How Many People Have Been Harmed by mRNA-Based So-Called Vaccines?

An earlier version of this essay was first published in Norwegian at the website Document.

How many people have been harmed by mRNA-based so-called vaccines?

by Fjordman

In my view, it is now highly likely that mRNA-based so-called corona vaccines are the primary driving force behind several years of international excess mortality.[1] This has been a leading hypothesis for a long time.

The American entrepreneur Steve Kirsch has been critical of the so-called coronavirus vaccines for several years, indicating that they are neither safe nor effective. Based on valuable and detailed Czech data released in 2024, Kirsch indicated in July 2024 that the vaccine from Moderna is even deadlier than the one from Pfizer-BioNTech, which is also very dangerous. Steve Kirsch concludes in his newsletter on Substack that a closer look at the Czech data confirms that the mRNA vaccines “are too deadly to be used”.[2]

The mRNA-based products from the American pharmaceutical companies Moderna and Pfizer have a lot in common. In fact, they have so much in common that Moderna sued Pfizer and its partner BioNTech for patent infringement linked to the development of the Covid-19 vaccines.[3] However, the pathologist Clare Craig points out that the dose of Moderna is three times the dose of Pfizer.[4]

The mRNA-based injections seem to work in a way that is common for toxins: The more you’re exposed to them, the greater the potential damage to your body. Three injections mean a greater chance of injury or death than one injection, and one concentrated dose of Moderna is even more dangerous than one dose from Pfizer.

Steve Kirsch wrote in August 2024 that “My estimate is that the COVID shots killed around 1 person per 1,000 doses. So around 650,000 Americans lost their lives to the shots. The cure was worse than the disease.”[5]

Admittedly, this is an educated guess from one person, but the numbers are by no means impossible. The injections may have killed hundreds of thousands of people in the USA alone. In addition, there are at least as many people living with serious health problems after the injections. Moreover, unexplained deaths continue in many countries.

Kirsch has previously analyzed data from other countries such as Israel and the UK. In New Zealand, the government of Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern was very aggressive in pushing the mRNA injections on their citizens.[6] Leaked NZ data shows that the vaccines increased all-cause mortality in those who were injected. The authorities of New Zealand are legally prosecuting the whistleblower Barry Young who exposed this data, showing that they had killed their own citizens.

Steve Kirsch notes that the data from the mRNA-based so-called vaccines are remarkably and alarmingly similar in different parts of the world: “We see the same effect in other countries after a shot is given. Your risk of death increases. Every time. Every country. Every dose. Every season. The world’s epidemiologists are silent. None are calling for data transparency.”[7]

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It’s Booster Time, Boys and Girls!

The latest booster of the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus is being rolled out. A Dutch newspaper polled its readers on whether they were going to get the new injection. The surprise is not the number of people who said they will decline, due to previous adverse effects, but the fact that the newspaper was willing to publish their honest answers.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this German-language article from Uncut News:

A Dutch magazine asks its readers whether they will take the new corona vaccine. But it forgets to censor the answers.

The AD [Algemeen Dagblad] asked its readers whether they would get another Corona vaccination. Almost 700 people responded. Some will queue up again, but there are also many who are not thinking about it.

There are also many reactions from people who have a horror story. These comments have not been deleted (yet). Or is there a change?

A selection:

Mirella: No, never again! It only makes me sicker.

Lydia: No, definitely not! I’m in the risk group. But two weeks after the booster vaccination I had my fourth stroke. I haven’t had one in 10 years.

Ellen: No, definitely not. I used to get Pfizer because I had to go abroad during the Corona period. That caused me to have an autoimmune disease. My endocrinologist confirmed that it was Pfizer. So you’ll never convince me of that again.

Cor: I don’t plan to get vaccinated again. I had four vaccinations, but after the Pfizer vaccine, I had a CVA [stroke] a few weeks later. This was later mentioned as a possible side effect. Of course, it cannot be proven that it was due to this vaccine, but is it pure coincidence?

Pedro: No, I had a stroke shortly after the vaccination. I’m not saying that was the cause, but it’s not a risk to take.

Fred: In my network there are all the symptoms of long Covid, heart attacks (some fatal) and autoimmune diseases and everyone has had the Corona vaccination. What do you think?

Gerard: There will be no Corona vaccine here. Many young people around me have died from brain hemorrhages and other unpleasant diseases that are associated with these vaccinations.

Willem: I was just a healthy boy, I had a stroke. One of the more honest doctors said it could have been due to the vaccinations I had had, as happened to many of the older customers. So no more corona vaccinations for me.

Maarten: After a friend had a brain hemorrhage one day after the vaccination, I no longer need it.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 18

Below is the eighteenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 18: Rewriting Medical Language

In order to facilitate the Covid-19 pandemic, a rewriting of medical language was necessary. Prior to 2020 the term “pandemic” described a global health emergency with large numbers of deaths.

Post 2020, this was changed to simply describing a health situation with many infections, or cases, rather than deaths.

The term “herd immunity” once used as an expression describing natural immunity developed by massed humanity’s exposure to an infection, was changed to a health situation made possible only by massed vaccination.

Even the term “vaccine” was changed. Prior to 2020 it described a pharmaceutical which prevented an infectious disease. Post 2020 this was changed to a pharmaceutical which merely provided protection against an infectious disease.

The level of “protection” was not detailed. All this rewriting should have caused alarm bells to ring amongst politicians, scientists, and journalists. Sadly though, it did no such thing.

Paul Weston is a British-based writer who focuses on the damage done to Western Civilisation by the hard left’s ongoing cultural revolution. For links to his previous essays, see the Paul Weston Archives.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 17

Below is the seventeenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 17: Is It Even a Vaccine?

The Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are an entirely new and experimental means of combating disease. Vaccines in the past were simply a weakened — and thus safe — version of a dangerous virus. When injected into the body they safely kick-started the immune system into building a defence against the full-strength virus capable of seriously damaging or killing humans.

The new Covid-19 vaccines don’t do this. They contain a genetic sequencing code which instructs our body to create spike proteins. The immune system recognises the manufactured spike proteins as dangerous and initiates its natural resistance operation.

The spike proteins are not the virus, but they are dangerous because they provide (and were designed in a laboratory to provide) the mechanism which allows a virus to enter our cells. The truly bizarre aspect of this is that during 2020 we were locked down, muzzled and terrorised for one reason only — which was to avoid contracting the spike protein present in the Covid-19 virus.

And then, in late 2020 and throughout 2021, we were fanatically encouraged and coerced into taking a vaccine specifically designed to carry out one single task, which was to instruct our own bodies to manufacture the exact same spike protein we had been “encouraged” to avoid contracting in 2020. This really should make people extraordinarily angry…

We were (and still are) told the vaccine-induced manufacturing of spike proteins in our bodies would only last for a few days, but that appears to be yet another criminal lie. Many people who accepted the vaccines now find themselves repeatedly suffering from colds, coughs, influenza and chronic fatigue.

The term “Long Covid” is propagandised as long-term ill-effects resulting from contracting Covid-19, but it is much more likely that the vaccine-induced spike proteins, which allow viruses to enter our cells, continue to be manufactured in the bodies of mRNA vaccinated people and are thus opening the cellular-level door to every single respiratory virus currently doing the rounds.

This is much the same as AIDS or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS didn’t kill humans; it simply lowered the ability of our immune systems to counter-act viruses that could. If the Covid-19 vaccines continue to instruct our bodies to manufacture spike proteins, then all the people who took them might just as well have been jabbed with a serum containing AIDS.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 16

Below is the sixteenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 16: Pfizer’s Criminal Past

As we have seen, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla flat-out lied about safety signals regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. Does he have previous form for dishonesty? That we don’t yet know, but does Pfizer itself have a history of dishonesty, fraud and multiple deaths linked to its products? You bet it does.

Between 2000 to 2020, Pfizer was involved in multiple lawsuits and made multiple payouts to the tune of an astonishing $4.7 billion. In long hand, that is 470,000,000,000 dollars.

The list of claims against Pfizer related to the following: manipulating drug trials, bribery of officials, causing deaths and disabilities, lying about deaths and disabilities, falsifying data, violating federal anti-racketeering laws etc. Over a billion dollars was paid out for offences related to dodgy government contracts. Hello, Ursula von der Leyen and many others!

In November 2021, the British Medical Journal revealed the Ventavia Research Group (sub-contracted by Pfizer) had falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in the crucial phase III trial for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

I rather think this answers my earlier question then, regarding the moral and ethical virtue of Pfizer prohibiting it from lying about the missing ninety-two people in the vaccine trial. Pfizer clearly lies all of the time when billions of dollars are involved. There is every reason to believe they lied about the missing people in the Covid vax trial, considering the vast sales due in 2021 (and onwards) dwarfed anything Pfizer had ever achieved before.

Conclusion: I am going to quote Simon Elmer here. Simon has forensically researched everything Covid-19-related, and elegantly and concisely written it up in his book The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State, which I highly recommend. His words then, are my conclusion. They are simply too good not to be pinched and used here:

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 15

Below is the fifteenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 15: The Pfizer Trial

Whilst the world was avidly watching the Pfizer vaccine trial hoping to hear the vaccines were safe and would thus save mankind from dying out, a much more important issue became glaringly obvious — which is that the vaccine trials themselves were completely unnecessary, and possibly riddled with fraud.

Pfizer’s PR blurb regarding its Covid-19 vaccine trial opens with the following sentence: “The Phase 3 clinical trial was designed to determine if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective in preventing COVID-19 disease.”

Did the trial determine if the vaccine was safe and effective in preventing Covid-19 disease? No, it actually proved the exact opposite. It was as ineffective as it was dangerous. It failed all three of its stated endpoints. It should never have been authorised. The fact that it was is testament to the lies and crimes committed post-2020. And it gets worse:

Pfizer “lost” ninety-two people from their forty-two thousand people vaccine trial. This is a relatively low number, but it becomes supremely important considering Pfizer’s 95% Relative Risk Rate (RRR) efficacy was based on only eight people from the vaccinated cohort testing positive for Covid-19, compared to the one hundred and sixty-two in the unvaccinated cohort.

Suppose though, the ninety-two people “lost” by Pfizer were lost because they were vaccinated AND tested positive for Covid-19? If this was the case, and had they been included, Pfizer’s claimed 95% RRR would have dropped to just a 39% RRR efficacy rate, and the trial would have been declared a failure.

Theoretically speaking, it might be even worse than I have described. When forty-two thousand people are observed over six-months, it is quite normal for some of them to die. In this instance, thirty-eight did just that, split roughly 50:50 between vaccinated and unvaccinated. Some experts have stated their surprise at just thirty-eight deaths out of forty-two thousand. A more usual number, they say, would be at least one hundred.

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The Longest Covid

The socialist German health minister Karl “Klaboosterbach” Lauterbach has been featured in this space numerous times since the vax craze began in 2021. He has been ubiquitous in German media, hectoring and bullying the public while promoting the health policies of the German state.

Now we learn that Klaboosterbach also touted the effectiveness of the mRNA treatments in preventing “Long Covid”, without a shred of evidence to back his assertions up.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

RKI protocols

Corona: Lauterbach’s next vaccination lie uncovered

He claimed that corona vaccinations had no side effects and prevented infections. Now it has emerged that Lauterbach also convinced the Germans, against the advice of the RKI experts, that the vaccines protected against Long Covid.


Against the advice of the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) lied to Germans about the effect of the corona vaccination on Long Covid. As can be seen from the RKI emails now published by the journalist Aya Velázquez, the expert council had not recognized any reliable effect of the vaccine against Long Covid.

In fact, in response to Lauterbach’s request to provide scientific evidence for this thesis, he had expressly advised against making such a claim in July. At first he said cautiously but clearly that “the evidence is not yet clear.”

RKI advises Lauterbach against vaccination theory

The RKI department head specializing in Long Covid also wrote on July 4, 2022: “Personally, I would rather wait until the evidence is a little firmer.” Today, it is considered certain among all experts that none of the Corona vaccinations protected against Long Covid.

Lauterbach nevertheless went public shortly afterwards, on July 10, and claimed the opposite. On Twitter (now X), he wrote: “The danger of Long Covid is massively underestimated. Vaccinations significantly reduce the risk of infection.” Even then, there was no scientific basis for this, and today it is clear: That was a lie.

Lauterbach and the vaccinated Long Covid patient

The head of neurology at the University Hospital Essen, Professor Christoph Kleinschnitz, expressed it not much differently to the world: “Linking Omicron’s warning about Long Covid with the vaccination was absurd.” Kleinschnitz has researched Long Covid and treated hundreds of patients.

Lauterbach, however, went even further and apparently did not notice how he was reducing himself to absurdity. In October, he presented the Spiegel columnist Margarete Stokowski, who had Long Covid, as a key witness for his vaccination appeal. However, the journalist admitted at the meeting before the federal press conference that she had been vaccinated against Corona several times.

Afterword from the translator:

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The Epistemology of Flat Tires and Chiggers

Epistemology: The theory or science of the method or grounds of knowledge. (OED)

How do we know what we know?

How do we distinguish fact from inference, speculation, hypothesis, or outright fabrication?

This is what the discipline of epistemology is intended to address. In the last hundred years or so, epistemological discourse has proliferated, creating a dense layer of abstruse philosophical jargon that is intimidating for a layman to penetrate (which is probably intentional).

But you don’t have to read a cubic mile of phenomenological bumf to get the hang of epistemology. There’s no need to unpack the writings of Husserl or Heidegger. All that’s required is common sense, an alert intellect, and ready access to Occam’s Razor.

Consider two very different examples of things that I might profess to know:

1.   I know that the attempted assassination of Donald Trump was orchestrated by the Deep State and implemented by various three-letter agencies of the federal government.
2.   I know my car has a flat tire.

The second type of knowledge is distinctly different from the first. My flat tire isn’t a psyop. I can’t be gaslighted into believing my tire is flat when it isn’t. Media propaganda will not convince me that I can safely drive on my flat tire. Fact checking plays no role in my assessment that my tire is flat. My flat tire is not a conspiracy theory.

In other words: Only that which is immediately apprehended by the senses is known.

Unfortunately, very little of what is commonly accepted as knowledge is actually known. The vast bulk of what we think we know is simply inferred, deduced from available data, or received from authority, but it is not known in the same way I know I have a flat tire.

What I find most interesting is the process in which people think they know something, but they really don’t. I’ll give you an example from my own personal experience, one with no political connotations, which means it’s unlikely to spark any controversy. It concerns those nasty little creatures known as chiggers.

For readers who don’t live in the South: chiggers are tiny red mites that are also called red bugs. They’re a type of arachnid, roughly analogous to harvest mites in England. (The word “chigger” is considered rude. “chegro” is the polite word for them, but the mites themselves prefer the term “Arachnid American”. [Yes, this pathetic parenthetic aside is a joke — don’t take it seriously.])

From as far back as I can remember, until I was well into my adulthood, I knew that chiggers burrowed under the skin and remained there indefinitely, which was why they caused intense itching for such a long time. When I was in my thirties, however, I learned from a friend of mine that chiggers did not in fact burrow under the skin. He was a scientist, but not an arachnologist or even an entomologist. He had also thought that chiggers burrowed in, and had only recently learned otherwise.

That’s what everybody thought: we had all learned from an early age about the repulsive behavior of chiggers. Everybody knew it, both young and old.

But it wasn’t true.

Prior to the Internet Age it was more cumbersome to learn the facts, but now it’s a simple matter to look them up: chiggers bite and suck blood like other obnoxious pests. They just happen to secrete a digestive enzyme when they bite that breaks down skin cells and causes the formation of a structure known as a stylostome, a hardened cylinder of dead tissue. The stylostome remains in the skin for days or weeks after the bite and causes the maddening, burning itch for which chiggers are notorious.

So that’s the real story about chiggers. Yet in the area where I grew up, everyone knew that chiggers burrowed under the skin. It was a simple fact, and we all knew it.

The point is: What you know may not in fact be true.

Epistemology is the discipline that strives to discern the basis for what is known, and how knowledge is acquired.

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Earlier this year I wrote about the terrorist attack on Istanbul airport in 2016. I have no direct knowledge of the deeper causes behind that incident — I only know what I read in various media accounts at the time. By patching together the different data points, I came to the conclusion that the Russian state had ordered the hit on Istanbul, in retaliation for Turkey shooting down a Russian fighter plane over the border between Turkey and Syria. The circumstantial evidence was sufficient to convince me that Russian responsibility was a fact, but it wasn’t something I knew. In order to be able to consider it knowledge, I would have had to have direct access to sources at the highest levels of Russian and/or Turkish intelligence.

This brings us up to the paranoia of the current moment.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 14

Below is the fourteenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 14: Is It Safe?

No, the Covid vaccines are not safe. Before I get into this though, here is a quote from George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Why do I mention this? Because I cannot ignore what I have seen and heard about the vaccines. My social group is not particularly large; friends and friends of friends probably amount to no more than a couple of hundred people. Yet within this relatively small circle I know of two deaths post-vaccine, one of them a professional cyclist in his thirties.

I know of three instances of myocarditis in young men, and several other heart related issues. Every Saturday and Sunday morning I used to hear the thwacking footsteps of a fifty-something chap called Matt as he ran past my bedroom window. Matt doesn’t run anymore. He is now confined to a wheelchair.

As for blood clots and thrombotic issues, I know of at least five. Prior to 2021 I didn’t know anyone suddenly falling foul of these problems. Nor did I know, in 2020, of a single person who became ill or even a bit sniffly from Covid-19. As I say then, I cannot ignore the evidence of my eyes and ears.

This is anecdotal, obviously, but is it borne out by official data? Yes, it is. Vaccine injury databases in Britain, Europe and America suggest that in just three years there have been more deaths, maimings, serious injuries and minor injuries caused by the Covid-19 vaccines than all the other non-Covid vaccines combined over the last thirty years.

See the following graphs:



In early 2023, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was interviewed by CNBC in Davos. The journalist seemed to be aware of vaccine injuries and nervously pressed him — very lightly — as to whether the Pfizer booster was causing heart attacks, strokes etc. Bourla replied thus:

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The Corona Protocols Unmasked

Below are two translations by Hellequin GB concerning the leak of unredacted documents about the official protocols for the response the Wuhan Coronavirus produced by the Robert Koch Institute in Germany.

The first translation features an article about the RKI files generated by Artificial Intelligence. I was surprised to see it — I expected that ChatGPT’s programming would have forbidden it to generate any text that draws negative conclusions about the Corona hoax.

From the Twitter account for Nach Diktat verreist:

I fed ChatGPT all unredacted RKI files and asked them to write an investigative, journalistic article about them.

Here is the result:

Covid-19: The mask requirement as a political tool and economic profit — An investigative report

by…… (Your name)

In the turbulent days of the Covid-19 pandemic, drastic measures were taken around the world to contain the spread of the virus. In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) was at the center of advising on and implementing these measures. But now extensive investigations and analyses show that some of these measures, especially the mask requirement and the vaccination requirement, were not only medically questionable, but were also politically abused to promote economic interests. These revelations shed a shocking light on the dark machinations that were hidden behind the cloak of health protection.

The mask requirement: A symbol of fear

When the pandemic broke out, the government quickly implemented measures that profoundly changed public life. One of the most controversial measures was the introduction of compulsory mask wearing. The RKI protocols that we have available show that considerable doubts were expressed internally about the effectiveness of FFP2 masks for general use. These masks, it was said, were designed for occupational safety and could do more harm than good if handled improperly. But despite these warnings, the mask requirement was politically enforced.

Political power games and economic interests

The introduction of the mask requirement not only served to protect against the virus, but also as a powerful symbol to influence the population. Internal documents from the RKI reveal that the measure was used to spread fear and increase acceptance for further measures such as compulsory vaccination. But behind this symbolic policy there are also tangible economic interests.

It became known that Health Minister Jens Spahn and other political decision-makers had close ties to the mask industry. Mask deals worth millions were concluded, often without transparent tendering procedures. The auditing firm Ernst & Young reported enormous price markups and questionable contracts that were concluded at taxpayers’ expense.

The role of the pharmaceutical industry

The influence of the pharmaceutical industry on pandemic policy is even more serious. Compulsory vaccination was pushed forward quickly, with the interests of large pharmaceutical companies at the forefront. Billion-dollar contracts for vaccines were signed, often with companies that had close ties to political decision-makers. The vaccines were developed and approved in record time, with safety concerns and side effects often being downplayed.

A closer look at the RKI protocols shows that the institute repeatedly expressed concerns about the rapid introduction of vaccines. But these concerns were ignored or brushed aside. It seems as though economic interests were placed above the health safety of the population.

The defamation of critics

While these measures were being implemented, critics were systematically defamed. People who expressed doubts about the mask requirement or the vaccination requirement were ridiculed as “tinfoil hat wearers” and conspiracy theorists.

This defamation was aimed at silencing critical voices and controlling public opinion.

A particularly glaring example of this is the treatment of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a former member of the Bundestag and health expert who warned early on about the dangers of rapid vaccine approval. He was publicly defamed and his expertise questioned, although his concerns are now shared by many experts.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 13

Below is the thirteenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 13: Does it work?

No, the Covid-19 vaccines are not effective at all. They don’t stop infection or transmission, contrary to what we were told at the time. When it became apparent they didn’t do what a vaccine is supposed to do (stop infection and transmission) we were then told the vaccine was effective in minimising the infection and keeping us out of hospital.

This was a lie. No one actually knew if this was the case. Nothing in the vaccine trial suggested this might be true and, more to the point, the claimed minimisation of infection was never actually tested or evaluated in any of the trials. As I say, this was simply a lie.

Do you remember the fanfare in late 2020 when we were told vaccine redemption was close to hand? Do you remember the adulation and the frenzied gratitude toward those lovely, thoughtful, deeply caring people in the Big Pharma Industry who arrived like the heroic cavalry at the 11th hour to save us all from certain death?

The vaccine is 95% effective we were told. Hoorah for the vaccine! And out most of us duly trudged to wait in line for our jab of salvation. What did they mean by 95% effective, though? Effective against what, exactly? If the vaccines didn’t stop infection, transmission, severity of illness or death, where on earth did the “effective” in 95% effective come from?

We were led to believe it simply meant that out of every one hundred vaccinated people, ninety-five could happily get Covid-19 and shake it off in a jiffy, whilst five unfortunate people would not. This is not the case at all, though, and has to do with Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) and Relative Risk Reduction (RRR).

Approximately forty-two thousand people were involved in the Pfizer vaccine trial. Twenty-one thousand were given the vaccine, and twenty-one thousand a placebo. The latter is known as the Control Group. A few weeks later both groups were tested for signs of Covid-19 symptoms such as a cough, cold, fever etc, which were “confirmed” by a positive PCR test.

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Lying Liars and the People Who Believe Them

The serialization of Paul Weston’s book about the COVID-19 scam (most recent chapter here) has made me ruminate on the official mendacity that has been the main feature of whole deadly process. We were lied to about how dangerous the disease was. We were lied to about its origin. We were lied to about the PCR testing regimen that putatively detected infection with the disease. We were lied to about the effectiveness of the measures used to mitigate and contain it.

And above all we were lied to about the safety and effectiveness of the alleged “vaccine”, the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Most of the liars who told the official lies could fall back on some sort of plausible deniability, no matter how flimsy, to allow themselves to evade responsibility. “Mistakes were made,” “We didn’t know that at the time,” “It was judged to be the best course of action, based on the available data,” etc.

But that wasn’t the case with the promise that the “vaccine” was safe. There is no plausible deniability for those who confidently asserted the safety of the experimental mRNA treatment.

The vax was not proven to be safe. That was obvious to me from the moment I first heard the government’s reassurances. It didn’t require any special scientific or medical knowledge to determine the falsity of statements that the vax was safe. All that was needed was common sense and the ability to think.

If you look at the history of the development of vaccines prior to the mRNA treatments, you’ll discover that a new vaccine typically takes at least five years, and sometimes ten or even fifteen years, before it is fully tested and approved for use. That’s due to a requirement that clinical trials show the new vaccine’s long-range adverse effects — out as far as five years — remain within acceptable limits.

The clinical testing of the mRNA “vaccines” went on for at most a few months before the treatments were given an emergency use authorization (EUA). In order to get around its own regulations, the government could only issue an EUA, because the requirements for general approval had not been met. It was on the basis of that EUA that millions upon millions of people were injected with an experimental new treatment — making them unwitting test subjects in the largest clinical trial in history.

Now that we’re more than three years in, the results of that clinical trial don’t bode well for the mRNA treatment ever being granted full approval for general distribution. The mountain of evidence for the harm caused by the vax just keeps getting higher and higher, with no end in sight. However, from the point of view of the health authorities and the pharmaceutical companies, it doesn’t really matter, because just about everybody who might decide to take the vax has already been injected with it. Massive amounts of money have been transferred from government coffers to Big Pharma’s bank accounts. Additional lucrative mRNA vaccines for new, improved diseases are in the works, so the future looks rosy for Pfizer and Moderna.

In summary: we were lied to about the vax. But not everybody was actually lying — that is, when they said the vax was safe, they thought that what they said was true. Ordinary citizens thought the vax was safe because their doctors told them it was safe, and they trusted their doctors (that trust has now been severely eroded, but that’s a different story). I assume some of those doctors actually believed it themselves, because they trusted the WHO, CDC, NIH, etc. There’s no excuse for not thinking it through in a similar manner to what I described above. But then, most people, including doctors, have never really learned to think.

Way up at the top of the medical food chain, however, people were lying. Scientists and clinicians who had been trained in the development of vaccines and then moved into the highest levels of administration knew all too well that the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus could not be said to be safe. But they said it was safe anyway.

They were LYING.

I’m thinking specifically of Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Rochelle Walensky, but there were many others. They looked the camera in the eye and told the viewing public that the injections they were pushing on them were safe, but they knew it wasn’t true. They knew as well as I did that the safety of the treatments was not yet proven.

But they don’t care. They don’t have to care; they’re Big Medicine.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 12

Below is the twelfth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 12: Do I Need The Covid Vaccine?

Governments all around the world displayed an astonishing degree of fanaticism with regard to vaccinating everyone against Covid-19. It was truly mind-boggling to both watch and be part of. Despite the millions of argumentative words generated between pro-vax hysterics and anti-vax sceptics, there are really only three simple questions to be asked about the Covid vaccine:

  • Do I need it?
  • Does it work?
  • Is it safe?

Do I need it?

As I have outlined earlier, there was no lethal pandemic in 2020. The Infection Fatality Rate for Covid-19 was similar to that of influenza, so nobody needed an experimental, Emergency Use Authorisation vaccine at all, let alone the young, healthy, or pregnant.

Somewhat ironically, this was revealed in the drug trials themselves. AstraZeneca stated they “were running out of time” with regard to their vaccine trial and went on to explain this was because they were having great trouble finding anyone who exhibited Covid-19 symptoms, which obviously caused data input problems when it came to comparisons between the vaccinated and unvaccinated trial members.

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