Eyeball to Eyeball

As you all know by now, I visit a retinal specialist periodically and get an injection in my left eye to treat a condition known as wet macular degeneration. A couple of years ago the interval between injections was six weeks; now it’s up to twelve weeks. Which is not bad — that’s effectively once a quarter.

Today was the latest one. I’ve been doing this for more than eleven years now, and I can testify based on my experience with it that you really can get used to anything. It’s all still horrible, of course, but it’s horrible in a familiar way. I know exactly what to expect. I know exactly what it feels like when the needle goes in. I know I will lose sight completely in that eye for about a minute afterwards. I know it will burn horribly for quite awhile, but that will gradually recede. I know that I have a better than 50-50 chance of being forced to watch a dancing bubble for 24 hours after the injection.

Today I was lucky: No dancing bubble! Going grocery shopping and driving home is so much easier when the bubble isn’t jerking and jigging across my field of vision.

However, I did have to get my pupils dilated this time. That always makes the recovery take longer. I have to wear temporary shades on top of my prescription sunglasses, and even then I wince at every bright reflection that appears.

For the first six years of this ordeal I used to come out of the medical building, climb in the car, and sit back with my eyes closed while I talked to Dymphna on our old “candy bar” cell phone. It made the process seem less awful. But I can’t do that anymore, unfortunately. I just walk out into the parking lot, get in the car, and drive to the supermarket.

Even so, it’s not too bad. I really am used to it now.

My eye is doing pretty well at the moment, but I don’t feel like posting much this evening. I’ll just get the news feed together, and leave it at that.

Here It Comes Again

A line of strong thunderstorms is approaching and will soon be over Schloss Bodissey. The rain has started, and the thunderclaps are getting louder and louder.

It shouldn’t be enough to take out my internet connection, but with the Thoroughly Modern Phone Company you never can tell.

This is just FYI. If all activity ceases here later this evening, you’ll know why.

Lying Liars and the People Who Believe Them

The serialization of Paul Weston’s book about the COVID-19 scam (most recent chapter here) has made me ruminate on the official mendacity that has been the main feature of whole deadly process. We were lied to about how dangerous the disease was. We were lied to about its origin. We were lied to about the PCR testing regimen that putatively detected infection with the disease. We were lied to about the effectiveness of the measures used to mitigate and contain it.

And above all we were lied to about the safety and effectiveness of the alleged “vaccine”, the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Most of the liars who told the official lies could fall back on some sort of plausible deniability, no matter how flimsy, to allow themselves to evade responsibility. “Mistakes were made,” “We didn’t know that at the time,” “It was judged to be the best course of action, based on the available data,” etc.

But that wasn’t the case with the promise that the “vaccine” was safe. There is no plausible deniability for those who confidently asserted the safety of the experimental mRNA treatment.

The vax was not proven to be safe. That was obvious to me from the moment I first heard the government’s reassurances. It didn’t require any special scientific or medical knowledge to determine the falsity of statements that the vax was safe. All that was needed was common sense and the ability to think.

If you look at the history of the development of vaccines prior to the mRNA treatments, you’ll discover that a new vaccine typically takes at least five years, and sometimes ten or even fifteen years, before it is fully tested and approved for use. That’s due to a requirement that clinical trials show the new vaccine’s long-range adverse effects — out as far as five years — remain within acceptable limits.

The clinical testing of the mRNA “vaccines” went on for at most a few months before the treatments were given an emergency use authorization (EUA). In order to get around its own regulations, the government could only issue an EUA, because the requirements for general approval had not been met. It was on the basis of that EUA that millions upon millions of people were injected with an experimental new treatment — making them unwitting test subjects in the largest clinical trial in history.

Now that we’re more than three years in, the results of that clinical trial don’t bode well for the mRNA treatment ever being granted full approval for general distribution. The mountain of evidence for the harm caused by the vax just keeps getting higher and higher, with no end in sight. However, from the point of view of the health authorities and the pharmaceutical companies, it doesn’t really matter, because just about everybody who might decide to take the vax has already been injected with it. Massive amounts of money have been transferred from government coffers to Big Pharma’s bank accounts. Additional lucrative mRNA vaccines for new, improved diseases are in the works, so the future looks rosy for Pfizer and Moderna.

In summary: we were lied to about the vax. But not everybody was actually lying — that is, when they said the vax was safe, they thought that what they said was true. Ordinary citizens thought the vax was safe because their doctors told them it was safe, and they trusted their doctors (that trust has now been severely eroded, but that’s a different story). I assume some of those doctors actually believed it themselves, because they trusted the WHO, CDC, NIH, etc. There’s no excuse for not thinking it through in a similar manner to what I described above. But then, most people, including doctors, have never really learned to think.

Way up at the top of the medical food chain, however, people were lying. Scientists and clinicians who had been trained in the development of vaccines and then moved into the highest levels of administration knew all too well that the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate the effects of infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus could not be said to be safe. But they said it was safe anyway.

They were LYING.

I’m thinking specifically of Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx, and Rochelle Walensky, but there were many others. They looked the camera in the eye and told the viewing public that the injections they were pushing on them were safe, but they knew it wasn’t true. They knew as well as I did that the safety of the treatments was not yet proven.

But they don’t care. They don’t have to care; they’re Big Medicine.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 12

Below is the twelfth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 12: Do I Need The Covid Vaccine?

Governments all around the world displayed an astonishing degree of fanaticism with regard to vaccinating everyone against Covid-19. It was truly mind-boggling to both watch and be part of. Despite the millions of argumentative words generated between pro-vax hysterics and anti-vax sceptics, there are really only three simple questions to be asked about the Covid vaccine:

  • Do I need it?
  • Does it work?
  • Is it safe?

Do I need it?

As I have outlined earlier, there was no lethal pandemic in 2020. The Infection Fatality Rate for Covid-19 was similar to that of influenza, so nobody needed an experimental, Emergency Use Authorisation vaccine at all, let alone the young, healthy, or pregnant.

Somewhat ironically, this was revealed in the drug trials themselves. AstraZeneca stated they “were running out of time” with regard to their vaccine trial and went on to explain this was because they were having great trouble finding anyone who exhibited Covid-19 symptoms, which obviously caused data input problems when it came to comparisons between the vaccinated and unvaccinated trial members.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 11

Below is the eleventh chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 11: Did Lockdowns, Masks & Social Distancing Work?

Lockdowns: No, lockdowns didn’t work. This is simply because there was never such a thing as total lockdown, where every single person remained holed up in their property for months on end. Even if this had happened, it would have had no effect whatsoever on a virus transported in the air we breathe, and in the air all around us all of the time.

It seems to be some kind of middle-class fantasy that the outside world stopped turning in late March 2020. Whilst Charles and Arabella (both BBC executives) hunkered down for the duration, the electrical supply powering their Netflix binge-watching remained in perfect operation, courtesy of horny-handed men shinning up pylons.

Trinkets were delivered to their door by heavily accented men in vans. Food miraculously appeared on their local Waitrose shelves. Whatever their little hearts desired could by magicked up at the click of an iPhone button, after which the working-class scuttled and scurried their errands in a supposedly viral soup to ensure the middle class enjoyed a lockdown life of relaxed contentment.

Above the middle class came the political class who, as we now know, partied hard and partied often. And above them came the billionaire class, who jetted around the world whenever and wherever they wanted. It was really only the middle-class who salaciously locked down and narcissistically assumed the rest of the world locked down with them.

The most glaring example of the whole lockdown hypocrisy/uselessness could be found in the realm of supermarkets, where workers toiled away for the entirety of lockdown. Pretty much everyone went to a supermarket. Those who didn’t simply took advantage of home delivery via a man in a van who, of course, mixed with lots of people between supermarket pick-up to home delivery in upmarket suburbia.

Supermarket workers in the Western world were exposed to 80% plus of all local humanity thronging their stores. Supermarket workers were the ultimate Disease Control Group. Did thousands of them keel over and die from Covid-19? No, they did not. Did thousands of them become very ill? No, they did not.

Unlike the lockdowners, supermarket workers got plenty of exercise, sunshine and fresh air, all of which provide a good defence against viruses. As do Vitamins C/D and zinc. We were never told to make sure we had sufficient vitamins though. Instead, we were told to avoid exercise, sunshine and fresh air. This obvious and medically criminal lunacy should have set alarm bells ringing from the outset.

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I went into town yesterday afternoon to do some grocery shopping, and while I was gone a line of thunderstorms came through the area. I assume they were part of the trailing edge of Hurricane Beryl, which had so much fun in the Caribbean earlier this month and is now disappearing into Ontario as a diffuse low-pressure system.

I got home to Schloss Bodissey just as the storm broke, and was barely able to get the groceries into the house before the rain started bucketing down. The storm was dramatic, with plenty of thunder and lightning, but no significant wind — just a welcome two inches of rain. The electricity never went out. I checked the phone when I came in, and it was still on.

However, after I put the groceries away, when I sat down at the computer to resume work, I discovered that the internet was out. All that lightning and thunder must have scared away the demons that run the local server.

It is often the case that the internet comes back on overnight without my needing to take action. Since making a tech support call to the phone company is a pain in the [nether orifice], I decided to wait until morning, and went to bed.

When I got up this morning, the light on the modem was still red. I fortified myself with breakfast and coffee and began the ordeal of calling tech support. It’s a grueling process — you have to go through a seemingly endless series of robot menus, some of which take touch-tone inputs, while others require voice. After responding to all the standard questions about power-cycling the modem and so on, I was finally transferred to a human being. In this case I was very fortunate to be referred to Pedro rather than Jamsheed — the Latino support people are much easier to understand than the guys with thick Bangladesh accents.

After talking to the tech I had to endure waiting on hold repeatedly while being forced to listen to horrible music. That took about forty-five excruciating minutes. Finally he told me that the soonest he could send a technician out would be tomorrow between 8am and 5pm.

Which is ridiculous, because all they have to do is send a guy out to reboot the rain-soaked server. But there’s nothing a mere customer can do. They don’t care. They don’t have to care. They’re the phone company.

And then, mirabile dictu, the internet mysteriously returned about two hours after I got off the phone. You never can tell.

I’m way behind in everything, obviously. I’ll read all the email and put up a bunch of posts, and there will be a news feed before midnight.

Unless another storm comes through.

Our Democracy™: Alternatives to the Ballot Box

I posted on Friday about the consternation expressed by bien-pensants all across the West about dangers to “our democracy”. If you pay attention to what the globalists who claim to represent our interests tell us, the survival of Our Democracy™ requires us to follow the directives of people and organizations that are collectively identified as “stakeholders”. Stakeholders include a fairly large cabal of organizations, political leaders, and representatives of various corporations, NGOs, and charitable foundations. It goes without saying that ordinary voters are not considered stakeholders.

“Stakeholders” is a buzzword that has emerged in the last couple of decades to describe the dirigistes who plan for the future of Our Democracy™. If we were referring to Russia, they would be called “oligarchs”, or further afield in the Third World, perhaps “warlords”. But since these estimable folks are here in the enlightened West, they are simply “stakeholders”.

And we know, of course, that they have our best interests at heart.

The problem is: those pesky voters don’t always understand what their best interests are. When confronted with the difficult issues posed by our advanced technological society, they often make the wrong decisions. That’s why they need the help of those stakeholders, who are better informed about the nuances of our high-tech 21st-century civilization.

On the other hand, it’s important to maintain the polite fiction that the ignorant voters are the ones making the decisions. They’re guaranteed a voice by the universal franchise that was so painstakingly won more than a century ago. It is their right and duty to decide the direction of their affairs via the ballot box.

So what is to be done?

The stakeholders have developed three major strategies for directing the hoi-polloi in their electoral choices.

1. Propaganda

Up until 2016 this was the principal method used to generate the desired result in any given election.

First of all, it’s crucial that the major media be brought under stakeholder control. In Europe and Canada the process is simplified by state ownership of all the major television and radio outlets. In the USA the situation is somewhat more complicated, since most media are ostensibly in private hands. Funnily enough, however, all the major outlets move in lockstep on the most important issues, reliably promoting the line pushed by the stakeholders. Even Fox News is controlled opposition — it is set up as the despised right-wing alternative, yet it never veers far from the acceptable center. And that center has been moving inexorably leftwards since the end of the Second World War.

Various agencies of the permanent administrative state can bring pressure to bear on media outlets to persuade them stick to the preferred narrative. The explosion of official media regulations over the past few decades has guaranteed that every media corporation is breaking multiple laws every day, whether it intends to or not. Selective prosecution is an effective tool to keep the MSM in line. Those who stay within the accepted boundaries are left unmolested, while any outfit that strays too far from the narrative risks being hauled into court and tied up for months or years for violating various FCC regulations. The federal government’s pockets are bottomless, and any media corporation that runs afoul of it will eventually be slapped with a big-time fine, and will have to pay its own legal expenses. So it’s much easier just to stick within well-understood limits.

That’s the stick. The feds can also deploy multiple carrots: subsidies, tax breaks, lucrative contracts, concessions granting exclusive coverage of major public events, etc.

I don’t know all the exact ins and outs of this control system. All I can say with certainty is that the results are obvious: we have compliant media that move in lockstep on every important issue. This was made abundantly clear during the COVID-19 “pandemic”, when all major print and broadcast media simultaneously got with the CDC/NIAID/WHO program and never veered from it. It was uncanny.

The media control system generally worked well up until 2016. One of the legacies of the Second World War was that people had developed an ingrained trust of their national governments, which were perceived as beneficial institutions. As long as that reservoir of good will was still sufficiently deep, people could be herded and “nudged” into the desired behavior patterns, and would vote for candidates that were considered acceptable. The cherished illusion of the ballot box in Our Democracy™ could thus be maintained without having to resort to obvious coercion and fraud.

During every election the democratic process ran its course. The stakeholders would guide the selection of the candidates, and voters would be allowed to choose between Tweedledum and Tweedledee. It didn’t matter which one they voted for — both were considered acceptable to the Powers That Be, otherwise the stakeholders wouldn’t have put them in place.

Relentless media propaganda would always demonize one of them as “far right”, however — otherwise the center couldn’t be pushed relentlessly to the left. Statistically speaking, the media barrage had its intended effect: on balance, voters opted for more state control, more socialist policies, and more destruction of traditional cultural practices. And the bright shiny progressive Utopia thus drew ever closer.

Unfortunately for the stakeholders, the usual process got derailed in 2016. Tweedledum and Tweedledee were supposed to be Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. Hillary would have won easily, but it wouldn’t matter if the voters resisted the leftward ratchet and chose the “far right” Jeb instead — the latter was fully captured, and posed no threat to the system.

But Donald Trump upset the applecart. He was not under the stakeholders’ control, and it wasn’t supposed to be possible for him to win the nomination, let alone the general election. When he did, the system was threatened. A tremor ran through the foundations of Barad-dûr.

And Mr. Trump wasn’t the only threat: Brexit also caused the earth to shake under the rules-based order of the West. The ignorant, turbulent voters on both sides of the Atlantic had gone against their programming and made choices they weren’t supposed to make.

The stakeholders closed ranks after 2016 and pulled out all the stops to make sure that nothing similar could ever happen again. In the process they were forced to reveal themselves — they had to step out from behind the curtain and wield an iron fist with its velvet glove removed. It was a salutary moment: what had once been a vague outline in the shadows now stood out sharp and clear, red-eyed and fanged.

People became aware they had been manipulated. As a result, the customary propaganda began to lose its effectiveness. It was no longer so easy to fool the Lumpenproletariat. Different tools for control needed to be selected from the stakeholders’ toolbox, which brings us to…

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 9

Below is the ninth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 9: How It Started

This chapter is a little out of kilter. It should have been chapter one, but I wanted to expose the fraudulent reporting and engineering of purported Covid-19 deaths first. Once everyone understands this criminal fraud, every other fraud relating to Covid-19 falls into place.

We don’t know when plans were first hatched to engineer a viral pandemic in 2020. We do know about Event 201 in October 2019, though, which was hosted by Johns Hopkins University and organised by the World Economic Forum and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Event 201 centred around a hypothetical global outbreak of a lethal virus and the subsequent response by governments around the world. It laid the groundwork for lockdowns, masking, and social distancing. None of these tyrannical measures had been part of pandemic health policies before. All the centuries-old, tried-and-trusted viral pandemic response plans were torn up and discarded in favour of targeting the healthy, rather than quarantining the ill.

On the whole, people don’t want to be locked up at home for the best part of a year and instructed to behave as though they were a lethal danger to all living things. Therefore, they had to be conditioned to obey the New Normal rules and regulations related to Covid-19. In short, they had to be terrorised into compliance.

Enter Neil Ferguson, pandemic modeller extraordinaire of Imperial College London. Ferguson predicted Covid-19 could kill half-a-million people in Britain and two million in America. The international media shrieked these headlines to the world. The politicians gravely warned us we were facing apocalyptic events. The World Health Organisation declared a Global Pandemic. Governments declared national health emergencies. And so began the lockdowns. And so began tyranny.

Neil Ferguson had modelled pandemic scenarios before. In 2005 he predicted two hundred million people could die globally from Bird Flu. In reality, only three hundred people died.

In 2009 he predicted sixty-five thousand deaths in the UK from Swine Flu. Only a few hundred died. In 2002 he predicted up to fifty thousand deaths in the UK, resulting from eating beef infected with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy — otherwise known as Mad Cow Disease. In reality only one hundred and seventy people died.

In 2001 Ferguson’s Imperial team produced modelling on foot and mouth disease suggesting animals should be culled without evidence of infection. This led to the slaughter of more than six million perfectly healthy cattle, sheep and pigs.

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Donner und Blitzen

It was beastly hot earlier in the day, but now the sky has grown ominously dark. There are faint rumbles of thunder, and rain is falling steadily, although not all that hard. Based on the radar map, there are at least two waves of storms coming through.

Knowing the phone company the way I do, I have my doubts that the internet will remain on the whole time — after all, there’s a service interruption whenever a bluebird perches on the server box, or a cow scratches her back against it, so a real slam-bang storm is bound to knock it out.

It’s also possible that the electricity will go off, but the electric co-op is more reliable than the phone company. So we’ll see.

Anyway, if the site goes dead and comments stop getting approved, you’ll know why.

The rain is welcome — we’ve been in a severe drought for a month — but I could do without all the boom and bang.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 8

Below is the eighth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 8: The PCR Fraud

After the deaths driven by the Great Care Home Cull in Spring 2020 fizzled out, the government switched to positive PCR tests to drive the Covid Pandemic. These tests were dishonest and fraudulent.

According to the government’s own research, the average range of false positive test results was 2.3% — which means out of 100,000 tests carried out, 2,300 (2.3% of 100,000) were false (caused by poor testing, storage, dirty instruments etc) and thus should be removed from the data.

If 100,000 tests returned 10,000 positive results, the true positive number would be 7,700 (10,000 positive tests minus 2,300 false positives).

If 100,000 tests returned 2,301 positive results, the true positive is only 1.

If 100,000 tests returned 2,300 positive results, the true positive is zero.

If 100,000 tests returned 2,299 positive results the true positive is minus 1, or in real life data, zero. All minus numbers are effectively zero, no matter how large or small.

Let us look at a typical day in 2020 then. According to the government, 100,664 PCR tests were carried out on 31 May 2020, which returned 1,570 positive results.

For ease of argument, let us call the total number of tests carried out to be exactly 100,000 rather than 100,664.

So, 100,000 tests returned 1,570 positive results. The government claimed 1,570 new Covid-19 cases that day, because they didn’t deduct the 2,300 false positives they should have. If they had, there would have been minus 730 (1,570 minus 2,300) or in real life data, zero.

The 31st of May 2020 was not unusual. Most days during 2020 saw zero new Covid-19 cases if the 2.3% false positive rate had been deducted from the overall positive test result numbers.

The government never deducted it though. To do so would have bought an end to the “pandemic” overnight. Ergo, the government perpetuated the pandemic — for whatever reason — via the fraudulent manipulation of data. The NHS remained closed down as a result, and patients with cancelled cancer treatment or heart operations died as a direct result of criminal, murderous, governmental fraud.

And it gets worse. British Health Secretary Matt Hancock was confronted about the false positives on live TV by Talk Radio’s Julia Hartley-Brewer. Astonishingly, Hancock seemed to be under the impression that the false positive percentage rate should be applied to the positive cases returned, rather than the tests carried out.

If we go back to the PCR tests performed on 21 May 2020 (100,000 tests returning 1,570 positive results) Hancock applied the 2.3% false positive rate to the 1,570 positive results rather than the 100,000 tests.

2.3% of 1,570 equates to 36. So, Hancock subtracted the 36 from the 1,570 and claimed 1,534 true positive test results. As I explained earlier, the true figure was minus 730 (1,570 minus 2,300) or in real life data, zero.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 7

Below is the seventh chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 7: Flu Deaths v Covid-19 Deaths in 2020

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), flu mysteriously disappeared from the world in 2020. Actually, not quite all of 2020; it disappeared immediately after the Western governments initiated the Covid-19 lockdowns in March.

That is quite strange, isn’t it? Almost as though all the usual respiratory deaths caused by flu in every year other than 2020 were simply re-labelled as Covid-19 related respiratory deaths in 2020. An easy way of finding out if this was the case is to look at the Office for National Statistics respiratory death data for 2019 and 2020.

In 2019 there were 71,674 respiratory deaths. In 2020 there were 63,131 respiratory deaths. This is rather strange too, considering the full name for Covid-19 is Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2. I say strange, because it is most unusual — putting it mildly — to have a lower level of respiratory deaths during a supposedly apocalyptic pandemic driven by a virus which causes respiratory disease, no?

A death from influenza is medically the exact same as a death from Covid-19. It is a respiratory disease death. People die from an inability to breathe due to their lungs becoming congested with fluid, mucous, pus and blood. In reality, they die from viral pneumonia.

Influenza and Covid-19 cause pneumonia. No-one dies directly from the flu or Covid-19; they die from the viral pneumonia caused by Covid-19 and influenza — the symptoms of which are exactly the same from initial infection all the way through to pneumonia and possible death:

Stage 1: Cough/cold, feeling of heaviness in the chest, loss of appetite, fatigue.

Stage 2: Increase in cough intensity, shortness of breath, muscle aches, extreme fatigue, headaches, fever, chills, sweating, blue lips or nails due to lower blood oxygen levels.

Stage 3: Viral pneumonia, possible death.

The immune systems of healthy people can easily deal with flu or Covid-19 infections. You might feel terrible for a few days, but you soon get over it. Sadly, people with pre-existing serious illnesses (mostly old, but sometimes young) don’t have very good immune systems. Hence the large numbers who die in a bad flu year.

To sum up the above then, influenza and Covid-19 both share the same symptoms, and both can lead to viral pneumonia and potential death. Especially so if left untreated. Is one more deadly than the other, though? Studying the Infection Fatality Rates for both diseases provide an answer to that question.

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Roland Freisler’s Coronafascist Heirs

The Wuhan Coronavirus is a gift that just keeps on giving. A former judge in Germany has been convicted for issuing an order that allowed her father to visit a dying 89-year-old in a care home during the lockdown. I guess the judge should be grateful that she was given a suspended sentence, and won’t have to serve time in prison. But her career has effectively been destroyed, all because she did the right thing and pushed back against the evil and inhuman restrictions imposed during the Corona hysteria.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius:

Court convicts former judge for allowing her pastor father to visit dying woman during Corona period

Because she allowed her father, who is a pastor, to visit a dying woman during the Corona period, the Gera Regional Court has sentenced a former probationary judge to a suspended sentence.

It is one of the cruelest chapters of the Corona era: hundreds of thousands of people had to die alone in nursing homes, without the company of their relatives or another person they trusted.

In April 2020, Judge Anna K. (37) defied the cruel ban on visits — and issued her father, a pastor, with an order allowing him to visit a woman in his congregation who was 89 years old and dying in a nursing home in Jena for pastoral care. The man had previously tried in vain to obtain permission to visit from the nursing home management.

Suspended prison sentence

Anna K. was concerned with “setting her own standards of law and order at any cost,” said the presiding judge. She sentenced the former trainee judge to one year’s imprisonment, suspended on probation, for perverting the course of justice.

Anna K. announced that she would appeal.

Afterword from the translator:

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On the Road Again

I’ll be leaving shortly on a midsummer road trip to visit some of my relatives. I’ll be gone overnight, so there will be no news feed tonight. However, I should be home early enough to be able to post one tomorrow night.

Make sure you behave yourselves while I’m gone. Dymphna’s spirit will be here to keep an eye on you, just like the old days. I haven’t figured out a way for her to moderate comments, though, so that will have to wait until I come back.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 6

Below is the sixth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 6: Manipulating the Death Rate Data

If you have studiously ploughed through all the facts and figures so far, you must be wondering how on earth Western governments got away with the colossal fraud entailed in persuading us that Covid-19 deaths were enormously high throughout 2020. Ditto, that we were all equally threatened with death if we disobeyed the various ludicrous and tyrannical edicts crashing down upon us from the political, media, scientific and medical establishments.

What they did was actually very simple. Beautifully simple, in fact. They just applied the label of “Covid-19 death” to perfectly natural and normal deaths of the old and the ill, along with the deaths by terminally unfortunate accident of the young and the healthy.

Before PCR Testing became the norm, doctors were advised — without the actual necessity of looking at the recently departed — to label the death as a Covid-19 death if the deceased had shown any symptoms of Covid-19 such as breathlessness, fever, cough, cold etc. Needless to say, most old and ill people who die exhibit many of those symptoms.

After the PCR Testing regime became the norm, all deaths were labelled as Covid-19 if the deceased had tested PCR Positive. This included those who were dying from cancer, heart disease, stage-4 kidney disease etc. Mr X actually died of cancer, but Covid-19 was the label attributed to his death, simply because he had tested PCR positive two months earlier.

Even worse, a perfectly healthy twenty-one-year-old who died in a motorcycle accident was labelled a Covid-19 death if he had tested PCR positive three months previously. The government took some stick over this obviously fraudulent manipulation of mortality data, and decided to become less fraudulently insane by stating the PCR Positive Test must have taken place within twenty-eight days of the death.

This lessened the distortion to a degree, but nonetheless a fit and healthy twenty-five-year-old who died in a para-gliding accident was still labelled a Covid-19 death if he had tested positive at any point over the twenty-eight days between PCR test and para-glider plummet. All of this was criminally fraudulent, obviously, but it laid the groundwork for even more criminal insanity with regard to the future vaccines.

I don’t want to get into the whole vaccine issue in this article, but bear the following in mind: Fit and healthy thirty-year-old Mr Y was injected with the mRNA vaccine on Jan 1st, 2022. A few days later he felt a bit iffy and toddled along for a PCR test on January 5th which returned a positive result. On January 10th, 2022, poor old Mr Y suffered a heart attack whilst cycling and was pronounced dead at the scene.

The cause of death was listed as Covid-19. His family protested and said he had been feeling perfectly OK up to the date of the mRNA vaccine injection. Could the vaccine be responsible for his death, they asked the doctor. Of course not, she scoffed. Mr Y was technically unvaccinated, you see.

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