Earlier today a terrorist attacked pedestrians with a knife on London Bridge, wounding several people before being shot to death by police (see the Breitbart report on the incident). The attack prompted our English correspondent Seneca III to send the following essay.
The Lost City of Londonistan
by Seneca III
Before the perfectly naturally angry and precisely directed response to today’s atrocity on and about London Bridge is officially designated ‘wrongthink’ and generates the inevitable screams of ‘Islamophobia!’ from the collective entity ultimately responsible, perhaps a little dose of facts and history may help level the playing field.
The noun ‘Islamophobia’ is a compound oxymoron concocted to obfuscate historic reality, and it is the reverse of the same propaganda coin the obverse of which reads ‘Religion of Peace’. Consider: how could such a long, fully documented record of fourteen centuries of relentless Islamic aggression during which Muslims launched jihad after jihad spreading death and atrocity far and wide across the globe now be ignored in order to enforce a revisionist dialogue totally contrary to recorded facts?
Europe itself was assaulted on every quarter from Iceland to Ireland to Scotland and England to Scandinavia and the Low Countries; from Spain to France to the Balkans and Austria. The devastation caused by this incessant slaughter and the after-effects of Islam’s scorched-earth policy was immense, and rendered vast swathes of Europe uninhabitable. According to some sources it was during these periods that approximately 15 million Europeans, close to 20% of a population of roughly 78 million, were either killed outright, starved to death, died of diseases spread through displacement or were taken and sold into predominantly sexual slavery in the souks of Arabia and the Barbary Coast.
The Italian scholar Franco Cardini wrote: “If we ask ourselves how and when the modern notion of Europe and the European identity was born, we realise the extent to which Islam was a factor (albeit a negative one) in its creation. Repeated Muslim aggression against Europe between the seventh to eighth centuries, then between the fourteenth and the eighteenth centuries was the ‘violent midwife’ to Europe.”
That we Europeans became less involved in internecine conflicts and more militantly oriented beyond our borders is not an indictable action but a natural product of the will to survive and a growing awareness that offence is the best form of defence. It was not a case of the West being the aggressor and Islam the victim, as the cultural relativism narrative would have us believe; if anyone has a grievance to air it is the West, not the demented slaves of Allah in the occupied territories now established from Londonistan to Glasgow and blighting the whole face of Europe like a human pox.
Remember, nothing in Islam changes. In the final analysis we would be mad to accept the claim that we Westerners are in any way responsible for the current state of affairs, other than that in our sublime stupidity and fear of being labelled ‘Racist!’ we have allowed our corrupted academic and political classes to physically impose this pre-medieval abomination upon us without much more than a fearful murmur of disapproval.
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