Stéphane Ravier: “A Cultural and Civilizational Great Replacement”

Stéphane Ravier is a French senator, formerly of Rassemblement National, Marine Le Pen’s party. In 2022 he endorsed Éric Zemmour and joined Reconquête.

Below are two videos featuring Stéphane Ravier. Many thanks to HeHa for the translations, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling.

In the first video Mr. Ravier addresses the Senate, confronting his fellow senators with horrifying consequences of allowing France to be invaded by millions of culture-enrichers:

In the second video, Mr. Ravier has a close encounter with culture-enrichers on the street:

For more details, see the report at RAIR Foundation.

Video transcript #1:

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Where Talahons Rule

I’d never heard of the word “talahon” before this translation came in. According to the Urban Dictionary:

talahon comes from the arabic sentence (ta3la hun) meaning come here, but in modern times its used in germany to describe young people who are extremely loud, shout things at you, wear gucci caps and laptop bags.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

“Stone Age mentality”

Talahons: Islam expert Mansour warns of problems with young migrants

They are young migrants, pretend to be Muslims and boast about criminality. Talahons are now also a concern for politicians. While Islam expert Mansour is sounding the warning, the Commissioner for Integration has a completely different view of things. [She would, wouldn’t she?]


The Islam expert Ahmad Mansour has raised the alarm about the problems that so-called Talahons cause in schools every day. “Girls are forced to wear headscarves. Boys who do not have such a masculine image are bullied,” he told the newspaper Bild. Talahons are mostly young Muslims who represent an aggressive masculine image combined with Islamic morals. The word itself is a neologism, but probably comes from Arabic. “Taeal huna” means something like “come here” in the language.

Mansour said of the integration of the Talahons: “If someone thinks that his wife should do his housework and not have any contact with other men, he has not arrived anywhere in the modern world. He is bringing his Stone Age mentality with him.” Even if not all migrants are like that, this group is still growing and becoming louder, he said.

Mansour believes that the solution to the problems with this group is to convey local values. But that is not being done. He recalled: “We are dealing with structures here that we have ignored for years. Anyone who has raised this issue has been accused of using racist clichés.”

Are Talahons at risk of stigmatization? [And so it should be, since they and their attitude do NOT belong there in the first place.]

Talahons have recently become very present on social media, boasting about violent acts and other crimes.

Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for the integration commissioner Reem Alabali-Radovan (SPD) expressed a different view of things: “We are currently observing the Talahon trend on TikTok among young people with and without an immigration history.” However, her concern is different from Mansour’s: “Young people who are socially and economically disadvantaged are stigmatized here. We view this very critically.” [Then it should be young Germans doing it, not these invaders who live like parasites in hog heaven at the German taxpayers expense.]

Afterword from the translator:

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A Mostly Peaceful Evening in Harehills

More than seventeen years ago I wrote about the Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones (ZUS), in France. They are dangerous culturally enriched neighborhoods that firemen and ambulance drivers won’t enter without a police escort, and which the police themselves avoid unless they absolutely have to go there. In English they are commonly referred to as “no-go zones”.

Here’s an excerpt from what I wrote in 2007:

The ZUS represent the perpetually inflamed tissue of the French body politic, with the nightly count of burned vehicles showing up as one of the green squiggles on the vital-signs monitor. Two hundred burned cars, and the youthful patient is having a good day. Five hundred, and the nurse is called to administer a sedative.

But it’s not the patient who goes to sleep; it’s the French public. Everyone is aware of what’s happening, but the magnitude of the crisis and the specifics of the situation are hidden behind a wall of official obfuscation and government-mandated censorship.

Within the ZUS, the gangs of Muslim youths have a free hand to loot, rape, and burn. Police are not allowed to use their weapons to enforce the law, or even to defend themselves. Trying to do his traditional job can put a policemen’s career in jeopardy, as the officers who chased two young criminals into a power substation back in October 2005 discovered.

What is not acknowledged is that France has lost sovereign control over large swathes of its urban territory. The only solution envisioned by French bureaucrats is a quintessentially bureaucratic one. The layers of jargon and classification and commissions and acronyms are like the wall of scar tissue that forms around a foreign substance that can’t be assimilated.

The areas designated as ZUS are effectively acknowledged to be dead. They are no longer part of France. They no longer possess any of the functions of a civitas.

They are the scattered pieces of la France Morte.

In the years since, Sweden has developed its own ZUS, which are now rife in the suburbs of a number of cities and towns, and rival anything that France can boast.

And last night a ZUS made itself known in a neighborhood of Leeds, in West Yorkshire.

In the late 1960s I lived in Harrogate, which is a spa town about twelve miles north of Leeds, in what was then the West Riding. Leeds was the nearest big city to Harrogate, and I visited it occasionally back then. It hadn’t yet become culturally enriched, although its sister city Bradford, just to the west, was the butt of jokes due to the presence of recently arrived “Pakis”. Nowadays, of course, it might as well be a district of Karachi.

The district of Harehills lies near the city center, just east of the A61, the route I used to take to Leeds. Mark Steyn points out that Harehills is also the constituency of a Green Party councilor named Mothin Ali, who recently shouted “Allahu Akbar” after being elected to the borough Council, declaring his victory a “win for the people of Gaza.”

Last night the good “English” people of Harehills got a bit hot under the collar. It seems that some social workers arrived at a home with intention of removing some children and placing them into care. The family raised an uproar, and the neighbors took exception to the government’s actions. They showed their displeasure in the time-honored Muslim fashion: they threw paving stones at the police, overturned a police vehicle, set street furniture on fire, and burned a double-decker bus. The police and the social workers were forced to vacate the area for their own safety, and it wasn’t until several hours later that order was restored.

The Hindustan Times provides a useful summary of the evening’s mostly peaceful events.

The BBC report on the incident is bland and restrained, but I found these pieces interesting:

The press conference heard that Ms [Mayor Tracy] Brabin had been involved in an earlier meeting with “key partners” and a plan was being drawn up to keep Harehills safe.

Ms Brabin said: “The imams and the faith leaders are also getting the message out there that we need to stay calm and ensure we don’t have what we saw, which was frightening, horrible and unacceptable.” [emphasis added]

And also this:

Leeds City Council said it was “immensely grateful” to the individuals who stopped the situation from “worsening”.

The “individuals who stopped the situation from ‘worsening’” are undoubtedly the imams. And when Mayor Brabin met with them — her “key partners” — I’m sure they explained to her what the civil authorities needed to do (or stop doing) to prevent any mostly peaceful incidents in the future.

This process is an example of what used to be called “community cohesion”, which people like Tommy Robinson were always accused of damaging. Community cohesion means that Muslim areas are de facto sharia zones, and lie beyond the reach of English Common Law. Anyone who wants affairs to run smoothly in the Harehills ZUS must negotiate with the community leaders — which means the imams, together with their designated appointees to political positions.

From a practical standpoint, of course, the result will be that children are less likely to be removed and placed into care within the boundaries the Harehills ZUS than they are elsewhere.

Below are two videos with clips of last night’s ructions in Harehills. The first is from the Indian news channel WION:

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Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

by Clare M. Lopez

Iranian Women Celebrate the Death of President Raisi ‘We Freely Dance and Celebrate on Your Dirty Grave’”, by Margaret Flavin at Gateway Pundit, May 20, 2024

  • Yet another indicator of how the young, especially female, generation of Iranians feels about their oppressive jihadist regime

“BBC Documentary ‘Nika’s Last Breath’ about 16-year-old Nika Shakarami’s last moments before being raped and murdered in Iran” by Dr. Rich Swier, May 1, 2024.

  • This is a BBC film about a young Iranian girl who was murdered by Iranian police after she’d been filmed burning her hijab during the “Women, Life, Freedom” protests that followed the September 2022 murder of another young girl, Mahsa Amini, for having allowed her hijab to slip enough to show some hair.

“A year ago, she drank battery acid to escape life under the Taliban. Today, she has a message for other Afghan girls” by Hilary Whiteman, Anna Coren, Abdul Basir Bina and Javed Iqbal, at CNN, June 30, 2024

  • Horrific story of an Afghan girl who despaired of life under Taliban sharia rule — but lived to tell her story

“The Sexual Assaults on October 7 Omitted From the White House Fact Sheet” by Hugh Fitzgerald at Front Page Magazine, July 10, 2024

  • The Biden White House issued a lengthy Fact Sheet that documented sexual assaults in ‘conflict zones’…but somehow neglected to include what HAMAS did on 7 October 2023

“Arifwala man kills divorced niece in the name of ‘honour’” at, July 8, 2024

  • He murdered her with an axe but motive beyond fact she was divorced is not spelled out, except that it was a so-called “honor killing” — which is generally condoned in Islamic sharia societies

“Nothing Compensates for the Stolen Years’: The Afghan Women Rebuilding Shattered Dreams in Iran” by Stefanie Glinski at The Guardian, July 4, 2024

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India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West: Introduction

The latest book by the Indian author Sunil Sharan is entitled India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West. The author has kindly supplied the text of his introduction to the book, which is reproduced below. The rest of the book provides a comprehensive overview of the (often bloody) relations between Indian Muslims and followers of other religions.

It also presents a history of Islam in Indian culture and politics, including a valuable account of the reign of Akbar the Great, the Third Mughal emperor. Akbar was remarkably tolerant of Hindus, which was not true of his successors, and Hinduism did not flourish again until it fell under the protection of the British in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Mahatma Gandhi, 1939

India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West

by Sunil Sharan


Although Arabs had started invading India at the beginning of the eighth century, they came to the subcontinent mainly to plunder, spread their Islamic faith, and then retreat. The Arabs converted the Central Asians to Islam, who in turn converted the Afghans. The Afghans were traditionally Hindus and had then become Buddhist. The Buddhas of Bamiyan, monumental statues of Gautama Buddha carved into the sides of a cliff in Afghanistan in the sixth century AD, were evidence of how much Buddhism had spread in Afghanistan. The Taliban destroyed these statues in 2001.

The Afghans started invading the Indian Subcontinent, but it was not until circa 1200 AD that their rule was firmly established in Delhi. The Afghans had become fanatical Muslims by then. This time, though, the Muslims did not come to India just to loot and proselytize and then leave. They came to stay. The Afghans ruled India for three hundred consecutive years. No Hindu king could topple them. Ironically, they were toppled by another type of Muslims, Central Asians of Mongol descent, who came to be known as the Mughals. They defeated the Afghans in the early sixteenth century and quickly established their rule throughout India.

Unlike the Afghans, whose contribution to India has perhaps been lost with time, the Mughals contributed substantively to India in terms of architecture, language, and cuisine. The Afghans had been fervent proselytizers of Islam. During their rule, the Hindu population of India actually contracted. Some of this was due to conversion to Islam. But Hindus were so afraid that their daughters would be abducted by Muslims that they started killing them at birth. Before Muslims arrived in India, women in Hinduism were actually glorified. The practice of female infanticide continues in India today, albeit for different reasons than before, resulting in a lopsided population.

The Mughals for the most part were much more liberal than their Afghan counterparts. The third Great Mughal, Akbar, built the empire and enacted very conciliatory policies toward Hindus, for which he is applauded in India even today by the Hindus. The last Great Mughal, Aurangzeb, was an out and out bigot, who undid much of what his great grandfather Akbar had done.

Conversion to Islam in the six hundred years of Islamic rule in India from circa 1200 AD to circa 1800 AD took place in many ways. The sword, of course, was frequently employed. Hinduism had its caste system, with the soft underbelly being the untouchable caste. Islamists targeted the untouchables for conversion. They were the oppressed in Hinduism. When they joined the King’s own religion, they started tormenting their former oppressors. Much of the antagonism between Hindus and Muslims that exists in India today can be traced to this development.

Although Arabs converted the Central Asians and the Afghans, the language of the Muslim court in India was never Arabic. It was always Persian. Akbar in fact disliked Arabic so much that he had banned its use from his empire. Persian words were infused into Hindi and created the language Urdu. Although some label Urdu as the language of the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent, it is a language cherished by almost everyone, including by hard-core right-wing Hindus. I can speak Urdu fairly well, although I can’t read the script because it is in Persian form. Whenever I use an uncommon Persian word, my Hindu friends and relatives go gaga. My grandfather was born at the turn of the twentieth century, when British rule and English were firmly entrenched in India, but he read and wrote Persian fluently.

Persia was an immediate neighbor of India then. Since the times of the Persian kings Cyrus and Darius, Persia has had tremendous influence over India. As Islamic rule became established in India, a steady stream of Persians migrated to India. The rulers, first the Afghans and then the Mughals, came to India without many women. In fact, Babur’s army only comprised about fifteen thousand soldiers, many of whom perished in the battlefield. The Islamic rulers felt the need to procreate. The first choice was with the Persians. The Islamic rulers avoided the Hindu untouchables who had converted to Islam like the plague. They much preferred to miscegenate with upper-caste Hindus. But the upper-caste Hindus were having none of that. That was when the sword, sometimes softened by inducements, was employed by the Islamists. The Hindu womb as the source for the procreation of Islam remains an incredibly touchy topic in India even today.

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Honor Killing in Joure

Joure is a town in Friesland, in the northern Netherlands. The male members of a family of Syrian culture-enrichers in Joure are in a heap o’ trouble for allegedly murdering an 18-year-old girl for being insufficiently Islamic.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from NH Nieuws:

Father also a suspect after death of woman (18) from Joure, Public Prosecutor suspects honor killing

July 5, 2024

The Public Prosecutor’s Office

The Public Prosecutor’s Office believes that an 18-year-old woman from Joure has been the victim of an honor killing. And meanwhile, her father is identified as a suspect, the Public Prosecutor’s Office reports. Her two brothers are in custody.

The father has not yet been arrested. The authorities think that he is in Syria. That is where the family is originally from. The Public Prosecutor’s Office reports that “measures are being taken to expedite his arrest.”

The Public Prosecutor’s Office recently subpoenaed emails that the father reportedly sent to De Telegraaf. In them, he reportedly acknowledged that he killed his daughter.

Honor-related violence is committed because the honor of the family is supposedly damaged. In order to restore the honor, those who are said to have violated it are threatened or abused, or in the worst case, murdered. According to the aid organization Fier, fatal honor killings occur between 7 and 17 times a year.

The body of the woman was found last May in Lelystad. It was quickly determined that she had died as the result of a crime.

Until recently, the two brothers were in full restrictive custody, which means that they can only have contact with their attorney. Now they can again have contact with the outside world. Omroep Flevoland news reports that the men are 22 and 24 years of age.

A preliminary hearing in the case is scheduled in September.

Burned Out From Exhaustion, Buried in the Hail

The following post is based on a Skype conversation I had with Vlad in the wee hours of this morning. It was prompted by my post last night of Hellequin GB’s translation of the story about German leftists who went to Hungary and violently attacked a German they identified as a right-winger.

The translated article featured a Twitter video of the attack. I found it disturbing because the modus operandi of those lefties is the same as that of Muslim culture-enrichers:

1.   Attack from behind without warning.
2.   Only attack lone victims or people in pairs who are vastly outnumbered.
3.   Use grotesque, excessive ultraviolence.

All that’s missing is the Allahu Akhbar.

Knock them down and kick them in the head to further social justice and/or establish the rule of sharia.

I think I may be burning out. This stuff is getting to me.

I posted that translation about the attack by German leftists in Hungary. Then I collated the items for last night’s news feed. This is the intro I wrote for the feed:

Two police officers suffered serious head injuries as they escorted an AfD politician in the German city of Essen. The officers were kicked in the head by attackers, and had to be hospitalized. Seven other officers suffered less serious injuries. The assailants were able to escape.

Meanwhile, a court in Munich ruled that the state of Bavaria may place the AfD under surveillance as a suspected extremist group. Also, Dusseldorf Administrative Court ruled that members of the AfD cannot legally possess firearms because the party has been deemed a suspected extremist group.

There’s no word yet on whether the people who kicked the policemen in the head in Essen are suspected extremists.

I’m telling you, this [excrement] is really, really getting to me.

“Islam is the Future for the West”

In the following video from France, Islamic culture-enrichers speak in both French and English about their confident anticipation of an emerging European caliphate.

Many thanks to HeHa for translating the French, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Rape, Murder and Mayhem — Just Another Day in the Life of Muslim Women and Girls

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Rape, Murder and Mayhem — Just Another Day in the Life of Muslim Women and Girls

by Clare M. Lopez

Once again this month, our newsletter includes horrific examples of the worst abuse meted out to women and girls forced to live under rule of Islamic Law (sharia). Again, too, the prime examples of such places are Afghanistan, India, Iran, and Pakistan, although as to be expected, such abuses are spreading across European countries now, too, where numbers of immigrants from these places are now preying on their host communities.

[Editor’s Note — Don’t forget: the number of Muslims is increasing in the U.S. and standard Islamic doctrine that prescribes horrendous abuse of women and girls is the same everywhere.]

“Germany: Afghan parents suspected of murdering their 15-year-old daughter” from fredalandmedforth, June 18, 2024

  • [Editor’s Note — Undoubtedly another Islamic honor killing of a daughter for adopting ‘Western ways’.]

‘Systematic Discrimination’: Taliban’s Drastic Cut In Salaries Of Female State Employees Triggers Anger” at RFE/RL’s Radio Azadi, June 18, 2024

  • Here, the discrimination takes the form of drastic salary cuts for Afghan female nurses, teachers and others in government-funded jobs. Afghan men in the same job categories continue to receive higher salaries. Many Afghan families are facing literal starvation, according to the United Nations.

“Abducted Young Mother in Pakistan Refuses Forced Conversion” at the Christian Daily International-Morning News, June 13, 2024

  • Abduction, rape, and attempted conversion of a young Christian mother to Islam at the point of a gun. This story has a happy ending, but so many more do not.

“Rajasthan: After befriending Hindu girl on Instagram, Muslim man raped her, forced her into Nikah [Islamic religious ceremony], and gave her a new name after religious conversion” from the OpIndia Staff, 9 June 2024

A rape in Paris” by Ben Cohen at the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS), June 21, 2024

  • This is an awful story about a young Jewish girl in France who was abducted, beaten, raped, and subjected to vile anti-Semitic verbal abuse. What is especially alarming about this crime is that her abusers were three young boys, barely 12-13 years old. Tellingly, media reports do not mention the boys’ background, either immigrant status or religion.
  • Hundreds rally in France to protest anti-Semitic gang-rape of 12-year-old” by Michael Starr at the Jerusalem Post, June 22, 2024
    Perhaps a signal here that at least some in France are awakening to what they have allowed to infiltrate into their midst.

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Every Day is Islam Day in Germany

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:


Shocking details from secret Islamic conference

The government is calling on Islamic associations to stop anti-Semitism. They are refusing. The tables are turning: Now there is to be an “Islam Day”. And the demand for a caliphate in Germany is quite okay.


The Federal Ministry of the Interior, headed by Nancy Faeser (SPD), has announced, in private, to Islamic associations that an “Islam Day” will take place in Germany. This is reported by Die Welt. However, the two secret Islam conferences were actually supposed to be about something completely different — namely the open and spreading anti-Semitism among Muslims.

But the Islamic representatives denied the accusation at the first meeting in February: hatred of Jews does not usually come from Muslims. Rather, there has been a sharp increase in anti-Muslim racism since the Hamas attack on Israel, the newspaper reports, citing interviews and internal documents. [Sure, and Muslims have never ever called for the utter annihilation of Jewish people around the world either, have they?]

With their blanket attitude, the Islamic associations apparently gained the upper hand over the government. The Faeser ministry now tried to break the icy atmosphere by approaching the negotiating partners. One official had suggested organizing an “Islam Day”. [Let’s have a “From the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean Sea” instead. Kick them all out and let them have that day in Islamic Countries if they want. But NOT on European SOIL.]

Islamic Conference, the Caliphate and the “Lord’s Prayer”

At a second secret Islam conference in May, the head of the Interior Ministry’s department for “Homeland, Democracy and Cohesion”, Jörn Thießen, went a step further. He appeased the association representatives with a daring comparison. They were upset after the media criticism of the demand to establish a caliphate in Germany: The Christian “Lord’s Prayer” also says “Thy kingdom come.”

The relativization of the Islamist demonstrations with the central prayer of Christians apparently appeased the other side. A spokesman for the Interior Ministry explained in response to a request from Die Welt that Thießen, as a trained theologian, had “made comments on secular and religious ideas about the ‘Kingdom of God’”. An equation with Islamist ideas had never been made. [Shows you again how naïve these puppeticians are when it comes to Islam.]

Afterword from the translator:

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Abandoned by the Republic

A substantial crowd of French Jews who gathered in Paris to protest recent incidents of Jew-hatred (such as the gang rape of a 12-year-old girl) discovered to their chagrin that they have almost no “ecumenical” support for their cause. They’ve also learned not to trust the words of politicians — which is something they should have known already.

The following video shows a French TV report on the demo in Paris. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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A Teenybopper Gang Rape

I posted last Wednesday about a gang rape in the Parisian banlieue of Courbevoie. The victim was a 12-year-old Jewish girl; the perps were three culture-enrichers of around the same age.

The text below is a translation Francois deSouche’s excerpts from an article in Le Figaro about the rape in Courbevoie. The full article is behind a subscription paywall.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation:

Courbevoie (92): 12-year-old girl raped and threatened to be burned by teenagers; she pretended to be a Muslim and reportedly criticized Palestine. One of the suspects, J., 13, is a “blond” convert to Islam.


J. was one of two minors suspected of raping Axelle [not her real name], 12, in an abandoned building in Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine). The victim also reported anti-Semitic remarks (“Dirty Jew”) made during the attack. J. and W., 13, have been charged and locked up. A third minor, 12, F., was placed under a provisional judicial measure pending his placement in a (court-ordered) juvenile protection facility.

According to the initial elements of the investigation, the victim reportedly had a “(puppy) love affair” with F., who, after learning that the young girl was of the Jewish faith, reportedly became very angry. She had actually made him believe that she was a Muslim. According to Axelle’s statements, the aim of this diversion was to “protect herself” and “avoid any attack”. The investigations have also led to the recovery of anti-Semitic images, including a photo of a burned Israeli flag, on the cell phone of one of the suspects.


The neighborhood also evokes the unstable family environment where J…, the youngest of three brothers and one sister, grew up. Three of the children were from the same father, J. from another man who left the residence more than ten years ago. So the mother raised her four children alone. And according to several corroborating witnesses, this woman, who worked in the personal assistant sector, was reportedly subjected to violence on the part of her violent and alcoholic ex-partners, but also from her own children, including J., who “hit his mother”, one neighbor claims. This situation reportedly led to police intervening several times at the residence to protect the mother of the family.

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The Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden, Part 19

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Nyheter Idag:

City of Stockholm gives million-kronor grant to Ibn Rushd — Stops grants to association against honor violence

In December of last year, the city of Stockholm paused a planned payment of 3.9 million kronor to the controversial study association Ibn Rushd, after the Public Education Council determined that the study association’s teaching materials deal with child abuse, child marriage, and describe homosexuality as a sin. But on Tuesday, the cultural council in Stockholm decided to resume the payments, Sweden Radio reports.

The criticized material has reportedly been used by the study association in other places besides Stockholm, and after Ibn Rushd came back with an action plan at the same time the city paid a visit to the association’s operations, the payments to the association were resumed.

At the same time, the city of Stockholm is stopping payments of 600,000 kronor per year to the association Never Forget Pela and Fadime (GAPF), which works against honor oppression. The reason is that a board member of the association posted material on a private Facebook page that the city views as being against the city’s guidelines.

GAPF reports in a press release that it distances itself from the board member’s now-deleted post and that the association has taken measures such as updating communications policy and ethical guidelines, as well as conducting training for board members and personnel, but the city of Stockholm is standing fast behind its decision.

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When Rape and Torture Are Expressions of Cultural Values

The following four articles provide snapshot views from various angles of the multicultural behavioral sink that Germany has become. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translations.

The first article is from the online news portal Nius, and concerns yet another culture-enriching gang rape:

15-year-old from Gelsenkirchen accuses men with Arabic accents of sexual abuse

In Gelsenkirchen in the Ruhr area, a 15-year-old girl was allegedly kidnapped and sexually assaulted. As T-Online and Bild report, the Gelsenkirchen police are urgently looking for witnesses who may have noticed something. The teenager said that she was forced into a white van by two men at a bus stop in the Nordsternpark area on Wednesday afternoon.

According to the police report, the 15-year-old Bosnian girl was waiting for a friend at the bus stop on Kranefeldstrasse at around noon when the van stopped next to her. Two men dressed in black and wearing balaclavas got out of the van and forced her into the vehicle. According to the victim’s statement to the police, the perpetrators spoke German with an Arabic accent.

After the 15-year-old was abducted, she was allegedly sexually abused in an unknown house. The men then drove with her to nearby Essen, where they let the girl out of the car on Hollestrasse. The victim explains that the van was driving noticeably fast and dangerously, which other road users also noticed and reacted by honking. According to the victim, the vehicle’s license plate may have partially read “CUX — HH” or “CUX — HK”.

Afterword from the translator:

It’s weird that these things didn’t seem to happen when I was growing up in Germany. I wonder what might have happened since then? Ah, yes, I know what happened, a multi-headed MONSTER that hates Germany and its native population came into power, and is using now its imported mercenary forces to slowly but surely wipe out Europeans. The only way to take out that monster is to find out how many heads the Hydra has and then strike them off in one go. But that is wishful thinking. The only way would be, is to starve the Hydra of followers, but in that I’m starting to believe that we’re running out of time here, since the TRUTH seems to be a burden impossible to bear for the masses, which is why they devise lesser “truth” — outright lies — and turn those into their gods. We just have to look at the followers of “Covid and the TEA”, “Saint Greta” and the “Climate Cult” and so many, many more that are keeping the Hydra well-fed.

The second article is also from Nius. It discusses gang violence by underage immigrants in the town of Gera, in the state of Thuringia:

Arab youth gang tortures German boy (14): The video that every politician must see, even if it is unbearable

A Syrian-Afghan gang of children tortures and beats a German boy in Gera. Even if these images are unbearable, NIUS is showing the video. Because every politician in the country should see it.

The footage was taken on June 11 in Gera. The perpetrators filmed their attack. The majority of the 20 or so people are young Syrians and Afghans, and the victim is a 14-year-old German, the police in Gera confirmed when asked by NIUS. The 20 suspects are between 12 and 15 years old. The four attackers who can be seen actively in the video are said to be minors. They are between 12 and 13 years old and all of Afghan and Syrian origin.

The approximately 20 suspects are being investigated for bodily harm, robbery, coercion, threats and insults, as well as failure to provide assistance and violation of the most personal sphere of life by taking visual recordings.

According to an initial police statement, the dispute could be traced back to “past rivalries between different groups of people of different nationalities.” Was this an ethnic conflict? When asked by NIUS, the police were unable to provide any more precise information. They first have to wait for the investigations. The perpetrators are said to live in different parts of Gera.

Afterword from the translator:

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