Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/30/2014

According to airport security sources in the UK, Al Qaeda is planning a simultaneous attack on five jetliners as part of a Christmas “spectacular” in London and other European cities. Airport authorities are considering banning all carry-on hand luggage in an attempt to thwart the attacks.

In other news, recently arrested members of a criminal gang in Naples are thought to be responsible for 90% of the counterfeit euro notes and coins circulated in the EU and other regions.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Fjordman, Insubria, Mark Spahn, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Whited Sepulchre, Part 2

This is the second in an occasional series of essays. Part 1 is here.

The Duty to Know

The first post in this series examined the way in which the West repeatedly attempts to obscure uncomfortable facts about Islamic violence by avoiding the use of Islamic names in media accounts and official references that deal with converts to Islam. This is just one way that non-Muslims delude themselves about the nature of Islam. Their efforts are deliberate — that is, for reasons that are difficult to understand, Westerners prefer to construct an edifice of comforting falsehoods about Islam rather than face up to the ghastly truth.

On Friday November 14, an “ecumenical” Islamic prayer service was held at the National Cathedral in Washington D.C. under the auspices of the Episcopal Church of the United States. Anyone who wants to understand the ongoing aggressive Islamization of the West should be interested in what was really going on in the cathedral. To the Episcopalian hierarchy and other Modern Multicultural Christians, the event was an opportunity for interfaith outreach, cultural understanding, the building of bridges, the elimination of stereotypes, etc. blah yak — yes, I know; we’ve heard it all before.

That’s how the infidels understood it. The parts they could understand, that is — much of the service was chanted in Arabic, and even the English-language parts were somewhat obscure, as verses translated from the Koran tend to be. The occasion was a sort of Rorschach test for post-modern progressives, allowing them to hear what they wanted to hear.

But what significance did those prayers have for Muslims?

Some eighty percent of the world’s Muslims do not understand Arabic, so many participants may have had to rely on the English portions of the service, just as we did. But all of those who had been trained in Islamic law — and there was at least one Al-Azhar scholar in the congregation, based on his headgear — would have understood the Koranic background to the chosen prayers, because those verses have been the subject of extensive commentary (tafsir) for more than a thousand years.

For example, one of the chanted verses was Koran 1:7: “The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.”

As Dr. Andrew Bostom pointed out, “those who have gone astray” are Christians, and “those who have evoked [Allah’s] anger” are the Jews. Such is the universally recognized meaning of the passage, as glossed by a consensus of Islamic scholars.

That is: prominent imams came to the National Cathedral and chanted a prayer that specifically anathematized their Christian hosts.

That’s some ecumenism, that Islamic ecumenism.

If Christian luminaries were faithful shepherds of their flocks, they would make it their business to be aware of such basic facts about Islam. They have a duty to know, but they have failed to perform that duty.

The same may be said of our political and military leaders: they have a duty to know, but they have not been dutiful.

The abandonment of professional standards

In the following summary I have once again drawn extensively on the invaluable research and analysis performed by Major (retd.) Stephen Coughlin, one of the foremost American experts on Islamic law.

Concerning Islamic terrorism, decision-makers at the highest levels of the American government have outsourced the definition of the enemy to agents or affiliates of the Muslim Brotherhood. This was true before 9-11, and the process has only accelerated in the years since. This negligence by our public officials constitutes one of the greatest betrayals in American history.

Civilian leaders, defense analysts, and military commanders have been explicitly enjoined from describing the ideological inspiration for jihad fighters in any terms except those approved by Muslim advisers who have been strategically placed in influential positions at the highest levels of the government and the Pentagon and among top legislative aides on Capitol Hill.

More than five years ago the words “Islam”, “Muslim”, and “jihad” were removed from all training materials used by federal law enforcement agencies and the U.S. military when describing the perpetrators of terrorist acts. The word “terrorism” itself was eventually excised, leaving us with “violent extremism” as the only acceptable phrase to identify what used to be called terror attacks. “Extreme” is obviously only a modifier, and requires some sort substantive to modify, but asking “extreme what?” has never elicited a coherent response.

These restrictions have left government employees and serving members of the military with no way to describe or analyze the ideology that motivates our “extremist” enemies. Any analyst who wants to gain an understanding of what drives an “extremist” to commit “workplace violence” is unable to acquire the tools to do so. He may conduct extramural research in order to delve into jihadist ideology and Islamic law, but his “racist” activities, if discovered, may put an end to his career.

Muslim Brotherhood operatives have racked up an impressive series of successes over the past twenty-five years of their infiltration. The Ikhwan, as most readers will recall, described their mission in the United States as a “civilization-jihadist process”[1]:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/29/2014

Pope Francis visited the Blue Mosque in Istanbul today in the company of Grand Mufti Rahmi Yaran. Inside the mosque, His Holiness bowed his head in silent prayer while facing Mecca.

In other news, schoolchildren in England were evacuated from a playground and sent back inside the building after they were threatened by an unusually aggressive grey squirrel.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Gaia, Insubria, Mark H, Papa Whiskey, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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“…Like Vultures on a Roadside Carcass”

Over the last few days a number of readers have sent us the link to the video below.

The speaker is the Sheriff of Milwaukee County, Wisconsin (the City of Milwaukee has its own separate police force).

Sheriff Clarke is a black Democrat politician (sheriffs are elected), and a refreshingly outspoken law enforcement officer. The whole speech at the Press Club, of which this is an excerpt, concerns his observations about the “vultures” who flew into Ferguson Missouri in order to take full advantage of the crisis there, even perhaps hoping to have a hand in creating the resulting conflagration. At the time of this speech the grand jury had yet to reach a decision regarding the lawfulness (or not) of the actions of the Ferguson police officer who shot the young black man, Michael Brown.

Many Americans have become increasingly cynical and fearful as they observe the entitled behavior of police across all areas of the country. The aftermath of the Boston Marathon terrorist attack and the police behavior there is emblematic of our fears. Just use a search string which includes the words «Boston Marathon military tactics police Waltham». It is dispiriting.

The Washington Post has given seat and voice to one of the more knowledgeable and popular critics of the new-style LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) who have been unleashed on unsuspecting citizens. These are not the police our fathers would remember. You can read Radley Balko here.

Sheriff Clarke is not among the new breed Balko describes- which may be why he has been repeatedly re-elected in a bastion of liberal Democrats. He transcends partisan politics to address the needs of the citizens who elect him and whom he serves.

It takes guts to be in his business and still be willing to bust on Eric Holder. Every criticism he makes of the now-former (thank heavens) head of our Department of Justice is a full-on body shot. Holder is a disgrace; Obama’s choice of the man to destroy DoJ succeeded at the task he was given. That work reflects accurately on their ultimate aim: to tear down what they hadn’t built.

Below the fold is Sheriff Clarke’s CV. It was cited on the You Tube channel which posted this excerpt from his speech at the National Press Club:

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An Open Letter to Canadian Journalists and Academics

Sergei Bourachaga returns with an open letter he wrote to academics and journalists in Canada after the jihad attack in Ottawa last month.

A caveat: I have serious reservations about the use of “hate laws” to achieve any political ends, even those of the Counterjihad. Not only do such laws criminalize people on the basis of their thoughts, they also tend to be used selectively by Western governments against “right-wing extremists” in order to stifle domestic dissent.

However, I recognize that many people outside the United States, including a substantial number of Canadians, have different ideas about the wisdom of curbing our civil liberties. Thus I offer Mr. Bourachaga’s opinions here, but they do not necessarily coincide with the views of this blog’s owners.

Foreword by Sergei Bourachaga:

After the tragic events that unfolded in Ottawa at the end of October 2014, I waged a massive campaign to reach the maximum number of Canadian journalists and academics to convince them that we cannot win the ideological war orchestrated by ISIS on the World Wide Web if we focus on online propaganda to radicalize Canadian Muslims, while disregarding the fact that many Canadians who died on the battlefields of Iraq and Syria were radicalized by Muslim Clerics in Mosques well known to the Canadian Intelligence community. Thus the need to silence those radical clerics under the “Hate Laws” of this country.

Two days ago a prominent Muslim thinker wrote an article supporting a position that I have been trying to convey since 2007: Islamic radicalism starts at the level of many mosques, where Muslims exposed to the venoms of hatred, promoted in the name of complying with the will of Allah, decide to betray Canada. Often their anger is unleashed on innocent victims, who are targeted simply because a cleric has designated them as infidels.

I sent the following text to more than one hundred Canadian journalists and academics, and hopefully with the new voice from the Canadian Muslim community in Toronto, politicians and law enforcement agencies will give our “Hate Laws” an additional momentum.

Dear Sir/Madam,

It is safe to assume that, like most Canadians, you followed very closely the violent events that shook the city of Ottawa at the end of October, and forced politicians, law enforcement agencies, academics, and anti-terrorism experts to ask again and again the following two questions: “How does a Canadian-born individual who seems to be well-adjusted to the Canadian way of life (democratic secularism) betray his country, and sink deeper and deeper into the abyss of religious fanaticism and kill innocent people he considers the enemies of his GOD/ALLAH? What can we do to stop or contain this radicalism, or to deradicalise those who have been victimized by extremist preachers?

Following the tragic events that claimed the life of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, RCMP Supt. Martine Fontain pointed out to the media that “…it’s not a crime in Canada to have radical thoughts.” I respectfully disagree with her statement, especially if the radical thoughts carry venoms of hatred directed against well-identified groups who are dehumanized, demonized, and selected indiscriminately to perish in the fires of hell to reinforce the message that our government should stay away from the upheavals of the Middle East.

Below this text you will find an article I wrote back in 2007, published on several websites in a variety of modified forms, advocating the use of existing “Hate Laws” (Section 319.(1) Criminal Code) in Canada to reinforce the message that Canadian authorities will not tolerate the spread of hate messages, even if the radicals promoting them wave the false flags of freedom of religious worship, or freedom of expression.

I strongly believe that journalists and academics should encourage decision makers at the Federal and Provincial level, to use existing hate laws to silence religiously-motivated hatred exploited by local and visiting preachers as a tool to radicalize and recruit Canadian youngsters, and propel them into acts of violence (locally and in foreign lands such as Syria and Iraq), all in the name of establishing the reign of Allah on this planet.

Lately, prominent members of Canadian Islamic groups and associations have joined me in highlighting the need to use “Hate Laws” to silence radical clerics preaching hatred in their mosques. One such courageous figure is Mr. Tarek Fatah who published on November 26, 2014, and article entitled “The myth of ‘de-radicalization’ of Islamic radicals”, and pointed out that the struggle against Islamic radicalism in Canada will not be successful unless the following measures are adopted:

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Turkish Supply Lines for the Islamic State

According to recent news reports, the Islamic State is now launching attacks from the Turkish side of the border on Kurdish forces in the Syrian town of Kobani.

Turkish indifference and hostility towards the Kurds is well known and of long standing. And Turkey’s affinity for the Islamic State is becoming more and more overt as the war south of its border wears on.

The video below from Deutsche Welle shows the border crossing into Syria at the Turkish town of Kilis, which is a crucial transshipment point in ISIS’ supply lines. At the very least, corrupt Turkish government officials turn a blind eye to the Islamic State’s acquisition of essential war matériel overland through Turkey. At worst, it’s possible that ISIS’ use of Turkish territory enjoys the active support of Turkey:

Below are excerpts from a Fox News report about ISIS’ latest offensive against Kobani:

‘They Are Attacking From Four Sides’: Activists Say ISIS Moves to Kobani From Turkey

BEIRUT — The Islamic State group launched an attack Saturday on the Syrian border town of Kobani from Turkey, a Kurdish official and activists said, although Turkey denied that the fighters had used its territory for the raid.

The assault began when a suicide bomber driving an armored vehicle detonated his explosives on the border crossing between Kobani and Turkey, said the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights and Nawaf Khalil, a spokesman for Syria’s powerful Kurdish Democratic Union Party.

The Islamic State group “used to attack the town from three sides,” Khalil said. “Today, they are attacking from four sides.”

Turkey, while previously backing the Syrian rebels fighting to topple President Bashar Assad in that country’s civil war, has been hesitant to aid them in Kobani because it fears that could stoke Kurdish ambitions for an independent state.

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“Our Countries Are Waking Up”

Geert Wilders, the leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) in the Netherlands, spoke today at a meeting of the Front National in France. Below is the prepared text of his remarks (my translation). The original French text is at the bottom of this post.

Speech by Geert Wilders

Before the Congress of the National Front (Lyon, November 29, 2014)

Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,

I am very pleased to be here today in Lyon, the capital of the French Resistance. It is a privilege to address this gathering of French patriots in the presence of my friend, Marine Le Pen, the next President of France! My party, the Party for Freedom, is, according to surveys, the largest party in the Netherlands. And your party, the National Front, is, according to the polls, the top party in France.

The future is ours! The future belongs to the patriots of Europe! Because the peoples of Europe have had enough of betrayal by the multicultural elites who destroy our identities and our traditions. Of these hypocrites who squander our wealth and shackle our prosperity, endangering the future of our children.

Like you, we want to protect our sovereign and independent country. Like you, we want to use our taxpayers’ money for our own citizens. Like you, we are fighting to preserve our identity. Like you, we do not want foreigners who come to our country to tell us that they are the masters of our house.

We say:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/28/2014

In an address to Turkish authorities, Pope Francis said that basic sustenance must be guaranteed for all people, and the environment must be protected. He also called for freedom of religion, and denounced the violence committed by the Islamic State. However, he insisted that using force against ISIS was not the proper way of resolving the conflict. Instead, he stressed the importance of fighting poverty and hunger and working to provide sustainable growth as a way to reach an enduring peace.

In other news, Denmark is facing a potential budget shortfall due to the precipitous drop in the price of oil. The current state budget was calculated using a significantly higher market price for Denmark’s North Sea oil.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Caroline Glick, Fjordman, Insubria, Jerry Gordon, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The German State Uses Leftists as a Weapon Against its Own People

Day of free speech

The following article from Kopp Online gives an account of a recent citizens’ demonstration against a refugee center in Berlin. According to some first-hand accounts, not only were leftist counter-demonstrators allowed (and encouraged) to attack the demonstrators, they were even provided with tactical intelligence by police units on the scene.

Many thanks to JLH for the translation:

Berlin and the Spark to Civil War:

“The State is Using Left Extremists as a Weapon Against the People”

by Torben Grombery, November 24, 2014

In the German capital city Berlin, a protest demonstration by residents against the building of refugee accommodations was attacked by left extremists. This escalated to the point that the previously peaceful participants skipped a step and turned directly into enraged citizens in popular anger mode. The impetus: women and children injured by stones and bottles from counter-demonstrators. The amateur descriptions of that leave little room for positive prognoses in this district.

Also, the Berlin “Civilian Movement of Marzahn” was founded to resist the building of a refugee accommodation in the form of a “container village,” one of such now arising in many parts of Germany because of the continuing stream of refugees. The residents here, as almost everywhere in Germany, feel overlooked by the political system and fear a negative development in their homeland.

Berlin can, unfortunately, show a number of examples, such as whole lengths of street, or parks degenerating to lawless space and becoming nearly unlivable, because of Green policy failures. For example, the region around the still occupied Gerhart Hauptmann school impressively models the continuing tug-of-war for space. And we may also mention at this point the “Great Kreuzberg Experiment in Devastation” — Görlitzer Park.

Needless to say, with this citizen movement, too, extreme groups are trying to infiltrate it and use it for their own political purposes. And the mainstream Left seizes upon that to brand this movement purely a protest by xenophobic rightists.

Since the one-sided reportage of the left-leaning MSM on the recent demonstrations by movements like PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West) in Dresden or the HoGeSa (Hooligans against Salafists) in Cologne and Hannover, we know that unadulterated Nazi parades look different. In this day and age, it is wise to inform yourself from a variety of sources. The internet is very useful for that.

A report was published on Facebook by participants in the Berlin demonstration — which unfortunately became violent — a report that, should it prove to be true, could have impact:

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“Italy Has Awoken”

Last weekend anti-immigration activists staged a protest in Infernetto, a suburb of Rome. The demonstrators objected to a refugee center in the neighborhood, which they said brings crime and instability to the area.

The following video shows Mario Borghezio, an MEP for Lega Nord, speaking out at the demonstration. Many thanks to par0 for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below are excerpts from a report on the event posted by PressTV:

Italian activists stage protest against refugee center

Nearly 100 Italian activists and local residents have gathered in a neighborhood near the capital, Rome, to show their anger at the activities of a center which hosts refugees and minor migrants.

The protest was held in Infernetto neighborhood on the outskirts of Rome on Saturday.

It was organized by far-right movement CasaPound, and was joined by anti-immigrants party Northern League which accuses foreigners of crimes in the neighborhood.

CasaPound chief Simone Di Stefano claimed that the government of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi cared more about illegal migrants than Italian citizens.

Security forces were deployed outside the refugee center in order to avoid any violence.

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 11/27/2014

The Islamic State has closed down all the mobile phone networks in the Iraqi city of Mosul, which it currently occupies. Representatives of ISIS announced their decision after determining that some residents were using their cell phones to tip off coalition forces about the location of ISIS troops.

In other news, the PVV has called for the closure of all Dutch mosques in order to de-Islamize the Netherlands.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to DS, Fjordman, Gaia, Insubria, MW, Nick, RR, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Our German translator JLH sends this postprandial Thanksgiving verse about shhhh! — you know what!

Yesterday, upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn’t there.
He wasn’t there again today,
I wish, I wish he’d go away…

— From “Antigonish” by Hughes Mearns, 1899

The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name
(Inspired by a leitmotif on a certain News Feed)

by JLH

I heard a young girl lost her head,
Because her brother wished her dead.
She wanted to dance at her senior prom.
It was nothing at all to do with Islam.

A soldier guarding a monument died.
His existence offended the Prophet’s pride.
Infidel warriors can give him a fit,
But Islam has nothing to do with it.

Resistance is futile, says the Koran.
We will subject you, because we can.
You’ll live as a dhimmi and pay your due.
But with Islam this has nothing to do.

A follower of Freud and Mohammed both
Killed thirteen comrades, then, nothing loath,
Said: “Whenever a fellow like me just vents
It’s only some workplace violence,”

Trying to cut off his co-worker’s head
Was an un-Islamic act that led
This newly hatched convert to be shot several times,
But did not, alas, lead to Paradise.

This fine fellow took an axe
And gave some policemen forty whacks.
And when he saw what he had done,
Said: “It isn’t Islam. It’s all in fun.”

Give “Asians” an underage girl for a week,
Whether Christian, Hindu, Buddhist or Sikh,
And they’ll groom her into a prostitute.
But any connection to Islam is moot.

Kidnapped and raped and trying to survive,
Waiting for pedophile “husbands” to arrive,
All the girls taken by Boko Haram
Have absolutely nothing to do with Islam.

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How Dare You!

Tarek Fatah is a Canadian Muslim whose outspoken opinions verge on ridda (apostasy), even from a “mainstream” Muslim perspective. Islamic true believers surely consider him no better than a kafir. Worse, because he was born into the true faith and has willingly forsaken it.

Mr. Fatah appeared recently before the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence in Canada. The Liberal Senator Grant Mitchell attempted to steamroller the witness by describing the wonderfulness of Islam, meanwhile putting words in Mr. Fatah’s mouth. The latter indignantly responded by — to use a phrase from the Vulgate — tearing him a new one:

Hat tip: Vlad Tepes.