Our Israeli correspondent MC weighs in on next Tuesday’s presidential election in the USA.
Truths and Lies
by MC
For Islam, ‘truth’ is what you can deceive the unbeliever into believing, so a ‘religion of peace’ can be easily confused with a ‘religion of submission’ by a slight difference of ‘interpretation’ in translation.
For the soft communist, the modern Democrat, ‘truth’ is whatever you decide that you want it to be. In effect, these two ideals are the same, the sole difference being that one was drafted in a pre-Darwin era, the other in a post-Darwin era. Islam is pre-Darwin, and thus it has to struggle with the idea of a creator who conforms to the vicissitudes of humanity in the form of Mohammed. Post-Darwin, even this limitation is removed.
We know that Islam is untrustworthy, and that everything a Muslim communicates to an unbeliever carries the potential for deceit, but do we ever apply the same standard to the soft communism of modern-day Democrats?
If you are an atheist, you believe that no deity will ever hold you to account for your lies (or truths for that matter), and that therefore, if you can stopper your human critics and accusers, then the lie becomes the de-facto ‘truth’.
Since Western Civilization was founded upon the ideas of honesty and accountability, then what is left after the communist/Islamic takeover? Barbarianism? Tyranny?
Every vote for Biden is thus a vote for an amoral man who will eventually enslave you.
Only Judeo-Christianity has fought slavery. Destroy Judeo-Christianity, and you and I will become slaves once more.
Luckily, these soft communists are greedy and, like their hard Communist predecessors in Russia and other places, seek to line their own pockets and enhance their own lifestyles at public expense. They get careless and leave incriminating evidence in computer shops and on email servers.
But what happens next is critical.
One of the things we have learnt over the last four years is just how limited the power of the President is when faced with this same godless treachery. A Western nation relies on the morality and integrity of its leaders, no matter of what political persuasion. When faced with mass amorality, even a moral president is almost powerless.
We had eight years of an amoral President, eight years in which the USA lost the trust of many nations. Here in Israel, especially here in Sderot, we viewed with horror the previous President’s embargo on Iron Dome missile replacements because he considered Ben Gurion airport ‘unsafe’ during the last conflict with Gaza.
Now we find that Joe is pushing the green New Deal. Like the Nazi’s Hunger Plan, the DNC has a prime purpose: to starve millions to death by tampering with their food supply. The Hunger Plan was a cynical exercise to emasculate and destroy the Eastern European Slav population by starvation. It was estimated that it would destroy thirty million Slavic Untermenschen, but due to the failure of the invasion of Russia it only killed about five million.
The Ukraine is the breadbasket of Eastern Europe in the same way as the Midwestern prairies and Central Valley of California are to the USA. Both Hitler and Stalin could not resist the temptation to meddle with Ukrainian food production, and between them managed to kill tens of millions of people by slow starvation.
Not a nice way to die…
But this is what the Green New Deal will do to the USA. The denial of fossil fuels will implode farms and farming, and battery power will not rise to the occasion, firstly because the rare earth elements which battery manufacturing requires are, well, rare, and secondly because batteries do not create electricity, they only store it. So how will the required electricity be generated?
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