Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/31/2018

The populist coalition between the 5-Star Movement and the Lega Nord in Italy has agreed to another attempt at forming a government. The proposed cabinet will be almost the same as the first one, except that Paolo Savona will not be economy minister — which is what prompted a presidential veto the first time — but will serve as minister for European affairs.

In other news, a Syrian man in the Dutch city of Schiedam brandished an axe and shouted “Allahu Akhbar” from his apartment balcony. The confused and mentally disturbed unfortunate attacked police when they entered his apartment. Police shot him after he stabbed a police dog to death. The alleged attacker is recovering in the hospital. The incident had nothing to do with Islam.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Dean, DV, Fjordman, Insubria, JD, PJ, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

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Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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All Muslims LOVE Gay Sex!

Earlier this spring a group of socialists pulled a stunt where they went onto the streets and claimed Jesus was a homosexual, presumably with the intention of inciting Christians. It goes without saying that none of them would dare or even consider doing such a thing to Muslims.

Rasmus Paludan, a Danish lawyer and activist, decided to do just that recently in Copenhagen.

Many thanks to Mr. Paludan for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Interview With the Hostage Taken by the Mujahid of Liège

On Tuesday May 29 a convert to Islam named Benjamin Herman attacked two policewomen in the Belgian city of Liège, stabbing them from behind as they were monitoring parking meters. After they were incapacitated he took their guns and shot both of them dead, reportedly yelling “Allahu Akhbar!” during his attack. As a matter of interest, one of the murdered policewomen was named Soraya Belkacemi, which is a Turkish name, if I’m not mistaken.

Mr. Herman then killed a passerby in an attempted carjacking. After failing to make his escape by car, he ran into a nearby school and took a cleaning woman hostage. When he found out she was an observant Muslim, he spared her life. He eventually emerged from the building and was shot to death by police.

The perpetrator had been “known to police” for robbery, drug dealing, etc. He had been in prison, but was out on a one-day release when he committed the murders. The Belgian government has acknowledged that they are investigating the incident as a terrorist act.

The following video features part of an interview with the cleaning woman who was taken hostage by Benjamin Herman. Many thanks to Ava Lon for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Below are excerpts from an article about the attack published by The Telegraph:

Belgium Shooting: ‘Radicalised’ Prisoner on Day Release Kills Two Female Police Officers in Liege

A suspected terrorist on day release from prison executed two female police officers with their own guns and shot dead a trainee teacher before he was killed in a shootout after taking two women hostage at a school in the centre of the Belgian city of Liege.

The bloody rampage on Tuesday morning, which left another four officers wounded, was captured on videos on social media, which showed the black clad man waving a pistol in each hand and shouting “Allahu Akbar” before he was gunned down by elite officers. Belgium’s federal prosecutors office has opened an terror investigation into the attack.

The “lone wolf” attacker, 36, was named locally as Benjamin Herman, who was well-known to police for a string of crimes including robbery, assault and drug-dealing and was from Rochefort, a city about an hour from Liege.

One officer was named in local media reports as Soraya Belkacemi, 45, a widowed mother of twins, who are now orphaned. The other was Lucile Garcia, 53, who was described by fellow officers as a “fantastic colleague” who had married her partner a month ago.

Herman was granted temporary release from prison on Monday night until Tuesday, despite a prison service assessment that judged him “ultra-violent” and that he was on a terror watchlist over suspicions he had become radicalised in 2017.

Such “family leave” is meant to help prisoners prepare for their eventual release, which would have been in 2020 in Herman’s case after he had served the sentence he began in 2013. He had been released for two days on 13 previous occasions.

Belgium’s federal prosecutors office has opened an terror investigation into the murders, which come after the country was accused of being a hotbed of extremism after the 2015 Paris attacks, which killed 130 people. and suicide bombings in Brussels in 2016 in which 32 died.

Here’s another article on the Liège attack from The Daily Mirror. And there’s a Wikipedia entry on it.

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/30/2018

The Turkish government reprimanded French President Emmanuel Macron for supporting the right of free expression for a magazine that called Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan “the dictator”. The Turkish government is also reportedly encouraging Erdogan supporters in France in their activism against President Macron.

In other news, the number of signatures on the #FreeTommy petition at has surpassed half a million.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Charles Low, Dora, Insubria, Reader from Chicago, Srdja Trifkovic, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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George Soros Wants the EU to Borrow Money to Pay for Unrestricted Migration into Europe

Update: The full text of Mr. Soros’ remarks is now available with no paywall restrictions. I’ve included the text as an addendum at the bottom of this post.

An alert reader emailed us with the latest from the prominent “American” “philanthropist” George Soros:

George Soros has published a new article. It is paywalled, but the Hungarian version is not.

In the article he recommends a Marshall plan for Africa, and he seems to recommend acquiring the money for it by putting the EU into debt.

He also says, among other interesting things (and whining against Orbán):

“My opinion has always been that refugees must be distributed strictly on a voluntary basis. Member states must not be forced to take them in, nor must refugees be directed to countries where they don’t want to go.” (my translation)

This is the diametrical opposite of what he proposed just thee years ago, when he said, among other things:

“First, the EU has to accept at least a million asylum-seekers annually for the foreseeable future. And, to do that, it must share the burden fairly — a principle that a qualified majority finally established at last Wednesday’s summit.”

Our Hungarian translator CrossWare declined to translate the source document linked above — she said she didn’t want to help Mr. Soros spread his [expletive redacted]. Instead she volunteered to translate this report from the news portal

The “philanthropist” Soros would have Europe take out a loan for the reception of migrants

George Soros has had another perverted collection of ideas. According to him, he has now come up with the latest idea for money-laundering, because he is afraid of the European Parliament’s defeat of the immigration forces he supports, by the patriotic forces in agreement with Viktor Orbán. That is why, before it is done, the US billionaire wants to pull tens of billions of dollars from EU pockets to move migrants in bulk to Europe.

The American billionaire, who only communicates with the world through open letters, speaking declaratively of the EU’s migration plans which now being threatened with failure, reappeared with one of its favorite cannons: the EU should take out loans for the supply and reception of migrants. Soros would resolve the migration crisis by allowing more migrants, moreover, at the expense of EU taxpayers.

“How to Save Europe?” — this is the ringing title of the billionaire’s opinion piece, where he slipped his demand for money into a glaze of honeyed drool.

Surprisingly, Soros also explains why he came up with his latest plan. The great financial conspirator is very afraid of the victory of the anti-immigration forces of European nation-states, as represented by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, at the next European Parliament election. Therefore, if he could, he would do a little business on the migrants with the EU until then.

“In Hungary, Viktor Orbán based his campaign on falsely accusing me of flooding Europe and Hungary with Muslim refugees. Orbán is now defending his own Christian vision of Europe. This vision is in contrast with the EU principles,” writes the probably desperate Soros, who is the self-proclaimed defender of the EU’s non-established principles.

The financial construction advertised by Soros, “giving Marshall aid to Africa”, is essentially about making financial resources available to Soros in the amount of 30 billion euros annually from the European Union, to support the import of African migrants (he calls them “refugees”) into Europe.

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Lysenkoism, Tommy and the Impact of Political Religion

Our Israeli correspondent MC has a few thoughts about the degradation of Western political culture, especially as it applies to recent events in the UK.

Lysenkoism, Tommy and the Impact of Political Religion

by MC

Lysenkoism is the politicisation of science as practised under Stalin (and others). It consisted of using pseudo-science to conform with, and confirm, political will. It is a tool of totalitarian politics where ‘scientific’ truth must be subjected to political convenience.

We now see around us a new breed of Lysenkoism where ‘truth’ is made a servant of political religion. For the sake of this essay I will call this phenomenon TheresaMayism, in honour of the current status of British Justice now as a “farce and a sham” as predicted in the hilarious film farce Water starring Michael Caine.

The British form of the socialist religion requires that all we really need is lurve, that ‘justice’ must be reshaped to accommodate political religion, and that therefore Tommy must die (we do so hope not). The judge basically washed his hands of the matter in true Pontius Pilot fashion.

But TheresaMayism is not just a function of Downing Street. It is a major part of Brussels theology as well, and we even find it sprouting profusely in the US Democrat dirt.

As readers must be aware, we, the citizens of Sderot are being cruel to the poor people of Gaza who want to “eat the livers of those besieging” (he is talking about us Sderotians).

The object of the Hamas attack on the border fence just down the road is to get infiltrators into Israel and to kill us. But also to provoke a TheresaMayist response from the rest of the world by hiding the murderous intent behind a false flag of ‘peaceful demonstration’ by women and children.

Last night they machine-gunned us, Yes, they turned a .50 cal in the direction of Sderot and sprayed us with heavy MG bullets, I heard two of them strike as I sat here at my desk reading. Today we have had multiple rocket and mortar attacks.

The religion of socialism behind TheresaMayism hates Jews. To them we are ‘white’ unlike our Palestinian counterparts who are ‘brown’. TheresaMayists know their white from their wrong because everything is black and white as defined by their (political) religious affiliation. Labour is no better; they support Hamas, whilst pretending not to, and so the joooz are whitewashed and Hamas is honoured.

So who killed the Pallies? Israeli snipers, to be sure.

Who sent them to be killed?

Well, TheresaMayism dictates that we must obfuscate that question and tell Israel to use ‘restraint’ instead.

So what happens if Israel uses restraint? Will the Kibbutz of Nahal Oz be attacked and the civilian population massacred? To TheresaMayism that is obviously an acceptable theological consequence; after all, only ‘brown’ lives matter.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/29/2018

A convert to Islam named Benjamin Herman attacked two policewomen in the Belgian city of Liège, stabbing them from behind. He then took their guns and shot both of them dead, reportedly yelling “Allahu Akhbar!” during the attack. After killing a passerby, he holed up in a school and took a woman hostage. Police eventually shot him to death.

Mr. Herman was on day release from prison when he committed his deadly crimes. The Belgian government is investigating the incident as a terrorist act.

In other news, after repeatedly being prevented from using the customary route through Libya, migrants in North Africa have discovered a new path to Italy through Tunisia. More than 2,000 were reported to have used the new route in just 48 hours.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Charles Low, Dean, DV, Insubria, JD, MM, Reader from Chicago, SS, Upananda Brahmachari, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Catch-and-Release for a Culture-Enriching Berserker at an Italian Post Office

An anonymous volunteer translated most of this article. Many thanks to FouseSquawk for filling in the gaps:

Frosinone: Migrant furious at the Post Office throws carabiniere on the ground. Migrant then tried and released

The 20-year-old Nigerian was sentenced to two and a half years in prison and, as required by the law, set free. He is an asylum seeker and can not be expelled. Salvini: “Soon the matters will change”

A migrant was arrested, tried and immediately freed. Yesterday morning in Frosinone, after sowing the panic at the post office, he hit one of the responding policemen, knocking him to the ground and making him lose consciousness. All within twenty-four hours.

Godsent Harmony, a 20-year-old Nigerian asylum seeker, initially a guest in a center in Piedimonte San Germano and later settled in Frosinone, went to the post office yesterday in Via Fosse Ardeatine, to withdraw money with his Postepay. His bank account was empty, however, and at that point the young man, who seems to have a gambling habit, lashed out at the postmaster, kicked the office window, and terrified the clients.

The intervention of the Carabinieri was requested and a nearby patrol responded. However, the twenty-year-old attacked one of the policemen [with an iron bar] and knocked him to the ground. Michele De Filippo, the policeman who was knocked down, was diagnosed as unfit for work for 25 days, and the migrant escaped on foot.

In Piazza Gramsci, after he tried to get away, clearing his way with an iron bar, he was finally stopped by other Carabinieri who arrested him on charges of resistance, violence and injuring a public official. This morning he was tried and sentenced by the Court of Frosinone to two and a half years in prison and, as foreseen by the law, released. As an asylum seeker, Harmony can not be expelled.

The photo of the carabiniere on the ground become viral and the Lega Nord, through social networks, promises punishment. The secretary of the Lega, Matteo Salvini, wrote on Facebook: “Having problems with the ATM yesterday in Frosinone, Godsent Harmony, a twenty-year-old Nigerian, thought he could attack the employees of the post office and to sent a Carabiniere to the hospital, even trying to hit him with an iron bar. Sent to court this morning, he was condemned but immediately released, and cannot be expelled because he is an “asylum seeker”. Crazy stuff. But the things will soon change!”

Our Coming Post-Secular, Post Globalist World

Italy just got rolled by its President, who overturned a vote by seventy percent of its citizens who wanted a center-right government. The prez wants a Brussels boy. So now there are now calls for his impeachment: don’t mess with an Italian.

Turley links this with Orban, the huge pushback against Tommy Robinson’s imprisonment, etc.

As he says, they’re all part of a paradigm shift…from his mouth to God’s ears.

Dear Readers, please note your opinion. Since Trump started this snowball down the mountain, do you think it will continue? Has the paradigm really shifted?

Gates of Vienna News Feed 5/28/2018

Italian President Sergio Mattarella appointed the economist Carlo Cottarelli, a veteran of the IMF, as interim prime minister after the resignation of Prime Minister-designate Giuseppe Conte. Mr. Conte’s resignation was prompted by the president’s veto of the Euro-skeptic Paolo Savona as economy minister.

In other news, the opening night of the annual theatre festival in Stratford, Ontario had to be cancelled after the venue received a bomb threat.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to C. Cantoni, Charles Low, Dora, Insubria, JD, MC, Reader from Chicago, SS, Vlad Tepes, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. We check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Germany: Masked Leftist Terrorists Threaten Police Family

The following article from Politically Incorrect reminds us just how routinely violent the anarchist Left in Germany is. Only when the antifa go too far — which in this case is WAY beyond the bounds of civilized behavior, and directed at the police themselves — does the government dare to call them on their behavior.

Many thanks to JLH for the translation:

Masked Leftist Terrorists Threaten Police Family

May 20, 2018

There is a “new quality of violence against police and their relatives,” say the police in their report on an attack by leftist street gangs against an officer and his family. After an anti-atomic power demonstration on Friday evening, approximately 60 masked persons in the district of Lüchow-Dannenberg are reported to have stormed onto the property of a police officer. According to the police report, the family, alone in the house, was intimidated by the masks, attaching of banners and loud rioting.

After police forces were alerted, they were able to push out the perimeter. In the process, it came to fist fights and physical resistance. The police detained persons from the local as well as the further-flung “leftist scene” on the spot, pending identification, and initiated in consultation with the Lüneburg prosecutor charges of disturbing the peace, threatening, verbal abuse, theft and resisting arrest. Some individuals were taken into custody on the basis of assessed potential for danger. All others were prohibited from returning to the area.

“The police in the area condemn most strongly the aggressions and attempts at intimidation directed at our police officials and their families. Targeted attacks on police officers as private persons, and on their families achieve a new dimension of violence against police officials in the region. This requires total societal opposition, by all legal means.”

That’s a mouthful! We are already acquainted with words like “total societal opposition” from statements in reference to the AfD or “right populists.” As to the photophobic leftist mob, we must be understanding of their “excited protest” which has been exaggerated by “the Right.” So what’s new?

It all seems to be new and surprising for Lower Saxony’s Interior Minister Boris Pistorius, sturdy warrior against the Right and shield of the Left. He writes on Facebook: “I am absolutely appalled by this. It is an incomprehensible violation of limits by this group.” Pistorius says “it’s an incomprehensible violation of limits by this group.” He is clearly at pains to emphasize “this group” rather than leftist terrorism in general in Germany, as expressed last year by an unspeakable act of violence at the G20 Summit.[1]

No one is “appalled” even when the leftist mob harasses AfD campaign booths, physically attacks AfD politicians, burns their cars, defaces their houses, or pummels peaceful demonstrators on their way to Pegida demonstrations

No, of course not, for most of them are, after all, victims “of our society,” and have a right to bring their “understandable” rage to the streets in an act of, so to speak, artistic freedom and thereby make it that much more colorful. And the threatening of the officer and his family was presumably just an application for political office. Beating up on police officers can get as far as the Foreign Minister.


1.   The “orgy of violence” in Hamburg in July 2017.

Geert Wilders in front of the British embassy: “I stand here in solidarity with Tommy Robinson”

Yesterday Geert Wilders, the leader of the Party for Freedom (Partij voor de Vrijheid, PVV) in the Netherlands stood in front of the British embassy in The Hague and recorded his outrage about the arrest and imprisonment of Tommy Robinson:

The international coverage of Tommy’s case is unprecedented — he never had anywhere near this much publicity after any of his previous arrests and incarcerations. Maybe his stint at The Rebel has given him a high enough profile in North America so that the word got out.

While I was watching videos about Tommy this evening, I noticed the YouTube sidebar was crammed with clips about the case made by well-known people, not all of them from the “Counterjihad community”. This time is definitely different.

Now we’re all hoping for a Trump tweet about Tommy…

The Swelling Tide of International Support for Tommy Robinson

Dr. Turley comments on the growing anger and the far-reaching consequences of Tommy’s arrest. With some good news for a change.

Here’s his book:

President Trump and Our Post-Secular Future: How the 2016 Election Signals the Dawning of a Conservative Nationalist Age

Here’s his bio:

Steve Turley (PhD, Durham University) is an internationally recognized scholar, speaker, and classical guitarist. He is the author of Awakening Wonder: A Classical Guide to Truth, Goodness, and Beauty (Classical Academic Press) and The Ritualized Revelation of the Messianic Age: Washings and Meals in Galatians and 1 Corinthians (T&T Clark). Steve blogs on the church, society and culture, education, and the arts at He is a faculty member at Tall Oaks Classical School in Bear, Delaware, where he teaches Theology, Greek, and Rhetoric, and Professor of Fine Arts at Eastern University. Steve lectures at universities, conferences, and churches throughout the U.S. and abroad. His research and writings have appeared in such journals as Christianity and Literature, Calvin Theological Journal, First Things, Touchstone, and The Chesterton Review. He and his wife, Akiko, have four children and live in Newark, Delaware.

Please pray this is over soon or the B may starve to death… when I have no appetite, I can’t cook.

The End Times of Albion: Interacting with the Staatliche Gedankenpolizei — A Survival Guide

The essay below by Seneca III is the latest in the “End Times of Albion” series.
Previously: Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3.

Interacting with the Staatliche Gedankenpolizei — A Survival Guide

The End Times of Albion, Part Four

by Seneca III

Staatliche Gedankenpolizei is German for ‘State Thought Police’. Hereinafter they will be referred to by the acronym ‘STAPO’.

Previously, records released to The Times newspaper under the Freedom of Information Act show that by October 2017 more than 3,400 people had been arrested under the provisions of section 127 of the Communications Act 2003 for online comments alone…

…and therefore it should come as no surprise that many others have been arrested and prosecuted for committing Thought Crimes in person in real time such as in the recent case of the middle-aged lady in London who was initially arrested for wishing someone a ‘gay day’ in what might even be a carefully orchestrated set-up in revenge for her public online humiliation and exposure of the fearful Dhimmitude of the Metropolitan Police in Hyde Park some weeks previously, as was reported here, and the consequences explained in the immediate aftermath here.

What is particularly suspicious about this incident is the fortuitous (for the STAPO case) appearance of an eventually hostile witness who appears to have at first presented himself to the accused as a witness for the defence. That is what led to her unnecessary violent arrest and eventual prosecution for ‘perverting the course of justice’, which in itself is rather ironic when one considers the way the STAPO went about the process of her arrest, interrogation and charging. As they do.

However, I do note some inconsistences or lacunae in the account the victim gave in the taxi going home, possibly owing to the lack of a specific time scale of events throughout this story or her understandable distress having immediately prior to the journey escaped from an ordeal that she had neither experienced before, expected nor understood.

For example: When was her phone confiscated, and when was it returned so that footage could be posted on the Internet? Who was the second person in the taxi with her on the way home, and why and what was her motivation? At what stage did the victim speak with the person whom she presumed was a witness on her behalf, and whose eventual recantation appears to have given grounds for the charge of ‘perverting the course of justice’?

These things give me cause for concern as to what precisely was going on there.

Whereas over the years I have come to understand and thus become inured and hardened to the ways and means by which the Establishment and its enforcement arms have gradually turned my homeland into a Marxist-Islamofascist tyranny, I can nevertheless empathise with this woman’s distress, fear, confusion and susceptibility to intimidation.

Although she is at least a couple of decades younger than I, she will also have been born into and grown to maturity during a time when the police, on the whole, adhered to the rule of law and its prescribed procedures as applicable to their authority and actions, still much in line with the original precepts as laid down by Sir Robert Peel, founder of Metropolitan Police in 1829, but, alas, no more. (See Annex).

Admittedly, the Met does have a long history of a certain amount of corruption within its ranks, but the majority of it, with certain notable exceptions, has been in pursuit of personal financial gain. That is not unusual within large groups of people who have been vested with powers and authority beyond those of the man in the street — Parliament is a perfect example of this syndrome. And now, thanks to the machinations of these two entities, Parliament and the Police, we face a future of harshly imposed subjugation to the ideologies and activities of various alien multicultures and their equally deviant enablers and protectors.

The law as it pertains to arrest


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