The Food and Drug Administration is asking American citizens for their assistance in fighting “misinformation” about health. And — as we have learned over the last thirty years since Hillary Clinton began the process of nationalizing the health care system — that means misinformation about anything, because everything can be re-cognized as concerning health. The food you eat, the places you go, the people you associate with, how you spend your money — all of these can be related to your health, and each choice can be ranked according to how good or bad it is for your bodily well-being.
It goes without saying that the FDA will do the ranking of all activities as they pertain to health, and then define anything that deviates from that schema as misinformation.
In order to help ensure that everyone’s health is optimized, the FDA will make it easy and convenient to report misinformation — that is, what they consider unfounded rumors and inaccurate information about anything they deem health-related. At this particular historical moment, COVID-19 and the “vaccines” are obviously their main concerns. But other unhealthy behaviors will also come under scrutiny. We can already catch a glimpse of some of the general topics that will at some point be considered relevant: “climate change”, eating the bugs instead of meat or dairy, not using the internal combustion engine, adopting a digital currency, getting chipped, and so on. All of these will fall under the rubric of “health”, and therefore be subject to regulation by the national socialist federal health care system.
Citizens will be strongly urged to report anyone who propagates “misinformation” on any of these topics. Furthermore, when the system is fully mature, we may expect that the reporting of information criminals will become mandatory — the duty of every civic-minded person. Those who peddle misinformation are a danger to our democracy, which depends on the universal acceptance of a single truth in order to be able to function. Propagators of false information must be exposed and silenced.
That’s what the FDA’s “Rumor Control” site is aiming at:
Find the Truth
Get the latest fact checks and help stop the spread of false rumors.
The growing spread of rumors, misinformation and disinformation about science, medicine, and the FDA, is putting patients and consumers at risk. We’re here to provide the facts.
Watch how to identify and help stop the spread of health misinformation. [YouTube video]
After that come these features:
- Learn the Facts
- Health Information For You
- What the FDA Does For You
- Share the Facts
Next you can download a pdf document by means of which you may “Learn about how you can identify and address misinformation.”
It’s mostly in graphical form, and is designed in a grade-school format. It’s available in English, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Korean.
No French, German, or Italian. Hmm…
Finally, and most importantly:
How to Report Misinformation Online
We face the challenge of an overabundance of information related to our public health. Some of this information may be false and potentially harmful.
Inaccurate information spreads widely and at speed, making it more difficult for the public to identify verified facts and advice from trusted sources, such as the FDA.
However, everyone can help to stop the spread. If you see content online that you believe to be false of misleading, you can report it to the applicable platform…
Then it has icons and links for the following platforms:
- How do I mark a Facebook post as false news? Click here
- Reduce the spread of false information on Instagram. Click here.
- LinkedIn: Recognizing and reporting spam, inappropriate, and abusive content. Click here.
- Report inappropriate content on TikTok. Click here.
- Report a tweet, list or direct message on Twitter. Click here.
- How to report a contact or a group on WhatsApp. Click here.
- Report inappropriate content on YouTube. Click here.
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The normal reaction to all of the above would be one of outrage, but I recommend tamping down that instinctive response, if you can, because outrage at this point serves no useful purpose.
You can contact your elected representative, and it will make no difference whatsoever. For that matter, voting itself will make no difference whatsoever. You can vote for whomever you like, and the federal government will continue doing this stuff, no matter what.
Outrage is a waste of psychic energy. Pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards is a waste of time. Identifying all the ways in which these actions violate the Constitution is pointless — the Constitution has been dead for a long time now, and “our democracy” keeps chugging along just fine without it.
At one time I would have recommended that we attempt to break the system by overloading it — posting as much controversial material as possible, making stuff up, signing off on any paranoid lunacy that comes along, etc. We might thus make it impossible for the tech monitors to keep up with all our “misinformation” — there would simply be too few employees to handle it.
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