Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/28/2021

Police in London issued more than £65,000 in fines when they raided two lockdown-violating parties. Meanwhile, sheriffs cited hundreds of violators attending multiple illegal parties in New York City. One such party was in the Corona neighborhood of Queens.

In other news, a federal judge ruled that the Miss United States of America pageant may exclude contestants who are not biologically female.

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Thanks to C. Cantoni, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Corona Numbers Game

In the following video a German doctor describes the way a single person who tests positive for COVID-19 may be counted as multiple cases in the official statistics.

Anyone with symptoms who tests positive must quarantine himself until he tests negative. Those who are anxious to return to work present themselves for testing every week. Each positive result is reported to the relevant agency, which then anonymizes the result, causing every instance to be counted as a new individual case of the Wuhan Coronavirus in official government statistics.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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You Can’t Deport Him — He Might Stub His Toe!

This new judicial hurdle may make it all but impossible to deport anyone from Germany, no matter how criminal they may be.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from PolitikStube:

Is that our problem? “Livelihood not secured”: Deportation of an Afghan stopped

The Federal Constitutional Court has stopped a planned deportation of a drug addict Afghan to his homeland. The reasoning states that it has not been clarified whether a safe arrival is possible and that the man depends on support from relatives for an orderly life. Is this Germany’s problem, what awaits Afghans in their homeland, or not?

The economic situation was not exactly rosy in Afghanistan before Corona, either, which is why mostly young men came to Germany under the guise of “asylum”, whereby the asylum law is not designed to enable these alleged “asylum seekers” to have an adequate life.

This justification by the court applies in principle to all countries that are economically on a par with Afghanistan, where economic existence is not secured and therefore repatriation is not possible. A very dangerous door that you open when economic reasons are enough to justify a deportation freeze.

This court decision might almost be understood as an invitation, coming right after Merkel’s selfies.

Jew-Hatred in Sweden and the Netherlands

Gary Fouse has translated three articles about Jew-hatred — much of it culture-enriching — in the Netherlands and Sweden.

First, from Nyheter Idag, a story about schools in the Swedish city of Malmö:

Report reveals anti-Semitism in Malmö schools: “It was Arab pupils who had a craze for Hitler”

Malmö — A recent report shows that hate against Jewish pupils comes mainly from peers from the Middle East. The Jewish pupils are held responsible for Israel’s policy in the Israel-Palestinian conflict. Linking the Israel-Palestinian conflict with Malmö’s Jews is something that top Social Democrat politicians have previously done.

“It would help if the Jewish community distanced itself from Israel’s actions in Gaza. That would help a whole lot, I think.”

The words of Jamal El-Hajs, a current member of Parliament for the Social Democrats, at a demonstration in 2010, in an interview with Svenska Dagbladet. At the same demonstration, he called for a boycott of Israeli products and praised party colleague Ilmar Reepalu’s “courage”. Reepalu has on several occasions gotten in trouble for statements about Jews and Israel, including when he questioned whether a tennis match between Sweden and Israel should be played in Malmö.

Now a new report shows that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is central to anti-Semitism in Malmö’s schools. The report also shows that it is not only pupils — especially Arab pupils with a background in the Middle East and especially with connections to the Palestinian territories — but also school personnel who are anti-Semitic.

“From a couple of sources also come specific reports of anti-Semitic jargon among personnel groups,” writes report author Mirjam Katzin, a researcher at Lund University. Katzin is also an elected representative of the Left Party in Malmö.

Katzin’s report consists partly of an interview section where she interviewed school personnel, Jewish children, and young people in the age range 10-20 years, and partly of a survey that was sent out. The goal was that all school personnel in primary and secondary schools would participate in the survey.

Katzin states that she met with unexpected resistance. Only 27 out of 63 primary school principals forwarded her survey to their personnel.

“Jews stay away from certain schools because they don’t feel safe going to those schools. There is a list of schools that are OK for Jews and those that are not. Actually, all high schools are black-listed with the exception of a few, that’s just the way it is. But you know that with this Israel/Palestine — you are going to get s*** for that in the other schools; it is so sad that it is like this,” says one pupil.

The report contains several quotes from those interviewed who point out how Arab pupils openly use anti-Semitic jargon.

“Many, when you talk to them and discuss it, can be reached. But some are deeply involved. Thus, a Jew in Malmö is the enemy. All Jews are the big enemy,” says another school employee.

The second article is from the Dutch daily De Dagelijkse Standaard:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/27/2021

After the introduction of “vaccine passports” in Israel, hundreds of people who could prove their vaccination status packed into newly-reopened bars and restaurants. Meanwhile, hundreds of people took to the streets of Dublin to protest the Wuhan Coronavirus lockdown.

In other news, an advisor to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said that more than 15,000 illegal migrants have been detained so far this year as they attempted to enter Hungary.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Sometimes a Border is a Border, and Sometimes it Isn’t

The German government finds itself unable to control its borders when mobs of culture-enrichers from the Third World want to get in. But when the danger of the Wuhan Coronavirus is an issue with neighboring European countries, suddenly the borders become watertight.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from PolitikStube:

In no time! 116 migrants flew into Germany last week, 122 yesterday and 155 today

It happens in no time; the aid operation must under no circumstances be endangered by the “dangerous” virus; the relocation to the German pandemic area is proceeding according to plan. Last week 116 people looking for supplies arrived in Hanover, 122 were flown in yesterday and 155 today.

As announced by the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Berlin, 25 families with 53 adults and 69 minors arrived in Hanover on February 24th, 2021. Today another 33 families with 70 adults and 85 minors, whose entitlement to protection has already been determined by the Greek government. The families are being taken in by the federal states of Berlin, Brandenburg, Hamburg, Hesse, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Saxony and Thuringia. Since April of 2020, Germany has taken in a total of 1,954 people from Greece.

As usual, the Federal Ministry of the Interior is keeping a low profile on the nationalities of those seeking care, while the Greek press published the origin of the 122 migrants: Afghanistan, Iran and Iraq. With the 155 migrants who arrived today, the nationalities are likely to be almost identical.

As a counterpoint, consider the following video (in English) from Red Pill Germany, which discusses the fact that the German government has no problem shutting the border with Czechia when the Corona crisis requires it.

Germans Just Showed Once Again That They Can Control the Borders If They Want To

Just Take the Needle, and Everything Will be Fine

The world is edging towards mandatory vaccination against COVID-19. Actually, it’s moving faster than that — galloping might be a better word. The process began in piecemeal fashion late last year, and has accelerated in recent weeks. Some major corporations and government agencies have made vaccination a requirement for continued employment. As far as I know, no national government has made vaccination mandatory, but various localities and provincial governments (see the video below) have done so.

The EU has just decided to issue “vaccine passports” for its citizens. Angela Merkel said that vaccination will not be mandatory — yet — but life will be made more and more difficult for the unvaccinated. If you want to get on a plane, you’d be well-advised to take the needle. I’ve given up the idea of ever flying to Europe or Canada again.

Things will really get tough when the vaccine becomes a requirement for entering a supermarket, pumping gas, visiting the dentist, or receiving medical treatment. I suppose I could let my teeth rot, but if I had the choice of remaining unvaccinated or getting the periodic injection in my eye to treat my macular degeneration — well, I’d probably decide to get the jab, because I know how awful my life would become without the treatment. Bell’s Palsy might not be so bad in comparison…

The video below from Germany gives a progress report on vaccination in Croatia, Portugal, and Spain. The last one is significant, because the Spanish province of Galicia is making the vaccination mandatory for all citizens. Failure to comply will bring a hefty fine.

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/26/2021

Members of the European Commission met and agreed that the EU will introduce a vaccine passport system within the next three months. Meanwhile, more than 200,000 people in the UK signed a petition against vaccine passports, which means the issue will be debated in Parliament.

In other news, Israeli officials reportedly believe that Iran is behind an explosion that struck an Israeli-owned cargo ship in the Gulf of Oman. The alleged attack fortunately caused no injuries, and the ship sailed to the nearest port for repairs.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Dean, JD, Reader from Chicago, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Sanction the Axis of Mercenary and Terrorist Evil

Here’s the latest from David Boyajian on the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia over Artsakh.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev — Credit:

Sanction the Axis of Mercenary and Terrorist Evil: Azerbaijan, Turkey, and Georgia

by David Boyajian

Azerbaijan deployed thousands of mercenaries in last year’s 44-day war that it and Turkey waged against Artsakh/Nagorno-Karabagh and Armenia.

Azerbaijan thereby flagrantly violated the UN’s International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries (UNMERC) which it signed in 1997.

Forty-six countries have signed UNMERC, including Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, and Poland.

These mercenaries are not clean-cut military men. They’re terrorists, thugs, jihadis, and fanatics.

The Evidence

They include former ISIS commander Sayf Balud, and members of the Hamza Division, Sultan Murad Brigade, Al-Amshat Militia, Free Syrian Army (FSA/SNA), and other factions.

Many were brought into Azerbaijan before the war began on September 27, 2020. Unknown numbers remain there despite the November 9 armistice.

Armenian forces captured two mercenaries who came from Syria’s Hama and Idlib provinces.

The independent UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has confirmed Azerbaijan’s employing mercenaries. In October, it numbered them at over 2,050 with 145 dead.

Columbia University’s Institute for the Study of Human Rights has named the chief mercenary commanders, such as Fehim Isa of the Sultan Murad Brigade, and their organizations.

Video and audio recordings have identified many of the mercenaries.

Azeri soldiers have forced some of them into battle at gunpoint and lied about the combat conditions. “Haji… don’t come,” warned one mercenary. “We have been deceived… this is a meat grinder.”

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Murder at the Asylum Center

Last week a worker at an asylum center in France was murdered, allegedly by a Sudanese culture-enricher who had been ordered to be deported for committing previous crimes of violence, but had not responded to summonses. The magistrate in the case has ruled out any link to “terrorism”.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from France Info:

Murder in asylum center at Pau. Aggressor charged and jailed

The Sudanese, 38, alleged perpetrator of a deadly attack on Friday, has been placed in provisional detention at the remand center at Pau, the state prosecutor of the town said on Sunday.

February 21, 2021

The prosecutor’s office at Pau announced on Sunday February 21 that a 38-year-old Sudanese had been placed in custody for murder and detained. He is suspected of being the perpetrator of a deadly attack on an official of the asylum center of Pau (Atlantic Pyrenees) that occurred Friday.

At the end of his custody, which had been extended on Saturday, the man appeared on Sunday before a judge. The judge charged him and placed him in provisional detention at the Pau remand center, said the State prosecutor of Pau, Cecile Gensac.

The man is being prosecuted for stabbing (13 wounds have been identified) the head of the reception center for asylum-seekers (CADA, centre d’accueil de demandeurs d’asile) Isard-COS at Pau, where he had been placed a few years ago. The victim, a 46-year-old father and social worker with experience in asylum cases, died of his wounds shortly after the attack.

Destined for imminent expulsion due to convictions for violent crimes

Having been in France since 2015, and the beneficiary of an international protection subsidiary status up to last November, the respondent was destined for an imminent expulsion due to convictions for violent crimes that earned him prison time between January 2017 and August 2018. At the end of 2020, he had not responded to two summons to notify him of the end of his residence permit.

During his interrogation, the man explained to the investigators that he “harbored resentments” against the CADA-Isard-COS of Pau and felt “that his situation had not been correctly handled,” the prosecutor stated Saturday. Fearful of being sent back to Sudan while it was at war, he had come Friday to obtain from this agency, “a paper addressed to the attention of Ofpra (French Office for Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons) to allow him to remain in France,” according to the magistrate.

She stressed that the suspect was, “neither reported nor on file in the context of violent radicalization, and the (information) gathered makes it possible to rule out any terrorist intention.”

How Dare You Interrupt Our Salat!

Note: This incident has a Mohammed Coefficient of at least 33⅓% (the name of the third culture-enricher is unavailable).

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from JournalistenWatch:

Young Muslims beat up 55-year-old German because he disturbed them while they were praying

“Germany belongs to Islam”: This is not a grammatical misunderstanding, but rather the self-image of more and more Muslims living here, above all “devout” Muslims, who see in the submissive, dust-waltzing ingratiation of the dying indigenous majority society not an “integration offer” but rather a despicable weakness and the invitation to claim more and more special rights — which they are usually granted. If necessary, they facilitate the process with violence — something a 55-year-old tenant in Hamburg felt.

At the entrance of his house, three 21- to 27-year-old Muslims allegedly stooped down to pray — and blocked access to the house. The man, who had just parked his Smart in front of the house after a trip to the supermarket, honked the horn and asked the three of them to please clear the way to the house entrance, especially since from outward appearances he took the three to be drug addicts.

Thereupon the three Koran believers suddenly rushed towards him without warning, tore open the doors of his car and beat him furiously. They tore open his shopping bags and smeared him and the entire interior with rice pudding. They also spat on the man several times. Among other things, the saliva of one of the attackers flew straight into his mouth — which particularly shocked him as a corona-risk patient.

Lesson from the new “master race” for culturally insensitive kuffar

The young Muslims, who were already known to the police, now have to answer to the Hamburg-St. Georg District Court. As reported by Bild, two of them — Mohammad N. and Stenio Q. — are in custody because they are an acute risk for flight. As a martyr in the Syrian civil war, N. had allegedly wanted to fight on the side of the Islamic State in 2017, but was arrested at the Turkish border. Of course, Germany was happy to take this “prodigal son” back again. Any refugee matters.

In court, the three excused themselves by saying that they had felt “disturbed in their prayer” by the victim. Tactically clever: the hoped-for religious and cultural bonus always makes an impression in a modern, cosmopolitan Germany that is also immune to any claim of Islamophobia and discrimination. And it justifies — assuming the right cuddle judge — beating up and mistreating an intolerant, latently racist Potato German kafir.

The translator adds this afterword:

And to add insult to injury, the working German “Michel” is forced by the minions of the Merkelstani Caliphate to pay the jizya for the racist and thuggish third-world “master race”.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 2/25/2021

Despite COVID restrictions, revelers held illegal parties in Tel Aviv and Scotland. Meanwhile, the British government said that masks are recommended but not compulsory when schools reopen.

In other news, jihadist rebels are suspected of ambushing and murdering the Italian ambassador in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to DR, JD, MC, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Homeless Guinea Pigs

In Germany Die Linke (“The Left”) is a political party that is directly descended from the Party of Democratic Socialism, the official state political party of the DDR. In short, the earnest zealots of Die Linke are communists.

A prominent member of Die Linke in Berlin wants to use surplus doses of the AstraZeneca COVID “vaccine” on the homeless. Hellequin GB, who translated the article below, includes this note:

The Final Solution for tackling homelessness in Germany. Meet Elke Breitenbach, a “true” humanitarian, cut from the same cloth as Reinhard Heydrich.

The translated article from PolitikStube:

Slow-moving “AstraZeneca” — Nobody wants it, now they want to give it to the homeless in Berlin

So far, politicians, especially from the established parties, have paid little or no attention to the numerous German homeless people on the streets or under the bridges, and no calls have been heard for humanitarian treatment, construction of apartments or reintegration into the labor market and into society; the emergency accommodation that they have to leave early in the morning and the soup kitchens are perfectly adequate. Every now and then mercy is shown, since the emergency shelters only have limited capacity; sleeping bags and rucksacks are occasionally distributed, as in North Rhine-Westphalia an incredible €340,000 were made available for this, no comparison to the millions and millions of euros for so-called refugees.

Even in the red-red-green pigsty of Berlin, people in need are left in the lurch, but now the Berlin Senator for Social Affairs, Elke Breitenbach (Die Linke [communist]), discovers her heart for those who have been left behind and would like to get the vaccine doses of the manufacturer AstraZeneca given to them before the vaccine is completely spoiled. What luck for the homeless: they are allowed to take part as guinea pigs in the largest human experiment and be helpful for further experiences regarding side effects and long-term consequences.

RT German: The Berlin Senator for Social Affairs, Elke Breitenbach (Die Linke), would like to have part of the vaccine of the British-Swedish vaccine that is now in stock for the approximately 3,000 homeless people in Berlin’s emergency shelters.

On Monday, she told the Funke media group: “But we mustn’t forget those who don’t have a loud lobby.”

Berlin homeless people would find shelter in winter

“In winter, many of them find shelter in emergency shelters. We could and should offer vaccinations to all homeless people in emergency shelters as soon as possible.”

The vaccinations are expected to start next week.

Jihad Groups Raided in Berlin

Early this morning the “Salafist scene” in Berlin was disrupted by police raids on 25 of its premises.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this brief news video, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

The accompanying article, also translated by Gary Fouse, is from Tagesschau:

Radical-Islamist milieu

Raids in Berlin and Brandenburg

February 25, 2021

Police in Berlin and Brandenburg in the early morning searched several targets — it concerns a radical Islamist association that is banned as of today. Hundreds of police have been deployed.

by Michael Götschenberg

Since the early morning hours, police in Berlin and Brandenburg have been searching more than 25 targets. According to information from ARD-Capital City Studio, the raids are directed against the radical-Islamist association Jama’atu Berlin, or Tauhid Berlin. As of today, it is banned and will be dissolved. About 20 people are connected with it, most of whom have been firmly rooted in the radical-Islamist milieu for years.

The association operates several social-media channels, in which they glorify the so-called “Islamic State”, advocate the killing of believers of other religions, and express strong anti-Semitism. In addition, it rejects the state order and advocates the establishment of an Islamic state of God.

Hundreds of agents deployed

The police deployed 850 agents, including special forces. The target of the searches is, above all, to secure evidentiary material for the ban of the association. There is no imminent danger — the possible attack plans of the group are not known.

Thus far, the members of the association met mostly in private quarters. Some members of the group used to frequent the notorious Fussilet Mosque, which was a magnet for the jihadist milieu of Berlin. The attacker of Breitscheidplatz, Anis Amri, also went in and out of there.

No arrests planned

The Fussilet Mosque was banned in February 2017. Members of the Jama’atu Berlin were also active in the framework of the so-called “Read!” campaign of the radical-Islamist association, “The True Religion”, in which Korans were distributed. This association was banned by the Federal Interior Ministry in 2016.

Arrests in conjunction with the searches today are not planned. However, investigative proceedings against individual members of the group, who in the past, have been extremely aggressive against police, are ongoing. In the morning, Interior Senator Andreas Geisel will give details in a press conference.

Video transcript:

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