In the following essay our Israeli correspondent MC examines the common ground between Socialism — National and otherwise — and Islamic fascism.
In the Nazi Mould
by MC
In the 20th century the forces of socialism murdered untold millions of people, but, somehow, we have been brainwashed taught to compartmentalise that history because the new ‘Left’, our own homegrown Left, is different (or so we are told) — a force for change (like the 1933 Nazis), a force for hope (ditto). It is supposedly a genteel force looking out for the underdog (double-ditto).
Last night (I wrote this a few weeks ago) we had a volley of missiles come in at the same time. Once more Hamas chose to commit their war crimes, and once more the Left, by its silence and tacit support, chooses to be complicit. Murdering Jews wherever you find them is an intrinsic part of general leftist (and Hamas) ideology.
Today we read of a Syrian-born Palestinian in Germany plotting to make chemical weapons for use against Jews in Israel. There is a chronic irony embedded in there somewhere!
But killing jooz by war crimes is only useful when harnessed for the cause, because the signature of the Left is that their ends justify any means, no matter how brutal the methods used. If, in order to gain power, one supports Islamofascism (and thus gains the new vote) and their day-to-day murder of Jews by machine-gunning and bombing civilian areas, then that is acceptable and to be encouraged (or at least ignored).
Nobody particularly likes the Jews. Even Jews don’t like Jews, and many left-leaning Jews think of Israel with acute embarrassment. So exterminating Israelis may be a war crime de jure, but the de facto is ‘the sooner the better’.
When the surrounding muslims invade — as they do on a regular basis, sometimes just one or two fedayeen, and sometime with three or four armies — the rest of the world reacts by slapping an arms embargo on Israel; the victim.
President Obama did it last time: he stopped the shipment of replacement Iron Dome missiles because the airport outside Tel Aviv was not ‘safe’.
The Hamas Charter advocates the genocide of all Jews, not just Israelis, all JEWS, in true Hitleresque fashion. Yet this terrorist group is the doyenne of the left, substantially supported by European and US money.
Sweden is complaining about the boarding of ‘flotilla’ boats. Sweden, which is building a modern day castle to try to subdue Rinkeby. Sweden, the land where young virgins are sacrificed in the name of the gods of multiculturalism. Sweden, which criticizes Israel for defending itself. Sweden, the epitome of modern day leftist fascism.
To be criticized by Sweden is to know that one is on the right track.
Soon the European Left will start the cull. Currently, critics of the state are rounded up and summarily imprisoned, but the appeals court systems still works (if one can afford it). However such appeals are out of reach of most of us, and we cannot crowd-fund them all.
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