Planned Bankruptcy

Below is a wry take on the US presidential election from a German vantage point by the popular columnist Hans Heckel.

Many thanks to JLH for translating this essay from Preußische Allgemeine Zeitung:

Week in Review

by Hans Heckel
September 12, 2020

Planned Bankruptcy

Why Joe Biden reminds us of Heinrich Lübke, and what Wolfgang Schäuble has up his sleeve.

Let us imagine for a moment that Joe Biden, who wants to be President of the USA, was not a member of the Democratic party, but in the wrong party — that of President Donald Trump. How then would the media handle the challenger? Americans can only wonder what that would be like. Not we Germans though, for we had Heinrich Lübke, whose dementia overshadowed the last years of his presidency and was an inexhaustible source of schadenfreude. Leftist media laughed themselves sick over the poor soul’s real and invented slips.

What does that have to do with Biden? Two quotes with which he delighted the coalition of Asians and Latinos: the anti-racist comment: “Poor children are just as clever and talented as white children.” That was a real “Lübke”, right? Another time, he was defending himself against the charge that he was a total opponent of private ownership of weapons: “I have three guns for hunting, my son has three hunting guns, altogether we have five guns.”

He doesn’t get numbers. His appearances in Internet videos are astounding in many ways. Names, too. He once confused Angela Merkel with Margaret Thatcher, and the states of New Hampshire and Vermont.

So, fortunately, our media protect us from knowing of these bizarre reports — they don’t fit the image of the “great hope” and would only confuse us. After all, what were the Democrats to do? The friendly wink to “Black Lives Matter” and Antifa tells us clearly that the party elite has moved so far to the left that it could shake the majority of voters. So somebody who is redolent of the “Middle” is needed. And old man Biden is the right one. People know him. They will vote for him. Later, the party grandees can slide the old man across the stage like a cardboard backdrop, while completely different persons are pulling the strings and making the policy, whether for Vermont or New Hampshire or the whole country. And if President Biden should later address our Chancellor as “dear Maggie”, Tagesschau will cautiously miss this. After all, what is the cutting room floor for?

It is in Germany’s best interests that Biden be elected. For we hear that Trump’s ambassador in Berlin will be no friend of ours. The opposition is seriously concerned that the appointment of Douglas Macgregor would gravely damage German-American relations. PAZ has already published the quotes that are the source of these concerns.

Among them is Macgregor’s attribution of a “sick mentality” to us, because we are fixated on the twelve years of Nazi rule, and pay almost no attention to the other 1500 years of our history. And yet Germany has “played a decisive role in Central Europe in the defense of Western Civilization”. He also reproaches Berlin over its offer of free state aid for “millions of unwanted Muslim intruders”, instead of raising military spending.

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Debates, Drugs, Electrovibrators and Standing on the Edge of Sanity

I couldn’t bear the thought of watching last night’s debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, so I didn’t. Fortunately, Seneca III undertook that unenviable task from the other side of the Atlantic; his observations are below.

Debates, Drugs, Electrovibrators and Standing on the Edge of Sanity

by Seneca III

The Presidential Debate on the evening of September 29, 2020

I am minded of the fact that technology has advanced significantly since the Obama-Clinton era. Look now at the two, strange, purportedly ‘LIVE’ clips in the post at NC Renegade (and running simultaneously in many other places as well).

The doctoring of photos and videos has become a fine art, and I am not technical adept enough to come to a conclusion as to the veracity of these two clips either way, but they do seem to be at cross-purposes location-wise; one shows a thin wire on or passing the right upper chest and the other a thicker terminated wire protruding from the left cuff. How or if they may be related I have no way of knowing. However, if one or both of these clips are undoctored, then the next questions must be: what is their purpose, and how do they function?

During the Obama era and the Trump-Clinton debates, all speculation was focused on the possibility of small implanted ear transceivers, and during the run-up to last night all speculation continued to remain focused on this possibility, perhaps sufficiently to deter any use or re-use thereof.

If we take that as a given, then we must focus on what is before our eyes. In my case I am particularly interested in the small globular terminal that momentarily protruded from Biden’s left cuff, as there is nothing of significance that I can draw from a short glimpse of a thin loop of wire being tucked under his lapel.

Abstract thoughts

1.   The vagus nerve, sometimes known as the wandering nerve, originates from the medulla of the brainstem. It exits the cranium via the jugular foramen, with the glossopharyngeal and accessory nerves. There are somatic (sensations from the skin and muscles) components to the sensory function of the vagus nerve. The inner human wrist where both nerves and veins are close to the surface is a very sensitive area where even the slightest touch or vibration is clearly detected by the nervous system.
2.   Hypnosis is a long-established and proven reality, particularly when its effectiveness is enhanced with modern psychoactive drugs. A subject who has been hypnotized can be implanted with triggers that cause him or her to reiterate an implanted memory or action. These are normally initiated by verbal triggers, but also by sensory triggers such as sight, touch, smell and sound.
3.   A small electronic vibrator or electrode could respond to a barely detectable short-burst signal by generating a series of pulses or miniscule electric shocks of varying duration each triggering a particular memory or response.
4.   Speculation can quite easily lead one astray and into the realms of fantasy, but sometimes, very rarely, it can lead to a surprising conclusion.


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Karen’s Lives Matter

MC weighs in on the culture wars plaguing us in this autumn of our discontent.

Karen’s Lives Matter

by MC

There is a very famous book entitled Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds.

First published in 1841, Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds is often cited as the best book ever written about market psychology. This Harriman House edition includes Charles Mackay’s account of the three infamous financial manias — John Law’s Mississippi Scheme, the South Sea Bubble, and Tulipomania. [source]

The book is all about human folly, and 2020 deserves a new chapter because humanity changes not.

One can almost understand the “we’re all gonna die’ reaction in the Spring of this year as it became apparent that this new virus was a killer. However, as more information became available, it also became apparent that the public reaction and hysteria were misplaced, and that whilst certain groups were vulnerable, healthy people under 60 had little to fear.

Then came the vested interests.

The MSM fanned the flames, and the COVID bubble got bigger and bigger as the whole thing got more and more political rather than medical, and rational science had left the building.

The medical profession, backed by big pharma, have virtually created the religion of ‘Science’ where the ‘deniers’ are deemed delusional idiots who need to be shut out and deplatformed, and where free speech should only be allowed to supporters and co-religionists. Criticism is banned and books should be burned. Sieg Heil!

The new social crime of Scientific sedition has now been created.

There is no real definition of many of the ideas of Scientific religiosity, and ‘racism’ is a word that is bandied around and is used as a hammer on the anvil of Multiculturalism. In this delusional race war, ‘racism’ can be overloaded into the most egregious connotations which undermine the very existence of culture, any culture, as long as it is not ‘white’.

This morning I watched the first football game of the season. The prologue was so soppy and sickly I skipped it, and the adverts were simply delusional lies, including the Biden ad. If you want to know what socialism really does to a country read this op-ed.

Yes, we Jooz are waking up to the perils of the great delusion.

Many things really look and sound good when well-presented, but how many of those toys that look so wonderful in the Christmas adverts are five-minute wonders on the home front? And the little UPS girl even prefers the packaging box to the toy inside.

But we really need to apply the ‘toy’ test to many things in life: do I really need to pay hundreds of dollars extra for the electric tailgate that I will really NEED about once a year? Or is it just the vanity of showing off?

Fashion is a terrible thing, and is a major cause of temporary insanity, delusion and the madness of crowds. When BLM burn African-American businesses, and Antifa behave like Nazi Sturmabteilung, we need to stop and look at what is happening.

In February 1917 there was a revolution in Russia, and the Kadets took limited power:

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The Fundraiser That Wasn’t

This fundraising post was “sticky” for two weeks. Scroll down for lots of posts that were put up after it first appeared.

Update August 30 5:30pm EDT

I’m struggling with the new payments service, trying to find out how to make a form, or get a quick link, for a donation button. Until I manage to do that, snail mail is the only option. If you would like to make a postal donation, please email me at gatesofvienna {at} chromatism {dot} net, and I’ll send the address to you.

Since the last time I posted an update, more snail-mail donations have come in from the following places:

Stateside: Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Hampshire, New York, Texas, West Virginia, and Washington

Canada: British Columbia

A big thank you to everyone who sent in their contributions. Your generosity is astonishing!

Email acknowledgements have gone out to most of the donors, and the rest will be sent shortly.

The Fundraiser That Wasn’t

Update August 25 8:00pm EDT

A week ago I thought this was going to be a normal quarterly fundraiser. I started it in the usual fashion, with an opening post on Monday for the fundraising “octave”. Then I woke up on Tuesday morning and discovered to my dismay that I’d been shut out of PayPal. After a conversation with the lady in the Terminations Department (as I think it was called), I was left in no doubt that I had been cancelled for my political opinions.

This eventuality was hardly unexpected; it’s not like I’m the first to be cancelled by PayPal. Over the past couple of years I watched the big guns go down one by one — Jihad Watch, Tommy Robinson, and numerous others. Since I’m just a tiny popgun in the “racist” scheme of things, my day of reckoning was delayed. But it had to come someday.

Hitting this speed bump made me decide to keep this post on top for a few extra days, to make sure that everyone gets a chance to see it. Newer stuff will continue to accumulate below it.

For the time being I’m fundraising by snail mail. Those who want to donate and don’t already have the address, please email me at gatesofvienna {at} chromatism {dot} net, and I’ll send it to you.

So far the results have been encouraging — a fair number of envelopes have arrived in the mail. I’ve already started writing the thank-you notes. I really appreciate your willingness to pitch in. And at least five people who have never donated in the past were affronted by what PayPal did, and wrote to ask for the address.

Even so, there’s no doubt that PayPal’s heinous actions will reduce the amount I can successfully raise. Not everyone will be willing to send money by regular mail, and the logistics for overseas gifts will be tricky.

The big question is whether the reduction will be significant enough to threaten the continuation of this site. Everything should proceed as normal for at least another quarter — I have enough savings to cover that.

In the meantime, I’m determined to find a substitute for PayPal. I’m in the throes of attempting to set up an account with a new service, but the interminable process of account verification is still incomplete. So keep your fingers crossed, or send up a smoke signal to the fire god, or say a novena for me — I need all the help I can get.

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The Monkey Comes Out of the Sleeve!

Our Dutch correspondent H. Numan sends this update with the latest monkey business from the Dutch political scene.

The monkey comes out of the sleeve!

by H. Numan

That’s a literal translation of a Dutch proverb: de aap komt uit de mouw. In the Queen’s English: now we get to the point. Admit it, (double) Dutch can be fun.

I told you about the election of a politically correct incompetent clown as leader of the Dutch Christian Democrats, in two articles. Here’s a follow up. We know that the election was rigged. That’s a given. The politically most correct candidate had to win. Which was Hugo de Jonge, alias Pipo the Clown. The wife of his opponent, Mrs. Omtzigt, now complains openly of election fraud.

It gets even better. Saturday Pieter Omtzigt was in The Hague, where he was accosted by extreme left wing demonstrators. He was threatened, and had to flee into a ministry for safety. One of his assailants was Claudia ter Schuur. A lawyer-cum-political activist. She’s of course whiter than snow and firmly committed to Black Apartheid. When blacks are racists, they aren’t racists, says whitey Claudia.

She was fully exposed on Which — something we know so well from progressive activists — is all a lie, she claims. Despite video evidence, and later an interview on TV in which she ‘hoped she had changed his mind’. Claudia wrote a letter to GeenStijl denying she was even there.

Pieter Omtzigt tweeted about his assault: “My colleague Geert Wilders certainly does have a point. This is not normal.” [about parliamentarians needing bodyguards] Which makes it all obviously clear to me.

As I wrote earlier: Hugo de Jonge had to win. Omtzigt cannot be manipulated as easily as de Jonge, and is not even remotely as much in favor of the EU and integration as the party elite is. The powers that be (in this case, VVD* and CDA*) have already decided they will follow a very progressive course. Hugo will do as he is told, Pieter definitely not. Hugo would rather see his party fade into oblivion than work with the PVV* and FvD*.

The conservative party VVD has, for the last couple of decades, firmly moved to the left. The same goes for the other big parties, to a slightly lesser extent. Every attempt to change the course was nipped in the bud. The last prominent VVD conservative was Rita Verdonk. When she was ousted from the party, the remaining conservatives were either ousted as well or silenced into obedience. The conservative party is now a moderately progressive party in disguise. It wasn’t Rutte who began the shift towards the left; that was Ed Nijpels, a generation ago. Ed is now a prominent VVD retiree. However, Rutte is the one who solidified and consolidated it.

That creates a problem for Mark Rutte. He wants to win the elections. His leadership during the CCP virus crisis, especially that of CDA vice premier Hugo de Jonge (yes, that’s the same Pipo the Clown), is slipping. The VVD is slowly but surely declining in the polls. The election of Pipo didn’t do the CDA much good. So far it costs four (virtual) seats. On the other side of the spectrum the PVV and FvD are steadily growing in the polls. The PVV currently polls at 21 seats. Not as much as the VVD (32 seats) but the gap is narrowing. Left-wing parties aren’t winning anything at the moment. Only the PvdA* (labour) is climbing out of the pit. They poll at 16 seats, and hold 9. It possible but not likely they will gain that much during real elections.

So what is Rutte planning to do? It looks he is gambling on an ultra-left many-party coalition. In theory he can work with both Wilders and Baudet. His minority cabinet Rutte II had support from Geert Wilders before his coalition partner CDA blew it up. Where they very capably put the blame on Wilders.

In reality Rutte prefers a left-wing coalition. Sure, if worst comes to worst, he’ll work with anyone. But his personal preference is progressive. The only way that can happen is a very broad — and unworkable — many-party coalition to get the required 76-seat majority.

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Totalitarian Encroachments, East and West

A few weeks ago I was interviewed by the Slovenian political magazine Demokracija. The interview was first published online, with the print version coming along later. My copy of the print magazine arrived yesterday, and I was surprised to discover that the entire text had been translated into Slovenian, which is kind of cool.

The editor-in-chief of Demokracija, Jože Biščak, also sent me an English translation of the book First-Class Citizens — A System for the False Elite written by the current Slovenian prime minister Janez Janša. The font is too small for me to read the whole thing — I’m hoping to persuade the future Baron to read it for me — but I was able to skim the first chapter. Mr. Janša’s thesis is that Slovenia became independent, but has not yet gained its freedom. Like most of the fragments of the former Soviet Union, an elite oligarchy derived from the communist nomenklatura is now in charge of the country.

In an email Mr. Biščak made these remarks about the current political situation in Slovenia:

The interview you gave for Demokracija is already provoking a great response in Slovenia. Leftists, multiculturalists, NGOs and other cultural Marxists are attacking us for doing interviews with “extremists”. A similar thing happened when we published interviews with Katie Hopkins, Kevin MacDonald, Daniel Friberg, Martin Sellner, Lana Lokteff, and Ricardo Duchesne. But we are used to it, and when we are attacked by cultural Marxists, we know we are doing the right thing.

Demokracija magazine is a conservative magazine. In fact, it is the only real right-wing magazine in Slovenia whose focus is on supporting patriotism, national culture and tradition. That is, all that forms the basis on which Western civilization, the most glorious civilization in the history of mankind, grew. Unfortunately, I find that Western countries (France, Sweden, the Netherlands and others), which were once the bearers of freedom, today have descended into the swamps of Multiculturalism and totalitarianism. I don’t know if this process can still be stopped or reversed. Sometimes I think it would be better to break everything down and start all over again.

This is another reason why the new government led by Prime Minister Janez Janša (president of the conservative SDS party, who took over the government in March after the resignation of left-wing Prime Minister Marjan Šarec from the LMŠ party) is trying to bring Slovenia closer to the Visegrad Group countries (Poland, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia), and also gives them support in the EU against attacks. Unfortunately, the SDS is in a coalition with two centre parties (SMC and DeSUS), which hinder and slow down the SDS in this process, so I hope that the Conservative option will win a majority in the next election (2022).

In Slovenia the Left has practically everything under control: from the judicial system to education. This is a consequence of the fact that the leftists led the country from 1945 to 1990, when Slovenia was a communist state, and in the period after independence (from 1990 to 2020) they led it for 22 years out of a total of 30. It is not enough for them to have everything in their hands; they want to destroy the right and erase it from the political map of Slovenia.

Let me give just one example. Prime Minister Janez Janša (he was a dissident under communism) is constantly attacked and prosecuted for scandals, even imprisoned. In 2008, they fabricated the Patria affair and falsely accused him of corruption. Do you know what he was accused of? Because he was supposed to receive the promise of a reward in an unknown place, at an unknown time and in an unknown way of communication! One cannot believe it. Fortunately, the Constitutional Court annulled everything, because Slovenia has never seen such obvious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Note that the other interviewees range from advocates for the nation state to full-on neo-Nazis. It doesn’t bother me to occupy the same space as “extremists”, because I’m going to be tarred as a WAYCIST in any case. The only way to avoid being branded a xenophobic racist Nazi fascist is to tiptoe gingerly around the sensitive areas and parrot all the progressive shibboleths about race, ethnicity, and nationalism. To hell with that!

Below are excerpts from the English version of the interview:

Please tell us when and under what circumstances did you first became politically active, how would you describe your views, and which authors and thinkers influenced you the most?

I’m not really politically active; I just edit and write for a blog that posts some political content. Its primary focus is on the danger posed by Islam.

My late wife and I started the blog in October 2004. After I got laid off from my job in 2006, I became involved with it full-time.

I am a conservative with libertarian tendencies, without any allegiance to a political party.

On the issue of Islam, I was greatly influenced by V.S. Naipaul (his book Among the Believers) Srdja Trifkovic, and Maj. Stephen Coughlin. On more general political issues, I would cite Thomas Sowell and Mark Steyn as major influences.

Can you tell us a bit about your blog “Gates of Vienna”? Its purpose, main topics, number of authors, and the story behind its name?

The mission of Gates of Vienna is to propagate reliable, comprehensive information about Islam and the Islamization of the West. In order to do this thoroughly, it has to deal with other cultural and political issues, in particular the Frankfurt School’s “long march through the institutions”, which is what has enabled and supported Islamization for the past fifty years.

I concentrate on Europe, because that’s where Islamization is the most advanced. France, the U.K., and Sweden are the farthest down the road towards becoming Islamic states.

The authors at our blog were originally just my late wife and myself. However, we gradually accumulated a number of guest-posters and correspondents, including Fjordman, El Inglés, Seneca III, H. Numan, MC, Paul Weston, Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff, Michael Copeland, and numerous others.

The name of the site is a reference to the Second Siege of Vienna in 1683, when the Ottoman Empire was driven back from the gates of Vienna, which was its furthest incursion into the European continent.

Do you participate in any other similar projects or movements and organizations?

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Biden My Time

And now for something completely different…

Biden My Time

by JLH
(with apologies to George and Ira Gershwin)

I’m just Biden my ti-ime,
That’s the kinda guy I-I’m.
My mind’s not there,
But look at my hair!
Bein’ cute just ain’t no crime.

I go swimming ba-are.
When female security’s the-ere.
It isn’t flashing
Because I’m splashing.
They pretend I’m not there.

I am utterly fai-air,
Whenever females are the-ere.
Seventeen or seven,
It’s utterly heaven
To bury my schnoz in your hair.

Now I’m really on tra-ack
To get the Oval Office ba-ack.
Fall in with me.
If you don’t, you see,
That means you just ain’t black.

I go with the ti-ide.
That’s my favorite ri-ide.
I go with the flow.
I never say No.
My strength is flexible pride.

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The Year of the Bat

The following essay by Seneca III brings to mind the words of W.B. Yeats: “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;/Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world…”

The Year of the Bat

by Seneca III

“Great civilizations are not murdered. They commit suicide.” — Arnold J. Toynbee

Future historians will look back on 2020 as the year that all the acquisitive socio-political conspiracies of global power seekers and avaricious international corporate plutocrats were revealed in full by an experimental viroid that accidentally escaped from a Chinese Communist Party biowarfare laboratory and killed upwards of twenty million people.

Revelation followed upon revelation — we saw the deviant hordes of the morally, sexually and intellectually destitute arrive in force with banners flying. We saw in full light the machinating, murderous third-world kleptocrats that constitute the farce that is the ‘United Nations’ and the thugs of an organization that claims to be antifascist and yet is the epitome of fascism in all its violent savagery as its masked foot soldiers join at the hip with another equally fascist group marked by surfeit of melanin and a penchant for burning and looting, and to whom the lives of their own people appear not matter.

Before and behind them came more; the privileged middle-class disciples of a manipulated autistic child, the washed up and wannabe ‘celebrities’ riding on the coattails of this tide of effluent, and all the rest of the destructive infants who took the canticles of the ‘anthropogenic global warming’ hoaxers to be gospel.

Those future historians who are courageous enough to dig deep into the foetid, festering swamp of 21st century politics will look in horror upon an American political party and its camp followers (pun unintended) who conspired to unseat an elected President of the United States and, having failed, are now attempting to corrupt the democratic process in order to emplace a near-brain-dead geriatric with a yet to be revealed racist ‘woman of colour’ in tow who will be President in all but name.

On the Continent the ill-constructed, sclerotic European Union is eating its own tail as it tries to contain the now discontented masses rising up on its periphery. In Brussels, that iconic power and wealth defining construct known as the Berlaymont Building still stands and functions, but its ideological heartbeat stutters as if arrhythmic as its sustaining ideological ramparts begin to crumble within and without.

In the United Kingdom, we are blessed by a Border Force (colloquially, ‘Border Farce’) which can’t even turn back a few small rubber boatloads of invasive Muslim and Black savages.

Then, that great Office of State, the Home Office, does nothing but provide these predators and parasites with free luxury accommodation, cash benefits and food all paid for by the taxes raised from the indigenous net contributors who are struggling to sustain themselves from day to day in circumstances far less salubrious than those enjoyed by our ‘guests’.

Here, reading this extract from an official publication, we can see the reason why the HO acts this way:

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The New Untermensch (And Some Old Ones, Too)

Our Israeli correspondent MC weighs in on the Black Lives Matter phenomenon and associated battlefronts in the Culture Wars.

The new Untermensch (and some old ones, too)

by MC

Black lives may matter, but not, it seems, if they are either Jewish or if they are still happen to be in the womb. So it is now official: there are certain classes of people who are less equal than others; and, of course, snowy is one of them. But this time the pigs are in trouble, too, and it is the black sheep who rule.

‘Untermensch’ was a German word used by the Nazi party to describe people that they did not like: Jews, Slavs, gypsies and others. In the Nazi parlance it is much more nuanced than just the literal translation of ‘less than human’. It also implied ‘dangerous’ in a eugenic context, as in polluting the ‘Aryan’ phenotype . They also did not like Africans, Asians and Muslims, but for political reasons had to pretend to accommodate them. Africans were not really relevant and the Japanese and ‘Palestinians’ had to be treated as allies for political reasons.

To clarify the above , I use ‘Palestinian’ in its modern context, but in WW2 one might have called them Pan-Arab Nationalists, followers of Haj Amin Al Husseini, an ardent Nazi and founder of Fatah and the PLO (now the Palestinian Authority).

Because of the confusion between political ‘left’ and political ‘right’, there is a problem of nomenclature with BLM. It is a race-based movement, very similar to the Nazi movement but lacking the nationalism of the Nazis, or rather, paying heed to a ‘Nation of Farrakhan’, where Louis Farrakhan is a kind of race-based cult using the name of Islam as an image enhancement.

In the USA the ‘woke’ movement is using race, and particularly skin colour, to divide the American people, whereas the Communists traditionally used class, which was only relevant in Europe. This flexibility demonstrates just how close Nazi socialism and Communist socialism are.

So the USA now has a pseudo-Nazi political religion which is currently as untouchable as a First World War trench system, surrounded as it was by the old barbed wire upon which it is all so easy to get oneself hung.

The German Nazis showed how easily democracy could be destroyed by an extreme party which, because ‘the ends justify the means’, could lie, cheat and steal in order to exploit democratic vulnerabilities, and thus end the democratic process and replace it with tyranny. Democracy requires that participants to be willing to defend democracy by undemocratic means if necessary, but that the participants believe in the overall benefit of democracy.

The particular vulnerability that the Nazis exploited was that the role of Chancellor and of President could, under the Weimar constitution be held by one person, thus giving the one person, in this case Adolf Hitler, plenipotentiary powers to dismiss the Reichstag and rule by executive decree.

The US Constitution is a lot more difficult to crunch, and the separation of powers inbuilt into the system means that no one person can hold ultimate power. But we are seeing before us a wholesale attempt to bring down any form of constitutional government and replace it with a one-party system. Although the Democrat Party appears to be the vehicle for this, hijacking the Democrat party has been part of the process.

The vulnerable points of the Constitution are the respective roles of the Supreme Court and the role (or non-role as the case may be) of the media as the established major critic of balanced government policy and the purveyor valid information to the people.

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Before we resume our regularly-scheduled programming, I’d like to pay another visit to the Farmville Detention Center.

I wrote last December about the immigrant holding facility known as the Farmville Detention Center, located not far from here in Farmville, Virginia. It’s operated by Immigration Centers of America, a contractor for Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The center’s inmates, mostly Hispanics and Haitians, enjoy cushy living conditions at taxpayers’ expense.

Since the Coronamadness set in last March, the price tag on the culture-enrichers’ lodgings must have increased drastically, based on the article below from The Farmville Herald. Each inmate is now receiving a medical checkup twice daily.

The most interesting thing about the story, however, is the incidence of symptoms of the Wuhan Coronavirus among the detainees who tested positive for the disease. The headline tells us that 74% of the culture-enrichers have tested positive, which is 268 people. Buried much deeper in the story is the fact that only three migrants — 1.1% of those tested, or 0.8% of the population of the facility — have been hospitalized with serious symptoms, and none of those has died.

The only reason ICE ordered general testing at the center was the fact that three cases of the coronavirus — possible the same three who were hospitalized — appeared among a group of newly-arrived residents who were under quarantine. That is, hundreds of the center’s inmates had already been infected with the disease without showing any symptoms.

A reminder: we’re talking about COVID-19, a disease that is more dangerous than the Spanish Flu, the bubonic plague, and the Black Death combined. A disease that is so virulent that it spread like wildfire among a group of immigrants detained in a closed facility. A disease that is so deadly that none of them knew they had it.

The American people — and not just Americans, but the whole world — are being massively hoaxed about the ChiCom flu. The populace has been indoctrinated to be so frightened of it that millions of people hide in their homes, or venture out in terror, screaming at anyone who isn’t wearing a mask or who gets too close. The economies of Western countries have been wrecked by the lockdowns, more of which are coming as the “second wave” sets in just time for the fall campaign season.

The virus is real, but the official reaction to it, especially as purveyed by the media, is an artificial construct created for political ends.

Below are some excerpts from the article in the Herald:

74% of Farmville ICE detainees positive for COVID

by Alexa Massey

After testing all the detainees of the U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at the Immigration Centers of America (ICA) Farmville Detention Center, 74% have tested positive for the coronavirus, with 71 test results pending.

ICE Public Affairs Specialist Kate Pote said Tuesday, July 14, ICA Farmville offered testing to all of its detainees from Wednesday, July 1, to Friday, July 3. 359 of the center’s 360 inmates were tested, with only one detainee declining testing.

Of those 359 detainees, 268 have tested positive. 20 have tested negative, and 71 test results are pending.

Officials said Tuesday three detainees were actively hospitalized due to complications with COVID-19, but in stable condition. Pote added the majority of others who tested positive are asymptomatic, but are being closely monitored and are receiving appropriate medical care.

Detainees who have tested negative will be retested and are being held separately from positive detainees.

Medical checks, according to officials, are being done twice daily, including a temperature screening and medication disbursement.

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You Have Been Assimilated

I had to go to Charlottesville today, so I thought I’d check out the mask scene there in establishments that I haven’t been to since the Coronamadness set in.

My first stop was at the drycleaner’s. No masks necessary there! I wasn’t wearing one, and neither was the owner. Give him an A+.

Next stop: Food Lion.

I’m familiar some of the places where they won’t let you in the door without a mask, such as Whole Foods and the ABC store. I don’t bother trying to resist in either of those. But Food Lion is a downscale place, the most plebeian of the supermarket chains. The one out here in the boonies seems to be shrugging off the masks fairly well — the last time I was in it, about 50% of the customers weren’t wearing them.

Charlottesville, however, is Woke Central, and Nancy Pelosi’s message (or maybe Mitch McConnell’s) seems to have been effective there. The place was a hive buzzing with masked drones, both employees and customers.

When I pulled up in the parking lot I saw a woman entering the store without a mask. She looked quite a bit older than I am, but she evidently didn’t consider herself to be at risk. Or maybe she’s defiant, like me. Or maybe she doesn’t have a TV.

However, when I got inside the store, I saw that everyone else had a mask on. If it weren’t for the non-conformist elderly woman, I would have been the only maskless one there.

It was depressing.

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Based on some of the emails I’ve been getting, not everyone has the same opinion on the mask issue, even if they agree with me on most other things.

I understand the rationale behind the lockdowns; nobody wants to see elderly invalids dying horribly of the disease. But the best strategy would be to protect the nursing homes, rather than to dump COVID-infected people in them, the way New York Governor Andrew Cuomo did. Nursing homes in the USA became death-traps, thanks in part to clueless government policies such as his.

It just doesn’t make sense to quarantine everybody in their homes. It makes sense to take special care of those who are vulnerable to the coronavirus.

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Universal Masking in the Covid-19 Era

In one of last month’s fundraiser posts, as part of the discussion on face masks and the Wuhan Coronavirus, I quoted a paragraph from an article published in April by The New England Journal of Medicine:

We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection. Public health authorities define a significant exposure to Covid-19 as face-to-face contact within 6 feet with a patient with symptomatic Covid-19 that is sustained for at least a few minutes (and some say more than 10 minutes or even 30 minutes). The chance of catching Covid-19 from a passing interaction in a public space is therefore minimal. In many cases, the desire for widespread masking is a reflexive reaction to anxiety over the pandemic.

I wasn’t the only right-wing extremist referencing this excerpt; it was bouncing around all over the place in the deplorable regions of the Intertubes.

Before I quote the latest from the NEJM, I must note that all the most contentious issues surrounding COVID-19 — face masks, the effectiveness (or danger) of hydroxychloroquine, “social distancing”, etc. — are political issues rather than medical issues. The scientific and medical aspects of these questions might be argued and debated, but since they are political issues, the science is settled, and brooks no debate.

The importance of any given topic and the extent to which it inflames the talking heads among media snoids depends upon Donald Trump’s position on it. If Mr. Trump supports it, the hue and cry against it blares at top volume day and night. If he opposes it, then earnest experts appear on every TV news or talk show to promote it. That’s just the way the game works.

Evidently the top brass at NEJM noticed the use to which their article had been put by right-wing pinheads, and felt compelled to do damage control by explaining the nuances of their policy on face masks.

Thus endeth my editorial opinion. Here’s the latest from the NEJM:

Universal Masking in the Covid-19 Era

We understand that some people are citing our Perspective article (published on April 1 at as support for discrediting widespread masking. In truth, the intent of our article was to push for more masking, not less. It is apparent that many people with SARS-CoV-2 infection are asymptomatic or presymptomatic yet highly contagious and that these people account for a substantial fraction of all transmissions. Universal masking helps to prevent such people from spreading virus-laden secretions, whether they recognize that they are infected or not.

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Deplorable Diversity

A lot of “deplorables” showed up to donate during last week’s fundraiser. Below is the final tally of places, after all the stragglers came in:

Stateside: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Dakota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin

Far Abroad: Germany, Hungary, India, Israel, Lithuania, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Thailand, and the UK

Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Newfoundland, Ontario, and Saskatchewan

Australia: Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria, and Western Australia

The spring quarter was the Corona Quarter. It seems the summer quarter is shaping up to be the Race Riot Quarter. When I open the next fundraiser in the dog days of August, I dread to think what conditions will be like at that point.

Yes, the lockdown will probably be over by then. But will city-dwellers be cowering behind locked doors, hoping the looters and arsonists stay away from their neighborhood? Will Gates of Vienna readers in urban centers be looking out their windows at towering columns of smoke while sirens wail all around them?

Or will a brand new deadly crisis have appeared, ginned up by the media in a last desperate bid to keep Donald Trump from being re-elected in November?

Once again, I dread to think…