Reforming Islam is None of Our Business

The prophet as a Swedish roundabout dog, based on an idea by Lars Vilks

Urban Månsson is a Swedish freelance writer, YouTuber, and dissident who calls himself URBAN WRITER. He studied theology and philosophy at Lund University, and is comparable to Dan Andersson (chairman of DFS = Det fria Sverige / SVEGOT MEDIA, a right-wing nationalist), but does not belong to any political group.

The following piece is taken from his Substack site. Many thanks to our Swedish correspondent LN for the translation:

Reforming Islam — not our business

August 3, 2023

There are often calls for Islam to be reformed. In part, I suspect that this is spoken against the backdrop of the 16th-century Reformation in the Christian world and the notion that anyone who embraces the Reformation then and now is free from real and imagined flaws and abuses.

We must be very clear about one thing: it is never up to anyone on the outside to reform what is inside. It’s as crazy as country A interfering in the internal affairs of country B just because it thinks it has higher morals and a more advanced culture. Not to mention a developed democracy.

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It may of course be the case that country A — its values, standard of living, happiness index, etc. — is objectively more developed than country B. However, this does not lead to either the right or the obligation to intervene.

It is different if B asks A for help; if representatives of Islam ask the free world for help in reforming Islam. But why should they do so? They are in thrall to the ideas dictated by Muhammad in the 7th century. It is interesting to note that Islam is very careful to point out that Muhammad was illiterate. This is to prove that he did not write [“invent”] the revelation he received from the angel Gabriel in a desert cave.

Islam is a religion and an ideology with overtones and practices that are essentially different from the civilization we have built and maintained for centuries in Europe and other parts of the Western world.

Islam is not like any chess or football club. The secular world cannot — and should not — try to influence its ideas, belief systems and working methods. The only thing it can and should do is to keep this entity as far away as possible and let everyone who belongs to it live in those parts of the world where people have chosen this system.

It is part of the Muslim view that all land and resources are created for Islam and Muslims. And I really mean all the land in the whole world. According to Islam, all people are — actually — Muslims, but not everyone has realized and acknowledged this yet. According to Islam, it is right to subjugate all land. Ever since their prophet Muhammad died in 632, this religious ideology has emerged like a swarm of locusts and destroyed functioning societies. Islam means — literally — submission. In its outward form, Islam is about conquest.

I pursued religious studies, theology and philosophy at Lund University for several years. I took extra courses in, among other things, Islamology to familiarize myself with and understand this ideology. I describe myself as politically alert and have a background as an officer, including positions in the intelligence and security services. I get involved, read a lot, continue to study, and I think I have a pretty good grasp.

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10 thoughts on “Reforming Islam is None of Our Business

  1. That dog is too large and good looking to represent M0-ham -head ,a Chihuahua would better represent him. A small yapping dog ,that serves no purpose ,guards no sheep,
    does not protects its owner or his family .Should we submit to a small minded ,thieving ,regressive , violent, stupid ,unfair religion ,that wants us as slaves ,or dead? Do we give in to the Chihuahua of religions ,that has not produce anything worth while in its 1200 years of terrorizing everyone not Moslem, or even the right branch of that total rotten tree of Islam?

  2. There is a lot that can be said about reforming Islam, but there is one fact that most people seem to miss.

    Islam is winning. You don’t reform winning strategies.

    It is the losers that need to reform. That’s us.

    • @ Jason

      Re: “Islam is winning. You don’t reform winning strategies.”

      You’re quite right: As long as the hardliners within Islam seem to be “winning,” however that term is defined for their side, it makes the job that much harder for would-be reformers to cause change to happen.

      The other fact about reform and Islam that so many miss is that reform within Islam may indeed have already taken place, but in the opposite direction of that expected by western apologists and forecasters.

      I am referring to the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt in 1928 by then-obscure school-teacher and practicing Muslim Hassan al-Banna. Upon seeing modernity and the West and their effects on the Islam world, many Muslims yearned for a return to the ‘golden age’ of Islam of the distant past and deplored the corruption, decadence and intellectual and more turpitude of Islam in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

      The founding of the Ikhwan (Muslim Brothers) was therefore ultimately seen by millions of Muslims worldwide as a rejection of modernity and an attempt to return to a past remembered as glorious and storied. In other words, as a sort of reformation.

      The founding and rapid spread of the Muslim Brotherhood around the Islamic world since 1928 can therefore be seen as a reformation of the faith – not in a more-modern and secular direction, but a return to its past roots and perceived strength and vitality.

      Re: “It is the losers that need to reform. That’s us.”

      The answer to the question of why old Europe is now being overrun with Islamic “refugees” and “migrants” who are de facto conquerors – is that much of Europe is now largely secular, in particular western and northern Europe. Indeed, the nations which arguably are best-resisting the invasion are those of Eastern Europe, in particular Poland, Czechia, Slovakia and Hungary – all of which are still strongly Christian in comparison to their neighbors in westerner and northern Europe.

      For well over a thousand years, Christianity has served as the sword and shield of Europe, which also known then as Christendom.

      That’s not just a figure of speech; the strong faith and arms of those heroes of the now-distant past protected Old Europe from dozens of serious large-scale attempts at invasion and conquest by Muslims from the south, and hundreds – perhaps even thousands of smaller raids and engagements during that time.

      Charles Martel and his men at Tours in 732; the armada of ships of the Catholic Holy League victorious at the Battle of Lepanto in 1571; the Winged Hussars of Polish King Jan III Sobieski at the Siege and Battle of Vienna in September 1683; there are many other such figures.

      These men down the ages were not just legendary warriors of renown, they were devoted Christians whose beliefs were just as devout as those of the Muslims facing them across the battlefield.

      For all of those centuries down to the present, over some 1,400 years, Christianity has served as sort of a de facto immune system of the West, one of the means by which Europeans distinguished themselves from those alien to their civilization and its beliefs. It wasn’t simply that Christians defended Old Europe and the West from invaders; it supplied the sense of identity that made them Europeans in the first place.

      It is no accident that the present-day fall of Europe is taking place against the backdrop of an enfeebled Christianity whose so-called “leaders” cannot even summon the moral courage to defend their own birthright.
      As the old saying goes, apathy and tolerance are the last virtues of a dying civilization.

      • The Eastern European coutries you mention remember being plundered for slaves by the Ottomans; those around the Mediterranean, similarly plagued by the Barbary Pirates but on a smaller scale, perhaps less so?

  3. You cannot reform a turd, no matter how much you perfume it ,polish it, speak nicely to it ,it is still a turd. Islam is the turd in the punch ball of all religions still alive in the modern world .Without extreme violence ,stealing , slaving it would have died out a long time ago.

  4. Reforming Islam is impossible. All the really evil bits of its philosophy and ethics are FUNDAMENTAL. The only hope for the world is not to reform it, but to destroy it.

    Start small. Start now

  5. You cannot reform islam, you kill it with extreme measures and purpose. Deo Volente! Crusades!

  6. As others have said, Islam cannot be reformed, it is evil to the core. A philosophy of rape and murder under the auspices of an evil fake god. It must be exterminated.

  7. I’ve been watching this YouTube channel called Pfander Films and they have pretty much convinced me that the origin story of Islam, the Standard Islamic Narrative, is bogus.

    The key fact is the end of the war between the Byzantine and Persian Empires in 622 which left many Nabatean Arab mercenaries unemployed. These people banded together around a warlord and their descendants invented Islamic history to justify and consolidate their conquests.

    The black stone in Mecca is the real centrepiece of their faith.

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