Barely a week after former President Donald Trump had a piece of his ear shot off on live TV, President Joe Biden announced he was withdrawing from his campaign for re-election, and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement. This sudden switcheroo served two useful purposes: it distracted attention from iconic photos and videos of a bloodied former president raising his fist in defiance, and it eliminated the embarrassing spectacle of a candidate for high office who was obviously suffering from senile dementia.
Since then there has been a blizzard of major media propaganda pushing the wonderful new Democrat candidate for president, the Queen of Maniacal Laughter, the Tsarina of Tautology, the Doxy of California Socialism. In order to create a golden aura of perfection around her, all factual evidence of her past must be denied, concealed, rewritten, disguised, and otherwise obfuscated. In furtherance of that end we are being gaslighted. We are being to told not to believe our lying eyes. We are being served a media-created confection of wonderfulness concerning the brown female heroine who has generated so much enthusiasm among her adoring fans. She’s the one who will save us all from the evil Orange Man.
And now we have her selected running mate: “Tampon Tim” Walz, champion of all things socialist, enabler of BLM riots, the emperor of the Minnesota Corona lockdown, and a faux Command Sergeant Major in the National Guard.
The two of them make easy targets for Trump supporters, don’t they? This is a “Republicans Pounce” moment if there ever was one. All we conservatives have to do is draw attention to their stupid and evil actions in the past, the dishonesty, the corruption, and…
…And anybody who does that is being played.
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have been installed as candidates to mesmerize the populace. Everyone will focus on their idiocy and socialism and graft while our true rulers continue to run things as they see fit.
Joe Biden served the same purpose. Non-progressives glommed onto his senility, his corrupt family, his hair-sniffing perversions, his inability to say anything coherent. Right-wing talking heads bloviated endlessly about “Slow Joe” and the damage he was doing to the country. Meanwhile, the shadowy oligarchy that rules America proceeded unhindered with its plans, organizing new fronts in the Forever War, promoting society-destroying sexual perversion, creating more fiat money while leveraging Central Bank Digital Currencies that will be imposed when the financial system implodes, and above all accelerating the mass importation of unassimilable third-world immigrants, which is perhaps the most important component of the “Great Reset” strategy that will usher in the New World Order.
Slow Joe’s replacement is no different. Kamala Harris is theatre. Once again, everybody is going to focus on her, while the people who really run things remain will exactly the same. Biden or Harris, it doesn’t make any difference.
And here’s the hard part: Even if Donald Trump manages to get around all the roadblocks that have been placed in front of him, and against all the odds overcomes the enormous electoral fraud that is being prepared for November, and somehow manages to get inaugurated in January of next year in the midst of ferocious civil strife — even after that, the people who actually run the country will be 90% the same.
And I don’t know how much good that other 10% can do.
Have you noticed that it doesn’t matter who you vote for? Whether it’s President Tweedledum or President Tweedledee, the southern border remains open and the money printer continues to go BRRRRR. Heck, on an annual basis, the national debt actually increased faster under Donald Trump than it did under Barack Obama.
Those who have always ruled us (since at least 1913) will continue to rule us, no matter who gets elected. You can put your X next to whichever name on the ballot you want, but nothing meaningful will change.
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