Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 12

Below is the twelfth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 12: Do I Need The Covid Vaccine?

Governments all around the world displayed an astonishing degree of fanaticism with regard to vaccinating everyone against Covid-19. It was truly mind-boggling to both watch and be part of. Despite the millions of argumentative words generated between pro-vax hysterics and anti-vax sceptics, there are really only three simple questions to be asked about the Covid vaccine:

  • Do I need it?
  • Does it work?
  • Is it safe?

Do I need it?

As I have outlined earlier, there was no lethal pandemic in 2020. The Infection Fatality Rate for Covid-19 was similar to that of influenza, so nobody needed an experimental, Emergency Use Authorisation vaccine at all, let alone the young, healthy, or pregnant.

Somewhat ironically, this was revealed in the drug trials themselves. AstraZeneca stated they “were running out of time” with regard to their vaccine trial and went on to explain this was because they were having great trouble finding anyone who exhibited Covid-19 symptoms, which obviously caused data input problems when it came to comparisons between the vaccinated and unvaccinated trial members.

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India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West: Introduction

The latest book by the Indian author Sunil Sharan is entitled India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West. The author has kindly supplied the text of his introduction to the book, which is reproduced below. The rest of the book provides a comprehensive overview of the (often bloody) relations between Indian Muslims and followers of other religions.

It also presents a history of Islam in Indian culture and politics, including a valuable account of the reign of Akbar the Great, the Third Mughal emperor. Akbar was remarkably tolerant of Hindus, which was not true of his successors, and Hinduism did not flourish again until it fell under the protection of the British in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Mahatma Gandhi, 1939

India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West

by Sunil Sharan


Although Arabs had started invading India at the beginning of the eighth century, they came to the subcontinent mainly to plunder, spread their Islamic faith, and then retreat. The Arabs converted the Central Asians to Islam, who in turn converted the Afghans. The Afghans were traditionally Hindus and had then become Buddhist. The Buddhas of Bamiyan, monumental statues of Gautama Buddha carved into the sides of a cliff in Afghanistan in the sixth century AD, were evidence of how much Buddhism had spread in Afghanistan. The Taliban destroyed these statues in 2001.

The Afghans started invading the Indian Subcontinent, but it was not until circa 1200 AD that their rule was firmly established in Delhi. The Afghans had become fanatical Muslims by then. This time, though, the Muslims did not come to India just to loot and proselytize and then leave. They came to stay. The Afghans ruled India for three hundred consecutive years. No Hindu king could topple them. Ironically, they were toppled by another type of Muslims, Central Asians of Mongol descent, who came to be known as the Mughals. They defeated the Afghans in the early sixteenth century and quickly established their rule throughout India.

Unlike the Afghans, whose contribution to India has perhaps been lost with time, the Mughals contributed substantively to India in terms of architecture, language, and cuisine. The Afghans had been fervent proselytizers of Islam. During their rule, the Hindu population of India actually contracted. Some of this was due to conversion to Islam. But Hindus were so afraid that their daughters would be abducted by Muslims that they started killing them at birth. Before Muslims arrived in India, women in Hinduism were actually glorified. The practice of female infanticide continues in India today, albeit for different reasons than before, resulting in a lopsided population.

The Mughals for the most part were much more liberal than their Afghan counterparts. The third Great Mughal, Akbar, built the empire and enacted very conciliatory policies toward Hindus, for which he is applauded in India even today by the Hindus. The last Great Mughal, Aurangzeb, was an out and out bigot, who undid much of what his great grandfather Akbar had done.

Conversion to Islam in the six hundred years of Islamic rule in India from circa 1200 AD to circa 1800 AD took place in many ways. The sword, of course, was frequently employed. Hinduism had its caste system, with the soft underbelly being the untouchable caste. Islamists targeted the untouchables for conversion. They were the oppressed in Hinduism. When they joined the King’s own religion, they started tormenting their former oppressors. Much of the antagonism between Hindus and Muslims that exists in India today can be traced to this development.

Although Arabs converted the Central Asians and the Afghans, the language of the Muslim court in India was never Arabic. It was always Persian. Akbar in fact disliked Arabic so much that he had banned its use from his empire. Persian words were infused into Hindi and created the language Urdu. Although some label Urdu as the language of the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent, it is a language cherished by almost everyone, including by hard-core right-wing Hindus. I can speak Urdu fairly well, although I can’t read the script because it is in Persian form. Whenever I use an uncommon Persian word, my Hindu friends and relatives go gaga. My grandfather was born at the turn of the twentieth century, when British rule and English were firmly entrenched in India, but he read and wrote Persian fluently.

Persia was an immediate neighbor of India then. Since the times of the Persian kings Cyrus and Darius, Persia has had tremendous influence over India. As Islamic rule became established in India, a steady stream of Persians migrated to India. The rulers, first the Afghans and then the Mughals, came to India without many women. In fact, Babur’s army only comprised about fifteen thousand soldiers, many of whom perished in the battlefield. The Islamic rulers felt the need to procreate. The first choice was with the Persians. The Islamic rulers avoided the Hindu untouchables who had converted to Islam like the plague. They much preferred to miscegenate with upper-caste Hindus. But the upper-caste Hindus were having none of that. That was when the sword, sometimes softened by inducements, was employed by the Islamists. The Hindu womb as the source for the procreation of Islam remains an incredibly touchy topic in India even today.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 6

Below is the sixth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 6: Manipulating the Death Rate Data

If you have studiously ploughed through all the facts and figures so far, you must be wondering how on earth Western governments got away with the colossal fraud entailed in persuading us that Covid-19 deaths were enormously high throughout 2020. Ditto, that we were all equally threatened with death if we disobeyed the various ludicrous and tyrannical edicts crashing down upon us from the political, media, scientific and medical establishments.

What they did was actually very simple. Beautifully simple, in fact. They just applied the label of “Covid-19 death” to perfectly natural and normal deaths of the old and the ill, along with the deaths by terminally unfortunate accident of the young and the healthy.

Before PCR Testing became the norm, doctors were advised — without the actual necessity of looking at the recently departed — to label the death as a Covid-19 death if the deceased had shown any symptoms of Covid-19 such as breathlessness, fever, cough, cold etc. Needless to say, most old and ill people who die exhibit many of those symptoms.

After the PCR Testing regime became the norm, all deaths were labelled as Covid-19 if the deceased had tested PCR Positive. This included those who were dying from cancer, heart disease, stage-4 kidney disease etc. Mr X actually died of cancer, but Covid-19 was the label attributed to his death, simply because he had tested PCR positive two months earlier.

Even worse, a perfectly healthy twenty-one-year-old who died in a motorcycle accident was labelled a Covid-19 death if he had tested PCR positive three months previously. The government took some stick over this obviously fraudulent manipulation of mortality data, and decided to become less fraudulently insane by stating the PCR Positive Test must have taken place within twenty-eight days of the death.

This lessened the distortion to a degree, but nonetheless a fit and healthy twenty-five-year-old who died in a para-gliding accident was still labelled a Covid-19 death if he had tested positive at any point over the twenty-eight days between PCR test and para-glider plummet. All of this was criminally fraudulent, obviously, but it laid the groundwork for even more criminal insanity with regard to the future vaccines.

I don’t want to get into the whole vaccine issue in this article, but bear the following in mind: Fit and healthy thirty-year-old Mr Y was injected with the mRNA vaccine on Jan 1st, 2022. A few days later he felt a bit iffy and toddled along for a PCR test on January 5th which returned a positive result. On January 10th, 2022, poor old Mr Y suffered a heart attack whilst cycling and was pronounced dead at the scene.

The cause of death was listed as Covid-19. His family protested and said he had been feeling perfectly OK up to the date of the mRNA vaccine injection. Could the vaccine be responsible for his death, they asked the doctor. Of course not, she scoffed. Mr Y was technically unvaccinated, you see.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 2

Below is the second chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. . Previously: Chapter 1.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 2: Fraudulent Excess Deaths

One simple graph reveals a great deal about the supposed vast numbers of Covid-19 deaths in 2020. This graph is related to the UK but is typical of most Western countries. It shows the number of deaths per 100,000 people (which takes into account a growing or declining population) between 1942 and 2020.

Source of graph: Office For National Statistics — Annual deaths and mortality rates 1838 to 2020

As you can see, the death rate in the UK in 2020 was much the same as 2008 (the two orange bars) and lower than every year between 1942 to 2007. In what possible way then, can this possibly be termed a lethal pandemic?

As I say, the UK was little different in terms of overall deaths when compared to the rest of the world. This can easily be confirmed by looking at figures for the global population.

In 2019 the global population numbered approximately 7.76 billion. In 2020 approximately 7.84 billion. In 2021 approximately 7.9 billion. In 2022 approximately 7.98 billion. 2020 saw a broadly similar rise in global population growth as the other years. This would be an impossibility had there really been a lethal pandemic stalking the land in 2020 — as we were repeatedly told.

People are born, they hopefully live a good long life and then they die. To state the obvious, this is completely natural and normal. Approximately 1% of a Western country’s population die every year. The vast majority of these deaths are amongst the very old and the very ill. In a bad flu year, the annual death rate might rise from 1% to 1.1%. In a good year it might drop from 1% to 0.9%.

Between the years 2000 to 2019, approximately 1.1% of the UK population died. As is completely normal. The average age of those who died during those years was eighty-one. The average number of life-threatening illnesses they suffered from was 3.5 and were, in the main, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure etc.

In 2020, the year of the Covid-19 pandemic, approximately 1% of the population died. As is completely normal. The average age of death was eighty-two. The average number of life-threatening illnesses they suffered from was 3.5 and were, in the main, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney failure etc.

To reiterate, then, between 2000 and 2019 an average 1.1% of the population died every year. The overwhelming majority were very old and very ill. In 2020, the year of the “killer pandemic”, 1% of the population died. The overwhelming majority were very old and very ill.

How strange. How inexplicably strange. Pandemic Year 2020 actually saw a slight decrease in overall death percentages compared to the two previous decades. This isn’t my opinion; it is a verifiable fact. This isn’t a computer modelled data set; it is a verifiable and historical fact.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 1

Paul Weston has kindly given me permission to serialize his recently published book, Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Below is the first chapter.

Mr. Weston includes this prefatory note: “The point of the book is to lay out the colossal fraud in such a way as to be easily read and understood by the average person. Without their understanding what has happened, it becomes so much easier for it to happen again. If the majority realised the extent to which they’ve been conned they would be marching on our government buildings by now, with pitchforks in hand.”

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 1: Introduction

Four years after the Covid-tyranny began, the jury is pretty much out. The whole world became a gigantic film-set, produced by Bill Gates, and directed by the World Health Organisation. Our politicians, scientists and journalists acted out their leading roles whilst all of earth’s citizens became unimportant, disposable extras in a global Truman Horror-Show.

The organisation involved to make this happen is staggeringly vast. It must have taken years to plan, and it must have cost unimaginable sums of money, all of which has been repaid many times over by now. What an investment that turned out to be. As Bill Gates has repeatedly mentioned, the returns on vaccines are up to twenty times the initial investment.

I don’t believe such a gigantic operation was ever going to be just a one-off. I am convinced another pandemic is just around the corner. The WHO and Bill Gates have both talked about the inevitability of another one, and the WHO is currently engaged in a power grab designed to put it completely in charge of sovereign nations when the much-anticipated next pandemic arrives. Disease X is just a matter of time, I believe.

In order to stop this from happening, or at least to try to stop this from happening, it is essential that the majority of people understand what happened post March 2020. I have written a short, succinct book in order to get my message and warning out. It is easy to read, but also highly detailed in its exposure of the global fraud involved in driving the last so-called pandemic.

The book basically answers the following questions:

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Paul Weston: Mass Murder in the Care Homes

Below are the third and fourth videos in Paul Weston’s series on “Censored Truths About COVID-19” (parts 1 and 2 are here). The videos are based on Mr. Weston’s recently published book, Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

Part 3: Care Home Deaths

Part 4: Mass Deaths — Midazolam — Matt Hancock

See also Fjordman’s recent essay, “The Great Vaccine Leap Forward”.

Hat tip: Steen.

Brutopia: The Poshlost of Mohammed

The image above is the cover of a new novel that tells the story of the life of Mohammed Pbuh in graphic form. The author, Talha Dahlan, sends this summary of the book:

Brutopia: The Poshlost of Mohammed is a seven-part graphic novel in color depicting the life of Mohammed. The series, based almost entirely on the original and earliest sources of Islam, is both humourous and satirical, and includes caricatures of European and North American conservative leaders transposed upon Mecca in 7th century, using current vocabulary about the menace Mecca faced in the form of Mohammed and the Koran. The concerns were real then; the concerns are real now. Just the locale has changed.

This series of graphic novels is the first of its kind and never written before in fourteen centuries.

Mohammed, if real, is said to have lived between 570 and 632 AD. It is hoped that with the seven books in this series, readers will gain a greater understanding of Mohammed the man, his legacy, his actions, and his impact on the world.

See Amazon’s Kindle store to get your copy of Brutopia: The Poshlost of Mohammed.

Islam: Abolition of Civilisation, Part II

Our Indian correspondent The Kafir sends this follow-up to last week’s essay about Islam.

Islam: Abolition of Civilisation (Part II)

by The Kafir

In the year 1988, Salman Rushdie’s novel The Satanic Verses was published. Khomeini issued the fatwa. Salman Rushdie was a British citizen. The UK government immediately forced him into hiding, with heavy police protection. The UK had its Muslims. There was no way to know who among them might kill Rushdie. A mob could have come and lynched him. The British knew all this.

If the British knew all this, one might expect they would figure out all the logical things which followed from the affair: Muslims do not respect the West’s concept of free speech, there is no way to find out which Muslim is a potential killer of a blasphemer, and Muslims become mobs for the most outrageous of causes. Therefore, if the UK wanted to keep its free speech rights, it needed to stop Muslim immigration.

In fact, this should have been done by all the Western countries. Instead they opened the gates wider. They even encouraged Muslim immigration, legal and illegal. For example, Tony Blair. And Angela Merkel.

How did the West reach this point? The times when the elites of the most educated, advanced, prosperous, and happy countries of the West want to destroy the countries they are ruling? And the citizenry seem to be just clapping along?

The answer is that in the nineteenth century a man was born named Karl Marx. He confused the masses, and he frightened the elites. He misunderstood the source of wealth, let the masses loose on the elite, and they started making compromises, and now know nothing except making compromises, with anybody who threatens violence.

Burnham understood that Marxism/Communism/Leftism was also the abolition of morality: ‘“Dialectical logic.” Is simply a devise that declares “whatever serves the interest of communist power is true.” (Burnham quoted in the introduction to Suicide of The West, written by Roger Kimball [page 11, Kindle edition]). And the liberals ruling the West are Marxists lite. They know no absolute morality. It is all relative for them. Therefore, they now have different moral laws for different sections of society.

They started with the industrial workers. According to the leftists, the industrial workers are an exploited lot; therefore they are entitled to use violence. Normal laws of morality do not apply to them. They can picket the industrial plant, can wreck it, can even kill the owners. Because they are exploited. The ruling elites gave in. Perhaps they were afraid that if the workers were not allowed to burn down the industrial plant, they might march to parliament building and burn it instead. This was the first exemption from the moral laws granted by the civilized, and it has been downhill ever since. It led to the destruction of industrial plants in the West and rise of the Dependency Class. Work has this profound magical quality that it creates character in the men doing it. Without work, on welfare, Western people lost that character. Word also got around that being a ‘victim’ or ‘oppressed’ gives one exemption from the moral laws. Liberals began manufacturing ‘victim classes’, and people happily joined, because, well, who wants to be burdened with the morality?

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“Bill Gates is a Problem for Democracy”

The following article concerns an English-language book about Bill Gates. It was translated from the German, so some of the quotes from the book or the author may not be verbatim matches for the originals.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this piece from Boris Reitschuster’s website. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

“Bill Gates is a problem for democracy”

New book: US journalist exposes the myth of the benevolent philanthropist

Hardly any other person is currently more polarizing than William Henry Gates III. For some, the kind-looking Microsoft founder is a shining light and benefactor. Others consider him to be a dangerous narcissist who wants to influence the course of time to his own liking with his billions and his absolutist fantasies of omnipotence.

The 68-year-old father of three children prefers to style himself as a philanthropist with a penchant for bringing salvation to the whole world. [If I were a Christian, I’d call him a serious contender for the “Antichrist”.] This is what happened during the Corona crisis. “We ultimately want to administer the vaccine to seven billion people,” he postulated verbatim in the Tagesthemen in April of 2020. The vaccines are great and he himself is one of the biggest supporters, he told the Süddeutsche Zeitung in February of last year.

The investigative journalist Tim Schwab has been working intensively with the programmer, who is currently worth an estimated $117 billion, since 2019 and in his book, which has just been published by S. Fischer Verlag, he dispels the image of Gates as a benefactor. One of the core statements in the 592-page The Bill Gates Problem — The Myth of the Charitable Billionaire: The supposedly greatest philanthropist of our time not only derives financial benefit from his foundation, but also uses it to influence political decisions worldwide in an undemocratic way.

Unyielding belief in yourself

The real Gates, Schwab believes, is still a “power-hungry, narcissistic control freak,” and the sprawling Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is little more than a vehicle through which he can amass and exert influence on a far greater scale than would be possible for him as a mere billionaire software mogul. “It is deeply undemocratic, and cements inequality,” argues Schwab.

Gates and his then-wife founded their foundation in 2000. As of 2022, it was better equipped to combat disease and malnutrition than many governments, with around $67 billion. His “unyielding belief in himself that he will do both right and justice in everything he does,” the author writes, led Gates to believe that he and only he knew best how to solve the world’s most complex problems.

The chapter in which Schwab highlights the foundation’s support for family planning in the Third World is particularly sobering. Gates’ preferred method of contraception is a hormonal implant that is inserted into a woman’s arm and is intended to prevent pregnancy for up to five years. His foundation entered into an agreement with drug manufacturers to encourage them to sell many millions of these implants at deep discounts. When the market was finally flooded, clinics in countries like Malawi and Uganda used aggressive sales tactics to get women to accept implants they didn’t want. Schwab describes this as a form of eugenically inspired coercion.

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Love Among the Mantises

I occasionally like to quote the words of my namesake: Unspiek, Baron Bodissey, whose writings may be found in the fiction of Jack Vance. The Baron is not a character in those books, but rather a literary reference. Excerpts from his works appear in footnotes and chapter headings, and he is occasionally quoted by characters in the books.

The following quote is from the heading of Chapter 3 in The Book of Dreams, the final novel of the Demon Princes pentalogy:

From Life, Volume I, by Unspiek, Baron Bodissey:

…I often reflect upon the word “morality,” the most troublesome and confusing word of all.

There is no single or supreme morality; there are many, each defining the mode by which a system of entities optimally interacts.

The eminent entomologist Fabre, observing a mantis in the act of devouring its mate, exclaimed: “What an abominable custom!”

The ordinary man, during a day’s time, may be obliged to act by the terms of a half-dozen different moralities. Some of these acts, appropriate at one moment, may the next moment be considered obscene or opprobrious in terms of another morality.

The person who, let us say, expects generosity from a bank, efficient flexibility from a government agency, open-mindedness from a religious institution will be disappointed. In each purview the notions represent immorality. The poor fool might as quickly discover love among the mantises.

Germany Has Abolished Itself

Thirteen years ago Thilo Sarrazin was reviled and cancelled for daring to suggest that Germany, through its disastrous migration policies, was in the process of abolishing itself.

Well, now it’s pretty much official: Germany has abolished itself. I assume that being able to say “I told you so” is cold comfort for Mr. Sarrazin in his role as a German Cassandra.

An arrogant Iranian-German woman named Naika Foroutan has written a book in which she admonishes Germans “who have lived here for a longer time” to get used to the fact that their country no longer belongs to them. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Migration researcher Naika Foroutan teaches the Germans: Your country does not belong to you!

Naika Foroutan’s new book “It would be German” has just been published, when the head of the German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM Institute) causes heated motions with a guest contribution to Focus Online . “You no longer recognize ‘your’ country? Then you have misunderstood something,” the 51-year-old lectures the German majority population in a passive-aggressive tone, thus assigning them the role of obedient students.

You just have to get used to it: the country “looks different, it has become younger, it speaks differently, it eats differently, it prays differently than before. But they forget: This country per se does not belong to anyone,” claims Foroutan, paraphrasing the actual message: Above all, this country no longer belongs to you, dear Germans.

Foroutan’s essay captures a zeitgeist that has now become de rigueur. What was condemned in numerous media a few years ago as right-wing extremist scaremongering is now being transformed with her words into an inevitable but positive development. “The last decade has seen significant demographic changes in Germany. The diversity, which is primarily associated with migration, has expanded,” writes the political scientist. Demographic change and its consequences are no longer denied, but rather welcomed. [Welcomed by Islamic zealots and their leftist patsies in their drive to destroy everything that isn’t Islamic.] “They will be the powerful,” Die Zeit recently headlined, adding: “Germany doesn’t want to understand what it is today: a country in which migrants will no longer be a minority, but more in demand than ever.” [When the aim is genocide — cultural and physical — then the demand of genocidal maniacs must be great.]

Not created by chance

In the Berliner Zeitung, in May, the Iranian journalist Behzad Karim Khani spoke to “Biodeutsche” about their disappearance and the takeover of the country by migrants. “Integrate yourselves,” was his message, garnished with the smug remark: “And you, dear organic Germans, demographically speaking, are definitely leaving. They’re dying out, and your country needs about 400,000 new workers over the next 15 years, that’s about a million immigrants a year [sic — it doesn’t add up, but that’s what it says]. We migrants will probably inherit this land. So we could play for time here.”

All of the authors mentioned allude to a dynamic that did not come about by chance, but was deliberately promoted by those responsible in politics, from the CDU to the Greens, especially since the asylum crisis in 2015: between 2011 and 2022, the number of foreigners in Germany rose from 6.3 million to 13.4 million. Since immigration is particularly concentrated in the Middle East, the number of Muslims in the country is automatically growing. In addition, the proportion of the population with a migration background is increasing year by year.

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Stop The Great Replacement!

Old Europe Stop The Great Replacement!
by Rikard Högberg
Legatum Books
154 pages

Reviewed by Fjordman

The Swedish author Rikard Högberg recently published his book Old Europe Stop The Great Replacement! He wrote an earlier version of this book in 2002, but the second edition has been updated through 2022 and contains new chapters.[1]

The concept of The Great Replacement has been promoted by the French author Renaud Camus. In his book Le Grand Remplacement from 2011, Camus argues that a European elite is in the process of replacing the native European population with people of immigrant origin. Instead of encouraging its own native population to have enough children, politicians and policymakers are advocating for immigration to replace the deficit of young working-age people. The result of this policy is the gradual replacement of the native European population with peoples of foreign origin, without regard for heritage and cultural conditions.

This process is plainly obvious for everybody to see. Across much of Europe, from Athens to Dublin and from Lisbon to Hamburg, immigrants are rapidly replacing the natives in neighborhood after neighborhood. It has become increasingly difficult to find an ethnic Frenchman in parts of Paris, just as it has become increasingly difficult to find a native English or British person in parts of London. However, stating the obvious and pointing this fact out is met with condemnations of “racism” by bad-faith actors, making a public debate on this subject nearly impossible.

At least, you are not allowed to point out the ongoing population replacement if you criticize or oppose this development. This will at best bring ridicule and scorn. At worst, it could earn you accusations of being a dangerous extremist or even a potential terrorist. Rikard Högberg notes that you may be allowed to comment on the replacement of native Europeans in their historical homelands, but only if you applaud and support this:

“When the replacement of Europeans is described by liberal and progressive voices it is portrayed as something positive; it is welcomed by the press and politicians. However, when those who point out the negative sides of this replacement and want it to be stopped or reversed, it is labelled as a ‘conspiracy theory’ and denied by the very same press and politicians who previously lauded it.”[2]

Högberg believes that a vile replacement policy is being actively promoted by the Globalist ruling class that currently governs Western countries. They rule through false and misleading information and propaganda, rigged elections, threats, intimidation, and various forms of attacks on dissidents and freethinkers:

“Globalist actors such as George Soros and Bill Gates fund and direct obedient corporations and NGOs that do whatever they wish. Their actions all point in one direction; they want to destroy Europe. They want to replace the European population and independence with a new and easily manipulated low-wage slave population. They want to destroy people making innovations that could threaten their hegemony. They hate independent-minded people. They hate intelligent people who can think for themselves. They hate people they cannot bribe. And by extension, as a European, they hate you. They want you extinct and gone. Thus the falling birthrates in Western countries is not a slump. It is the direct result of enacted policies perpetrated by our countries’ currently most potent elements. They fund demographic institutes and ‘think tanks’ that come up with these replacement immigration policies.”[3]

Similar ideas are being pushed simultaneously through international organizations such as the UN and the EU, but also through numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs), business forums and policy institutes. Some of them are very powerful and influential, yet do not possess any shred of democratic mandate. This includes the World Economic Forum (WEF), founded by Klaus Schwab from Germany. The WEF holds annual meetings in Davos, Switzerland for powerful investors and business leaders, political leaders, and celebrities “to shape global, regional and industry agendas.”[4]

Fortunately, major change may be coming our way. The ruling elites still control much of the information flow, but their grip on power is less firm than before. Fewer people are reading mainstream media controlled by the Globalists, and they trust what they are being told by the mass media less and less. More citizens are taking note of how duplicitous, shameless, and dishonest the Globalists are, while attempting to shield themselves from valid criticism and public scrutiny.

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Islam Bans Freedom of Speech for All Human Beings

If you appreciate this essay by Fjordman, please consider making a donation to him, using one of the links at the bottom of this post.

The police in both Norway and Sweden have recently banned people from burning a copy of the Koran. The Danish-Swedish lawyer, politician and activist Rasmus Paludan has burned the Koran in public several times. Muslims staged violent riots over this in several Swedish cities in April 2022.[1] Recently, this has triggered international Islamic protests against Sweden. Turkish President Erdogan has threatened to block Sweden’s NATO membership bid partly because it remains legal in Sweden to burn the Koran.[2]

In February 2023 Swedish police banned a planned burning of the Koran in Stockholm.[3] They cited an increased risk of terror attacks as the reason for this decision.[4] Several experts on free speech question whether the police are allowed to do this according to current Swedish law.[5]

Finland has restrictive laws when it comes to freedom of expression. Even some Finnish politicians such as Jussi Halla-aho from the Finns Party have been legally prosecuted for allegedly making hateful comments about Islam.[6] Police in Finland would not allow a public burning of the Koran, according to the National Police Board. Finnish law stipulates that violating religious peace is a punishable offence, the police board said in a statement.[7]

You can, of course, think what you will about burning books, regardless of which book it is. The fact is, however, that in Norway, Sweden, and Denmark in the year 2023 it is legal to burn books.

The Norwegian activist Hege Storhaug has been writing about Islam and immigration for many years. Her book Islam: Europe Invaded. America Warned is also available in English. She criticized the authorities after the police banned a group from burning a copy of the Koran in front of the Turkish embassy in Oslo.[8] Again, it is questionable whether the police are allowed to do this according to current Norwegian law.

The police in Sweden and Norway are effectively saying in public that they cannot or will not uphold our secular laws, because they are afraid of violent reactions from Muslims. There really is no other way to interpret this behavior. This amounts to submission to Islamic religious law, sharia, and to Islamic rule.

Those who argue that we should simply stop offending Muslims do not understand Islam. The late Kurt Westergaard was one of several Danish artists who made a drawing of Muhammad for the newspaper Jyllands-Posten in 2005. This was deemed offensive by many Muslims, therefore some of them wanted to kill him. Culture editor Flemming Rose and others from Jyllands-Posten have also lived with threats for years for publishing these Muhammad cartoons.[9]

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The Clever and the Stupid

Karl-Olov Arnstberg is a Swedish writer, ethnologist, and retired university professor. Many thanks to LN for translating this post from the blog Invandring och mörkläggning:

Sunday Chronicle:

The clever and the stupid

by Karl-Olov Arnstberg
January 1, 2023

Last week’s Sunday Chronicle was about intelligence and the quarter-century-old but still controversial research report The Bell Curve. Today I thought I’d shift the focus from the average IQ ratio of different groups to the “smart fraction” — see the picture above.

Tabula Rasa/Blank Slate is a philosophical theory which maintains that human beings are not only shaped by their environment and experiences, but also that they can be shaped into almost anything. Aristotle asserted this in his treatise De Anima (On the Soul), and the Greek Stoics developed the idea. The next big names are the canonised 13th-century philosopher Thomas Aquinas, and then the 17th-century philosophers Descartes and John Locke. In his “Essay Concerning Human Understanding”, the latter coined the term “white paper/blank slate”. In his novel Émile or Education, Jean-Jacques Rousseau echoes the same idea when he argues that adults can mould children into whatever they want. Then we may jump to Marx, who argues that it is capitalism that creates the differences (the injustices). In the paradise to which the dictatorship of the proletariat leads, all people will be the same, that is to say, good. No rich capitalist pigs there. The Social Democrats were not convinced that this happiness would be achieved through revolution, and so launched their alternative, social engineering.

The idea that we can all be equal is attractive to socialists in the first place, which, as we know, has cost the lives of several million people. Freud may also be included in the ranks of believers, since he argued that inheritance has minimal significance. Man is formed in his early childhood years. As late as the 1950s, behaviourist psychologists were so convinced that all human behaviour was controlled by the environment that there were even those who believed that the right therapy could cure Down’s syndrome.

That’s the legacy we live with to this day. The politically correct dogma assumes that all human beings are born as blank slates, and that it is only faulty policies, upbringing and environmental factors such as education, nutrition, medical care, etc. that prevent a person from attaining the intellectual or cultural achievements of another person.

It does not seem to matter that there is no scientific support whatsoever for the ideology of equality. Neuroscience, psychometrics and evolutionary psychology have totally shattered the theory that humans are born as a blank slate. The cognitive psychologist Steven Pinker’s 500+ page exposé The Blank Slate: The Modern Denial of Human Nature was published in 2002. Four years later, it was published in Swedish.

Politicians who prattle on about the equal value of human beings, and feminists who campaign for equal opportunity quotas, should be ordered to read it. It would save us citizens a lot of political nonsense. It would also save money, not least when it comes to aid. It is not possible to use aid to help poor countries with low IQ averages out of their misery. Moreover, if politicians were to follow what modern biologists and evolutionary psychologists agree on concerning the importance of heredity, they would put an end to the immigration that is currently filling up Sweden with new inhabitants from Africa and the Middle East faster than the fastest chicken can run.

In 2002, what was called the Smart Fraction Theory was first presented by someone using the pseudonym La Griffe du Lion (The Lion’s Claw), which probably stands for the American sociologist Robert Gordon, who wrote anonymously to avoid a lot of hateful comments and claims of racism. Even controversial science should be driven by logic, theory and empirical evidence, and thus not be disturbed or stopped by vilification and threats. But that’s unfortunately what has happened.

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