Stéphane Ravier: “A Cultural and Civilizational Great Replacement”

Stéphane Ravier is a French senator, formerly of Rassemblement National, Marine Le Pen’s party. In 2022 he endorsed Éric Zemmour and joined Reconquête.

Below are two videos featuring Stéphane Ravier. Many thanks to HeHa for the translations, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling.

In the first video Mr. Ravier addresses the Senate, confronting his fellow senators with horrifying consequences of allowing France to be invaded by millions of culture-enrichers:

In the second video, Mr. Ravier has a close encounter with culture-enrichers on the street:

For more details, see the report at RAIR Foundation.

Video transcript #1:

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Culture-Enriching Murder of a Pensioner in Freiburg

A recently arrived Algerian culture-enricher has engaged in a variety of less than salubrious activities in the German city of Freiburg, culminating in the alleged murder of a 77-year-old pensioner. The confused youth is now in the process of being extradited from Switzerland, whence he had fled.

It’s remarkable how busy this industrious New German has been since his arrival in Germany less than three months ago.

I’m certain that if the people who have been in Germany for a longer time had not been so racist towards him, this mixed-up youngster would never have engaged in all that ruthless criminal activity.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Brutal attack in Freiburg: Algerian robs pensioner and kills him with several stab wounds

A 77-year-old pensioner was murdered in Freiburg im Breisgau during a robbery in his own home. The suspected perpetrator: a 21-year-old Algerian, who was arrested in Switzerland nine days after the crime. Bild was the first to report on the arrest.

The prime suspect is 21 years old, an Algerian citizen and was arrested in Bern when he tried to apply for asylum in Switzerland, the Freiburg public prosecutor’s office confirmed in response to an inquiry by SWR. As Tagesschau reports, the Freiburg public prosecutor’s office will now apply to the Swiss Federal Office of Justice for the suspect’s extradition via the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice.

The Algerian suspect has been in Germany since May 1 of this year and was already known to the police for property crimes.

According to information made available to NIUS, other residents in the vicinity of the murdered pensioner have also been affected by thefts. The police are said to have secured evidence in the area and assume that these crimes are also connected to the Algerian suspect.

Telltale video footage

The crime occurred on the afternoon of July 14: a 77-year-old pensioner was brutally murdered in his home. In an initial press release, the police assume that the perpetrator stabbed the pensioner after the latter surprised him during a break-in. The exact course of events is still the subject of joint investigations by the Freiburg public prosecutor’s office and the “Lobe” special task force, it continues.

The police in Freiburg received the first clues on the same day. A concerned witness had observed a suspicious man rummaging through a backpack in bushes on Stühlinger Kirchplatz — and filmed the whole thing! When the officers finally arrived, the suspect had already left, but he had left the backpack with the rummaged-through items behind. As it turned out, the murdered pensioner’s laptop was also among them.

The special task force also secured and evaluated video recordings from private security cameras near the crime scene. The same unknown man can be seen on them as at Stühlinger Kirchplatz. A national and European arrest warrant was issued against the man. He has now been arrested.

Afterword from the translator:

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Send ’Em Back

Almost ten years after Chancellor Angela Merkel ushered in the Great Migration Crisis, a German court has ruled that Syria is now a safe country, and therefore at least one Syrian asylum seeker will be deported.

One down, five million to go.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Legal bombshell

First court decides: No more threat situation in Syria

Because it is considered an unsafe country of origin, the German government has so far refused to deport people to Syria. Now the Higher Administrative Court in Münster has rejected the lawsuit of a Syrian who wanted to receive subsidiary protection in Germany. The reasons for the ruling are surprising.


The North Rhine-Westphalian Higher Administrative Court in Münster has decided that there is no longer a serious threat to Syrians in their homeland. On this basis, the court dismissed the lawsuit of a Syrian national who wanted to receive subsidiary protection in Germany. According to a court spokesman, this is the first such ruling by a Higher Administrative Court, reports Die Zeit.

The court ruling states that “the serious, individual threat to the life or physical integrity of civilians as a result of indiscriminate violence in the context of an internal conflict” no longer exists in Syria.

Armed conflicts or attacks still occur occasionally. However, these “no longer reach such a level that civilians have to expect with considerable probability” that they will be injured or killed. The conditions for granting subsidiary protection therefore no longer apply.

Syria is currently considered an unsafe country of origin

Furthermore, the plaintiff cannot be recognized as a refugee because he is not threatened with political persecution in Syria. In addition, he worked as a so-called people smuggler before entering Germany in 2014 and is therefore excluded from being granted refugee status. According to the court, he was sentenced to prison in Austria in 2015 for smuggling people from Turkey into Europe.

For this reason, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) also refused to grant the man refugee status and subsidiary protection. However, the Syrian took legal action against the BAMF decision and won his case before the Münster Administrative Court. As the BAMF appealed against this decision, the case ended up before the Higher Administrative Court. An appeal against the judgment now passed is no longer permissible, but an appeal can be lodged with the Federal Administrative Court. [Don’t worry, Nancy and Annalena will hand out German citizenship instead.]

It is currently unclear whether and how the case will influence the debate about deportations to Syria. The German government has so far classified Syria as a so-called unsafe country of origin and rejects deportations there. [Just don’t let them back into the country after they went to Syria on their annual holiday at the German taxpayers’ expense. Problem solved.]

Afterword from the translator:

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Culture-Enriching Rape in Mantua

A “New Italian” originally from Pakistan lived up to a cultural stereotype by dragging a 55-year-old into the bushes and raping her. If only he had not been discriminated against by racist Italians, the unfortunate youth would never have engaged in such questionable behavior.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Il Giornale:

The assault on a bicycle and rape: This is how a Pakistani attacked a 55-year-old woman from Mantua.

The woman was returning home from a summer festival when the 24-year-old foreigner chased her, dragged her into a secluded area, and forced her to submit to non-consensual sexual acts.

by Francesca Galici
July 21, 2024

Yet another sexual attack in Italy, a country already where women fear to go out at any time of day. let alone at night. The latest victim is a 55-year-old, who on July 16 around 2 o’clock in the morning, was returning home after an evening spent at the ritual summer festival of Campitello di Marcaria in Mantua province. According to police reconstruction, a 24-year-old Pakistani, now in custody, reportedly followed her and then chased her, blocking her along State Road 420.

The unidentified man reportedly immobilized her and then dragged her into a secluded place where nobody would be able to hear the cries of the woman. He then reportedly grabbed her by the throat and pinned her to the ground where the woman was forced to undergo sexual acts. A private security police patrol realized that something was wrong, and their presence distracted the man, who let her go. Only at that point did the victim manage to get loose and escape, finding aid with the two guards. It was they who immediately alerted emergency services, and Carabinieri cars and an ambulance rushed to the scene and transported the woman to the nearby hospital in Mantua, where she was treated. The doctors found injuries to the woman compatible with the violence she suffered.

The search by the Carabinieri did not last long, because after fleeing, the Pakistani thought he had found a safe refuge in the middle of a bush at a nearby residence. It was there that the Carabinieri found him, then picked him up and took him to the station. The 24-year-old, who is a resident of Ferrara, is now in custody in the jail on via Poma in Mantua after the judge of preliminary investigation validated the arrest, ordering him into preventive custody in jail. Fortunately the woman, at a physical level, did not suffer serious medical consequences from the violence, but she is still in a state of shock after all she suffered.

A carefree summer evening, as spent for centuries in the Lower Po Valley, between village festivals and religious festivals, has suddenly been transformed into a nightmare.

The plague of sexual attacks, which has already assumed the shape of a social emergency, risks radically changing the habits and traditions of our country. Women are troubled by the danger of being assaulted at any moment by subjects, for whom the body of the woman is nothing more than an instrument at their service to satisfy their own appetites.

Funeral in Iran

Earlier this month I posted about the tragic death of a young Iranian culture-enricher in the Bavarian town of Lauf an der Pegnitz. The unfortunate youth, whose name was Mohammad, was shot dead by police after he came at them with a knife and was not deterred by being tased.

Members of Mohammad’s extended family are understandably upset about their relative’s demise, and are convinced that police overreacted when they shot him.

The slain young man was sent home to Iran to be buried.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from

Funeral in Iran

Why did Mohammad have to die? Family questions police action after deadly shooting in Lauf

by Azeglio Elia Hupfer
July 17, 2024

Lauf an-der-Pegnitz — Following the deadly stomach shot at the train station on the left bank of the Pegnitz, family, friends, and acquaintances are stunned and ask themselves why Mohammad had to die. The Iranian embassy is also involved.

“Cops kill! Say his name,” is spray-painted at the bus stop at the Lauf train station on the left bank of the Pegnitz. His name was Mohammad. In the afternoon of June 30, he was killed by a shot from a federal policewoman. First, according to the police, there was reportedly a knife attack by Mohammad on a patrol. The investigation by the Schwabach Criminal Police, in cooperation with the State Prosecutor’s Office is on-going as of July 16.

While the authorities are releasing little information about the incident, referring to on-going investigations, more is known about the slain 34-year-old from an investigation by the Nuremberg Press Publishers — parent company of the Nuernberger Nachrichten and the Pegnitz Zeitung. Accordingly, Mohammad fled Iran for Germany in 2015 and had lived for the past nine years in community housing for refugees in Roethenbach in the Nuremberg area.

Big plans, no asylum

“He came here with a lot of hope and goals,” Mohammad’s brother-in-law tells the Nuernberger Nachrichten. Mohammad wanted to become a doctor, completed an advanced language course in Erlangen, and ultimately, became fluent in German. Mohammad’s asylum application was denied, however. An appeal was unsuccessful three years ago. In the end, he was merely tolerated in Germany.

Mohammad used his knowledge of German to help other residents of the housing facility with translating, and many called him “Professor”, friends and social workers say. Mohammad was well-loved in the residence and always had a smile, residents recall. “He never had a knife on him, was always ready to help, and was a calm guy,” says one acquaintance.

The question of why

Family and friends are still stunned and wonder why Mohammad had to die. Mohammad’s sister and brother-in-law live in Nordrhein-Westfalen. The family wonders: “Why couldn’t three well-trained police officers control the situation differently? Why did they immediately shoot Mohammad?”

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Where Talahons Rule

I’d never heard of the word “talahon” before this translation came in. According to the Urban Dictionary:

talahon comes from the arabic sentence (ta3la hun) meaning come here, but in modern times its used in germany to describe young people who are extremely loud, shout things at you, wear gucci caps and laptop bags.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

“Stone Age mentality”

Talahons: Islam expert Mansour warns of problems with young migrants

They are young migrants, pretend to be Muslims and boast about criminality. Talahons are now also a concern for politicians. While Islam expert Mansour is sounding the warning, the Commissioner for Integration has a completely different view of things. [She would, wouldn’t she?]


The Islam expert Ahmad Mansour has raised the alarm about the problems that so-called Talahons cause in schools every day. “Girls are forced to wear headscarves. Boys who do not have such a masculine image are bullied,” he told the newspaper Bild. Talahons are mostly young Muslims who represent an aggressive masculine image combined with Islamic morals. The word itself is a neologism, but probably comes from Arabic. “Taeal huna” means something like “come here” in the language.

Mansour said of the integration of the Talahons: “If someone thinks that his wife should do his housework and not have any contact with other men, he has not arrived anywhere in the modern world. He is bringing his Stone Age mentality with him.” Even if not all migrants are like that, this group is still growing and becoming louder, he said.

Mansour believes that the solution to the problems with this group is to convey local values. But that is not being done. He recalled: “We are dealing with structures here that we have ignored for years. Anyone who has raised this issue has been accused of using racist clichés.”

Are Talahons at risk of stigmatization? [And so it should be, since they and their attitude do NOT belong there in the first place.]

Talahons have recently become very present on social media, boasting about violent acts and other crimes.

Meanwhile, a spokeswoman for the integration commissioner Reem Alabali-Radovan (SPD) expressed a different view of things: “We are currently observing the Talahon trend on TikTok among young people with and without an immigration history.” However, her concern is different from Mansour’s: “Young people who are socially and economically disadvantaged are stigmatized here. We view this very critically.” [Then it should be young Germans doing it, not these invaders who live like parasites in hog heaven at the German taxpayers expense.]

Afterword from the translator:

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The Fruitweg Rioters Get a Stretch in the Pokey

Last February I reported on an incident in the Hague where rival gangs of Eritrean culture-enrichers fought each other and the police with iron bars, baseball bats, rocks, and fireworks, and amused themselves by setting vehicles on fire in the time-honored Muslim fashion.

Nine of those rambunctious youngsters have now been given jail sentences. The Dutch justice system really threw the book at them — one miscreant won’t see the light of day again for a whole year.

That’ll learn ’em.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from RTL Nederland:

Dozens of officers wounded

Nine Eritreans get jail sentences for their role in riots of “unprecedented intensity” in the Hague

July 19, 2024

In the Opera Central Hall on the Fruitweg on February 17, there was a meeting of the Eritrean community. A group made up of Eritreans opposed to the regime went inside and exchanged blows with those present.

“Unprecedented intensity”

According to the judge, the camera images show that most of the suspects threw paving stones at the police. The judge also holds the group responsible for the acts of other rioters. “It was a continuing process in which the group dynamic caused the violence to escalate to unprecedented intensity.”

The intensity can be seen in these images.

In total, twenty-six people were arrested for the riot. Today, the case against ten of them was heard, all between the ages of 19 and 36. Seven of them were convicted for their role in the violence, one for incitement and one, a 23-year-old man, for violence as well as incitement. A couple of days earlier, he called for a riot on TikTok.

The 23-year-old man got the longest sentence: one year in jail, and he was remanded directly into custody. The others may remain free on appeal.

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A Mostly Peaceful Evening in Harehills

More than seventeen years ago I wrote about the Zones Urbaines Sensibles, or Sensitive Urban Zones (ZUS), in France. They are dangerous culturally enriched neighborhoods that firemen and ambulance drivers won’t enter without a police escort, and which the police themselves avoid unless they absolutely have to go there. In English they are commonly referred to as “no-go zones”.

Here’s an excerpt from what I wrote in 2007:

The ZUS represent the perpetually inflamed tissue of the French body politic, with the nightly count of burned vehicles showing up as one of the green squiggles on the vital-signs monitor. Two hundred burned cars, and the youthful patient is having a good day. Five hundred, and the nurse is called to administer a sedative.

But it’s not the patient who goes to sleep; it’s the French public. Everyone is aware of what’s happening, but the magnitude of the crisis and the specifics of the situation are hidden behind a wall of official obfuscation and government-mandated censorship.

Within the ZUS, the gangs of Muslim youths have a free hand to loot, rape, and burn. Police are not allowed to use their weapons to enforce the law, or even to defend themselves. Trying to do his traditional job can put a policemen’s career in jeopardy, as the officers who chased two young criminals into a power substation back in October 2005 discovered.

What is not acknowledged is that France has lost sovereign control over large swathes of its urban territory. The only solution envisioned by French bureaucrats is a quintessentially bureaucratic one. The layers of jargon and classification and commissions and acronyms are like the wall of scar tissue that forms around a foreign substance that can’t be assimilated.

The areas designated as ZUS are effectively acknowledged to be dead. They are no longer part of France. They no longer possess any of the functions of a civitas.

They are the scattered pieces of la France Morte.

In the years since, Sweden has developed its own ZUS, which are now rife in the suburbs of a number of cities and towns, and rival anything that France can boast.

And last night a ZUS made itself known in a neighborhood of Leeds, in West Yorkshire.

In the late 1960s I lived in Harrogate, which is a spa town about twelve miles north of Leeds, in what was then the West Riding. Leeds was the nearest big city to Harrogate, and I visited it occasionally back then. It hadn’t yet become culturally enriched, although its sister city Bradford, just to the west, was the butt of jokes due to the presence of recently arrived “Pakis”. Nowadays, of course, it might as well be a district of Karachi.

The district of Harehills lies near the city center, just east of the A61, the route I used to take to Leeds. Mark Steyn points out that Harehills is also the constituency of a Green Party councilor named Mothin Ali, who recently shouted “Allahu Akbar” after being elected to the borough Council, declaring his victory a “win for the people of Gaza.”

Last night the good “English” people of Harehills got a bit hot under the collar. It seems that some social workers arrived at a home with intention of removing some children and placing them into care. The family raised an uproar, and the neighbors took exception to the government’s actions. They showed their displeasure in the time-honored Muslim fashion: they threw paving stones at the police, overturned a police vehicle, set street furniture on fire, and burned a double-decker bus. The police and the social workers were forced to vacate the area for their own safety, and it wasn’t until several hours later that order was restored.

The Hindustan Times provides a useful summary of the evening’s mostly peaceful events.

The BBC report on the incident is bland and restrained, but I found these pieces interesting:

The press conference heard that Ms [Mayor Tracy] Brabin had been involved in an earlier meeting with “key partners” and a plan was being drawn up to keep Harehills safe.

Ms Brabin said: “The imams and the faith leaders are also getting the message out there that we need to stay calm and ensure we don’t have what we saw, which was frightening, horrible and unacceptable.” [emphasis added]

And also this:

Leeds City Council said it was “immensely grateful” to the individuals who stopped the situation from “worsening”.

The “individuals who stopped the situation from ‘worsening’” are undoubtedly the imams. And when Mayor Brabin met with them — her “key partners” — I’m sure they explained to her what the civil authorities needed to do (or stop doing) to prevent any mostly peaceful incidents in the future.

This process is an example of what used to be called “community cohesion”, which people like Tommy Robinson were always accused of damaging. Community cohesion means that Muslim areas are de facto sharia zones, and lie beyond the reach of English Common Law. Anyone who wants affairs to run smoothly in the Harehills ZUS must negotiate with the community leaders — which means the imams, together with their designated appointees to political positions.

From a practical standpoint, of course, the result will be that children are less likely to be removed and placed into care within the boundaries the Harehills ZUS than they are elsewhere.

Below are two videos with clips of last night’s ructions in Harehills. The first is from the Indian news channel WION:

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Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

The following report by Clare Lopez was published earlier this month by Sharia TipSheet.

Women Under Sharia

Iranian President Dead, but Islam’s Abuse of Women Very Much Alive

by Clare M. Lopez

Iranian Women Celebrate the Death of President Raisi ‘We Freely Dance and Celebrate on Your Dirty Grave’”, by Margaret Flavin at Gateway Pundit, May 20, 2024

  • Yet another indicator of how the young, especially female, generation of Iranians feels about their oppressive jihadist regime

“BBC Documentary ‘Nika’s Last Breath’ about 16-year-old Nika Shakarami’s last moments before being raped and murdered in Iran” by Dr. Rich Swier, May 1, 2024.

  • This is a BBC film about a young Iranian girl who was murdered by Iranian police after she’d been filmed burning her hijab during the “Women, Life, Freedom” protests that followed the September 2022 murder of another young girl, Mahsa Amini, for having allowed her hijab to slip enough to show some hair.

“A year ago, she drank battery acid to escape life under the Taliban. Today, she has a message for other Afghan girls” by Hilary Whiteman, Anna Coren, Abdul Basir Bina and Javed Iqbal, at CNN, June 30, 2024

  • Horrific story of an Afghan girl who despaired of life under Taliban sharia rule — but lived to tell her story

“The Sexual Assaults on October 7 Omitted From the White House Fact Sheet” by Hugh Fitzgerald at Front Page Magazine, July 10, 2024

  • The Biden White House issued a lengthy Fact Sheet that documented sexual assaults in ‘conflict zones’…but somehow neglected to include what HAMAS did on 7 October 2023

“Arifwala man kills divorced niece in the name of ‘honour’” at, July 8, 2024

  • He murdered her with an axe but motive beyond fact she was divorced is not spelled out, except that it was a so-called “honor killing” — which is generally condoned in Islamic sharia societies

“Nothing Compensates for the Stolen Years’: The Afghan Women Rebuilding Shattered Dreams in Iran” by Stefanie Glinski at The Guardian, July 4, 2024

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A Female Co-Conspirator

I reported last month on the attempted assassination in Madrid of Alejo Vidal-Quadras, one of the founders of the anti-immigration party Vox in Spain.

A culture-enriching female co-conspirator in the attack has now been identified, and will be extradited from the Netherlands to Spain to face trial. She asserts her innocence, and insists that she was used by her male colleagues, including her ex-husband.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the regional public broadcaster Omroep Brabant:

Attack on politician: Woman from Den Bosch (27) going to Spanish cell

Chahinez K. (27) from Den Bosch, who is suspected of involvement in an attempted murder attack on a Spanish politician, will be turned over to Spain. She has been in custody in the Netherlands since April. K. is suspected of financing and preparing the attempted murder attack.

by Ron Vorstermans

The woman denies having anything to do with the attack against politician Alejo Vidal-Quadras in Madrid. He was shot in the head and barely survived the attack.

The International Legal Assistance Chamber of the Amsterdam court has approved the extradition to Spain, as decided on Wednesday. The Spanish authorities have guaranteed that if K. is convicted, she will be allowed to serve her sentence in the Netherlands.


The ex-husband of K., according to her lawyer, is one of the co-suspects. He is still a fugitive. The woman reportedly flew spontaneously to the south of Spain at his request and then accompanied him to Madrid. She was seen there with him by investigators.

She also reportedly transferred payments of €200 and €50 to him at his request. Three days before the attack, he reportedly transferred €250 to an accomplice. “I was just used,” K. said earlier regarding the suspected financing.

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A Martyr For ISIS-K in Austria

Last December I reported on heightened security at Cologne Cathedral due to suspected plans for an attack by the Islamic State.

Now it turns out that the supposed mastermind of the operation, a 40-year-old ISIS terror suspect from Dagestan, has been found dead in his cell in Austria on the day he was to be deported to Russia.

In a bizarre twist, at the end of the article the newspaper provides information on how to call the suicide hotline.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Austrian daily Heute:

Planned attack in Vienna

ISIS suspect found dead in cell prior to deportation

A 40-year-old from Dagestan reportedly had planned an attack in Vienna on 24 December. Shortly before his deportation, he has now been found dead.

July 11, 2024

A terror cell from the notorious ISIS offshoot, Islamic State-Khorasan (ISPK), caused a lot of commotion last Christmas Eve with attack plans against St Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna. After an investigation by State Security, five terror suspects were arrested in Germany and Vienna.

Surprisingly, the group was released from custody at the end of May. According to the judiciary, there was no exigent suspicion of a crime. All the suspects — four men and one woman — were transferred to deportation custody.

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The Fly is Still Buzzing

As reported here two months ago, an incarcerated culture-enriching “French” criminal nicknamed The Fly was sprung by confederates during prison transport, and two corrections officers were killed during his escape. The authorities have made no progress in apprehending him, and are now appealing to the public for help.

As I noted at the time, the case has a Mohammed Coefficient of 100%.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from France Bleu:

Correctional officers killed in Eure: An appeal for witnesses sent out two months after the escape of Mohamed Amra at Incarville

On Wednesday the authorities are sending out and appeal for witnesses after the escape of the drug trafficker Mohamed Amra on May 14 at the Incarville toll booth in Eure. The attack on the prison van left two dead and three wounded.

July 10, 2024

The attack at Incarville on May 14 left two dead and three wounded. On Wednesday, July 10 , the authorities sent out an appeal for witnesses. They are asking, “anyone present on May 14 between 10am and noon between Acquigny and Evreux, or more generally, in the Eure and Seine-Maritime, to report any suspicious or unusual event.”

If you have any information to transmit to the police, the contact number is 0800 35 83 35. It is a toll-free number. You can also send an email to

The police say that the two vehicles used by the attackers to flee were set on fire. The first was burned at Houetteville around 11:20am on the day of the escape. The second a little later around 11:50am at Gauville-la-Campagne. If you saw these vehicles, you are also asked to come forward. They are a white Audi S5, license plate CZ-328-HK and a black BMW 4 series, license plate ED-398-RH.

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Marion Maréchal: “France is Ungovernable”

In the following excerpt from a panel discussion on French TV, Marion Maréchal, the niece of Marine Le Pen, talks about last weekend’s legislative elections. Many thanks to the anonymous translator, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Chechens vs. Syrians: Who Will Win?

The following article concerns enricher-on-enricher violence in Vienna. The main protagonists seem to be Syrians and Chechens. When the knives and iron bars come out, I’m sure Syrians make formidable adversaries, but Chechens are reportedly the nastiest fighters of all.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from the Austrian daily Heute:

Chechens against Syrians

Gang fight in Vienna— Now there is an explosive twist

For days, a bloody conflict in the Vienna migrant community has been escalating. Now the “elders” are reportedly negotiating a peaceful solution.

by Maxim Zdziarski

There has been a conflict between Chechens and Syrians in Vienna. In January, there was reportedly a fight — since then there has been a bloody feud between both communities on Vienna’s streets.

Last weekend the dispute between both groups reached its sad high point. On Friday there was a gang fight between Syrians and Chechens, in which knives and weapons were used. Just two days later, Syrians were attacked by masked men at the Meidling train station. There were injuries here as well.

Hate continues on Internet

The Criminal Police are now investigating with alacrity. A 29-year-old Chechen has already been arrested. In his apartment, a blank pistol was found.

While the youths continue to agitate against each other massively in their chat groups, others from the communities are trying to finally settle the dispute. They speak of “making peace”, which means peace between the two parties. On the other hand, others continue to foment hatred. “Chechens and Turks will continue to f*** you in Vienna until you regret being born at all.”

“Elders” reportedly to bring peace

Explosive: Not only state institutions, but the “elders”, that is, respected personalities within the diaspora, are reportedly already working on a peaceful solution — this was explained by a Chechen influencer on TikTok. Apparently, there will reportedly be a meeting in which the hatchet will be buried. Whether and when that will take place remains to be seen.