Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/31/2022

Shortly after the new year began in Ukraine, a new wave of Russian missile attacks caused explosions in Kiev. The Ukrainian government asserted that Russia was deliberately targeting civilians.

In other news, Emeritus Pope Benedict XVI has died at the age of 95, joining Barbara Walters as one of the last celebrity deaths of 2022.

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Thanks to Dean, DV, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Welcoming the Soldiers of Allah to Austria

Of the 100,000 “refugees” who have applied for asylum in Austria, the vast majority are young men. The report below doesn’t mention it, but that means that the newcomers are mostly men of military age. In other words, the Austrian government has been assiduously importing the Soldiers of Allah.

Gee, I wonder how that will work out…

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the conservative Austrian site Unzensuriert:

Asylum policy

It isn’t women and children seeking protection with us — It is 91% men!

December 29, 2022

Pictures of small children in the arms of their mothers in the mainstream media always want to make us believe it is they who are seeking protection in Austria. The truth, however, is that 91% of the asylum requests are lodged by men.

Only 8.7% of asylum applications are from women

The Interior Ministry’s asylum statistics give a completely different picture from the numbers from the benevolent NGOs and many representatives of the federal government. It is not women and children who are seeking protection and help from us, but rather almost exclusively men. Of the 101,755 asylum applications, 92,854 — that is, 91.3% — are submitted by men. The majority of those are between 18 and 25 years old. Only 8,903 of asylum applications are from women — that is, only 8.7%.

Almost 100% of unaccompanied minors are men

As for the unaccompanied minors, the male portion is even higher. According to statistics from the Interior Ministry, these were, believe it or not, 98.8%. The migration of unaccompanied minors to Austria might be a trick by the human smugglers to enable family reunification. Most of the migrants came from Afghanistan, Syria, India, Tunisia, and Pakistan.

Dramatic rise in murders in cities with the high number of migrants

With these numbers from the Interior Ministry, Austria not only has the highest number in 67 years, but with this human migration, is sliding into conditions that currently exist in Sweden. As has been reported, Sweden is now paying a bloody price for the open borders policy previously preferred by the Social Democrats. There is a dramatic rise in murders in cities where the migration numbers are high.

Already 60 shooting victims

According to a report on Servus-TV, five years ago there were 36 people killed in shootings in Sweden, but this year, there are already 60 victims— an increase of almost 70%.

Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming

I just got back from a Christmas concert at a Catholic seminary in a nearby county. It’s a traditional Catholic organization that uses the Latin mass, which means that it is basically dissident.

The concert was very uplifting, a mixture of ancient, traditional, and modern Christmas music. In addition to carols, they did Gregorian chant, “Ev’ry Valley” from The Messiah, a Bach chorale, something by Vivaldi, some jazzy stuff, and “Lo how a rose e’er blooming” in German.

The brothers at the seminary seem to be quite young — fresh-faced youngsters just out of high school, mostly.

The audience must have been largely Catholic, lots of parents with three or four children under six. I assume they drove in from fairly far away, since the seminary is in a remote rural location.

It was very heartening to witness such an event. The old ways aren’t dead. They’ve just gone underground in our corrupt, hedonistic, and satanic culture.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/30/2022

A young man named Bryan Christopher Kohberger was arrested in Pennsylvania for the murder of four college students in Idaho. Mr. Kohberger is a graduate student in criminal justice at a university in Washington State, just a short distance away from where the students were murdered in Idaho.

In other news, the Belarusian government summoned the Ukrainian ambassador after a Ukrainian missile was shot down over Belarus.

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Thanks to Caroline Glick, Dean, Fjordman, JW, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Cultural, Territorial and Racial Suicide This Way Cometh

Our English correspondent Seneca III returns with a less-than-optimistic look at “climate change” and related issues of our dystopian age.

Cultural, Territorial and Racial Suicide This Way Cometh


Reminiscences of an old man: Cop 26, October/November 2021 — The New World Order on Steroids

Whilst Clown Prince Charles pontificated on ‘Global Warming’ via the Interweb, having been banned from attending in person, the two posturing political pygmies, Johnson and Macron, continued their girlie-fight on the sidelines as the rest of the troughers were arriving, ready to enjoy a spectacularly indulgent epicurean Jolly at the expense of British taxpayers, despite the rats, uncollected garbage and spaced-out druggies cluttering up the boulevards and public squares of what was once the 1990 European City of Culture.

Alok Sharma, a UK Conservative politician and a native of Agra, Uttar Pradesh, India, had been appointed President of Cop 26 and was peddling his usual bovine excrement in the background; anyone with more than two connected neurons pointedly ignored him.

Biden arrived with his own helicopter and sundry other hardware and heavies. We aficionados of corrupt senility eagerly awaited his latest incoherent mumblings with a morbid sense of fascination. Biden and his entourage (sans Hunter Crackhead) were preceded by the Doom Goblin and the pitiful young pilgrims of her Children’s Crusade who will no doubt end up suffering a fate similar to that of the originals in 1212 AD.

Queen Krankie (Nicola Sturgeon) had yet to make an appearance, which was in some ways a blessing and in others a disappointment, as she is good entertainment value when preaching to her semi-sentient Glaswegian electorate.

Prime Minister Nut Nut (Carrie Johnson) maintained a low profile, but it was suspected that she and President Jill would have no doubt renewed their mutual admiration society in secret and shared their deep understanding of world affairs, Depends and feline thrashing.

BBC ‘Net Zero’ fantasists masquerading as reporters and the rest of the global media rabble were there in abundance and competing with each other to see who could be first to triumphantly transmit the success of the NWO’s latest confidence trick back to its prime beneficiaries in Beijing, Delhi, Moscow, Londonistan, Islamabad, Tehran and Davos.

And, as I put the final touches to this rant, I note that Mother Sun is dropping a hint or two as to whom actually controls the weather. Karma is a wondrous thing.

More to follow on other related matters … if I don’t end up on the receiving end of the somewhat less than tender attentions of HM’s thoroughly diversified multicultural Thought Police.

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Cultural, Territorial and Racial Suicide

Totalitarianism is the bastard child of authoritarianism, which thrives on inducing mass anxiety in the body politic. This anxiety is amplified by Western governments and their establishment lackeys repeatedly peddling the anthropogenic global warming calumny — now renamed as ‘climate change’ — and the ‘White Racism’ slurs thrown around with gay abandon by a recently-arisen collective of cultural history illiterates who have designated themselves as ‘Wokists’, whatever that may mean.

The pointless Thursday clapping and pot-banging on one’s doorstep in praise of the confused response to the emergency by a politicised health service was a national embarrassment. Why the well-prepared 2005 Corona virus plan was kicked into touch and mostly ignored remains an open question although a partial explanation can be found here.

In the final analysis, this barely coherent moral and cultural debacle was designed to appeal to our innate desire for a quiet, comfortable indulgent lifestyle. Hence, during the mass formation tyrannies of Covid-19, people’s passive acceptance of being ‘locked down’, having been psychologically conditioned by a government organisation (SAGE) to exist in what was effectively a new gulag archipelago, was primarily motivated by blind obedience to this emergent authoritarianism.

In summation, all of the above is a transformation programme in tune with the World Economic Forum’s concept of the fourth industrial revolution creating a transhumanist future populated by human drones who will ‘own nothing and be happy’. They do not hide their intentions, nor should we ignore them or consider them as nothing more than the senile rantings of silly old men — the WEF intend to implement every one of these objectives.

Such reductionism is a theme of the Belgian psychotherapist Mattias Desmet’s book The Psychology of Totalitarianism. Desmet regards the reaction to Covid-19 as a ‘mass formation’, a behavioural disturbance akin to hysteria.

The enormity of what is happening can be overwhelming; sometimes I look about me in the hope that all this is surreal, a bad dream, yet wherever I look I see authoritarianism masked as democracy; I see secrecy presented as means to security; I see the coercion, fraud, graft, theft, gross immorality, open borders, a hatred of Whites and Christianity and scorn for Europe’s past that now encourages cowed acceptance by the original inhabitants of the UK and the EU.

In fact, the recently revealed bribery scandal in Brussels is nothing new. Corruption has been endemic in the EU for decades and widely known, but nothing was ever done about it; this is par for the course, as all political entities end up consuming themselves and the rest of us in the process… infighting, corruption, fiat currencies and using war as a distraction are all symptomatic of this quickening slide into the end times, both for them and for us.

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More on Luna’s Story

On Monday I posted about the plight of Luna, a 9-year-old Swedish girl who was raped and left for dead by a 15-year-old Ethiopian culture-enricher. The video report below from Swedish TV gives additional details about the case.

Luna’s aunt, who acts as a spokesperson for the family, says that she is not angry at the “youth” who savaged her niece, but rather at the school authorities and social services for not acting on the information they already had about the perpetrator. Their timely intervention might have prevented the attack on Luna.

One group of people that Luna’s aunt is not angry at — and which goes unmentioned in this report — is the political class who crafted the Swedish immigration laws that allowed such a feral predator into the country in the first place. If anybody besides the rapist himself deserves the ire of Luna’s family, it is the politicians and legislators who handed their country over to violent misogynists from the Third World.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/29/2022

A new study published by The Lancet on women and monkeypox showed that the clinical features of monkeypox in women were similar to those exhibited by men. However, almost half of the participants in the study were biological men who identified as women.

In other news, the U.S. Military Academy at West Point has begun the alteration or removal of all Confederate memorials on campus.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, MissPiggy, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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It Would Have Been So Much Worse If I Hadn’t Been Vaxed

Two years ago, when the first tranches of COVID-19 “vaccines” were rolled out to the general public, the mRNA injections were still experimental. Prior to their release, the clinical trials of the jab were brief, limited, and methodologically compromised by the eventual “vaccination” of members of the control group, ostensibly on humanitarian grounds. That little trick guaranteed that there could be no longitudinal studies going forward comparing vaxed participants with the control group.

Obviously, there were no data at that time on the long-term side effects of the vax, since the mRNA treatments had been developed too recently to have acquired any track record longer than a few months. As a result, the “vaccination” of billions of test subjects all across the world became a gigantic clinical experiment to test the long-term effects of the treatment. The entire Corona project — first the release of a genetically modified coronavirus, followed by the administration of billions of doses of the mRNA injections — was arguably the largest medical/biological experiment in history.

In early 2021, when vax skeptics predicted dire consequences from the mRNA experiments, they had no clinical data to back up their projections. But all that has changed now — there is as much as two years’ worth of evidence to look at, although the UN and governmental entities have done their best to bury any statistics that might cause cracks to appear in the “Safe and Effective” edifice built to reassure everyone who rolled up his sleeve to get jabbed.

Germany looks to be the best source of statistics on the deleterious effects of the mRNA injections. The biomedical establishment in Germany is sophisticated and well-funded, and is staffed by clinicians who are less corrupt than those in most Western countries.

Furthermore, German culture is rule-based. Following the rules is important to the collective German psyche. This characteristic has its downside, which hardly needs to be pointed out to anyone familiar with the last hundred years of European history. But it also has its advantages, which are now coming to the fore as German scientists and medical experts follow the rules to document the effects of the COVID-19 “vaccines”.

The AfD’s excess mortality video report (the concluding part of the press conference is here) is notable for revealing the corrupt behavior of two major German public health institutions, the Paul Ehrlich Institute and the Robert Koch Institute. Both are required by law to collect statistics on the adverse effects of vaccines and make them publicly available, and both have failed to follow their function, despite the availability of the relevant data.

They didn’t follow the rules.

The AfD researchers who provided the data for the video are restrained in their presentation, but their outrage is nonetheless palpable. Nothing offends German sensibilities more than the failure to carry out a public duty with which one has been charged. Thanks to such sentiments — held in common by uncorrupted German public officials — we can expect more investigations of the deadly effects of the vax, even though the revealed data may contradict the established Narrative about the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA treatments.

Back in early 2021 I thought that when such data eventually became available, it would force pro-vaxers to re-examine their position. However, in the interim my opinion has shifted: I don’t think any factual data, no matter how clear and well-sourced, will change the minds of anyone who enthusiastically supports the COVID-19 “vaccine”.

My conclusions are based on personal experience. Last year I posted about an old friend of mine who was very afraid of the Wuhan Coronavirus. At the beginning of the pandemic he retreated into isolation and followed the directives of the CDC in minute detail. And, needless to say, when the experimental mRNA injections were introduced, he embraced them eagerly.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/28/2022

Sam Bankman-Fried, the disgraced founder and former CEO of FTX, will be arraigned in court next week, and is expected to enter a plea. Meanwhile, Mr. Bankman-Fried’s parents — with whom he is staying under house arrest — have had to hire a private security firm to patrol the grounds of their house, due to the death threats they have received.

In other news, Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari warned that a lot of Western weapons that were sent to Ukraine have ended up in Africa.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, MM, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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How Deadly is the Vax?

The following article and interview concern the work of a German pathologist who — despite the political headwinds blowing against anyone who attempts an honest evaluation of the effects of the experimental mRNA treatments intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus — has conducted autopsies and analyzed the results for people who died after “vaccination”.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the Schwäbische Zeitung:

Covid vaccination as cause of death? This pathologist will find out

The Heidelberg pathologist Peter Schirmacher has been researching undiscovered and deadly vaccination consequences since the beginning of the Covid vaccination campaign. In a unique study, the scientist autopsied people who died unexpectedly within a period of up to twenty days after vaccination.

In his study, Schirmacher has now published five cases in which the vaccination was the cause of death, which corresponds to 20% of the deaths examined.

As early as the summer of 2021, he had warned that there could be a high number of unreported vaccine injuries and vaccine deaths. On this point, however, he was contradicted by several other scientists as well as the Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) and the Paul Ehrlich Institute.

At the time, Schirmacher called for more research, and in particular more autopsies, which the state of Baden-Württemberg then financed.

Schirmacher — who has been Managing Director of the Institute of Pathology at Heidelberg University Hospital for eighteen years and was Chairman of the German Society for Pathology until 2019 — answered a number of questions in writing about this autopsy project for the Schwäbische Zeitung.

Mr. Schirmacher, you have been researching the possible consequences of the Covid vaccination for many months. You published a study on this in the magazine “Clinical Research in Cardiology” at the end of November. In summary: What are the most important results of your research?

We can demonstrate that fatal myocardial inflammation can occur after vaccination and that this inflammation shows a typical, consistent histological and immunological picture, which helps in its diagnosis, also in the living patient and in the treatment, and is a basis for further research. Our statements are supported by other national and international publications.

In how many cases did the Covid vaccination cause someone to die?

We published five cases in our study; within the framework of our network we have identified further cases, for example fatal cerebral vein thrombosis after vector vaccines.

Over the past two years, the population has always been told that mRNA vaccines — such as those from BioNTech, for example — usually have mild side effects. According to your findings, is this thesis still justifiable?

The first thing to clarify is what is meant by mild: is hospitalization with recovery mild? Certainly the vast majority of myocarditis and other undesirable effects are mild, but not all of them, and there are numerous publications (more than fifty) on severe to life-threatening courses of myocarditis, which means that our test results are backed up and proven.

A major vaccine protection campaign has been running in the past two years, also on the grounds that research into safe mRNA vaccines has been going on for decades. In your opinion, has enough research been done in Germany on the possible side effects of mRNA vaccinations?

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 12/27/2022

Serbian troops on the border with Kosovo have been placed on full combat alert. Meanwhile, ethnic Serbs in northern Kosovo have set up new roadblocks, despite demands by the international community that existing roadblocks be removed.

In other news, German euthanasia clinics now require that applicants prove that they have been “vaccinated” against COVID-19 before they are allowed to be euthanized.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Dean, DV, JW, LP, Reader from Chicago, Roger, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The ECHR Rules Against Eric Zemmour

Long-time readers will remember Eric Zemmour as the popular French commentator who often appeared in this space in subtitled videos from talk shows on French TV. More recently, of course, he ran for president, but failed in his bid to prevent the re-election of Emmanuel “Toy Boy” Macron.

Now the French establishment has finalized its revenge against Mr. Zemmour: his conviction for insulting Muslims has been upheld by the European Court of Human Rights.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the French website Marianne:

“Choice between Islam and France”: The ECHR refuses to annul the conviction of Zemmour

by Marianne, with Agence France Press
December 20, 2022

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled against the controversial commentator Eric Zemmour on Tuesday and validated his conviction under French justice for incitement to discriminate and religious hate against the Muslim community after his remarks on France 5 in 2016.

Bad times for Eric Zemmour. On Tuesday, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruled against the president of the Reconquest party and validated his conviction by the French justice system for incitement to discriminate against the Muslim community after his remarks made on France 5 in 2016. The Court held that the French courts had not violated the freedom of expression of the candidate in the last presidential election. The former journalist had made the referenced remarks on September 16, 2016 on the program “C a vous”, broadcast live at 7pm on France 5, as part of the promotion of his book entitled Five years for nothing.

In particular, he stated that Muslims must be given “the choice between Islam and France,” and that France had been living “for the last thirty years under an invasion,” affirming that “in countless French suburbs where numerous young girls are veiled,” there is being played out, “a fight to Islamize a territory, a jihad.” He had been initially sentenced by the Paris Criminal Court to a €5,000 fine for “incitement to discriminate, to hatred or violence against a group of people for reason of their origin or adherence to a religion.” The sentence had been reduced to €3,000 on appeal. The Court of Cassation had then rejected his appeal.

Discriminatory Intention

The ECHR, the judicial arm of the Council of Europe, “holds that these remarks were not limited to a critique of Islam, but contained, given the context of terrorist attacks in which they were made, a discriminatory intention of a nature to call on the listeners to the rejection and exclusion of the Muslim community. Note that in 2020, Eric Zemmour himself had labeled the ECHR as “the source of evil,” in the fight against immigration. On the CNews program he then declared, “Not all of the unaccompanied minors are rapists, thieves, murderers, but since there are many who become so, the French people must be protected.” What would be good, according to him, would be “to leave the European Court of Human Rights”. “It is the ECHR and the European Convention on the Rights of Children that keep us from deporting anyone.” It is not sure whether the Court’s decision will improve the esteem of the polemicist for this institution.

Germany Invites India to Come to the EU

Germany has been reaching out to people in India with posters proclaiming that there is room for them in the EU. There no chance that they can actually have their asylum applications approved, but there is an unstated subtext to the report below: it doesn’t matter, because once they gain entry to the EU, only a tiny percentage of them will ever be deported. The EU is packed to the gills with failed asylum seekers who continue to live there, drawing social benefits and working in the black economy.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from eXXpress:

“We have space”: Posters lure Indians into the EU — but no chance of asylum

They have little chance of a positive decision — but between January and October of this year alone 15,000 Indians applied for asylum in Austria! Explosive: while the Interior Ministry is trying to convince people not to try at all, our German neighbours are using posters to lure people into the EU.

Billboards with the words “We have space” can be found at a crossroads in Mumbai. The campaign of the German federal state of Baden-Würtemberg aims to attract skilled workers. As a government spokesman told the Stuttgarter Nachrichten, the campaign could also be seen in the Indian cities of Bangalore, Hyderabad and London.

Most don’t stand a chance

There are many well-trained specialists in India and the United Kingdom, so the focus has been on these regions. The international campaign has been running since the end of November, and the posters could be seen in Mumbai until December 19, reports “T-Online”. It goes without saying that this gives many Indians hope of coming to Europe. And the campaign “works”, as you can see from the numbers. But the posters don’t say that most of them have no chance of staying legally in Austria or anywhere else in Europe.

Afterword from the translator:

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The Betrayal of Europe

The following poem by Michael Copeland from 2016 is relevant to the story of Luna, the little Swedish girl who was raped and turned into a quadriplegic by a culture-enriching “youth”.

The Betrayal of Europe

by Michael Copeland

By the cultural Marxist Quisling traitor elites
Our countries are flooded with migrants instructed to hate us —
More than a million militant muslim males,
Who are told they’re the best of peoples raised up for mankind.

They’re turning our streets at night into danger zones.
By rape after brutal rape they stake their claim,
Displacing our nations’ laws with rules of their own,
As repeatedly told in their menacing hostile mosques.

“A woman without a scarf is asking for rape”,
“Their women are yours to take. Why don’t you enslave them?”
“The kuffar are filthy, …the offspring of apes and pigs”,
“You all have to hate them, …and punish their unbelief”.

Yet all this time our leaders are in denial,
Again and again they repeat what they did before.
People who try to object are roundly blackened,
Their motives smeared, their views belittled and scorned.

The inadequate mainstream media shares the blame,
Routinely omitting to cover the problem news.
Between them they lay the way for conflict to follow,
Blithely ignoring the warnings, to everyone’s doom.

For previous essays by Michael Copeland, see the Michael Copeland Archives.