel and Tino Chrupalla was not invited to a major rally of European right-wing parties by the Spanish Vox party over the weekend. The FPÖ has not yet publicly expressed solidarity with the AfD, either.

Afterword from the translator:

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It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Deutsche Welle:

Violence and fear — Berlin’s Jews are worried

by Christoph Strack
May 22, 2024

Jewish experts in Berlin again sound the alarm: Anti-Semitism is increasing rapidly, and the fears of the Jewish population are growing. And they warn of worse developments.

Anna Chernyak Segal reports matter-of-factly, yet full of concern: She tells of the attempted arson attempts with two Molotov cocktails at her synagogue in mid-October last year and the attack on a young member of the community a few weeks ago at the Berlin Gesundbrunnen. The young man was “physically attacked and subjected to anti-Semitic insults,” and he suffered “broken bones and massive emotional and mental damage.”

Those are two of the anti-Semitic attacks against the Orthodox Jewish community “Kahal Adass Jisroel” on the Brunnenstrasse in Berlin, which has made it into the news nationwide.

Insults on the Metro

And the community manager Segal describes many other incidents. In her reports she speaks of fearful concerns for safety. There are verbal attacks on the streets or on public transport, such as the insults of “child killer”, hostility on the Internet, anti-Semitic markings on residences and house doors, torn down mezuzahs, the small containers that religious Jews decorate the doors of their homes with. “We are experiencing a greatly heightened threat situation for Jewish life,” she says. “We never could have imagined that.”

Segal is one of those affected who spoke at the presentation of the annual report for 2023 from the Anti-Semitism Research and Information Center in Berlin (RIAS-Berlin). What the statistics list, in sober and yet so terrifying numbers, brings it to life. In 2023, RIAS-Berlin recorded 1270 anti-Semitic incidents in the German capital city. That is the highest number since the founding of the establishment in 2015 and signifies an increase, compared to the previous year, 2022, of almost 50%.

“October 7, 2023 represents a turning point,” says the project manager of RIAS-Berlin, Julia Kopp. Since then, anti-Semitism is “clearly more present” than before in Berlin. From October 7, the first day of the murderous attack by the terror organization, Hamas, to the end of the year, there was an average of about ten anti-Semitic incidents per day. This included both criminal and non-criminal incidents.

Kopp explains the way Jewish life in the city has long since changed. Jews would take care not to be recognized via Jewish symbols. Some would even flee from an especially threatened location to move to another part of the city.

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Crook County Passes Greater Idaho Measure

The Greater Idaho movement is advancing slowly, but it is advancing. The group aims to move the border of Oregon to the west, allowing rural Oregonian counties to join Idaho, with which they are culturally and politically compatible. Initially there would be twelve (and now thirteen) counties that would switch from Oregon to Idaho, while others may be added later, and might include several from northern California, which would give Idaho a Pacific coastline.

Here’s the latest press release:

Crook County Passes Greater Idaho Measure — Leaders Call for Action from Governor and Legislature

Prineville — On Tuesday, voters in Crook County passed measure 7-86, which asked voters if they support negotiations to move the Oregon/Idaho border to include Crook County in Idaho. The measure is passing with 53% of the vote, and makes Crook County the 13th county in eastern Oregon to pass a Greater Idaho measure. Calls for action from leaders of the movement were swift, with Executive Director Matt McCaw issuing the following statement:

“The voters of eastern Oregon have spoken loudly and clearly about their desire to see border talks move forward. With this latest result in Crook County, there’s no excuse left for the Legislature and Governor to continue to ignore the people’s wishes. We call on the Governor, Speaker of the House, and Senate President to sit down with us and discuss next steps towards changing governance for eastern Oregonians, as well as for the legislature to begin holding hearings on what a potential border change will look like.”

President of the movement, Mike McCarter agreed. “For the last three years we’ve been going directly to voters and asking them what they want for their state government. What they’re telling us through these votes is that they want their leaders to move the border. In our system, the people are the ones in charge, and it’s time for the leaders representing them to follow through,” he said.

The group also pointed out that they expected that results would have been even higher if not for an extensive “no” vote campaign funded by Portland groups. Last year in the Wallowa County vote, Portland groups outspent Greater Idaho over 4-1. The movement suspects the same was true this year, though it is impossible to know since the group funding the “no” effort has not reported their spending to the state, despite being required to by law.

The Greater Idaho movement seeks to move the border between Oregon and Idaho to include 14 full eastern Oregon counties and 3 partial ones. In addition to the 13 counties who have passed Greater Idaho measures, in 2023 the Idaho House passed a memorial inviting the Oregon Legislature to begin border talks.

Supporters of the movement believe that moving the border would benefit both sides of the state, and allow for better representation and governance for people moving forward. For more information and uncopyrighted photos for media use, visit

Previous posts about Greater Idaho:

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Enemy of the State

As reported in the news feed last week, Björn Höcke of the AfD (Alternative für Deutschland, Alternative for Germany) was fined for repeating a slogan that was said to have been used by the SA (Sturmabteilung, Brown Shirts) in the 1920s. Further investigation has shown that the same slogan was widely used in the SPD and other social democratic organizations, which are still in existence and have not been fined. In fact, the SA liked the slogan so much it borrowed it from the socialists!

But Björn Höcke is a member of the AfD, and that’s all it takes to convict him. History, facts, and truth don’t matter.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Unser Mitteleuropa:

SPD slogans from 1931 are punishable today — who else knows about them?

The SPD of the 1920s was suspected of being a gang of “journeymen without a fatherland”. This was opposed not only [by the SPD], but also by the “Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold”, founded in Magdeburg in 1924, the most successful social democratic mass organization in the Weimar Republic with sometimes up to three million members.

by Manfred Rouhs

The SPD “Reich Banner” appeared under a very specific slogan. Following changes within the association, the SPD politician Otto Hörsing, who was also the founder and long-time federal chairman of the “Reichsbanner”, explained what this was in an open letter to the organization’s federal executive board:

This internal organizational measure does not mean a change in the objectives of our association. Our old slogan remains: Nothing for us — everything for Germany!

In fact, the SA copied the slogan and had it engraved on their daggers.

The “Reichsbanner” still exists today as a registered association in which mainly conservative social democrats are organized. The organization has good contacts with the Bundeswehr. It has not yet become known that the association that exists today has distanced itself from the historical slogans of the “Reichsbanner”.

The lawyer and journalist Ansgar Neuhof writes with reference to the “Reichsbanner”:

“Contemporary sources show that the slogan ‘Everything for Germany’ was a social democratic slogan. What is important is that the sources show that the slogan was one of the organizations themselves. So they weren’t just the user’s own words. This contradicts the oft-made claim that it has been a slogan of the SA since the early or mid-1920s. There is not the slightest reason to assume that the Social Democrats Hörsing and Höltermann and the SPD or SPD-affiliated organizations and their newspapers could have used, of all things, an SA slogan.”

Afterword from the translator:

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