An Extremely Rare Mohammed Coefficient of 300% Has Been Recorded in Sweden

The following article describes the arrest in Sweden of an Iraqi culture-enricher for the murder of a Polish resident in front of his 12-year-old son. This article doesn’t give the complete name of the alleged perpetrator, but Samhällsnytt identifies him as Mohammed Khalid Mohammed Mohammed. The case is the first instance of a Mohammed Coefficient of 300%, as far as I can recall.

Many thanks to Gary Fouse for translating this article from Fria Tider:

Mohammed Mohammed arrested for murder of Mikael in Skärrholmen

May 22, 2024

Mohammed Mohammed, 18, was arrested Wednesday afternoon, suspected of the high-profile murder of Mikael, who was murdered in front of his son in Skärrholmen. Mohammed turned 18 just weeks after the murder, and thus can count on a substantial sentence reduction if he is convicted.

It was on 10 April that Mikael Janicki, 39, was shot to death in an underpass in Skärrholmen after he said something to a gang.

Now the court in Södertörn has decided to charge 18-year-old Mohammed Mohammed for murder.

Mohammed Mohammed was arrested just one week after the murder of Mikael in another case, suspected of kidnapping and attempted murder in connection with a boy under 18 who was shot in Skärrholmen in December of 2023.

He turned 18 in May — that is, just after the murder — and can therefore count on a very generous sentence reduction. Since Mohammed, who comes from Iraq, has obtained Swedish citizenship, he cannot be deported under current law.

Two other teenagers from the gang are already in custody, charged in the case regarding the murder of Mikael, suspected of felony protection of a criminal. A third is under arrest, suspected of a felony weapons offense.

Charges must be filed no later than June 19, 2024.

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