It’s No Laughing Matter

As an old hippie, I can testify from personal experience that nitrous oxide (N2O) is not at all healthy when abused even modestly. Yet in Lower Saxony nitrous can be bought in vending machines, which I find bizarre.

Many thanks to Hellequin GB for translating this article from Junge Freiheit. The translator’s comments are in square brackets:
Nitrous oxide

Party drug from the vending machine: Parents write open letter to Lauterbach

Nitrous oxide is becoming increasingly popular among young people. In Gifhorn, Lower Saxony, the party drug can even be bought in vending machines. Concerned parents are now placing their hopes on Health Minister Lauterbach. [Good luck with that.]


The city parents’ council in Gifhorn has written a letter to Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) calling on him to better protect young people from the party drug laughing gas. “We have to ask ourselves why the sale of such dangerous substances is permitted in the vicinity of children and young people,” said the second chairman Christopher Finck to the dpa.

The background is three snack machines in Gifhorn, in which, in addition to sweets and drinks, laughing gas is also sold. At the beginning of May, the city parents’ council had already asked the local authorities to take action against the offer in the machines.

Party drug laughing gas is not banned in Germany

Specifically, the parents demand from Lauterbach better education about party drugs in schools and a general ban on their sale to minors. They also support the Lower Saxony Medical Association’s request to ban the sale of nitrous oxide cartridges containing more than eight grams to private individuals, Die Welt reported .

The German Society of Neurology recently warned that the consumption of laughing gas can lead to serious and sometimes permanent health problems, including unconsciousness, paralysis and brain damage. Neither consumption nor sale is currently prohibited in Germany.

According to Welt, the operator of the machines stated that the laughing gas was only available to adults upon presentation of their identity card. The same applies to his tobacco shop, where he also sells the cartridges. In doing so, he emphasized, he went beyond the legal requirements. [Wow, I never knew that these vending machines can read an ID card. Do they also scan the face of the customer to make sure he or she is using their own ID?]

Afterword from the translator:

Karl “Klaboosterbach” Lauterbach is the driving force for the decriminalization of certain drugs. Why do these parents believe that he would even look at their concerns? After all, he happily helped poison most of the German population with the “vaccine” — why do these parents think that he would he stop now? Wake up people! Stop sleepwalking towards the abyss and start taking your lives and future back from these megalomaniac mass-murderers.

2 thoughts on “It’s No Laughing Matter

  1. Writing anything to Mr. Lauterbach is a fool’s errand as he cannot read what he doesn’t already believe.

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