Deaths by Suicide vs. Deaths by Coronavirus

Gerald Grosz is an Austrian politician for the BZÖ (Bündnis Zukunft Österreich, Alliance for the Future of Austria) and the FPÖ (Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs, Austrian Freedom Party). He gave his latest rant about COVID-19 a few days ago on the popular Austrian TV program Fellner! LIVE. On that occasion his facetious remarks were directed at Sebastian Bohrn Mena, an author and socialist activist.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Meat Cleaver Jihad in Paris

Yesterday a Pakistani mujahid went on a jihad rampage on the street in front of the former offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, wounding two people. The incident is described as a “stabbing attack”, and the weapon used is reported to have been a “butcher’s knife” or “machete”, but based on the photo below, it looks more like a meat cleaver.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for translating this article from Paris Match:

Knife attack in Paris: The lives of the two victims “not in danger”

September 25, 2020

The two victims of the knife attack which took place Friday in the 11th arrondissement are two employees of the France 2 magazine “Cash Investigation” working for the production company Premieres Lignes (First Lines), located in the former premises of Charlie Hebdo. Their lives “are not in danger”, stated the Prime Minister.

Among the wounded are two employees of the Premieres Lignes Television, the production company that produces notably “Cash Investigation”, declared the host of the broadcast magazine France 2, Elise Lucet. “I have the producers and several employees of Premieres Lignes Television on the phone […] What is confirmed to me now with certainty, is that two of our employees are wounded, a man and a woman, ho were wounded by a man on the street in front of the former premises of Charlie Hebdo,” she added.

“I heard screams”

“One of the employees saw this man running with a butcher’s knife or a machete after one of our employees who had already been wounded and was also bloody,” stated the journalist.

One employee of Premieres Lignes, contacted by AFP (Agence France Press), also testified that two of her colleagues had been wounded in the attack. “Two colleagues were smoking a cigarette in front of the premises on the street. I heard screams. I went to the window and I saw one of my colleagues, stained with blood, being chased by a man with a machete in the street. We know that our two colleagues are wounded, but we don’t know any more at the moment,” she stated.

The Prime Minister, who went to the scene of the attack in the early afternoon, gave news on the state of health of the hospitalized victims, noting that their lives “are not in danger, thank God.”

Below are excerpts from a BBC article about the incident:

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New Directive on Wearing the Corona Hijab in the Bundestag

A recent internal message from the president of the German Bundestag may reinforce the feeling that most ordinary people have of being stifled or suffocated by the loathsome Corona muzzle.

Hellequin GB has translated two articles about the news from the Bundestag. The first piece is from FOCUS Online:

Bundestag explains its irritating mask recommendation — and rows back

With the end of the parliamentary summer recess, the Bundestag will be full again. As everywhere, the Corona risk increases here, too. Bundestag President Schäuble reacts — with a message that raises questions in places.

In view of the increasing number of Corona infections, the Bundestag is increasing its security measures after the summer break. In a house message, Bundestag President Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) urgently recommends wearing a mask in all buildings of the Bundestag from September 1st.

“This urgent recommendation applies to all people and all traffic areas such as the corridors and stairwells, lounge areas, sanitary rooms, catering areas (with the exception of the table) and the library, but also to boardrooms and meeting rooms,” the house message says.

Mask to take a deep breath “rather push it under your chin”

The in-house notification is supplemented by some information on handling, wearing time, disposal and the cleaning of mouth and nose covers. It recommends washing reusable masks at 60°C (140°F).

However, some sentences in the recommendation raise questions.

It says:

“After just 30 minutes of wearing, depending on the type of mouth and nose covering, there can be a significant increase in the CO2 level ​​in the blood, as the exhaled air may not be able to escape as easily. Constant loosening and tightening the mouth-nose covering does not make sense, however, as this increases the risk of contamination. In between, you should push it under your chin to take a deep breath, but keep it on.”

An increase in CO2 levels in the blood? The mask should be pushed under the chin?

Bundestag administration explains communication — and rows back

A spokesman for the Bundestag administration told FOCUS Online that the recommendations came from the relevant authorities such as the Robert Koch Institute. This includes that the mouth and nose cover should not be put on and taken off all the time.

“With a realistic approach, however, there is occasionally the need to ‘breathe deeply’ for a brief moment in suitable situations,” the spokesman explained the formulation in the internal communication. “On the other hand, pushing under the chin appears to be a ‘lesser evil’, even if it should be avoided as much as possible.”

The reference to the rising CO2 values ​​in the blood, however, is not based on scientific knowledge, but is intended to explain the “pushing under the chin”:

“The reference to the CO2 value serves only as a possible explanation for this need, but includes no scientific statement and in particular no claim of a health hazard.”

The Bundestag administration now wants to adjust the recommendations retrospectively.

“In order to avoid any misunderstandings, it is intended to revise the information in the annex to the internal communication,” said the spokesman.

FDP politician Theurer: “It is not without a certain bizarreness”

The recommendations met with mixed reactions from members of the Bundestag. The Deputy FDP parliamentary group leader Michael Theurer is surprised by the content of the in-house announcement.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/25/2020

An attack that left two people wounded near the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris has been designated as terrorism by the French police. The incident is described as a “stabbing” in news reports, but at least one of the weapons used was a meat cleaver, based on a photograph taken at the scene.

Meanwhile, the gunman who shot and killed a policeman at a police station in London was allegedly known to British counter-terrorism police.

In other news, Virginia Governor Ralph “Coonman” Northam and his wife Pamela have tested positive for COVID-19, and are self-quarantining.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Caroline Glick, Insubria, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Viktor Orbán: The Rebellion Against Liberal Spiritual Oppression

For the last few years, in the late summer Gates of Vienna readers could expect to see a subtitled video of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s annual “state of the nation” speech. Mr. Orbán customarily makes his remarks each year at the Bálványos Summer Open University and Student Camp in Tusnádfürdő (Băile Tuşnad), in the ethnic Hungarian region of western Romania. However, this year COVID-19 reared its ugly head, forcing the prime minister to write an essay instead.

Many thanks to CrossWare for translating this piece from Magyar Nemzet.

Together we will succeed again!

by Viktor Orbán

There is no Tusnádfürdo [site of the annual workshop of the Bálványos Free Summer University]. There is no Kötcse [site of annual Civic Picnic]. There is no transit (traffic). There is an epidemic. The virus has also decimated summer meetings of workshops on political thinking. And there would be something to think about and discuss. Something and in some manner which would be impossible in the parliamentarian jostle and inside the frames of modern communication. So what remains is writing instead of speaking, an essay instead of a lecture.

Illiberal, conservative, Christian Democrat, liberal. Our struggle for intellectual sovereignty and intellectual freedom, which was launched years ago in Tusnád(fürdo), is slowly coming to fruition. Political correctness, that is, the rebellion against the classical liberal doctrines — ways of speaking, and dictates on style — is expanding. More and more people courageously step out of the stall of the already stiflingly narrow single correct way of speaking, the only correct concept of democracy, the only correct interpretation of Europe and the West. The attempt to escape is not easy in itself; the risk of punishment is significant. Expulsion from academic life, job loss, stigma, running the university gauntlet — examples are slowly becoming commonplace. But even if we manage to get over the well-paid and round-the-clock watching knee-jerk liberal* border guards, we also have to deal with the deep-seated reflexes of any well-meaning audience. Despite the sophistication of reasoning, the praise of nationalism shakes the German stomach, even if it was written by Professor Hazony from Jerusalem. And no matter what velvety tone we use to talk about illiberal democracy, it sounds awful to German and Anglo-Saxon ears. Even today.

The rebellion against liberal spiritual oppression is not only widening, but also deepening. There are more and more compelling essays; thorough studies and inevitable monographs come to light. Even if they don’t confess it in the Brussels bubble, we can already see that the emperor is naked. The doctrine of ‘democracy can only be liberal’, the untouchable idol, the big fetish has fallen, we just have to wait for the stirred-up cloud of dust to settle, and then we will not only know, but see. It seems that conservative and Christian Democratic parties, political movements can escape the life-threatening embrace of liberals. “There’s no such thing as an illiberal democracy,” and similar sentences are now being recorded in the book of political nonsense, no matter where they come from. Conservative political thinkers have finally summoned up the courage to justify, by outlining with the elegance of mathematical proofs, that liberalism and conservatism represent two opposing positions in political theory. They have shown that the arguments of those who want to shove conservatism under the big umbrella of liberalism are wrong. Those who argue that the separation of powers, civil and political freedoms, the protection of private property and constrained governance — that is, the rule of law — can only be conceived within the spiritual framework of liberalism and only through the means of liberal democracy, they are wrong to stick to this benevolent explanation. Of course, we also know Hungarians who have solved this task in the past, but have realized, how much more pleasant it is to collect appreciative shrugs in Brussels, accompanied by the gentle smiles of lukewarm liberal salons, than to squeal like a black lamb at home in Budapest. That little nauseating bad feeling there in the region of the stomach doesn’t even seem like such a big price. Although today the temperature, furniture and elegance of Central European salons are less and less behind the Western ones, not to mention the cuisine. Crawling back will soon begin. As happened from Moscow once upon a time.

Today’s confusion of conservatism and liberalism can be traced back to the fact that in the great battles against totalitarianism, conservatives and liberals set aside their essential and then still obvious differences. They set them aside and made an alliance against the common enemy. An alliance against Nazism and Communism, Nazis and Communists. It was a long, centuries-long struggle, and the severity of the Allies’ thoughts, arguments, and fundamentals became apparent only when the Alliance lost its meaning with the fall of the Berlin Wall in the West and the withdrawal of the Soviets in the East.

Politicians, journalists, and even scholars easily alternate between conservative and liberal ideas and concepts. For a long time — too long, about two decades — it seemed that there was nothing wrong with that; even if it was intellectually inaccurate and remiss, no serious damage came from it. This was also thought by the Anglo-Saxon conservatives and the European Christian Democrats. However, the situation has now changed. Things have gotten serious. What used to seem like a slight mental defect, poor posture, a tolerable disorder, now prevents us from seeing clearly on important issues. It obscures the fact that the biggest challenge and opponent for conservatives and Christian Democrats today and again is liberalism and liberals. The principles of Christian Democrat and Liberal thinking are in stark contrast, and in the crosshairs of Liberal attacks are all that is most important to us: the cornerstones of the desired political order, the center of the Conservative-Christian Democratic tradition, religion, family.

The recognition that, if it goes on like this, Christian-Conservative forces will assist in weakening nations, eradicating religious traditions, and downgrading, mocking the family, here in Central Europe, has risen to the level of public and state politics. Here the red light came on, here we applied the emergency brake, and here, mainly in Poland and Hungary, we sounded the alarm bells. There was enough force here to pull back the European political home of the Christian Democrats and Conservatives, the European People’s Party, from the edge of the abyss. There was enough instinct and volume here to say that we could not risk the future of European Christian democracy for the sake of an understandable German demand for the Brussels coalition party to have its pattern to coincide with Berlin’s, as this is the easiest way to create harmony between the two centers of power.

So if the Christian Democrats enter the coalition with the left in Berlin, so should the EPP in the European Parliament. If we follow this trail, after the German elections, we can also get to know the beauties of the EPP and the coalition with the Greens, as it has already been already “tasted” in the laboratory in Vienna.

In Central Europe, however, not only good taste is rebelling against the idea of such perversion, but also common sense. The differences between liberal and Christian Democratic political theory are important not only in the world of university departments. They also have serious practical political consequences.

Liberals, for philosophical reasons going back to Kant — which I will not detail here — believe that every country, even those that are governed today as a non-liberal democracy, should be forced to accept this form of government. Christian Democrats, on the other hand, reject such a foreign policy because they believe that societies are held together in different ways and in peace. As the Arab Spring recently proved, liberal democracy can bring collapse and chaos, causing more harm than good. That is why we also support Donald Trump’s victory, because we are well aware of the foreign policy of American democratic governments based on moral imperialism. We were forced to taste it, but it didn’t taste good, so we don’t ask for a repeat.

Our policies are also intertwined on that topic, which is commonly referred to as “subsidiarity” in Brussels. Liberals say it is good to transfer as many national governmental powers as possible to international organizations. That is why they clap their hands politely; that is why vision is veiled and the heart beats faster when any international organization is given a new competence, a task and, of course, a horse and a weapon, as this gives universal ideas — European values, universal human rights — more encouragement and recognition.

However, the enthusiasm of Christian Democrats is less bubbly, because they see that such organizations are inevitably prone to arbitrariness, which those organizations tend to call the “rule of law”, which is merely a rule of blackmail, vulnerable to Soros’ network-like intrusion attempts, and if choices have to be made between the citizens of national communities and the big dogs of global capitals, in the end they always choose the latter. The citizens of European nations soon realized that today’s European institutions did not serve them, but the interests of George Soros and his ilk. They refuse to swallow the BS of Brussels, that a financial speculator, enriched by the destruction of others, is lurking in the corridors of Brussels to offer his selfless help to Europe.

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/24/2020

The Black Lives Matter riots prompted by the Breonna Taylor decision have continued into a second night. Rioters in Louisville broke into a public library and threw an incendiary device inside, but did not loot any books. Meanwhile, BLM rioters in Portland have escalated to throwing large firebombs at police.

In other news, Serbia and Kosovo have agreed to name a lake in disputed territory after Donald Trump.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Acuara, C. Cantoni, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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What Would Be Missing?

What would be missing?

by JLH

Discussions and reports about Islamization in the West tend to focus on violence between Muslims and non-Muslims and on the clash between civil liberties and sharia law. We rightly fear what Orwell feared, but do we even consider what ultimate cultural defeat would really mean? What would life be like if the Turks had taken Vienna, Charles Martel had lost at Tours, the Moors had never left Spain? Outside of elegant calligraphy, and marvelous architecture, what would inform our lives?

No one would rejoice with Rossini and Mozart, waltz with Strauss, rap with Offenbach, groove out with Vivaldi, triumph with Tchaikovsky, reverberate with Grieg.

Rembrandt and Breughel, Manet and Dürer would be replaced by Koranic calligraphy, and Raphael by domes and arches.

No one would chuckle with Rabelais and Chaucer, ponder with Faulkner and Dostoevsky, soar with Tennyson and Schiller, smile with Burns and Cervantes.

And none of us would ever leave a movie theater filled with the pathos, joy, sympathy and humor of Bergman, Capra, Ustinov, Wilder, Fellini, Eastwood.

Talk about a cultural wasteland!

Ingrid and Maria: Neither of Us Will Ever Be Silenced!

Ingrid Carlqvist and Maria Celander are Swedish journalists who have become virtual outcasts for their politically incorrect opinions, especially those concerning Islam. They are now considered unacceptable “extremists” by mainstream outlets, so they collaborate on a website, “Ingrid and Maria” (Ingrid och Maria). I posted one of their reports in August of 2019.

Full disclosure: I know both of these estimable ladies. I’ve met Ingrid several times, most notably when she gave the country report on Sweden at the second Counterjihad Brussels conference back in 2012. I’ve never met Maria in person, but we have worked together on a number of virtual transatlantic projects over the years.

Ingrid and Maria were notified recently that they have been indicted for “hate speech” — hets mot folkgrupp, which translates roughly as “incitement against a group of people”. Their “crime” was to publish an op-ed about concerns over the employment of large numbers of Muslims who fill prescriptions in Swedish pharmacies.

Below is an interview with Ingrid and Maria about their upcoming court appearance. Many thanks to Tania Groth for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/23/2020

In a press conference after the grand jury’s decision in the Breonna Taylor case, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron announced that no charges would be filed against police officers for shooting Ms. Taylor to death. Mr. Cameron revealed that police had in fact knocked on Ms. Taylor’s apartment door and announced themselves to the occupants. After gaining entry they were shot at by the victim’s boyfriend. When they returned fire, Ms. Taylor was shot and killed.

Black Lives Matter protesters in Louisville responded by rioting and attacking police, using weapons and equipment brought to the scene in advance by a rented truck. At least two police officers were shot by rioters. Violent protests also erupted in other cities, including St. Petersburg, Chicago, and Washington D.C.

In other news, the Eiffel Tower was evacuated and closed today after a phone caller shouted “Allahu Akhbar” and threatened to detonate an explosive device at the monument.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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The Slovenian Route to Italy

The following video reports on illegal immigrants who entered Italy through Slovenia. I’m not familiar with the background of this incident, but I would guess that migrants passing through Croatia and Slovenia are having trouble getting across the Austrian border, and are trying for the western route instead — across Italy, into France, and thence into Germany, i.e. the Promised Land.

Many thanks to FouseSquawk for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Dysfunctional European Commission

Samuel Johnson is reported to have said, “Sir, a woman’s preaching is like a dog’s walking on his hind legs. It is not done well; but you are surprised to find it done at all.”

Something similar might be said about this TV editorial from German state TV — it’s a fairly run-of-the-mill critique of Ursula von der Leyen and the European Commission, but what’s amazing is that it aired on ARD, of all places.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Outcast From Comcast, Plus an Eyeball Update

I went to the retinologist’s office this afternoon to get a periodic injection for macular degeneration in my left eye — which I was glad to receive, because the early symptoms of a flare-up had just begun to appear last weekend.

As a result, I’m only semi-functional this evening. There will, however, be a news feed, and possibly a couple of other posts, if all goes well.

As most of you know by now, my protracted summer fundraiser was made more interesting by my being cancelled by PayPal. I was forced to switch to snail mail as an alternate route for donations, which necessitated the exchange of a lot of emails with people who needed the snail-mail address to use.

In the process of all that correspondence, it emerged that most of my emails to Comcast accounts were being bounced. To the extent that I could decipher the bounce message, it seems that my mail server is listed as a spam host in their database. I experienced the same thing a few years ago with another company (Microsoft, I think), and it taught me that it can be a difficult and protracted process to get rid of a false listing as a spammer.

The problem has been further compounded by its not being 100% consistent — I think some of my emails to Comcast accounts got through.

So if you have a Comcast address and emailed me, and never heard back, that may be the reason. Please send me another message, and I’ll endeavor to reply by alternate means.

A final note on the fundraiser: there were at least five anonymous cash donations, with no name and no return address, two postmarked in Illinois, two in California, and one in Washington State (I think that’s all of them). Thank you all very much — you know who you are, but I don’t.

Gates of Vienna News Feed 9/22/2020

Senator Mitt Romney said that he supports moving forward with a vote on President Trump’s nominee to fill the seat of the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said that Republicans have the votes to confirm whomever Mr. Trump nominates. The president is expected to announce his choice for the seat on Saturday.

In other news, the Centers for Disease Control warned Americans not to go trick-or-treating or attend Halloween parties this year, to help prevent the spread of the Wuhan Coronavirus.

To see the headlines and the articles, click “Continue reading” below.

Thanks to Insubria, JD, Reader from Chicago, SS, and all the other tipsters who sent these in.

Notice to tipsters: Please don’t submit extensive excerpts from articles that have been posted behind a subscription firewall, or are otherwise under copyright protection.

Caveat: Articles in the news feed are posted “as is”. Gates of Vienna cannot vouch for the authenticity or accuracy of the contents of any individual item posted here. I check each entry to make sure it is relatively interesting, not patently offensive, and at least superficially plausible. The link to the original is included with each item’s title. Further research and verification are left to the reader.

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Land Expropriation in Wiesbaden

Farmers in a rural district on the outskirts of Wiesbaden in Germany are facing expropriation of their land, which will be bought by the government at a fixed — very low — price. The authorities intend to sell the land to developers at a handsome profit and use the proceeds to fund the public infrastructure necessary to serve the planned residential area.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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