Islam: Perennially Primitive in Its Treatment of Women

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Islam: Perennially Primitive in Its Treatment of Women

by Clare M. Lopez

Woman falls prey to ‘honour’ killing in Swat” [Pakistan] at The Nation, October 14, 2024

  • “This tragic incident spotlights Swat’s disturbing trend of honor killings, with 263 documented cases over the past twelve years.”

Swedish “Court of Appeal rules: Life sentence for murder of “too white” pregnant woman” at FriaTider, October 14, 2024

  • “The Court of Appeal today confirmed the sentence for Mohamedamin Ibrahim, 22, to life imprisonment for the murder of his girlfriend Saga in Örebro. The murder took place when his mother ‘did not accept that he was with a white girl.’” [Google Translate]

“Divorced Afghan child brides forced to return to former husbands under Taliban rule” at Jerusalem Post, September 29, 2024

  • Child marriage is entirely legal under Islamic Law (sharia) because Muhammad is believed to have married Aisha when she was six years old and consummated the marriage (raped her) when she was nine and he was a man of over fifty.

“Taliban leader calls women’s faces a ‘source of temptation’” [Answer: A resounding YES!] by Qaseem Azizi at, September 25, 2024

  • Self-control and personal responsibility for one’s actions are unknown concepts for Muslim men living under Islamic Law (sharia).

“Did Muhammad Teach that Women are Stupid and Inferior to Men?” by Sam Shamoun at Answering Islam

  • Excellent resource site… here citing references directly from the Qur’an, Sam Shamoun demonstrates the primitive mentality that prevails in too many societies dominated by sharia.

“Disturbing Footage Emerges of ‘Taliban’ Stoning In Afghanistan” by Abdul Qadir Ghafoori and Frud Bezhan, November 2, 2015

  • Video footage about a stoning by Taliban forces in Afghanistan — the reason the US lost the war in Afghanistan and fled the battlefield in utter chaos in August 2021 is precisely because our civilian and military leaders refused to do their homework on why the Taliban engage in such horrific abuse. That reason is Islam and the Taliban’s devout, faithful, obedience to Islamic Law (sharia). Their mentality sees obedience to sharia as a commandment of the faith that earns them eternity in paradise. We see it as primitive barbarity.

“The Azadi Briefing: Taliban Threatens Former Afghan Policewomen” by Abubakar Siddique at Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, October 11, 2024

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Kamala Plays for the HAMAS Team

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Kamala Plays for the HAMAS Team

by Clare M. Lopez

“Biden-Harris admin backs UN bid to shield Oct 7th terrorists from prosecution — report” by World Israel News Staff, September 22, 2024

“Biden-Harris Admin Sued for Stonewalling Gazan Aid Probe” by Adam Kredo at Free Beacon, August 27, 2024

  • The Center to Advance Security in America (CASA), a government watchdog group, sued the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in late August 2024 for failing to turn over documents detailing millions of dollars USAID has pumped into Gaza in full knowledge that as long as HAMAS still functions there, such aid goes straight to an Islamic terror organization.

Hamas-Linked Individual Entered Executive Office Building, Met With National Security Council” by Robert Schmad at Daily Caller, September 20, 2024

  • The individual in question was head of Rahma Worldwide, a health nonprofit “that has collaborated with HAMAS on multiple occasions”. This meeting took place on 9/11!

Kamala’s Islamists” by Daniel Greenfield at his Sultan Knish blog site: Unfortunate choice of words for this piece’s headline, but a very useful catalog nevertheless of Kamala Harris’ “incredible Muslim team”. They are not “extremist”, but rather some of the more devout and faithful White House officials who are most obedient to the commandments of Islam — in other words, mainstream, normative, orthodox Islam. [Editor’s Note — more ties to HAMAS described in this article.]

“Meet the Islamic Terrorist Apologist Controlling Kamala’s Foreign Policy” by Daniel Greenfield at Jihad Watch, September 2, 2024

  • This is a profile of one Phil Gordon, who may be in line to be Kamala Harris’ National Security Advisor or Secretary of State were she to win the presidency. One small example of his thinking: “The idea that terrorists attack because they hate freedom… is misguided… Even most of the Muslims who support terrorism… favor elected government… and personal liberty.” Good summary piece that includes substantive sections cited from other publications.

“Biden/Harris Disgraced Iran Envoy Robert Malley Is Under FBI investigation” by Pam Geller at The Geller Report, September 24, 2024

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Bye-Bye to Zulfiqar Khan

Early last summer we encountered the esteemed “Italian” imam of Bologna, Zulfiqar Khan. Imam Khan is back in the news: he is to be expelled from Italian territory.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from La Stampa“:

Zulfiqar Khan, Imam of Bologna expressed support for Hamas

The Interior Minister has signed the removal order from Italian territory for reasons of state security.

October 8, 2024

The Pakistani Zulfiqar Khan, imam of the mosque at via Jacobo de Paolo in Bologna, was taken to police headquarters in order to be expelled. The news was given in a press release in which his lawyer, Francesco Murru, spoke of, “a return to a police state and the punishment of crimes of opinion.”

The Minister of Interior has signed an order of removal from Italian territory for reasons of state security. It noted that Zulfiqar has shown a fundamentalist vision of the concept of jihad, and, among other things, has exalted martyrdom and the work of the mujahideen in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, expressing support for Hamas.

Minister Matteo Piantedosi notes in the order of expulsion for Imam Zulfiqar Khan that since the autumn of 2023 he had raised attention for his “growing ideological fanaticism” and his “propensity” for radical positions, “characterized by a strong anti-Western and anti-Semitic resentment and by homophobic and anti-feminist rhetoric.” In one of his sermons, it is added, he exhorted the Muslim faithful to fight the intention of the State to impose taxes, as the resources should remain within the Muslim community.

In a meeting in central Bologna, he reportedly defined homosexuality as “a disease to be cured”, that every Muslim has the right to fight “to avoid catastrophic consequences such as the very extinction of the human race.” In videos posted on social media between November 2023 and April 2024, he accused Americans, Germans, French, English, and Italians of supporting, “the impure Zionists”, and in another, he invoked Allah to destroy the oppressors, that is, the Western nations that support Israel. He will also be in a position to generate proselytization and be in contact with foreigners who have emerged in investigations for their belonging to “ultra-radical Islam” and in a position to further the infiltration into Bologna of political-religious and part-social, part-terrorist organizations.

The 54-year-old Pakistani entered Italy in 1995 and holds a residence permit that was revoked at the time of the expulsion order. The action must now be validated in court and can be appealed to TAR in Lazio [Administrative Regional Tribunal].

You Can’t Deport a Tranny

Second verse, same as the first.

This time it’s in France: a culture-enriching kiddy-fiddler can’t be deported to Algeria because he’s now transitioning to a chick, and would be persecuted if he were sent back.

Once again, you can’t make this [solid waste] up.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Sex offender Mehdi F. is allowed to stay: How practical if migrants can soon change their gender to avoid deportation

The mysterious transformation from sex offender to victim of transphobia is only one court ruling away. How convenient when migrants will soon be able to change their gender to avoid deportation.

Imagine that a migrant from Algeria is arrested for sexually assaulting a minor and sentenced to four years in prison. The authorities want to revoke his refugee status and deport him because he poses a threat to the local population. The Algerian appeals against his deportation and now claims that he is actually a woman and is undergoing a sex change operation.

His lawyer argues that he is at risk of persecution in his home country “because of his sexuality” and his trans identity.

Interestingly, she does not argue that he is being persecuted there because he has sexually abused children, but that is only a side issue. The country’s Supreme Court agrees with him because the judges considered his unfortunate situation serious enough to grant him the protection of refugee status.

The judges are impressed by the perpetrator’s “particularly spontaneous and well-founded statements” and rule that his sexual orientation and his transgender identity are to be regarded as proven. A doctor is then found who certifies that he is definitely not a repeat offender. He is allowed to stay in the country. As a refugee in need of protection. No joke. Soon in Germany too.

It is the case that supposedly cannot and will not happen, at least if you believe the ardent advocates of the German self-determination law, who label anyone as “right-wing”, “transphobic”, “TERF” or even a threat to the constitution, who points out the dangers for women but also the danger of misuse of so-called “self-ID” laws. What cannot happen does not exist in the rainbow world of queer-vegan no-border activists, because men and also trans people are not known to be capable of crimes, deception or other base motives — irony mode off.

The newly discovered femininity of Mehdi F.

Reality speaks a different language. The case of 31-year-old Mehdi F. is currently unfolding in France and is a textbook example of what could soon happen in Germany, exacerbated by the Self-Determination Act that comes into force on November 1: convicted sex offenders from Islamic countries do not have to do anything other than change their gender at a German office or simply claim to be a woman, and once again the queer community has a new group of victims to look after: Muslim transmigrants who rediscover their feminine side between pre-trial detention and court proceedings in order to avoid being deported to their Islamic home countries. [Taqiyya and kitman come immediately to my mind. Two well-used Islamic tools to fool the gullible kuffar.]

Queers for Palestine may soon have uninvited “comrades-in-arms” from those young men who can add the “trans” component to their already dubious refugee status in order to secure a right of residence or their refugee status even after sexual offenses. German law will make it particularly easy for all of them from November 1. Until now, one had to submit a report and actually go “under the knife” to change one’s gender in Germany; they do not have to cut off their best part or their full beard to verify their new-found femininity.

One or two deserters from Ukraine may also be taking notice and writing this down. After all, conscription in Ukraine only applies to men and no one has to fear being sent back to Ukraine to fight for their country as long as the Germans confirm that they are now a woman.

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Child-Raping, Beheading, Forcibly Converting, and Beating Women Because, You Know, Islam

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Child-Raping, Beheading, Forcibly Converting, and Beating Women Because, You Know, Islam

by Clare M. Lopez

“Uttarakhand: Maulvi Shabbir Raza arrested for raping and sexually exploiting 5 minor girls inside illegal Madarsa [sic, “Madrasa”] in Rudrapur, police say there can be more victims” by OpIndia Staff, 24 August 2024

  • These little girls were aged 5-9 years old.

“India: Muslim cleric arrested for raping and sexually exploiting five girls aged five to nine inside illegal madrasa” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, September 11, 2024

  • Robert Spencer’s explanation for why such abominable behavior is all-too culturally common in Muslim societies even if not strictly legal per sharia.

Iran escalates crackdown ahead of ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ anniversary” at Iran International, September 6, 2024

“Honour killing in Uttar Pradesh: Naeem beheads 17-year-old daughter for having an affair, dismembers her body in multiple pieces; arrested” by OpIndia Staff, 3 September 2024

  • We’ll recall that according to Islamic Law (sharia), there is no penalty for a parent or grandparent killing their offspring.

“Germany: Muslim migrant kills his ex-girlfriend to ‘restore his honor’ while screaming ‘I have the right to do this’” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, August 30, 2024

“Diyarbakir cafes faced with Islamist attacks over alcohol sale, women’s clothing” at, August 27, 2024

  • Of course, there’s no such thing as “Islamist attacks”, here taking place in Turkey. These are strictly observant Muslims, taking enforcement into their own hands of Islamic dress codes for women and the Islamic ban on alcohol.

“12-year-old Christian girl forcibly converted by Muslim man who kidnapped her in Pakistan” by Christian Daily International Morning Star News, August 28, 2024

  • More “Love Jihad”… the girl’s family is Catholic.

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Islamic Influence In the U.S. Government — Kamala Harris Would Pick Up Where Joe Biden Left Off

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Islamic Influence In the U.S. Government — Kamala Harris Would Pick Up Where Joe Biden Left Off

by Clare M. Lopez

We’ll cover a few categories here this month: the Biden-Harris continuing appeasement of the Islamic regime in Iran, questionable USG decisions on national security matters, and also some questionable appointments and associations of the Harris-Walz campaign team.

This first set of reports highlights the lack of national security rigor at the top levels of the Biden-Harris administration. The pattern seems to favor passes for U.S. adversaries including Iran, Turkey, and the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood network.

“Biden-Harris admin waives sanctions on state-run Iranian media” at the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS), August 21, 2024

“Why Did Pentagon Allow Turkish Muslim Citizen Access to Highly Classified Docs?” by Daniel Greenfield at Jihad Watch, August 15, 2024

“Biden regime names Mohamed Elsanousi of Hamas-linked ISNA to US Commission on International Religious Freedom” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, August 12, 2024

  • We’ll recall, of course, that the Biden administration appointed former ISNA president and longtime imam at the Muslim Brotherhood’s ADAMS Center, Imam Mohamed Magid, to the same Commission in August 2022. And unfortunately, it was during the Trump administration in July 2017 that Governor Sam Brownback of Kansas was named Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom. His connections to prominent Muslim Brotherhood figures are well-documented.
  • “Biden’s Muslim Brotherhood-connected Religious Freedom Commissioner” by Ben Poser at the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS), August 6, 2024

Now, we include a few items here about some questionable associations and appointments by currently-serving Vice President Kamala Harris and her presidential campaign’s VP running mate, MN Governor Tim Walz.

“Kamala Harris’s Philip Gordon: Inconspicuous and influential” by Shahram Kholdi at Iran International, 08/09/2024

  • The questions here are about Gordon’s possible connections to the Iranian regime’s Iran Experts Initiative influence operations network. These are questions currently being investigated by Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY).

“Kamala Harris Picks Terror Supporter as “Liaison” to American Jews” by Daniel Greenfield at Gatestone Institute, August 22, 2024

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Freedom of Speech

Our Indian correspondent The Kafir sends his thoughts on the role played by freedom of speech (or its lack) in our contemporary scene.

Freedom of Speech

by The Kafir

“O kafirs, be you all apes and monkeys; again.”

Anthropologists say that some 80,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens acquired consciousness. As conscious beings, they soon figured out that many weaklings acting together can fell even the mightiest of the prey.

And a bit player in the food chain, Homo Sapiens, jumped straight to the top of it, and is ruling the planet ever since. They controlled fire and used it to make food more easily digestible; they invented the wheel and made long journeys easier; they domesticated far stronger animals and used them to carry the goods, plough the fields and give other products like milk. They figured out that living together is easier in permanent settlements and thus created villages and cities.

They realized that not all human beings agree on everything; there are disputes, and some bands still insist on hunting, hunting even the settled human beings. They figured out that acting together, which had allowed them to control all other species, is also needed to face such bands of human beings who still want to hunt and loot others’ possessions, including women and children for slavery. They created permanent armed groups among themselves, an army, to take on such bands, because it was more convenient and effective than all of them mobilizing in the face of such dangers from the hunting bands of human beings.

And not only the Earth, they are now planning to colonize the Moon and the Mars also. All because they stumbled upon consciousness all those years ago, because they could talk to each other, they could discuss, they could debate, they could convey their thoughts, they could communicate.

But now, after 80,000 years they seem to have forgotten that “acting together” was what made them such a powerful, all-conquering species. And that acting together was made possible by their faculty of speech. A handful of them, called the Ruling Elite, have taken control of their armies, and other instruments of collective armed power, and are now openly, flagrantly, surrendering their countries, their villages and cities, their women, children and wealth; to a new-fangled band of hunters that has come veiled as a religion: Islam. It is openly killing children, raping women, and beheading adults, all over the kafir world, and kafirs are just sleepwalking. Paralyzed. The Ruling Elite has taken great care to make it impossible for any warners to reach their fellow human beings and wake them up before certain death by murder and massacres. Thus making self-defense impossible.

Every human being has an absolute right to be left alone, to live his life as he pleases so long he is ready to likewise leave others alone. Left alone with his possessions and his family. He has absolute right to defend his life, his possessions and his family. The right and duty to defend himself is his. The State is only an auxiliary which he himself had created as a convenience. The State can’t suspend this right to life or take away the right to defend it. No emergency, no state of affairs, has been made a justification to suspend the right to life in any jurisdiction of the world. And the right to self-defense is considered equally sacrosanct in all jurisdictions.

But to defend his life, a man is insufficient in the face of the organized bands of hunters, even when they call themselves a religion. To defend himself against an organized group, a man needs to talk to his fellow human beings, explain to them the entire danger, convince them to likewise act together as a group, to become a Team. That is, man needs to have freedom of speech. Absolute freedom of speech. Without freedom of speech, life is not only meaningless, it is not even safe, it is not even possible. The right to freedom of speech is thus right to life only, stated differently. Therefore, when a government restricts or suspends freedom of speech, it suspends the right to life, it actually endangers lives of its citizens. It sets them up for slaughter. And rape. And looting. And total subjugation.

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Theocracy in Democracy

The following essay was originally published by the online German magazine Fassadenkratzer (“Façade Scratcher”). Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

The theocratic rule structure in democracy

States are still permeated by pyramidal power and administrative structures through which, as in the theocracy of ancient Egypt, individuals or a few can rule over the great masses of people and impose their own will on them. Today we only notice this in totalitarian dictatorships. But even the democracy movement has not fundamentally changed this. The fundamental democratic right of self-determination of the citizen is politically exhausted in the election of his rulers, for which he casts his vote in both senses of the word for years and has to follow their all-round laws and regulations, which are increasingly turning against him. A step forward is urgently needed.

The “Egypt problem” in Russia

In his highly recommended book about the Ukraine War and its long history, Valentin Wember points out how the communist dictatorship of the Soviet Union practically created a copy of the ancient Egyptian pyramid of power and also took over the embalming of the rulers of the time after their death.

“When Lenin and Stalin died, their bodies were elaborately mummified. Both were laid out in the mausoleum, a stepped pyramid on Red Square in Moscow. There is hardly a more fitting symbol of what happened in Russia during the Bolshevism period between 1918 and 1989: a 4,000-year-old, no longer contemporary system of rule was imposed on the Russian state.

“In the ancient Egyptian social order, the pharaoh was at the top and the working people were at the bottom. Above the people were the overseers, above the overseers were their overseers, above them were the overseers of the overseers of the overseers, and so on and on up to the top of the social pyramid.”

The Egyptian overseers were replaced in the Soviet Union by the KGB secret service, which monitored everything. There were departments that controlled the intellectuals, others that controlled the state media, and still others that monitored the churches, sports, science and research — a ghostly revival of ancient Egypt.

“But what was historically justified 4,000 years ago and represented not just a local but a global cultural epoch became murderous madness in Russia in the 20th century — and not only there.

“The Pharaoh was replaced by the great leaders of one party, first Lenin, then Stalin. Khrushchev was no longer considered a great leader and was therefore not embalmed, but the popular red commander Grigory Kotovsky was given this honor.

“Lenin, Kotovsky and Stalin were fake Pharaohs… All three were the antithesis of a Pharaoh. They were criminals and mass murderers.

“In the greatest possible contrast to this, the pharaoh was originally a high spiritual initiate. ‘He was two-thirds human and one-third god’ is what the Epic of Gilgamesh says of the Mesopotamian ruler Gilgamesh, and that probably also applied to the Egyptian pharaohs of the early period. As a high initiate, the pharaoh was a real spiritual force that could influence the people.

“Lenin and Stalin were not pharaohs. But they were obsessed with an ancient Egyptian principle, as if the spirit of ancient Egypt had been wandering around Russia like a zombie and wreaking catastrophic havoc there.”

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Kamala Stomps Her Little Foot — ‘Don’t Call It Radical Islamic Terrorism’

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Kamala Stomps Her Little Foot — ‘Don’t Call It Radical Islamic Terrorism’

by Clare M. Lopez

As tensions mount across the Middle East and the world awaits what is expected to be a massive Iranian-regime-coordinated attack against Israel, we note in several of our links here the wavering Biden administration support for Israel as well as administration’s penetration by antisemitic, anti-Israel and pro-Iranian operatives.

“Are You Sitting Down? It Turns Out Kamala Has Ties to a Far-Left, Hamas-Linked Islamic Group” by Robert Spencer at PJ Media, July 27, 2024

“Kamala Harris Calls for ‘Courage to Object’ to Term ‘Radical Islamic Terrorism’” by Robert Spencer at PJ Media, July 26, 2024

  • As Robert notes in this piece, the real issue here is terming mainstream, normative, orthodox Islamic jihad doctrine as something “radical” — a word, like “extreme”, that signifies a deviation from the norm. Jihad terror in fact is the norm within Islamic doctrine, law, and practice.

“Biden/Harris Regime Colluding With Iran U.S. to Oust Netanyahu — Report” by Pamela Geller, August 4, 2024

“GOP lawmakers probe Kamala Harris adviser for ‘connections’ to Iranian influence operation” by Josh Christenson at New York Post, August 1, 2024

Federal probes of campus antisemitism have flopped” by Jonathan Tobin at the Jewish News Syndicate, June 24, 2024

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A Culture-Enriching Day at the Movies

A Somali culture-enricher didn’t just migrate to Germany, he was flown there, courtesy of the Federal Republic’s “Resettlement of Asylum Seekers” program. After his arrival, while subsisting on state benefits, he committed a series of crimes, culminating in the grisly murder of his roommate in a homeless shelter.

Judged to be a loony, he was sentenced to indefinite confinement in a loony bin. From there the story gets even more entertaining: he was allowed out on a supervised excursion so that he could go to the movies. That’s when — whoops! — he escaped.

By the way: the incident has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

Below are two articles about the loony Somali caper. Many thanks to Hellequin GB the translations. The first article is from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

After 111 stab wounds and beheading: Somali violent offender granted parole to go to the cinema!

Yesterday, Thursday, a violent Somali offender escaped from the psychiatric ward of the district hospital in Mainkofen, Bavaria, during an escorted outing. According to the Lower Bavaria police, the man is “extremely dangerous”. The killer has now been caught! Bild was the first to report this.

The fugitive is Mursal Mohamed Seid. He was sentenced to an indefinite stay in a psychiatric hospital in 2022 after he killed his roommate in the homeless shelter, a 52-year-old, with 111 stab wounds, and then beheaded him.

Murderer was released to go to the movies

According to the police, the perpetrator fled while on supervised leave after visiting the cinema. The perpetrator was arrested again around eight hours later in Platting, five kilometres away.

Interior Minister calls for investigation

Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (67) expressed his surprise at the case: “I will order a detailed investigation into why the district hospital even allowed this highly dangerous man to go to the cinema,” the CSU politician told Bild. [The question that should be asked is; Why was this man brought into the country in the first place at taxpayers’ expense? Although we all know the answer, don’t we?]

“State of criminally not responsible”

The court ruled at the time that the Somali murderer had committed his crime while not criminally responsible. However, the criminal court did not consider any of the elements of murder to have been proven. “It is unclear whether the accused, who suffers from schizophrenia, was able to mentally comprehend the elements of murder,” it said at the time. According to the Deggendorf district court, Seid, who was 22 at the time, believed that his roommate contained two demons that he had to kill. According to the report, the knife attack was so violent that the victim’s innards spilled out while he was still alive.

Police calmed the situation and referred to timely manhunt

According to eyewitnesses, a helicopter had been circling over the greater Mainkofen area since midday. The Lower Bavaria police did not want to comment to NIUS on the resident status or previous convictions.

What is particularly explosive is that the perpetrator fled at around 3 p.m., but the police had withheld information about the escape until early evening. When asked by Bild, the Lower Bavaria police spokesman said: “The manhunt began as soon as the escape became known.” The public manhunt requires a court order. “We have done justice to the population’s sense of security by informing the public as quickly as possible.” According to the police, the killer was wearing dark gray sweatpants and a green knitted hat when he fled. He is 1.72 meters tall.

On social media, numerous users commented on the escape with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. “Germany is nothing but a clown country,” wrote one user on X. NIUS columnist Ben Brechtken pointed out that TV chef Alfons Schubeck was recently denied parole because he faces further punishment. [Come on, Alfons Schubeck “defrauded” the state of HIS hard earned money, which they call “taxes”, and we all know that this is a more heinous crime to the government than a murdering “migrant” rampaging through the streets with a knife.]

A convicted killer was able to escape — and was briefly at large.

Afterword from the translator:

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Algeria Celebrates Its New Heroine

An Algerian “woman” named Imane Khelif caused a stir at the Olympics the other day by beating the bejezus out of an Italian woman named Angela Carini. Both are boxers, but only one of them is truly a female.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Algerian daily L’Expression:

She assures Algeria a medal at the Paris Olympic Games

Imane Khelif responds in the ring!

At the end of her fight, Imane Khelif burst into tears, a reaction shared by the 44 million Algerians who have followed her path with passion and emotion.

Imane Khelif hits hard. She has just made history in the national sport by winning a brilliant victory in a unanimous decision at the Paris Olympic Games. The boxer left no room for chance, defeating her opponent with faultless mastery and determination. This triumph gives Algeria its first medal in this prestigious competition. By ensuring at least a bronze medal, Khelif gives the country its first prize in women’s boxing. Hopes now turn to gold, an ambition totally within the reach of this exceptional athlete. This victory is not only a sporting feat, but also a personal revenge for Khelif. In recent days, she has been the target of an intense smear campaign, a test that could have destabilized any athlete. However, Khelif responded in the best possible way, in the ring, showing exceptional resilience and strength. At the end of her fight, Imane Khelif broke into tears, a reaction shared by the 44 million Algerians who have followed her path with passion and emotion. This medal is a deserved victory that goes beyond the sporting framework, embodying the hope and pride of an entire nation.

“Rape is Resistance”

The following guest-essay by Magooey is especially relevant now, given the horror stories told by hostages who were recently freed from captivity in Gaza.

Background Information on a Recent Protester Chant

by Magooey

In an interview on Fox News in late April 2024, a student from Columbia University complained about protesters chanting “rape is resistance”. She complained that the protesters “are screaming this”. On the other side of the country, one young lady who had been violently attacked at UCLA was wearing a T-shirt with the words “Rape is Not Resistance”. The word “Not” is only partially obscured. This raises the issue of why these concerns are being raised in the vicinity of the pro-Hamas protesters on both sides of the country? Here is the relevant portion of the interview transcript.


It would not be surprising that the relevant background to more fully comprehend this threat may have been avoided in classes on Middle Eastern history or religion taught in a politically correct fashion.

Firstly it should be mentioned that Muslims consider their Prophet Muhammad as the example of the perfect man. His behavior is the model of proper action. In their terms he is the “Seal of the Prophets” so innovations or changes in behavior are rejected.

There are three canonical foundations of Islamic law. These are the Koran, the Sunna and Hadith. The last consists of supposed quotes or activities of their Prophet as related by observers and quoted from one to another until written down not too long after the death of Muhammad.

An Islamic Law

We now have to consider relevant Islamic Law. While there are appropriate passages in the Koran, an Indian writer decided to highlight a Hadith in order to explain the incidence of rape as a political and religious tool by Muslims. From Ali Sina’s book Understanding Muhammad and Muslims:

p. 39 Rape

Muhammad allowed his men to rape the women captured in raids. However Muslims faced a dilemma. They wanted to have sex with their female captives, but also wanted to return them for ransom and therefore did not want to make them pregnant. Some of these women were already married whose husbands had escaped when taken by surprise and were still alive. The raiders considered the possibility of coitus interruptus (withdrawing from intercourse before ejaculation). Unsure of the best course of action, they sought the counsel of their Prophet. Bukhari reports:

Abu Saeed said “We went out with Allah’s Apostle for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. So when we intended to do coitus interruptus, we said “How can we do coitus interruptus before asking Allah’s Apostle who is present among us?” We asked (him) about it and he said “It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul (till the Day of Resurrection) is predestined to exist, it will exist.”

Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 459.

Muhammed did not forbid raping the captive women. Instead he made an asinine claim that when Allah intends to create someone, nothing can prevent it. He told his men that coitus interruptus is ill-advised because it would be an attempt to thwart the will of Allah. He did not say a word against the rape of the captives, and by discouraging coitus interruptus, he supported forced insemination.

He made even his god legitimize intercourse with women captured in wars, the so-called “right hand possessions,” even if they were married before their capture.

Unlike other nations and cultures which illegalize rape of women in war, no matter how imperfectly that law is applied, it is actually Islamic Law to rape captured women. Worse, since the sayings and examples of their Prophet are expressions of their view of a perfect man, it is strongly encouraged for Muslims to rape captive women. Islamic Law both prohibits what they consider the “bad”, and encourages that which they consider is “good”.

It is proper, normative and “good” for Muslims to commit rape in these circumstances.

It can reasonably be expected that all women under these circumstances will be raped.

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The Marrakesh Express Stops at the Canary Islands

I’m shocked — shocked! — to learn that the dope-runners are piggybacking on the migrant boats to get their product into Europe. Who could possibly have foreseen such a possibility?

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Unser Mitteleuropa:

Canary Islands: “Asylum seekers” had 1,610kg of hashish in their boat

More and more migrants and drugs are reaching the coast of the Canary Islands. More and more migrants are making their way to Europe via the Canary Islands. This year, the authorities have already counted over 17,000 illegal entries.

Once again, a boat carrying drugs was intercepted off the Canary Islands. Thanks to Moroccan authorities, the dinghy was located on the beach of Los Mozos in the municipality of Betancuria on Fuerteventura, reports

After the patrol boat approached the boat, two people were discovered with numerous packages inside. When the smugglers spotted the coast guard they quickly headed for the beach. The Moroccan duo fled with three other people waiting there in an off-road vehicle. The Guardia Civil officers took over the boat, which was loaded with numerous empty fuel drums, two engines and 46 bales containing more than 1,610kg of hashish. The investigation is still ongoing and future arrests cannot be ruled out.

This operation once again underlines the close cooperation of the Moroccan authorities in the fight against drug trafficking and organized crime, the online platform added.

Afterword from the translator:

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Sharia Is Incompatible with Human Rights, Complaint at U.N. Alleges

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Sharia Is Incompatible with Human Rights, Complaint at U.N. Alleges

by Clare M. Lopez

UN Called to Respond to Sharia Violence against Women” by Raymond Ibrahim at Gatestone Institute, March 25, 2024

  • On March 8, 2024 — International Women’s Day — a formal complaint addressing how Islamic Law (sharia) is inherently abusive of women was submitted to the United Nations. Attached were the signatures of dozens of men and women worldwide, including victims of sharia, human rights activists, and more.
  • [Editor’s Note — See the Executive Summary of the complaint. It documents sharia-linked violence against women, pegs its source as the Quran and Hadith, and details other aspects of Islamic culture which are demeaning to women (e.g., female genital mutilation). The summary states flat out sharia is incompatible with human rights.]

Impregnating Infidels: Another Form of Jihad”, posted by Raymond Ibrahim at the Virginia Christian Alliance, March 27, 2024

  • “Love Jihad” continues

This month, we have a series of articles documenting the ongoing, increasing atrocities being committed by the Taliban against Afghan women — including flogging and stoning. Flogging and stoning to death are Islamic Hudud punishments for a specific set of offenses enumerated in the Qur’an. This means that doctrinally speaking, Taliban human rights abuses are neither extremist nor radical, but horrific as they are, instead mainstream, orthodox obedience to the doctrine, laws, and scripture of Islam.

Don’t Betray the Women of Afghanistan” by Lisa Curtis and Hadeia Amiry at Foreign Affairs Magazine, March 28, 2024

“Taliban leader says women will be stoned to death in public” by Akhtar Makoli at The Telegraph, March 25, 2024

“Afghanistan: Taliban’s Supreme Leader says ‘We will flog women in public, we will stone them to death in public’” by Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, March 27, 2024

Taliban vow to Start Stoning Women to Death in Public for Adultery in Afghanistan” at Logan’s Warning, March 26, 2024

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