Whose Face Will Be on the Trillion-Dollar Bill?

Some of the things that President Biden and the Democrat Party have been doing over the past few months are pretty bizarre, considering that this is an election year.

Hispanics and even blacks are shifting away from the Democrats. Young people — the parti-colored Zoomer TikTok generation — are increasingly drawn towards Donald Trump. The way things are going, there won’t be enough dump trucks available to haul in the “found” ballots required to put Joe Biden over the top on the night of November 5th. The Democrats are virtuosos at rigging elections, but even in the dystopian twilight of 21st-century America, elections can only be stolen at the margin. The race has to be at least somewhat close in order to pull off an effective steal.

The Democrat apparat seems utterly unconcerned with making sure the race is a tight one. One unpopular policy after another is being pushed — open borders, criminals released without bail, the promotion of sexual perversion, the war against the internal combustion engine, uniformed soldiers with pink hair mincing around in high heels…

And, to top it all off, there was the “Transgender Day of Visibility” on Easter Sunday. Don’t they even want to win the election?

Well, maybe they really don’t.

I’d been thinking along those lines for a while, and then last week I happened to read something similar at ZeroHedge, an essay saying that they’re going to let Trump win.

These are the key paragraphs:

Let Trump back in, and fight him on home turf — in the maze of the executive bureaucracy. Some of his backers have announced their intention to become politically competent in the event that he wins — but compared to the alternatives, that’s a very manageable risk.

More importantly: let Trump hold the bag for the all-but-guaranteed economic calamity of the next four years. The regime could skate for another decade if they succeed in pinning the collapse on a dangerous, erratic right-wing upstart. [emphasis added]

Everything I say here tonight is pure speculation. I’m not an expert on any of these matters, and especially not on financial issues. I’m just a reasonably well-informed layperson who reads a lot of information from diverse points of view.

It’s undeniable that the country is headed towards some form of fiscal calamity. As I mentioned last month, money-printing is being taken to new extremes:

I swore off making specific predictions after the previous great fiscal crisis in 2009, when my prognostications were so completely wrong. I never would have thought they could keep the racket going for another fifteen years, but here we are. The Powers That Be have managed to do a lot with derivatives and real estate bubbles.

But the debt graph can’t keep going up with a steadily increasing slope — it just can’t. Someday the pyramid scheme will come crashing down, and the chickens will come home to roost. Based on the current debt acceleration, it won’t be much longer. It might take a week; it might take a decade. But the chickens will be roosting relatively soon.

The thing is, the people who keep the Ponzi scheme afloat know exactly what’s coming. They know the money-printing tactic will eventually stop working. It’s a complex process, what with cryptocurrencies, CBDCs, derivatives, paper and digital “futures” of precious metals, and now the BRICS alternatives. Keeping those plates spinning must surely be a tricky business.

And the people in charge know that a collapse of the dollar will eventually come. In order enrich themselves fully, and assure themselves an unbroken hold on the levers of power, they will need to time the crisis carefully. At exactly the right moment they will topple the pillars supporting the dollar-based economy, after having thoroughly prepared the replacement system that will be built on the smoking ruins of the old one.

So which patsy will be nominally in charge when the house of cards comes tumbling down? Who will preside over the Great Collapse?

Whose face will be on the Zimbabwe-style trillion-dollar bill?

For a long time I thought Brandon was being set up as the fall guy. He was always obviously a disposable president, a non-re-electable senile geezer who could be pushed aside when he was no longer needed. The people who crafted his policies and wrote his speeches clearly didn’t try to make him more popular. I assumed that when the time was right, he would be gently eased out (and Kamala, too, although that part would be tricky), and a substitute such as Gavin Newsom or Big Mike installed to run in 2024, someone who was at least plausible enough that the election could be rigged on his behalf.

But it never happened. And the scripts that Brandon has been following have been so damaging to him that it’s obvious that his handlers don’t really want him to win re-election. It is intended that he go down in flames, taking the Democrat Party with him.

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Our Dystopian Moment

The two videos below are unrelated; I just happened to encounter them both today. They seem somehow emblematic of the apocalyptic times that we Americans are forced to live through.

The first clip shows remarks made by Peter Navarro at CPAC. Mr. Navarro is an economist who served as a presidential advisor during the Trump administration. After the “election” of 2020 he, like so many other Trump associates, became a target of the January 6 Inquisition when the Democrats were in control of the House. He refused to comply with a congressional subpoena to provide documents and testimony, and was charged with two counts of contempt of Congress. After being convicted on both counts, he was sentenced to four months in prison. He is appealing the verdict, but the judge ruled that he must serve his sentence in the meantime.

I don’t have any opinion on Peter Navarro, nor any idea on the merits of the legal cases against him. However, I know that the treatment of him is shameless political persecution. The mickey-mouse stuff he was accused of doing would have merited no notice if he had been a Democrat, or served under an elected pol with a “D” after his name. He is being persecuted because he had the temerity to hitch his star to the evil Orange Man.

He made the following remarks just prior to beginning his prison sentence:

The second video is an excerpt from Tucker Carlson’s interview with the inventor and entrepreneur Steve Kirsch. Mr. Kirsch has great expertise in statistical methods, and since early 2021 he has been investigating the statistics on the adverse effects of the experimental mRNA treatment intended to mitigate infection with the Wuhan Coronavirus. He has done great service to his country by digging up and exposing to public view the ghastly figures on the adverse effects, especially deaths, caused by the vax. The CDC and the other panjandrums of the political-corporate power structure are doing their utmost to marginalize and shun him so that the general public will never become aware of the harm the government has done by coercing them to get jabbed.

I watched the full interview, which is almost an hour long, but it has since been taken down, presumably because TCN is zealously protecting its copyright. The video below shows only the first eleven minutes, but it will at least give you a taste of what Steve Kirsch had to say:

Hat tips: Vlad Tepes and Steen.

Hey, the Bugs Ain’t So Bad

I’ve often recommended an excellent blog called Conservative Tree House. I read the site every day, because Sundance (who does most of the political posting there) is almost invariably right in his predictions on domestic American politics. He has the knack for research and analysis that enables him to forecast the upcoming political trends in this country with uncanny accuracy.

His basic premise is that the national leadership of the Republican Party is thoroughly globalist in outlook, and is interested only in preserving its funding sources. Winning elections is of secondary importance; it’s the money that matters. And, when winning would compromise the continued flow of cash, the party will covertly make common cause with the Democrats to make sure the Republican candidate loses. That’s what happened in 2016 when Donald Trump unexpectedly won the Republican presidential nomination.

The same coalition was at work in 2020, and is currently being mobilized to stop Trump in 2024. Sundance calls it the “R.A.T. alliance” — Republicans Against Trump.

He has provided us with a useful prediction for the upcoming political season. He advises us to watch for the Republicans to start saying, in effect:

“Hey, the bugs ain’t so bad.”

Here’s a sample of what he posted today:

People were confused ten months ago when I said the 2024 DeSantis coalition will be fully laughable once they start saying, “Hey, the bugs ain’t so bad.” However, it’s the natural conclusion to this R.A.T. alliance. Those who were hiding as CONservatives in order to retain their influence and affluence, are merging into the traditional big corporate Republican Party apparatus and reflecting an attitude that says elitism isn’t so bad after all.


Another dynamic that is really interesting to watch is to remember the GOPe establishment Republicans were the support system for the 2016 Trump-Russia nonsense. In 2016, the professional Republicans joined with the leftist Democrats in their Never Trump effort to support Hillary Clinton.

Those Bush establishment Republicans are now in an alignment with the conservative pundits (Team Cruz, now Team Ron) who previously were attacking the fabrication of the Trump-Russia narrative.

This “Russiagate wasn’t so bad,” in combination with the “Bugs might not be too bad,” in combination with the “Big Tech ain’t so bad” Elon love, is buckets of funny. They hate me for pointing it out. Actually, they hate me for everything, but it’s fun to point out how easily the CONservatives compromise themselves for money.

At the end of the day, that’s what all of these alliances are about, MONEY!

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Evil or Stupid?

Last week, in one of our Skype groups, a non-American participant said:

I’ve seen this quote: “The US has two parties: the Evil Party and the Stupid Party.” Is it any wonder the stupid party is losing a** over teacup over and over again?

I replied:

I understand the sentiment, but it’s worse than that. The Republicans are also evil, but pretend to be stupid. They don’t need to win elections to reach their goals; they just need the system that rewards and enriches them to remain in place and stable. They get just as rich when they’re the opposition.

They have to pretend that they hold conservative principles and want to win elections, but it’s all a charade. Any Republican who intends to move up in the hierarchy has to forget all that. In the end, it’s about money and power and perks and getting laid (whether hookers, rent boys, or little kids).

All the rest of it is pretense.

It’s very demoralizing to realize what’s going on. But once you start seeing this stuff, you can’t go back to not seeing it.

It took me a long time to reach this cynical position. I wanted to believe that the Republican Party presented a viable opposition, and for many years I resisted the nagging sense that the whole thing was a charade. Even after I came to loathe Republicans, I still clung to the forlorn hope that the party could somehow overcome its deficiencies and mount a real challenge to Democrat hegemony.

The presidential elections of 2016 and 2020 were the final nails in the coffin of that hope. I meant it when I responded to my liberal friends who referred to me as a Republican:

“I’m NOT a Republican — I HATE Republicans! The only thing worse than a Republican is a Democrat!”

But now I’m not even sure that the Democrats are worse. After all, they don’t try to hide their true nature. They no longer pretend not to be Marxists. They’re fully up-front about wanting to raise taxes and increase spending. They make no bones about their intention to control our lives in minutest detail. They proudly wave the banners of racial discrimination and sexual perversion. What you see is what you get.

Republicans, on the other hand, pretend that they are conservatives, when they are just as enmeshed with the globalists and the international financiers that are ushering in the New World Order. And they pretend they want to win elections, but ever since 2016 we’ve been able to see that they really don’t. Right now the Republican establishment is simply committed to making sure that Donald Trump does not win another election, no matter what it does to their party. As long as the current power-sharing system remains intact, and they keep their places at the trough, the party that holds power is irrelevant.

It’s plain that Donald Trump is seen as the greatest threat to the existing system, and must be stopped at all costs.

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So how do the recent midterms fit into all this?

First of all, it’s completely clear that the voting systems are now fully rigged. The Democrats control the process in major urban centers, and have developed multiple interlocked strategies for generating the votes they need to put their candidates over the top in all races they deem significant.

Earnest Republican commentators are having a hard time with the results. They aren’t yet ready to see what is right in front of their eyes, so they take the midterm results at face value. This forces them to conclude that their fellow Americans are ignorant, uninformed, and unfathomably stupid. Which is depressing, so now they’re depressed (I’m thinking in particular of the gentlemen at Power Line). For some reason they aren’t able to grasp the fact that the system is rigged.

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The Great American Divide Isn’t What You Think

The following guest-essay by Brad Lena was originally published in 2019, but is still apropos, given today’s events.

The great American divide isn’t what you think

by Brad Lena

For the last 50-plus years, “the peaceful transfer of political power” meant a four- to eight-year rebranding of the ruling paradigm designed to preserve the policy, perks, economic, legal, and legislative advantages of the governing class. In 2016, the election ushered in a division some say is as significant as the election of 1860. Many think it is the clear division of political ideologies. While this is true, there is another split, and in my opinion, it is generally not recognized and is ultimately more profound.

First, some context. The complex, interdependent infrastructure that supports modern life in America operates with such reliability that unimaginable amounts of goods and services are conceived, produced, and distributed with seamless regularity. It takes a massive natural catastrophic event to interrupt it. The downside is that the demands are so great that a broad interruption lasting two weeks or more would result in chaos in every major city.

What does this have to do with this divide? The divide can be generally thought of in terms of two groups: those with the skills that maintain the modern infrastructure and those who lack those skills. For example, a person might be the most brilliant, accomplished brain surgeon in the world, but he is dependent on someone understanding, building, and maintaining electrical power generation and transmission or having the skills to design and build emergency power generators.

A more down-to-earth example: What would happen to the business you work for if the power went out for a day? Would the business function?

There are countless people whose skills and detailed coordination of complex systems enable modernity. Somewhere along the line, those who benefit from modern infrastructure but lack the contributing skills decided to bite the hand that sustains them. The disdain and contempt of the media, academics, students, comics, the MSM, progressives, etc. for those who engineer, build, maintain, and repair modern infrastructure, goods, and services has become particularly virulent and now violent.

One indication is that Harvard, with input and guidance from others, organized an excursion to introduce some students to the reality that supports their worldview. So detached have these elite students become that an expedition had to be mounted to expose them to reality outside their experiences. A situation where never have so many known so little about so much will not weather a prolonged disruption with stoic endurance.

Perhaps it is no surprise that a populace encountering a level of unprecedented material abundance would, after a sufficient number of generations, act is if it were like oxygen: it’s just there, always has been, always will be. That belief will be put to the test. What the future holds is anybody’s guess, but I’d be nice to those who know how to do something practical.

Previous posts by Brad Lena:

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Scientific Insanity

MC’s latest wide-ranging essay addresses various aspects of the Culture Wars, most of them from the American front.

Scientific Insanity

by MC

We should by now be learning that ‘Nazism’ as such, is not an instance in history, but a logical pathway for those who seek totalitarian power. Soviet Communism destroyed itself because it assumed that ‘equity’ would overcome all difficulties, and that expertise was bourgeois, unneeded and unwanted. By killing off successful farmers, the Soviets destroyed their agriculture, failing to learn that ability needs to be rewarded, otherwise it is replaced by mediocrity; the “to each” side of the equation driving the “from each” to a degree which renders the whole instance unbalanced and unworkable.

Nazism works, and had to be taken down by overwhelming (and expensive) force of arms; it rewarded each according to his input and thus kept the workforce motivated.

We know that repeated attempts to make a losing strategy work are futile, and until one admits that failure, and accepts that there is a need to change the direction of the strategy, then failure will follow failure. To continue to try and make failure work without changing the strategy is pure insanity. In a society that forces the productive to support the unproductive there is an element of unpaid labour inflicted on those who produce. Am I therefore a 30% slave if I have to pay a third of my paycheck in extra taxes to support the idle?

Traditionally, those unable to work — the ‘poor’ — were a family responsibility, but historical Poor Laws made them a parish responsibility, and in many ways this was the start of the disintegration of the family as responsibility and duty passed to (expensive) bureaucrats. Costs increased, as did the numbers as more and more discovered that they could ride the gravy train. Thus the ‘solution’ was worse than the original problem .

This tendency for failure to repeat itself is endemic in democratic politics where the appearance of emotional intelligence is essential to winning votes, but irrational when it comes to actual lawmaking. Thus are politicians always benighted with the need for inappropriate emotional answers (lies) to rational questions.

There can be no doubt that President Trump was a highly successful President, as Presidents go, but he lacked an emotional empathy with a particularly avid but active and vocal group of powerful and immoral people for whom the ends justify the means. While they succeeded in displacing President Trump — possibly through the illegal manipulation of the vote — his compromise replacement(s) were and are totally disastrous.

The powerful voices in the Democrat party — Clinton, Sanders etc. — were unelectable, and even Democrats are wary of avowed communists and unindicted criminals.

So we got Brandon as a time-served and ranking Dem, who, they thought, could be relied upon to follow the party line. However in a divided party, the party line comes from she who shouts loudest.

But the big drawback of rigging votes is that the election concerned lacks credibility and does not help the winner’s political credibility. In the case of President Trump in 2016, it would appear that vote rigging was inconclusive and failed because Trump basically got more votes than had been predicted in (biased) pre-elections polls (poetic justice?). Still, shedding doubt on outcomes because more ‘people’ apparently voted for Clinton, did not help the Trump presidency.

In 2020 the vote rigging was much more blatant. It was based on COVID panic measures, and relied on a biased media and a bought (or blackmailed) SCOTUS for any credibility it had.

The Brandon administration started under a cloud which got blacker and blacker as Brandon lost all real credibility. He is at best senile, and at worst in the middle stages of dementia. All at a time when the USA needs strong leadership. The Veep is no better, displaying a strange idiocy even without the obvious dementia. This idiocy of the Veep is the guarantee that the dolt needs to stay in power. She is there because she is non-white, female and incompetent non-threatening.

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Vladimir Putin on Election Interference

The following clip contains excerpts from an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin that was recorded by NBC News back in 2018. As I understand it, this footage was omitted from the final broadcast version of the interview.

Before I am denounced yet again as a Putin stooge, I must say that I find Mr. Putin’s assertion that the Russians don’t interfere with American elections to be laughable. They may not go so far as to hack into Dominion servers and similar operations — I have no expertise on such matters, so I don’t know — but they plant massive disinformation all over the Internet, and have been doing so for as long as I’ve been paying attention. I personally know a vlogger who was offered money by a Russian to propagate certain material (he refused).

More to the point is that the American intelligence services often do things that are just as bad, and sometimes worse, in an attempt to interfere with Russia.

And the idea that Russia interfered with the 2016 election to help elect Donald Trump is ludicrous on the face of it. Anyone with half a brain can see that the Russians would have had every reason to prefer Hillary Clinton over Orange Man Bad.

Many thanks to HeHa for translating it from the Italian subtitles, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Dueling Lawn Signs

Sundance at Conservative Tree House asked for readers to supply what he calls “ground reports” on the upcoming election. Since the current political atmosphere is so toxic, and most polls are so obviously bogus, collective anecdotal accounts of what’s happening are all we have to go on.

Rather than clog up his comments section with my remarks, I’ll post them here instead. But first I want to recycle a joke from four years ago. It was relevant in October of 2016, and it’s even more relevant today:

“When this dreadful election is finally over, I hope we can still be friends, even if we are in different internment camps.”

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During the last two or three weeks, the number of campaign signs in people’s yards in this part of Central Virginia has really exploded. In the region I’m personally familiar with — which comprises a rough triangle having Charlottesville, Lynchburg, and Farmville as its vertices — Trump signs outnumber Biden signs. In my immediate neighborhood, however, the Biden signs are ahead. My neighbors are mostly black, which I assume is one of the main reasons for the difference.

In fact, putting a Trump sign in the front yard is the same as saying, “A white family lives here.” I have yet to see a single Trump sign in the yard of a house whose inhabitants are definitely black.

The converse is not true, however. There are enough white Gutmenschen in the area — especially retired transplants from Yankeeland — to give Biden a strong showing among the palefaces. Among the white population, the Biden signs are usually found in front of middle class or upper middle class houses. A trailer or double-wide inhabited by white people is almost certain to have a Trump sign, if it has any sign at all.

A couple of other correlations are worth noting. The first is the display of American flags. I haven’t seen any yards with Biden signs that also fly an American flag. The Trump supporters, on the other hand, are very likely to have a flag on a pole, or hanging over the front porch.

For the last year or so I’ve noticed a sign that some people post in their front yards: “Love thy Neighbor / NO Exceptions”. I wondered what particular import the message had, but now that election season has kicked in, the correlation is clear: If a “Love thy Neighbor” yard has a campaign sign, it’s inevitably a Biden sign.

This leads me to conclude that the “Love thy Neighbor” initiative is about race. I take it to mean: “You lousy racist! You need to be high-minded like me.” It’s virtue-signaling, in other words. It can be found in the front yards of both black people and white people.

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There’s no way the entire Commonwealth of Virginia will go for Trump. The demographics of the state are now dominated by dense concentrations of snowflakes, federal employees, and culture-enrichers in the Wretched Hive of Scum and Villainy, a.k.a. Northern Virginia, plus the more progressive zip codes of the Richmond area and Tidewater. And Charlottesville, of course, which habitually votes just to the left of Ann Arbor.

Taken county by county, Trump would win, but the majority of the population in the Old Dominion is loyal to the Communist Democrat Party.

The Fundraiser That Wasn’t

This fundraising post was “sticky” for two weeks. Scroll down for lots of posts that were put up after it first appeared.

Update August 30 5:30pm EDT

I’m struggling with the new payments service, trying to find out how to make a form, or get a quick link, for a donation button. Until I manage to do that, snail mail is the only option. If you would like to make a postal donation, please email me at gatesofvienna {at} chromatism {dot} net, and I’ll send the address to you.

Since the last time I posted an update, more snail-mail donations have come in from the following places:

Stateside: Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Hampshire, New York, Texas, West Virginia, and Washington

Canada: British Columbia

A big thank you to everyone who sent in their contributions. Your generosity is astonishing!

Email acknowledgements have gone out to most of the donors, and the rest will be sent shortly.

The Fundraiser That Wasn’t

Update August 25 8:00pm EDT

A week ago I thought this was going to be a normal quarterly fundraiser. I started it in the usual fashion, with an opening post on Monday for the fundraising “octave”. Then I woke up on Tuesday morning and discovered to my dismay that I’d been shut out of PayPal. After a conversation with the lady in the Terminations Department (as I think it was called), I was left in no doubt that I had been cancelled for my political opinions.

This eventuality was hardly unexpected; it’s not like I’m the first to be cancelled by PayPal. Over the past couple of years I watched the big guns go down one by one — Jihad Watch, Tommy Robinson, and numerous others. Since I’m just a tiny popgun in the “racist” scheme of things, my day of reckoning was delayed. But it had to come someday.

Hitting this speed bump made me decide to keep this post on top for a few extra days, to make sure that everyone gets a chance to see it. Newer stuff will continue to accumulate below it.

For the time being I’m fundraising by snail mail. Those who want to donate and don’t already have the address, please email me at gatesofvienna {at} chromatism {dot} net, and I’ll send it to you.

So far the results have been encouraging — a fair number of envelopes have arrived in the mail. I’ve already started writing the thank-you notes. I really appreciate your willingness to pitch in. And at least five people who have never donated in the past were affronted by what PayPal did, and wrote to ask for the address.

Even so, there’s no doubt that PayPal’s heinous actions will reduce the amount I can successfully raise. Not everyone will be willing to send money by regular mail, and the logistics for overseas gifts will be tricky.

The big question is whether the reduction will be significant enough to threaten the continuation of this site. Everything should proceed as normal for at least another quarter — I have enough savings to cover that.

In the meantime, I’m determined to find a substitute for PayPal. I’m in the throes of attempting to set up an account with a new service, but the interminable process of account verification is still incomplete. So keep your fingers crossed, or send up a smoke signal to the fire god, or say a novena for me — I need all the help I can get.

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Socialism Really is a Cult

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan takes a look at the bizarre wave of socialist madness that is currently raging on both sides of the Atlantic.

Socialism really is a cult

by H. Numan

A bit of a bold statement, I know. Let me explain. There is nothing wrong with being social. After all, we humans are social animals. However, socialism as a political ideology is wrong. Very wrong. Socialism doesn’t work. It lets others do the work. Socialism has failed wherever it was implemented. It sometimes took a while, but it always failed. The few states left over that really are socialist are failing or going to fail. No question about it. With one exception: China. But China is first Chinese, then Chinese, then a long time nothing and finally they are socialist. Sort of socialist, that is.

Now, China has always been an absolute monarchy. Not surprisingly Mao ruled as one too, and so does the present emperor — who is titled president for life now. Not emperor, but effectively the same thing. Just a different name. He isn’t socialist, he’s Chinese. Red was always the preferred color for the Chinese. Red being the color of socialism is just an extra. All Chinese companies are effectively, if not outright, state-run organizations.

China has two major problems that it cannot solve: first of all, their failed one child policy. By the time China becomes a real superpower their army will be made up of old fogies with crutches and drips. Don’t underestimate that problem. China already has huge problems finding sufficiently capable soldiers at this very moment. Imagine what it will be like in twenty years, when they really will have an enormous manpower problem.

The second problem is corruption. Corruption is ingrained in Chinese society, regardless of ideology. Socialism only makes it worse, much worse. The current Chinese leadership is more worried about the reliability of their army, specifically the top brass, than anything else right now. If worst comes to worst, we can always buy a couple of Chinese army commanders. The leadership knows it, and dreads it.

On the bright side: China is not interested in conquering the world. Just the business part of it. On the not-so-bright side: they’re damned good at it. China is a problem for the future. Right now we have bigger worries. The first is socialism, and the second one is mohammedanism. More about mohammedanism in another article.

So let’s get back on topic. Socialism is a cult. You see it in America, where the Democrat party is anything but democratic right now. And in England, where the Labour party should rename itself the Stalinist party. Likewise, in all western countries social democratic parties have been taken over by diehard old-fashioned communists. And … the left is again losing. Again, because they have learned nothing from the past. Like Louis XVIII of France, the king who replaced Napoleon: they have learned nothing and forgotten nothing.

Jeremy Corbyn even had the gumption to say: “We have won the debate, but failed to achieve a majority.” His followers blame everyone — except themselves. They blame the ‘extreme right-wing media’ for their loss. And of course the silly, stupid and antediluvian electorate. Anyone and anything, except themselves. Now, the media in Europe are about as left-wing as Pravda was during the heydays of communism. It was Corbyn (and his minions) who vilified themselves. Not the media.

For Corbyn really is a vile person. He is a warm supporter of every socialist dictator alive. Kim Jong-Un, Maduro and Castro among others are his friends. Corbyn is a virulent antisemite, though he calls himself anti-Zionist. It’s exactly the same, but being antisemitic is nowadays punishable by law. Hamas and Hezbollah are his friends; they fight against the capitalist Zionist conquerors of their country. The media did all they could to soften Corbyn’s words so it wouldn’t hurt him too much. Labour adherents who say the BBC is a right-wing broadcaster are delusional.

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Conspiracy Theories? We Have Them A-Plenty

Ever since J. Christian Adams, a career Department of Justice attorney, resigned in 2010 (during Obama’s first term) due to his own unwillingness to turn a blind eye to Eric Holder’s highly charged racialist program within the DOJ, I’ve been wondering when the corruption would be called to account. But it never happened. It never happens in the Democrat Deep State…unless, like Sidney Powell, you know where to look.

No, I didn’t know of her either, but I sure plan to follow what she has to say as this plotting is unloaded on a sickened American electorate. Can They manage to kill off the first capable president we’ve had in more than a generation??

This is a woman after Diana West’s own heart. Mine, too. She not only knows American jurisprudence, but she knows where (some of) the bodies are buried.

From her book page on Amazon from 2014 [five years in, and it’s still selling]:

Sidney Powell was an Assistant United States Attorney in three judicial districts under nine United States Attorneys from both political parties. She represented the United States in 350 criminal appeals and represented private parties in another 150, all resulting in more than 180 published decisions. She was the youngest Assistant U.S. Attorney when she began practicing. She is an elected member of the American Law Institute and the past president of the Bar Association for the Fifth Federal Circuit and the American Academy of Appellate Lawyers.

Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice is a book she prayed she would never have to write. It’s written in the style of a legal thriller to be enjoyable and understandable to non-lawyers, but it is the true, behind-the-scenes insider perspective on major litigation during the last decade. If you think you know the truth about what happened to Arthur Andersen, Merrill Lynch, Enron, and former United States Senator Ted Stevens, think again. You won’t know the truth until you read LICENSED TO LIE. It tells a very human story that every informed citizen, lawyer, and judge should know. The foreword to the book is written by Judge Alex Kozinski, one of the most brilliant legal minds in the country. He is the Chief Judge of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, but he wrote the foreword in his personal capacity.

She also writes for the New York Observer…and her opinion pieces have received over 16,000 facebook posts, countless tweets, and other methods of “sharing.” […] They include 1. All the President’s Muses 2. Holder Protects Corrupt Prosecutors 3. War on Wall Street 4. Meet Emmet Sullivan (the IRS Judge who scheduled a hearing for July 10); 5. One Two Punch (IRS faces Two Federal Judges), and others. Her news articles and opinion pieces may be found here. These outstanding stories have been picked up multiple times by the Drudge Report, Investors Business Daily, Breitbart, Fox News, Greta Van Susternen, and countless other blogs and reporters. She is the only published authority on federal Judge Emmet Sullivan, former White House Counsel Kathryn Ruemmler, and now Mueller team special prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, and others.

She has been featured on Fox News, the CATO INSTITUTE (broadcast on C-Span), NewsMax TV, and countless radio shows. She has spoken on the topic of prosecutorial misconduct for two federal judicial conferences and numerous bar associations. Her website is here.

This book has over nine hundred customer reviews, overwhelmingly five-star, and they have continued to accrue over the five years since the book came out.

[NOTE: This post has been moldering in my Drafts since the video was brand-new. I’m sorry it’s no longer au courant, but my health (or lack thereof) interfered. While not breaking news, the main elements in this story will continue to drag their sadsack selves through the purgatory of American national politics. If I find any further Sidney Powell commentary, I’ll post it for you.]

Old Sobersides

JLH sends the saga of Miz Hillary in verse form. One can only hope that the shade of Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. (father of the Supreme Court justice) is not overly agitated tonight…

Old Sobersides
by JLH

Ay, tear her tatty logo down!
Too long has it made us sigh,
And many a face has had to frown
At what “justice” let go by.
Vince Foster, Seth Rich and others, too —
What is it they may have seen:
Travelgate, Filegate, Whitewater all true,
In the service of the Queen?

Erupting bimbos, Tammy Wynette,
The little woman wasn’t pleased.
Hillary Care was not a good bet.
Nuclear secrets for the Chinese,
And who knew pork bellies could be so swell,
If their futures were bright enough?
And who knew the Russians would pay so well
For that radioactive stuff?

Now, a former first lady has little to do,
When hubby’s not home at night,
Unless public office comes into view…
Get that carpetbag packed up tight!
So she walks the Senate like one who belongs,
And fades right into the crowd:
How to look brave while going along,
And skim off whatever’s allowed.

When Bill said “Two for the price of one”
No one could have guessed the price.
This inexorable couple is just never done.
They are back like undaunted lice.
The only way to stop this first woman’s run:
A black man’s program of hope.
As Highlander says, “There can be only one”
And Hillary runs out of rope.

But all is not lost — to the victor come the spoiled.
Run the Department of State?
So what if you’re looking a little bit soiled —
After Kerry, who needs to be great?
First, our uranium buddies of old
Need a friendly re-start.
The wording is wrong, so we are told —
Google Translate’s not worth a… damn.

Her greatest achievement was Ghadaffi’s demise.
Some minor Americans died too.
Parents, wives and children apprised:
There was nothing we could do.
We came, we saw, we made a mess.
Move on; there’s nothing to see.
“What difference now if I should confess —
I’d get off on a guilty plea.”

This time is different, there is no Barack.
We all know that now it’s my turn
No one has the guts to mount an attack…
But I think I “Feel the Bern,”
Doesn’t he know everyone has been paid?
Why is he still around?
This is not how the game is played.
I’ll pound him into the ground.

So what if I fixed some things here and there?
He can whimper all he wants.
So what if he doesn’t think it’s been fair?
Who asked him to leave Vermont?
And now I am off to the race of my life,
And I’m running against a clown!
Dirt and rumor against him are rife,
He’ll likely be run out of town.

Hey! Why am I not way ahead right now!?
Where are these polls coming from?
Who are they talking to, anyhow:
Deplorables, reactionaries, dumb!
I KNEW it — that damned electoral thing —
Now it’s gone and cost me the race!
Who cares what tune the “flyovers” sing?
They’re a colossal waste of space!

I will not be Trumped by that arrogant jerk,
But my hands are not lily-white…
Oops, I mean: Now y’all gots to git to work,
‘cause we gots us a rilly tough fight…
Ze basket of deplorable sink zey have won over us;
We’ll show zem “Si, se puede, señor”…
And we are woman, just hear us cuss!…
And we are gayer than ever before!

Continue reading

Bannon Goes Against a Modern Pope in a Post-Modern World

A reader’s comment on the shrinkage of the Easter worshippers drew me to this.

Dr. Turley has some surprising information on Steve Bannon, late of Breitbart News and of the Trump administration. And as it turns out he’s moved on — ever a restless spirit — to Belgium, where he has started a group called “The Movement”. Not a felicitous name but then his organization is going to be fighting for nationalism and against the globalist sludge, so maybe…

I have paid little attention to Steve Bannon, though the general outlines of his life (he’s a Virginia boy and Irish to boot) have been out there in the ether, where we see ideas and personages and some of what we see sticks. So this video required that I do a bit of research. I took the quick and dirty route, through the muds of Wikipedia. Sorry, but it’s all my health/stamina allows. Thus, from the Wiki on his life:

Bannon is supportive of several European right-wing populist national conservative movements such as the Hungarian Fidesz, the French National Front, the Spanish Vox, the Dutch Party for Freedom, Alternative for Germany, the Italian Northern League, the Brothers of Italy, the Freedom Party of Austria, the Sweden Democrats, the Finns Party, the Flemish Vlaams Belang, the Belgian People’s Party, the Polish National Movement, and the Swiss People’s Party.

Another wiki, this one on Bannon’s Movement group, says:

Bannon initially discussed his plans for the organization with The Daily Beast, saying he wanted to create a populist “supergroup” bloc that could win up to a third of all 700+ MEP seats. He said he thought of the idea when he was invited to speak at an event hosted by Marine Le Pen. Bannon also believes that Sweden’s 2018 elections created the perfect timing to launch The Movement.

The Movement stands as a counterpoint to George Soros’ Open Society. Bannon has referred to Soros as “evil but brilliant”, and expressed a desire to promote nationalism instead of globalism.

Finally, an American paying attention to Europe. Overdue but welcome. By the way, he spoke out against Tommy Robinson’s imprisonment. He is also moving directly against Pope Frankie — Deo Gratias! — before that dude single-handedly destroys the Catholic Church. Bannon is a devout Catholic and appears to be a bit of a Don Quixote, though he refers to himself as “a Cromwell among the Tudors” [my paraphrase of his summation of life among the Trumps].

I like Bannon — his energy, his dedication, his willingness to fight back. Despite what the naysayers claim, he’s not a Jew-hater, he doesn’t trust Islam, and he’s not racist. Get over yourselves, NAACP.