Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/30/2018

Last night a car exploded on the street in Allentown, Pennsylvania, strewing wreckage and body parts across the surrounding area. Eventually it was determined that three people were killed by the blast, among them the likely perpetrator. In addition to local and state police, fifty agents from the FBI and the ATFE are on the scene. An Allentown city councilman cautioned citizens “not to speculate as to what has occurred here.”

In other news, Spain rescued 675 migrants off the coast in the Mediterranean over the weekend.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, C. Cantoni, Dean, DV, ESW, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Plight of a Muslim Convert to Christianity Who Lives Under Sharia in Britain

Nissar Hussain is a British-born man of Pakistani heritage who is not just an apostate from Islam, but also a convert to Christianity. I don’t know which Muslims hate more, one of their fellows who converts to another religion, or one who becomes an atheist. But judging by the way they treated Mr. Hussain, they have a great deal of antipathy towards Christian converts.

In 2015 Nissar Hussain was badly beaten by Muslims on the street in front of his house. A year later he and his family were forced to leave Bradford — a.k.a. Islamabad West — because the police could no longer protect them. To add insult to injury, he took his case to three successive bishops of the Church of England — who swore an oath before God to care for members of their flock — and was brushed off. Even the Archbishop of Canterbury showed antipathy towards Mr. Hussain, presumably because the convert’s plight was an inconvenient interference with Christian establishment’s worship of their new golden calf: Ecumenism.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for improving the audio in this video. Some of it is still difficult to hear, but you’ll be able to make most of it out:

Catalan Police Culturally Enriched With Scabies

An image of a Mossos d’Esquadra patrol.

Many thanks to Pampasnasturtium for translating this article from La Vanguardia:

Union complaint

A Catalan police union requests that areas where foreign minors have been present be disinfected to avoid scabies outbreaks

They demand that “the appropriate orders” be given and advise not to mix work uniforms with daily clothes

The Catalan police union (SME: Sindicato de Mossos d’Esquadra) has required that “the appropriate orders” be given to “disinfect” all areas, vehicles and spaces where Unaccompanied Foreign Minors (MENA: Menores Extranjeros No Acompañados) have been during recent weeks, and that the program against biological hazards such as scabies be applied ex officio.

In a (public) statement the association recalls the conditions that favor the appearance and spread of scabies, and explains the main symptoms.

It also advises not to mix work uniforms with daily clothes, and to wash the former with water at 60ºC (140ºF).

The recommendation arrives after minors with this status recently had to sleep in police stations, both those of the regional and municipal (Guardia Urbana) police forces, due to the situation in which the usual public reception services had collapsed.

[Translator’s note: from an associated report, there have been more than 2,000 of these arrivals in Catalunya since January 1 2018, compared with a total of 1,489 for 2017, and 684 in 2016.]

Catalan police: Mossos d’Esquadra

Administrative Expulsion for Culture-Enrichers Who Attacked Nightclub in Frankfurt

The following video is a follow-up to earlier reports on the attack by Syrian migrants against the Frosch (Frog) nightclub in Frankfurt. What makes this report notable is that the mayor of Frankfurt, who is a member of the political party Die Linke (The Left), has dismayed his fellow leftists by announcing his intention to use his administrative powers to expel the perpetrators after the judicial process against them has been completed.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/29/2018

The president of Doctors Without Borders in Italy said that Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini and Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán had created a “humanitarian crisis” with their migration policies. Meanwhile, Mr. Salvini said that he didn’t care if the EU opposed his decision to run a larger budget deficit; he’d do it anyway.

In other news, twenty-four people were injured and six were arrested when Catalan separatist demonstrators clashed with police in Barcelona.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, Srdja Trifkovic, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Kavanaugh and Confluence

Seneca III sends his take on the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, as seen from an British point of view.

Kavanaugh and Confluence

by Seneca III

I’ve been watching the Brett Kavanaugh debacle very closely from this side of the pond, because in a general sense we are so afflicted as well. Reading reports, opinions and comments far and wide I’ve concluded that it is a symptom of an apolitical schism opening up, a schism that is nothing to do with Kavanaugh and is not specifically reported as such anywhere, only obliquely alluded to without any in-depth comprehension.

Now that schism has become a chasm that is rapidly widening, and that chasm is the accelerating destruction of the essential, mutually beneficial relationship between heterosexual men and women. It is fast developing on a far larger scale than I have ever seen in my lifetime or in recent history. And there are more contributing factors than just the mindless twitterings coming from the political bearpit; beyond there it is being promoted by malignant academics of both sexes, by the demented hordes of the alphabet soup brigade and by the globalist underground and their hostage media — a confluence of the morally and intellectually regressed.

When it comes to all these ‘toxic masculinity’-peddling, pussy hat- and giant vagina-parading feminazis and the ‘@MeToo’ brigade (even when the latter do have a valid point), the one thing that appears to escape them is that the hard-won privileges and freedoms they have been given through the determined efforts of their gender ancestors will inevitably be lost, because the current crop are incapable of comprehending how such achievements can and should be deployed for the benefit of the whole of our culture not just for themselves and the cisgendered beta males and opportunistic political classes trailing along in their wake.

Essentially it means that if the foundations of the heterosexual family structure are undermined and destroyed then the culture that is built upon those foundations will collapse along with it, having been destroyed from within. The stink of the rot and corruption falling from the mouths of the wormtongues who are trying to destroy America are a symptom not a cause.

Search as I might, I find it impossible to determine how deep and far this rot has spread because the hysterical cacophony of those promoting it drowns out any rational discourse that may be taking place around it. Or it may be that those who enjoy and cherish such long-established relationship norms find it impossible to conceive that such a thing could be happening.

This in part could be resultant from the fact that the collective IQ, at least of the UK and Europe (I don’t have a good grip on what’s happening in the USA but there are signs), is dropping rapidly… as the Globalists intended. Mongrelisation does not always bring hybrid vigour, and when 14 centuries of Muslim inbreeding is also a contributing factor, the slippery slope into an intellectual and cultural black hole becomes even steeper.

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Culture-Enricher Stabs Three Victims in Ravensburg

Yesterday an Afghan asylum seeker went on a rampage with a knife in the German city of Ravensburg, wounding three people. No motive for the deed has yet been ascertained, but for some reason the reports don’t mention mental illness, which is customary at this stage. However, the authorities have ruled out any possibility of “terrorism”.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

More information about the alleged perpetrator may be found in this article from the Siegerland Kurier, also translated by MissPiggy:

A man injured three people with a knife in the center of Ravensburg in the Lake Constance region. But what are the reasons behind the deed?

September 28, 2018

Alleged perpetrator is a 19-year-old asylum seeker

The motive of the offender is still completely unclear in the evening, as the investigators emphasize. One excludes a terrorist background first, says a police spokesman. The alleged perpetrator is a 19-year-old asylum seeker from Afghanistan. The victims are two asylum seekers, 19 and 20 years old, from Syria, and a 52-year-old German, as police and prosecutors announced late in the evening.


That the alleged perpetrator could be arrested so quickly is thanks to the city’s Mayor. He was the one who stopped the man with the knife.

“I happened to be nearby,” said the 46-year-old to the German press agency. Because witnesses had run to him “completely hysterical”, he went to the crime scene at Marien Square. “Then suddenly the culprit stood in front of me with the blood-covered knife and threatened me. I then said: He should lay the knife on the ground.” The man did that. “It was such an instinctive act.”

A little later, the police arrived, and arrested the man. An official had dropped a walkie talkie, recalls Rapp. “I took it, called and said: “We need reinforcement, we need more people.” And the reinforcement came: According to the Ravensburg police, in the end all available officers were at the scene. The three injured have been taken to the hospital.

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/28/2018

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini has requested that the Tunisian government repatriate Tunisian migrants who arrived in Italy illegally. Meanwhile, leaders of the Italian Catholic Church publicly voiced their opposition to Mr. Salvini’s migration policies.

In other news, a French rapper named Nick Conrad will face a criminal trial on charges of inciting violence for releasing a music video called “Hang White People”.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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In the Nazi Mould

In the following essay our Israeli correspondent MC examines the common ground between Socialism — National and otherwise — and Islamic fascism.

In the Nazi Mould

by MC

In the 20th century the forces of socialism murdered untold millions of people, but, somehow, we have been brainwashed taught to compartmentalise that history because the new ‘Left’, our own homegrown Left, is different (or so we are told) — a force for change (like the 1933 Nazis), a force for hope (ditto). It is supposedly a genteel force looking out for the underdog (double-ditto).

Last night (I wrote this a few weeks ago) we had a volley of missiles come in at the same time. Once more Hamas chose to commit their war crimes, and once more the Left, by its silence and tacit support, chooses to be complicit. Murdering Jews wherever you find them is an intrinsic part of general leftist (and Hamas) ideology.

Today we read of a Syrian-born Palestinian in Germany plotting to make chemical weapons for use against Jews in Israel. There is a chronic irony embedded in there somewhere!

But killing jooz by war crimes is only useful when harnessed for the cause, because the signature of the Left is that their ends justify any means, no matter how brutal the methods used. If, in order to gain power, one supports Islamofascism (and thus gains the new vote) and their day-to-day murder of Jews by machine-gunning and bombing civilian areas, then that is acceptable and to be encouraged (or at least ignored).

Nobody particularly likes the Jews. Even Jews don’t like Jews, and many left-leaning Jews think of Israel with acute embarrassment. So exterminating Israelis may be a war crime de jure, but the de facto is ‘the sooner the better’.

When the surrounding muslims invade — as they do on a regular basis, sometimes just one or two fedayeen, and sometime with three or four armies — the rest of the world reacts by slapping an arms embargo on Israel; the victim.

President Obama did it last time: he stopped the shipment of replacement Iron Dome missiles because the airport outside Tel Aviv was not ‘safe’.

The Hamas Charter advocates the genocide of all Jews, not just Israelis, all JEWS, in true Hitleresque fashion. Yet this terrorist group is the doyenne of the left, substantially supported by European and US money.

Sweden is complaining about the boarding of ‘flotilla’ boats. Sweden, which is building a modern day castle to try to subdue Rinkeby. Sweden, the land where young virgins are sacrificed in the name of the gods of multiculturalism. Sweden, which criticizes Israel for defending itself. Sweden, the epitome of modern day leftist fascism.

To be criticized by Sweden is to know that one is on the right track.

Soon the European Left will start the cull. Currently, critics of the state are rounded up and summarily imprisoned, but the appeals court systems still works (if one can afford it). However such appeals are out of reach of most of us, and we cannot crowd-fund them all.

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The Cedar Avenue “Gas Explosion” Revisited

Long-time readers will remember the Cedar Avenue explosion and fire that took place in Minneapolis on New Year’s Day of 2014.

The incident occurred in a mostly Somali neighborhood known as “Little Mogadishu”, which is centered around Cedar Avenue near the University of Minnesota Law School. Early that morning a massive explosion blew out the windows on the second floor at 514 S. Cedar Avenue, above the Otanga Grocery. An intense fire that followed the explosion eventually consumed the interior of the three-story structure.

The building had been inhabited by Somali Muslims, the businesses there had been patronized by Somali Muslims, and it was next door to a mosque. After having seen photos and videos of numerous gas explosions, it was obvious to me that this was no gas explosion. For the first 24 hours the Minneapolis fire chief said the cause of the explosion was unknown. However, the next morning, as soon as the FBI arrived at the scene, the story changed: the explosion was caused by a natural gas leak. Despite the fact that there had been no investigation of the site, despite the insistence by the gas company that there had been no leaks whatsoever in the area, a “gas leak” was the fire chief’s story, and he stuck to it doggedly. And as soon as the fire was fully extinguished and the last body had been removed from the scene, the city ordered the remains of the building to be demolished, before any forensic investigation of the site could be undertaken.

The whole thing smelled fishy back then, and it still smells fishy. We still don’t have any official report on what really happened. However, thanks to the patient efforts of Judicial Watch, we know a lot more than we did in January 2014.

Bill Marshall is a senior investigator at Judicial Watch. For several years after the Cedar Avenue fire he investigated the incident, relentlessly using the Freedom of Information Act to obtain official records that the federal government was loath to release.

The video below is an excerpt from a longer report that came out last year. In it you’ll hear Mr. Marshall discuss the results of his investigations. I’m pleased to report that everything he learned accords with what we reported here more than four years ago. In particular, the fact that one of the victims was cut in half — which was only a leaked rumor in early 2014 — was confirmed by forensic photographs obtained by Judicial Watch. That sort of fatal injury is atypical in a natural gas explosion, but might be expected if an especially volatile chemical — for example TATP, a.k.a. “Mother of Satan” — were being used to construct a bomb on a tabletop and accidentally detonated.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for editing and uploading this video:

For more information on the explosion and fire in Cedar-Riverside, Minneapolis, on New Year’s Day 2014, see the Cedar-Riverside Explosion Archives. The investigative reports compiled by Seneca III were especially helpful in debunking the official line.

Also: See the full Judicial Watch video for reports on other investigations. The beginning of the video, which discusses Huma Abedin and the Clinton Foundation, is very interesting.

Muslims vs. a Thieving Gypsy in Mataró

The following article describes an incident of enricher-vs.-enricher violence in a Barcelona neighborhood. It’s the kind of story that causes ideological indigestion among the Gutmenschen, because only “brown” people are involved — there’s no WAYCISM peg to hang it on.

Pampasnasturtium, who translated the piece from La Vanguardia, notes:

There is no sign of pearl-clutching from this paper, as the putative lynchers were “diverse”. Imagine instead what it would have been like if he mob was of white ethnicity.

By the way — I notice that the original article uses the word gitano (“gypsy”) and not the politically correct “Roma” preferred in more northerly parts of Europe.

The translated article:

Police news — Mataró (Barcelona)

Inhabitants of the Palau neighborhood try to lynch a criminal disguised in a djellaba

At the source of the conflict is a series of robberies carried by a thief of Gypsy ethnicity who pretends to be a Muslim when he attacks

Photo caption: The shop where the Palau petty-thief scrapes by and stores the stolen objects

Tension is at an all-time high in the Palau neighborhood of Mataró (Maresme County). Massive fights, assaults, insults and threats have been a constant for the last two weeks. The Maghrebi community has taken justice into its own hands and has mobilized against a member of the Gypsy community, known as Miguel “El Borriquito” [“The Wee Donkey”], a prolific criminal who, in order to commit his petty thefts, disguises himself as a Muslim, donning a djellaba and a skullcap to mislead detectives. “The neighborhood is about to burst,” the neighbors warn.

Coexistence on the Palau has been shattered. The different communities, divided by nationalities, are in confrontation with each other, and the slightest friction causes fights and brawls. A situation that has reached a peak with the presence of Gypsy Miguel, whose criminal activity has even managed to mobilize his own community and the patriarchs of the capital of Maresme County. “By mid-October they’re going to look for a public-housing flat for him so he can leave the neighborhood,” they breathe with relief, though those that are more supportive regret that “the problem is simply moved to another neighborhood,” because he won’t stop committing crimes.

Photo caption: América Avenue, Mataró.

Scraping by with his family in a shop [translator’s note: a commercial type of property is being used as housing] located on the street level of a lock of flats on América Avenue — owned by the charity branch of a financial business — Miguel survives by carrying out robberies several times a day. A surprising and prolific criminal activity. “As surprising as the fact that he’s still out in the streets,” the neighbors complain. He breaks into cars in broad daylight, even in front of the elderly who socialize in the neighborhood’s public parks, reprimands drivers who try to park in “self-reserved” spots in front of his squat-house, and threatens those who try to tell him off. He robs shops with astonishing ease, gets into parking lots to burglarize cars, and carries out muggings of all types in broad daylight. During one of these robberies, security cameras recorded him, and when he was arrested what stood out was that he was dressed in Muslim garb to mislead detectives, but also to exasperate, a strategy that unleashed the fury of the Maghrebi community.

On two different occasions dozens of Maghrebis, many of them petty drug-dealers who have not escaped the crimes of “The Wee Donkey”, participated in successive attempts at lynching [him], the last one this past Thursday at 9:30pm. Maghrebis were shouting at him, “You don’t respect the law of the neighborhood; in your own neighborhood you don’t steal,” they reminded him while kicking the petty thief that they had immobilized on the floor among several individuals, letting others beat him with sticks, crowbars and even with a bike seat. “You don’t steal, but you deal [drugs],” a few neighbors denounce, while the majority chooses to resign themselves to impotence when faced with the actions of the local government. “We prefer petty drug dealers who don’t mess with you to the Gypsy who keeps us on tenterhooks and steals anything that comes in front of him.”

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/27/2018

In order to fight the growing terrorist threat, civilian security guards in France will now be allowed to carry handguns. Guards will be issued both semi-automatic pistols and revolvers.

In other news, Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini says that he will close all 148 illegal Roma squatters’ camps within the next five years.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to AF, Dean, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Katie Hopkins to the OSCE: NGO Rescue Boats Are Part of the Business Model of the Trafficker

Note: This video was posted last week. Since then Ms. Hopkins has sent the prepared text, so the video is being embedded again to accompany it. The text for the intervention is at the bottom of this post.

2018 Human Dimension Implementation Meeting
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Working Session 14: Humanitarian issues and other commitments, including combating trafficking in human beings

Intervention read by Katie Hopkins, representing Hopkins World

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video:

Below is the prepared text for Ms. Hopkins’ intervention:

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The Fetid Swamp Swirling around Judge Kavanaugh

In the interim between Justice Clarence Thomas’ appearance before the Judicial Committee in 1991 for his nomination to the Supreme Court and now, the Democrat Party have become even more power hungry. Before they were mendacious and conniving; now they are in some black hole devoid of any shred of decency. Perhaps Obama’s eight-year reign convinced them they’d never have to endure another level playing field.

Here is Judge Kavanaugh’s statement to the Judicial Committee. Bear in mind that he is standing in for slings and arrows they would otherwise hurl at Donald Trump. Had Kavanaugh been nominated first – instead of Justice Gorsuch – then Gorsuch would now be playing Job. The Dems don’t care about Kavanaugh; it’s all about power and preventing any more conservatives rising to the Supreme Court no matter what the cost.

They hope to skewer this man and defeat him before the mid-term elections, and further hope they can gain an edge in the Senate in November so they can continue to thwart and defy Trump.

It’s all about power: who has it, and who gets to keep it. If that means destroying a man’s character, ho-hum. Better that than a conservative on the Court.

The Dems let go a depth charge in the midst of these proceedings. They knew about this allegation of sexual assault against Judge Kavanaugh the whole time he was doing separate interviews with senators prior to his hearings, but they never said a word. It wasn’t until after he’d gone through the public hearings and the Republicans were pushing for a vote that Senator Feinstein from California suddenly came forward with a letter from a woman in California who claimed to have ‘recovered’ memories of being sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh…thirty-six years ago, though she couldn’t remember exactly where or when it happened. At the time, he was seventeen, she was fifteen.

You can bet that delayed the confirmation. Nothing would do but that we had to have this Fellini circus in front of the whole country. There was lots of pushing and shoving and even more lurid allegations from other women until finally, the Committee met to hear the assertions of Christine Ford and then listened to Justice Kavanaugh’s rebuttal.

Now he has spoken and was questioned by the Committee. At least one of the Democrats’ inquiries demanded that he ask the White House to open another FBI investigation…in other words, anything to slow down the vote. And if he demurred, it would prove his guilt somehow. Feinstein refused to acknowledge a reality of which she was well aware: that only the Judicial Committee may ask the FBI for anything since it is they who are in charge. His refusal to do as she asked – because he couldn’t do so – was designed to show him as uncooperative or ignorant of the procedural process. “Heads we win, tails you lose”.

Will all this posturing by the Dems delay the actual vote until after the elections? That’s their hope. But they’ve stepped on similar rakes before and been hit in the nose. They pontificate about long-term consequences, but all they can see is what they think is happening now. And even after the 2016 election, they still believe in polls.