Thoughts on the State of the UK as We Approach Our Rubicon

Seneca III sends this update on the current state of the dystopia formerly known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Thoughts on the State of the UK as We Approach Our Rubicon

by Seneca III

There appears to be a rising wave of political atheism sweeping across the land as the mantra “A plague on all their houses” gains traction. This should not surprise anyone, even those who have been coasting along with their eyes wide shut, as democracy in its current form has become a cesspit of competing personal interests with the denizens of Westminster showing little or no concern for the country or the people in it.

Whole swathes of Britain, (perhaps even all of it, when you look at the Mayor of London, the Prime Minister of Britain, the First Minister of Scotland and the well-tanned Zambian leader of the Welsh Assembly) have become what are known as the ‘Occupied Territories’, so perhaps the time has come to sweep the whole rotten mess into the gutter of history and start again, preferably without resorting to the use of piano wire? — Or perhaps not; ammunition is rare and expensive even if one can get hold of some.

Transgenderism is a growing cult that blights all our lives and it is a very dangerous one to boot, one that even makes vegans appear semi-rational by comparison. That children of any age should be brainwashed and encouraged to ‘transition’ by members of the teaching profession is the latest abomination thrust upon us. Transgenderism would be better described as transhumanism and its acolytes should be scourged together with all the other deviants who peddle it.

Nationally, the decrepitude of our essential public infrastructure is increasing. It is either failing or being systematically demolished, as in the case of our iron and steel industries that have been closed or are about to close in the name of the great net zero scam. Naturally clean water is now not to be found as untreated sewage has polluted our rivers, streams and coastal waters, killing much of our indigenous wildlife in the process. Mind you, the directors of the private water companies and their beneficial owners in the Middle East and China are doing quite nicely, thank you, as are the owners of the vast ‘green energy’ windmill farms blighting the land and sea, and mincing birds on the odd occasions when there is enough wind to make them work.

“Tories out, Labour in” is another popular mantra. The Tories are almost certainly going to be out, but an outright victory for Labour is not necessarily a certainty. If the Reform Party get their act together and take enough seats to block Labour from getting a workable majority in a hung parliament, which is not totally out of the question, then that will be a whole new ballgame. The effect of the rising ‘Muslim Party’ mopping up votes that would normally go to Labour muddies the political waters even further. Otherwise, only a super-miracle where Reformists actually got a majority (326+ seats) would be preferable, but that is as likely as Sunak and Starmer forming a coalition or the Grand Mufti converting to Judaism and wearing a kippah.

Londonistan, our largest occupied territory in the south of the country. is becoming a no-go zone for anyone who is a law-abiding citizen, particularly if they are white, heterosexual and not perverts — it is a living, violent dystopian nightmare both by day and by night, with muggings, gang warfare, knifings, drug peddling and burglaries the status quo. Also, there are the Palestinian mobs and other Muslim trash who have owned the streets in their thousands on weekends for six months now, and God help any Jew of Gentile who should fall foul of them because neither the government nor the police will do anything for fear of being called racist, Islamophobic or simply because they have neither the numbers nor the will to win a street battle of that magnitude and clean up afterwards.

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Whose Face Will Be on the Trillion-Dollar Bill?

Some of the things that President Biden and the Democrat Party have been doing over the past few months are pretty bizarre, considering that this is an election year.

Hispanics and even blacks are shifting away from the Democrats. Young people — the parti-colored Zoomer TikTok generation — are increasingly drawn towards Donald Trump. The way things are going, there won’t be enough dump trucks available to haul in the “found” ballots required to put Joe Biden over the top on the night of November 5th. The Democrats are virtuosos at rigging elections, but even in the dystopian twilight of 21st-century America, elections can only be stolen at the margin. The race has to be at least somewhat close in order to pull off an effective steal.

The Democrat apparat seems utterly unconcerned with making sure the race is a tight one. One unpopular policy after another is being pushed — open borders, criminals released without bail, the promotion of sexual perversion, the war against the internal combustion engine, uniformed soldiers with pink hair mincing around in high heels…

And, to top it all off, there was the “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Easter Sunday. Don’t they even want to win the election?

Well, maybe they really don’t.

I’d been thinking along those lines for a while, and then last week I happened to read something similar at ZeroHedge, an essay saying that they’re going to let Trump win.

These are the key paragraphs:

Let Trump back in, and fight him on home turf — in the maze of the executive bureaucracy. Some of his backers have announced their intention to become politically competent in the event that he wins — but compared to the alternatives, that’s a very manageable risk.

More importantly: let Trump hold the bag for the all-but-guaranteed economic calamity of the next four years. The regime could skate for another decade if they succeed in pinning the collapse on a dangerous, erratic right-wing upstart. [emphasis added]

Everything I say here tonight is pure speculation. I’m not an expert on any of these matters, and especially not on financial issues. I’m just a reasonably well-informed layperson who reads a lot of information from diverse points of view.

It’s undeniable that the country is headed towards some form of fiscal calamity. As I mentioned last month, money-printing is being taken to new extremes:

I swore off making specific predictions after the previous great fiscal crisis in 2009, when my prognostications were so completely wrong. I never would have thought they could keep the racket going for another fifteen years, but here we are. The Powers That Be have managed to do a lot with derivatives and real estate bubbles.

But the debt graph can’t keep going up with a steadily increasing slope — it just can’t. Someday the pyramid scheme will come crashing down, and the chickens will come home to roost. Based on the current debt acceleration, it won’t be much longer. It might take a week; it might take a decade. But the chickens will be roosting relatively soon.

The thing is, the people who keep the Ponzi scheme afloat know exactly what’s coming. They know the money-printing tactic will eventually stop working. It’s a complex process, what with cryptocurrencies, CBDCs, derivatives, paper and digital “futures” of precious metals, and now the BRICS alternatives. Keeping those plates spinning must surely be a tricky business.

And the people in charge know that a collapse of the dollar will eventually come. In order enrich themselves fully, and assure themselves an unbroken hold on the levers of power, they will need to time the crisis carefully. At exactly the right moment they will topple the pillars supporting the dollar-based economy, after having thoroughly prepared the replacement system that will be built on the smoking ruins of the old one.

So which patsy will be nominally in charge when the house of cards comes tumbling down? Who will preside over the Great Collapse?

Whose face will be on the Zimbabwe-style trillion-dollar bill?

For a long time I thought Brandon was being set up as the fall guy. He was always obviously a disposable president, a non-re-electable senile geezer who could be pushed aside when he was no longer needed. The people who crafted his policies and wrote his speeches clearly didn’t try to make him more popular. I assumed that when the time was right, he would be gently eased out (and Kamala, too, although that part would be tricky), and a substitute such as Gavin Newsom or Big Mike installed to run in 2024, someone who was at least plausible enough that the election could be rigged on his behalf.

But it never happened. And the scripts that Brandon has been following have been so damaging to him that it’s obvious that his handlers don’t really want him to win re-election. It is intended that he go down in flames, taking the Democrat Party with him.

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Windmills Tilting at Us

Wind turbines are widely disliked by the general public in all countries where they are erected. They are a blight on the landscape, and their noise when operating is unpleasant, and even harmful, for those who live nearby. They are notorious for killing large numbers of birds, including endangered species such as eagles.

Recent research in Sweden has revealed that wind farms cause even more environmental damage than previously thought, notably through the erosion of toxic chemicals from the blades, which are dispersed into the environment surrounding the turbines.

Many thanks to our Swedish correspondent LN for translating this article from Samhällsnytt:

Study shows: Wind turbines can be major environmental offenders

by Mats Dagerlind
March 16, 2024

Wind power is marketed as the climate and environmentally friendly energy option. However, there is a growing body of evidence that this is a truth with major modifications. A new study has now been published which, in addition to what is already known, indicates that wind power is associated with pollution in the form of high levels of hazardous substances around wind farms.

The yet-to-be-published study almost didn’t see the light of day. Strong political and economic forces do not want the image of wind power as the environmentally and climate-friendly alternative to produce electricity to be tarnished by further negative publicity.

As a result, pressure was applied to withdraw funding for the study. However, the researchers at the Universities of Gothenburg and Linköping managed to find money elsewhere, and the study is now complete. And its contents reveal why some were prepared to go to great lengths to stop it.

The list of disadvantages of wind power is long

Wildlife damage has been reported in the past; birds — including protected eagles — are decapitated by rotor blades. Marine life is disturbed by offshore wind turbines.

Worn-out rotor blades cannot be recycled and accumulate in large scrap yards without anyone knowing how to dispose of them. Nature and recreational values are destroyed in the vicinity of wind farms, so that the tourism industry is affected and other outdoor activities cannot be practised.

The local environment is destroyed for residents by the noise of the wind turbines. Those trying to move away find that the market value of their houses has dropped dramatically. And so on.

In addition, wind turbines have low reliability and only produce electricity when the wind is blowing. When there is too much wind, they produce too much electricity instead, which is also a problem, and wind operators are then offered tax money to switch off turbines. Storing wind-generated electricity is not possible today nor in the foreseeable future.

Now the list of poisoning of flora and fauna is expanding

The new study adds new disadvantages to the list. They are also of an uncomfortable nature, as they involve the pollution and poisoning of nature on land and in waterways, pollutants that can find their way into the food chains of animals and humans.

The findings are so serious and numerous that the researchers behind the study wonder why this has not been investigated before. The answer may lie in the fact that neither the wind power industry nor the various players in the green political movement have wanted to find out what the situation is.

The researchers have found that dangerous particles from wind turbine blades are probably an environmental problem that other researchers and authorities have chosen to underestimate. Helen Karlsson is an adjunct assistant professor of occupational and environmental medicine at Linköping University and one of the initiators of the study.

She says that she became interested in the issue of erosion from wind turbine blades when she realised that there were discrepancies between the wind power industry’s figures and other calculations. Initially, she and her colleagues did not believe that they would find as many rotor blade fragments as they did.

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A Letter to the Cousins

Our English correspondent Seneca III addresses his latest remarks to his American cousins.

A Letter to the Cousins

by Seneca III

On this side of the pond and then on over the ditch to Europe, there is increasing chaos. The political classes, the academics and the politicians we have elected are scrambling around and promoting this DEI excrement which has turned so much of our national socio-economic landscapes into moral wildernesses by selling out to these ‘new citizens’, the so called ‘immigrants’ and ‘refugees’ who are in fact illegally-entered black and brown criminals (mostly Muslim) from every failed country on earth. They are slowly and violently taking over the streets, public spaces and public transport across the continent.

Stabbings, street robberies, rape gangs and shootings are now an unwelcome integral part of our way of life, and parts of several major cities such as Londonistan, which is now minority white, are infested with dangerous no-go areas unsafe even in daylight. At night they become war zones where different factions, races and gangs fight it out for control. Europe, with a couple of notable exceptions, is much the same.

In Aberdeen, Shell’s headquarters were targeted today with orange paint as Just Stop Oil activists claimed responsibility. They seem not to understand that the Universe, even if only to the extent of the thirteen-billion-year time/distance limited horizons we can presently observe, is huge beyond our comprehension. It is deep, complicated, profoundly mysterious and interconnected in ways we do not yet understand… if we ever will. That Extinction Rebellion and its various analogues should presume to tell us how it works on our cosmological microscale and that we are responsible for perfectly natural events smacks of the destructive knee-jerk response of simple-minded children.

We still do not know if solar activity and climate are constructive partners or destructive antagonists, for our collective life span is too short compared with that of Mother Sun. Homo sapiens sapiens still has a long way to go to complete its evolution into Homo solaris and even further to Homo stellaris, but one wonders how those far-distant descendants of ours will look back and view the twitterings of these gullible drones so taken in by the great global warming/carbon tax scam.

With much time on my hands these days, this redneck from over the pond has used it to keep a beady eye on you guys and I have a subliminal feeling that a major geopolitical sea change is underway over there. It’s hard to pin down amidst the furore surrounding Trump, the November presidential election and what will happen after, but there are some clues to be found in these snippets I have picked up during my interweb meanderings:

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The Incredible Shrinking Dollar

Last night I posted a graph of the increase in US national debt. The recent ballooning of the debt makes the slope of the graph quite steep, and it will undoubtedly get even steeper.

Our national debt is currently said to be about $34.5 trillion. The latest population estimate I could find for the country is 331 million (the actual figure is probably several million higher than that, due to the huge influx of illegal immigrants in the last few years, but I’ll go with the official figure).

$34.5 trillion divided by 331 million people equals approximately $104,000 per man, woman, and child in the USA.

That figure includes minor children, welfare recipients, and officially acknowledged illegal immigrants, rather than actual taxpayers. I looked at the IRS website to get the number of people who file federal tax returns, and it’s roughly 162 million.

$34.5 trillion divided by 162 million taxpayers equals approximately $213,000 per taxpayer.

Mind you, that includes people who pay little or no tax. And the latter group includes rich people, who usually pay no more in tax than the average minimum-wage employee. Instead they pay a much smaller sum to accountants, and more importantly to lobbyists who make sure that Congress enacts the requisite tax loopholes. It’s a very cost-effective strategy if you’re in the top 1%.

In other words, the tax burden for repaying the national debt will be borne by middle-class taxpayers. I can’t give you an exact figure, but we know the average middle-class taxpayer would be on the hook for well over $213K.

And that’s just for the debt at its current level. Remember, it’s increasing at a rate of approximately $1 trillion every 100 days. That’s $3,021 per person, and an annual rate increase of $6,173 per person. If we just count the taxpayers, that’s an increase every year of $22,531 on the back of each taxpayer. And that’s assuming the rate of increase does not increase (the “delta squared”), which seems unlikely.

The upshot of all this is that the national debt will never be repaid. Productivity cannot possibly rise quickly enough to raise GDP to a level that would bring in enough tax money to pay off the debt.

There are only two possible ways to deal with the debt: (1) Repudiate it, or (2) Monetize it. #2 means printing more money, which is the current strategy. As more and more non-Western countries abandon using “the world’s reserve currency” to settle their trade deals, to keep the debt engine steaming along the USA has to lend the money to itself. That is, the Treasury issues bonds, and the Fed buys them. That’s the same as printing money.

The end result of #2 is hyperinflation, of which we are seeing the earliest signs.

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Silvia Sardone: The Suicide of Europe

Silvia Sardone is an Italian MEP for the Lega (Matteo Salvini’s party). In the following video, Ms. Sardone points out the destructive absurdities of the “Green Deal” climate policies which are the current collective obsession of the European Union.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Corrupt Governments Partnered With Corrupt Corporations — What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The following video from the AUF1 TV channel in Germany discusses the recently concluded conference hosted by the World Economic Forum in Davos. The topic in focus is “public-private partnerships”, where gigantic global corporations get their financial tentacles into the affairs of formerly sovereign states.

Many thanks to Oz-Rita for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Time For Those Wonderful Global Partnerships

Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, made some inspirational remarks this week in Davos. She sees the WEF’s primary task as the suppression of free speech, although she expresses it somewhat differently: fighting “misinformation and disinformation.”

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Apollo News. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

At the WEF

Von der Leyen: Our biggest enemy is disinformation [says the Queen of “safe and effective” disinformation]

The biggest challenge of our time is disinformation, says Ursula von der Leyen at the World Economic Forum. Conflicts can only arise from this, said the CDU politician. It is time for global partnerships, “and we can do it,” (“wir schaffen das”) says von der Leyen.

This year’s World Economic Forum in Davos (WEF) wants to “build trust” again — that is the motto of the meeting, which is also attended by EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. On Tuesday, the CDU politician presented what she considers to be the most important factors for the next few years, quoting the WEF’s annual report almost verbatim. Her speech should also have the motto “Building trust,” or at least that’s what she says. “And I believe we can do it,” assures the former Federal Defense and Federal Minister for Family Affairs. [The only reason these people build up trust is so that they can push the dagger into people’s backs more forcefully and deeper.]

The most crucial issues in the coming years, according to von der Leyen, are “not conflicts or the climate” — she avoids the term “change” here; by now everyone should know what “climate” is aimed at — but “disinformation and misinformation.”

The 65-year-old also believes that “polarization in our societies” is a big problem and that “changes in demographics” also make global coexistence more difficult [Really? Then why do you want even more demographic changes and refuse to deport those who are criminals out of Europe?]. These risk factors also give rise to “geopolitical conflicts” and global disputes. Above all, as von der Leyen says specifically, this “impacts supply chains.” [A toddler in his or her first week in kindergarten could have told her that. What a lying harpy.]

Because the world’s situation is more dire than it has been for decades, the motto of this year’s WEF is all the more important: “Rebuild trust,” the EU politician emphasizes stoically. Because we would not live in a time of polarization, but should “build trust,” she repeats again and again.

“It is time for global partnerships, more than ever before. That’s why we need immediate and structured answers to the global challenges,” von der Leyen warns again and adds the sentence mentioned at the beginning, “I think we can do it,” with a diplomatic smile. We are familiar with quick decisions and “we can do it” slogans from another Christian Democrat.

Afterword from the translator:

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An Electrifying Experience in Schleswig-Holstein

A Swedish battery company will be given a massive subsidy by the EU to build a battery factory in Schleswig-Holstein. The batteries produced there will be used by for electric vehicles; the project is part of the push for Net Zero in the EU.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the daily news program Tagesschau. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

EU approves subsidies

Northvolt battery factory can be built

The Swedish company Northvolt is permitted to build a large battery cell factory in Schleswig-Holstein near Heide as planned. The EU Commission approves subsidies worth €900 million.

The Swedish battery manufacturer Northvolt can build its planned factory in Heide in Schleswig-Holstein. The EU Commission has approved the proposed funding for the billion-dollar project, it announced today. According to the commission, without the subsidy, Northvolt would have chosen a location in the USA.

“This €902 million measure is the first individual aid approved to prevent an investment from moving outside Europe,” said EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager. The EU wants to produce more strategically important technologies such as batteries and semiconductors itself in order to become more independent from third countries such as China and the USA. Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) emphasized: “I am very, very happy that this is happening today.” [I wonder how much of that money ends up in his offshore account and in gold bullion?]

3,000 new jobs

The Northvolt company was also pleased: “The EU Commission’s positive aid decision is groundbreaking not only for Northvolt’s settlement project in Heide, but for the European battery cell industry as a whole,” said a company spokesman. “We are now waiting for the municipal decisions as part of the ongoing land use plan process.”

Northvolt wants to produce battery cells for electric cars in the factory in the Dithmarschen district. According to the EU Commission, the plant in Heide will be able to produce batteries for 800,000 to one million electric cars per year. Production is scheduled to start in 2026 and reach full capacity in 2029. The €4.5 billion investment is expected to create 3,000 jobs. The company has already invested around €100 million of its own funds in the construction project in Heide, according to people close to the project.

Location advantages in Schleswig-Holstein

The federal and state governments are funding the project with around €700 million. There are also guarantees for a further €202 million. Of the funding, around €564 million go to the federal government and up to €137 million to the state. The funding is spread over several annual installments. The federal government released a funding decision in December. It was subject to state aid approval from the EU Commission.

The project will be the largest industrial project in Schleswig-Holstein in decades. Northvolt had always emphasized the locational advantages of the west coast. A lot of wind power is generated there on land and at sea, which the factory needs in large quantities.

Afterword from the translator:

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It’s the Religion, Stupid

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this German-language post from Twitter:

Thought experiment shows: Climate narrative has long since become an ideology

Let’s assume for a moment that science finds out that temperatures on earth are falling, that CO2 is not the main driver of the climate, or that climate change has a positive impact on crop yields and prosperity will impact worldwide. In other words, the climate panic would be canceled for one of the reasons listed.

What would sound like good news would have massive consequences for the course chosen. The agreements between states to reduce emissions would be invalid, and the restructuring of industry and energy supply that has taken place so far would be meaningless in the new context. Capital flows amounting to thousands of billions of dollars would suddenly be called into question. Party programs would have to be rewritten.

In the thought experiment we can now test how realistic it is to assume that these new scientific findings would actually become widespread. Would the truth be stronger than all party-political, industrial and ideological interests? No, of course not. This assumption would be naïve. No one in power would simply agree to change the climate narrative and put their own interests aside. There is far too much at stake for that.

If this is not the case today, what year was the “point of no return”? When did the climate course become set in stone? The course was set at the latest with the Paris climate agreement in 2015. Presumably already with the establishment of the IPCC in 1988, which had the task of proving man-made climate change.

When viewed from a meta-level, the matter is clear: the climate narrative is an ideology. Science is no longer open-ended. Since probably 1988, at least since 2015. Everything else is wishful thinking. The harsh treatment of critics, the censorship we experience, the massive propaganda in the media underline this result of the thought experiment.

Afterword from the translator:

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A Green Holodomor for Germany?

The “climate crisis” provides a useful pretext for the oligarchs that rule over us, justifying interference with our daily lives down to the finest details — what we eat, what we wear, what we drive, where we live, and, most importantly, how much of each of these things we do. Saving the planet requires sacrifices on our part, and we are assured that will be brought to heel in service of this noble purpose.

The Green party in Germany is in the vanguard of the Western push to impoverish ordinary people in order to accomplish environmental goals. And, since the Greens are part of the current governing coalition, they are now in a position to impose their will on German citizens.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

Is the next bureaucracy monster coming? Greens demand “Resource Protection Act”

The Greens believe that Germany consumes too many raw materials. And that’s why they’re calling for a “resource protection law”. Is the next bureaucratic monster already lurking here?

The environmental policy spokesman for the Green parliamentary group, Jan-Niclas Gesenhues, called for a “resource protection law” on Thursday. The reason for this: Germans live well above their “ecological standards”.

“We need a resource protection law at the federal level in order to legally limit and reduce resource consumption in Germany,” said the member of the Bundestag in an interview with the editorial network Germany. “We live massively beyond our ecological circumstances.”

An environmental levy per ton of material is to be introduced

Germany consumes 16 tons of raw materials per capita every year. Germans would use 340 kg of packaging waste per capita. This would put Germany in second place in Europe. “We have to correct this in order to protect the environment and not burden future generations.” The Green politician called this government intervention a “market economy instrument”.

That is why there should now be binding reduction targets for materials such as gravel or sand by 2030. In addition, there should be an environmental tax per ton of material. Green lobby groups such as BUND have been calling for such a law for years. So far they have not been able to get their demands accepted.

Afterword from the translator:

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Forget Having White Children — Import Culture-Enrichers Instead

Verena Brunschweiger is an Austrian author and progressive activist who advocates for white European women to remain childless, while the inflow of “migrants” from Africa and the Middle East should be increased, all in order to save the planet.

Below is a video in which Ms. Brunschweiger speaks her mind, and the accompanying article from the Austrian portal Heimatkurier, both translated by Hellequin GB. The translator’s comments are in square brackets.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

ORF “expert” considers European children to be “racist”

African immigrants instead of Austrian children — this model was recently openly called for by a climate activist in the ORF news program Zeit im Bild. Driven by the cult of guilt, she wants to persuade whites and Europeans not to have children. In the “ZIB3” program on Wednesday, a climate activist tried to explain why it would be racist for a European to have children. Consumed by self-hatred, she is allowed to express her crazy theses on ORF [Österreichischer Rundfunk, Austrian public broadcasting], while opponents of population exchange do not receive a minute of airtime.

Children as “Aryan CO2 flingers?” [Does that mean only white children exhale CO2? Well I guess now we know which race we have to thank for our survival; after all, CO2 is LIFE.]

The actors on the German-speaking left keep overtaking each other when it comes to who wants to wipe out their people the fastest. From NGOs helping migrants storm the European continent as quickly as possible, to absurd ethnomasochistic statements. Such a particularly disgusting statement was allowed to be broadcast directly on ORF last Wednesday.

A climate activist suggests not having European children and instead wants to bring people from Africa, Asia and Latin America to Europe. This is even our duty: “What do we say to those who come to us? Do we say, no, we have so many Aryan people of our own that we can’t use you? I find this incredibly racist and ruthless without equal — and it is our damn duty that we take back our production method…”

Guilt cult in practice

In effect, Brunschweiger is calling for people to commit suicide. In their twisted world, every white child born is merely a burden on the climate. As is often the case with leftists, in their worldview Europeans are responsible for all the world’s ills. This thinking and the resulting undermining of one’s own self-assertion and reproduction are direct consequences of the guilt cult that has been instilled for decades.

Collective suicide as a duty?

For a people that wants to exist in the world, this situation is a catastrophe. Right-wing politicians such as Roger Beckamp and Maximilian Krah have made it their mission to break with this thinking. A task that will by no means be easy, but must be completed if we want to give our people a chance for a future.

Afterword from the translator:

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Forget the Windmills — We Like Nukes

The French are well-known for bucking the zeitgeist and opting for nuclear power to provide the bulk of their electricity requirements. Now they are going further: they’re dismantling windmills in order to preserve the traditional French cultural landscape.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the German outlet Apollo News:

Energy Transition the Other Way Around

France is dismantling wind turbines again

While Germany is wasting billions on the transformation to renewable energies, France is doing very well with its nuclear power. Now Paris is resisting EU plans and is even dismantling wind turbines.

Even on a day as windy as Friday, when Germany achieved record-breaking wind energy production levels, Germany emits significantly more CO2 per kilowatt hour than France.

France is taking a completely different approach from Germany’s: our western neighbor is even dismantling wind turbines in order to protect the landscape from damage. As a French energy expert reported to the French magazine Boulevard Voltaire, more and more wind turbines are being dismantled in order to protect France’s landscape culture.

The featured expert, Fabian Bougle, reported to the magazine that there were now numerous resolutions from several French state councils to give priority to respecting French cultural heritage. A few days ago, the appeals court in the French city of Nîmes ordered the dismantling of seven wind turbines that had been installed for seven years in the city of Lunas in the Hérault department because they had caused too much environmental damage.

It is not the first of its kind. A state council had previously decided to cancel the construction of wind farms because it would destroy the landscape that Marcel Proust describes in his work. Another French prefecture also canceled a wind turbine project because it would damage the landscapes that inspired Camille Pissarro’s paintings.

Expansion targets by 2030 — France rejects it

And politically France does not adhere to the rigid regulations of the EU. There is currently a real dispute between France and the European Commission because France does not want to commit to the expansion goals in renewable energy issues. It was only on Monday that the European Commission in Brussels published its recommendations on the member states’ energy-climate plans (PNEC — predicted no-effect concentration) for 2030.

The EU’s basic idea behind these recommendations is that countries must present their plans in detail and demonstrate the means by which member states want to achieve the European goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. However, according to the European Commission, with the plans presented so far there would only be a reduction of 51% at the European level, not the desired 55%. “The 21 draft plans received so far in their current form do not enable us to achieve our goals,” the commission wrote critically in its statement on Monday.

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The Windmills of Your Mind

Intuition tells us — at least those of us who are thoughtful observers — that the “net-zero” craze is a hoax that will not work, and will bankrupt any nation that seriously attempts to implement it.

There is now an academic study that backs up that intuition. It quantifies the catastrophic economic failure that would result if Greta Thunberg were to get her wish, and the developed world attempted an implementation of net-zero.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Report24. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

The Paris climate targets do not pass the cost-benefit test

A new comprehensive analysis examines whether implementing the Paris Agreement’s emissions policy goals will produce more good than harm. The result is sobering and should also alarm climate fanatics. We cannot destroy our economy just because we hope that it will have an improbable temperature effect.

Regardless of whether or not the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions actually has an effect on global temperature development, the implementation of laws, regulations and measures in this regard is guaranteed to have an effect on the world’s economic development. The — highly questionable — measures decided by politicians will also lead to massive economic upheaval in the coming decades. This is also illustrated by a new comprehensive analysis on this topic.

The analysis shows that even in the best-case scenarios, the trillions of dollars in costs (4.8% of GDP) associated with transitioning from fossil fuels to net-zero emissions by 2050 still outweigh the net benefits (3 .0% of GDP) in 2100. “The central estimate of the costs of climate policy, unrealistically assuming implementation at minimal cost, is in the range of 3.8-5.6% of GDP in 2100. The central estimate of the benefits of climate policy, unrealistically assuming high emissions without policy and constant vulnerability, is between 2.8-3.2% of GDP,”, according to the researchers.

These also explain that in 2050 — when “net zero” should be achieved according to politicians’ plans — “the best estimates of the benefits of the 1.5° C target would be around 0.5% of GDP”, “while the costs would be almost 5%”. So we are talking about a negative contribution ten times greater than any possible benefit. In various medium-sized model calculations you also get a negative cost-benefit ratio with a factor of two to four.

However, one should not forget that this analysis assumes a correlation between the CO2 content of the air and the temperature development. An assumption that has already been refuted by several research teams. For example, Report24 already has reported here, here, and here. This also means: All the measures taken by politicians to reduce CO2 emissions will have no significant impact on global temperatures, but will have a massive impact on economic developments. So we should prepare for a worst-case scenario for the economy…

Afterword from the translator:

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