Paul Weston

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution, which seeks to destroy the Christian, capitalist and racial base of the West.

2007   Jan   22   The Week Britain Died
        26   Britain’s Dystopian School Children
    Feb   2   Questioning the Sanity of Liberals
    Mar   1   Multiculturalism — Merits and Debits
        31   Is European Civil War Inevitable by 2025?
    Apr   12   Is European Civil War Inevitable by 2025? (Part 2)
    Jun   26   The Big Story That Isn’t
    Aug   10   An Open Letter to Fellow Europeans
        24   A Brussels Perspective
    Sep   12   Democratic Europe R.I.P.
    Nov   2   The Coming Third World War
        21   Cool War — Warm War — Hot War: Part 1
        29   Cool War — Warm War — Hot War: Part 2
2008   Mar   27   The Face of Moderate Islam in Britain
2009   Feb   9   Wilders in Wonderland
        13   Who is Lord Ahmed?
        25   Temporary Peace Trumps Freedom of Speech
    Jul   1   Muslims, Mosques and Mosquitoes
        2   Islam, the BBC, and Young Children
        8   Review of “A Bridge Too Far”
        17   Socialist Propaganda in British Education
    Oct   15   Multiculturalism Has Destroyed the British Police
2010   Mar   16   Ethnically Cleansing the English
    Oct   7   Banana Republic Britain
        30   “We Will Hold You to Account”
    Dec   5   The Metaphorical Front Line of Islam
        5   The West Needs to Wake Up
        7   Land for Peace — Or Land for a Terror State?
2011   May   20   Why Is This Not Treason?
    Jun   1   One Week in the Death of Britain
    Jul   11   The Multi-Layered Betrayal of Britain
        29   The BBC, Breivik, the EDL and Islam
    Aug   7   Down’s Syndrome Babies, Sarah Palin and the BBC
    Sep   5   Clone These Men!
    Nov   27   The Totalitarian EU Tightens Its Grip
    Dec   6   One Rule for Them, One Rule for Us
        7   Muslim Misogyny, Feminist Indifference
        13   Interview with Paul Weston
2012   Jan   10   Racism and Media Double Standards in Britain
        13   How To Destroy A Country — Part 1
        14   How To Destroy A Country — Part 2
        15   How To Destroy A Country — Part 3
    Feb   20   “We Ran Out of Other People’s Money”
    Mar   1   NER Interview with Paul Weston
        1   Unite Against Freedom!
        2   Form Letter to MPs Who Endorse Unite Against Fascism
        2   Transforming Britain Into Lebanon
        12   Paul Weston: The CAN Interview
        13   Representing the Ideology and Law of Sharia
        15   Does Moderate Islam Really Exist?
        28   Muslim Paedophiles, Feminists and Future Civil War
        30   George Galloway, Islam and Britain’s Future
    Apr   12   Paul Weston at the British Freedom Party Meeting
        23   On Being English
    May   2   Celebrating Multicultural Madness
        12   Muslim Rape, Liberal/Left Complicity
        28   Saudi Arabia Buys Oxford
        30   Raceless Rape Exposes BBC Deceit
    Jun   8   The White Diamond Jubilee
        15   British Freedom’s 20 Point Plan
        15   Transcript of the 20 Points
        18   Multi-Culti Child Snatchers
    Jul   26   British Freedom: The Chairman’s Statement
        30   Olympic Opening Ceremony Hijacked by Far Left
    Aug   2   London’s Marxist Multicultural Olympics
        10   “What is Going Through Their Little Tiny Left-Wing Minds?”
    Sep   3   England’s New Totalitarian Police Force
        4   An Open Letter to Prime Minister David Cameron
        5   A Small Snapshot of Cameron’s Britain
        14   Islamic Murder, Western Submission
        18   Multicultural Defenders of Monocultural Islam
        24   South Yorkshire Police and Rotherham Council Are Complicit in Child-Rape
        25   The Rape of a Nation
    Oct   4   Why British Freedom?
        9   Mass Immigration, Fraud and Bankrupt Countries
        30   A Low-Level Cultural War
    Nov   22   Muslim Gang Rape Whitewashed in Britain
2013   Feb   23   Britain’s Liberal Death Wish
        28   The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Dhimmitude
    Mar   4   The Genocidal Racism of Left-Wing Extremists
        14   The Left — Mad, Bad, or Criminally Ignorant?
        21   Liberty in Great Britain
        23   The Left: Burundi Before Birmingham
        24   David Cameron Declares War on the EDL
    Apr   18   Sandy Agrarians and Western Capitulation
    May   24   British Elites Wish Away Islamic Reality
        24   “Islam Needs to be Vilified”
        28   A Racial and Cultural War on the Indigenous People of Britain
        28   An Example of Left-Liberal Treason
    Jun   17   The BBC Sanctions the Murder of Tommy Robinson
        20   The Designated Racist
        29   Truth is Now Hate Speech in David Cameron’s Britain
    Jul   1   David Cameron’s Finest Hour
        9   “This Is Who We Are”
    Nov   27   Preventing White Genocide
2014   Jan   28   Breivik and the Wicked Leftist Media
    Apr   27   “A Racially Aggravated Crime Under Section 4 of the Public Order Act”
    Aug   7   Child-Murdering Jewish Nasties
        10   The Racism of the Left
    Sep   1   Muslim Paedophile Pakistani Rapists
        21   A Traitor and a Quisling at Number 10
    Nov   6   Walking While White(ish)
        23   A Battle for Western Civilization
    Dec   17   Peace Has Nothing To Do With Islam
2015   Jan   17   Crocodile Tears About Acts of Islamic Violence
        31   One Week in the Death of Britain (Redux)
    Feb   10   A Typical Week in Dhimmi Britain
    Mar   29   Allah’s Little Whelpers
    Jul   7   Paul Weston: “Long Live Western Civilization”
    Aug   3   The End of Western Civilization
        4   Anne Marie Waters and Paul Weston on the London Motoons Event
        6   We Live in a Progressive Left-Liberal Insane Asylum
    Sep   13   Immigration, Altruism and National Suicide
    Oct   31   Shaker Aamer — Genuine Jihadist or an Innocent Abroad?
    Nov   19   Just Who Are the Murderers Here?
2016   Jan   15   Totalitarian Britain and Political Dissident Tommy Robinson
        17   Come to Birmingham With PEGIDA on 6 February
        25   Paul Weston in Copenhagen: “The Media Cannot Ignore This Forever”
    Mar   6   Paul Weston at CPAC: “Americans Need to Look at Britain and Say: ‘This is Never Going to Happen Here’”
        17   Paul Weston in Montreal: The Counterrevolutionaries of the Counterjihad
        19   Paul Weston in Montreal: Q&A on European Immigration and the Coming Crackdown on Dissent
        20   An Interview With Paul Weston in Montreal
        31   Paul Weston on Long Island: Totalitarian Britain Cracks Down on Criticism of Islam
    Apr   15   Tommy Robinson Lives to Fight Another Day
    May   6   The Innocence of Sadiq Khan
    Jun   14   Mayor Sadiq Khan and Sharia Law
        17   Jo Cox and Political Assassinations
        21   LBC’s Stig Abell and the Ugly Face of the Totalitarian Left
        29   Paul Weston: The Politics of Civilizational Destruction
    Jul   28   France Has Two Options — Civil War or Submission
    Aug   28   Britain’s Anti-Democratic Electoral Commission
    Sep   7   Very White Privilege
    Nov   4   The Genocidal Left’s War Against Germany
        8   America Has Entered Counter-Revolutionary Times
        14   Thank God for the Uneducated!
    Dec   7   The Suicidal Ladenburgers Reflect the Suicidal West
        10   British Home Secretary Amber Rudd Submits Before Islam
2017   Mar   25   Paul Weston on the Westminster jihad attack: “Our politicians are on their knees before Islam”
    May   12   Is the British Government Complicit in the Murder of Kevin Crehan?
        13   Paul Weston on the Latest Tommy Robinson Arrest
        14   Are You a Naziphobe?
        23   Paul Weston on the Manchester Jihad Attack: “Our Traitor Class Fears Islam”
    Jun   4   Theresa’s Jihad
        21   Paul Weston: “June 18th, 2017 Marked the Beginning of the European Civil War”
    Jul   28   “You can’t have babies, Stan… You haven’t got a womb!”
    Oct   6   Interview With Paul Weston (2)
2018   Apr   14   Paul Weston on the War in Syria
    May   26   Paul Weston: Britain is Now a Genuine Police State
        28   Solzhenitsyn Time
2020   Nov   11   Coup d’État in America: A Limey Viewpoint
2022   Jun   14   Paul Weston: “Wake Up Before It’s Too Late”
2023   Aug   20   The Rot Starts at the Very Top
        26   Caucasophobia-on-Thames
    Sep   6   Airbrushing the English Out of Historical Existence
2024   May   19   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 1
        22   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 2
        25   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 3
        30   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 4
    Jun   5   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 5
        18   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 6
        27   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 7
    Jul   3   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 8
        6   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 9
        11   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 10
        15   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 11
        17   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 12
        23   Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 13

30 thoughts on “Paul Weston

  1. Pingback: Britain’s Liberal Death Wish | Gates of Vienna

  2. TITLE – All-Party Parliamentary Group on Islamophobia
    PURPOSE To investigate the forms, manifestations and extent of prejudice and discrimination against Muslims in the UK today. To review the effectiveness of all legislation with a view to improving the rate of success in the prosecution of hate crimes. To review existing mechanisms for the recording of anti-Muslim hate crimes both through police forces across the country and through third party reporting sites with a view to improving data quality and comprehensiveness. To investigate and review the role of the media in fostering mutual respect and tolerance and guarding against misrepresentations of Islam and intolerance towards Muslims.

    Title Name Party
    Co-Chairs Khalid Mahmood Lab
    Simon Hughes LD
    Stuart Andrew Con
    Vice Chair Jack Straw Lab
    Treasurer Nigel Dodds DUP

    Government Party Main Opposition Party Other
    1 Eric Ollerenshaw – Con Julie Hilling Caroline Lucas Green
    2 Angie Bray – Con Mark Hendrick Jonathan Edwards PC
    3 Dr Julian Lewis – Con Stephen Timms Lord Ouseley CB
    4 Stuart Andrew – Con Jack Straw
    5 Lord Sheikh – Con Lord Mitchelll
    6 Simon Hughes – LD Simon Danczuk
    7 Tom Brake – LD David Anderson
    8 Sir Peter Bottomley – Con
    9 Gordon Birtwistle – LD
    10 Iain Stewart – Con


  3. Pingback: From Elsewhere: Britain’s Liberal Death Wish | Fahrenheit211

  4. Pingback: The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Dhimmitude | Gates of Vienna

  5. The DUP have become less than honest in their dealings— for a DUP member to even serve on this parliamentary group instead of showing how islam is the most destructive force in the west shows they have forgotten their ideals

  6. Pingback: The Genocidal Racism of Left-Wing Extremists | Gates of Vienna

  7. Pingback: The Left — Mad, Bad, or Criminally Ignorant? | Gates of Vienna

  8. Pingback: Liberty in Great Britain | Gates of Vienna

  9. Pingback: The Left: Burundi Before Birmingham | Gates of Vienna

  10. Pingback: David Cameron Declares War on the EDL | Gates of Vienna

  11. Pingback: ZION'S TRUMPET » Traitor David Cameron “Hates What The EDL Stands For” – Yet Champions islam?

  12. Pingback: Sandy Agrarians and Western Capitulation | Gates of Vienna

  13. Pingback: “Islam Needs to be Vilified” | Gates of Vienna

  14. Pingback: James Bond Material? — Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami

  15. Pingback: A Racial and Cultural War on the Indigenous People of Britain | Gates of Vienna

  16. Pingback: An Example of Left-Liberal Treason | Gates of Vienna

  17. Pingback: The BBC Sanctions the Murder of Tommy Robinson | Gates of Vienna

  18. Pingback: Truth is Now Hate Speech in David Cameron’s Britain | Gates of Vienna

  19. Pingback: David Cameron’s Finest Hour | Gates of Vienna

  20. Pingback: “This Is Who We Are” | Gates of Vienna

  21. Pingback: Ex-Police Chief Claims He Was Pressured and Then Fired for Not Arresting George Zimmerman: ‘They Just Wanted an Arrest’… | Jericho777's Blog

  22. Pingback: Preventing White Genocide | Gates of Vienna

  23. Pingback: Breivik and the Wicked Leftist Media | Gates of Vienna

  24. Are the European people going to wake up to this threat to our culture… and our future existence as a people of European decent.

    I am very proud to defend my culture…. I respect my ancestors and their past beliefs.

    14 words

  25. Pingback: De onschuld van Sadiq Khan | E.J. Bron

  26. When I had read Paul Weston’s articles “How to Destroy a Country” (2012) it was as thought all the Jigsaw pieces had fallen in place. I could understand the menace that stand behind the EU and the Political-Correct brainwash and the powers that stand behind the zunami of Third World people; especially from Muslim countries and Africa that are flooding now Europe. I recommend to read his articles to everyone I know.

  27. Good work Paul -I have been pointing out the obvious fake news of the chemical attack for days. The West is collapsing at an accelerating rate. Incredible in historical terms but perhaps when I compare it with the collapse of Rome is it simply because we can see it coming and the poor bloody Romans didn’t have the web, radio or television to see the obvious fake news for themselves.

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