Allah Goes to School

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

State security officials warn against Islamization of schools

A study from Lower Saxony on the attitudes of Muslim students shocks the republic. Now a state security guard is warning against Islamization in the classroom. German children may convert through coercion.


A state security official has warned against the Islamization of German schools. “More and more parents of German children are turning to counseling centers because the Christian children want to convert so that they are no longer outsiders at school,” he told the Bild newspaper. The background is the survey by the Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony, in which 67.8% of those surveyed agreed with the statement: “The rules of the Quran are more important to me than the laws in Germany.” In addition, almost half (45.8%) stated Islamic theocracy is the best form of government.

Such morals are normal among Muslim families, the official explained. The teachings of Islam are strictly followed and family honor is highly valued. The public protector continued: “When girls at school behave too westernized in the eyes of Muslim young people, do not wear a headscarf or meet boys, the male students think they have to defend their honour and warn the girls to act like one, to behave like a devout Muslim.”

TikTok as an accelerant for Islamism

In addition, there might be peer pressure at schools. Teachers, on the other hand, don’t know how to deal with it. “Real parallel societies are emerging in the schoolyards. And if a lot of refugee children come to school again in the summer, the situation will become even more explosive.” [If these teachers were to look into the mirror, they would know who to blame. They voted for this over and over.]

The official takes a critical view of developments on social networks. “There are certain TikTok channels in which Islamist pop stars convince students that they have to oppose the Western way of life and that only a caliphate is the right form of government.” Among other things, the message there is that non-Muslims are less valuable than Muslims. [Anyone who actually bothered to read Islamic scripture would have known that beforehand, now, wouldn’t they?]

A student from Essen told Junge Freiheit about her experiences with radical Islamic classmates . She was beaten and asked not to eat during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Out of self-protection, the 17-year-old followed her tormentors’ instructions. [When self-protection becomes a slavers’ shackle, it’s high time to sharpen the sword.]

Afterword from the translator:

German and any Western European children no longer have homelands as a place of protection, and the Germans owe this to the unfortunate Chancellor Merkel and her “cosmopolitan” followers. Are the ideological blinders gradually falling off, and are the Red-Greens realizing that a power struggle is beginning to rage in Germany?

The German people are helpless in the face of fanatical Muslim violence. Decades of brainwashing about the brave new world have had a disastrous effect. Now the red-green cuckoo land is being mercilessly destroyed by those they invited in to solidify their power base. Saying that completely opposite peoples and cultures that come too close to each other end up in irresolvable conflicts was frowned upon and led to exclusion and worse. That’s why these red-green world-explainers don’t understand Israeli politics. And these stupid, so called anti-fascists will never understand reality.

But I guess that these fascistic “Anti-fascists” will convert in droves, if they haven’t already, and become even more violent. Our history has shown that the most rabid and violent Muslims have been converts.

4 thoughts on “Allah Goes to School

  1. These so called officials are turning this generation into the next generation of hard core nationalists who will have zero interest in making peace with 3rd worlders, only their demise by whatever means. They will be ruthless hard men by the time they reach maturity.

    • “These so called officials are turning this generation into the next generation of hard core nationalists who will have zero interest in making peace with 3rd worlders….They will be ruthless hard men by the time they reach maturity.”

      Based on the normalizing (and obsequious displays) of transvestites, ignorance, lying, gaslighting and the [successful] silencing of logic, truth and reason, I’m not seeing what you’re seeing. I hope I just need my eyes checked…

      • Fred, there seems to be a divergence between white males and females these days, the left are out loud and proud denouncing western civilization, feminaxism, and alphabet people while those going extremely right and nationalistic are quietly talking amongst themselves and watching the impending fall while remaining in the shadows. When I talk to my offsprings friends and relatives in the US and Europe, those in their teens and early 20’s are far more realistic and increasingly traditional than what we where their age and it seems to me, in my most humble opinion, that they will take up the banner of western civilization when the time comes because they increasingly hate that they are being demonized for being successful and at some point lash out at it all. Rather funny that the left demonizes everything white straight and male will make them the very destructive force they will fear.

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