Do the COVID-19 Vaccines Demonstrate the Collapse of Science?

Note: One version of this essay was first published in Norwegian at the website It has been translated into English here with considerable aid from reader Free Sweden.

Do the COVID-19 vaccines demonstrate the collapse of science?

by Fjordman

John Campbell from England has been making popular videos on YouTube for several years.[1] He has gone from being a supporter of the officially promoted vaccines against the coronavirus COVID-19 to becoming a growing critic of them. He has done this by analyzing official statistics and known figures. The facts show that these vaccines are less effective against COVID-19 than originally claimed. They are also significantly more dangerous than people who took these vaccines were told by the authorities.

Substantial excess mortality rates that have yet to receive a convincing official explanation can be documented over an extended period. This began in part in 2021. The excess deaths have continued in many countries in 2022 and 2023, and unfortunately seem to continue in the UK [2] and elsewhere in 2024.

Campbell has had some very interesting conversations with Angus G. Dalgleish. He is a British professor of oncology, the study of cancer, at St. George’s Hospital Medical School in London. Dalgleish has been very active in the medical field for decades. He is the editor and co-author of the book The Death of Science: The Retreat from Reason in the Post-Modern World.[3]

Stating that science is dead, as the title suggests, may sound dramatic. Yet professor Dalgleish fears that this claim is not an exaggeration. He is highly critical of the way authorities have handled COVID-19 and the vaccines against this virus since the year 2020. Far too much of what is now being presented as scientific research is flawed, logically questionable or marred by corruption.

Angus G. Dalgleish focuses on medical issues, which are his area of expertise. However, he also questions the claim that we are indeed experiencing a man-made “climate crisis.” He argues that scientific data does not support the most alarmist claims about climate change. There is also a lot of money involved in these fields, both in the pharmaceutical industry and in the climate industry.

In 2020, the major US pharmaceutical company Pfizer partnered with Germany’s BioNTech to rapidly develop a vaccine against the novel coronavirus COVID-19. The Pfizer-BioNTech mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine was introduced at the end of 2020.

The American pharmaceutical and biotechnology company Moderna also rushed to develop an mRNA-based vaccine at the same time, with support and encouragement from the US government.

Before Pfizer and Moderna launched their vaccines, with unusually quick approval from Western governments, mRNA-based technology had never been used on humans on a large scale. It differs significantly from traditional vaccine technology. Some critics claim that these mRNA-based injections should be referred to as experimental genetic technology, rather than as vaccines in a traditional sense of the word.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla himself stated in October 2020 that the company was “moving at the speed of science.”[4] Bourla later remarked that “It took us just 248 days to get from the day we announced our plans to collaborate with BioNTech on a potential Covid-19 vaccine to the day we submitted to the FDA for Emergency Use Authorization. We were able to move at extraordinary speed, while always maintaining our focus on safety, because this new structure allows us to be decisive.”[5]

On the social network Facebook, Pfizer also posted a video about their so-called vaccines in November 2020 entitled Moving at the Speed of Science.[6]

However, how fast is “the speed of science”? Is it 100 kilometers per hour? 1 centimeter per hour? One centimeter per year?

The truth is, science often moves very slowly. Much slower than a slug. It may take years, decades, generations, or centuries from the time an idea is proposed until it becomes widely accepted, such as the earth orbiting the sun. Maybe that’s how it should be.

Most countries have speed limits that specify the maximum speed allowed on a particular stretch of road. The reason for this is that very high speeds increase the likelihood of something going wrong, and thus endangering human life and health. Shouldn’t the same principle apply to science?

If any science should have a maximum speed limit, it is medicine, which directly affects human life and health. Normally, new drugs or vaccines are tested for years to check their effectiveness and possible side effects. This was not done to any reasonable extent in 2020 and 2021 when the so-called coronavirus vaccines were launched and used on a nearly global scale.

For this reason, it was ethically and scientifically deeply reprehensible that firms such as Pfizer and Moderna were allowed to inject people around the world with billions of doses of experimental gene therapy, hastily developed in a matter of months, in violation of standard procedures for medical research.

National and international health authorities have not in 2022, 2023, or so far in 2024 presented scientifically credible explanations for the international excess mortality rates. It appears that in several countries, mortality rates did not start rising prior to mass injections with the new mRNA-based coronavirus vaccines.

Yet most health authorities reject the idea that the excess mortality can be primarily attributed to the vaccines, even though this is a perfectly valid scientific hypothesis that can explain the available data.

The same applies to other health problems. Norway’s state broadcaster NRK reported in January 2024 that the number of patients seeking medical attention for fatigue has exploded within the past two years.

We see a dramatic increase in the number of consultations for fatigue. The increase is happening in all age groups. The exception is children aged 0-4 years.”[7] So says Richard Aubrey White, a researcher and statistician at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (FHI). “Several large studies show that COVID-19 can cause severe long-term effects. This is reflected in these figures,” White claims.

That health problems such as fatigue or heart problems may be due to the long-term effects of the COVID-19 coronavirus is a scientifically valid hypothesis that deserves to be investigated.

It is also a scientifically valid hypothesis that such health problems, which are now affecting large numbers of people internationally, may be due in significant part to side effects from mRNA-based so-called coronavirus vaccines. The indications for this are becoming too numerous to ignore.

For several years, health authorities have consistently refused to acknowledge the possibility that the vaccines they themselves have aggressively promoted could cause serious health damage or even death to large numbers of people.[8] This represents a scientific and moral breakdown.

The result of this collapse is what could, at worst, turn out to be the biggest medical scandal in world history.


1.   WEF and excess deaths. Dr. John Campbell, January 2024.
2. Record number of excess deaths amid NHS strikes. 2 January 2024.
3.   The Death of Science: The Retreat from Reason in the Post-Modern World. Clinical Press Ltd (Bristol UK). Publication date: October 8, 2023.
4. Pfizer CEO says Covid vaccine trial won’t be rushed by political pressure. Oct. 1, 2020.
5. Moving at the Speed of Science.
6. Moving at the Speed of Science. Pfizer, November 9, 2020.
7. Slår alarm: Rekordmange til lege med utmattelse. January 4, 2024.
8. Hva tok livet av 81 nordmenn per uke i 2022? Peder Jensen, 18.06.2023.

For a complete archive of Fjordman’s writings, see the multi-index listing in the Fjordman Files.

8 thoughts on “Do the COVID-19 Vaccines Demonstrate the Collapse of Science?

  1. Anyone who is familiar with the work of Joanna Moncrieff and James Davies knows what pharmaceutical business have got up to over the years as they have pushed SSRI drugs.

    Anyone familiar with the opioid epidemic in the United States will know what Purdue got up to as they pushed their “slow release” painkiller.

    Strangely, the reluctance on the part of some doctors to fall for Purdue’s sales pitch was referred to as “opiophobia.”

    Those phobias are everywhere!

    Since we now know what at least some pharmaceutical companies (and medical “professionals”) have got up to over the years, it is not at all unreasonable to question what is going on with these new drugs.

  2. “it was ethically and scientifically deeply reprehensible that firms such as Pfizer and Moderna were allowed to inject people around the world with billions of doses of experimental gene therapy, hastily developed in a matter of months, in violation of standard procedures for medical research.”

    “Although The Party and their media drools’ve so far been able to keep a lid on it, the stats’re beginning to reveal a pattern of [myocardial and other] side-effects related to the [experimental] “messenger RNA vaccine” affecting more than the random, normal or expected percentages of the vaccinated. As the evidence mounts, I think many will come to realize that Trump got played by the medical/pharma “experts” when he exercised his power to “Warp Speed” (i.e., rush) the “vaccine” through (and past) the normal system of scientific checks and balances that test for long-term SAFETY and efficacy. For a [new] disease that’ll prove to’ve been far less serious than claimed, I reckon history’ll reveal the cure may’ve been worse than the disease, especially in its long-term and, as yet, unstudied effects.
    Don’t comply, THINK.” —posted to fb (June 2021)

  3. I understand the author’s thrust (“death of science”), but I think that misses the real villain: corrupt and stupid politicians. Yes, corrupt folks at Pfizer and other pharma companies lied and omitted and failed to check…ad nauseum. But the world has always been full of people who will lie for money.
    ….The plot only worked because politicians–most of whom don’t know jack about science–saw a huge opportunity to grab power. And it worked, and they’re still grabbing it.

    • “I understand the author’s thrust (“death of science”), but I think that misses the real villain: corrupt and stupid politicians.”

      Outstanding insight!….and one I think nearly everyone’s missing entirely.

      In the case of the “science” behind the Covid vaxx, I believe it was solely Trump that rushed the new (i.e., experimental) mRNA vaxx through the approval system, bypassing almost all of the normally required safety and efficacy research….and granting blanket civil immunity to the pharmas as part of the scheme. The pharmas, being for-profit businesses, simply (and happily!) jumped aboard the Trump-train and rode the profits all the way to the bank.

      To be fair, at that time, the prevailing BELIEF throughout the cockeyed “expert” commune was that Covid was spreading fast and killing large numbers of all it infected. So one could make a case for Trump’s actions. However, there were a few (I count myself amongst them) who weren’t persuaded, even as early as March 2020, and they openly challenged the “experts” (and were generally silenced). Sadly, Trump sided with the “experts” and….well, the rest is history (which’s proven that more people were harmed by the hysteria than the virus!). But whatever..

  4. Spike protein is dangerous even to the unvaccinated. Dr Pierre Kory on Jimmy Dore explained that mRNA vaccines have been known to be dangerous for years because they allow “shedding of the disease” onto others that the vaccinated come into contact with Unlike old dead virus, weak virus vaccines which didn’t leave your body. This means that even unvaccinated can be made sick by coming into contact with vaccinated.
    This makes ANY mRNA vaccine or treatment dangerous to patient contacts. So, if you visit someone getting mRNA treatment you can get sick with the disease.

    This means there should BE NO FURTHER mRNA vaccines but they are racing to replace all our safe existing old school vaccines with new mRNA vaccines which can be dangerous.

    The dangers could be increasing. Keep away from the vaccinated as they are a danger to your health. How ironic! The unvaccinated were the dangerous ones during the pandemic and threatened with punishment.

    • “Dr Pierre Kory…explained that mRNA vaccines have been known to…allow “shedding of the disease” onto others”

      Sara, although I used to be the editor of an FDA journal, I don’t know enough about these new mRNA technologies to judge Kory’s claims one way or the other. And please don’t take this as a criticism, just an attempt to separate wheat from chaff.

      That said, based on a cursory search, I’ve been unable to locate anything from a known, reliable source that supports Kory. The few sources I did find were variations on this theme (note: I HAVE reviewed a goodly number of FDA-reviewed homeopathy “treatments” and found 0 evidence of efficacy)..

      “An antivaxxer by the ‘nym “A Midwestern Doctor” makes an argument that COVID-19 vaccine “shedding” is not impossible despite the basic science that concludes it is. Sound familiar?”
      Why antivax arguments for COVID-19 vaccine “shedding” remind me of homeopathy

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