Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/30/2015

The European “refugee” crisis has given a boost to the German EU-skeptical party Alternative for Germany (Alternative für Deutschland, AfD). AfD has now risen to 5% in the polls, which would allow it to take at least one seat in the Bundestag if elections were held today.

In other news, Russian fighter jets began striking positions held by the “rebels” in Syria.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Finis Germaniae: The End of Germany

The following essay about the current dénouement of German multicultural madness was published earlier this month at
Michael Mannheimer’s website. Many thanks to JLH for the translation:

Finis Germaniae: The End of Germany

by Max Erdinger
September 11, 2015

Finis Germaniae

As Giovanni Trapattoni[1] might have said, Germany is finished. In England, Germany is apparently thought to have flipped out, to be a hippie nation, where wishing and wanting are everything and reality is just an annoying detail. Hungarians, Slovaks, Russians and Czechs have their doubts about the mental condition of the Germans.

Quite right. An interview the chancellor gave in Switzerland confirms that. Angela Merkel does not consider fear to be a good adviser. The German, she says, will best confront the fear of the Islamization of Germany by diligently going to church and declaring his faith in Christianity. As if that would prevent a Muslim from doing anything.

In the Bundestag, Katrin Göring-Eckardt chatters happily about the fact that already 30% of all children in Germany have an immigration background, and that is “without even counting the Ossis.”[2] The notorious Oppermann and his colleague, Gabriel, of the SPD are going on about the half million mostly Islamic new citizens the country can absorb annually. Heiko Maas, also SPD, calls for the censoring of undesirable “asylum criticism” in the social networks, as though one of those who has protested against the invasion of Europe by young, vigorous men unaccompanied by women or children or old people — preferably from the Balkans — had spoken out against the right of asylum.

Whether we want to keep or discard the right of asylum no longer plays a role. Anyone who does not see every refugee as a potential asylum seeker is part of the rightist pack. Who may be one of the rightist pack and who may be an upstanding citizen — that is decided by the wackos in politics and their media lackeys. The parties have claimed the state itself as their booty, as noted two decades ago by the legal expert Hans Herbert von Arnim. The Germans are not bothered by that today.

The federal press conference no longer even resembles satirical performance so much as a seminar in situation comedy and grotesque embarrassments of all kinds. The only consolation, at least for the totally hardened, is that the madness of the federal press conference is at least optically very appealing because of the Palestinian Sawsan Chebli, a spokeswoman for the foreign office. But, despite the presence of a Sawsan Chebli, any sexual desire evaporates for the more sensitive viewer, when faced with the assembled “Heap of Fools.” Considering the demographic crisis for the Germans, this is, so to speak, the finishing touch. The whole of Germany is an isolated madhouse, spied on and told on by its big ally, which — in comparison to the refugee invasion — seems like the snows of yesteryear. The NSA has lost its place in the hit parade of headlines. Recent, more recent, most recent — nothing is as old as yesterday’s newspaper.


Germans work for the state. In the year 2015, taxpayer memorial day — that is, the day after which the German taxpayer begins to make money for himself — was postponed until July. In plain language, that means he delivers more than 50% of his income to the state. The state’s total income for 2015 will be in the area of €650 billion. The German bears it without grumbling.

And because he does, there is a further demand from the ranks of those he chooses to consider his representatives for newer tax hikes to support the invasion. The German is being plastered over with ever newer regulations, bans, performance conditions and laws. He puts up with the raising of fines for offenses against nonsense of all sorts with a stoic phlegm and, in moments of alleged clarity, discovers that, in consideration of the existing bans, something is unjustifiably not yet forbidden — and promptly demands another ban. For the sake of equality of all things are forbidden before the Lord.

Largely without complaint, the German accepts his political sex-change by way of gender mainstreaming. And even though this totalitarian re-education program is driven yearly by €1.3 billion of their own money, most Germans have no idea what gender mainstreaming is.

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The Militarized European Police State

The following video is from the same program on Czech Independent TV that we featured here last night. This segment begins with an account of violence at a “refugee” center in the Czech Republic, and then talks about the European Gendarmerie Force, EUROGENDFOR.

The two topics are not as unconnected as they might seem at first glance. The importation of thousands of violent barbarian Muslim immigrants is bound to cause a reaction among the natives of the countries involves. As the massive influx reaches its peak, civil unrest is quite possible, and must be factored into the EU’s contingency plans. Local police are the ethnic fellows of those irate protesters, and cannot necessarily be relied upon to enforce the diktats of Brussels.

That’s where EUGENDFOR comes in. When an uprising begins in, say, Prague, and the Czech police show signs of sympathizing — or even allying with — the “right-wing extremists”, the solution is to send in a well-trained brigade of Italians, or Belgians, or Swedes, who have no inherent sympathies with the local populace.

That’s the future of Europe, and it seems to be coming much sooner than expected. Keep an eye out for EUROGENDFOR; you’ll probably be hearing more about it before long. (For our investigative report on EUROGENDFOR from 2010, see “The Armed Enforcers of the Fascist European Superstate”)

Many thanks to Xanthippa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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The Mohammed Cartoons, Ten Years Later

If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post.

The Mohammed Cartoons, Ten Years Later
by Fjordman

On September 30, 2005, the major Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten published 12 editorial cartoons, most of them depicting Islam’s founder and alleged prophet Muhammad.[1] Despite the fact that the cartoons were generally rather innocent, the very fact that they portrayed Mohammed caused outrage among many Muslims, who considered this an act of blasphemy. The Muslim anger over the cartoons in Jyllands-Posten did not peak immediately, however. It was carefully cultivated by certain Muslim groups. International reaction reached its highest and most violent point in the early months of 2006, with the burning of embassies and some deaths.

A number of Islamic terrorist plots to murder the staff of Jyllands-Posten have been uncovered and prevented in the years since then. Several key individuals involved in publishing the cartoons in 2005, for instance the then-editors Carsten Juste and Flemming Rose, still live with death threats and police protection a decade later.

The Danish artist Kurt Westergaard created the most controversial cartoon, of Muhammad wearing a bomb in his turban. The artist has since been a personal target of Islamic assassination attempts because of this. Westergaard, now 80 and retired from satire, talks passionately about being one of the most hated men in the Islamic world. “I think I still have a basic feeling of anger. I worked as a Danish cartoonist according to the Danish traditions. I had done nothing wrong. I had criticized an authority — in this case it was a religion. A big religion. And I think it’s a cartoonist’s and satirist’s job to criticize those in power, whether they are in this case a religion or it is a political party. If you work according to the Danish traditions then you offend people.”[2]

In a twist of irony, Ahmed Akkari, an imam and former radical Muslim who helped whip up international anger against Denmark in late 2005, later recanted and apologized for his actions. Fellow Muslims seem to regard his change of heart as sincere. As a result, Akkari, too, now receives death threats from his former allies. He currently lives in internal exile in Greenland, where there are more walruses than Muslims.[3]

In hindsight, it is obvious that the major relevance of the Jyllands-Posten cartoons controversy was the imposition of Islamic blasphemy laws on Europe and the wider Western world. We should submit to Islamic rule and Islamic law as obedient dhimmis. That was the real issue back then, and remains so today.

On September 26, 2015, an international conference was held in Copenhagen: The Danish Muhammad cartoon crisis in retrospect. The conference was held under heavy police security at Christiansborg Castle, behind the fortress-like walls of Denmark’s Parliament. It was arranged by the Danish Free Press Society (Trykkefrihedsselskabet). I was present in the audience. The speakers were Vebjørn Selbekk, Henryk Broder, Douglas Murray and Mark Steyn.

Vebjørn Selbekk was the editor of a small Christian newspaper that reprinted the Mohammed cartoons in Norway in early 2006. Because of this, he received dozens of very explicit death threats from Muslims.[4] He was also shamefully stabbed in the back by the Labour Party-led government of Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg, who cowardly caved in to Islamic pressure and violent threats. Denmark’s Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen showed some spine in the face of international Muslim pressure in 2005 and 2006. Norway’s Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg showed absolutely no spine at all in the same situation. Both of these men later became Secretary General of the Western defense alliance NATO.

The British writer and commentator Douglas Murray noted how surreal it is that we talk about this as the “Cartoon Crisis”. Hardly anybody in the Western world would have understood the concept of a “cartoon crisis” if you asked them in 1988. Is that when somebody makes an incorrect drawing of Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck? Murray also commented that it is always a small number of people who defend freedom of speech. Most people simply want safety and comfort, and therefore follow the path of least resistance.[5]

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It Takes a Police State to Raise a Child

The German state is implementing extraordinary new measures to silence dissent about the importation of more than a million new Third World “refugees” into Germany. Apparently the illiberal practices already in place are not having enough of a deterrent effect, so the child welfare agencies are now authorized to remove children from the custody of parents who post “hate speech” about immigrants on Facebook.

None of this is in accord with the German Constitution or the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, but who cares about that? In Modern Multicultural Germany, we don’t need no stinkin’ constitution!

Many thanks to Nash Montana for translating the following article from Zukunftskinder.

Until the last day you fought, and in the end you lost the war anyway.

Article 5 GG of the Constitution
(The right to freedom of expression)

Born: 23.05.1949 Died: 27.09.2015

The Pack* of the Federal Republic of Germany

Freedom of Expression is so yesterday! If you post hate, your children can be taken away

If you speak the truth in today’s age, or if you point your finger at the disgraceful way the refugee crisis is handled, you’re not only facing contempt from your family and friends; no, you hazard the possibility of losing your place of work. But that isn’t good enough by a long shot. The drunk-on-tolerance Gutmenschen in this country come up with the craziest ideas to forbid a citizen his right to utter his opinion. For instance, the German Police Union (DPolG) demands you to turn in your drivers license, should you post so-called “hate comments” on Facebook. But the bounty hunters of political correctness think that doesn’t go far enough. There has to be something new and something even more harsh. And so, the self-proclaimed “hate speech investigators” have set their sights on: parents!

From a report in Die Welt:

Whoever posts xenophobic sayings and slogans on Facebook is essentially gambling with their own children. There doesn’t even have to be a concrete criminal offense for a court to judge the welfare of the child as endangered…

In that sense it is of course irrelevant whether a parent is committing a criminal offense. “The ‘Umgangsrecht’ [right access law] is for the welfare of the child, and parents have a duty, according to paragraph 1684 Absatz 2 BGB, to see to that welfare”, says the Ulm Attorney-at-law Viola Lachenmann.

If it is determined that there is an existing endangerment to the welfare of a child, the ‘Umgangsrecht’, will first be severely restricted. As in, organized chaperoned visits with the child for instance, where a child care worker will be present, and can intervene should there be a need to.

In straight talk, this means that if someone is agitating against “minorities” (refugees, foreigners, Muslims, homosexuals etc), then said person has to expect the consequence that at some point, child protective services will knock on their door, and they will remove the children from the house; or how else is that to be understood?

Most of all: Who gets to decide when a comment is a hate comment?

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Another Day, Another Brawl in the Asylum Center

The following news report provides an overview of the problems at “refugee” reception centers in German (some of the source footage has been posted here previously).

Note the solution: separate the inmates based on their religion. After all, the trouble starts with Muslims vs. non-Muslims. Or Sunnis vs. Shi’ites. Or Sunnis vs. Ahmadis, or Sunnis vs. Ismailis. Or maybe it’s because of Lutherans vs. Calvinists.

Whatever happened to the idea of “integration”?

Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/29/2015

An Iraqi “refugee” was crushed to death by pallets in the back of a lorry near Calais as he was attempting to smuggle himself into Britain. Meanwhile, the International Organization for Migration reported that more than 522,000 migrants have crossed the Mediterranean to Europe so far this year.

In other news, Croatian Prime Minister Zoran Milanovic referred to the Serbs as “barbarians” when discussing an alleged deal between Hungary and Serbia to funnel the refugees into Croatia.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, JLH, Nick, Srdja Trifkovic, Yonit, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Tyranny of Ill-Defined Terms

Below is an intervention read this afternoon by Stephen Coughlin, representing the Center for Security Policy at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Session 12 “Combating Hate Crimes and Ensuring Effective Protection against Discrimination”, Warsaw, September 29, 2015.

Working Session No 13

Specifically Selected Topic: Combating Hate Crimes and Ensuring Effective Protection against Discrimination

OSCE / ODIHR, Warsaw, Poland
29 September 2015

Thank you madam moderator, ladies and gentlemen,

In his discussion of freedom, Dostoevsky argued that if a person isn’t free to stab himself with a fork, he isn’t free at all.

While it is not clear how far one can take Dostoevsky’s freedom standard, regarding speech, it must be said that if a person isn’t free to say something stupid or ill-considered, does he or she have any free speech rights at all? If one can be arrested for “hate speech” for saying something known to be true, is there any sense in which one can say there is free speech at all? In this emerging post-modern narrative, “free speech” becomes a mockery.

While attending this OSCE forum today, we heard that:

  • “Free speech has to be legitimate,” or
  • “It has to restrict Constitutional rights,” or
  • “Hate speech must especially be enforced against politicians”

This raises serious questions:

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The Migration Waves Have Only Just Begun

If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using the button at the bottom of this post.

The Migration Waves Have Only Just Begun
by Fjordman

The unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants to Europe, mainly from the Islamic world and Africa, has created international headlines throughout 2015. Sweden is currently receiving about 1,000 asylum seekers per day, sometimes more than that.[1] If that inflow continues, this would mean more than 3.6 million asylum seekers to Sweden in just one decade. In reality, family reunions will make this number much larger. Small European nations cannot handle such immigration numbers for very long.

Thilo Sarrazin is a prominent German writer and former member of the Executive Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank. His 2010 book Deutschland schafft sich ab (“Germany abolishes itself”) became a great bestseller. Projections indicate that Germany could receive one million asylum seekers in 2015, many of them Muslims. Mr. Sarrazin fears that the situation is dangerous and has gotten out of control. “Every nation, state and government has to be able to control its borders. The state and independence begins and ends with control of the borders,” he argues.[2] Sarrazin points out that each asylum seeker or refugee tends to bring an additional four to six immigrants: parents, children or wives. In reality, one million immigrants could therefore turn out to be five million, when all is said and done. That is merely the result of one year of mass immigration. If current trends continue, Germany could end up with 20 million inhabitants from Africa and the Middle East a couple of decades from now. Thilo Sarrazin points out that experience shows that immigrants from Africa and the Middle East on average do not integrate well. They often have high crime rates and a high dependency on welfare.

Africa will claim three of the world’s ten most populous countries in 2050, according to projections made by the Population Reference Bureau in Washington.[3] The largest of those, Nigeria, will be about the size of the USA. The Democratic Republic of the Congo and Ethiopia could also enter the top ten list, ahead of Russia and Japan. Many African countries are experiencing a baby boom, all while having many social problems. Niger, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia and Chad have the highest fertility rates in the world.

A report from 2013 predicted that sub-Saharan Africa would record the largest population growth at least until the year 2050. The world’s poorest region will more than double in population, from 1.1 billion to 2.4 billion.[4] The current population of the entire European Union is just over 500 million people. It is estimated that Africa’s population will grow by more than twice that much, in less than two generations. Where are these people supposed to live? Will they have water, food and work at home?

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Tear Down the Walls of Un-Free Speech!

Below is the intervention read today by Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, representing Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Session 12 “Combating Hate Crimes and Ensuring Effective Protection against Discrimination”, Warsaw, September 29, 2015.

Tear down the walls of un-free speech!

Working Session No. 12

Specifically Selected Topic: Combating Hate Crimes and Ensuring Effective Protection against Discrimination

OSCE/ODIHR, Warsaw, Poland
29 September 2015

What we are witnessing today is the implementation of ever-more restrictions to our freedom to speak our mind. We should not be addressing hate speech but free speech!

Who among the participating States back in the 1980s, at the height of the Cold War, with freedom and Communist oppression opposing each other, would have dreamed that we would one day be attending OSCE meetings discussing speech restrictions?

Who among the participating States back in the 1980s would have dreamed that one day we would have to tell our children to hold back their opinions in school for fear of repercussions?

Who among the participating States back in the 1980s would have dreamed that one day we would be confronted with legislation governing thought-crimes?

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Orwellian Terms That Mask the Mailed Fist of the State

Below is the intervention read today by Stephen Coughlin, representing the Center for Security Policy at the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting, Session 12 “Combating Hate Crimes and Ensuring Effective Protection against Discrimination”, Warsaw, September 29, 2015.

Working Session No 12

Specifically Selected Topic: Combating Hate Crimes and Ensuring Effective Protection against Discrimination

OSCE / ODIHR, Warsaw, Poland
29 September 2015

Thank you madam moderator, ladies and gentlemen,

In Orwell’s 1984 the point was made that:

In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy.

It was while being interrogated by the full force of the Orwellian state — with his job and his freedom put risibly at risk — that O’Brien turned to his affable interrogator and proclaimed that true freedom was the freedom to say: ”Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four”?

In 2013 at an OSCE Side Event here in Warsaw, we got principal advocates to acknowledge that “Islamophobia” had no definition, at a time when OSCE participating States were undertaking the initiative to criminalize “Islamophobia” as hate speech, as they still are to this day.

In May 2015 at the OSCE event in Vienna, at a formal OSCE forum, we got members of the event to say that facts known to be true can constitutes hate speech when suggesting that calling the Islamic State the Islamic State can constitute hate speech – even as it was acknowledged that the Islamic State self identifies as the Islamic State.

The “Hate Crime / Hate Speech” narrative is emerging as an attack on free speech that is an assault on the truth. The truth can never constitute hate speech.

Whether through direct action or under coercive third-party color of authority, state control of speech is an Orwellian assault to the very definition of free speech. Properly understood, free speech needs to be defended from the state, not protected by it.

Those that claim the authority to protect “protected speech” have the power to decide what is and is not to be protected. In the United States, the First Amendment did not give the state the power to protect speech; it was created to deny the state that power. Properly understood, free speech is a right inherent in the person, not a privilege granted by the state.

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A Box of Rain: Weather Alert

Robert Hunter wrote this, probably with Jerry Garcia:

[Yes, I’m sure it’s Hunter’s work; I’ve had the book since it first appeared:

A Box of Rain: Lyrics: 1965-1993 (Poets, Penguin)

I am particularly fond of his repeated metaphors about the weather, playing cards, hard liquor, and loneliness. Oh, and a whole slew of Biblical references.]

The song came to mind because we’re having Noah’s Ark Redux here. And when it begins to flood – as it is now – we sometimes lose our internet connection. Why? I have no idea, but I like to warn y’all what MAY be coming.

It also could come to pass that the super-saturated clay soil will let go of a few tall healthy pine trees, leaving their roots exposed to air and light as they fall across the electric lines thirty feet away…

This deluge is probably due to the farmers: we’d been having a dry spell – another way to endanger even more pines – and all those guys were petitioning skyward for rain, rain, RAIN.

Now they have it. Pity those who didn’t get the hay in last week.

By the way, it’s straight rain icons through next Tuesday or so. Flooded roads are already a problem. The probability of either of the two events I mention go up with each passing day.

The lyrics for this song are below the fold.
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OSCE Warsaw 2015: The Team

The annual Human Dimension Implementation Meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) convened in Warsaw this week. The “Human Dimension” project gives governments and NGOs the opportunity to send representatives to discuss policies and initiatives of interest to all the member states of the OSCE.

In the last few years OSCE/ODIHR has been infiltrated and co-opted by Muslim groups under the guidance of the OIC. However, a team of civil-liberties activists has been assembled to represent the interests of the Counterjihad at this year’s event in Warsaw:

Left to right:

Interventions and papers have already been presented by this group, with more to come. I’ll be reporting on these as they come in; stay tuned.

For links to previous articles about the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, see the OSCE Archives.

Czechs and Slovaks: No More “About Us, Without Us”!

The strongest resistance to the European Union’s recent mandatory migrant quotas comes from five Central European nations, former members of the “East Bloc” that overthrew totalitarian Communist rule.

Five countries originally stood up to Brussels: Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, and Romania. Poland recently succumbed to the multiculti zeitgeist, and switched its position to support the migrant quotas. The other four countries continue to resist; Slovakia is taking the strongest stance, refusing to accept the EU-imposed quotas.

Czechs and Slovaks have a saying that dates back to their betrayal at Munich by the Western allies in 1938: “About us, without us”. It refers to decisions made about the two countries without their consent and without consultation, and has a resonance with them that is roughly equivalent to that of “Never again!” for the Jews.

The following report from Czech Independent TV was broadcast several days ago. The “defenestration” mentioned in this clip is a reference to the Defenestrations of Prague, the most famous of which involved Catholic noblemen being thrown out the window of the Bohemian Chancellery by Protestants in 1618. An earlier defenestration, the murder of city councilmen by Hussites, occurred in 1419. The death of Jan Masaryk in 1948 is commonly known as the “third defenestration of Prague”, although the Communist government claimed that he had committed suicide by jumping out a window.

Many thanks to Xanthippa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:


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