A Green Holodomor for Germany?

The “climate crisis” provides a useful pretext for the oligarchs that rule over us, justifying interference with our daily lives down to the finest details — what we eat, what we wear, what we drive, where we live, and, most importantly, how much of each of these things we do. Saving the planet requires sacrifices on our part, and we are assured that will be brought to heel in service of this noble purpose.

The Green party in Germany is in the vanguard of the Western push to impoverish ordinary people in order to accomplish environmental goals. And, since the Greens are part of the current governing coalition, they are now in a position to impose their will on German citizens.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

Is the next bureaucracy monster coming? Greens demand “Resource Protection Act”

The Greens believe that Germany consumes too many raw materials. And that’s why they’re calling for a “resource protection law”. Is the next bureaucratic monster already lurking here?

The environmental policy spokesman for the Green parliamentary group, Jan-Niclas Gesenhues, called for a “resource protection law” on Thursday. The reason for this: Germans live well above their “ecological standards”.

“We need a resource protection law at the federal level in order to legally limit and reduce resource consumption in Germany,” said the member of the Bundestag in an interview with the editorial network Germany. “We live massively beyond our ecological circumstances.”

An environmental levy per ton of material is to be introduced

Germany consumes 16 tons of raw materials per capita every year. Germans would use 340 kg of packaging waste per capita. This would put Germany in second place in Europe. “We have to correct this in order to protect the environment and not burden future generations.” The Green politician called this government intervention a “market economy instrument”.

That is why there should now be binding reduction targets for materials such as gravel or sand by 2030. In addition, there should be an environmental tax per ton of material. Green lobby groups such as BUND have been calling for such a law for years. So far they have not been able to get their demands accepted.

Afterword from the translator:

Once upon a time there was Troy… Any political party is like the Trojan horse. You’re pulling it into the city but don’t know what’s inside!

In this case it’s the voters that pull the horse into the city/office during the election and are then surprised when the horse’s crew comes out in the dark and opens the city gates to all kinds of atrocities.

Not that I’m against protecting the environment. For instance, I bring my own containers when I go to the butcher, fisheries or supermarket when I buy meat or vegetables, and if it were possible I would buy everything else “loose” and not wrapped in tons of packaging. Not that I buy many things that have a lot of packaging around, my rubbish bin goes out so every six to eight weeks, and most of the stuff in there is crap that I collected from my front garden after it had been blown in by the wind. Everything else goes into the compost.

When I was on my honeymoon in Spain, we went to a Barn “shop” near Denia. Everything liquid, dry or powdery was in barrels, vats, sacks and urns, and you brought your own containers/packaging for your goodies. The wife and I found this a brilliant way to keep litter to a bare minimum. The butcher there wrapped your purchase in wax-paper.

But what these “Greens” are doing is nothing more than a drive to regulate every resource with this proposed law. After all, food and water are resources that are vital for our daily survival, and that is exactly what they want to control. It’s another way to create a new Holodomor, to my mind.

12 thoughts on “A Green Holodomor for Germany?

  1. Germans are [chiroptera excrement] crazy. They gave us:

    Nietzsche – “God is Dead”
    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels – Communism
    The Frankfurt Schule – The destruction of Western Institutions
    Biblical Exegesis – The Bible is rubbish
    The Third Reich, Waffen SS, Gestapo and Einsatzgruppen
    The Holocaust
    The Greens and their stupid energiewende
    The Great Replacement – thank you Communist Youth member Angela Merkel

    Can’t they just drink beer and eat Bratwurst?

    • Beer and bratwurst will soon be banned as they are not halal – at least for the indigenous population who are now dhimmis…..

    • God gave us the reformer, Martin Luther, who founded the Reformation after learning about the Roman Catholic tradition of lying to it’s members that they could pray their relatives into heaven if they could drop money into the collection box.

      The Holy Bible is the most important book ever to be printed.

      • Good grief! Your lies of the Catholic Church is becoming most intolerable. Ole Matin Luther was a Jew hater of the worst sort and caused the 30 years war that decimated Europe, so what was good about the bloody prods again?

  2. Nothing a Night of the Long Knives for the commie watermelons can’t cure. When enough of them meet horrific ends, this madness will end.

  3. Having just watched a few videos showing the culture enriches in Berlin, setting fire to the place, attacking police and giving firearms to small children, I’m wondering how long it will take for them to get to the leaders in the watermelon coalition. And will the moose limb terrorists/ inhabitants( looks like all of them are terrorists just like in Gaza) be allowed to have special dispensations for fuel( to set fire to cars, police buildings etc) food, especially that of cows and sheep so they can torture them to death?

  4. “Green on the outside, red on the inside, and brown seeds spread throughout” is how the complete quote goes.

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