Drawing a Bead on Jesus

Sanija Ameti is a Bosnian Muslim who lives in Switzerland. Her parents were refugees who fled the Yugoslavian wars in the 1990s and settled in the Zurich area when Sanija was a small child. Her adopted home has been kind to her: she is now a well-known activist and provocateur, and is the vice president of the Zurich Liberal Greens Party.

Or was vice president, until one of her provocations got her into a spot of bother last Sunday. It seems that Ms. Ameti was doing a little target practice with her gun, and just happened to tear out a page from an art catalogue to use as a target. The only problem was that the page featured a photo of an icon of the Virgin Mary and Jesus, both of whom got riddled with bullets.


Ms. Ameti claimed she had no idea her target had religious significance until afterwards, and apologized profusely. It did her no good; she was forced to resign as vice president, and may end up being expelled from the Liberal Greens Party. Evidently there are some iconoclasms that are too much even for the Greens.

Many thanks to HeHa for translating this French-language news report, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

For more on the incident, see Remix News and RAIR Foundation.

Video transcript:

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 19

Below is the 19th and final chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 19: Afterword

The sole purpose of this small book was to show, in as few words as possible, that there was no lethal Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, and that the vaccines were completely unnecessary, horrifically dangerous and, astonishingly / criminally ineffective in every possible way a vaccine is supposed to be effective.

There is so much more to say about this crime of the century, but to do so would require much more than one book. The roles played by Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, for example, could fill an entire bookshelf.

The details laid out in this book are not just my opinion; they are taken from data sites owned by governments and health regulation agencies. They are true. And if they are true, then everything we were told (and continue to be told) about Covid-19 is a lie.

Tragically — and criminally — the people lying to us are those whose specific job it is to look after our best interests. The politicians, the doctors, the health regulatory agencies, the mainstream media, the Fact Check agencies, the World Health Organisation, the EU, the UN, and the social media giants such as Facebook and YouTube.

All of these people and organisations amassed money and power during the Covid-19 purported pandemic. This money and power resulted purely from lying to and betraying the citizens of nations worldwide.

In America, the Food & Drug Agency (FDA) only released Pfizer’s data on vaccine harms because it was forced to do so by a court order. Also in America, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to recommend that pregnant women and babies receive mRNA booster shots, whilst simultaneously fighting court cases to prevent the release of data they hold which catalogues massive numbers of vaccine harms.

The same thing is happening in every single Western country, where every single health regulation agency is doing the exact same thing. The levels of corruption are vast. As are the wicked and murderous crimes they are engaged in. The CDC’s motto, incidentally, is: Saving Lives. Protecting People.

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Party Gone, Prime Minster Gone

Our Bangkok correspondent H. Numan has a report on the latest sordid news from the Land of Smiles.

Party gone, prime minster gone

by H. Numan

I haven’t posted a while about Thailand. There are reasons for that: you are likely not much interested in why minister Somchai got egg on his face, if I have to explain who he is, why he got it and why that is important or relevant to you in three pages. And just as important: lèse-majesté. Thailand has the strictest lèse-majesté laws on the planet. One gets into deep doodoo very easily with that. Those laws cover royalty in the broadest term possible. Not just the king himself, but all Thai kings, past and present. And their extended families. And those who work for them. Not just the present king; all Thai kings. If I were to write a historical article with facts and evidence about a Thai prince committing regicide in Ayutthaya somewhere around 1500 AD, that could be lèse-majesté. Even worse: those laws are being used more and more.

Every prime minister likes it. You can use that law to squash your opponents. When Thaksin Shinawatra was prime minister he used it so much that the king yanked his pants down to his ankles by saying (without mentioning him) that he considered lèse-majesté overused. If people were to be convicted of it, he would pardon them. It made the already beloved king Rama IX even more popular. However, what he didn’t say is when he would pardon offenders. Spending half a year or longer in a Thai prison before you get pardoned is not something to sneeze at. Yes, he did pardon offenders, but never immediately. Let them learn their lesson first. King Bhumibol (Rama IX is his official name) was very popular, and fairly tolerant. His son, Maha Vajiralongkorn or Rama X, has to fill the footsteps of a giant here, and that is difficult. Royal pardons for lèse-majesté offenders is something you don’t hear often nowadays.

What’s difficult for me is to write about it without getting into trouble. In this case I’m safe. This is news, published at home and abroad.

The Move Forward Party was disbanded last week by the constitutional court. This party won the elections by a landslide. Not an absolute majority, but they were the biggest party by far. In the following cabinet formation, they were the first to try forming a coalition. Where they were blocked by Peuh Thai party, the party of aforementioned Thaksin. At that time Thaksin was still a fugitive, but with influence. Peuh Thai was next in line to form a cabinet and succeeded. Much to the dismay of the electorate, who smelled something fishy and it wasn’t plaa ra! Nor were they very surprised. It took a month for Move Forward to give up; Peuh Thai created a new cabinet in two days. The very next day Thaksin quietly returned from exile, and was discretely placed under arrest in the Police General Hospital, for ‘health reasons’.

Why was Move Forward so popular? It was a new party, catering to the younger electorate. Their program included limitations on the lèse-majesté laws. They didn’t want to abolish them, but limit the severity of it. You can get up to 12 years per offense. For example, a man liked 7 pictures on Facebook not favorable to the king. He was convicted for 7 offenses x 12 years = 84 years in jail. He confessed, and only has to serve 42 years now! Most people find this somewhat harsh. We’re talking about a cartoon on Facebook. Not creating one, but simply clicking on the like button. What Move Forward wanted was not to abolish those laws but reduce them in severity.

Unfortunately, the powers that be don’t agree. The constitutional court just disbanded the party precisely for that. Criticizing or limiting lèse-majesté laws is lèse-majesté, apparently. The leaders of the party have been expelled from politics for ten years.

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The Last KamaLaugh

Barely a week after former President Donald Trump had a piece of his ear shot off on live TV, President Joe Biden announced he was withdrawing from his campaign for re-election, and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement. This sudden switcheroo served two useful purposes: it distracted attention from iconic photos and videos of a bloodied former president raising his fist in defiance, and it eliminated the embarrassing spectacle of a candidate for high office who was obviously suffering from senile dementia.

Since then there has been a blizzard of major media propaganda pushing the wonderful new Democrat candidate for president, the Queen of Maniacal Laughter, the Tsarina of Tautology, the Doxy of California Socialism. In order to create a golden aura of perfection around her, all factual evidence of her past must be denied, concealed, rewritten, disguised, and otherwise obfuscated. In furtherance of that end we are being gaslighted. We are being to told not to believe our lying eyes. We are being served a media-created confection of wonderfulness concerning the brown female heroine who has generated so much enthusiasm among her adoring fans. She’s the one who will save us all from the evil Orange Man.

And now we have her selected running mate: “Tampon Tim” Walz, champion of all things socialist, enabler of BLM riots, the emperor of the Minnesota Corona lockdown, and a faux Command Sergeant Major in the National Guard.

The two of them make easy targets for Trump supporters, don’t they? This is a “Republicans Pounce” moment if there ever was one. All we conservatives have to do is draw attention to their stupid and evil actions in the past, the dishonesty, the corruption, and…

…And anybody who does that is being played.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have been installed as candidates to mesmerize the populace. Everyone will focus on their idiocy and socialism and graft while our true rulers continue to run things as they see fit.

Joe Biden served the same purpose. Non-progressives glommed onto his senility, his corrupt family, his hair-sniffing perversions, his inability to say anything coherent. Right-wing talking heads bloviated endlessly about “Slow Joe” and the damage he was doing to the country. Meanwhile, the shadowy oligarchy that rules America proceeded unhindered with its plans, organizing new fronts in the Forever War, promoting society-destroying sexual perversion, creating more fiat money while leveraging Central Bank Digital Currencies that will be imposed when the financial system implodes, and above all accelerating the mass importation of unassimilable third-world immigrants, which is perhaps the most important component of the “Great Reset” strategy that will usher in the New World Order.

Slow Joe’s replacement is no different. Kamala Harris is theatre. Once again, everybody is going to focus on her, while the people who really run things remain will exactly the same. Biden or Harris, it doesn’t make any difference.

And here’s the hard part: Even if Donald Trump manages to get around all the roadblocks that have been placed in front of him, and against all the odds overcomes the enormous electoral fraud that is being prepared for November, and somehow manages to get inaugurated in January of next year in the midst of ferocious civil strife — even after that, the people who actually run the country will be 90% the same.

And I don’t know how much good that other 10% can do.

Have you noticed that it doesn’t matter who you vote for? Whether it’s President Tweedledum or President Tweedledee, the southern border remains open and the money printer continues to go BRRRRR. Heck, on an annual basis, the national debt actually increased faster under Donald Trump than it did under Barack Obama.

Those who have always ruled us (since at least 1913) will continue to rule us, no matter who gets elected. You can put your X next to whichever name on the ballot you want, but nothing meaningful will change.

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 16

Below is the sixteenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 16: Pfizer’s Criminal Past

As we have seen, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla flat-out lied about safety signals regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. Does he have previous form for dishonesty? That we don’t yet know, but does Pfizer itself have a history of dishonesty, fraud and multiple deaths linked to its products? You bet it does.

Between 2000 to 2020, Pfizer was involved in multiple lawsuits and made multiple payouts to the tune of an astonishing $4.7 billion. In long hand, that is 470,000,000,000 dollars.

The list of claims against Pfizer related to the following: manipulating drug trials, bribery of officials, causing deaths and disabilities, lying about deaths and disabilities, falsifying data, violating federal anti-racketeering laws etc. Over a billion dollars was paid out for offences related to dodgy government contracts. Hello, Ursula von der Leyen and many others!

In November 2021, the British Medical Journal revealed the Ventavia Research Group (sub-contracted by Pfizer) had falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in the crucial phase III trial for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.

I rather think this answers my earlier question then, regarding the moral and ethical virtue of Pfizer prohibiting it from lying about the missing ninety-two people in the vaccine trial. Pfizer clearly lies all of the time when billions of dollars are involved. There is every reason to believe they lied about the missing people in the Covid vax trial, considering the vast sales due in 2021 (and onwards) dwarfed anything Pfizer had ever achieved before.

Conclusion: I am going to quote Simon Elmer here. Simon has forensically researched everything Covid-19-related, and elegantly and concisely written it up in his book The Road to Fascism: For a Critique of the Global Biosecurity State, which I highly recommend. His words then, are my conclusion. They are simply too good not to be pinched and used here:

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Lefties Love Kids

Viewing kiddie porn on an official parliamentary computer — that’s a pretty serious accusation. But the accused is a good socialist, so the whole unfortunate matter will probably be buried quickly and forgotten.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit:

Child pornography raid on Thuringian Linke [Left] Party

Child pornography raid on the Linke Party in the Thuringian state parliament. A member of parliament is said to have been browsing relevant forums using an IP address from the state parliament.


On Tuesday, the police searched the rooms of a Thuringian Linke Party MP on suspicion of possession of child pornography. On the morning of the same day, the Thuringian Justice Committee lifted the politician’s immunity at the request of the Erfurt public prosecutor’s office.

It is unclear which parliamentarian this is. The public prosecutor’s office did not comment on the matter when asked by the Bild newspaper. A spokesman for the parliamentary group concerned told the paper: “There was a confidential meeting. The police are still in the state parliament. We have to wait until our parliamentary group executive committee comments on this.”

Left faction promises cooperation with authorities

Afterwards, the leader of the Left Party, Steffen Dittes, said: “The seriousness of the criminal charges appalls me.” The entire parliamentary group has “guaranteed every support for the investigative work of the public prosecutor’s office and the police” and will continue to do so. He hopes that the judiciary will solve the case “consistently and completely.”

According to the MDR [Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk, public broadcaster], the accused is said to have gained access to illegal websites via an IP address belonging to the Thuringian state parliament.

Afterword from the translator:

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 15

Below is the fifteenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 15: The Pfizer Trial

Whilst the world was avidly watching the Pfizer vaccine trial hoping to hear the vaccines were safe and would thus save mankind from dying out, a much more important issue became glaringly obvious — which is that the vaccine trials themselves were completely unnecessary, and possibly riddled with fraud.

Pfizer’s PR blurb regarding its Covid-19 vaccine trial opens with the following sentence: “The Phase 3 clinical trial was designed to determine if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is safe and effective in preventing COVID-19 disease.”

Did the trial determine if the vaccine was safe and effective in preventing Covid-19 disease? No, it actually proved the exact opposite. It was as ineffective as it was dangerous. It failed all three of its stated endpoints. It should never have been authorised. The fact that it was is testament to the lies and crimes committed post-2020. And it gets worse:

Pfizer “lost” ninety-two people from their forty-two thousand people vaccine trial. This is a relatively low number, but it becomes supremely important considering Pfizer’s 95% Relative Risk Rate (RRR) efficacy was based on only eight people from the vaccinated cohort testing positive for Covid-19, compared to the one hundred and sixty-two in the unvaccinated cohort.

Suppose though, the ninety-two people “lost” by Pfizer were lost because they were vaccinated AND tested positive for Covid-19? If this was the case, and had they been included, Pfizer’s claimed 95% RRR would have dropped to just a 39% RRR efficacy rate, and the trial would have been declared a failure.

Theoretically speaking, it might be even worse than I have described. When forty-two thousand people are observed over six-months, it is quite normal for some of them to die. In this instance, thirty-eight did just that, split roughly 50:50 between vaccinated and unvaccinated. Some experts have stated their surprise at just thirty-eight deaths out of forty-two thousand. A more usual number, they say, would be at least one hundred.

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The Chinese Connection

It’s depressing to read about common or garden corruption among German politicians. It used to be that Germany and Sweden were exceptions to the general rule: unlike, say, Italy or France, there was very little corruption among public officials.

All that seems to be changing. The following article describes the investigation into a smuggling network that brought Chinese immigrants into Germany with the assistance of avaricious local government officials.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

North Rhine-Westphalia [ (?) surprise, surprise… NOT]

Human trafficking scandal: SPD politician makes confession

The human trafficking scandal involving wealthy Chinese and purchased residence permits is entering the next round. Now an SPD politician has made a comprehensive confession — while the public prosecutor’s office is also investigating the CDU district administrator of Düren.


The head of staff in the Düren administration, Jens Bröker (SPD), has confessed to having accepted six-figure bribes from a gang of people smugglers. Bröker has already spent two and a half months in custody and has now given extensive testimony, as the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger reports. Since 2018, he has received around €300,000 to influence District Administrator Wolfgang Spelthahn (CDU) and the immigration authorities, the newspaper writes, citing interrogation records in its possession.

Bröker introduced wealthy Chinese people to the smugglers and received between €500 and €1,500 in cash per applicant. He also stressed that he had not given any of his illegal earnings to District Administrator Spelthahn.

CDU district administrator is also said to have helped smugglers

Meanwhile, the Düsseldorf public prosecutor’s office is also investigating the CDU politician on suspicion of bribery and commercial smuggling of foreigners. Spelthahn is said to have helped in 81 cases to obtain residence permits for Chinese nationals who had immigrated illegally through the smuggling network. His lawyer denies this.

In a sensational raid in eight federal states on April 17, ten suspected members of a gang of people smugglers were arrested. As the JF reported, but otherwise mostly kept quiet, the accused include Bröker and two CDU politicians. Among them is the long-standing district administrator of the Rhein-Erft district, Werner Stump. He is now the managing director of the hotel company of the Villa Sophienhöhe in Kerpen.

In total, the police searched around 100 residential and business premises. The targets are 38 suspected gang members and 147 people who are believed to have been smuggled. If you include family members who were brought in later, the number of Chinese nationals is around 350, according to investigators. In total, they are said to have paid €9,000,000.00 for being smuggled into Germany.

Afterword from the translator:

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Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. — Chapter 14

Below is the fourteenth chapter in the serialization of Paul Weston’s book Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime. Previously: Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

Covid-19: All Lies. All Crime.

by Paul Weston

Chapter 14: Is It Safe?

No, the Covid vaccines are not safe. Before I get into this though, here is a quote from George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984: “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

Why do I mention this? Because I cannot ignore what I have seen and heard about the vaccines. My social group is not particularly large; friends and friends of friends probably amount to no more than a couple of hundred people. Yet within this relatively small circle I know of two deaths post-vaccine, one of them a professional cyclist in his thirties.

I know of three instances of myocarditis in young men, and several other heart related issues. Every Saturday and Sunday morning I used to hear the thwacking footsteps of a fifty-something chap called Matt as he ran past my bedroom window. Matt doesn’t run anymore. He is now confined to a wheelchair.

As for blood clots and thrombotic issues, I know of at least five. Prior to 2021 I didn’t know anyone suddenly falling foul of these problems. Nor did I know, in 2020, of a single person who became ill or even a bit sniffly from Covid-19. As I say then, I cannot ignore the evidence of my eyes and ears.

This is anecdotal, obviously, but is it borne out by official data? Yes, it is. Vaccine injury databases in Britain, Europe and America suggest that in just three years there have been more deaths, maimings, serious injuries and minor injuries caused by the Covid-19 vaccines than all the other non-Covid vaccines combined over the last thirty years.

See the following graphs:

Source: openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality

Source: openvaers.com/covid-data/disabled

In early 2023, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla was interviewed by CNBC in Davos. The journalist seemed to be aware of vaccine injuries and nervously pressed him — very lightly — as to whether the Pfizer booster was causing heart attacks, strokes etc. Bourla replied thus:

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Another Migrant Success Story

A culture-enriching faux academic in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia got away with his imposture for years before the state government twigged to his bogus résumé. It’s amazing to see how much scrutiny “brown” people can avoid — or white people pretending to be brown, such as Rachel Dolezal and Ward Churchill.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

He falsified his studies and doctorate and worked for years in the Ministry of Education: The state of North Rhine-Westphalia waives €711,000 for fraudsters!

1.   For years, a supposed doctor and professor worked for the NRW state government.
2.   Then it came to light that he had never completed a university degree. The Duisburg District Court has now convicted the fraudster.
3.   Ahmet Ü. is allowed to keep his stolen wages of around €711,000. The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is waiving any demand for reimbursement.

An impostor who advised the NRW state government on Islamic issues for years has been sentenced to two years’ probation for fraud. The judges at the Duisburg District Court were convinced that he had forged documents, committed fraud and used academic titles without authorization.

The 48-year-old had largely admitted the allegations. As a supposed professor and doctor, he had made a career in the NRW Ministry of Education and in science — although he had not actually earned a single university degree.

State of NRW waives claims

A side aspect of the negotiations even caused irritation in the courtroom, reports Welt am Sonntag. The Düsseldorf district government is waiving the right to demand repayment of the wages of around €711,000 that the fake professor had pocketed. In 2021, the authority ruled that Ahmet Ü. had “performed his work in accordance with his office.”

“I think you have a fair amount of narcissism,” the presiding judge told the alleged professor in her verdict. “You enjoyed being spoken to like that.”

The verdict largely followed the prosecutor’s request. The 48-year-old’s defense attorney had called for a significantly shorter suspended sentence and emphasized that his client was not a calculating impostor. He criticized the authorities for making it too easy for him and not properly looking at his qualifications. [I guess they weren’t looking out of fear of losing their own jobs by being accused of Islamophobia and racism.]

The 48-year-old was quite successful as a supposed professor. He won awards and was a sought-after speaker and interview partner on issues of integration. He also took part in discussion events with former Federal President Christian Wulff, for example, and ultimately advised ministers in the NRW state government directly — for example on sensitive issues of Islamic religious education, which is carried out in NRW in cooperation with DİTİB [Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs — Turkish: Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı; German: Türkisch-Islamische Union der Anstalt für Religion]. DİTİB is the largest Islamic religious association in Germany. Critics also repeatedly accuse it of tolerating Israel-related anti-Semitism and of projecting a fundamentalist understanding of Islam to the outside world. [That’s what it boils down to when you look honestly and critically at Islam.]

The cooperation with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia ended in 2021. There were “well-founded doubts regarding the academic career,” the state government wrote at the time. The state also filed a complaint.

Afterword from the translator:

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The Corona Protocols Unmasked

Below are two translations by Hellequin GB concerning the leak of unredacted documents about the official protocols for the response the Wuhan Coronavirus produced by the Robert Koch Institute in Germany.

The first translation features an article about the RKI files generated by Artificial Intelligence. I was surprised to see it — I expected that ChatGPT’s programming would have forbidden it to generate any text that draws negative conclusions about the Corona hoax.

From the Twitter account for Nach Diktat verreist:

I fed ChatGPT all unredacted RKI files and asked them to write an investigative, journalistic article about them.

Here is the result:

Covid-19: The mask requirement as a political tool and economic profit — An investigative report

by…… (Your name)

In the turbulent days of the Covid-19 pandemic, drastic measures were taken around the world to contain the spread of the virus. In Germany, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) was at the center of advising on and implementing these measures. But now extensive investigations and analyses show that some of these measures, especially the mask requirement and the vaccination requirement, were not only medically questionable, but were also politically abused to promote economic interests. These revelations shed a shocking light on the dark machinations that were hidden behind the cloak of health protection.

The mask requirement: A symbol of fear

When the pandemic broke out, the government quickly implemented measures that profoundly changed public life. One of the most controversial measures was the introduction of compulsory mask wearing. The RKI protocols that we have available show that considerable doubts were expressed internally about the effectiveness of FFP2 masks for general use. These masks, it was said, were designed for occupational safety and could do more harm than good if handled improperly. But despite these warnings, the mask requirement was politically enforced.

Political power games and economic interests

The introduction of the mask requirement not only served to protect against the virus, but also as a powerful symbol to influence the population. Internal documents from the RKI reveal that the measure was used to spread fear and increase acceptance for further measures such as compulsory vaccination. But behind this symbolic policy there are also tangible economic interests.

It became known that Health Minister Jens Spahn and other political decision-makers had close ties to the mask industry. Mask deals worth millions were concluded, often without transparent tendering procedures. The auditing firm Ernst & Young reported enormous price markups and questionable contracts that were concluded at taxpayers’ expense.

The role of the pharmaceutical industry

The influence of the pharmaceutical industry on pandemic policy is even more serious. Compulsory vaccination was pushed forward quickly, with the interests of large pharmaceutical companies at the forefront. Billion-dollar contracts for vaccines were signed, often with companies that had close ties to political decision-makers. The vaccines were developed and approved in record time, with safety concerns and side effects often being downplayed.

A closer look at the RKI protocols shows that the institute repeatedly expressed concerns about the rapid introduction of vaccines. But these concerns were ignored or brushed aside. It seems as though economic interests were placed above the health safety of the population.

The defamation of critics

While these measures were being implemented, critics were systematically defamed. People who expressed doubts about the mask requirement or the vaccination requirement were ridiculed as “tinfoil hat wearers” and conspiracy theorists.

This defamation was aimed at silencing critical voices and controlling public opinion.

A particularly glaring example of this is the treatment of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a former member of the Bundestag and health expert who warned early on about the dangers of rapid vaccine approval. He was publicly defamed and his expertise questioned, although his concerns are now shared by many experts.

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The Man on the Roof

In his customary pithy fashion, Mark Steyn asks the pertinent question:

Let’s cut to the chase — the US Secret Service: In on it? Or just totally crap?

He then provides an excellent (and witty) analysis of what we know so far about the fiasco at the rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Excerpting it wouldn’t do it justice; go over and read it yourself.

The thing is, more news about the shooter on the roof has been coming in all day since Mr. Steyn posted his notebook item, and none of it makes the Secret Service look any better. First there’s this story from NBC News (hat tip Vox Day):

Rooftop Where Gunman Shot at Trump Was Identified as a Security Vulnerability Before Rally: Sources

The rooftop where a gunman shot at former President Donald Trump during a campaign rally was identified by the Secret Service as a potential vulnerability in the days before the event, two sources familiar with the agency’s operations told NBC News.

The building, owned by a glass research company, is adjacent to the Butler Farm Show, an outdoor venue in Butler, Pennsylvania. The Secret Service was aware of the risks associated with it, the sources said.

“Someone should have been on the roof or securing the building so no one could get on the roof,” said one of the sources, a former senior Secret Service agent who was familiar with the planning.

Understanding how the gunman got onto the roof — despite those concerns — is a central question for investigators scrutinizing how a lone attacker managed to shoot at Trump during Saturday’s campaign event.


Investigators will want to examine the Secret Service’s site security plan for the rally, said Cangelosi, the former Secret Service agent. He expects they’ll discover one of two things: Either officials failed to make an effective plan for keeping potential shooters off the building Crooks fired from, or officers on the ground failed to execute the plan.

“I don’t like making any assumptions, but it does look like some mistakes were made, that this was preventable,” said Cangelosi, now a lecturer at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York.

Although it’s common to task local law enforcement agencies with patrolling outside an event’s security perimeter, Cangelosi said, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that all vulnerabilities are covered rests with the Secret Service. [emphasis added]

This is absolutely clear: The ultimate responsibility for ensuring that all vulnerabilities are covered rests with the Secret Service. Which means that even if local law enforcement screwed up, the Secret Service is responsible for the catastrophic failure that led to President Trump’s Van Gogh ear, a dead fire chief/hero, and two other gravely wounded civilians.

Responsibility, yes. But is it accountable?

One may be forgiven for doubting that anyone with a high level of authority will be held to account. This is, after all, Washington D.C. we’re talking about.

I’ve heard various panjandrums of the Biden administration express their confidence in Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, a diversity hire par excellence. I’m not sure what their confidence is based on — it seems to me that there are two possibilities: either (1) Ms. Cheatle is as massively incompetent as her subordinates who botched the Butler rally, or (2) she has no real control over her agency, and those subordinates acted without her supervision.

Neither of those is a good look.

Chances are, however, the congressional hearings and “independent” investigation will run their course, and Kimberly Cheatle will be given only the mildest of reprimands before being shunted off into some other well-paid high-level sinecure. That’s the way Washington works.

And new black marks against the Secret Service just keep coming in. According to the Pittsburgh TV station WPXI (hat tip Conservative Tree House), local law enforcement were aware of the presence of the man on the roof half an hour before the shooting started:

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We Have a New Dutch Cabinet

Most of the membership of the new Dutch cabinet has now been announced (or leaked). Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan has the report.

We have a new Dutch cabinet

by H. Numan

Ladies and gentlemen, with regret I can inform you we have a new Dutch cabinet. It’ll be the cabinet Beria 1. Proof Geert Wilders is not the leader he portrays himself to be. Almost. But not quite. He lost on just about every major point against the combo Omtzigt — Yeşilgöz. Pieter Omtzigt did the dirty work, in the background supported by Dilan Yeşilgöz.

Omtzigt behaved like an unruly toddler. He whined. He cried. He stamped his feet. He walked out. But he got his way:

  • No party leaders will take part in the cabinet
  • All candidate PMs proposed by Wilders were rejected

That’s pretty big. It is customary in Dutch politics that the largest party supplies the Prime Minister, and that person is almost always the leader of the party. In other words: Wilders. To make it more palatable, Omtzigt and Yeşilgöz agreed no party leaders would join the cabinet. Even so, Wilders caved in where he should have shown his mettle.

During the negotiations, Wilders presented several candidates who were all rejected and humiliated. Let’s be honest. EVERY politician has something to hide. Maybe not a lot, but all do. Even Wilders and Trump. You can admire them, as I do. As long as you realize you don’t get to that position without stepping on a few toes and making a some mistakes. What Omtzigt did was find some dirt and give it to the media to do the rest. Every candidate from Wilders was taken to the cleaners.

Both Omtzigt and Yeşilgöz told Wilders — in private, of course — no matter who you nominate, we will block him. Even if you dig up William the Silent himself, we’ll reject him. You accept our candidate, or there won’t be a cabinet.

Wilders eventually caved in. The new prime minister will be Dick Schoof. This guy is currently without a party, which makes him acceptable according to the rules set by Omtzigt and Yeşilgöz. However, his previous positions were head of the AIVD and NCTV. In other words, Omtzigt and Yeşilgöz got their man in the number one spot. The AIVD stands for Algemene Inlichtingen en Veiligheidsdienst, that is our FBI. NCTV stands for Nationaal Coördinator Terrorismebestrijding en Veiligheid, our Homeland Security. In other words, Lavrenty Beria himself. He is a career civil servant, known for dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s.

We have no idea how this cabinet will work, but I’m not too optimistic about it. At this moment last minute adjustments are being made. A PVV candidate (who else?) was just rejected over his security clearance. That means someone else must be found, approved, and vetted. I won’t bother you with their names. You don’t know them. All of them are second-tier, anyway.

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The Devil’s Laughter

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from the online news portal Nius. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:

Mocking a murder victim: Why the laughter of the Berlin Greens is so treacherous

Laughter can be disarming. Or revealing. When a politician such as the then-CDU candidate for chancellor Armin Laschet laughs at a joke during the memorial service for the victims of the Ahr Valley flood, he is, in the milder case, not paying attention; in the more serious case, he is mocking the dead and people who have lost everything.

But laughter can also reveal intellectual defenselessness and the absence of any decency, as is the case these days in the Berlin House of Representatives. In response to the depressing words of Berlin’s Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD), “The terrible death of Mannheim shows us…” Green Party MP Tuba Bozkurt thought it appropriate to interrupt with a grin, “Mannheim is dead?” and was not alone in her hilarity. “Laughter from the Greens,” the incorruptible parliamentary stenographers recorded in the minutes at this point.

Anyone who mocks the state must feel the harshness of the rule of law, said Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) at the beginning of February with regard to right-wing extremists. Anyone who mocks brutally murdered civil servants can get away with an apology. Her interjection was “indecent,” Bozkurt wrote on Twitter (X), and she “deeply regrets it.” That is the least she can do. Everyone has to decide for themselves how credible such apologies are. [Since she’s of Turkish descent, I’d call this “apology” taqiyya.]

Typical contempt for the police

Laughter is also disarming because it is difficult to control at crucial moments and is revealingly honest. It just bursts out. In the case of the Greens, it exposes the contempt for the police that is typical of the milieu, it exposes a feeling of superiority in the Green group that is not justified intellectually or ethically, and a deep contempt for those who believe that law and order is a good principle.

A self-confident ideological elite looks down unmoved on an official who is practically executed by an Islamist in a blind frenzy. And even this viral, fanatical bloodlust was unable to break through the eco-elitist arrogance towards the supposedly staid state power and to show human compassion for a brief moment of self-restraint.

There are many different types of political laughter. The fake laughter to appear likeable. The artificial laughter at the Munich strong beer tapping at the Nockherberg, when a politician has to put on a brave face for the evil satirical play about him. The ice-cold laughter of power, the patronizing laughter in the dictators’ stands of the world.

Usually, people complain about a lack of honest, free, relaxed or simply happy laughter in politics. The laughter in the Berlin House of Representatives is one of the most disgusting varieties of laughter. No one would have missed it.

Afterword from the translator:

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