Marion Maréchal: Civil Peace is Threatened by Uncontrolled Immigration

Marion Maréchal is the niece of Marine Le Pen and the Executive Vice President of Reconquête, Éric Zemmour’s party. In the following video Ms. Maréchal describes current conditions in France that portend a civil war between Muslims and native French infidels.

Pay particular attention to the body language and facial expressions of the presenter when her interruptions fail to deflect Marion Maréchal from saying what she means to say.

Many thanks to HeHa for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes and RAIR Foundation for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

00:00   What you don’t understand — and you’re making false accusations — is that I don’t want
00:03   a civil war in my country. I want civil peace. I told you, I have children. So I know that
00:06   the first who will pay are… And so to avoid, of course, civil war,
00:09   we must tackle the cause. And I consider that today,
00:12   this civil peace is threatened precisely by uncontrolled immigration, and precisely by
00:16   the pieces of news that I have just mentioned to you, and which are related to immigration.
00:20   And that nowadays, behind this rise of insecurity, there is, whether you like it or not,
00:24   yes, a clash of civilizations that is taking place in our country. And I regret it,
00:28   and I deplore it, and I do not want it. And the whole aim of my fight is precisely to avoid it,
00:32   because I maintain that civil war is the most atrocious war that there is. So don’t make me say
00:35   what I didn’t say. But when I see, yes, that there is, today, in our country —
00:39   and you have certainly watched these surveys with a lot of interest, these recent weeks —
00:44   today there is undeniably a larger and more significant percentage of French people of Muslim faith
00:48   in our country, who want to impose an Islamic civilization
00:52   on our soil, which is incompatible in certain aspects, I’m sorry to tell you,
00:56   with the Republic and with France, and who want to question
01:00   the common law in order to obtain dispensations, in the name of religion. We saw it in this survey
01:04   in a very majoritarian way, about the right to wear the veil and the abbaya at school. We saw it
01:08   in the religious menus, also at school. We saw it in the decision
01:12   To grant young girls an exemption from attending school swimming pools. We saw it in the fact
01:17   that today, in high schools, nearly 30% of young Muslims do not totally condemn
01:21   the assassination of Dominique Bernard. But isn’t that a clash of civilizations?
01:24   Do you think there is any possible coexistence with young people who today make excuses
01:28   for the assassination of a teacher who had just interposed himself between some students
01:31   and an Islamist? You can’t see that?

8 thoughts on “Marion Maréchal: Civil Peace is Threatened by Uncontrolled Immigration

  1. What a bitch that presenter is !!, she totally almost ignoring Her , like doesn’t want to listen what is happening in Her country!!, I guess she is another Macron agent, disgusting..

  2. Isaiah Berlin wrote long ago that “it is a commonplace that neither political equality nor efficient organisation nor social justice is compatible with more than a modicum of individual liberty, and certainly not with unrestricted laissez-faire; that justice and generosity, public and private loyalties, the demands of genius and the claims of society, can conflict violently with each other.

    And it is no great way from that to the generalisation that not all good things are compatible, still less all the ideals of mankind.

    But somewhere, we shall be told and in some way, it must be possible for all these values to live together, for unless this is so, the universe is not a cosmos, not a harmony; unless this is so, conflicts of value may be an intrinsic irremovable element in human life.

    To admit that the fulfilment of some of our ideals may in principle make the fulfilment of others impossible is to say that the notion of total human fulfilment is a formal contradiction, a metaphysical chimera.” (Isaiah Berlin, Two Concepts of Freedom)

    Do these people really believe that all values, cultural and religious, are in some way compatible with one another? They are pursuing a “metaphysical chimera” that can never exist. It’s an impossibility. It can never be.

    Berlin pointed out the obvious fact that “conflicts of value may be an intrinsic irremovable element in human life.”

    Does this stilly TV person really think she knows better?

    These people are either crazy.

    Or they are evil.

  3. I don’t think the stupid woman is the presenter, that was the man between them. She is a political opponent who cannot accept reality, although one day reality will come looking for her.

  4. Ms. Maréchal’s comments should surprise no one (except innately ignorant two year-olds and other commie-toddlers).

    “Prediction: I believe there’s an international movement—which may become violent—that’s quietly intensifying AGAINST commie-toddlerism (aka socialism, fascism, Marxism, et al) and its practitioners (aka elites, sophisticates, the leftist ruling classes, et al). I believe my previous predictions of a Bosnian-style civil war in the US may’ve been too myopic, therefore missing the wider (i.e., global) scope of swelling outrage.” —posted to fb (2022)

    • Fred, you say may become violent? I say IT will become violent, it is guaranteed, because history and human nature says it will. It is just a matter of time and circumstance to set it all off, because, in the end, we are all tribal. Most of us will side with our own over those of the 3rd world. the leftist and other useful idiots will get eaten up in the coming carnage.

  5. Regarding the comment made by Berlin, that “conflicts of value may be an intrinsic irremovable element in human life” –

    The British Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, is on record as saying that jihad is a threat to democracy.

    This open acknowledgement by the PM needs to be kept active.

    It is an acknowledgement that Islam itself it incompatible with the Western way of life – for how many Mohammedans living in the West would support the ultimate goal of jihad if it ever came to pass (even if they do not overtly participate in it right now)???

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