Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/30/2020

The Disney Corporation announced that it will lay off 28,000 employees, mostly because of the fact that California’s COVID restrictions are keeping Disneyland closed. This despite the news that in September the USA experienced its strongest private sector job growth in three months.

In other news, an elderly couple in Germany have been notified that they will be evicted from their apartment because the municipality needs the space to accommodate refugees.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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A Sweden Democrats Cap? You Must Die!

The culture-enriching crimes described in the article below are particularly gruesome. Readers who are sensitive to descriptions of brutality are advised not to read the portion of the text that lies below the jump.

The case has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this piece from Fria Tider. The translator reports that the perpetrator is said to be Sudanese:

“He is a racist, he has an SD cap”: Mohamad’s play before he murdered Tommie Lindh

September 29, 2020

[Photo caption: Abubaker Mohamad Awad mocked and grimaced before police camera when he was arrested after rape and murder. On the right: Shelf in Tommie Lindh’s living room.]

Abubaker Mohamad Awad accused Tommie Lindh of being a racist, because he had an SD [Sweden Democrats] cap in his apartment. He then stabbed the 19-year-old and raped the victim’s girlfriend in the dying Tommie’s blood.

The extensive investigation that the police conducted after the murder of Tommie Lindh in Härnösand on May 10 of this year has now been released.

It appears that the accused, Abubaker Mohamad Awad, just before the murder, had reacted to the fact that Lindh had an SD cap in his apartment where a late party was being held.

The accused 23-year-old had come into the room where Tommie Lindh’s girlfriend slept on several occasions, although she had asked him to leave her alone.

The African finally demanded that the young girl explain why Tommie Lindh had an SD cap on the shelf in the hall.

“And then I explained to Abubaker that Tommie was very involved in politics and thought that it was interesting. He then called Tommie a racist and so on,” the woman said during questioning.

The African then began to accuse the woman of being a racist, and when she said that she wasn’t, he explained that he could not trust her.

“Then he got even angrier. Then he said again if I didn’t stand up, he would kill Tommie and me,” said the rape victim.

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More on the Meat Cleaver Jihad in Paris

I reported last weekend on the meat cleaver mujahid who attacked and seriously wounded two people outside the former offices of the magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris. Initially said to be an “unaccompanied minor”, it turns out that the would-be shahid is quite a bit older than the age stated on his forged identity papers.

MissPiggy has translated two articles about the incident from the German-language press. Note that under the perp’s real name, the case has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

First, from the Austrian daily Kronen Zeitung:

False Identity — Islamist assassin of Paris lied about age

September 28, 2020

In connection with last week’s Islamist-inspired knife attack in Paris, in which two journalists were seriously injured, investigators have apparently seized exciting evidence on the main suspect’s mobile phone.

The man, who officially came to France as an unaccompanied minor refugee, is said to have lied about his age and assumed a false identity. He is thought not to be 18, but 25 years old.

The investigation is said to have taken a major step forward three days after Friday’s Islamist terrorist attack with the discovery of the attacker’s likely real name. According to a report in Le Monde newspaper, the man sent a video to two people, including a woman, in which he spoke of being “on the way to the Prophet.”

Authorities know the main suspect is Hassan Ali, who was born in 2002 and is believed to be just 18 years old. According to an identity document found by the police on his mobile phone, however, the real name of the man is said to be Zaheer Hassan Mahmood, who was born in 1995 and is already 25 years old. Shortly after the attack, a photo had appeared on the internet that had raised doubts about the true age of the main suspect.

Attackers arrived via Turkey in the Schengen area

According to Le Monde, investigators are in the process of confirming the true identity as well as finding out the personal background and possible contacts of the main suspect. The man is believed to be originally from Pakistan, and entered the Schengen area via Turkey after first passing through Iran.

Terror attack planned as early as June?

At this stage, the suspect’s new surname did not appear to provide any further information about possible radicalisation. According to the police, the only thing that is certain is that Zaheer Hassan Mahmood was in fact on trial under the name Hassan Ali for carrying a prohibited weapon. He had already been caught armed with a butcher’s knife at a Paris train station in June, and not with a screwdriver, as was reported at the time. The Islamist attack took place last Friday in Paris in front of a building where the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo used to have its editorial offices. Nine suspects are now in police custody, including the main Pakistani suspect. The victims of the attack were a man and a woman who work for the production company Premieres Lignes.

The second article is from the Austrian weekly Wochenblick:

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Debates, Drugs, Electrovibrators and Standing on the Edge of Sanity

I couldn’t bear the thought of watching last night’s debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, so I didn’t. Fortunately, Seneca III undertook that unenviable task from the other side of the Atlantic; his observations are below.

Debates, Drugs, Electrovibrators and Standing on the Edge of Sanity

by Seneca III

The Presidential Debate on the evening of September 29, 2020

I am minded of the fact that technology has advanced significantly since the Obama-Clinton era. Look now at the two, strange, purportedly ‘LIVE’ clips in the post at NC Renegade (and running simultaneously in many other places as well).

The doctoring of photos and videos has become a fine art, and I am not technical adept enough to come to a conclusion as to the veracity of these two clips either way, but they do seem to be at cross-purposes location-wise; one shows a thin wire on or passing the right upper chest and the other a thicker terminated wire protruding from the left cuff. How or if they may be related I have no way of knowing. However, if one or both of these clips are undoctored, then the next questions must be: what is their purpose, and how do they function?

During the Obama era and the Trump-Clinton debates, all speculation was focused on the possibility of small implanted ear transceivers, and during the run-up to last night all speculation continued to remain focused on this possibility, perhaps sufficiently to deter any use or re-use thereof.

If we take that as a given, then we must focus on what is before our eyes. In my case I am particularly interested in the small globular terminal that momentarily protruded from Biden’s left cuff, as there is nothing of significance that I can draw from a short glimpse of a thin loop of wire being tucked under his lapel.

Abstract thoughts

1.   The vagus nerve, sometimes known as the wandering nerve, originates from the medulla of the brainstem. It exits the cranium via the jugular foramen, with the glossopharyngeal and accessory nerves. There are somatic (sensations from the skin and muscles) components to the sensory function of the vagus nerve. The inner human wrist where both nerves and veins are close to the surface is a very sensitive area where even the slightest touch or vibration is clearly detected by the nervous system.
2.   Hypnosis is a long-established and proven reality, particularly when its effectiveness is enhanced with modern psychoactive drugs. A subject who has been hypnotized can be implanted with triggers that cause him or her to reiterate an implanted memory or action. These are normally initiated by verbal triggers, but also by sensory triggers such as sight, touch, smell and sound.
3.   A small electronic vibrator or electrode could respond to a barely detectable short-burst signal by generating a series of pulses or miniscule electric shocks of varying duration each triggering a particular memory or response.
4.   Speculation can quite easily lead one astray and into the realms of fantasy, but sometimes, very rarely, it can lead to a surprising conclusion.


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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/29/2020

The Pakistani immigrant who committed last week’s meat cleaver jihad attack in Paris turns out to be 25 years old, and not an “unaccompanied minor” 18-year-old, as he had claimed. Meanwhile, in Italy well over 50% of migrants whose asylum claims are rejected continue to reside in the country illegally.

In other news, at least 29 people were killed in a second day of fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Rasmus Paludan, Most Wanted Infidel

Rasmus Paludan, the founder of the Danish Islam-critical party Stram Kurs (Hard Line), has joined Geert Wilders, Kurt Westergaard, Lars Vilks, Salman Rushdie, Molly Norris, Flemming Rose, Terry Jones, and other notorious infidels on the Al Qaeda hit list.

In the following interview, Mr. Paludan talks to Vlad Tepes a (thank you, RAIR Foundation) about his inclusion in this illustrious cohort of “Islamophobes”:

Dr. Bodo Schiffmann: “Stand up and Fight!”

Last Saturday, during the protests against the coronavirus restrictions in London, a German doctor named Heiko Schöning of the organization Doctors for Truth was arrested by the Metropolitan Police while he was speaking at Speakers’ Corner in Hyde Park.

Dr. Bodo Schiffmann is an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist in Germany. In the following video he appeals to the British public to speak out against the detention of Dr. Schöning, and to spread the word about the doctor’s arrest to help wake people up to what he calls “a new fascism” that has been imposed in the ostensible fight against the Wuhan Coronavirus.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

I wish I had a transcript of the English portion of Dr. Schiffmann’s video, because it is very moving. However, the only text available to me (which is included at the bottom of this post) is the English translation of the German introduction.

News reports on Saturday’s “We Do Not Consent” rally in Trafalgar Square:

Video transcript of the introduction:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/28/2020

Project Veritas has released a new explosive video exposé using undercover camera footage that shows Democrat functionaries, including a top staff member for Rep. Ilhan Omar, engaged in illegal ballot-harvesting in Minneapolis. The Minneapolis police department announced that it had opened an investigation based on Project Veritas’ material.

In other news, the father of the Pakistani “youth” who confessed to the recent meat-cleaver attack in Paris said that he was proud of his son’s actions.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Dean, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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No-Mask Shopping in a German Supermarket

As an antidote to my Corona rant from earlier tonight, consider this supermarket in Germany where the proprietor has instituted no-mask shopping. Customers must feel the way I do when I visit the Amish market out here in the backwoods.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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A Virus of Opportunity

Let’s be clear about it: the Wuhan Coronavirus is not a pandemic.

If we were in a normal situation, and the disease hadn’t been politicized, we could rely on recorded statistics to tell us whether or not COVID-19 should be classified as a pandemic. Unfortunately, this is not a normal situation. Statistics on the infection have been gamed and manipulated to inflate both incidence and fatality rates. I have no confidence in any of the aggregate statistics put out by state and federal governments.

Therefore I am forced to focus on anecdotal evidence and utilize common sense. For the past three or four months, during my very limited social interactions (mostly involving family and close friends), I’ve made it my habit to quiz people about their personal experience with the coronavirus: Do you know anyone who has contracted COVID-19? If so, did any of them die of it?

For myself, I don’t even know anyone who has tested positive for the disease, much less died of it. And the overwhelming majority of the people I asked don’t know anyone who has had it. Out of all the people I have asked, only one person knows someone (a very elderly person) who died of the WuFlu.

If this were a real pandemic, we would all know multiple victims of it. Every family would have seen at least one fatality from it. Every person would be able to give a lengthy roster of friends and relatives who had contracted it, some of whom would have died.

But this is most definitely not the case with COVID-19. The only encounter we have with alarming news about the disease is when we watch TV.

[An aside — I’m certain that nurses and other front-line health care workers would are exceptions to what I just described; none of the people I have talked to fall into that category. However, the experiences of medical professionals do not invalidate the general conclusion that COVID-19 is not a pandemic.]

The evidence is overwhelming that there is no justification for the draconian shutdowns and mask mandates and forced social distancing. The “pandemic” is all hype and hoopla aimed at credulous people with the evident intention of scaring them witless.

I have a couple of other points to make before I conclude this evening’s Corona rant.

Gates of Vienna’s long-time British commenter Mark H has compared the measures taken against the coronavirus — primarily the mask mandate — with those used to combat drunk driving. I have the highest respect for Mark, so it pains me to say that this is an inappropriate analogy. If contracting COVID is like a deadly encounter with a drunk driver, then the strictures imposed on the British public by Her Majesty’s government are like requiring ALL drivers to get off the road until the drunk drivers have all been neutralized. No one would be allowed to get into his or her car for fear of interacting with a drunk driver somewhere out there on the road.

A sane approach to the issue would be to help the small minority of people who are severely at risk — Mark is one of those — to deal with their situation. Detailed, unsensationalized information should be made widely available about the dangers of COVID-19 for the very elderly, people with respiratory diseases, diabetics, and acute sufferers from other chronic diseases. The resources of the state could be utilized to intervene with and protect people in those at-risk groups — to help them in their homes, deliver food to them, provide sanitizing materials gratis, etc. Meanwhile, relatively healthy people — the vast majority of the population — could go about their business unhindered.

That would be the sane approach to the issue, but governments throughout the West are collectively insane at the moment. It seems that scaring the bejeebers out of ordinary citizens is their preferred plan of action.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/27/2020

Two Iraqi brothers are on trial in Berlin for forcing women into an SUV and raping them for hours. Meanwhile, Hungarian border police have discovered at least sixteen tunnels used to smuggle migrants into the country.

In other news, the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan has resumed, with fighting breaking out over the disputed region of the Republic of Artsakh (a.k.a. Nagorno-Karabakh). 18 people, including two civilians, have been killed.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Spahn of Satan

Jens Spahn is a member of the German Bundestag for the CDU (Christian Democrats) and serves as Minister of Health in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s cabinet. The following article outlines a recent controversy over Mr. Spahn’s purchase of a luxury villa in Berlin.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this piece from the German edition of Business Insider:

Spahn financed the purchase of villas in part with a savings bank loan — previously he sat on the bank’s board of directors for years

Jens Spahn’s purchase of a luxury villa in Berlin triggered nationwide discussions — also about whether the process was of political interest, or a private matter for the Minister of Health.

“It is not forbidden,” wrote the conservative political magazine Cicero, among others, “but it transcends the boundaries of good taste.”

Political symbols would also not stop at private life

The Augsburger Allgemeine commented: “Whether a mandate holder lives in a room in a shared flat or in a castle has absolutely nothing to do with how well he does his job.”

After Business Insider reported last week that Spahn had bought a house for several million euros, his lawyer also spoke up. In a letter, the lawyer stated that the reporting was untrue and inadmissible.

The purchase price is not correct

The minister’s attorney asked Business Insider to delete the article on Spahn’s private matter. As a result, Business Insider published the exact amount from the purchase agreement that Spahn and his husband signed with the notary on July 21, 2020.

A few hours later, Spahn’s lawyer got in touch again. The lawyer assumed that the purchase price was incorrect only because of a “communication oversight”, he wrote. “In this respect we no longer hold on to the fact that the corresponding claim is untruthful.” Despite this, the information about buying a house would not concern the public, the lawyer said.

For this reason, Spahn apparently is not answering any questions about the financing of the villa. However, some details can be found in the sales contract. Among other things, that Spahn shouldered two thirds of the purchase price and his husband a third.

The basic files also show that the couple took out at least two loans to buy a house. Corresponding land charges were entered in the land register. This includes a large loan from Sparkasse Westmünsterland, with which Spahn has a special relationship.

The trained banker was born not far from the main office in Ahaus. Between 2009 and 2015 he was a member of the Bundestag on the Sparkasse’s administrative board. While in the banking sector so-called corporate loans — i.e. loans to one’s own management board or supervisory board — are particularly checked due to possible conflicts of interest, there is no such regulation for former board members.

When asked, Spahn did not comment on the terms of the savings bank loan. A spokesman for Sparkasse Westmünsterland said that there are no special rules for loans for former members of the board of directors.

What They Say

It’s important to note that the following compilation is JIM-free.

What They Say

Compiled by Michael Copeland

  • “Wherever it has dominated, it has broken the impulse towards progress and checked the evolution of society.” — Andre Servier
  • …offers no answers to the questions of modern life. — Hamed Abdel-Samad
  • …is boring and has nothing positive to contribute. — Fjordman
  • I cannot find redeeming qualities… — tim gallagher May 9, 2020 at 12:38 am
  • …. hostile to the …. Constitution, especially the principles of democracy, the rule of law and a political system based on human dignity.” Voice of Europe
  • truly as bad as it appears to be, violent, morally depraved, and a grave threat to the West’s freedoms and security. — Agostino Armo Pellegrini May 25, 2020 at 6:23 pm
  • it’s an ignorant superstition, explicitly violent, and dangerously bigoted in that it encourages hatred and murder for debased reasons. — Agostino Armo Pellegrini Sep 15, 2020 at 5:56 pm
  • Not only is there “no benefit”, but there is a severe security risk to the host country, as well as an immense financial burden. ALL downside NO upside. — James Lincoln Apr 29, 2020 at 3:27 pm
  • entrenched violence and social dysfunction has been the norm in their home nations for generations. — Alexandra January 4, 2020 at 11:09 pm
  • The vast majority … lives in filth, squalor, terror, violence, fear and want, and rightly so. Wherever they live and breed, they bring misery, violence, terror, hatred and death. They are a plague on humanity and civilization. — Verk says Aug 4, 2020 at 1:54 pm
  • malevolent to its very core — supremacist, ungracious, denying a true Golden Rule for all, hostile to the very human desire for romantic love, horribly control-freakish, rooted in sanctioned violence to spread itself around the globe, et al. — Wellington Jul 26, 2020 at 7:35 pm
  • …a dangerous set of political ideologies intending to dominate the World. — Frosty Wooldridge
  • A creed that does not allow questioning is clearly morally bankrupt. — gravenimage Aug 30, 2020 at 11:06 pm

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/26/2020

The suspect in yesterday’s meat cleaver attack in Paris has confessed to the crime, saying that he committed the attack to avenge the Prophet for Charlie Hebdo’s blasphemous Mohammed cartoons. The humor magazine, however, has moved its offices to a secret location.

In other news, President Trump nominated Amy Coney Barrett, a federal appeals court judge, to fill the Supreme Court seat left vacant by the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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