Christiane Amanpour Plays “Gotcha!” — And Loses

Many years ago, probably when I was working in Richmond right after 9-11, I used to watch the odious Christiane Amanpour on CNN from time to time. Not long afterwards I migrated to the blogosphere to get my news and stopped checking the MSM. Watching the video below, I notice that she hasn’t aged all that well.

In this clip you’ll see Ms. Amanpour attempt to ambush Hungarian Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó with a piece of fake news. Her core assertion — that the Hungarian Parliament has shut down — is simply factually false. You can see her deflate as Mr. Szijjártó politely explains the true situation to her.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video (in English with Hungarian subtitles):

Hat tip: CrossWare.

Eric Zemmour defends Viktor Orbán’s Emergency Powers

In the following video, the popular French commentator Eric Zemmour defends the emergency powers that were recently granted to Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán by Parliament. His new powers are deemed necessary to protect the country from the Wuhan Coronavirus, especially the threat from illegal immigration,

Many thanks to MissPiggy for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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You’re Doing it Wrong!

Our Hungarian correspondent CrossWare sends this report on the ankle-biting of the Hungarian Left in these virus-crazy times:

Here in Hungary, the opposition (Uncle George Soros’ paid team) is in a hysterical frenzy trying to find some way to block or at least criticize Viktor Orbán and his handling of the Chinese virus crisis. So far they have not been able to find anything. They tried the good old solution of calling his government “Nazi”, for asking for more power to execute emergency tasks. They simply compared his actions to Hitler’s rise to power, or called it a coup. Of course sounds a bit weak, saying the PM is preparing a coup against his own government, which holds a super-majority, to what? Replace himself and be PM with super-majority…?

This stupidity caused even some of the Leftists to start thinking, and the opposition dropped in the polls, while Fidesz (Mr. Orbán’s party) became a bit stronger.

Obviously the opposition in the USA and in Hungary (and everywhere else) are working from the same script when it comes to criticizing the (right-wing) government steps against the coronavirus outbreak. Nothing is good enough for them; everything the government is doing is wrong, blah blah blah. The “people of the Internet” of course immediately created a short meme about this, which I would like to share with you.

The “it” that they want to close down or open up refers to the borders, the economy, the schools, businesses… — you name it; everything.

Here is an image of the meme, with a translation to follow:

So the opposition suggests: (in USA those are the DemocRATs; here in Hungary the paid lackeys of Uncle George):

1.   Close it up.
2.   Close it up, but not that way.
3.   Close it up, but leave it open.
4.   Open it up, because it was closed incorrectly; screwed it up; start again.
5.   Why the heck was it closed up; open it up immediately!
6.   Open it up, but not that way.
7.   Open it up, but definitely keep it closed, because teachers are people, too.
8.   Do not waste time with teachers, but do not collapse the economy.
9.   Close it up, because he failed; it would be best if he immediately steps down, so it can be opened up.

So there you have the Left’s whining points, applicable everywhere in the world, wherever a right-wing government is in power.

The Well-Organised Invasion

Compiled by Michael Copeland

“But the truth is: this is a WELL-ORGANIZED INVASION.”
— Viktor Orbán, February 2020

“Brussels will not protect Europe. They do not want to stop the migration, but rather to support it and organize it.”
— Viktor Orbán, March 2018

Hear what was said of THE GREAT ISLAMIC INVASION OF 2015:

“Islam will invade Europe and America, smashing Western civilisation and replacing it with Islam.”
—Mohammed Mahdi Akef, Egypt

“We shall conquer their countries whether they like it or not.”
— Sheikh Muhammad Ayed, Al Aqsa mosque, Jerusalem

“We are coming to your country, whether you want us there or not.”
— Illegal migrants, Calais

“This exodus itself is a terrorist attack on a grand scale.”
— Aldo Sterone, commentator

“The Syrian refugees are neither Syrian nor refugees.”
— Daniel Greenfield

“They’re not refugees. This is an invasion. They want to take over.”
— Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, Hungary

“We only have one country, and it is the duty of us all to protect it.”
— Viktor Orbán, PM Hungary

“The country we were born in, lived in and worked in no longer exists.”
— Julia Caesar, Swedish journalist

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Viktor Orbán: “This is a Well-Organized Invasion”

Röszke is a town in southern Hungary, at the border crossing with Serbia. As reported here previously, during the Great Migration Crisis of 2015 a huge mob of migrants attacked the border crossing there (“The Battle of Röszke”). Then last month another organized mob rushed the border at Röszke.

The following video is an excerpt from a press conference on February 13 at which Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Slovakian Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini spoke.

Notes from the translator:

This press conference took place at the border in Röszke, with official translators translating immediately. As a result, Mr. Orbán speaks in short sentences to help the translator.

The first part of the video is standard diplomatic chit-chat. First Mr. Orbán thanks the Slovakian PM for sending Slovakian police officers to defend the Hungarian border. Then PM Pellegrini thanks the Hungarians for defending the southern border of the EU, thereby defending Slovakia.

Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Viktor Orbán: “A Liberal is Nothing More Than a Communist With a Degree”

Update: Vlad accidentally left part of the speech out in the video originally posted. He has restored the missing section, and the new longer version is now embedded here.

Every year Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán gives a State of the Nation address to the Hungarian people. Below are excerpts from this year’s speech, which he gave yesterday. In his remarks Mr. Viktor Orbán talked about the EU migration crisis, the new National Consultation, and attempts by George Soros to undermine Hungary’s independence and sovereignty.

Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Viktor Orbán: Grappling With the Soros Network in the European Parliament

Below is an excerpt from a weekly radio interview with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. The radio station’s format involves a still photo over an audio track, so there is no actual video of him speaking.

Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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Viktor Orbán on Iran: Europe Should Align With the USA and Israel

The following video is an excerpt from a press conference given last Thursday by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. In it Mr. Orbán is asked a question about his government’s policies on Iran.

Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript (times based on the original longer video):

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A Christmas Greeting From Hungary

The video below was produced by the Hungarian government and uploaded to Facebook by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, along with a brief message: “With this video I wish a blessed peaceful Christmas to every one of you and all of our readers, from Hungary!”

Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling:

Video transcript:

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The Huddled Masses Yearn to Cross the Border Fence Into Hungary

Hungary is currently experiencing a surge of migrants against its southern borders, the largest it has seen since the Great Migration Crisis of 2015. Its border with Serbia is now completely defended by a razor-wire fence, but recent arrivals have been digging tunnels under it and putting ladders up against it in their zeal to cross the border.

The video below was released by the Hungarian government. It shows numerous attempts, some of them successful, by people who want to cross into Hungary.

No one who wanted to enter the country honestly and legally would attempt to dig under the fence or scale it with a ladder. That means these new arrivals are invaders, rather than migrants. Hungarian border guards would be completely justified in shooting the invaders as soon as they put up their ladders or emerged from the tunnel under the fence. And they would only have to shoot a few of them; after that the traffickers would return to using the longer route through Croatia. But the Hungarians dare not do it.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for uploading this video (hat tip László):

The following excerpts are from an ABC News article about the discovery of the tunnels under the fence:

Hungarian police find 2 tunnels used by migrants on border

Hungarian police say they have discovered two tunnels used by migrants to enter the country from Serbia

Hungarian police said Friday that they discovered two tunnels used by migrants to enter the country from Serbia.

Police said that a tunnel 34 meters (37 yards) long was discovered near the southern village of Asotthalom, where they also detained 44 migrants who had used the precarious passageway.

Police Col. Jeno Szilassi-Horvath said a Serbian citizen suspected of human trafficking had been detained along with the migrants.

The tunnel near Asotthalom was about 50 centimeters (20 inches) wide, 60 centimeters (2 feet) high, and had been dug as deep as about 6 meters (20 feet) below the surface without any support beams or other elements to prevent its collapse.

Szilassi-Horvath said the dig, which likely lasted a few weeks and was done without any machines, had gone undetected thanks to the thick underbrush in the area and because the soil dug out was dumped in a nearby canal.

He added that security officials were using drones and scanners to search for any more tunnels.

The other tunnel, in the village of Csikeria, was 21.7 meters (71 feet) long, but no successful migrant crossings took place there. Police said they discovered both tunnels not long after their construction was completed, and filled both of them up again.

See also Vlad’s report on the same topic.

Below are four more articles about the migration (invasion) surge at the borders of Hungary:

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What Went Wrong in the Local Elections in Hungary?

Last Sunday the leftist opposition made major gains in local mayoral elections in Hungary (see this Reuters article for more). Our Hungarian correspondent CrossWare sends the following analysis of the results.

What Went Wrong in the Local Elections in Hungary?

by CrossWare

There was an election of city council mayors in Hungary on October 13.

As a result, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party lost control of the capital city Budapest as well as seven other major cities, more than half of the major cities in the country. The opposition — which was a loose alliance of neo-Marxists, old-Marxists, socialists, neo-Nazis and other criminals — won significant bases in the country.

How could such a thing happen, when conservatives all over the world admire Viktor Orbán’s thoughts and principles and look to Hungary as some kind of Christian conservative paradise?

The answer is not easy, because we have to face facts: Viktor Orbán, while a larger-than-life politician, is still human. Also, we have to acknowledge that his party Fidesz is not filled with a lot of other Orbáns.

The problem is that the present governing party does nothing about the Communists presently residing in various strategic places, despite the fact that Fidesz declares itself to be a fierce anti-Communist party.

The scandal first started a couple of years ago, when Fidesz attempted to retire the old and 100% Communist judges from the Hungarian legal system. The EU blocked the decision, and now everybody understands why they saved their dear comrades. The Fidesz government backed off and the Commies remained in the system, and even started to organize their own resupply of candidates.

Despite its election promises, the Fidesz-led government never reorganized the education system, so now higher education just as full of Marxists as in any Western country. Conservative students report that their teachers spend their teaching hours bashing Orbán and “his fascist regime”. Nobody gets punished for this, despite the fact that we have a law forbidding educators from expressing political opinions in their workplace. The teachers remain in place, and the government just stands there doing nothing to resolve the problem.

Hungarian cultural institutions — theater, film and media — heavily rely on government support, and despite the huge amount of money that lands in their accounts, more than 80% are heavily left-leaning Orbán haters. Right-wing authors and actors are shunned, ostracized. Left-wing neo-Marxists call Orbán a scumbag, while receiving awards afterwards awards from the government. Most Fidesz supporters, myself included, just look at all of this blankly; we do not understand… We gave this government a two-thirds super majority to take care of the parasitic remnants of the last thirty years, within the rule of law, of course. But instead we see the opposite: the government happily supports forces bent on overturning the present system and handing over full power to the Globalists. What is causing this? Why this is happening?

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Going Galt in Hungary

T.L. Davis sends this guest-essay about the opportunities offered by the nations of the Visegrad Four, especially Hungary.

Going Galt in Hungary

by T.L. Davis

Americans are increasingly looking outside of the U.S. for retirement and freedom. True believers in the republic are seeing the rising wave of socialist and even communist policies being championed on the right. There seems to be no resistance to the increasingly hysterical demands of the environmentalists. The passing of the Patriot Act nearly two decades ago has proven to be as radical and damaging to individual liberty and privacy as it was feared and discounted by government officials as “conspiracy theory.”

Anti-Trump Republicans do not recognize their role in his election. If there had been one solid line of resistance against Barack Obama’s policies, that was not ultimately compromised, Trump would not have been elected. If a candidate like Jeb Bush had been seen as anything other than Democrat-lite, he would have won the nomination.

Republican voters feel as if they are in a fight for their lives and culture and no longer have an ally in the Republican Party. Red Flag laws are nothing but confirmation of that belief. Republican politicians have lost their courage when it comes to individual rights. Did they miss that Alexandria Ocasio Cortez proposed a Green New Deal that would eliminate airplanes and Beto O’Rourke said: Hell yes, we’re going to take you’re AR-15s? Their constituencies hear no outcry, no, demands for a retraction to such an obvious violation of the Second Amendment, or do they simply intend to use it to get re-elected (as usual) with no action to prevent such an occurrence from taking place?

Republicans have lost the trust of their base and have no interest in regaining it. They continue to operate on a playbook from the previous century. They still see Democrats as something akin to John Kennedy instead of Fidel Castro, and that’s only part of the problem. The other part is they are largely globalists, and it is reflected in their voting records. They cannot serve two masters — neither of which are their voters — forever.

More and more, Republican voters of yesteryear feel abandoned, with a sense that electing a Republican will get them no closer to their goals, but rather just a moderation of the Democratic agenda, and that isn’t good enough. That is why they voted for Trump and will again.

The problem is, harder-core small “r” republicans have given up on the process. Rampant voter fraud encouraged by the Democrat Party and not effectively prevented by the Republicans ensures that the socialist train has no brakes. The nation is effectively a democracy with mob rule being the new normal. This impression is enhanced by the recent push to impeach Trump through agreement with no evidence to back up assertions; the assertions seem to be the evidence used by the committee. Small “r” republicans feel as if they are standing on the periphery of the French Revolution and have a choice: to stay and watch the gore fill the streets or bail. More of them are opting to bail, or go Galt, but where will they go?

If the problem is a slippery slope toward communism, with a slight pause at socialism, it would be logical to look at other countries that have survived the brutal axe of totalitarianism and come out on the other side with a stiffer backbone — countries like Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic.

Viktor Orbán arrived at a conference of Christian communicators and requested a meeting with Rod Dreher, editor of the American Conservative, who relayed this message: Orban said that he wants Westerners and others who share these values (to strengthen the national and Christian identity of the nation) to come to the Hungarian capital, where they will be free to speak their minds and establish a base. “I’m trying to create a free place in Budapest,” he said. “Please consider Budapest as a kind of intellectual home.”

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Viktor Orbán in Rome: Forget Migrant Distribution Quotas. We Need Deportation Quotas!

Last Saturday Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was invited to speak at an annual event hosted by the Fratelli d’Italia (Brothers of Italy) in Rome. If Italians are ever allowed to vote again, the FdI will almost certainly become part of the next governing coalition, along with Matteo Salvini and the Lega.

Mr. Orbán gave a rousing speech that was punctuated about five minutes in by the Italian audience singing a popular political anthem (in Italian) about the Hungarian uprising against the Soviets in 1956. When you watch that part of the excerpt below, you’ll see Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the Fratelli d’Italia, stand up and sing along with everyone else.

Many thanks to CrossWare for the translation, and to Vlad Tepes for the subtitling. The translated lyrics of the Italian song have been inserted at the appropriate point:

Video transcript:

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An Overview of the Islamization of Europe

Regular readers will remember Jose Atento of the Brazilian blog Lei Islâmica em Ação, who has been translating material and sending reports for the past few years. Last weekend in Quebec I was interviewed by Mr. Atento, and he has translated my remarks into Portuguese for a Brazilian audience. He also translated his Portuguese introduction into English.

Many thanks to Vlad Tepes for the recording and subtitling:

Video transcript:

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