Miloud Maalmi Is No Longer French

A “Frenchman” named Miloud Maalmi has been stripped of his citizenship for being a convicted mujahid.

This story is confusing. The last sentence in the article says the stripping of citizenship “can only be applied to dual nationals not born in France,” yet in the third paragraph the convicted mujahid is said to have been “born in Strasbourg”.

The story also notes that 40 dual nationals have been stripped of French citizenship since 2019. That’s 40 down, and roughly nine million to go. At the rate “French” Muslimas are whelping out the wee bairns, the process will never actually come to an end.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Le Figaro:

Strasbourg: A jihadist stripped of his French nationality

The French-Moroccan was part of a group of 10 Alsatians who left for Syria in December of 2013. His lawyer says he is “surprised” by this decision because his client had “completely moved on.”

A French-Moroccan from the Strasbourg jihadist network, convicted of having stayed in Syria for several months, was stripped of his French citizenship by a decree published Wednesday in the official Journal.

Miloud Maalmi, 34, born in Strasbourg, was part of a group of 10 Alsatians who left for Syria in December of 2013. This group included, notably, Foued Mohamed-Aggad, killed during the Bataclan attack on November 13, 2015 after murdering 90 persons in the hall of the Paris event center along with two accomplices. The others remained in Syria, and two were shortly thereafter killed, while the other seven, including Miloud Maalmi, returned to France between February and April 2014. Miloud Maalmi was sentenced on appeal to seven years in prison in May 2017.

During questioning in 2016, the seven Strasbourg residents told how they had left the chaos of Syria. Miloud Maalmi was the first to flee, which led to him being labeled a traitor by the other Strasbourgers. He told how he slipped into a convoy headed to the Turkish border, having passed checkpoints even though he had no authorization, and entered Turkey across fields. Without money or papers, at Istanbul, he convinced the porter of a hotel to give him lodging by showing him his soccer photos, having been a professional in Germany. Aided by his lawyer, Miloud Maalmi then reentered France, redoing his papers, and declaring the theft of his bank card. In mid-May 2014, he and the other members of the network were arrested.

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An ISIS Bride on Trial in The Netherlands

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Algemeen Dagblad:

Children’s slippers still lay on the ground, ISIS wife Xaviera prosecuted for plunder in Syria

The Dutch ISIS wife Xaviera S. from Apeldoorn must still be prosecuted because she allegedly engaged in plunder in Syria, a war crime. She is the first to be prosecuted for this offense in the Netherlands. She also allegedly threatened a Dutch columnist and a journalist with death while in Syria. She herself blames her deceased husband.

by Cyril Rosman
March 1, 2024

A pan of rice was still on the counter. And children’s slippers still lay on the carpet by the mattresses. Yet the Dutch traveler to Syria, Xaviera S. (now 30), never asked her husband how he actually came into possession of that house in that Syrian village. “He always told me not to interfere.”

She also didn’t ask when they later moved several times, including to Raqqa, then the capital of the ISIS caliphate. There she lived, among other places, on the top floor of a villa. Her husband’s second wife lived on the first floor. And some of the houses, according to the prosecution were clearly left behind by refugees.

First Dutch woman

Taking possession of houses and their contents for yourself is plunder, and therefore a war crime, the Public Prosecutor’s office argued Friday in The Hague court. “The impact of looting is huge. Not just for individual people, but also for the rebuilding of the country”. S is the first Dutch ISIS wife to be brought to trial for this offense, but there are now more cases in progress.

The Apeldoorn woman asked no questions of her husband, the Dutch jihadist Anis Z. But she suspected then, as she confirmed Friday, that the houses may have belonged to people “who did not follow the rules of ISIS”. “And at that time, I could agree.”

Xaviera S. traveled to the conflict zone in 2014. The Apeldoorn woman of Netherlands/Antilles origin had been deep in problems in the years prior (drinking, smoking drugs, debts), for which Youth Care Services took her son away. She converted to Islam. “I wanted a purpose in my life.”

Married via Skype

But Xaviera soon winds up in radical circles. Via Skype, she enters into an Islamic marriage with Anis Z., a known jihadist who is in Syria. Without seeing him, she travels there not long afterwards.

“In reality, he was a completely different person than via Skype,” she says about Anis in court. In addition to Xaviera, the Dutch citizen had three other wives, also Dutch. Anis blew himself up in 2015 in a suicide attack for ISIS. Xaviera remarried another jihadist, the Dutch-Algerian Mokhtar M.

In 2018, after the fall of the ISIS caliphate, Xaviera was in jail in Turkey for 1½ years. At the end of 2019, she returned to the Netherlands, where she was taken into custody. In May 2020 she was provisionally released because she was in the last stages of pregnancy.

She is back in court on Friday. The woman in the Hague courtroom no longer looks anything like the tightly-veiled ISIS wife who threatened people with death from the caliphate. Xaviera has her hair in a bun, wears jeans and a sweater, and has tattoos and a nose piercing. She no longer feels like a Muslim. She answers all questions calmly.

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The Reformation

The illustrious gentlemen in the photo above made the hijrah to Syria in the early days of the “Arab Spring” to volunteer for jihad in the path of Allah. It’s unlikely that they were motivated to do so for financial reasons — after all, the entity that eventually became known as the Islamic State was not renowned for paying its soldiers lavishly. Mind you, some of them may have been lured by the possibility of free chicks (and when the Yazidi and Christian communities were eventually overrun, they got their chance). However, we may presume that their primary motive was one of religious fervor. One thing that Islam is good at is ginning up fanatical zeal among its followers.

Fervent zeal is the product of reform within Islam, and that reformation has already occurred.

The current wave of Islamic zealotry may be traced to the formation of the Muslim Brotherhood (Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimeen) in 1928 in Egypt by Hassan al-Banna. The Brotherhood was formed to return Islam to its roots, but it was hardly the first such reform. Waves of fanaticism had occurred periodically before that, including the Sudanese Mahdiyya, which achieved notoriety in 1885 by slaughtering General Gordon in Khartoum.

Islam is prone to these periodic spasms of reformation due to the instructions laid down in its foundational texts. A righteous believer is required by those texts to fight against unbelievers and massacre or enslave all those who refuse to submit and convert to Islam. If he is killed while fighting jihad in the path of Allah, the believer is rewarded with access to the highest level of paradise, where he may partake of banquets and wine and lots more of those free chicks (or “young boys fresh as pearls”, according to his taste). If he survives the jihad, he may share the booty and slaves with his fellow mujahideen and enjoy the perquisites of the victor during his time here on Earth.

Most infidels don’t realize that when reform in Islam occurs, it looks exactly like what is commonly known as “Islamic extremism”. When Islam gets back to basics, it slits throats and subjugates women. It’s in the Koran! (See the Michael Copeland’s extensive compilations for more information about the scriptural basis for Islamic slaughter and brutality.)

I bring all this up because of insightful remarks made by a commenter named Jason on Friday’s post about reform in Islam:

There is a lot that can be said about reforming Islam, but there is one fact that most people seem to miss.

Islam is winning. You don’t reform winning strategies.

It is the losers that need to reform. That’s us.

He’s got a good point there. I’ve often said that the West is currently losing the struggle against the Great Jihad, not because Islam is more powerful or has superior strategies, but because we infidels have preemptively surrendered to it.

Since we have largely abandoned our Christianity, we have nothing left to fight back with. Once upon a time we responded to jihad by organizing the Crusades. Nowadays we heap up teddy bears and light candles.

When those who have a spiritual void within themselves go forth to do battle with righteous zealots, they will invariably lose, regardless of better technology or superior weaponry.

My intuition tells me that when the scimitar is at his throat, the average atheist will submit. It’s so easy just to say the shahada and go through the forms — that plus zakat is all that Islam requires. Yes, there are occasional atheists who are willing to put their lives on the line for their principles — Lars Vilks comes to mind — but they are rare.

Georgiaboy left this excellent response to Jason’s comment:

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Pimping Her Daughter for ISIS

Camilla Olofsson is a Swedish convert to Islam who accompanied her husband to Iraq to take part in the jihad. This was back in the mid-2000s, before ISIS emerged, when Al Qaeda was trending. Ms. Olofsson took her children with her to give them a chance to be part of the jihad experience, and then stayed on when the Islamic State took over as the biggest stud muffin in the Middle East.

She eventually returned to Sweden, and has now been sentenced to almost seven years in prison for her activities in Iraq, which by Swedish standards is a stiff sentence. Among the crimes she was sentenced for was arranging for the “marriage” of her little girl to one of the mujahideen.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Swedish outlet

Several years in prison for widow of Swedish Al Qaeda leader

When Moroccan-Swedish Mohamed Moumou died in Mosul in 2008, he was the second-in-command within Al Qaeda in Iraq. Now his Swedish widow, Camilla Olofsson, has been convicted for aiding and abetting aggravated rape against children and human trafficking of her own child. The crime was committed in Syria during the rule of the Islamic State.

Mohamed Moumou was trained in an Al Qaeda camp in Afghanistan and left Sweden when he was listed as a terrorist by the UN in 2006. He died in a drone attack in Mosul in 2008. By that time he had climbed to the position of the number two man within Al Qaeda in Iraq.

According to security police his widow, Camilla Olofsson, and other members of the family were within the radical Islamist environment even after the death of Mohamed Moumou. For example, two of the sons have fought in Syria, one of whom died.

Doku has previously reported on [Child Protection Act] interventions against two of the daughters; in one of the cases one of the daughters was going to take a niece abroad, but she was arrested by police at Kastrup [Copenhagen Airport].

During the spring of 2022, Expressen reported that Camilla Olofsson and a man were charged by the Stockholm court for, among others, aggravated rape of children. The October 11 charge was for Camilla Olofsson’s part in human trafficking on two occasions, aiding and abetting aggravated child rape on several occasions, and forced marriage. The man, who according to an arrangement with Camilla Olofsson was allowed to marry one of her daughters, was charged with aggravated rape of a child.

The prosecutor’s oral evidence was very extensive and included, among other things, interviews with several people within the jihadist environment who were in the Islamic State and who had contact with Camilla Olofsson and the family when the crimes were reportedly committed.

The Solna district court has now announced its judgment. Camilla Olofsson is sentenced to six years and ten months in prison for human trafficking and aiding and abetting aggravated rape against one of her daughters. The forced marriage is included in the human trafficking charge for which she has been convicted, according to the district court.

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Are We Being Replaced?

Below is an overview of the Great Replacement by H. Numan from a Dutch perspective.

Are we being replaced?

by H. Numan

At this moment an old debate is being stirred up in The Netherlands. Conservative parties (PVV, FvD) openly question ‘omvolking’, or replacement by muslims. This is very much a taboo subject, proving to left-wing parties that the PVV and FvD really are definitely fascist. Otherwise they wouldn’t dare break the taboo. I’m describing the situation in The Netherlands, but it is roughly the same in other Western European countries, with local variations.

Let’s start with the camel in the room. Are we being replaced by muslims? De jure, no. The Dutch government never formulated such a policy. Neither has any other government in Europe. That means the Replacement Theory is, strictly speaking, a false one. However, the facts speak for themselves. De facto we are being replaced. We’re just not allowed to acknowledge the fact.

The next question is: Why are we being replaced? Greed. Pure unmitigated selfish greed. Nothing else. From day 1, some people made a lot of money out of it, or built their careers on it. I know quite a few people who did exactly that. Privately, they vent their hatred of the subjects that provide their income. But not from 9 to 5. I’m talking about social workers here. You have no idea how they think privately about muslim migrants. Until it’s time to go to work, of course. From 9 to 5 they are more social than Mother Theresa and Lenin combined. Once they clock out, they put on their white sheets and give any Grand Kleagle a run for his money.

However, you have to dance to the tune. If you don’t, doors close. Usually very quietly: people avoid you, don’t want to do business with you or promote someone else. Sometimes it’s quite open. They publicly say you are a neo-Nazi. Yes, I’m talking about enlightened well-educated socialists who are open to all opinions and love a debate. Except when it doesn’t correspond with their viewpoints. Sound familiar?

The problems began right after World War Two. There was a huge labor shortage. Understandable, as a lot of men had died during the war. It was even worse; the Dutch army was mobilized and send to the Dutch East Indies to prevent it becoming Indonesia. That’s also an economic problem, because it inevitably caused wages to rise. Something our Christian Democrat and Conservative VVD politicians didn’t like. They were paragons of free market enterprise — except when it came to wages.

The solution was an easy one. Hire scabs. People who are worse off than our poorest. The government recruited first Walloons, followed by Galicians in Spain, Italians and Greeks as ‘gastarbeiders’ or guest laborers. Those guys worked in steel mills and mines for a couple of years, then returned home. Usually because by then there was better-paying and less dangerous work available in their own countries.

The elites quickly came up with the myth of the lazy Dutchman who considered himself too good to work in the mines. The shaming worked, and still does even today. People believe that myth. A fairy tale, because it is simple a matter of making choices. Imagine you are a young man in a rural or poor environment. You can work from 9 to 5 in a factory, for a guilder a day. Or work in shifts in mines or steel mills for 2 guilders a day. You earn a lot more, but the work is very dangerous, hazardous to your health and brutally heavy. You’d be really lucky to live past 50 years. Both factories and mines were screaming for new workers. Understandably, most men opted to work in the factory for less money and a longer life. You and I would do exactly the same.

Once the flow of Greek and Spanish laborers stopped due to improved local economies, recruiters looked south of the Mediterranean and found plenty of takers. They had absolutely no idea what can of worms they were opening. Neither did the politicians.

You see, those people were very different. They came from a totally different culture and religion. Locally, they work according to the principle: anything goes, as long as the referee doesn’t see it. It’s not a problem to lie. Just make sure you are never found out. That’s among themselves. It’s a given with infidels. Here is one cultural difference most Western people refuse to understand. Another one is jizya. Muslims aren’t lying, stealing or cheating. They are merely collecting their dhimmi tax.

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Syria Says: Exiles Should Return Home

The following interview with Syria’s foreign minister provides a Syrian perspective — which also means a Russian one — on the ongoing crisis in the Middle East.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the German-language service of RT:

Interview with Syria’s foreign minister: “Syrians can return from Germany”

In an interview with Middle East correspondent Katrin Leukefeld, the Syrian Foreign Minister reaffirmed his country’s commitment to peace and reconstruction. War refugees are also welcome “without any preconditions” to return to their country.

The Syrians who left their homes during the war are welcome in Syria.

That’s what Syrian Foreign Minister Feisal Mekdad said in a conversation with Middle East correspondent Karin Leukefeld in Damascus. Syria is working with international humanitarian organizations and countries where the Syrians have found refuge. According to Mekdad, more international support is desired for the return.

“What we really want to see is the United Nations encouraging people to return.”

In the detailed discussion, Mekdad went into Syria’s relations with Europe and explained what Syria expects in order for relations to improve again. He spoke about the possibility of the Syrians returning and the impact of the sanctions on the country.

Turkey is acting like a colonial power and is trying to take control of parts of northern Syria. The USA also tried to establish a new state on Syrian territory in the north-east of the country. The occupation of large parts of Syria by these two countries is unacceptable and contrary to international law and must be ended. However, Syria does not want to start a new, endless war and is relying on the power of dialogue, the United Nations Charter and international law.

Mekdad spoke about Syria’s pre-war plans for the “Five Seas Project,” which aimed to bring many countries in the region together economically, culturally and politically. All good approaches from that time were destroyed by the war. Other topics included Syria’s possible return to the Arab League and the importance of Syria’s bilateral relations with other Arab states.

When asked whether Syria would in future orientate itself away from the West towards the East towards Russia, China and Iran, Mekdad said:

“Where can our place be when all (Western) countries position themselves against Syria? Our politics must be based on the interests of the Syrian people, on international law and on the charter of the United Nations. If countries do not respect all this and want a regime change in Syria, then where should we go? Can we agree with the US administration or the French government that want to occupy Syria, send fighter jets to attack Syria? While the Russian Federation says, we understand Syria’s legitimate position and support the country? In such a situation, of course, we will stand by Russia, China, Iran and other countries.”

The world needs a multipolar system to change the existing balance in which Western countries try to dominate and rule countries around the world against their will, Mekdad said. If the West only pursues its own interests at the expense of other, developing countries, then more and more countries will turn away from them.

Respect for UN Security Council resolutions

The humanitarian aid, which is being sent across borders from Turkey to northern Syria and the Syrian province of Idlib, is controlled by organizations listed as terrorists by the UN, Mekdad said. The “Islamic State” and the Nusra Front sold the aid supplies or passed them on to their allied groups.

“Or they keep it for themselves. We don’t accept that. Western states have said they monitor it, but no monitoring mechanism has been activated.”

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The Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden, Part Nine

Below is the latest installment on the Muslim Brotherhood in Sweden. Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Ledarsidorna:

Faith and Solidarity: Give the Muslim Brotherhood a clear and obvious place

Over time, the Social Democrats (SD) have developed two foreign policy lines: Partly that which is presented in the media and Parliament, but also partly that which is carried out in practice. A foreign policy that is essentially influenced by the Muslim Brotherhood, whose most faithful ally is the Social Democrat side organization Faith and Solidarity.

Ever since the mid-1990s, the Muslim Brotherhood has established itself in the Social Democrat party. As Ledarsidorna was earlier able to report, the Brotherhood has its principal seat through the Islamic Association in Sweden and particularly through Stockholm’s mosque, whose current imam, Mahmoud Khalfi, was nominated for political positions of trust after the 1994 Stockholm municipal election.

Khalfi has himself affirmed the mosque’s direction as belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood in several of his own statements, which have been noticed by researcher Sameh Egyptson. The previous spokesperson for IFiS (Islamic Association in Sweden), Mahmoud Aldebe, has also confirmed the ideological direction through his own description of the Brotherhood in Sweden.

The clearest example of how this seemingly warm relationship between Social Democrats and the Brotherhood has grown is the trip that was made in 2011.

In March 2011, on the initiative of the Brotherhood movement, a delegation made up of Viola Furubjelke, head of the delegation, Mariam Osman Sheriafy (SD Board of Directors), Alaa Idris, SSU (Swedish SD Youth Association), Chakrib Benmaklouf, president of European Federation of Islamic Organizations (FIOE), and Ulf Carmesund, international secretary of the Brotherhood Movement, traveled to Egypt to gain information on the situation in the country after the riots at Tahrir Square. Among other things, meetings were held with representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood who later won the subsequent election through their political party.

Viola Furubjelke is a former member of Parliament (1985-2002) and chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Committee. From 2005 to 2008 Furubjelke was general secretary for Olof Palme’s International Center.

FIOE, of which Benmaklouf was chairman at the time, is the Brotherhood’s European umbrella organization, and was founded by, among others, IFiS.

Mariam Osman Sheriafy later became rector for Kista Public High School, which is part of the Brotherhood’s cluster of network organizations. Alaa Idris became organizational secretary with responsibility for member registry for Carin Jämtin during the latter’s time as party secretary.

During the same period, Peter Weiderud was chairman for the Brotherhood Movement, which changed its name to Social Democrats for Faith and Solidarity. Faith and Solidarity developed into today’s organization to no longer being a Christian side organization of Social Democrats, but to an inter-religious organization where all religions are welcome. This led to the organization taking on a values-apologetic profile.

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Lampedusa is Full Up

I’ve been covering the immigration crisis in the Mediterranean, with a special emphasis on the landings at the island of Lampedusa, since 2007. The rate of flow has fluctuated, but the numbers have trended gradually and steadily upwards. There was a big spike during the Arab Spring in 2011, when the late Muammar Qaddafi made good on his threat to unleash the African hordes on Europe (after which Hillary Clinton and the CIA arranged for his demise). The Great Migration Crisis of 2015 caused an even higher surge.

A symbiosis between organized-crime human traffickers and migrant-“rescue” NGOs brought the flood of “refugees” to its current catastrophic level. The business is fabulously lucrative for everyone involved, so as long as the EU continues its open-borders policies, the migrants will keep on coming. What used to be a month’s worth of arrivals in Lampedusa fifteen years ago is now the traffic of a single weekend.

The two articles below provide details on the latest landings of African migrants on Italian territory. First, from Corriere della Sera, translated by Gary Fouse:

Migrants: At Lampedusa, 1,200 landings in a few hours. Salvini: “Immediate meeting with Draghi”

Nine consecutive arrivals with “sea carts”: Hotspot immediately full and the emergency returns to the island. The mayor is bitter. “Don’t call it an emergency, it was all foreseen.” Meloni: “This requires a naval blockade.”

by Salvo Toscano

The emergency returns to Lampedusa with 1,200 refugees arriving within a few hours, thanks also to the good weather. And the political polemic is also returning, with the secretary of the Lega, Matteo Salvini, who calls for the intervention of Premier Draghi. “A meeting with President Draghi is necessary,” he says, “with millions of Italians in difficulty, we cannot think about thousands of illegals (already 12,000 landed since the beginning of the year).” The leader of Brothers of Italy (Fratelli d’Italia), Giorgia Meloni, speaks instead of a naval blockade. “We don’t want to get used to this type of news. Illegal immigration will be stopped. The smugglers must be stopped as well as the immigration NGOs who take advantage of the tragedies.” “Europe, take action,” added Alessandro Battilocchio, a deputy for Forza Italia [Silvio Berlusconi’s party] and in charge of the Department of Immigration of the blue movement.

The Day

Look at what has happened. In the course of a few hours, more than one thousand migrants have arrived on the island of Pelagie in 9 different waves. The last two between noon and one pm. First, a patrol boat of the Captain of the Port brought 97 migrants to the commercial pier, of various ethnicities, all men, intercepted two nautical miles from Lampedusa on a wooden boat, 10 meters long, with an outboard motor. Less than one hour later, a patrol boat of the Guardia di Finanza escorted 38 Tunisian migrants to Favaloro pier, including two women and a child, who were found on a wooden boat of about 8 meters. In the fifth of seven disembarkations brought to Favaloro pier, 398 migrants of various nationalities, among them 24 women and 6 children, who were found on a broken-down fishing boat.

The Reactions

“Alarming situations,” says Nicola Molteni, Undersecretary of Interior, at Agrigento today for the beatification of Rosario Livatino, who asks for “a European response, totally absent today.” All the migrants have been taken to the hotspot of the island, which was empty and has rapidly been refilled to the limit. “I heard from the Ministry of Interior, and they told me that the quarantine ships have left,” the mayor of Lampedusa, Toto Martello, says to Corriere. “Just one thing: Let’s not talk about this thing as if it were an emergency; it is not, it was all foreseen and predictable.”

The second article is from PolitikStube, and was translated by Hellequin GB:

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The Facebook Spring in Egypt

Ashraf Ramelah sends a new report on the persecution of Copts and the suppression of free speech in Egypt.

Social media used to incite sectarian strife against Coptic Christians in Egypt

by Dr. Ashraf Ramelah

The most recent escalation of violence against Egyptian Copts living in Egypt occurred last month (November 2020) and was sparked by Facebook posts prompting Muslim radicals to retaliate for religious comments. After reading Christian “insults” Muslim goons set out to attack Coptic villages.

Christian Copts clarifying points on social media have been victims of sectarian hunts and ambushes by ruffians looking for a trigger to pull. Counterfeit pages that scammers produce bait Christians into commenting and then charge them with insulting Islam.

Copts are often tricked into responses by Islamists who have befriended them with hidden identities — sometimes showing a Christian cross to trick the page owner. Islamists harass and instigate in a scheme to entrap. Those are only the thugs at work. Additionally, the state’s “internet police” spy on Christian Facebook pages to target anti-Islam sentiments.

In other cases, Islamic hackers steal the page owner’s identity and make incendiary statements to frame a Facebook page owner and then track the Christian victim to his home. One such incident led to the village of Al Barsha in part of Al Minya Governorate (300 km south of Cairo).

It did not matter to Islam’s vigilantes that official sources confirmed the hacking of the Al Barsha villager’s Facebook account. Nor did it matter that the Al Barsha Christian did not make the remarks. Islamists set out to harm this Coptic family and displace them from their home just the same.

Molotov cocktails were thrown, the church was targeted as well, and the security police came in to prevent further damage.

Bedouin courts handle tech platform “offenses”

Conflicts instigated and executed by Muslim fundamentalists end up in the customary reconciliation sessions known as Bedouin courts. The Christian is always forced to plead guilty when innocent and pay dearly by handing over his home, farm or business to the criminals. The mandatory “peace” agreement of these arbitration sessions always sets the Islamic criminal free and punishes the innocent Christian family. This is precisely the purpose of the arbitration court.

Egypt’s Interior Ministry blames hostile countries; acknowledges Copts as targets

Last year the Egyptian Interior Ministry warned that thousands of Egyptian Facebook accounts were fakes. It added that “great numbers of these fake pages are outside the country and sponsored, funded and managed by countries that are hostile to Egypt.” The Interior Minister’s office went on to say that “such pages are used to spread rumors aiming to generate unrest by Muslim Brotherhood terrorist groups inciting acts of sabotage and violence and spreading chaos in the country, and especially against Copts.”

According to these statements, the stalking and scamming is generated by outside enemies and followed through by inside terror elements. All of it is religious warfare. Meanwhile, what are religious leaders of Al Azhar Institute saying or doing? Islamic censorship and terrorizing due to religious discrimination on social media platforms will not stop unless leaders show the way. The esteemed center of Sunni Islamic scholarship alone holds the power of interpretation of Quranic teachings. Supremacy teachings unfortunately do not support or aid followers to achieve peace and harmony with fellow citizens.

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The Anniversary of Egypt’s Maspero Massacre

Ashraf Ramelah revisits the massacre of Egyptian Copts that took place nine years ago this fall, and consequent events since then.

On the Anniversary of Egypt’s Maspero Massacre, Christian Copts continue to give Al-Sisi a pass

by Dr. Ashraf Ramelah

This autumn marked the ninth anniversary of the brutal murders of innocent Christian Copts in a tragedy known as the Maspero Massacre, when thousands of peaceful Copts and Muslims gathered on October 9, 2011 and marched towards Cairo’s Tahrir Square. On three separate occasions around that date Egyptians protested the previous eight months of ramped-up violence against Coptic Orthodox Christians. At their third and final protest, army tanks overran the peaceful crowd, killing 30 and injuring 130, while another military division arrested and “disappeared” Christian demonstrators.

The Egyptian military had assumed power in January of that same year when the late President Hosni Mubarak stepped down eighteen days after the breakout of the Arab Spring. In Egypt’s transition to elections, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), twenty-two high ranked officers (top generals including Lieutenant Major Abed El Fatah Al-Sisi), took control of all branches of government and the media.

There was a huge surge in attacks against Copts during the aftermath of the Arab Spring. The SCAF government was negligent for unreasonable delays in locating and pursuing suspects. Their failure became the green light for even more hostile elements to open fire on Copts and the churches.

In response to this, thousands of Orthodox Christians were led by two priests to gather and parade through the streets to protest these crimes. When the dust settled on “Anger Day” (the third protest) near the Maspero Radio and Television office building, there were more than one hundred arrests of lawful demonstrators by the military. Christians were hauled away and interrogated. Many were never seen again. Some were beaten and then released.

Six years later: Egypt’s presidential campaign revisits Maspero Massacre

Six years after the Maspero Massacre during the pre-election period in January of 2018, SCAF’s nefarious connection to the Maspero Massacre was made public by an insider, Lieutenant General Samy Annan, a political figure and SCAF military general. Annan’s 2018 campaign for president against incumbent Al-Sisi leaked incriminating information against the president for being the very one behind the military’s Maspero aggression.

The information was actually leaked to the public by a staff member of Annan’s presidential campaign. This staff member was subsequently arrested, tried and jailed for releasing classified military documents to the media. Annan was arrested and sentenced to house arrest by a secret military court. His political career was ruined as his campaign and political party were terminated.

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A Syrian in Germany Confounds the Narrative on the “Civil War” in Syria

The following video features the remarks by a Syrian-German named Manaf Hassan. Mr. Hassan’s parents were actual refugees, not like the “Syrian” “refugees” that are currently flooding the country.

His talk was a part of a symposium hosted by the Greens (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen) on May 15 entitled Die Zukunft Syriens — Perspektiven eines zerstörten Landes, “The future of Syria — Perspectives of a ruined country”. As far as I can tell, the video of the full event is here, but I didn’t have the patience to watch the whole thing in order to determine whether Mr. Hassan’s remarks were actually included in the footage.

The Greens had gathered to weep over the puir wee bairns and other victims of the war in Syria, and to condemn the evil actions of the dictator Bashar al-Assad. They were plainly agitated and discomfited by what Manaf Hassan had to say, since he veered off the Narrative and said any number of things that are not permitted to be spoken in public.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Schrödinger’s Caliph is Alive

A new video has surfaced of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Caliph of the Islamic State. Mr. Baghdadi has been reported killed on multiple occasions, but he keeps popping up again. This is said to be the first video of him to be released in almost five years.

The clip below contains a brief excerpt from the new video. A subtitled version of the full-length video of the caliph’s remarks is currently being processed, and will be available soon. In the meantime, enjoy these samples of the wit and wisdom of the Mujahid-in-Chief.

Many thanks to Ibn Al Malek for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Sri Lanka Bombers Pledge Fealty to the Caliph of the Islamic State

The mainstream media in the West have been reluctant to mention Islam when discussing the Easter Sunday bombings in Sri Lanka, which killed at least 359 people at churches and hotels. In fact, they have been loath to refer to religion at all, preferring to identify the victims as “Easter worshippers” rather than “Christians”.

Despite the fact that the incident had nothing to do with Islam or any other religion, a video has surfaced of the conspirators — at least some of whom were suicide bombers — pledging fealty to Caliph Abu-Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State.

At the end of the video the terrorists recite “Allahu Akhbar” in unison, which intelligence analysts believe to be an Arabic phrase that means: “We fear unemployment, are concerned about climate change, experience social marginalization, and feel discriminated against.”

Many thanks to Ibn Al-Malek for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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“The Problem of Islamist Terrorism in Germany Wouldn’t Exist Without Immigration”

Hans-Georg Maaßen is the former President of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution in Germany. Mr. Maaßen caused a controversy after the Chemnitz protests in 2018, in which it was said that an angry mob had “hunted” foreign-looking people. In an interview with Bild, Mr. Maaßen questioned the existence of any evidence for such “hunts”, and stated that his security agency had not in fact seen any such evidence. He was eased out of his position as a result of his deviation from the official narrative.

The video below is a recent interview with Hans-Georg Maaßen from Hungarian TV. Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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