From Gaza to Berlin

The topic of this post is not easy write about. What I say here will not earn me any approval. On the one hand, I’ll be excoriated as a tool of the Mossad. On the other, I’ll be denounced as an “anti-Semite”.

So I can’t win, no matter what. But I still feel obligated to write about it, because the issue is an important one that is not being widely discussed in mainstream forums.

These matters are sensitive and contentious, which means that I expect readers to go the extra mile to preserve decorum in the comments. I don’t want the conversation to devolve into an orgy of Jew-hatred, which would be its natural tendency. I know it’s difficult, but it is possible to voice serious criticism of Israel and Jewish groups without invoking the Great Hebrew Menace.

This discussion concerns current events in Gaza. The atrocities of October 7 of last year are a given — I’m not a “denialist” about what happened that day — but they are not the primary topic. My focus is on what has happened in Gaza since October 7.

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As I write, the war in Gaza is still raging, and a ground campaign in Rafah is looming. Critics of the IDF’s actions repeatedly employ the term “genocide”, due to the alarming official Palestinian casualty figures from Gaza. Which is strange, because people who wouldn’t dream of believing the pronouncements of the US government, or the Israeli government, or EU governments, seem to have no problem crediting the Palestinian statistics on casualties in Gaza. The same people who think the Jews inflated the death toll in the Holocaust believe whatever numbers the Poor Palestinians put out.

As if the “Palestinian health authorities” weren’t a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hamas. As if Hamas hasn’t always openly proclaimed that high civilian casualties work to its advantage. Why wouldn’t they inflate those numbers? How could they do otherwise?

Regardless of the actual figures, the damage to the infrastructure of Gaza has been horrific.

It’s very difficult to acquire credible information about conditions in the Gaza Strip, because almost everything published — whether in the mainstream media or the alternative media — is propaganda put out by one side or the other. The current prevalence of AI-generated images and video has made it that much more difficult to separate truth from pseudo-reality.

However, some information may be gleaned from satellite photos, which indicate that well over half of the buildings in the Gaza Strip have been damaged or destroyed. Much of the population of northern Gaza has fled south, and is now trapped between the Israeli-enforced dividing line in central Gaza and the border with Egypt, which enclave is about to be invaded by the IDF. The Egyptians, knowing full well the risks associated with importing large numbers of Palestinians, are only allowing a trickle of traffic through the Rafah border crossing. As a result, a huge number of displaced residents are packed into tent cities near Rafah.

What will become of these refugees when the war is finally over? Israel is not too keen on repopulating the devastated areas of Gaza with them. And some Israeli organizations have plans for postwar Gaza that include establishing new Jewish settlements there. These are not the official plans of the Israeli government, but they are not the ravings of wild-eyed zealots in fringe groups, either. They are being openly discussed in public forums, which means the government is well aware of them and is not trying to shut them down.

If the Palestinians in the tent cities are not to be allowed back into northern Gaza, where then will they be resettled? There is some discussion of “voluntary” migration — that is, conditions in the crowded camps will become so harsh that residents there will be ready to emigrate somewhere, anywhere that will have them. If the Egyptian government can be induced to open the border for a steady, larger flow, this process can begin.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is working towards exactly that end:

On December 25, 2023, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed at the Likud Knesset faction meeting that he was working on the voluntary immigration of Gaza residents to other countries. “Our problem is finding countries that are ready to absorb them, and we are working on it,” Netanyahu said.

It goes without saying that no Islamic nation will accept any refugees from Gaza. They have all made it clear that they do not want Palestinians in their countries. And with good reason — nobody in his right mind would want to import Palestinians. That’s why the Egyptians have steadfastly resisted opening the Rafah crossing fully.

Thus Mr. Netanyahu is, for all practical purposes, expecting the West to take in the wretched refuse from Gaza. Canada, under the inspired leadership of Justin “Baby Doc” Trudeau, has already shown an eagerness to bring in the puir wee bairns of Palestine. I don’t know whether the USA will be similarly welcoming, since this is an election year, but we’ll see. As for the EU, it will vary from country to country, depending on how lefty the government in question is. I would expect Ireland, for example, to take its share, and possibly also Germany, under the Green-led traffic light coalition.

And Israel may have found a different solution to the problem: it is negotiating with Congo to take in the homeless and tempest-tost from Gaza. The article doesn’t mention the issue of payment, but I’m cynical enough to assume that the Congolese, already ridden with poverty and political strife, will extract a high price in return for the placement of Palestinians in their new tropical ghetto.

Regardless of their ultimate destination, the denizens of Gaza are problematic for anyone who is foolish enough to take them in. The Israelis, who have a closer acquaintance with the Palestinians than anyone else (with the possible exception of the Jordanians), have a jaundiced view of them.

Some Israelis — it’s not clear what proportion — are extreme in their attitude. Mia Schem, a former hostage held by Hamas, had this to say:

“It was important to me to relay the truth about the nature of the people who live in Gaza, who they are truly are and what I experienced there,” she said in the interview.

“It is important to you that the world understands, what? That I went through a holocaust,” Schem added. “Everyone over there is a terrorist. [emphasis added]”

Ms. Schem is not alone in her views, and some people are even harsher in their assessment of Gaza. Ilana Mercer (who is Jewish), refers to remarks made by Eliyahu Yossian — an “Israeli analyst and veteran of Unit 8200, a high-tech spy branch of the Israeli military” — according to a tweet from the account of Electronic Intifada:

These days, Israel’s political discourse is marred by the likes of Eliyahu Yossian, a mainstream opinionator. Listening as I did with difficulty to Yossian, I detect the delicate Iranian twang in his accent, although there is no sign of delicacy in this zealot’s worldview. Nothing authentically American, either. “Hamas is not the enemy,” he vociferates, “Gaza is. You level the area, and you kill the largest possible numbers, because the woman there is an enemy, the baby there is an enemy and the first grader is an enemy… and the pregnant woman is the enemy.” Yossian goes on to explain that Israel must not entertain “Western values” because these “blur basic logic.”

“The woman there is an enemy, the baby there is an enemy and the first grader is an enemy”: This is an exact mirror of Hamas’ doctrine about the Jews, by which they justify terrorist attacks that kill Israeli women, children, and the elderly. By definition, no Jew is innocent; all must die.

I don’t have to tell you that these constitute competing genocidal doctrines. In other words, the conflict in Gaza is trending towards a war of extermination. One side or the other will be exterminated.

Therefore, as an alternative, what Mr. Netanyahu is proposing is to export an entire population of what some Israelis consider to be dangerous terrorists who deserve extermination. The aim is to dump them on the Gentiles of the West, or perhaps on the Sons of Ham south of the Sahara. If the price is right, surely Congo or Gabon or Zambia would be willing to accept them. Anywhere but Israel.

Why is he doing that? If they all deserve to be killed, why ship them out to Berlin or Toronto instead of burying their corpses in the rubble of Gaza City and Khan Younis?

The answer, of course, is that this is a cynical strategy that will allow Israel to retain the moral high ground. Since 1948 the Israelis (and Jews in general) have had the reputation of conducting wars in the most humane manner possible, taking more Israeli casualties in order to avoid civilian deaths. It never seemed to do them any good; the Israelis were reviled just as much, no matter what. But they did it anyway. And, at least in the West, no one is acknowledged to wage war more ethically than the Jews of Israel.

That’s what they would stand to lose if they were to execute their strategy openly, instead of accomplishing it clandestinely, through subterfuge.

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The thing is, I can understand the Israeli position on all this. The concept of “civilians” in Gaza is largely meaningless. Hamas is not distinct from Palestinian society at large. The entire Palestinian culture is structured around a single all-important goal: the destruction of the State of Israel by the killing of all Jews who live there. Every societal institution is dedicated to that purpose. The goal is proclaimed in the mosques, broadcast in the media, and taught in the schools (largely by female teachers, I might add).

From the time he learns to talk, a child in Gaza is indoctrinated to believe that the most sublime goal he can hope to attain in this life is to die while killing Jews.

This is a cultural and theological issue, and it cannot be resolved through dialogue. For an Islamic zealot, dialogue is a tactic used to fool the enemy until the opportunity arises to slit his throat.

That’s why the “two-state solution” is a fool’s errand. Setting up a Palestinian state next door to Israel would be like Gaza on steroids. The same dysfunctional political culture, the same monomaniacal focus on killing Jews, but this time with passports and ambassadors and consulates and IMF loans. No matter how well the Israelis fortified the border, the Palestinians would constantly be tunneling under it, flying paragliders over it, and shooting missiles at Israeli cities from their brand-new country. Israel will never know peace with Palestinians as next-door neighbors.

When a normal sovereign state wages war against a neighbor, it is for relatively rational goals. Political leaders want to annex new territory or acquire the resources of their adversaries. When an opponent is conquered, those resources are utilized to enhance the power of the conquering state.

But that’s not the way Palestinians wage war. They may plan carefully, rationally, and shrewdly, but the goal is to wipe out the lives and property of Jews, to burn their homes, destroy their belongings, and rape and kill people and animals. They may plunder whatever is immediately useful and easy to carry off, but everything else is simply destroyed. Building a functioning political structure in conquered territory is not part of the plan.

This is the Islamic way of war, distilled to its purest essence. That’s why no Islamic political leader dares to seriously oppose the actions of the Palestinians: what they are doing is utmost righteousness from a fundamentalist Islamic perspective, and everyone in the Islamic world understands this. The Palestinians are the purest of the pure.

And don’t think the Jews will be their only targets. All non-Muslims are the enemy. They hate the Jews most of all, but when they run out of Jews to kill, they’ll come for the rest of us, until all of us are either dead or bend the knee to Allah.

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So what is to be done?

I see no non-ghastly solution to the problem. Treating Gaza like Grozny would seem the most effective strategy. Which, come to think of it, is basically what the Israelis are doing. They’re just obfuscating the fact; they don’t want to be seen as acting like the Russians.

When the Russians leveled Grozny, the world was horrified, but the opprobrium leveled at them was of much lesser magnitude than what is directed at Israel for actions that are far less hideous. That’s because it was the Russians doing it, and everybody expects that sort of thing from Russia. They don’t concern themselves with claiming the moral high ground; they just act in the interests of the Russian state.

But the moral high ground is all-important to the Jews. That’s why they have to disguise what they’re doing. So they level Gaza, and then manipulate the West into absorbing the refugees created thereby. Paris, Berlin, London, Dublin, Stockholm, Amsterdam, Toronto, Melbourne, New York, and Los Angeles will have to take their quota of homicidal Palestinians. And then get to claim their little subset of the moral high ground in the process.

I can understand why the Israelis might feel the imperative to take the actions they’re taking in Gaza. I just wish they’d be a little more straightforward about it, and acknowledge that they’re doing a Grozny number on the place.

They might take a page out of the Russian playbook, and give up the moral high ground. Which they’re going lose eventually, anyway. And it’s a long fall from those heights.

106 thoughts on “From Gaza to Berlin

  1. It is the moral high ground to wipe out the Palestinians who want to exterminate them. Didn’t we have the moral high ground when wiping out the Nazis??

    • What do you mean when you say that we were “wiping out the Nazis”?

      Do you mean that “we” (the Allies?) were exterminating the whole German people irrespective of their age, sex, mental capacities, political views and other circumstances? In fact, “we” did not do that. Most Germans survived the war as did Germany as a nation State.

      If you mean that “we” were physically exterminating all the members of the NSDAP, it is not true either. Most Nazi party members were not executed. Some were given prison terms, many others just lost their jobs or got some other relatively mild punishments. Some were not punished at all. In fact, some Nazi scientist after World War II were brought to the US and were used as specialists in the US military industrial complex.

      So, do you suggest that all Palestinians including small children, pregnant women, mentally and physically disabled people be physically exterminated? Do you think that those who do such a thing can be regarded as holding “high moral ground”?

      • Thank you to Cynthia for posing the question that we might remonstrate, I reply here to Anonymous.

        “Most” Germans? Half the Germanic population and half of the Russian Slavic population were wiped out following the diktats of the “people of the moral high ground.”

        100 to 200 million dead and a world order ruled by subversive criminal networks committing even demonic crimes will not be forgiven, nor forgotten.
        It is them or us, this one’s for all the marbles.

      • Most Palestinians are not wiped out by Israel. They are escorted to safer areas while Hamas fires on them so they’ll stay in danger. Israel protects civilians while Hamas uses them as human shields and builds tunnels, stores weapons in and under schools, homes and hospitals. That was hyperbole for having a decisive victory. Each time the world pressures Israel to stop and war breaks out (started by Gaza) in a few years.

        • Dear Cynthia, I wish that were true.

          At the very beginning of this war, the Israeli minister of defence declared that Palestinians were “human animals”. It was announced that Israel would not respect international law when fighting them.

          Israel cut the supply of water, food and medicines supply to Gaza. Israel allows only a treacle of humanitarian assistance to enter the enclave. Most Gazans have had to leave their homes and live in the overcrowded area of Rafah in makeshift tents, suffering from a severe shortage of water and food. Most hospitals are destroyed or put of action. So, pregnant women, wounded and chronically ill people cannot get medical assistance. You can imagine the number of miscarriages, deaths in labour and infant mortality. All this against the background of incessant bombardment and shelling. And now fighting is started in Rafah.

          Israel has created unbearable conditions for Gazans so as to squeeze them out from their native land or face death.

          Israeli military have killed a woman and her daughter who were sheltering in a Catholic church. Israeli bombs have damaged the ancient the ancient Orthodox church of Saint Porphirius. It seems they are bent on exterminating not only Muslim, but also Christian Arabs.

          In a word, Gaza is a death trap.

          I do not support HAMAS, God forbid! I am not a Muslim and do not like Islam. But I cannot see any justification for such outrageous indiscriminate extermination of a whole people.

          You are a woman. Just try to imagine what it means to be pregnant and living in a shelter made of sticks and a plastic sheet, without a proper loo, with little water to drink and no water to wash, with little food, sleeping on the ground and hearing bombs exploding. Or having little children in such conditions? Imagine being a diabetic with no insuline and no possibility of keeping the necessary diet.

          • Your weakness is what makes these GD jihadist thrive and survive. When dealing with the savages of islam, killem all and let their devil allah sortem out.

      • “Do you mean that “we” (the Allies?) were exterminating the whole German people irrespective of their age, sex, mental capacities, political views and other circumstances? In fact, “we” did not do that.”

        That’s because the ENTIRETY of the German Volk weren’t bred, schooled and trained to HATE/MURDER Jews; and, prior to the Holocaust, there weren’t DECADES of history demonstrating the ENTIRETY of the German Volk ACTING on that training. Had that been the case, I reckon “we” would’ve killed ’em all….and with good reason.

        When it comes to Mohammedanists, in general, and Palestinians, in particular, the HISTORICAL RECORD is clear..

        “Students at a school in East Jerusalem run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) were recorded in a recently resurfaced video explaining how they’ve been taught to murder Jews and take part in the generational struggle to reclaim land which they believe belongs to Palestinians.” —National Review (1 Feb 2024)

        “Kill a Jew—Go to Heaven: The Perception of the Jew in Palestinian Society” —JSTOR (2005)

        “The murder of Jews is featured as an integral part of the liberation struggle, including a four-page lesson exalting the female commander of a terror attack against an Israeli civilian bus on Israel’s Coastal Highway in 1978, in which 38 Jews – men, women and children – were murdered.” —Jerusalem Post (13 July 2022)

        “Palestinian children simulated murdering Israelis while participating in a cultural festival in the Gaza Strip this week.” —Investigative Project on Terrorism (27 Apr 2016)

        I could literally do this all day and never run outta evidence..

        • You are absolutely right.

          There is a little nuance though: Israelis have been bred, schooled and trained to hate Arabs.

          In general, Jews are ruthless to the enemies of the Jewish people.

          Thus, if both parties to this war are equally cruel, why should we sympathise with one of them more than with the other?

          • Because shortbus, Israel is part of the west, the ragheads of fakestine ain’t. The troubling fact that you are trying to give moral equivalence truly is perplexing. Try using logic, simple reasoning skills, and common bloody sense instead of feelings next time.

        • “Dresden.”

          You betcha!
          Were I the Israeli PM, that would’ve been MY prescription (a coupla decades ago). And when it comes to defending the INNOCENT against feral MONSTERS, I have NO decency, sir!

          “The nature of civilization is such that it serves as a framework within which people may live together, however fractiously. Great wars may be fought, but a few rules essential to the preservation of any organized society will prevail. The truly barbarous know no such rules, cannot be made to live with the civilized, and must be exterminated as a threat to all mankind no less dangerous (or deserving of compassion) than a plague.

          There are relatively few things that separate the civilized from the truly barbarous. We would argue that paramount among these is a respect for the sanctity of innocent life, especially women and children, and when possible, civilian populations as a whole. Historically, this line has seldom been crossed by any tribal, royal or national entity. This sanctity is not an absolute thing. It is quite common for innocents to be injured and killed as “collateral damage” in a strike against a legitimate military target, but the deliberate, wholesale slaughter of women and children clearly separates the terrorist from mankind, rends their humanity nominal, and legitimizes their extermination.” —”Terrorism Isn’t Rocket Science” (2002)

          The ONLY thing a terrorist/thug respects is a terror G-R-E-A-T-E-R than his own (e.g., the cure for Pearl Harbor
          was Hiroshima AND Nagasaki….and, today, the US and Japan are ALLIES/FRIENDS).

          • @Fredthreethreethree

            The hard realism and take-no-nonsense attitude you embody in your writing is a product of a bygone age, is it not?

            It used to be understood by most human beings that appeasement and attempting to bargain with psychopaths and monsters was a waste of time and cost innocent lives and societies destroyed.

            But in today’s world, or much of it anyway, people have been so safe and secure for so long that they engage in all sorts of fanciful thinking not connected to reality.

            Your words reminded me of the short but pungent quote from General Curtis LeMay, “If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting…” which were spoken about the Empire of Japan.

            Waging war with anything but the iron will to win ultimately prolongs the conflict, costs lives on all sides concerned, and merely postpones the end of the bloodshed.

            LeMay has been derided by critics on the left for decades even after his death, but he was much wiser and clear-thinking than any of the critics will acknowledge.

            As for Dresden, the usual suspects have said it was a war crime. But they never seem to mention the fact that the Anglo-Americans didn’t set that precedent.

            The Germans and Italians bombed and even gassed (using chemical weapons) innocent victims during the interwar years.

            The Italians in Ethiopia and the Germans in the Spanish Civil War, mostly famously at Geurnica, a city with little military value which they leveled with bombers, causing scores of civilian casualties.

            The Japanese leveled Shanghai and other major Chinese cities with large loss of civilian life, during the 1930s.

            I believe that the description for that sort of behavior is called sowing the wind and reaping the whirlwind.

            Obviously, civilian casualties are tragic when and wherever they occur, but in the cold, cruel and hard calculus of war, what works gets used – not withstanding the human cost.

          • @Georgiaboy, Yes that is what Arthur Harris said. As Harris was standing on a roof in London watching the city burning during a German bombing raid, he said that the Germans had reaped the wind, and now they would sow the whirlwind.

            This comes from Hosea, chapter 8, which concludes: I will send fire upon their cities that will consume their fortresses.

            As for Curtis LeMay, did you know that napalm was not invented during the Vietnam war? It was invented by the Americans during the second world war, who tested it out on a mocked up Japanese town they built in the desert in Utah, to see if it would burn the whole town down. It did.

            So Curtis LeMay loaded his bombers up with napalm when the Americans fire-bombed Tokyo in March 1945.

      • When dealing with muslims, the high moral ground is reserved for those who want to be buried in it, as for the fakestinians killem all and let their devil allah sortem out, until none are left, then you will have peace.

    • NO, most emphatically, we did not.
      That is why certain actors must not, MUST NOT, give up their pretense of the moral high ground.

      Kudos to the author of this piece; his summary at the end is exactly on point. Well done, I say, well done; let us return to realpolitik without the inverse moral pretensions of “kill it, gut it, wear its skin and demand respect.”

      Why would I say this? Not to ignore the greatest crimes against humanity, themselves committed by the pretenders to the moral throne, but because of information. Society must have clear information in order to maintain even a slightly steady course.

      A web commenter noted that America and the West is ruled not exclusively by this or that cabal;
      American-fed values are led, truly, by parroted media platitudes.

      Even the speakers, whether high or low, are unaware that these are the courseless moral guidelines which they follow; the unthought platitudes themselves take on a life of their own.

      No one knows who is in charge at any time in a democracy.
      Factions do dominate, but not across the board.
      The only universal throne that all respond to are said platitudes, whether they make sense or not, banging up against other platitudes.

      The commenter called this ‘rule by committee.’
      Society itself is become a headless, mindless mob that sweeps all before it, commonality and common defense is lost, inviting the worst sort of opportunists.

      • Unfortunately most of those German criminals where living long lives as oppose to millions they terrorized in the German ww2 war.
        Markel made sure she will destroy Europe once again… but this time Germany got it hard… will end with the dissolution of Germany

        • Georgiaboy: “The hard realism and take-no-nonsense attitude you embody in your writing is a product of a bygone age, is it not?”

          It’s called logic and reason, which never goes outta style.

      • Al, it is this nonsense that led the west to where we are today, unwilling to fight for our people by whatever means it takes to win, as for war? There is no morality in war, just Victors and vanquished and nobody gives a damn how the Victors won.

          • Israel is part of the west so you are damn right we should be rooting for them, no matter what they do to the devil’s children of islam. Let them wipem out to the last one, better for everyone concerned. Frankly I have done far worse to those islamic savages and never lost a night’s sleep over it.

    • “It is the moral high ground to wipe out the Palestinians who want to exterminate them. Didn’t we have the moral high ground when wiping out the Nazis??”

      You are making a mistake by framing it this way. The battle is not against a specific people, but against a specific ideology. The people who cannot let go of a hostile ideology inevitably find themselves at the business end of the guns, but they are not the target by intent. Say it this way: It is the moral high ground to wipe out ISLAM, and that is for the sole reason that _WITHIN ISLAM THE MORAL HIGH GROUND IS TO WIPE OUT UNBELIEVERS_. The de-islamization of the world is the same principle as the denazification. After that, we still have the Commies to tackle. Or maybe something new, stupid ideas are popping up all the time. The key for judging any of these is, tolerance towards them is warranted exactly to the extent of their own tolerance to disagreement. They shall be free to believe what they want but the moment they turn h0stile to the rest of us, all gloves have to come off. This is the only way forward.

      • Georgiaboy: “Your words reminded me of the short but pungent quote from General Curtis LeMay, “If you kill enough of them, they stop fighting…” which were spoken about the Empire of Japan.”

        Interestingly, your comment reminds me of the scene in “Von Ryan’s Express” (if you haven’t seen it, see it!) dramatizing the result of choosing decency over reason in war.

        The scene goes something like this: Col. Ryan opts to RELEASE the commandant of the Italian prisoner-of-war camp that he and a group of Brit ‘n’ American prisoners’d just escaped from—the DECENT thing to do, rather than execute the commandant—the REASONABLE thing to do (“I say not only military justice but military sense dictates we cannot turn this man loose.” —Maj. Fincham). This choice, unsurprisingly, leads to the deaths of many of the group, including Ryan himself.

        “Civilised peoples are too proud to fight. The conquest of one nation by another is declared to be immoral. Empires are wicked…‘It is not that we are afraid to fight,’ we say, ‘but we should consider it immoral.’…The weakness of pacifism is that there are still many peoples in the world who are aggressive. Nations who proclaim themselves unwilling to fight are liable to be conquered by peoples in the stage of militarism.” —John Glubb, “The Fate of Empires”

        I believe this tendency of civilized nations to choose decency over reason in warfare is the SOLE reason rabid monsters like the Palestinians remain a potent and deadly force, rather than just another asterisk in Israel’s long, historical record. But I could be wrong….tho’ I doubt it.

      • You’re right. I thought I cleared that up in the next comment about hyperbole and decisive victory. Of course it’s the Islamist ideology. Palestinians in Israel proper are loyal citizens who are doctors , lawyers, even serve on the Supreme Court. Many are fighting for Israel and have lost family members in support of their country. That is because they are not indoctrinated in the same way as in Gaza and the West Bank (mostly due to the UNRWA schools supported by the West).

  2. I have heard that China is suffering from a demographic collapse. Maybe they should take in a few million ” Palestinians ”
    They could always settle them in Shingjiang and use them for slave labor and organ transplants.
    🙂 ( says the grinning god)

      • Anonymous is pro Palestinians.
        He is pro terror .
        So he / she/it its lurking in here to put us straight
        Maybe. He she it protests on the streets… to the river to the sea
        I hope Israel will wipe all the Palestinians off and finish the job hamas started

      • It was satire. We can say against the Chinese leadership what we want, but unlike us they have their wits about themselves and will not engage in such self-destructive policies. (The Commies are deluded about other things but that’s a different topic.)

    • It is possible to be anti-Israel without being anti-Jew. As far as anti-Semitic goes, many of the Palestians, be they Muslim, Christian, or even Mizhrati, have a better claim to being Semitic than the largely European Ashkenazim who run Israel, so enough of the anti-Semitic trope already.

      The Palestinians have as much claim to Palestine as anyone else. I guess if the Israelis want to ethnically cleans the region of them then so be it, but please stop their playing of the Holocaust and anti-Semite cards as a means of spinning crimes against humanity into “innocent” self defence.

      If the displaced Palestinians should go any other than Palestine, it should be Perfidious Albion, for the last thing the Brits should have done, as defenders of the faith and controllers of the region in the post-WW1 mandate, was to allow control of the Holy Lands to be anything other than a religious neutral zone shared among the three faiths that lay claim to it.

      As with so many things wrong in the West, all roads seem to lead to London.

      • The pally’s have zero claim, they lost the bloody wars they started, to the Victors always goes the spoils, nobody gives a bloody damn about the vanquished muzzy’s other than they lost. Let the devil allah welcome the devil’s children the muzzy’s.

  3. “Mr. Netanyahu is proposing is to export an entire population of what some Israelis consider to be dangerous terrorists….The aim is to dump them…Anywhere but Israel.”

    A few points of reference (EMPHASIS mine)..
    1) “We live in a wondrous time, in which the strong is weak because of his scruples and the weak grows strong because of his audacity.” —Otto von Bismarck

    2) “Nearly 10,000 Israeli soldiers and police officers began the FORCIBLE EVACUATION OF ISRAELI SETTLERS FROM GAZA….carrying some screaming from their homes in scenes that moved a number of the soldiers to tears.” —New York Times (18 Aug 2005)

    3) “In 2005, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon announced Israel would unilaterally withdraw from the entire Gaza Strip….nearly 9,000 Jewish settlers living in 25 settlements left Gaza or WERE FORCIBLY REMOVED BY THE IDF, AND EVERY JEWISH GRAVE WAS REMOVED. In the withdrawal’s immediate aftermath, PALESTINIANS BURNED OR LOOTED MUCH OF WHAT ISRAEL HAD LEFT BEHIND, including homes, businesses, and greenhouses.” —Foundation for Defense of Democracies (8 Dec 2023)

    4) “Let’s imagine the United States was under threat of constant attack on both our Canadian and Mexican borders, and the United Nations was demanding that we surrender control of South Carolina, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Southern California to our historical enemies so that they could set up their own country in the middle of ours. Furthermore, in an effort to maintain peace, the UN would demand that we divide Washington, DC in half, and let our antagonists set up their capital there. Meanwhile, our opponents in the negotiations are conducting deadly terrorist bombing attacks in New York City and Washington, killing hundreds of American citizens. Given these circumstances, what would be the right and reasonable thing for the American government to do?” —”Terrorism Isn’t Rocket Science” (July 2002)!/jul02/rocket1.shtml

    As’s been said, at some point the Guardians of Civilization MUST DRAW THE LINE. After 2005, many (myself included) felt that point would’ve—SHOULD HAVE!—been (b)reached. And, yet, here we are again—history repeating itself and only the names and dates change….BECAUSE only the names and dates change.

    If the Leader of the Free World (Netanyahu) isn’t permitted to FINISH the job in Gaza and I mean FINISH IT! (the ONLY thing a terrorist/thug respects is a terror G-R-E-A-T-E-R than his own!)….history WILL keep repeating itself ad absurdum.

  4. The Israeli in the street is very aware of the issues that you (quite rightly) raise, especially here in Sderot. Those in the Tel Aviv bubble tend to have greater socialist fantasies which took some major hits on 10/7.

    It is a fact of life that wild animals must either be kept in cages or released into the wild.

    My feeling is that we have to be prepared to set up Jewish enclaves in Gaza and bring it back to a pre-2005 model. The ‘Gaza problem’ has no acceptable final solution and dates back to when King Saul failed to wipe out the Amelikites and engendered Yah’s wroth.

    These enclaves would have to be garrisoned and protected by Iron Dome technology, and also have a well armed militia as backup and protection against tunneling. This will be a foil for the anger of Islam and would protect Israel proper by draining off the hatred into controlable chanels (on both sides).

    We have a nation of murderous Janissaries in our midst as an existential problem, a problem created by Britain, Egypt and the United Nations (in the dorm of UNWRA)

    However, it is Israel’s problem, and eventually Israel must take control of it despite the double standards of the world’s politicians. Unfortunately Jews cannot expect a fair deal from either mainstream Christianity or the world’s secular humanist politicians.

    The spiritual implications of the very existence of Israel are too profound for those who believe in replacement theology, or those who believe that ‘God’ is a senile entity in a house painted white.

    • There is no doubt that the Jews of Israel are in a hard place. There are no solutions that do not involve massive bloodshed and suffering.

      My main issue is the disingenuous (if not outright mendacious) behavior of the Israeli government. All Palestinians are dangerous terrorists, and may even need to be exterminated. Yet they are also “refugees”, and the puir wee bairns must be accepted into Western countries.

      I find that cynical and dishonest.

      Israel basically has two choices:

      1) Go full Grozny on Gaza, and forget the moral high ground. Western public opinion be damned; get the job done.


      2) Force the Palestinians out of Gaza, and tell the rest of the world, “These people are dangerous and homicidal. Deal with them as you see fit.”

      Israel can also continue being cynical and dishonest, but that approach can only hold up for so long. Eventually the game will be exposed.

      In any case, Israel will lose the moral high ground. Permanently. There are no choices that will allow it to be retained.

      • Netanyahu will demand the USA take all or most of these terrorists. I have awakened to his subterfuge, when, in the past, I thought he was a ‘leader of the free world’.

        We are nuts if we take his terrorists off his hands, but I expect the Potato to do just that, in furtherance of destroying our Republic.

        Netanyahu needs to do himself what needs doing – and, by the way, it looks to me like he allowed the October 7th incursion in order to get this war going.

        • “Netanyahu will demand the USA take all or most of these terrorists. I have awakened to his subterfuge, when, in the past, I thought he was a ‘leader of the free world’.”

          Can you cite where Netanyahu has demanded “the USA take all or most of these terrorists”?

      • Accepted, but BN is part of the TA bubble and is remote from flyover Israel of which Sderot is part. Older Sderotians remember shopping in Gaza as the nearest city.

        Sderot is Sephardi and Russian and has almost no influence in the Knesset which is dominated by big city Ashkenazim, who, along with the ‘Religious’ parties hold the balance of power.

        The evacuation of Jews from Gaza was a huge mistake, tantamount to making Birmingham (Alabama) a white free zone. This was forced on Israel by the EU and USA, it did not work.

        I can therefore understand that BN wants those who made the problem participate in the solution. But I do not agree, in a Gaza without UNWRA there is hope…..

        • I can understand that, too. But he should be honest, and acknowledge that he expects other countries to absorb people he considers dangerous terrorists, rather than “refugees”.

          • I came across a video which indicated the arabs consider the Palestinians as gypsies, as in Romas. It was translated into English, so I can’t vouch for its authenticity, but it could be one reason they’re persona non grata.

          • Your problem with the Israelis appears to be that they are not openly saying at this point in the war that they want “other countries” to take the poor, brownskinnned refugees in.

            Why would they?

            According to the moral systems designed by the Western countries and currently being put into action by those countries, it is an act of the highest moral virtue to take in poor brownskinned Mohammedan refugees.

            Perhaps the Israelis – who will have seen all the “protests” in these Western countries in support of the poor brownskinned Mohammedans from the Gaza territory – are just waiting for these Western countries to say themselves, without any prompting from Israel, that they are going to act virtuously and take in all those poor brownskinned Mohammaden refugees.

            In which case that outcome (which is a better outcome than your suggested option A) will come about organically, without any overt prompting on the part of Israel.

            This would be a better option for Israel in the long run, because farther down the road, once these poor brownskinned refugees start causing trouble in the countries that have taken them in, the Israelis could turn round and say, hey, we didn’t tell you to take them – you wanted them. Good luck to you.

            I would also like to point out that no politician ever says what they are really up to. None of them, under any circumstances. Your saying that Bibi should do so now is definitely a case of holding Israel to a different standard.

    • “we have to be prepared to set up Jewish enclaves in Gaza and bring it back to a pre-2005 model.”

      Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

      What doesn’t kill them makes them stronger. To wit..
      “Far too much time, energy and blood has been expended in the Middle east. It’s time to take decisive action. We need to take out the terror regimes in Iran, Iraq and Syria. Then say to the Palestinians: “You have two choices: You can live as civilized citizens or you can be next.”” —”Terrorism Isn’t Rocket Science” (2002)!/jul02/rocket1.shtml

    • MC Make Gaza muzzy free, bulldoze the place, make resorts and casino’s and make it the jewel of the Med. No more muzzy’s = no more problems, and spare me the semantics of it all, those blood savages want you Jews all dead and gone, so beatem to the punch and get rid of them, because that is exactly what it all comes down too.

  5. Both sides of this war act as if they were in the Bronze Age. They are simply incapable of feeling any compassion for the other side and would be glad to exterminate not only all the enemy fighters, but the whole enemy people – women, children, fray elderly and disabled people included.

    The notions of mercy, chivalry, humanity, etc. are equally alien to both.

    In this situation I can feel pity for both of them, caught in this murderous mentality.

    But I feel the greatest pity for Palestinian Christians who have no stake in this war and who will suffer no matter who wins. I fear that very soon no Christians will remain in Gaza by the end of this war. And it is really strange that nowhere in the world anyone seem to take an interest in their fate.

    This shows once again that the “international community” considers some victims good, others bad and some – simply uninteresting. Christians of the Holy Land are in the third category. No governments, no mainstream media, no NGOs feel like doing anything to make their lot any better, they just don’t mention Palestinian Christians at all.

      • No, I would say I am a paleoconservative. But I don’t see why formerly Christian nations should prefer one side in this barbarous war between two equally cruel Semitic peoples to another?

        They both want to exterminate each other.

        And I am surprised why nobody gives a thought to Palestinian Christians who suffer most in this war.

        As nobody seems to notice what has been happening to Christians in Iraq since it was “democratized” by the US.

    • Palestinian Christians and their holy places are protected in Israel.
      The Arab/Muslim world has systematically harassed and murdered Christians in the Middle East until majorities of people are now a tiny minority. Large Jewish communities have been expelled completely. Your comments are so disingenuous. Israel has never targeted civilians, never raped, cut off body parts, never burned babies while gleefully recording these atrocities.

    • “Both sides of this war act as if they were in the Bronze Age. They are simply incapable of feeling any compassion for the other side and would be glad to exterminate not only all the enemy fighters, but the whole enemy people – women, children, fray elderly and disabled people included. The notions of mercy, chivalry, humanity, etc. are equally alien to both.”

      “If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain.” —(generally attributed to) Winston Churchill

      Like many in their youth, I was a commie-toddler (i.e., an infantile Bolshevik). I carried photos of two of my heroes—Mao and PLO leader, Yasser Arafat—in my wallet. Fortunately for me, my best friend happened to be a military historian (probably the best!) and I was always WILLING to listen and consider opposing views. After about 10 years, it became quite clear that I’d been indoctrinated with a load of old [solid waste], because history’d PROVEN my “heroes” to’ve been VILLAINS (and the VILLAINS’ opponents to’ve been VICTIMS). Fortunately, I aspired to be CORRECT—rather than consistent—in my views. So I educated myself.

      With respect, I’d encourage you to do the same.

    • Please step away from the bong pipe, your amusing notions of chivalry with the savages of islam is naivety at it’s worst and stupidity at it’s best. As for the fakestian so called Christians, they openly side with the savages of islam so therefore get no immunity for they chose poorly.

  6. My take is that the optimum strategy in both short- and long-term would be for the Israeli government to have had a single talking point from day 1 (or even before then), namely that the surrounding islamic states have a responsibility to (temporarily, meaning permanently) take in their co-religionists. Thereby Israel avoids metastasis that is harmful (ie where it will access western resources) and benefits from destabilisation of islamic states, while the west can hum and har and argue and pontificate and avoid resolution while retaining its hazy so-so morality (assuming Trump is a patriot, as President I would expect him to have tied military support for Israel to their putting such a focus on islamic responsibility). My question is why did this not happen.
    The first world war was a massive mistake that cost the protagonists their legitimacy and dominance and they suffered from the loss of a generation, but that was in the context of an open world with growth. In today’s full world where people are consumers for the purpose of fueling innovation the slaughter of expendables would not be senseless from the perspective of tptb. I see no incentive for tbtb to work against parties that are working for their own version of the final solution which may then evolve into war at all levels everywhere.

  7. Do the two state solution but the Palestinian state can’t be anywhere close to Israel. The Arab world is very big and Morocco would be a good place as the southern part is thinly populated. Morocco would have to be paid off, of course and infrastructure would have to be built. Make the British and Germans pay for it since they caused this problem in the first place. Saudi Arabia may wish to help if only to make the problem go away so they can concentrate on Iran.

    The question is bigger than Gaza as the West Bank is also a powder keg. Beyond that there is the Arab population of Israel proper.

  8. I’ve talked to, and known, numerous Arab Christians. This includes Palestinian
    Christians. They are aligned with Muslim Palestinians in Gaza and deserve a voice, too.

  9. My view is that this conflagration is none of our business.
    I’d say if you don’t want to reap the whirlwind then don’t sow the wind.
    Don’t try to force people who are not involved to take sides because there’s a high probability you won’t like the choice.
    Since I have watched quite a lot of the reporting on this matter, if I have to choose a side, I’ll choose Israel.
    Just as if I have to choose between Russia and Ukraine, I will choose Russia.

  10. Israel needs to rid Gaza of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, other murderous, militantly violent, anti-Israel groups, and a population-wide infrastruture of human and logistical support for mortal violence against Israel.

    I am unmoved by post-war humanitarian considerations for Gaza.

  11. Israel is not “disguising” what it is doing. Israel had meticulously documented everything that it has been doing in Gaza. Israel has documented every hospital used for terrorist activity. Israel has documented UNRWA facilities used to support terrorist activity. Israel has shown every tunnel used to support terrorist activity and imprison hostages. Israel has shown Gazans, dressed as civilians, carrying RPGs and other weaponry.

    Baron, the world simply refuses to believe what it can see with its own eyes, time and time again. Gaza is an armed camp and the worlds most highly concentrated, deeply dug-in terrorist base.

    • Israel believes that the Palestinians in Gaza — all of them, not just Hamas — are dangerous and deadly. Yet it wants the West to accept them as “refugees”.

      That is dishonest. Disguising, dissembling, obfuscating, lying, however you want to characterize it: it’s dishonest.

      • “Israel believes that the Palestinians in Gaza — all of them, not just Hamas — are dangerous and deadly. Yet it wants the West to accept them as “refugees”. That is dishonest.”

        With respect, can you (or anyone) cite where BB Netanyahu stated that he “wants the West to accept them”?

        The only recent comments (from BB) I’m finding offer the monsters a “safe passage” outta Gaza. From the horse’s mouth, a few days ago…Watch (< 20 secs)..

        I presume Netanyahu's suggesting (correctly, in my opinion) that one of the neighboring Mohammedanist states take their "brothers" in….or, better yet, they return to their previous "homeland"—Jordan (which forcibly KICKED THEM OUT years ago after their failed coup—claiming Jordan as "the Palestinian homeland"!).

        Frankly, Palestinians are no different than any other 'toddler—there's no law they won't break, nor lie they won't tell in their blind pursuit of "social justice" (for personal gain). They're tumor cells and MUST be treated accordingly by anyone seeking to remain healthy…..or alive.

        • I can’t find a quote from Netanyahu specifying the West, just that “other countries” should take them in.

          However, a member of the Knesset for Likud wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal entitled The West Should Welcome Gaza Refugees. See also this Times of Israel article, “Two Israeli lawmakers call on European countries to take in Gaza refugees”.

          In any case, why do Israelis want other countries (Western or otherwise) to absorb as “refugees” people they regard as dangerous terrorists?

          • “I can’t find a quote from Netanyahu specifying the West, just that “other countries” should take them in.”

            “I presume Netanyahu’s suggesting (correctly, in my opinion) that one of the neighboring Mohammedanist states take their “brothers” in….or, better yet, they return to their previous “homeland”—Jordan (which forcibly KICKED THEM OUT years ago after their failed coup—claiming Jordan as “the Palestinian homeland”!).” —from previous post

            “However, a member of the Knesset for Likud wrote an op-ed for The Wall Street Journal entitled The West Should Welcome Gaza Refugees.”

            Like the US congress, the Knesset’s chock full o’ ‘toddlers. With apologies to Tolstoy: Regard the Knesset as a necessary unpleasantness of life, and avoid it as much as possible. That’s why I [generally] base my [Middle East] conclusions on Netanyahu—The Leader of the Free World.

            “In any case, why do Israelis want other countries (Western or otherwise) to absorb as “refugees” people they regard as dangerous terrorists?”

            I reckon because the Israelis are NOT Nazis and don’t wanna [be FORCED to] defend themselves with lethal force (as I’d recommend). But I could be wrong..

          • “In any case, why do Israelis want other countries (Western or otherwise) to absorb as “refugees” people they regard as dangerous terrorists?”

            Simple. Because those other countries don’t regard them as dangerous terrorists.

            They luuuvv them.

      • Oh no, a politician being “dishonest.” Who’s ever heard of that before.

        Netanyahi is acting in Israel’s best interests.

        Not yours.

        If you were in his position, I bet you’d be doing the same thing. Keep all your options open as long as possible, & see if the bleeding heart politicians in the West will solve this problem for him.

        Here’s another way to look at it. Israel have said that these murderous Mohammedans in Gaza are not just Israel’s problem, they are the whole world’s problem. One way of driving this point home in the minds of the Western people, is to send those Mohammedans out into the world, so that everyone will learn the hard way.

        Maybe in the long run, that would be the only way the West could possibly wake up!

        Which would ultimately be a good thing. Because so far, most people have been totally asleep to what’s been going on. A good dose of reality might (just might) be the only thing that will wake people up.

  12. what s next for the jews after they wipe out gaza (by flooding the rest of the world with what they say are terrorists) ? will they start to enjoy life and live happy in their country of peace and love ? or the civil war, now on hold, will resurrect ? maybe bibi could start his personal conquest of all of the middle east by attacking also the rest of the countries he has not already bombed, this could be the only possible scenario where he continues to stay in power, and delays his jail date.

  13. What I find compelling is the way “Ukraine” canceled “Covid” in the media in the blink of an eye — and then, likewise, “Israel” canceled “Ukraine”. What’s next?

  14. I like the essay, but there are a few points I would like to make.
    And if one or all of you think that I am bad, so be it. (Remember: I am a German and according to Daniel Goldhagen we Germans are genetically programmed exterminators. Just like the Space Wolves in Warhammer 40K are the exterminators of the God-Emperor of Mankind.)

    1) If Israel wanted to wipe out the people in Gaza, they should have cut off Gaza completely. Including jamming all communication.
    They did not. Therefore I think they want to pressure the West by pictures and messages (“Oh look how the poor children are suffering!”) into accepting the people of Gaza.
    That is perfidious.
    If the MOSSAD is as good as they claim to be they should know what happens in the West and how we already suffer by muslim aggression.
    So, if they do this – and I dont care if they do it on purpose or not – then the real Nazis can score one point on “How the jews kill two birds with one stone and wipe out the white race.”

    2) To the point that there are those (regardless of side) that want only one side to exist:
    Then they should go for Thunderdome, you know two enter and only one leaves alive.
    But we know that this is no solution, because even if the Israelis win, there are about 1,6 billion muslims who hate Israel as much as the people of Gaza.
    So, Thunderdome would go on for a long time.

    3) I dont want any muslims in Europe. Not even in Kosovo. I have seen enough of muslim violence etc. There must be a clear border with on the one side the West and on the other side the muslims. Period!
    And considering that a lot of jews support mass immigration into the West and call every european who is against this, a Nazi, Israel should also be outside. Sorry, but Israel has the MOSSAD and they know better than us average Joes what the muslims are really doing (hurting us Europeans) in Europe. So, why doesnt the MOSSAD pay a visit to Barbara Lerner-Spectre, Abe Foxman, Daniel Cohn Bendit and Tim Wise (among others) and put a proverbial gun to their temples and make them think twice about what their saying, namely they dont want muslim terror in Israel but muslim terror in Europe is ok.

    4) No arab country will take in Palestinians. Understandable, as what did they do in Jordania and Libanon? In Jordania they set up a state inside a state with terror against nearly everybody. And Libanon was the Switzerland of the Middle East before the Palestinians started a civil war and now Libanon is a rubble heap.
    So, what we need is a big area. I dont think the Russians want to give up Nowaja Semlja or parts of Siberia.
    So I agree with Richard that the Western Sahara would be the best place.
    Or would the British be willing to give up the Falklands? Would have one advantage: The Argentinians will never ever try to come close to the Falklands again. You know terrorists and so.

  15. What are we talking about, all this morality business? War is the business of killing and breaking things, and the one who is better at it, wins. Israel knows what it must do, the moslems know what they must do. Let them fight it out. I don’t like them, but I’d pick the Jews because they seem to have a bit more brain material, and at some point, their thirst for blood will be slaked. The moslems have this world conquer thing going, for allah, or something. Here in the US, they’re nothing but a rotting plague, and there’s nothing they can’t screw up. Watch Akron.

  16. I reckon this—the one time NYTimes’ columnist, Thomas Friedman, got something correct—merits repeating here..

    “Today’s Inspiration Twit-fer-[female external genitals]—those things they’re afraid to say, but I’m not. Pay attention and you’ll actually learn something.

    Thomas Friedman and The Singapore Model.

    Around the end of the Gulf War, NYTimes columnist, Thomas Friedman, appeared on the Charlie Rose TV show and posed one of the clearest, most logical explanations for the ongoing strife between the Palestinians and the Israelis I’ve yet come across.

    I’ve been unable to locate a copy of that show, but, in a nutshell—and I’m paraphrasing here—Friedman posited that in the ’50s, the leader of Singapore said to the people of Singapore—then, by any objective standard, a third-world, Asian shantytown—”Give me dictatorial power and I’ll turn Singapore into a world class economy within 20 years!”

    Around the same time, the leader of Egypt said to the people of Egypt—then, by any objective standard, a burgeoning, modern Arab nation—”Give me dictatorial power and I’ll push Israel into the sea!” Twenty years later, Singapore was a modern, economic power and Egypt was an economic basket-case having just lost another war with Israel.

    The point Friedman was making is that you are what you aspire to be. If your singular goal is success, you’re likely to be successful. But if your singular goal is revenge, you’re likely to be little more than a victim.” —posted to fb (May 2021)

    Just sayin’..

    • I lived in /Singapore as a teenager in the mid-sixties, and now live in Israel. The British had left Singapore with an excellent education setup, which independent Singapore improved upon., and also a civil administration second to none.

      They also actively kept the communists out, the ‘Barisan Socialists were not banned, but they were kept under close scrutiny and Lee K Y kept political prisoners if necessary.

      Egypt was left with the same benefits, but a weak King who was deposed and all the good governance destroyed, and the KGB moved in.

      Israel is more like Singapore, Singapore has 4 main racial groups: Chinese, Malay, Tamil and Anglo, There were race riots when I was there, and for a week the school bus had an armed guard. Once we were even taken to school in a 3 ton army truck…..

      But on the whole Singapore did very well. It was more civilized in the mid-sixties than Cairo is now.

      • “for a week the school bus had an armed guard. Once we were even taken to school in a 3 ton army truck…..”

        Hopefully, that won’t soon be required in Israel, the UK or the US.

        Your comment caught my eye because KSM (9/11 planner), during his interrogation by CIA-hired psychiatrists in Guantanamo, cited school buses as effective targets for future attacks in the west. KSM apparently wasn’t that enamoured of large-scale 9/11-style missions; believing, instead, that launching numerous smaller (and simultaneous) localized attacks would result in far wider panic and political stasis in the “weak” west.

        I don’t wanna go into too much detail here on a public forum, but the “Beltway Sniper” caper in DC and Beslan school attack in Russia appear to hold great interest amongst the leading Mohammedanist set.

  17. The Palestinian problem has been with Israel since the founding of the country in aftermath of the British withdrawal from Mandatory Palestine in 1947-1948. Even then, most of the Arab population of the British protectorate wanted nothing to do with the Jews who wanted their own homeland. However, when Trans-Jordan, Egypt and the other nearby Arab states were asked to take in their fellow Arabs, they refused.

    There were various excuses given, but the underlying motive was that the Arab nations wished to create a festering demographic sore within the new nation of Israel. This was in fact done, and that wound has not healed since. Thus, because of this cynical and amoral ploy, the Sunni Arab Muslims themselves are in large part responsible for the plight of their coreligionists – the ones who are Muslims, at any rate – and former neighbors.

    To be sure, the hands of Israel are not clean in this matter, but the culpability of the Arab leaders of that time was very real, and it is too-often overlooked or forgotten when the “Palestinian situation” is discussed. They – the Arabs – had it within their power to solve the humanitarian problem, yet they declined to do so for the very worst of reasons, namely politics, greed and power.

    Now, of course, given the enormous amount of conflict, chaos and blood spilled, no one wants the Palestinians or their problems. Not the Israelis, not the Egyptians, not the Jordanians, no one.

    The Israelis proved they were just as cynical and amoral as anyone else, by insisting that the western nations, including the U.S., handle this demographic “hot potato” for them. Even as they built walls around their country to protect it and prevent unauthorized entry, they maintained – straight-faced, no less – that other nations did not have the same right and that the U.S.must not seal its border or limit immigration from the Third World, legal or illegal, in any manner.

    In other words, the rules are not for us, but for the other guys…. can you spell “hypocrite”?

    The war happening in Gaza – like all wars – is surrounded by disinformation, propaganda, and politically-expedient lies on all sides. As Churchill said, in wartime, the truth is so precious she must be protected by a bodyguard of lies, and all of that.

    But fundamentally, war is by definition the suspension of norms of civilized conduct, and for this reason, atrocities and acts of inhumanity are all-too-frequent. There are treaties and conventions spelling out the “rules” of “civilized” warfare, but neither of the combatants signed those agreements and in any case, asymmetric wars are the dirtiest and most-vicious of all.

    The victors will write the history and morally and politically self-justify the outcome, whatever it works out to be. Right or wrong, this is the nature of such things.

    • As far as I know, nobody in Israel has the slightest interest in O’Bidens border problems, and whilst US Jews may have had some influence, please do not confuse Brooklyn with Israel.

      • Re: “As far as I know, nobody in Israel has the slightest interest in O’Bidens border problems, and whilst US Jews may have had some influence, please do not confuse Brooklyn with Israel.”

        Cute, very funny… but that’s an ad-hominem attack. Why don’t you try answering my arguments with some of your own? Surely you can do better than to hurl invective.

      • Well said MC. Israel has never interfered with US border issues or immigration. But the US feels it can micromanage everything about Israel. Before anyone complains about aid to Israel, know that they provide military upgrade technology and anti terrorism information on a regular basis. One off comments by a Knesset member is not policy.

    • “war is by definition the suspension of norms of civilized conduct, and for this reason, atrocities and acts of inhumanity are all-too-frequent. There are treaties and conventions spelling out the “rules” of “civilized” warfare, but neither of the combatants signed those agreements and in any case, asymmetric wars are the dirtiest and most-vicious of all.”

      War is hell.

  18. So the Jew’s solution to retaining the “moral high ground” to the problem they created themselves is to send the Palestinians here to kill my people, my family? The Jews know full well that innocent people will be maimed and killed who are not party to their conflict which means the Jews will be just as responsible for every rape, every maiming, every destroyed life, and every death just as much as the Muslim Palestinians .

    If this comes to pass, you will make enemies forever of anyone who was ever sympathetic or friendly towards Israel.

    Jews – Don’t make your problem our problem.

    • It already is our problem. Have you not been paying attention for the last quarter of a century?

      And the Israelis are not “sending” those people anywhere. If they do end up emigrating to other countries, it will only be because the politicians leading those other countries have agreed to let them in. And those politicians – *your political representatives* – will do so knowing full well that innocent people will be maimed and killed who are not party to their conflict which means those politicians – *your political representatives* – will be just as responsible for every rape, every maiming, every destroyed life, and every death just as much as the Muslim Palestinians.

      If you don’t want that to happen then I suggest you take it up with your own political representatives. Have the politicians in your own country take control of your own borders.

      If enough people in your country had awakened at some point in the last twenty years, and you had politicians who were looking out for your best interests, then the scenario you’re talking about not only wouldn’t happen – it couldn’t happen.

      But since the West has fallen in love with Islam and is becoming more Islamic by the day, so much so that there are hundreds of thousands of people marching in the streets waving Palestinian flags, why wouldn’t the Israelis take those FACTS on board, when they are trying to come up with a solution to the problem they are facing?

      Any rational actor would do the same.

      So would you if you were in their position.

      • This has got to be the one of the most [misguided] comments I have seen in quite a while.

        Apparently, you have not been paying attention to the last 70+ years of US politics.

        The US is currently in final stages before a full-fledged Civil War over the fact that US citizens do not control the government no matter who they elect. The US government is an evil and criminal enterprise dedicated to the destruction of the country (and the world) for the few.

        US citizens have no say in the actions of their own government, unless of course you are benefiting from it’s destruction.

        Citizens of the West were never asked if they wanted “immigration”, or their societies to be demographically and culturally changed. It was done against our will. See the current influx of millions into the US in violation of US law as an example.

        The fake “politicians” in the US (and across the West) will eventually be held responsible for their crimes, but that does not absolve Israel in sending your problem to other countries knowing full well what will happen.

        If the Jews are so damn dumb as to take on the entire Muslem world by trying to either remove or genocide the Palestinians, don’t get butt hurt when others call out your stupid (and evil) plan.

        Israel is too small and the population too few. Take a look at the current Ukrainian / Russian war as an example.

        The Palestinians are not innocent, and neither are the Jews. You’re both demonstrably evil. Both groups chant “from the river to the Sea” for their own side.

        “All the Palestinians “terrorists – even the children” will come back to haunt you in ways you can’t imagine right now.

        And one of the ways you will lose is by alienating those who were once favorable towards you.

        Don’t do it.

        If you persist, do it with your own money, your own weapons, and your own military.

        Don’t ask for anything from the US.

        • Who’s this “you” that you keep referring to. Talk about misguided. (And evil.)

          If America is as bad as you say, then you’re just making my argument for me.

    • The Jews are NOT out raping the muzzy women, every death in fakestine is the result if islamic jihad, so effem, they richly deserve what the muzzy’s get. So save your sympathy for those that deserve it.

      • “The Jews are NOT out raping the muzzy women, every death in fakestine is the result if islamic jihad, so effem, they richly deserve what the muzzy’s get. So save your sympathy for those that deserve it.”

        G, I like your style!

      • Such delicious blood lust you have.

        It was illegal for German soldiers to sleep with or rape Jews, but that really doesn’t make the Nazis moral or their actions moral.

        Gleefully killing even children for a little “Lebensraum” isn’t kosher anymore.

        Is it possible for both sides to lose?

        • There is no morality in war, only Victors and vanquished, everything else is bloody whining and semantics. The bloody nazi’s effed up horrifically by picking on the Jews, they mistakenly, they lost the war because of it, thought all jews were communists, which quite a few where, with practicing Jews who where every bit patriotic Germans as the Germans were being thrown out with the bathwater. WWI allowed the communists to rise everywhere over throwing the Monarches which kept things in order and chaos under control to where we are today, weak so called democracies bringing about ruin. Your concerned for future jihadists children is touching and downright stupid and foolish. No blood lust on my part, I just know how to deal with muslims and 3rd worlders, I have done it for over half my life and really don’t care what bleeding heart do gooders have to say about a damn thing, you are nothing but sheep for the coming slaughter and I am all out of sympathy or empathy for weak, feckless and shortbus special sheep such as yourself.

          As for the Israeli’s they are far to nice and take unnecessary casualties trying to fight a war with two hands tied behind their backs. I would employ far more efficient methods such as naplam and willie pete in liberal quantities until no raghead is left.

  19. I care for my 93 year old mother. We watched the early video of the devastation and I would ask her about scenes of utter destruction shown, “Does that look like a targeted strike or more like a giant bomb dropped on a apartment building?”
    My 93 year old squareville eRepublican Presbyterian deacon mother recognized it for what it was.” Try this, turn off the sound and turn on the subtitles. Now start looking for emotionally loaded verbs and adverbs. This is where propaganda seeps in and poisons your mind. To realize the power of this poison understand that everyone who took the VAXX got the desire from TV.
    It is also never too late to try to regain your humanity. The leader of Hamas said to his fellow Arab leaders, “What will you say when God asked you what you did.” The leader of the Houthi said”Why would our blood be any more precious the the Palistinianans.”

    It’s not too late, but that could change, get right with your God. Or take a good hard look at the fruit your faith brings forth.

  20. Seeing that the EU, US, UK and Australia etc paid UNRWA millions in aid which UNRWA used aid Hamas and to build tunnels, to buy and make weapons, not to mention their UNRWA teachers indoctrinating the Palestinian kids and UNRWA members who went out on October 7 to massacre Israelis, I reckon that those countries who funded UNRWA should own the problem.

    In addition Israel told the UN several times what UNRWA was doing and was ignored. A massive underground Hamas command centre under the UNRWA HQ in Gazawas just found.
    You mean to tell me UNRWA didnt know?

    An eyewitness account ofwhat the IDF found under the UNRWA builidng in Gaza:

    Hamas could have stopped this long ago if they released the hostages.

    • “Hamas could have stopped this long ago if they released the hostages.”

      Israel could’ve stopped this long ago if they’d’ve KILLED Hamas.

  21. A most thought-provoking article and thought-provoking comments. I think most of us agree on one point: There is no good solution to this conflict.

    As for any relocation of Palestinians, I know one thing: I don’t want them here. They will bring nothing but problems and Jew hatred with them, more hatred than ever. The same goes for Europe. Of course, the Arab nations are smart enough to know they are nothing but trouble, thus, notwithstanding a common culture, language, religion (with some exceptions of course), they will sluff them off to the West. They didn’t take the Afghans, they didn’t take the Syrians or Iraqis, and they won’t take the Palestinians.

    No decent human being enjoys seeing innocent women and children becoming civilian casualties, but I lay all the blame on Hamas and their tactics of using their own people as human shields. As for the adult civilians, they were celebrating on October 7 and many took part in the carnage when the hostages were brought into Gaza. They were also dancing on 9-11. Thus, my sympathy is measured.
    May God be with Israel

  22. The best essay on this topic i have red so far, thanks, maybe you should start a blog 🙂

    Anyhow – I just hope that I am wrong but don’t see this conflict to fade out, but to increase in strength. The west seems to be going through its ‘great reset’, Israel will lose it’s material support from the west, then all the muslim nations attack Israel bringing in the nuclear climax of this third world war.

    Or in other words – I see the people of the world blindly walking into the worst conflict of history.

    when I were young, I red a lot of WWI books, Biggles was my hero, and i had sopwith camels all over my wall…

    I always used to find it strange how the people of Germany and France and the Austrian Empire – how so many people cheered the war on, in 1913, 1914… ‘It will be a quick, glorious victory!”

    Yeah, right…

    Now I see, for the first time in my life, the very same murderous, but cheerful attitudes around me.

    the war will be short and painless and we’ll be home by September.

    so long, and thanks for all the fish

  23. I have no idea whether Netanyahu and the Israelis are playing games or not. Nor have I any idea whether Netanyahu and his colleagues are deliberately levelling Gaza in order to create a mass exodus of terrorist sympathisers out of Palestine and drive them into the welcoming arms of the benign and obsequious leadership of the countries in the northern latitudes.

    If the latter is the case, then the Israelis are no more conniving than the thousands of European “elected officials” that have engaged in similar policies for the last four decades. Because there can be no doubt that these European Quislings have brought millions of illiterate welfare scroungers and resources sucking parasites to formerly well functioning western democracies. So, if the western leadership is doing it, and in fact encouraging such suicidal behaviour, then why should the Israelis care? if the Europeans are so desperate for these people then surely, the Israelis are doing them a favour by herding another hundred thousand resource draining individuals to their shores.

    I was born in Norway and have spent more than half my life in that cold quarry up by the North Pole. And In a way it’s hilarious to see the reaction of the Norwegian elites, who turned every rock, searched every nook and cranny for “Breivik sympathisers” after the 22/7 attacks in Norway. They were literally frothing at the mouths in their feigned rage. Any poor sod who had expressed just the tiniest amount of criticisms of Islam and mass immigration in general were branded terrorist sympathisers and were labeled accomplices of ABB with everything that entailed. These poor people were practically excommunicated and shunned by society at large and designated persona non grata for “condoning” terror. But now, thirteen years later, these inquisitors have made a complete u turn, and are praising the terrorists of Hamas.

    Oh, how things have changed….

    To be honest, I have stopped caring about the future of Europe to a large extent. The writing has been clearly visible on the wall for the last four decades, but the populace have done absolutely nothing to change the course of events. They have kept voting in the same traitors and opportunists election after election, despite being able to observe with their own eyes how badly things have deteriorated. The electorate just don’t seem to care, they keep voting for the same political parties and they dutifully put their heads back in the sand after the ballot paper has been cast. So, why should I or anyone else care what the future holds in store for them?

    I’ll start caring once the populace start to show some spine and take active steps to stop this madness that are playing out in front of our eyes.

    And as far as Gaza and the Palestinians are concerned, I don’t really give [expletive] about what happens to them. I don’t care whether the Israelis carpet bomb every square inch of the terrorist stinking landmass or whether they run them all into the sea. I just don’t care about these people. And the same is the case with the rest of the Islamic world and the cesspool that is the sub Saharan continent. I don’t care about these people, and I never will. I see them as nothing but parasites. And if the people in the west are going to survive, then they need to adopt the same attitude.

    The day of the silk glove treatment and the lofty words need to stop. It’s all Marxist propaganda meant to destroy the west.

    At the end of the day, it’s all about survival. No one is going to give a [solid waste] about who said this and that a hundred years from now. The only thing that matters is who controls the land and who controls the narrative. That has always been the case, and it will always be the case. It really is about the survival of the fittest.

    People really need to get their heads out of their manure producing cavities and face the real world. If not, the west is truly lost, and thousands of years of western civilisation is going to disappear down the drain.

    It’s time to make up one’s mind. Are you willing to lose the battle and give up everything because someone is going to call you a racist and a bigot on social media, or are you going to shrug off these silly words and lay the foundations for another thousand years of western civilisation?

    The choice is yours, the fate of western civilisation rests on the shoulders of the person that is staring back at you in the mirror. It’s that simple.

    • “The writing has been clearly visible on the wall for the last four decades, but the populace have done absolutely nothing to change the course of events. They have kept voting in the same traitors and opportunists election after election, despite being able to observe with their own eyes how badly things have deteriorated. The electorate just don’t seem to care, they keep voting for the same political parties and they dutifully put their heads back in the sand after the ballot paper has been cast.”

      I generally agree, but I don’t think the voters keep voting for the same “traitors and opportunists” (well stated!) because they don’t care. Rather, I reckon they’re voting for the same thing over and over and over again and expecting a different result. That’s NOT the definition of “insanity”, it’s the REALITY of democracy.

      Sadly, the average voter’s mostly uneducated (about their state of politics….and the (often criminally) infantile nature of their politicians), indoctrinated and distracted with the (increasingly drug-addled bread-and-circus-driven) essence of their daily lives. Garbage in, garbage out—the way The Party likes it. And this is NOT a new phenomenon…

      “The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” —(generally attributed to) Winston Churchill

  24. Here is a suggestion: If the Israelis are suggesting that “other countries” should take in the poor, oppressed brown-skinned refugees from the Gaza territory, then they are simply putting the countries who are currently preaching that as their highest moral virtue on the spot.

    And why wouldn’t they?

    These countries (our countries) are currently doing precisely that, and what’s more they have brought morality into the project, so that accepting “oppressed” Muslims with brown skin into their own countries is considered the highest moral good.

    Why not use that fact to your own advantage then? If you were in Israel’s position – wouldn’t you do the same?

    Thinking one or two moves ahead on the chessboard – if these poor, oppressed brown skinned refugees ended up causing chaos in the countries that took them in, the Israelis could turn around and say – see, that’s what we’ve had to deal with for years – you all told us to bend over backwards to appease these people, to give them whatever they want and they’ll magically turn all peaceful-like, and all will be well.

    So how are your touchy-feely do-gooder policies working out for you?

    Again: If you were in Israel’s position, wouldn’t you do the same?

    In your own position, in your own countries, wouldn’t you want a political leader who stood up and said – ok all the Mohammedans in this country are OUT. Where are they going to? I don’t care. “Other countries” can take them in – there are plenty other bleeding heart politicians out there, all around the world, who say taking in Mohammedans is an act of the highest virtue – let them have them then!

    If you had a President or a Prime Minister who stood up, with the full support of the politicians around them and of the majority of the public, so that what they were proposing would come to pass – would you vote for them?

    If you would support that policy yourself – then you have no room to criticize the Israelis.

    One more thing: If Israel are conducting their military operations with this in mind, then *that* is their goal – not genocide.

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