Forget the Windmills — We Like Nukes

The French are well-known for bucking the zeitgeist and opting for nuclear power to provide the bulk of their electricity requirements. Now they are going further: they’re dismantling windmills in order to preserve the traditional French cultural landscape.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the German outlet Apollo News:

Energy Transition the Other Way Around

France is dismantling wind turbines again

While Germany is wasting billions on the transformation to renewable energies, France is doing very well with its nuclear power. Now Paris is resisting EU plans and is even dismantling wind turbines.

Even on a day as windy as Friday, when Germany achieved record-breaking wind energy production levels, Germany emits significantly more CO2 per kilowatt hour than France.

France is taking a completely different approach from Germany’s: our western neighbor is even dismantling wind turbines in order to protect the landscape from damage. As a French energy expert reported to the French magazine Boulevard Voltaire, more and more wind turbines are being dismantled in order to protect France’s landscape culture.

The featured expert, Fabian Bougle, reported to the magazine that there were now numerous resolutions from several French state councils to give priority to respecting French cultural heritage. A few days ago, the appeals court in the French city of Nîmes ordered the dismantling of seven wind turbines that had been installed for seven years in the city of Lunas in the Hérault department because they had caused too much environmental damage.

It is not the first of its kind. A state council had previously decided to cancel the construction of wind farms because it would destroy the landscape that Marcel Proust describes in his work. Another French prefecture also canceled a wind turbine project because it would damage the landscapes that inspired Camille Pissarro’s paintings.

Expansion targets by 2030 — France rejects it

And politically France does not adhere to the rigid regulations of the EU. There is currently a real dispute between France and the European Commission because France does not want to commit to the expansion goals in renewable energy issues. It was only on Monday that the European Commission in Brussels published its recommendations on the member states’ energy-climate plans (PNEC — predicted no-effect concentration) for 2030.

The EU’s basic idea behind these recommendations is that countries must present their plans in detail and demonstrate the means by which member states want to achieve the European goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030. However, according to the European Commission, with the plans presented so far there would only be a reduction of 51% at the European level, not the desired 55%. “The 21 draft plans received so far in their current form do not enable us to achieve our goals,” the commission wrote critically in its statement on Monday.

One point of criticism from the Commission: France’s attitude. Because when it comes to renewable energies, France is still not fulfilling its part of the contract. Why? After all, with its focus on nuclear power, France has a very exemplary CO2 balance. Accordingly, the Grande Nation does not provide a quantified target for the share of renewable energy in final gross energy consumption in 2030. Instead, it is better to focus on a “carbon-free” energy target for final gross energy consumption by 2030.

An energy plan that works, unlike many others in Europe. On windless days, Germany has to import large quantities of nuclear power from France, despite billions invested in renewable energies.

Afterword from the translator:

The French aren’t necessarily the brightest candles on the European cake, but they are at least smarter than the Germans, although that doesn’t mean much. At least the French can have some hope that Marine LePen will eventually take over at some point; in Dumb & Dumber Country there will probably have to be complete destruction again until the sleepy Michel wakes up from this Green Marxist madness.

As an example, one just need to look at the Sababurg jungle in the Reinhardswald. It’s Hesse’s oldest forest, which has been a nature reserve since 1907. There are oak trees up to 1,000 years old and there is an extraordinary diversity of animals and plants. Protected species such as the black stork and the red kite are native there. Years ago the Greens would have been screaming at the top of their lungs in protest, but today the Greens and the CDU are driving forward the destruction of the Reinhardswald (Grimm’s Fairy Tale Forest, Sleeping Beauty Castle Sababurg). 18 + (!?!?!) wind turbines are to be built and 29 hectares of forest are to be cleared! Several lawsuits have been pending since February 2022. Nevertheless, serious environmental damage has already been caused to the groundwater table. The tree-felling started recently. A court order had stopped the madness, and then, lo and behold, the Hessian building regulations were simply changed! Priska Hinz (Greens) is the main person responsible for this act of terrorism against German heritage.

5 thoughts on “Forget the Windmills — We Like Nukes

  1. I admire how much the French value beauty. They must believe in Dostoyevsky’s maxim ‘Beauty will save the world’.

  2. It took a century with two cataclysmic world wars for the Germans to learn to be utterly self-destructive without posing a serious threat to their neighbours, aside from being a void into which the third world could flow further north, but only if the south of Europe failed to maintain their own sanity and desire to survive as a people.

    Germany is the Götterdämmerung without the heroic figures. Alas, the Rheintöchtern will be clad in Burkinis.

    • You can say thank you for that to an Australian named Sefton Delmer, he was the Black-ops Propaganda Chief of the British during WWII.
      And what they’ve done to Germany they have done to the entire WESTERN world by now or are busy doing it.

      “Atrocity propaganda is how we won the war. And we’re only really beginning with it now! We will continue this atrocity propaganda, we will escalate it until nobody will accept even a good word from the Germans, until all the sympathy they may still have abroad will have been destroyed and they themselves will be so confused that they will no longer know what they are doing. Once that has been achieved, once they begin to run down their own country and their own people, not reluctantly but with eagerness to please the victors, only then will our victory be complete. It will never be final.

      Re-education needs careful tending, like an English lawn. Even one moment of negligence, and the weeds crop up again – those indestructible weeds of historical truth.”

      (Said after the German surrender, in 1945, in a conversation with the German professor of international law, Dr. Friedrich Grimm.)

      also see:
      Sefton Delmer

      Manufacturing ‘historical facts’

  3. There is only one downside to nuclear power, which is that the fuel for it also has to be imported and some of its most important sources, like with oil, reside in funny countries. Last I read France gets most of its uranium from Niger and that’s been in the news not long ago for being increasingly recalcitrant towards the former colonial power. If they want to continue this without disturbances, they need to maintain their position there. If there is one good argument for at least trying to do something differently with our energy supplies, then it’s ending the dependency on all these ideological backwaters. Or do something drastic to keep them in line, but this is really unpopular nowadays. I don’t really know what’s going to happen but either way it seems we need to factor in the reality of some changes.

    • Thorium is a waste-product of burning coal, essentially a byproduct of coal, and Germany is sitting on mountains of it. The heat from a dry-salt thorium reactor can be used to break down coal into ersatz petroleum products like diesel while liberating more supply of thorium.

      Germany has plenty of energy. It merely lacks the political will to re-develop its backbone and act like humans who deserve to live (Baron’s comment, above, noted)

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