India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West: Introduction

The latest book by the Indian author Sunil Sharan is entitled India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West. The author has kindly supplied the text of his introduction to the book, which is reproduced below. The rest of the book provides a comprehensive overview of the (often bloody) relations between Indian Muslims and followers of other religions.

It also presents a history of Islam in Indian culture and politics, including a valuable account of the reign of Akbar the Great, the Third Mughal emperor. Akbar was remarkably tolerant of Hindus, which was not true of his successors, and Hinduism did not flourish again until it fell under the protection of the British in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Mahatma Gandhi, 1939

India’s Muslims and Lessons for the West

by Sunil Sharan


Although Arabs had started invading India at the beginning of the eighth century, they came to the subcontinent mainly to plunder, spread their Islamic faith, and then retreat. The Arabs converted the Central Asians to Islam, who in turn converted the Afghans. The Afghans were traditionally Hindus and had then become Buddhist. The Buddhas of Bamiyan, monumental statues of Gautama Buddha carved into the sides of a cliff in Afghanistan in the sixth century AD, were evidence of how much Buddhism had spread in Afghanistan. The Taliban destroyed these statues in 2001.

The Afghans started invading the Indian Subcontinent, but it was not until circa 1200 AD that their rule was firmly established in Delhi. The Afghans had become fanatical Muslims by then. This time, though, the Muslims did not come to India just to loot and proselytize and then leave. They came to stay. The Afghans ruled India for three hundred consecutive years. No Hindu king could topple them. Ironically, they were toppled by another type of Muslims, Central Asians of Mongol descent, who came to be known as the Mughals. They defeated the Afghans in the early sixteenth century and quickly established their rule throughout India.

Unlike the Afghans, whose contribution to India has perhaps been lost with time, the Mughals contributed substantively to India in terms of architecture, language, and cuisine. The Afghans had been fervent proselytizers of Islam. During their rule, the Hindu population of India actually contracted. Some of this was due to conversion to Islam. But Hindus were so afraid that their daughters would be abducted by Muslims that they started killing them at birth. Before Muslims arrived in India, women in Hinduism were actually glorified. The practice of female infanticide continues in India today, albeit for different reasons than before, resulting in a lopsided population.

The Mughals for the most part were much more liberal than their Afghan counterparts. The third Great Mughal, Akbar, built the empire and enacted very conciliatory policies toward Hindus, for which he is applauded in India even today by the Hindus. The last Great Mughal, Aurangzeb, was an out and out bigot, who undid much of what his great grandfather Akbar had done.

Conversion to Islam in the six hundred years of Islamic rule in India from circa 1200 AD to circa 1800 AD took place in many ways. The sword, of course, was frequently employed. Hinduism had its caste system, with the soft underbelly being the untouchable caste. Islamists targeted the untouchables for conversion. They were the oppressed in Hinduism. When they joined the King’s own religion, they started tormenting their former oppressors. Much of the antagonism between Hindus and Muslims that exists in India today can be traced to this development.

Although Arabs converted the Central Asians and the Afghans, the language of the Muslim court in India was never Arabic. It was always Persian. Akbar in fact disliked Arabic so much that he had banned its use from his empire. Persian words were infused into Hindi and created the language Urdu. Although some label Urdu as the language of the Muslims of the Indian Subcontinent, it is a language cherished by almost everyone, including by hard-core right-wing Hindus. I can speak Urdu fairly well, although I can’t read the script because it is in Persian form. Whenever I use an uncommon Persian word, my Hindu friends and relatives go gaga. My grandfather was born at the turn of the twentieth century, when British rule and English were firmly entrenched in India, but he read and wrote Persian fluently.

Persia was an immediate neighbor of India then. Since the times of the Persian kings Cyrus and Darius, Persia has had tremendous influence over India. As Islamic rule became established in India, a steady stream of Persians migrated to India. The rulers, first the Afghans and then the Mughals, came to India without many women. In fact, Babur’s army only comprised about fifteen thousand soldiers, many of whom perished in the battlefield. The Islamic rulers felt the need to procreate. The first choice was with the Persians. The Islamic rulers avoided the Hindu untouchables who had converted to Islam like the plague. They much preferred to miscegenate with upper-caste Hindus. But the upper-caste Hindus were having none of that. That was when the sword, sometimes softened by inducements, was employed by the Islamists. The Hindu womb as the source for the procreation of Islam remains an incredibly touchy topic in India even today.

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Rape, Murder and Mayhem — Just Another Day in the Life of Muslim Women and Girls

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Rape, Murder and Mayhem — Just Another Day in the Life of Muslim Women and Girls

by Clare M. Lopez

Once again this month, our newsletter includes horrific examples of the worst abuse meted out to women and girls forced to live under rule of Islamic Law (sharia). Again, too, the prime examples of such places are Afghanistan, India, Iran, and Pakistan, although as to be expected, such abuses are spreading across European countries now, too, where numbers of immigrants from these places are now preying on their host communities.

[Editor’s Note — Don’t forget: the number of Muslims is increasing in the U.S. and standard Islamic doctrine that prescribes horrendous abuse of women and girls is the same everywhere.]

“Germany: Afghan parents suspected of murdering their 15-year-old daughter” from fredalandmedforth, June 18, 2024

  • [Editor’s Note — Undoubtedly another Islamic honor killing of a daughter for adopting ‘Western ways’.]

‘Systematic Discrimination’: Taliban’s Drastic Cut In Salaries Of Female State Employees Triggers Anger” at RFE/RL’s Radio Azadi, June 18, 2024

  • Here, the discrimination takes the form of drastic salary cuts for Afghan female nurses, teachers and others in government-funded jobs. Afghan men in the same job categories continue to receive higher salaries. Many Afghan families are facing literal starvation, according to the United Nations.

“Abducted Young Mother in Pakistan Refuses Forced Conversion” at the Christian Daily International-Morning News, June 13, 2024

  • Abduction, rape, and attempted conversion of a young Christian mother to Islam at the point of a gun. This story has a happy ending, but so many more do not.

“Rajasthan: After befriending Hindu girl on Instagram, Muslim man raped her, forced her into Nikah [Islamic religious ceremony], and gave her a new name after religious conversion” from the OpIndia Staff, 9 June 2024

A rape in Paris” by Ben Cohen at the Jewish News Syndicate (JNS), June 21, 2024

  • This is an awful story about a young Jewish girl in France who was abducted, beaten, raped, and subjected to vile anti-Semitic verbal abuse. What is especially alarming about this crime is that her abusers were three young boys, barely 12-13 years old. Tellingly, media reports do not mention the boys’ background, either immigrant status or religion.
  • Hundreds rally in France to protest anti-Semitic gang-rape of 12-year-old” by Michael Starr at the Jerusalem Post, June 22, 2024
    Perhaps a signal here that at least some in France are awakening to what they have allowed to infiltrate into their midst.

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Every Day is Islam Day in Germany

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:


Shocking details from secret Islamic conference

The government is calling on Islamic associations to stop anti-Semitism. They are refusing. The tables are turning: Now there is to be an “Islam Day”. And the demand for a caliphate in Germany is quite okay.


The Federal Ministry of the Interior, headed by Nancy Faeser (SPD), has announced, in private, to Islamic associations that an “Islam Day” will take place in Germany. This is reported by Die Welt. However, the two secret Islam conferences were actually supposed to be about something completely different — namely the open and spreading anti-Semitism among Muslims.

But the Islamic representatives denied the accusation at the first meeting in February: hatred of Jews does not usually come from Muslims. Rather, there has been a sharp increase in anti-Muslim racism since the Hamas attack on Israel, the newspaper reports, citing interviews and internal documents. [Sure, and Muslims have never ever called for the utter annihilation of Jewish people around the world either, have they?]

With their blanket attitude, the Islamic associations apparently gained the upper hand over the government. The Faeser ministry now tried to break the icy atmosphere by approaching the negotiating partners. One official had suggested organizing an “Islam Day”. [Let’s have a “From the North Atlantic to the Mediterranean Sea” instead. Kick them all out and let them have that day in Islamic Countries if they want. But NOT on European SOIL.]

Islamic Conference, the Caliphate and the “Lord’s Prayer”

At a second secret Islam conference in May, the head of the Interior Ministry’s department for “Homeland, Democracy and Cohesion”, Jörn Thießen, went a step further. He appeased the association representatives with a daring comparison. They were upset after the media criticism of the demand to establish a caliphate in Germany: The Christian “Lord’s Prayer” also says “Thy kingdom come.”

The relativization of the Islamist demonstrations with the central prayer of Christians apparently appeased the other side. A spokesman for the Interior Ministry explained in response to a request from Die Welt that Thießen, as a trained theologian, had “made comments on secular and religious ideas about the ‘Kingdom of God’”. An equation with Islamist ideas had never been made. [Shows you again how naïve these puppeticians are when it comes to Islam.]

Afterword from the translator:

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Abandoned by the Republic

A substantial crowd of French Jews who gathered in Paris to protest recent incidents of Jew-hatred (such as the gang rape of a 12-year-old girl) discovered to their chagrin that they have almost no “ecumenical” support for their cause. They’ve also learned not to trust the words of politicians — which is something they should have known already.

The following video shows a French TV report on the demo in Paris. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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A Teenybopper Gang Rape

I posted last Wednesday about a gang rape in the Parisian banlieue of Courbevoie. The victim was a 12-year-old Jewish girl; the perps were three culture-enrichers of around the same age.

The text below is a translation Francois deSouche’s excerpts from an article in Le Figaro about the rape in Courbevoie. The full article is behind a subscription paywall.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for the translation:

Courbevoie (92): 12-year-old girl raped and threatened to be burned by teenagers; she pretended to be a Muslim and reportedly criticized Palestine. One of the suspects, J., 13, is a “blond” convert to Islam.


J. was one of two minors suspected of raping Axelle [not her real name], 12, in an abandoned building in Courbevoie (Hauts-de-Seine). The victim also reported anti-Semitic remarks (“Dirty Jew”) made during the attack. J. and W., 13, have been charged and locked up. A third minor, 12, F., was placed under a provisional judicial measure pending his placement in a (court-ordered) juvenile protection facility.

According to the initial elements of the investigation, the victim reportedly had a “(puppy) love affair” with F., who, after learning that the young girl was of the Jewish faith, reportedly became very angry. She had actually made him believe that she was a Muslim. According to Axelle’s statements, the aim of this diversion was to “protect herself” and “avoid any attack”. The investigations have also led to the recovery of anti-Semitic images, including a photo of a burned Israeli flag, on the cell phone of one of the suspects.


The neighborhood also evokes the unstable family environment where J…, the youngest of three brothers and one sister, grew up. Three of the children were from the same father, J. from another man who left the residence more than ten years ago. So the mother raised her four children alone. And according to several corroborating witnesses, this woman, who worked in the personal assistant sector, was reportedly subjected to violence on the part of her violent and alcoholic ex-partners, but also from her own children, including J., who “hit his mother”, one neighbor claims. This situation reportedly led to police intervening several times at the residence to protect the mother of the family.

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The Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden, Part 19

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Nyheter Idag:

City of Stockholm gives million-kronor grant to Ibn Rushd — Stops grants to association against honor violence

In December of last year, the city of Stockholm paused a planned payment of 3.9 million kronor to the controversial study association Ibn Rushd, after the Public Education Council determined that the study association’s teaching materials deal with child abuse, child marriage, and describe homosexuality as a sin. But on Tuesday, the cultural council in Stockholm decided to resume the payments, Sweden Radio reports.

The criticized material has reportedly been used by the study association in other places besides Stockholm, and after Ibn Rushd came back with an action plan at the same time the city paid a visit to the association’s operations, the payments to the association were resumed.

At the same time, the city of Stockholm is stopping payments of 600,000 kronor per year to the association Never Forget Pela and Fadime (GAPF), which works against honor oppression. The reason is that a board member of the association posted material on a private Facebook page that the city views as being against the city’s guidelines.

GAPF reports in a press release that it distances itself from the board member’s now-deleted post and that the association has taken measures such as updating communications policy and ethical guidelines, as well as conducting training for board members and personnel, but the city of Stockholm is standing fast behind its decision.

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A Culture-Enriching Gang Rape by 13-Year-Olds in Courbevoie

Courbevoie is a culturally enriched suburb of Paris. Last weekend two 13-year-olds and a 12-year-old abducted a 12-year-old girl in a Courbevoie park and gang-raped her. The assault was reportedly prompted by the boys’ discovery that the girl was Jewish.

Below are two articles about the incident. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Le Figaro:

Courbevoie: Two adolescents charged and held for rape and anti-Semitic violence against a minor

by Ambre Lepoivre
June 18, 2024

A 12-year-old girl was dragged into an abandoned building in Courbevoie, in les Hauts-de-Seine, by three minors. She was subjected to violent sexual acts coupled with death threats and anti-Semitic remarks.

Two adolescents were charged Tuesday evening, 18 June for “gang rape, death threats, insults, and anti-Semitic violence” against a 12-year-old girl in Courbevoie (Haut-de-Seine), near Paris, facts that raise real emotion in the Jewish community and beyond. According to the Nanterre Prosecutor’s office, a third suspect, also a minor, has been placed under the statute for participatory witness for “rape” and charged for the other infractions targeted by the investigation.

Two of the three adolescents, aged 13, were placed under a detention order by a detention judge. One was placed in the Nanterre detention facility, the other in that of Porcheville in the Yvelines. The third, aged 12, was released under a provisional judicial measure, the prosecutor’s office said.

Unleashing of violence

On Saturday, 15 June, an adolescent girl spends the afternoon with a friend before being accompanied home. While crossing the Henri Regnault Park, she encounters two boys, one of whom she knows slightly, and who block her path, forcing her to go with them to an old daycare center, now abandoned. A third boy joins them and insults the young girl’s religion, calling her a “dirty Jew”, according to the statements of the girl to police, with whom we have been able to consult.

What follows is an unheard of unleashing of violence: According to our information, the girl is hit, thrown to the floor, and photographed. One of the attackers holds a lit lighter next to her cheek and threatens to “burn” her. They force vaginal and anal penetrations on her as well as fellatio, and threaten to kill her if she talks to the police.

Abandoned in the deserted building, the girl returns home and reveals the horror that she has just been subjected to to her parents, who alert the police. Her friend, who was present at the moment the two boys took her with them, was able to provide a detailed description of the suspects. The video surveillance images also permitted the investigators to confirm the presence of the three suspects near the scenes of the crime.

The investigations, first assigned to the Courbevoie police station, then to the Territorial Brigade for Protection of the Family, led to the arrests of the three suspects during the daylight hours of Monday.

The second report is a German-language one. Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

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A Devout Muslim is an Extremist

An imam in Bologna doesn’t mince words: in Islam, “extremism means following the fundamentals”. Extremism means slitting infidel throats, raping infidel women, and bombing infidel places of worship. And that’s just basic Islam, following the example of the prophet as recorded in the Koran, the Hadith, and the Sunna.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Italian daily Il Tempo:

Islam: The Bologna imam who calls for jihad: “We are extremists”

by Christian Campigli
June 13, 2024

A new case. One that is causing discussion and which underlines how the war in the Middle East has opened Pandora’s box. Episodes that underline how the plague of Islamic extremism, even in Italy, is taking on truly alarming proportions. The latest unfortunate incident comes from Bologna. The city imam, the Pakistani Zulfiqar Khan, spiritual leader of the Iqraa Islamic Center, has repeatedly focused his sermons on political themes. Urging his faithful, in no uncertain terms, to follow the dictates of holy war. “That punishment we are waiting for comes from Allah, through the hands of Hamas and Hezbollah,” he said boldly. But there’s more. The cleric added, “If someone says to me you are an Islamic extremist, I say yes because extremism means following the fundamentals.” Messages that are anything but enigmatic, but simple and easy to understand.

It is a situation which is creating a lot of tension in the Emilian capital. It is no coincidence that Senator Marco Lisei and Deputy Sara Kelany, both from Fratelli d’Italia, introduced an inquiry to make the Minister of the Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, aware of the situation, urging “possible measures to remove the imam from the national territory.” Zulfiqar Khan has his own Facebook page, on which he posts videos and sermons. “Those who side with Israel and America will come to a bad end,” he argued in February. In April he directly called for the Hamas leader to continue “carrying out jihad against these liars, these murderers,” that is, Israel and the USA.

But the imam also hates homosexuals. On June 3 he defined them as “a group that Allah will punish with a very strong punishment.” Joe Biden and Netanyahu are the “two horns of Satan; the world leaders take the liquid from the eyes of children to have an extra year or two of life. It is the satanic biology of Biden, of Netanyahu.” Delusional, but dangerous words — which should not be underestimated. “The government is very attentive to the safety of citizens, which represents an absolute priority,” emphasized Senator Lisei. “A person who makes certain statements represents a danger to our values. Italy is welcoming to those who come to contribute to the growth of the country, but must be inflexible with foreign citizens who do not respect our laws.”

“Rape is Resistance”

The following guest-essay by Magooey is especially relevant now, given the horror stories told by hostages who were recently freed from captivity in Gaza.

Background Information on a Recent Protester Chant

by Magooey

In an interview on Fox News in late April 2024, a student from Columbia University complained about protesters chanting “rape is resistance”. She complained that the protesters “are screaming this”. On the other side of the country, one young lady who had been violently attacked at UCLA was wearing a T-shirt with the words “Rape is Not Resistance”. The word “Not” is only partially obscured. This raises the issue of why these concerns are being raised in the vicinity of the pro-Hamas protesters on both sides of the country? Here is the relevant portion of the interview transcript.


It would not be surprising that the relevant background to more fully comprehend this threat may have been avoided in classes on Middle Eastern history or religion taught in a politically correct fashion.

Firstly it should be mentioned that Muslims consider their Prophet Muhammad as the example of the perfect man. His behavior is the model of proper action. In their terms he is the “Seal of the Prophets” so innovations or changes in behavior are rejected.

There are three canonical foundations of Islamic law. These are the Koran, the Sunna and Hadith. The last consists of supposed quotes or activities of their Prophet as related by observers and quoted from one to another until written down not too long after the death of Muhammad.

An Islamic Law

We now have to consider relevant Islamic Law. While there are appropriate passages in the Koran, an Indian writer decided to highlight a Hadith in order to explain the incidence of rape as a political and religious tool by Muslims. From Ali Sina’s book Understanding Muhammad and Muslims:

p. 39 Rape

Muhammad allowed his men to rape the women captured in raids. However Muslims faced a dilemma. They wanted to have sex with their female captives, but also wanted to return them for ransom and therefore did not want to make them pregnant. Some of these women were already married whose husbands had escaped when taken by surprise and were still alive. The raiders considered the possibility of coitus interruptus (withdrawing from intercourse before ejaculation). Unsure of the best course of action, they sought the counsel of their Prophet. Bukhari reports:

Abu Saeed said “We went out with Allah’s Apostle for the Ghazwa of Banu Al-Mustaliq and we received captives from among the Arab captives and we desired women and celibacy became hard on us and we loved to do coitus interruptus. So when we intended to do coitus interruptus, we said “How can we do coitus interruptus before asking Allah’s Apostle who is present among us?” We asked (him) about it and he said “It is better for you not to do so, for if any soul (till the Day of Resurrection) is predestined to exist, it will exist.”

Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 459.

Muhammed did not forbid raping the captive women. Instead he made an asinine claim that when Allah intends to create someone, nothing can prevent it. He told his men that coitus interruptus is ill-advised because it would be an attempt to thwart the will of Allah. He did not say a word against the rape of the captives, and by discouraging coitus interruptus, he supported forced insemination.

He made even his god legitimize intercourse with women captured in wars, the so-called “right hand possessions,” even if they were married before their capture.

Unlike other nations and cultures which illegalize rape of women in war, no matter how imperfectly that law is applied, it is actually Islamic Law to rape captured women. Worse, since the sayings and examples of their Prophet are expressions of their view of a perfect man, it is strongly encouraged for Muslims to rape captive women. Islamic Law both prohibits what they consider the “bad”, and encourages that which they consider is “good”.

It is proper, normative and “good” for Muslims to commit rape in these circumstances.

It can reasonably be expected that all women under these circumstances will be raped.

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Backwards Biden Sucks Up to Muslim Brotherhood

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Backwards Biden Sucks Up to Muslim Brotherhood

by Clare M. Lopez

Even as Israel’s war for survival against the Iranian regime-backed HAMAS jihad terror group moves into its ninth month, the Biden administration and key figures within it and the Democrat Party increasingly seem to be moving in directions diametrically opposed to support for the U.S.’s one and only liberal democratic friend and ally in the Middle East: Israel. There is no disguising the obvious affinity and sympathy of these officials for Muslim Brotherhood front groups operating unhindered inside the U.S. — and especially on our university campuses. HAMAS, of course, is the Brotherhood’s Gaza branch.

Jihad Joe” by Katie Pavlich at Townhall, May 10, 2024

“Meet the Jihadi Inside the White House” by Stephen Green at PJ Media, May 13, 2024 — about Maher Bitar, key Biden appointee inside the National Security Council

Biden Regime’s Betrayal of Israel is Not Just to Get Votes” by Robert Spencer at Front Page Magazine, May 13, 2024

  • Key advisors inside the Biden administration have Muslim Brotherhood links.

“With These People In the Administration, It’s A Wonder That Biden Didn’t Betray Israel Sooner” by Robert Spencer at the Geller Report, May 26, 2024 — background on both Maher Bitar and Hady Amr, Biden’s special representative for “Palestinian affairs”.

“Joe Biden gave 50 MILLION to pro-Hamas group disguised as a climate change organization” at The Right Scoop, May 26, 2024

“A Pakistani Government Official Was One of Biden’s Largest Donors” by Daniel Greenfield at Front Page Magazine, May 27, 2024

“U.S. Government Gave Over $1.5 Million To Nonprofit With Ties To Palestinian Pro-Terror Universities” by Naomi Grant at The Federalist, May 21, 2024

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A Pro-Life Christian Who Grew Up Under Sharia

Ruth Robert is a regional leader in Eastern Canada for a pro-life group called Action4Canada. She recently appeared in Ottawa, and Vlad was on hand to record her remarks in two interviews.

The following two videos feature excerpts from the interviews. Ms. Robert was raised as a Christian in a Middle Eastern country where sharia was strictly enforced, and Christians could expect to be killed if she did not stay within narrowly defined limits on what she could say about her religion. During the interviews she describes Islamic law as it applies to apostasy, honor killing, and other religious topics. She and her fellow Christians were unable to practice their faith openly, and could only gather in private homes to worship in secret.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for uploading these videos.

Video 1:

Video 2:

“The Legitimization of Satanic Terrorism”

Santiago Abascal is the leader of the anti-immigration Vox party in Spain. The following video shows Mr. Abascal on the floor of Parliament upbraiding Socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez for his recent decision to recognize a Palestinian state.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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It’s Déjà Vu All Over Again

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Deutsche Welle:

Violence and fear — Berlin’s Jews are worried

by Christoph Strack
May 22, 2024

Jewish experts in Berlin again sound the alarm: Anti-Semitism is increasing rapidly, and the fears of the Jewish population are growing. And they warn of worse developments.

Anna Chernyak Segal reports matter-of-factly, yet full of concern: She tells of the attempted arson attempts with two Molotov cocktails at her synagogue in mid-October last year and the attack on a young member of the community a few weeks ago at the Berlin Gesundbrunnen. The young man was “physically attacked and subjected to anti-Semitic insults,” and he suffered “broken bones and massive emotional and mental damage.”

Those are two of the anti-Semitic attacks against the Orthodox Jewish community “Kahal Adass Jisroel” on the Brunnenstrasse in Berlin, which has made it into the news nationwide.

Insults on the Metro

And the community manager Segal describes many other incidents. In her reports she speaks of fearful concerns for safety. There are verbal attacks on the streets or on public transport, such as the insults of “child killer”, hostility on the Internet, anti-Semitic markings on residences and house doors, torn down mezuzahs, the small containers that religious Jews decorate the doors of their homes with. “We are experiencing a greatly heightened threat situation for Jewish life,” she says. “We never could have imagined that.”

Segal is one of those affected who spoke at the presentation of the annual report for 2023 from the Anti-Semitism Research and Information Center in Berlin (RIAS-Berlin). What the statistics list, in sober and yet so terrifying numbers, brings it to life. In 2023, RIAS-Berlin recorded 1270 anti-Semitic incidents in the German capital city. That is the highest number since the founding of the establishment in 2015 and signifies an increase, compared to the previous year, 2022, of almost 50%.

“October 7, 2023 represents a turning point,” says the project manager of RIAS-Berlin, Julia Kopp. Since then, anti-Semitism is “clearly more present” than before in Berlin. From October 7, the first day of the murderous attack by the terror organization, Hamas, to the end of the year, there was an average of about ten anti-Semitic incidents per day. This included both criminal and non-criminal incidents.

Kopp explains the way Jewish life in the city has long since changed. Jews would take care not to be recognized via Jewish symbols. Some would even flee from an especially threatened location to move to another part of the city.

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